Orchis: beneficial properties and applications. Where does orchis grow? Recipes and application. From sexual impotence

Orchis is a humble northern orchid. This unusual and beautiful plant is listed in the Red Book. But this flower is interesting not only for its appearance, but also for a number of healing properties.

Orchids belong to the numerous genus of the same name in the orchid family. The range of orchis is wide; they can be found in different countries of the northern hemisphere, where the climate is subtropical or temperate. For their habitat, northern orchids choose sunny or slightly shaded places: forest edges or meadows. Each species has its own requirements for soil moisture, acidity and nutrient supply. These plants are united in one thing - they do not like competitors in the neighborhood for moisture, light and nutrition.

Orchis usually grow in single specimens. It is very rare to find several plants at once in one place. Due to their uncontrolled destruction during collection for the preparation of medicines and the reduction of possible habitat areas, the number of orchis is rapidly declining, and most species are already included in the Red Book.

Biological features:

  • Orchis is a herbaceous perennial.
  • Its roots are thin and underdeveloped; the plant has a tuber - salep, which is replaced annually. During the growing season, orchis has two of them - old and young.
  • The stem of the plant is erect and can reach a height of 15 cm, depending on the species and its habitat.
  • The leaves are lanceolate or broad in shape. Tightly grasping the stem, they narrow, forming a thin petiole.
  • Each species has its own flowering time. In spring, the orchis develops a long, non-leafy stem bearing a spike-shaped inflorescence up to 15 cm long with numerous small flowers.
  • The color of the flowers depends on the species and can be white, crimson, cherry, lilac-pink. But the shape of the flower is the same for all species: the upper petals form a kind of helmet, while the lower petal, divided into 3-5 lobes, is a lip decorated with a spur.

Due to the peculiarities of their biological structure, orchises tolerate unfavorable conditions well - the accumulated substances in the tubers allow them to live in cramped circumstances even for several years. The brightly colored flowers have a faint aroma, dominated by vanilla and honey. Interestingly, a flower can live on a plant for up to 10 days until pollination occurs. After this, it immediately fades.

In the vast majority of orchises, reproduction is by seed. Some species have a vegetative method of propagation - instead of one replacement tuber, the plants grow a pair.

The chemical composition of the plant has been studied quite well. Its main components:

  • sucrose and polysaccharides;
  • bitterness;
  • minerals;
  • starch and dextrin;
  • pentosan and methylpentosan;
  • resins;
  • protein;
  • mucus;
  • pectin substances.

Useful and medicinal properties of orchis

Alternative medicine, and in foreign countries the official pharmacopoeia, usually use the following types of plants: male orchis, spotted, helmeted and burnt.

The roots of a flower can be of two types: round and finger-shaped, the former are considered more healing.

Orchis male

This species has two large ovoid tubers. Male orchis blooms with beautiful crimson-colored flowers collected in short clusters. The tubers of the plant, which contain a lot of mucus, bitterness and essential oils, are used as medicine.

The following diseases are treated with this plant:

  • impotence and prostatitis;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • diseases associated with pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cough, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • cystitis;
  • toothache;
  • paralysis and leg cramps.

It is also used as a means to strengthen the body.

Spotted Orchis

It is named so for the spots covering the leaves. Its tubers are not the same: strong young ones and flabby dying ones. Blooms with pinkish-lilac flowers.

The main application was found in powder from dried tubers:

  • due to its high mucus content, treats diseases of the intestines and stomach, including dysentery and diarrhea;
  • effective against poisoning;
  • helps with catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Orchis orchis

It has two well-developed tubers, which are used fresh or dried to treat diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive organs, during recovery from serious illnesses and to increase potency

Burnt Orchis

This species is listed in the Red Book and cannot be collected in the wild. For medicinal purposes, it is grown in cultivation on plantations.

In burnt orchis, only young tubers are suitable for treatment.

They are used for:

  • various inflammations in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  • and also as an antitoxic agent for poisoning.

If you make a powder from old tubers, it can be used as a contraceptive and a drug that regulates the menstrual cycle. It also has an abortifacient effect.

Benefits of orchis flowers and roots

Despite the fact that the aerial part of the plant has an antibacterial effect, orchis flowers and leaves are rarely used for treatment and mainly as an external remedy.

But there is a recipe for an infusion of powdered dried orchis flowers in olive oil in a proportion of 50 g per 0.5 l. After infusion for 14 days in the dark and at room temperature, the infusion is filtered and taken for prostatitis 2 times a day, a spoonful before meals.

Orchis: use in folk medicine

The use of orchis in folk medicine is based on its unique composition. Healing mucus is especially valuable. Traditional medicine uses orchis very widely.

They treat the following diseases:

  • chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • gastritis and ulcers;
  • diabetes;
  • food poisoning and alcohol intoxication;
  • snake and scorpion bites;
  • dysentery;
  • impotence;
  • radiculitis;
  • exhaustion, both nervous and physical;
  • toothache and gum inflammation;
  • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, including tuberculosis;
  • women's diseases.

Orchis roots are used by herbalists in the form of infusions, decoctions and ointments.

They are also used to make a healing drink - salep, as well as milk jelly.

Orchis infusion for diarrhea and gastrointestinal diseases

If a child has diarrhea, the following infusion will help:

  • grind 120 g of root;
  • fill them with 0.5 liters of hot water;
  • insist for no more than half an hour;
  • We feed the child every hour with an infusion of one teaspoon.

To eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract in adults, another recipe is suitable:

  • grind the roots of the orchis, one teaspoon is enough;
  • pour them with a glass of hot milk or boiling water;
  • infuse the mixture for half an hour, stirring from time to time;
  • This amount should be drunk in 2 doses during the day, you can add honey to taste.

This remedy is also suitable for poisoning.

If diarrhea has overtaken an adult, the following recipe will help:

  • Mix flax seed and orchis root powder in a ratio of 1:4;
  • the resulting mixture should be poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered under a lid over low heat for about 10 minutes;
  • You should drink the decoction 3 times a day, each dose will require a tablespoon of medicine.

Ointment based on orchis roots for skin ailments

An ointment made from powdered orchis roots and pork or any other fat in a 1:1 ratio is used to treat skin abscesses, including panaritiums. It will also help with other skin inflammations. The product is applied to the affected area, which is wrapped with a sterile bandage on top.

This remedy gives a good effect for baldness or weak hair. It is also suitable for treating toothache.

Preventative drink for colds

During the cold season, you should take a kind of orchis jelly. It will help strengthen the body and reduce the risk of developing the disease.

  • mix 25 g of powdered plant roots and the same amount of potato starch;
  • add sugar according to your own taste;
  • dilute with water so that the mixture resembles thick sour cream, stir;
  • pour a glass of milk into the mixture and boil over heat for about 5 minutes;
  • pour the drink into molds;
  • You can sprinkle some ground spices on top.

Infusion for sexual impotence and diseases of the genitourinary system

These problems are treated within a month with the following infusion:

  • grind the roots of the orchis and measure out half a teaspoon;
  • fill the roots with ¼ liter of boiled water and cooled to room temperature;
  • let stand for an hour, stirring from time to time;
  • You can sweeten the infusion with sugar or honey;
  • We divide the received amount of medicine into two equal parts and take them throughout the day.

Impotence is a hard blow for a man.

To cope with it and again experience all the joys of life, take the following remedy:

  • pour crushed orchis roots in the amount of 2 teaspoons with a glass of boiling water;
  • simmer the resulting mixture over low heat for 10 minutes;
  • We infuse the same amount of medicine, strain and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Alcohol tinctures are also taken for the same purpose. For one and a half tablespoons of ground root you need 0.5 liters of good cognac and 1/2 of a loaf of rye bread, which must be thoroughly kneaded. Mix all the ingredients and leave for two months. After this, we squeeze out the liquid well under a press, and the resulting solid residue must be burned and the ashes sent back to the bottle. The mixture needs to be infused for about 2 more months. Take a teaspoon of tincture once a day, without exceeding the dosage.

Orchis decoction for hemorrhoids

This unpleasant disease is often accompanied by bleeding.

It will help to get rid of it by taking a medicine prepared according to the following recipe:

  • grind the roots of the orchis, measure 10 g and pour a glass of water or milk;
  • boil for several minutes over low heat;
  • Divide the decoction into 2-3 equal portions and drink them per day.

Before grinding the roots in a coffee grinder, you need to chop them into small pieces using a hammer.

Contraindications for use

This plant does not contain toxic substances, so the only contraindication for the use of orchis is individual intolerance to its components. But, as with any other medicinal herb, it is necessary to consult a doctor about its appropriateness. If men decide to increase potency with the help of this medicinal plant, it is not recommended to exceed the dosage.

Collection, preparation and storage

Many species of orchis are protected by law and are included in the Red Book. They cannot be harvested in the wild, but you can grow the plant from seeds in your garden plot.

Tubers need to be harvested when the orchis blooms. You can do this immediately after flowering has ended. It is at this time that the largest amount of healing substances accumulates in the tubers.

They can be washed well and doused with boiling water. Dry raw materials in the shade in a ventilated area, but not in the sun. Well-dried tubers are slightly translucent. They can be stored in cardboard boxes or linen bags for up to 6 years.

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Useful properties and uses of male orchis

Beneficial properties of orchis

Since ancient times, people have known about the beneficial properties of orchis and used preparations based on it to treat various diseases: herpes, ulcers, inflammation, diarrhea. Young tubers, otherwise called “salep tubers,” are valuable medicinal raw materials of this plant. They are collected at the end of orchis flowering, from July to August.

There are 2 types of tubers in shape: round – 1–1.5 cm thick (they are considered the best) and fingered – 0.5–1 cm thick. It is advisable to store the collected raw materials (tubers) in tin cans and in a dark, dry room, since When exposed to dampness and light, the finished product turns black and very quickly loses its healing properties.

The tubers contain about 50% mucus, 27% starch, approximately 5% protein, calcium oxalate, mineral salts, sugars, and a small amount of resins.

Applications of orchis

The roots of some orchis species are eaten, and the plant is often cultivated as an ornamental. A mucous decoction is also prepared from its tubers, which has an enveloping effect. This remedy is prescribed orally or in the form of enemas for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines. Orchis mucus is also effective for coughs, inflammations of the throat and mouth. In addition, its external use in the form of compresses in the treatment of abscesses and swelling is useful.

In addition, orchis is used as a tonic and restorative; it is prescribed for nervous exhaustion, weakness after a serious illness, chronic prostatitis and impotence. The main use of orchis is the treatment of prostatitis. However, its drugs can also treat bladder catarrh and uterine diseases.

The use of orchis helps patients with tuberculosis, those who have suffered severe bleeding, and children suffering from intestinal catarrh. Orchis is also useful for old people to maintain strength. It is also used for hair growth. Preparations from some plant species provide significant assistance in cases of poisoning from scorpions, snakes, bees, and intoxication with various chemical and bacterial toxins. Orchis preparations are very successful in pediatric therapy.

Orchis root

Only young roots of the plant are used in medicine. They are dug up with a shovel, cleaned of soil and skin, washed thoroughly with cold water, then immersed in boiling water for a while, after which they are hung to dry. The roots contain mineral salts, starch, glycosides, essential oil, protein substances and a lot of mucus. Remedies from the root are recommended to be taken for impotence, prostate adenoma, and chronic prostatitis.

When using such drugs, the dosage should be observed to avoid excessive sexual arousal. For external use, the root is pounded, mixed with pork fat and steamed in milk. This remedy can be used for abscesses, felons, carbuncles, toothache, and to increase hair growth.

Orchis flower

Orchis flowers are large, canary-yellow in color, less often purple, collected in a dense multi-flowered spike. The middle petal of the outer circle and 2 petals of the inner circle form something like a helmet. The lip is greenish-yellow in the middle, yellow on the sides, without spots. The ovary is sessile, twisted, the spur is equal to the ovary.

Orchis flowers are used very little in both scientific and folk medicine. Different plant species have flowers of different shapes and colors. Some species are listed in the Red Book of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine and are classified as medicinal plants. Due to the threat of complete destruction of orchis, this plant may be transferred to the category of cultivated plants.

Oil infusion: 50 grams of dry, powdered flowers (not roots) must be poured with 0.5 liter of olive oil, left for 2 weeks in a dark, warm place and then strained. It is recommended to take this remedy for inflammation of the prostate gland, a tablespoon before meals 2 times a day.

Orchis tincture

Alcohol tinctures from orchis are prepared mainly for the maintenance and treatment of sexual function in men (the young root is used to enhance sexual function). In addition, tinctures have all the properties of salep, including enveloping ones. They are prepared in the usual ways for preparing tinctures.

Recipe 1. Young orchis root (1.5 tablespoons) and half of rye bread should be crushed and poured with 500 ml of cognac alcohol (75 degrees), leave in a dark place for 2 months. After the expiration date, the composition must be squeezed out under pressure, the remainder must be burned and added to the tincture, and then left for another 2 months. Take 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day before meals, diluted in water.

Orchis seeds

The plant reproduces by small and numerous seeds that ripen into fruits. They are not used in medicine. Seeds are purchased by gardeners for cultivation. When planting, they are buried in the soil, the temperature of which should be 18-25 °C. You can plant seeds in any season; the first shoots appear within a period of three months to a year. The distance between plantings should be at least 10–15 cm. Orchis is often used for decorative purposes to decorate gardens.

Orchis species

There are about 100 species of orchis in the world, many of them are endangered and are listed in the Red Book of several countries. About 40 species of this plant grow in the CIS countries. Many of them are medicinal, the rest are cultivated as ornamental plants. For medical purposes, plantations have been organized for the cultivation and procurement of medicinal raw materials. A particularly valuable product is salep.

Orchis male is a perennial herbaceous medicinal plant with two large whole tubers. The stems of the plant are simple, solitary, with succulent, oblong-lanceolate, bare leaves. Raspberry flowers are collected in short racemes. The fruit is a capsule containing many small seeds. This species blooms in May-June. Male orchis is common in the European part of Russia, in Ukraine (in mountainous areas), in the Caucasus and the Urals. It grows in oak, aspen, beech forests, on soils of various types, but not too damp and acidic.

The tubers of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Bitter substances, essential oils, and mucus were found in them. Medicinal raw materials are used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cough, cystitis, toothache. Preparations based on orchis act as a preventive and general strengthening agent; they are used to increase potency and for nervous exhaustion. Decoctions of tubers are prescribed for the treatment of paralysis, cramps of the lower extremities, and gastritis. Pneumonia and bronchitis are cured with a decoction of milk. In some countries, the decoction is used as a contraceptive.

Spotted orchis is a perennial herbaceous forest plant. It has two roots: one is old, dying, the second is young. The stem is erect, with 4–8 leaves. The leaves are elliptical, spotted, generally similar to tulip leaves. Large helmet-shaped flowers are collected in a cylindrical thick spike of pinkish-lilac color. The fruit of the plant is a capsule, the seeds are small and numerous. This species blooms in May-June, the fruits ripen in August.

Spotted orchis grows throughout the forest zone of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. The collection of medicinal raw materials - tubers - is carried out during the flowering period. Medicinal elements are mucus, starch, pentosan, dextrin, methylpentosan, sucrose. In folk medicine, the powder of the tubers of this plant is used. It is used for food poisoning, diarrhea, dysentery. Mucus is used for various diseases of the digestive system, and for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Orchis orchis is a perennial herbaceous plant with two well-developed roots. Its stem is simple and straight. Elliptical sessile leaves grow in groups of 3–5 at the bottom of the stem. Pinkish-white flowers are collected in dense inflorescences. The plant blooms in May-June. In the CIS countries, this species grows in Russia (from the Baltic states to the south of Eastern Siberia), in the Caucasus, preferring dry, calcium-rich soils. Helmet-bearing orchis grows, as a rule, in clearings and meadows. Young, fresh and dried tubers are used in medicine; they are harvested at the end of flowering.

Preparations based on orchis are used to treat the digestive system and respiratory tract. They improve the general condition of the body after suffering serious illnesses. The plant increases potency. It can also be used in cooking. Soups, jelly, jellies and even dough are made from it.

Burnt orchis - this species is on the verge of extinction, therefore it is listed in the Red Book. A typical representative of the species is a perennial herbaceous plant with two spherical tubers, from which 3–5 adventitious roots arise. One tuber is old and dying, the other is dense, with a renewal bud for next year.

The oblong leaves, narrowed towards the base, are located in the basal part of the stem; there are leaf-shaped sheaths on top of the stem. The flowers are small, two-colored, with a bright scarlet helmet and a whitish lip with red spots, collected in a thick spike. Burnt orchis blooms in May-June.

The plant is found in the European part of Russia, in Western Siberia, and less commonly in Belarus and Ukraine. It is especially common in Scandinavia, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. This species grows in damp forest meadows, in deciduous and mixed forests, preferring soils rich in humus, slightly alkaline and slightly acidic.

It is prohibited by law to harvest medicinal raw materials from wild orchis. For medicinal purposes, it is specially grown on plantations. Tubers are harvested immediately after the plant blooms. Only young tubers are suitable. After processing the raw materials, salep is obtained. Store the finished product in dry, well-ventilated areas; the shelf life of raw materials is 6 years.

Salep is a good enveloping and general strengthening agent. It is prescribed for gastritis, chronic respiratory diseases, and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Mucus is drunk in cases of poisoning to slow down the absorption of the poison. Powder of old tubers is considered an abortifacient and contraceptive, it regulates the menstrual cycle well. The seeds are used for epilepsy.

Contraindications to the use of orchis

Orchis preparations are so safe that they can be used by children, nursing women, and pregnant women, but only after detailed consultation with a doctor. When men use orchis preparations to increase potency, it is nevertheless necessary to observe the dosage.

Expert editor: Nina Vladimirovna Sokolova | Herbalist

Education: Diploma in General Medicine and Therapy received from the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Herbal Medicine at the Moscow People's Friendship University (2008).

Other doctors

Orchis is a medicinal plant that is used in many folk recipes.

It has an enveloping, anticonvulsant, expectorant, tonic and hematopoietic effect.

  • Beneficial features
  • What diseases does it treat?
  • Root-Based Recipes
    • From sexual impotence
    • For prostatitis
    • For external use
  • The healing power of flowers
  • Possible contraindications
  • Agrotechnics of cultivation

The roots and flowers of this plant have a unique biochemical composition, due to which drugs based on them are used to treat many diseases.

Orchis grows in the Caucasus and Crimea, in Western Europe, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

Despite its widespread distribution, it is listed in the Red Book.

The amazing healing properties of the plant led to uncontrolled collection and almost complete destruction.

Beneficial features

The medicinal properties of this plant have been known for a long time. For example, in Turkey, a traditional drink made from crushed orchis roots, salep, began to be prepared during the Ottoman Empire.

At that time, the drug was considered the best aphrodisiac and was used to cure male impotence.

Young tubers of the plant are used as medicine. They are harvested from July to August, immediately after the end of the flowering period.

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The composition of orchis tubers includes:

  • mucus – 50%;
  • resins and essential oils;
  • protein substances – 5%;
  • dextrin – 13%;
  • starch – 27%;
  • glycosides;
  • mineral salts;
  • sucrose – 1.5%;
  • calcium oxalate.

The aerial parts of orchis are less useful, however, they are also used in medicine: for example, dried and crushed flowers of the plant are included in herbal preparations that increase potency.

What diseases does it treat?

Decoctions and tinctures of fresh or dried orchis root are used to treat:

  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation of the throat and mouth, cough, bronchial asthma, pneumonia;
  • chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, impotence;
  • cystitis;
  • poisoning by chemical toxins, bee, snake or scorpion venom;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • anemia and other blood diseases;
  • convulsive syndrome.

Powder made from dried orchis root is a natural contraceptive.

To avoid unwanted pregnancy, women take it a couple of hours before expected sexual intercourse. This contraceptive drug is absolutely harmless.

Medicines based on orchis are an excellent general tonic. They are used to restore the body's protective functions after serious illnesses, severe bleeding or nervous exhaustion.

Orchis mucus is also suitable for external use: compresses from it quickly eliminate swelling, felons, carbuncles and abscesses.

For cosmetic purposes, it is used to treat scalp diseases and accelerate hair growth.

Types and uses in folk medicine

There are about 100 varieties of orchis. However, few have healing properties:

Orchis male.
The roots of the plant contain essential oils and mucilage. These substances help in the treatment of:

  • gastritis,
  • cystitis,
  • convulsions and paralysis,
  • eliminate cough and toothache,
  • treat inflammatory processes.

They also cope well with diseases of the respiratory organs - bronchitis and pneumonia.

No less popular are general tonics prepared on the basis of orchis. They are used for nervous exhaustion, as well as to increase potency.

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Orchis orchis.
Fresh and dried tubers of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. Preparations based on them have a general strengthening effect on the body and increase potency.

Orchis spotted.
The tubers of this plant contain a lot of useful substances - mucus, sucrose, starch, pentosan, methylpentosan, dextrin.

Powder from the roots of spotted orchis is used to treat inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal diseases.

Other types of orchis are grown for decorative purposes.

Root-Based Recipes

To get the most benefit from the plant, you need to use young, freshly dug roots. They are collected during the period when flowering ends.

If the root is not used immediately, it is cleaned of dirt and skin, thoroughly washed with water, doused with boiling water, cut and dried.

And so it turns out - valuable medicinal raw materials.

It is stored in dry, ventilated areas, away from exposure to sunlight, in tin cans with tight lids.

Shelf life – up to 6 years.

From sexual impotence

Alcohol tinctures of orchis root will help with sexual impotence.

  • half a loaf of rye bread;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. crushed orchis roots;
  • 500 ml cognac alcohol.

All ingredients are mixed and sent to a dark, dry place.
The composition is infused for about 2 months.
After this, it is filtered, the grounds are burned and added back to the tincture.
The resulting mixture is infused for another 2 months.
I take the drug orally, 1 tsp. daily (before meals).
But you need to drink the tincture with caution: exceeding the dosage will lead to excessive sexual arousal.

Medicinal paste made from orchis root powder prepared using the following ingredients:

  • 5–10 g of crushed orchis roots;
  • 250 ml hot milk;
  • 4 tbsp. l. grape wine.

Pour the powder into hot milk and shake until the consistency of the mixture resembles thick jelly.
Then wine is added there.
The resulting portion of the composition is eaten during the day in 3-4 sittings.

For prostatitis

For the treatment of prostatitis or prostate adenoma An infusion is made from several medicinal herbs. Ingredients:

  • 10 chopped walnuts;
  • 6 tbsp. l. powder from orchis tubers, lemon balm leaves, mallow seeds;
  • 1.5 liters of hot water.

All ingredients are mixed, poured with boiling water and left for 2 hours. The finished product is filtered and the entire volume is drunk during the day.

For inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs

1. Orchis mucus, which has an enveloping and expectorant effect, is easy to make. To do this take:

  • 0.5 tsp. orchis tuber powder;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 1 tsp. honey

Orchis root powder is poured with water and then shaken. The resulting liquid is allowed to brew for an hour, honey is added to improve the taste and taken twice a day, 100 ml before meals.

This simple remedy not only has an anti-inflammatory effect: it strengthens the body, improves immunity and tones.

2. An aqueous decoction of orchis helps with poisoning. It is used as an emergency treatment for diarrhea or vomiting. Ingredients:

  • 3 g orchis root powder;
  • 400 ml boiling water.

The ingredients are mixed, brought to a boil and kept over low heat, stirring constantly, for 8–10 minutes. Then the decoction is infused for half an hour and taken three times a day, 100 ml before meals.

For external use

The product for external use is made from the following ingredients:

  • orchis root powder;
  • milk;
  • pork fat.

The powder is mixed with milk and lard to create a mixture with a dense texture.

This remedy, applied to the affected area in the form of lozenges, eliminates toothache, abscesses and felons, and when rubbed into the scalp, accelerates hair growth.

General strengthening agent

In the East, a vitamin drink is prepared from orchis root, which is considered almost the “elixir of eternal youth” - salep. Ingredients:

  • 100 ml cold water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed orchis root;
  • 1 liter of hot milk;
  • a pinch of cinnamon (optional).

Powder from orchis root is poured with cold water, heated milk is added and the drink is shaken until it acquires the consistency of jelly. To improve the taste, you can add a pinch of cinnamon. It is drunk every morning, before meals.

Sometimes sugar is added to salep, but in this case the benefits of the drink are significantly reduced.

The healing power of flowers

Orchis flowers are used relatively rarely in folk recipes, since they do not have half the healing properties of the root part of the plant.

However, an oil infusion of orchis flowers is used in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland.


  • 50 g of dried orchis flowers;
  • 0.5 liters of olive oil.

The flowers are ground in a mortar to a powder, poured with olive oil and sent to a dark, warm room for 2 weeks.

Then the infusion is filtered and consumed twice a day, 1 tsp. before eating.

Possible contraindications

Preparations prepared from orchis root are safe.

They can be used by children, the elderly and even pregnant women (after consulting a doctor).

All men can take medicinal decoctions and infusions from orchis root to maintain male health and increase potency, but the dosage must be selected by a doctor.

Uncontrolled use of orchis results in excessive sexual arousal.

Orchis flowers have a slightly larger number of contraindications: they can aggravate stomach upsets, especially in combination with drugs containing tannin.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Since many species of orchis are listed in the Red Book, collecting wild plants is not recommended. But it can be grown in your own garden plot.

Orchis seeds can be purchased at specialized gardening stores or collected yourself.

They are planted at any time of the year, but the soil temperature during the sowing period should be between 18–25ºС. The distance between seeds is 10–15 cm.

The first shoots will appear 3–12 months after planting the seeds.

Orchis is an amazing plant with many beneficial properties. In pharmacies, drugs based on it are relatively rare. Traditional medicine knows dozens of recipes that contain the root part of this unique plant.

Plant a few orchis bushes in your garden plot - and you will have a real green pharmacy at your fingertips.

Look what orchis root looks like. Find out what diseases folk remedies based on it help with.

Male orchis, although it is a rather rare plant in our latitudes, has been known among the people for many centuries as an effective medicinal plant. It is distinguished not only by its healing properties, but also by its unusual appearance. Very often it is also called wild orchid.

Young root tubers of orchis - salep - are used for medicinal purposes. They are collected at the end of summer, immediately after the plant has finished flowering. The dug up roots are washed under hot water to speed up drying, then placed in a shaded place or dryer (temperature - 50 ° C).

The tuber is ready for medicine if it is pale white or pale yellow in color and has no odor or taste. It should be stored in a glass jar in a dry and dark place. The roots of this plant contain a lot of mucilage, which consists of polysaccharides. Also components of the tuber are dextrin and starch - 13% and 27%, respectively. In addition to these components, the plant contains essential oil, sucrose and bitter substances. It should be noted that sometimes orchis inflorescences or seeds are used for medicinal purposes.

Medicinal properties of male orchis

The benefits of this plant are very difficult to overestimate. Male orchis helps overcome many diseases at different stages.

Its most famous properties are considered to be the following:

  • removing toxins from the body and cleansing the digestive tract;
  • promotes the removal of mucus from the lungs;
  • tones and strengthens the entire body;
  • counteracts further spread of inflammation;
  • has a positive effect on the hormonal system;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • improves the regenerating properties of skin tissue.

With the help of medicines based on this plant, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal ailments, tuberculosis, radiculitis and problems of the reproductive system in men are treated. Orchis also treats inflammation of the respiratory tract in children.

In general, this remedy strengthens and tones the body well, including after a long, debilitating illness or after surgery.

Benefits of orchis for men

The medicinal properties of this herb are especially effective in the treatment of urological diseases of men: impotence, prostatitis and others. According to some retellings, Avicenna noted the benefits of this root for treating sexual problems.

Orchis based products:

  • increase libido and sexual stamina;
  • increase the tone of the genital organs and sexual activity;
  • prevent urological pathologies and hemorrhoids;
  • restore stable functioning of the nervous system;
  • increase the body's resistance to fatigue, shock and stress;
  • increase psychological confidence in sexual life, etc.

In the case of acute prostatitis, this remedy helps alleviate symptoms due to its antispasmodic and analgesic properties. Orchis relieves tissue swelling, inflammation and other unpleasant signs of the disease.

The benefit of this plant for sexual impotence lies in its complex effect on the cause of the problem. At the same time, weak erection is treated with the help of orchis due to its effect on the composition of the blood, its formation and flow to the genitals.

In addition, thanks to the antibacterial properties of orchis components, the aging of tissues of the pelvic organs is slowed down and inflammation of the prostate is prevented, which is also considered another plus for potency.

Contraindications to the use of orchis based products

The absence of any contraindications, other than individual intolerance to some components of this plant, is the biggest advantage of drugs based on it. Doctors confirm that male orchis is safe for health, allowing the use of such drugs by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children. In this case, men are advised to strictly follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor. IN otherwise sexual overstimulation may occur.

Attention! All of the above applies to orchis root. Contraindications for the use of its flowers are stomach upsets, especially if taken together with drugs that contain tannin.

Recipes for using male orchis

The advantage of orchis is that it can be used in various recipes and compositions, each of which has its own advantages. It should be noted that alcoholic tinctures of orchis are mainly used in the treatment of problems with the reproductive system in men. However, their use for the treatment of other diseases is also not prohibited.

Classic infusion of orchis root

Must be taken for impotence, infertility and prostatitis. It is also suitable for the treatment of cystitis, inflammation of the urinary tract and other problems of the genitourinary system. The infusion helps with stomach and duodenal ulcers, colic, diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems, etc.

To prepare an infusion of orchis, you need to boil a glass of water and cool it to room temperature. Next, pour half a teaspoon of crushed plant root into the liquid and leave for an hour. The resulting liquid is drunk in two doses: half in the morning and half in the evening.

Milk infusion

This type of brewing is well suited for treating gastrointestinal poisoning and inflammation, diarrhea, colic and other problems with the food system.

To prepare it, take 250 ml of boiled and cooled milk, add 1 teaspoon of the root and leave it for half an hour, stirring constantly. Take this infusion immediately after waking up and just before bed.

Orchis root ointment

This remedy is taken externally for radiculitis, abscesses, toothache or baldness. To prepare orchis ointment, you need to thoroughly mix the finely ground or powdered root of the plant with pork fat. For radiculitis and skin diseases, it is advisable to wrap the inflamed area on top of the ointment with a bandage and secure it with a bandage.

Infusion for general strengthening of the body

This recipe is great for inflammation of the oral mucosa and toothache. In addition, its use helps treat tuberculosis, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, nervous exhaustion and physical fatigue.

In addition to the crushed root (about 50 g), take the same proportion of potato starch and water, as well as 100-200 g of sugar. Mix the ingredients and add half a liter of milk. Bring this mixture to a boil over low heat. After the liquid thickens a little, it is poured into portions and drunk in small sips.

Attention! The roots and flowers of orchis relieve not only the somatic causes of impotence, but also their psychological ones.

The orchis plant, the use of which in folk medicine has centuries-old traditions, belongs to the orchid family. There are many types of orchis. There are about a hundred of them in total, and some of them are even listed in the Red Book. About 40 species grow on the territory of Russia, some of which are used as ornamental plants, and some are used in folk medicine. The most beneficial species is the male orchis, from the young tubers of which salep is made, a decoction that has an enveloping effect.

Orchis male

Yartyshnik is a perennial herbaceous plant that can reach a height of 50 cm. Its underground organ consists of two tubers. One of them is old and seems lethargic, and the second is young and juicy. It is precisely the young tubers that are used in folk medicine.

The stem of this plant is green, with purple spots, although plants without them are occasionally found. The leaves also have purple or violet spots where they are attached to the stem. The flowers are collected in a cylindrical spike. Their petals are either purple or pale purple. These small flowers are irregular in shape, but they look attractive and also have a pleasant smell, which is not surprising, since orchis is a honey plant.

The flowering period depends on the region of growth. So, if in central Russia orchis blooms in June-July, then in Ukraine this happens much earlier, back in April-May.

This grass is most often found in forest clearings and among bushes. However, nowadays it is found less and less often in wildlife.

For the pharmaceutical industry, orchis is grown on plantations, which explains the rather high cost of drugs based on it. Theoretically, you can grow it in your own apothecary garden. This plant reproduces by small seeds that ripen in its fruits. Since orchis is not only useful, but also decorative, you can purchase its seeds at any large garden center. They are sown in the soil provided that its temperature is at least 25°C. In terms of timing, you need to focus on the fact that the first shoots will appear no earlier than in 3 months. The distance between such plantings should be at least 10-15 cm.

Chemical composition of the tuber and its use

In modern medicine, orchis root is used quite widely, although the principle of its action is not fully understood. However, the chemical composition has been well studied. Young tubers contain mucus (50-52%) and starchy substances (about 30%), the rest consists of mineral salts, polysaccharides, glycosides, protein compounds (about 5%), bitterness, pectin, sucrose and essential oil. As for mucus, it contains mannan, a polysaccharide that also has prebiotic properties.

The beneficial properties of orchis tubers have been known since ancient times. They make the drink salep, which is recommended to drink in case of poisoning. Some experts believe that it will help with any inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, with bronchitis. Salep is usually drunk diluted in milk or freshly squeezed fruit juice, or with the addition of a small amount of honey.

In addition, orchis is considered an effective remedy against chronic cystitis, nervous exhaustion and loss of strength. Interestingly, each region has its own traditions of using this medicinal plant. For example, in Scotland it is used against childhood diseases, and as an external remedy it is used for abscesses. In India and some other southern countries it is taken as an astringent and tonic for the treatment of hemorrhoids and gout. In Iraq, it is given to children for diarrhea.

Interestingly, salep is also used in veterinary medicine. It is used to stop diarrhea, treat dysentery and infertility.

As for official medicine, it also recognizes the medicinal properties of tubers. They serve as raw materials for the production of drugs with anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and tonic effects.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Orchis tubers are collected at the end of flowering, in the second half of July - early August. The roots are spherical and finger-shaped. Round tubers are considered the best. They are carefully dug up, cleaned of adhering soil, washed thoroughly in cold water, after which the small roots and rough top layer - the skin - are cut off. To prevent tubers from sprouting and developing an unpleasant odor, they are doused with boiling water.

It is recommended to dry the tubers in the fresh air, but so that the sun's rays do not fall on them. In this case, it is best to hang dry, for which the tubers are strung on twine or thread. The finished raw material will have a yellowish tint. Such tubers appear translucent.

Collected and properly prepared raw materials are stored in tin cans, and they must be sealed tightly. In a dark and dry room, since direct sunlight and dampness negatively affect their healing properties.

Although orchis tubers are mainly used in medicine, its aerial part is also useful because it has antibacterial activity.

Orchis in folk medicine

The medicinal properties and contraindications of orchis have been well studied. Although there is still no information about how this plant acts, for example, on patients with tuberculosis or patients with chronic prostatitis. At the same time, in folk medicine there are many recipes based on orchis, intended specifically for the treatment of this disease.

Traditional healers suggest using orchis root to treat bladder catarrh, some gynecological diseases, impotence, prostate adenoma, etc. As for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the stomach, intestines or even throat with salep (that is, a mucous decoction), everything is clear here - such therapy will be effective due to the enveloping agents of this decoction. True, it also has certain anti-inflammatory properties, but they manifest themselves mainly when used externally in the form of compresses. This is how abscesses and painful swellings are treated.

Some caution should be exercised when consuming this medicinal decoction. Overdose may result in excessive sexual arousal. In addition to the decoction, another remedy is made from the root - the raw material is pounded, mixed with cooking fat and steamed in milk. It is believed that this will help with abscesses, carbuncles and even toothache, although, more likely, we are talking about inflammatory gum diseases.

In folk medicine, this mixture is used to accelerate hair growth and improve its condition.

It is believed that preparations based on this plant are safe and can be given to children. However, during pregnancy you need to be careful with them just like with any other herbal medicines, since the mechanism of their action on the fetus is not fully understood. It is advisable to first consult with your doctor.

How to use orchis?

Although little is known about the above-ground part of the plant, it has been proven to have an antibacterial effect. Moreover, orchis flowers are also used in folk medicine. True, such means are used relatively rarely. Basically, an oil infusion is made from them to treat inflammatory diseases of a bacterial nature. Although most supporters of herbal medicine believe that it will be useful for any inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.

An oil infusion is made from the dried and powdered flowers of the plant. For 50 g of vegetable raw materials, take 0.5 liters of olive or other high-quality vegetable oil, leave for 2 weeks at room temperature and filter. Oil infusion take 1 tbsp. before meals twice a day, morning and evening.

Classic salep is made from dried and powdered root. A tablespoon of this raw material is diluted in a glass of cold milk and the mixture is heated, stirring slightly, until it reaches the consistency of thick jelly. You can add honey and spices to the finished drink. This drink is drunk hot, especially to prevent colds. It will also be useful for stomatitis.

For diarrhea, as well as for the treatment of hemorrhoids, microenemas are made from salep. In such cases, it is prepared in the manner described above, but without sugar and spices, but with the addition of a small amount of flaxseeds crushed into powder (up to 1/4 tsp).

You can also make an infusion or prepare a decoction from an old orchis tuber. However, it will have completely different properties - in the old days it was used as an abortifacient. Today it is believed that it helps women regulate their menstrual cycle. But in these cases, consultation with a doctor is especially important.

Alcohol tinctures are also prepared from the young orchis root. They are used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. Although in general, tinctures have the same properties as salep. At 1.5 tbsp. l. of a young orchis tuber, take half of the rye bread. All this needs to be crushed and poured with 0.5 liters of cognac alcohol, the strength of which is 75 degrees. This product is infused for 2 months in a dry and dark place. After this, the composition is squeezed out under pressure. The undissolved sediment is dried, burned, and the combustion products are again added to the tincture. The product is infused for another 2 months, after which it can be taken 1 tsp, diluted in a small amount of water, twice a day before meals, morning and evening.


In folk medicine, the usual infusion of orchis is also used. To prepare it, take 1 tsp. crushed dry root, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes, shaking occasionally. This remedy can be given to children in case of poisoning, but not more than 4 tsp. per day, and it is advisable to take it hot. Adults can infuse orchis in milk or even warmed wine - they drink it in such cases as a general tonic.

Male orchis, although it is a rather rare plant in our latitudes, has been known among the people for many centuries as an effective medicinal plant. It is distinguished not only by its healing properties, but also by its unusual appearance. Very often it is also called wild orchid.

Young root tubers of orchis - salep - are used for medicinal purposes. They are collected at the end of summer, immediately after the plant has finished flowering. The dug up roots are washed under hot water to speed up drying, then placed in a shaded place or dryer (temperature - 50 ° C).

The tuber is ready for medicine if it is pale white or pale yellow in color and has no odor or taste. It should be stored in a glass jar in a dry and dark place. The roots of this plant contain a lot of mucilage, which consists of polysaccharides. Also components of the tuber are dextrin and starch - 13% and 27%, respectively. In addition to these components, the plant contains essential oil, sucrose and bitter substances. It should be noted that sometimes orchis inflorescences or seeds are used for medicinal purposes.

Medicinal properties of male orchis

The benefits of this plant are very difficult to overestimate. Male orchis helps overcome many diseases at different stages.

Its most famous properties are considered to be the following:

  • removing toxins from the body and cleansing the digestive tract;
  • promotes the removal of mucus from the lungs;
  • tones and strengthens the entire body;
  • counteracts further spread of inflammation;
  • has a positive effect on the hormonal system;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • improves the regenerating properties of skin tissue.

With the help of medicines based on this plant, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal ailments, tuberculosis, radiculitis and problems of the reproductive system in men are treated. Orchis also treats inflammation of the respiratory tract in children.

In general, this remedy strengthens and tones the body well, including after a long, debilitating illness or after surgery.

Benefits of orchis for men

The medicinal properties of this herb are especially effective in the treatment of urological diseases of men: impotence, prostatitis and others. According to some retellings, Avicenna noted the benefits of this root for treating sexual problems.

Orchis based products:

  • increase libido and sexual stamina;
  • increase the tone of the genital organs and sexual activity;
  • prevent urological pathologies and hemorrhoids;
  • restore stable functioning of the nervous system;
  • increase the body's resistance to fatigue, shock and stress;
  • increase psychological confidence in sexual life, etc.

In the case of acute prostatitis, this remedy helps alleviate symptoms due to its antispasmodic and analgesic properties. Orchis relieves tissue swelling, inflammation and other unpleasant signs of the disease.

The benefit of this plant for sexual impotence lies in its complex effect on the cause of the problem. At the same time, weak erection is treated with the help of orchis due to its effect on the composition of the blood, its formation and flow to the genitals.

In addition, thanks to the antibacterial properties of orchis components, the aging of tissues of the pelvic organs is slowed down and inflammation of the prostate is prevented, which is also considered another plus for potency.

Contraindications to the use of orchis based products

The absence of any contraindications, other than individual intolerance to some components of this plant, is the biggest advantage of drugs based on it. Doctors confirm that male orchis is safe for health, allowing the use of such drugs by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children. In this case, men are advised to strictly follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, sexual overstimulation may occur.

Attention! All of the above applies to orchis root. Contraindications for the use of its flowers are stomach upsets, especially if taken together with drugs that contain tannin.

Recipes for using male orchis

The advantage of orchis is that it can be used in various recipes and compositions, each of which has its own advantages. It should be noted that alcoholic tinctures of orchis are mainly used in the treatment of problems with the reproductive system in men. However, their use for the treatment of other diseases is also not prohibited.

Classic infusion of orchis root

Must be taken for impotence, infertility and prostatitis. It is also suitable for the treatment of cystitis, inflammation of the urinary tract and other problems of the genitourinary system. The infusion helps with stomach and duodenal ulcers, colic, diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems, etc.

To prepare an infusion of orchis, you need to boil a glass of water and cool it to room temperature. Next, pour half a teaspoon of crushed plant root into the liquid and leave for an hour. The resulting liquid is drunk in two doses: half in the morning and half in the evening.

Milk infusion

This type of brewing is well suited for treating gastrointestinal poisoning and inflammation, diarrhea, colic and other problems with the food system.

To prepare it, take 250 ml of boiled and cooled milk, add 1 teaspoon of the root and leave it for half an hour, stirring constantly. Take this infusion immediately after waking up and just before bed.

Orchis root ointment

This remedy is taken externally for radiculitis, abscesses, toothache or baldness. To prepare orchis ointment, you need to thoroughly mix the finely ground or powdered root of the plant with pork fat. For radiculitis and skin diseases, it is advisable to wrap the inflamed area on top of the ointment with a bandage and secure it with a bandage.

Infusion for general strengthening of the body

This recipe is great for inflammation of the oral mucosa and toothache. In addition, its use helps treat tuberculosis, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, nervous exhaustion and physical fatigue.

In addition to the crushed root (about 50 g), take the same proportion of potato starch and water, as well as 100-200 g of sugar. Mix the ingredients and add half a liter of milk. Bring this mixture to a boil over low heat. After the liquid thickens a little, it is poured into portions and drunk in small sips.

Attention! The roots and flowers of orchis relieve not only the somatic causes of impotence, but also their psychological ones.

Orchis is a humble northern orchid. This unusual and beautiful plant is listed in the Red Book. But this flower is interesting not only for its appearance, but also for a number of healing properties.

Orchis: description and composition

Orchids belong to the numerous genus of the same name in the orchid family. The range of orchis is wide; they can be found in different countries of the northern hemisphere, where the climate is subtropical or temperate. For their habitat, northern orchids choose sunny or slightly shaded places: forest edges or meadows. Each species has its own requirements for soil moisture, acidity and nutrient supply. These plants are united in one thing - they do not like competitors in the neighborhood for moisture, light and nutrition.

Orchis usually grow in single specimens. It is very rare to find several plants at once in one place. Due to their uncontrolled destruction during collection for the preparation of medicines and the reduction of possible habitat areas, the number of orchis is rapidly declining, and most species are already included in the Red Book.

Biological features:

  • Orchis is a herbaceous perennial.
  • Its roots are thin and underdeveloped; the plant has a tuber - salep, which is replaced annually. During the growing season, orchis has two of them - old and young.
  • The stem of the plant is erect and can reach a height of 15 cm, depending on the species and its habitat.
  • The leaves are lanceolate or broad in shape. Tightly grasping the stem, they narrow, forming a thin petiole.
  • Each species has its own flowering time. In spring, the orchis develops a long, non-leafy stem bearing a spike-shaped inflorescence up to 15 cm long with numerous small flowers.
  • The color of the flowers depends on the species and can be white, crimson, cherry, lilac-pink. But the shape of the flower is the same for all species: the upper petals form a kind of helmet, while the lower petal, divided into 3-5 lobes, is a lip decorated with a spur.

Due to the peculiarities of their biological structure, orchises tolerate unfavorable conditions well - the accumulated substances in the tubers allow them to live in cramped circumstances even for several years. The brightly colored flowers have a faint aroma, dominated by vanilla and honey. Interestingly, a flower can live on a plant for up to 10 days until pollination occurs. After this, it immediately fades.

In the vast majority of orchises, reproduction is by seed. Some species have a vegetative method of propagation - instead of one replacement tuber, the plants grow a pair.

The chemical composition of the plant has been studied quite well. Its main components:

  • sucrose and polysaccharides;
  • bitterness;
  • minerals;
  • starch and dextrin;
  • pentosan and methylpentosan;
  • resins;
  • protein;
  • mucus;
  • pectin substances.

Orchis spotted (cuckoo's tears, baby grass, dremlik, zozulinets) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the orchid family, 15-60 cm high, with two roots thickened in the form of tubers. Stem orchis simple, leafy, ending in a long spike of purple or violet flowers with an oblong, spike-shaped inflorescence. Orchis blooms in June - July.

Orchis is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Russia (with the exception of the regions of the Far North), Belarus, and Ukraine in wet meadows and swamps, on forest edges and forest clearings, in river and stream valleys, in wet spruce forests, among bushes. Orchis tubers are dug up during flowering or immediately after flowering, when the flower arrow has not yet fallen off.

Only young tubers are used for medicinal purposes. orchis. They are cleared of soil, washed, peeled, strung on a thread and immersed in boiling water for several minutes to prevent germination. After removing the tubers from boiling water, they are dried in the fresh air (in the shade) or in a warm room. Dried tubers should have a yellowish color and some glassiness or transparency. With this processing method, orchis tubers lose their bitter taste and unpleasant odor. Shelf life up to 6 years.

Use in folk medicine.

Young tubers called “salep tubers” are used, collected at the end of the plant’s flowering, in July - August. Thanks to plant mucus, starch, and pectin substances, preparations from orchis have the valuable property of enveloping the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, healing ulcers and various inflammations. Salep is used for ulcers, gastritis, enteritis, bronchial asthma and chronic pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and is used as a stimulant for sexual impotence. It is used to restore lost strength after a serious illness, from exhaustion, and also to maintain a cheerful state of health. Just 40 g of powder from crushed tubers contains the daily requirement of nutrients necessary for a person.

If salep is not available in pharmacies, you can prepare it yourself. Slime orchis Prepare immediately before use. The tubers are ground into powder, 1 part of the powder is first diluted in cold boiled water - in 10 parts - and then 90 parts of boiling water are added, shaken for 10-15 minutes until a thick liquid like liquid sour cream is obtained. The resulting mucus is stored in a cool place for no more than 2-3 days, but it is better to prepare it daily. This gelatinous mass is consumed 1 teaspoon 3 times a day (together with cereals, broths, milk and other products). For children, this dose should be reduced depending on age and weight. The mass has neither taste nor smell.

In Rus', orchis - this natural healer has been known for a long time. Among the common people, salep has been used since time immemorial, and the tubers were called “jelly root” and were used by peasants to prepare health-improving jelly and soups. Today, Salep is the most popular hot drink at ski resorts.

Orchis is not poisonous, so it is advisable to use salep to treat dysbiosis in both adults and children: pour 3 g of powder into 250 ml of boiling water (do not boil!), add 1 teaspoon of crushed flax seeds and leave for 15 minutes. Give children 1 tablespoon, adults - 1/3 or 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

As a means to maintain strength orchis It is used in decrepit old people, in tuberculosis patients and other patients, in those who have suffered severe and prolonged bleeding (including hemorrhoids), in people who have lost strength and health after difficult experiences.

A natural healer quickly restores strength to an exhausted and sick person. I would like to warn you that powdered salep is an expensive ingredient, and often a surrogate made from corn starch is sold under the guise of salep. To check the quality of the purchased powder, you need to take one part of it to 100 parts of water and boil it - you should get a thick and almost colorless mucus. If, after cooling, a few drops of iodine are added to this mucus for control, the mucus should turn blue.