Private security physical standards. The procedure for checking and assessing physical fitness

  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2012 N 521 “On qualification requirements for positions of rank and file, junior, middle and senior command staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation” (with amendments and additions)
  • Appendix No. 1. Qualification requirements to length of service in internal affairs bodies Russian Federation or length of service (experience) in their specialty, professional knowledge and skills for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation holding positions of rank and file, junior, middle and senior command staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
    • I. Positions of senior command staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (managers (chiefs) (clauses 1 - 3)
    • II. Other positions of senior command staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (clauses 4 - 6)
    • III. Positions of middle management of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (managers (chiefs) (clauses 7 - 9)
    • IV. Other positions of middle management of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (paragraphs 10 - 12)
    • V. Positions of junior command staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (clauses 13 - 15)
    • VI. Positions of rank and file of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (paragraphs 16 - 18)
  • Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated May 18, 2012 No. 521

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2012 N 521
"On qualification requirements for positions of rank and file, junior, middle and senior command staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation"

2. Qualification requirements for the level of physical fitness in relation to individual positions of rank and file, junior, middle and senior command staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 2).


* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 49, Art. 7020.

Registration N 24816

II. Other positions of senior command staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

4. Length of service in the internal affairs bodies or work experience (experience) in the specialty: having at least 3 years of service in the internal affairs bodies or work experience (experience) in the specialty of at least 4 years.

5. Professional knowledge: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts necessary to perform official duties; structure and powers of bodies state power Russian Federation, government agencies, local governments municipalities; legislation on service in internal affairs bodies,

6. Professional skills: in the field of activity that allow you to perform job responsibilities taking into account the tasks and functions assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, its territorial bodies or divisions; prompt and high-quality execution of orders; analysis, forecasting and work planning; interaction with representatives of government bodies of the Russian Federation, state bodies, local government bodies of municipalities and organizations; preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and official documents; use of computer equipment and office equipment; use of physical force, special means and firearms in cases and in the manner provided for by Federal Law

III. Positions of middle management of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (managers (chiefs)

7. Length of service in internal affairs bodies or length of service (experience) in the specialty: having length of service in the internal affairs bodies of at least 2 years or length of service (experience) in the specialty of at least 3 years.

8. Professional knowledge: Constitution of the state civil service of the Russian Federation; official regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, its territorial body or division; the procedure for working with information constituting a state or other secret protected by federal law; forms and methods of work using computer technology; rules and regulations for the protection of professional work activities (occupational safety), safety precautions and fire protection.

9. Professional skills: in the field of activity, allowing to perform job duties taking into account the tasks and functions assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, its territorial bodies or divisions; effective leadership divisions and subordinate officials; setting tasks and organizing their implementation; prompt adoption and implementation of management decisions; control over the execution of orders; selection and placement of personnel; timely identification and resolution of situations leading to conflicts of interest; analysis, forecasting and work planning; stimulating results; interaction with representatives of government bodies of the Russian Federation, state bodies, local government bodies of municipalities and organizations; preparation of official documents; use of computer equipment; the use of physical force, special means and firearms in cases and in the manner provided for by the Federal Law “On Police”.

IV. Other positions of middle management of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

10. Without presenting requirements for length of service in internal affairs bodies and length of service (experience) in the specialty.

11. Professional knowledge: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts necessary for the performance of official duties; legislation on service in internal affairs bodies, state civil service of the Russian Federation; basics of office work; official regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, its territorial body or division; the procedure for working with information constituting a state or other secret protected by federal law; forms and methods of work using computers and office equipment; rules and regulations for the protection of professional work activities (occupational safety), safety precautions and fire protection.

12. Professional skills: in the field of activity, allowing to perform job duties taking into account the tasks and functions assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, its territorial bodies or divisions; prompt and high-quality execution of orders; work planning; interaction with representatives of government bodies of the Russian Federation, state bodies, local government bodies of municipalities and organizations; preparation of official documents; use of computer equipment and office equipment; the use of physical force, special means and firearms in cases and in the manner provided for by the Federal Law “On Police”; performance discipline.

V. Positions of junior command staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

13. Without presenting requirements for length of service in internal affairs bodies and length of service (experience) in the specialty.

14. Professional knowledge: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts necessary for the performance of official duties; legislation on service in internal affairs bodies, state civil service of the Russian Federation; basics of office work; official regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, its territorial body or division; the procedure for working with information constituting a state or other secret protected by federal law; forms and methods of work using computers and office equipment; rules and regulations for the protection of professional work activities (occupational safety), safety precautions and fire protection.

15. Professional skills: in the field of activity, allowing to perform job duties taking into account the tasks and functions assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, its territorial bodies or divisions; prompt and high-quality execution of orders; work planning; preparation of official documents; use of computer equipment and office equipment; the use of physical force, special means and firearms in cases and in the manner provided for by the Federal Law “On Police”; performance discipline.

VI. Positions of rank-and-file personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

16. Without presenting requirements for length of service in internal affairs bodies and length of service (experience) in the specialty.

17. Professional knowledge: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts necessary to perform official duties; legislation on service in internal affairs bodies, state civil service of the Russian Federation; official regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, its territorial body or division; the procedure for working with information constituting a state or other secret protected by federal law; rules and regulations for the protection of professional work activities (occupational safety), safety precautions and fire protection.

18. Professional skills: in the field of activity, allowing to perform job duties taking into account the tasks and functions assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, its territorial bodies or divisions; prompt and high-quality execution of orders; work planning; preparation of official documents; the use of physical force, special means and firearms in cases and in the manner provided for by the Federal Law “On Police”; performance discipline.


** Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 7, art. 900; N 27, art. 3880; Art. 3881; N 30, art. 4595; N 48, art. 6730; N 49, Art. 7018; Art. 7020; Art. 7067; N 50, art. 7352.

Appendix No. 2
to the order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs
dated May 18, 2012 N 521

Qualification requirements
to the level of physical fitness in relation to individual positions of the rank and file, junior, middle and senior command staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

With changes and additions from:

I. Positions of rank and file, junior, middle and senior command staff in the criminal investigation, economic security and anti-corruption units, drug control units (with the exception of units special purpose), on combating criminal attacks on cargo, on own safety, on countering extremism, local police commissioners, on ensuring security traffic, patrol and guard service, protection and escort of suspects and accused, to ensure the safety of persons subject to state protection (with the exception of departments (departments, groups) of physical protection)


Name of exercises

From 25 to 30 years

From 30 to 35 years

From 35 to 40 years

From 40 to 45 years

From 45 to 50 years

From 50 to 55 years

55 years and older

flexion and extension of the arms while lying down

(number of times)

24 kg kettlebell press

(number of times)


Name of exercises

From 25 to 30 years

From 30 to 35 years

From 35 to 40 years

From 40 to 45 years

45 years and older

bending forward from

supine position in

for 1 min (number of times)

II. Positions of ordinary personnel, junior, middle and senior commanding officers in special forces units of drug control units, departments (departments, groups) of physical protection of units to ensure the security of persons subject to state protection


Up to 25 years

Name of exercises

From 25 to 30 years

From 30 to 35 years

From 35 to 40 years

From 40 to 45 years

From 45 to 50 years

From 50 to 55 years

55 years and older

Pull-ups on the bar (number of times)

flexion and extension of arms in

lying down (number of times)

24 kg kettlebell press

(number of times)

Shuttle run 10x10 m (sec)

From 25 to 30 years

From 30 to 35 years

From 35 to 40 years

From 40 to 45 years

45 years and older

Bending and extending the arms while lying down (number of times)

bending forward from a supine position for 1 minute (number of times)

Shuttle run 10x10 m (sec)

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


(State Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory)

Komsomolsky prospect, 74, Perm, 614990

To the heads of structural units of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Perm region at the district level, combatant commanders and special units

10/17/2012. № 8/6 - 3920

To No. ____________ from _______________

On the direction of the procedure for checking and assessing the physical fitness and fire training of employees

Dear leaders!

I am sending the Procedure for checking and assessing the physical fitness and fire training of employees of internal affairs bodies.

This Procedure must be followed when conducting final classes to determine the level of professional preparedness of employees at the end of the 2012 academic year and assigning qualification titles in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for assigning qualification titles to employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated January 10, 2012 No. 1 .

Please convey the Order to all subordinate employees.

(The procedure is posted in the regional data bank of scientific and technical information of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (RBD NTI) in the section “Advanced and Positive Experience” (hereinafter referred to as GUVD Services  URLS  OPP ® Regulatory legal acts on SBP  Professional training (SBP)  Final classes).

Appendix: according to the text on 16 sheets.

Deputy Chief

Colonel of the Internal Service N.E. Maksimov

Head of the SBP OPP URLS department I.A. Selukov

Attachment to cover letter

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory

dated "___" October 2012 No. _____

checking and assessing the physical fitness and fire training of internal affairs officers

  1. The procedure for checking and assessing physical fitness

    For classes and compliance with standards for physical training employees are distributed to age groups: 1st – men and women under 25 years old, 2nd – men and women from 25 to 30 years old, 3rd – men and women from 30 to 35 years old, 4th – men and women from 35 to 40 years old , 5th – men and women from 40 to 45 years old, 6th – men from 45 to 50 years old, women 45 years old and older, 7th – men from 50 to 55 years old, 8th – men 55 years old and older.

    Testing of individual physical fitness of employees of special forces and aviation units is carried out using three general physical exercises (one each for strength, speed and agility, endurance at the choice of the person being tested, taking into account weather and climatic conditions, as well as the state of the educational and material base) and one – service-applied (combat techniques).

    Testing of individual physical fitness of employees of other police units is carried out using two general physical exercises (one each for strength and speed and agility at the choice of the person being tested) and one service-applied exercise (combat techniques).

    Testing of individual physical fitness of employees of other departments of internal affairs bodies is carried out using one general physical exercise (for strength or speed and agility) of the choice of the person being tested and one service-applied exercise (combat techniques).

    Checking the level of development of professionally important physical qualities of an employee is carried out after assessing his proficiency in combat techniques.

    An employee who receives an unsatisfactory assessment for combat wrestling techniques is not allowed to undergo further physical fitness testing.

    An individual assessment of the physical fitness of employees is made up of the assessment for performing combat wrestling techniques, as well as the sum of points they scored for performing control exercises depending on the level of physical fitness (Appendices No. 1, 2, 3), and is determined:

“satisfactory” – if the assessment for performing combat wrestling techniques is “satisfactory” and the employee has scored the amount of points corresponding to his level of physical fitness;

    The procedure and conditions for performing control exercises for physical training are indicated in Appendix No. 5.

    The assessment for combat techniques is given to employees based on the demonstration of three techniques on a non-resisting partner and is determined:

“satisfactory” – if two or more steps are completed;

“unsatisfactory” – in all other cases.

    The performance of the technique is assessed:

“completed” – if the technique was carried out as described, quickly, confidently and brought to completion;

“not completed” - if the technique was carried out without a relaxing blow, not in accordance with the description, slowly or not brought to completion.

    The execution of combat wrestling techniques must end with the arrest and escort of the partner to the inspector’s command: “RELEASE THE GRIP.”

    Employees assigned to the inspection, but who do not show up to pass the standards, are given an unsatisfactory grade.

    Employees who were submitted for testing, but did not take part in performing one or more control exercises, are given a rating of “unsatisfactory” or zero points for each of them, depending on the criteria for their assessment, after which the assessment of individual physical fitness is given on a general basis.

    The assessment of special forces and aviation units is composed of individual assessments of verified employees and is determined by:

“satisfactory” - if at least 90% of employees received positive assessments, while the required percentage of personnel participation was ensured;

“unsatisfactory” – in all other cases.

    The assessment of other police units is made up of individual assessments of verified employees and is determined by:

“satisfactory” - if at least 85% of employees received positive assessments, while the required percentage of personnel participation was ensured;

“unsatisfactory” – in all other cases.

    The assessment of other departments of internal affairs bodies is made up of individual assessments of inspected employees and is determined by:

“satisfactory” - if at least 80% of employees received positive assessments, while the required percentage of personnel participation is ensured;

“unsatisfactory” – in all other cases.

    The assessment of the internal affairs body is based on the individual assessments of the inspected employees and is determined by:

“satisfactory” - if at least 90% of employees of special forces and aviation units, at least 85% of employees of other police departments and at least 80% of employees of other departments of internal affairs bodies received positive assessments, while the required percentage of personnel participation is ensured.

18. The level of physical fitness of employees when conducting tests for the assignment (confirmation) of qualification titles is determined in accordance with the paragraphs of this Procedure according to the criteria specified in Appendix No. 4.

No one has canceled military service, so if you are a young man who is planning to repay his debt to the Motherland, then this article is for you. This time we will examine such an issue as Physical standards for military personnel under contract 2018 by category. Why is this so important? Yes, if only because the army is a school of life for a man, which means that physical exercise there will be nobles there. You can download the table of physical education standards for military personnel at the end of the article. Well, now let's take it in order.

As you know, physical activity is really serious in the army, and it doesn’t matter which troops you serve in. So the standards for 2018 provided by our specialists are a kind of cheat sheet, thanks to which a potential soldier can prepare himself for service.

Mandatory physical standards for contract service for the current year

As many should know, people enter the army age category from 19 to 35 years old in the Russian Federation. Plus, the candidate must have secondary or higher education, as well as professional suitability of the first or second category. Candidates with the third category often pass when the military registration and enlistment office does not recruit required amount fighters.

Health is a separate topic. If a contract soldier of the first category, then everything is in order. If the second or third, some restrictions and reservations will come into play, which will not interfere with contract service.

Let's say there are no health problems. The potential soldier is sent along with everyone else necessary documents to the military registration and enlistment office by registration, or to a specific selection point. Initially, a special conversation will be held with the young man to identify the candidate’s knowledge and abilities, as well as in which troops he would prefer to serve military service. Next, the order of passing the commissions is distributed step by step, after which the young man passes the standards.

So, all commissions have been passed and the standards have been passed. After three working days, the candidate is informed whether he is fit for service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation or not. regarding the standards for physical culture, this is a mandatory requirement, but there is a caveat: the candidate has the right to independently choose what he will take.

There are several categories for passing the standards. We are talking about exercises for strength, speed and endurance. Do not forget that factors of the age category and, of course, the gender of the candidate are also taken into account.

Let's see what exercises are offered:

  1. Male candidate under 30 years old: push-ups – 45 times; pull-ups – 10 times; running 60 m in 9.8 seconds; running 100 m in 15.1 seconds; shuttle run 10x10 in 28.5 seconds. Endurance test: run 3 km 14.4 min; running 1 km – 4.2 min; skiing 5 km – 28 min.
  2. Male candidate over 30 years old: push-ups – 40 times; pull-ups – 8 times; running 60 m in 10 seconds; running 100 m in 15.8 seconds; shuttle run 10x10 in 29.5 seconds. Endurance test: run 3 km 0 15.15 min; 1 km run – 4.45 min; skiing 5 km – 29 min.
  3. Female candidate under 25 years old: push-ups – 12 times; press (torso bends) – 25 times; 60 m run – in 12.9 seconds; without 100 m in 19.5 seconds; shuttle run 10x10 in 38 seconds. Endurance test: 1 km run – 5.2 min.
  4. Female candidate over 25 years old: push-ups – 10 times; press (torso bends) – 20 times; 60 m run – in 13.9 seconds; without 100 m in 20.5 seconds; shuttle run 10x10 in 38 seconds. Endurance test: 1 km run – 5.45 min.

You can download the table of physical fitness standards for military personnel under contract 2018 by category in Word format.

Questions and answers

What are the physical physical fitness standards for tactical and special training of a reconnaissance officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia?

The question is quite difficult, since we're talking about about the penal system and its paramilitary elements. These guys usually work in the most extreme conditions, and therefore they are prepared, taught to act skillfully, to react quickly to any situation. This does not apply to ordinary military personnel, since in special tactical training, employees are trained to perform combat missions under emergency circumstances, and it does not matter whether it is peacetime or martial law has been introduced.

Penitentiary system employees study tactical methods and techniques, thanks to which they will subsequently be able to act naturally in extreme situations, they pass standards for the use of firearms and bladed weapons, pass exams on the operation of special equipment and means, learn combat formation and, of course, hand-to-hand combat, for which it is also necessary to pass a certain standard.

Tactical-special training assessment is carried out every time training session and when passing exams or standards.

Do I need to pass first aid standards?

Naturally, every serviceman, be it an officer or a contract soldier, must be able to provide first aid, both to the injured person and to himself in case something happens. So this discipline is considered mandatory. Students carry out the most necessary and simple events, using both special and improvised means. During training, the soldier learns to provide the necessary medical care before the arrival of medical workers, and learns to act quickly, correctly and confidently. This applies to both injuries to the victim and unexpected illness.
Rating by service first aid carried out during each training session and when passing exams or standards