Diagnosis and symptoms of sexual neurasthenia in women and men. Sexual neurasthenia: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Sexual neurosis is a sexual disorder that arises for psychological reasons. Expressed in specific dysfunctions. Somatic pathologies may accompany the disorder, but not necessarily. That is, the problem can be solved exclusively by working with such a mysterious characteristic of a person as the psyche.

What is this concept

To begin with, it is worth defining general neurosis. Neurosis is a functional (that is, manifested in specific dysfunctions, for example, psychogenic impotence, inability to begin or complete sexual intercourse) reversible, psychogenic disorders. The following symptoms are typical for patients:

  • Asthenia (complaints of weakness, decreased vitality, performance, drowsiness,
  • Obsessive ideas (examples: fear of closed spaces, unreasonable fear of failure in bed, despite the fact that the patient is physiologically healthy).
  • Hysterical state (excessive manifestations of emotions).
  • Obsessive ideas deserve special attention. They are diverse. But they are always distinguished by illogicality, inadequate reactions, dead-end moves - so much so that it is obvious: it is necessary to work with a problem in the field of the psyche.

  • Example No. 1: a man cannot complete sexual intercourse with his wife, experiences fear of failure, avoids intimacy, while no problems arise with his mistress.
  • Example No. 2: a man who has had a sexually transmitted disease in the past feels unreasonable itching of the genitals after each sexual intercourse, although there is no objective evidence of the disease.
  • Many experts do not classify sexual neurosis as a separate category of diseases. There is no sexual neurosis in ICD-10. It can be classified in category F40-F48- “Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders.”

    There are no officially designated species. The most typical situations can be described:

  • Neurosis of expectation of failure. Negative experiences of “wanting and not being able” can lead to the development of this inadequate reaction. Objectively, the patient is able to perform sexual intercourse, but he is paralyzed by the fear of not being up to par, as a result of which he gives up trying to do something in advance. And his body says “helps”. Neurosis of expectation of failure can be understood more broadly; such a reaction can occur to any important event, for example, an exam. The patient follows an unconscious internal logic: it is better not to pass at all than to try and fail.
  • Neurotic masturbation. It should be distinguished from normal, although the Russian sexologist L. Ya. Yakobzon claims that any masturbation is a neurosis. We can talk about neurotic masturbation if self-satisfaction completely replaces or has led to specific problems in normal paired sexual intercourse. If masturbation is only a way to realize libido, for example, during a wife’s pregnancy, there is no talk of pathology.
  • Neurosis, expressed in specific somatic dysfunctions. For example, itching of the genitals, despite the fact that all tests are normal and no pathologies are observed. A classic example of such neurosis is described in the “Lives of the Saints” from Epiphanius, about the attack of “ant” on his “secret uds” (genital organs), although, of course, in his story the story takes on a touch of a miracle and is replete with specific details: ants attacking the genital organs the holy hermit, were the most natural, and in order to get rid of the monstrosity, the elder needed to pray properly. But as an illustration of a neurotic reaction, the wonderful story is ideal. Unpleasant sensations arising in the area of ​​the external genital organs, which are of a neurotic nature, can indeed be extremely realistic, and they cannot be eliminated with medications.
  • The causes of sexual neuroses, as well as the manifestations of the disease, can be so diverse that any classification is difficult.

    Causes of sexual neurasthenia

    A traumatic factor can be:

  • Negative event.
  • Difficulties in interpersonal relationships.
  • Personality characteristics (difficulties during the development of sexuality).
  • Problems in a couple that can lead to the development of the disease:

  1. Ridicule, humiliation from a partner.
  2. Unconstructive conflicts.
  3. Inappropriate reactions, behavior, requests from a partner.
  4. Ignoring desires, emotional deafness, selfishness, indifference.
  5. A big difference in sexual preferences, permanent dissatisfaction.

Other possible reasons include: lack of sex with the inability to sublimate, childhood traumas, including those not related to gender, overly strict upbringing, past illnesses, neurological dysfunctions.

Often the trigger is an undiagnosed urological disease - the patient associates the reasons for his failures or lack of desire with psychological factors

Symptoms and diagnosis

Sexual neurasthenia is difficult to diagnose, especially since those affected rarely seek help and are often unable to clearly tell what is bothering them.

Psychological defenses are often included: compensation, rationalization, denial and others, so the situation when the victim is undergoing treatment for a completely different disease is not uncommon. The symptoms of sexual neurosis overlap with the symptoms of neurosis in the general sense:

  • Emotional disturbances, inappropriate emotions, often for no apparent reason.
  • Problems in relationships, communication, increased vulnerability.
  • Inadequate assessment of one's sexual capabilities, underestimated or overestimated
  • Anxiety, fear. In difficult cases, phobias, panic attacks (fear or panic with pronounced vegetative disorders: palpitations, sweating, rapid pulse, chills, suffocation), panic disorders are possible.
  • Indecision, uncertainty, contradictory desires, pessimism, cynicism.
  • Irritability, sudden mood swings, decreased resistance to stress.
  • Reduced performance: fatigue, weakened mental functions, often sleep disorders.
  • Physical dysfunctions are also possible, especially in the sexual sphere:

  • Decreased libido, lack of desire, unusual, difficult to realize fantasies, inability to start or complete sexual intercourse, impotence (psychogenic), lack of orgasm, pleasure, satisfaction.
  • Dizziness, migraines, pressure changes until the eyes darken, loss of balance.
  • Eating disorders: gluttony, malnutrition, feeling of constant hunger or, on the contrary, lack of appetite.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of various organs and systems: surges in blood pressure, arrhythmia, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), frequent or difficult urination, stool disorders, indigestion.
  • Insomnia, other sleep disorders: waking up at night, nightmares, feeling tired and groggy after waking up, difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep.
  • Hypochondria (unreasonable concern for health), pain and discomfort in various parts of the body, for example, itching in the external genital area.
  • Consequences

    Sexual neurosis primarily affects the sexual sphere, but gradually invades other areas of life. The condition is reversible, meaning that upon recovery, all symptoms will disappear without any consequences.

    However, prolonged nervous tension against the background of existing diseases or characteristics of the body can lead to aggravation of diseases and their transition to a chronic form, for example, increased stomach acidity will lead to chronic gastritis. Other likely negative consequences include:

  • Failures in work, career, personal life.
  • Diseases, especially gynecological and andrological. The gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems are most often affected.
  • Gaining excess weight, or, on the contrary, sudden weight loss.
  • If you suspect a disease, you should contact a psychologist, sex therapist, neurologist, or endocrinologist. Only comprehensive work will allow us to accurately diagnose the cause and draw up an optimal plan to solve the problem. It makes no sense to treat the first symptom that comes along, given their diversity. A problem in such an area as sex and relationships between two people does not always mean that you only need to contact a sex therapist.

    Example: a man successfully has intercourse, but does not experience orgasm and does not ejaculate; his girlfriend was at first understanding and tactful, but over time the couple wanted a child, problems arose in the relationship, and, as a result, the man developed neurotic symptoms. The psychologist the couple visited gave the man a referral to a urologist. After specific treatment aimed at relieving inflammation in the urethral area, the couple’s life returned to normal.

    Main methods of treatment:

  • Psychotherapy is the main method of treatment. It is selected individually, depending on the cause that causes the symptoms. There are many methods. of them can be classified by area of ​​influence: on causes, on symptoms, auxiliary (aimed at temporary relief).
  • Medications (tranquilizers, antidepressants, specific drugs, for example, those that stimulate erection or increase libido, vitamins that improve general tone). In the case of sexual neurosis, drug intervention is exclusively auxiliary.
  • It is encouraging that serious difficulties are possible only at the diagnostic stage. The disorder is reversible, therefore, using a modern arsenal of psychotherapeutic methods, you can actually get rid of the symptoms of the disease without any negative consequences for your health and personal life.

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    Sexual neuroses are a common phenomenon of our time

    Sexual neuroses include functional psychogenic sexual disorders that arise under the direct influence of psychological mechanisms not related to somatic pathology. Traumatic factors include any experiences - traumatic events, interpersonal relationships and personal characteristics of each partner.

    Situational factors are multifactorial, for example, the lack of conditions for complete privacy, when young people have nowhere to hide, and they are forced to hang around random apartments, acquaintances, or use rare moments of solitude when someone goes out for half an hour. All this is not good for intimacy, unnerving already frayed nerves. Danger, the fear of being taken by surprise, exists not only among young people, but also among spouses living together with children, when trying to commit an act of love in a train compartment, in a car or under the blue sky in a summer park.

    The fear of unwanted pregnancy and the danger of contracting a sexually transmitted disease are of significant importance - especially with casual sexual intercourse or frequent changes of partners without protection or with uncertainty about a permanent partner when cultivating the principle of free love. The possibility of publicity during extramarital sexual relations causes concern - not only of married men and married women, but also of bachelors and single ladies who are under the yoke of strict moral and ethical standards.

    Finally, overwork plays a significant role in the formal desire for intimacy, in particular in the performance of marital duty, which is hampered by stress, fatigue or alcohol intoxication.

    Predispose to development sexual neurosis memories of previous sexual failures, especially if the partner is dissatisfied with the quality of intimacy. Many are simply afraid of their inferiority and deep down they think how easy it is to reject them. Men are dominated by the fear of losing “male power” at the most crucial moment or leaving their partner without an orgasm, while women are afraid of remaining unsatisfied, including the fear of not knowing a real orgasm.

    The most common problems in couples: conflicts, interpersonal disharmony, increasing coldness and alienation, inappropriate behavior of the partner, requests for unacceptable methods of sexual satisfaction, ridicule, ignoring desires, excessive selfishness without the desire to please the other, strong sexual differences in preferences and passions.

    The special influence of conflict formation and sexual neurosis have personality traits: suspiciousness, low self-esteem, a tendency to control during sex in order to prolong it as much as possible in order to achieve orgasm, and a maximalist attitude towards complete satisfaction of the partner - so that sex is the best.

    Sexual neurosis may be a consequence of the characteristics of upbringing - the perception of sex as a sinful, dirty and negative event; own negative sexual experience, deep-seated fear of closeness and intimacy, as well as a subconsciously negative attitude towards a partner and a feeling of guilt for the pleasure received. Typically, the formation of sexual neurosis is influenced by several factors, acting in combination and in concert. Sexual neurosis is a frequent companion to anxiety-depressive disorder.

    You can adapt to the dysfunctions that have arisen in three directions - an insufficiently attractive sexual image is replaced in the imagination by a more attractive one. So a husband can imagine a screen star or a pretty neighbor while making love to his wife. At the same time, his missus sees, with her eyes closed, a bodybuilder, a savage from a tropical beach or a colleague in the shop. More often it is an inaccessible and unattainable image, but always an ideal one, stimulating a flow of fantasies that contribute to real satisfaction. In another case, the weakness of erection in men is compensated by sophisticated sex techniques, including through personal identification with the spouse with involvement in her inner world, or by shifting the value of sexuality from the physiological side to the spiritual and moral with the idealization of relationships. In the second option, only certain elements of the situation are preserved - the use of a Superman mask, the willingness to talk for hours about one’s imaginary victories despite real failures - this is active and unrestrained flirting in public, emphasizing one’s hypersexuality, bragging.

    In the third option, sex becomes a cult - all efforts are aimed at self-improvement of all patterns of sexual life: mastering sophisticated techniques, engaging in tantric practices and idealizing one’s qualities, egocentrism, forming a position on the eternal search for an ideal that would satisfy all fantasies and could match one’s own perfection.

    If a sexual neurotic puts up with his failures, an addiction to this position is formed. Sex is devalued and replaced by other ways of spending time while simultaneously discrediting sexual life, replacing it with football and hockey, or watching pornographic products and “hanging out” on the Internet. Taking on the role of a loser, weak and sick while simultaneously idealizing a partner.

    If sexual dysfunction is proven, then the person reacts in two common ways - blaming everyone and everything. More often than not, spouses idealize their previous partners - they look for the true causes of the pathology in dubious literature or through numerous virtual links. With a passive position, contact is avoided under the most bizarre pretexts - the need for rest, boredom, fatigue. The importance of sex is denied, replacing it with material and intellectual benefits.

    The importance of conflicts in a couple is manifested by frequent spontaneous recovery on the other side. In a marriage, a lot of things don’t work out, and a full range of dysfunctions accumulate, but with random people everything goes away as if there were no deviations. There is also the opposite option, when in a marriage everything runs smoothly and ideally, but in desperate attempts to go “to the left,” a man or woman reveals complete failure, which fully proves the influence of the psychological component on the entire spectrum of intimate-personal relationships. It is important not to neglect the problem and not let it take its course, being content with the principle “time heals”, but to consult a sexologist-psychotherapist in time and solve the problem sexual neurosis.

    Vilkov Alexey Sergeevich
    Sexologist, psychotherapist

    Sexual neuroses

    Neuroses are a very important problem, but they constitute only part of the pathology that medical sexology deals with. Neuroses are of interest to sex therapists from the point of view of their close relationship with sexual disorders.

    Neuroses and sexual dysfunctions

    Conditionally we can distinguish:

    1. Neuroses, within which sexual disorders (disorders of sexual experiences, functions or sexual behavior) are manifested, of varying degrees of severity both in terms of their objective presence and in terms of their subjective perception of focusing attention on them. In some cases, sexual disorders can be quite pronounced, although they are not recognized by the person or he does not attach much importance to them. However, in other cases, regardless of the manifestations and severity of sexual disorders, a person pays special attention to them (often more than to other, more serious manifestations of neurosis). In such cases, sexual disorders become axial, core for a person, his thoughts are concentrated around them, and over time they become the most important, and sometimes even the only problems with which he consults a doctor. Neuroses of this kind, in which the core disorder is sexual dysfunction, are called sexual neuroses.

    2. Sexual disorders are not initially of neurotic origin, but due to the presence of which, as a consequence, a neurotic reaction develops. In the classic case, we are dealing with sexual disorders, which are, for example, the result of an organic disease (or underdevelopment, prenatal damage, etc.). These disorders are then layered with neurosis (neurotic reaction), aggravating and complicating its course. The neurotic “superstructure” can be so significant that it will dominate the picture of sexual disorders. Treatment in such cases should be comprehensive, that is, aimed at both eliminating the basic organic process and the neurotic superstructure.

    The resistance of the nervous system depends on two factors: the entire complex of mental experience and the anatomical and physiological state. The structure of the human psyche is dynamic, that is, it is formed over many years under the influence of various environmental stimuli and certain changes in the anatomical and physiological substrate (in particular, biochemical and bioelectrical processes occurring in the cerebral cortex). Mental trauma causes different reactions depending on how the psyche was previously formed, and the structure of the psyche has many varieties. Under the influence of trauma, a person subconsciously activates various mental mechanisms acquired in childhood as protective stereotypes, the appearance of which in an actual situation may seem outwardly incomprehensible. All this leads to a very diverse symptomatology of sexual disorders.

    Disorders defined as neurotic sexual disorders are primarily the result of changes in higher nervous functions. In addition, they refer to “psychogenic” disorders that occur in the highest parts of the structures of the psychophysiological apparatus, which is the basis of sexual functions, experiences and forms of behavior, i.e. in the cerebral cortex. It is these higher functions that the environment continuously influences with its stimuli, both positive and negative. Neurotic sexual disorders, despite the fact that they are psychogenic in nature, still arise only when the strength of negative stimuli becomes significant and exceeds the adaptive capabilities of the central nervous system. Thus, a group of factors associated with the anatomical and physiological substrate is involved in the development of disorders defined as psychogenic. It follows that such disorders are essentially complex in nature and the name “psychogenic” no longer reflects the mechanisms of their occurrence, referring mainly to the period when, due to the lack of accurate diagnostic methods, it was impossible to detect subtle anatomical and physiological changes in the brain, which , however, could significantly influence resistance to the influence of psychological factors of the central nervous system.

    Neurotic sexual disorders can be expressed in the area of ​​sexual experiences, but most often they are manifested by dysfunction of the genital organs. However, this does not mean that only the genital organs or the lower levels of the structure of the psychosexual apparatus are subject to painful changes in the sense of the presence in them of the cause of the disease or pathological process. The genital organs are only the executive apparatus, which is controlled by the functions of higher nervous activity. Therefore, in each case of functional sexual disorders, the main attention should be paid to the diagnosis and treatment of the functions of higher nervous activity, without attaching too much importance to the treatment of “local” disorders of the genital organs themselves.

    Neurosis usually develops when mental trauma is so intense that (in the presence of appropriate personality traits) it already exceeds the adaptive capabilities, i.e., the resistance of the nervous system.

    Disorders on a neurotic background can be expressed to varying degrees; they may also differ in pathogenetic mechanisms, course and prognosis. For convenience in clinical work, two groups of disorders are artificially distinguished: neuroses and neurotic reactions.

    Neurotic reactions differ from neuroses in that: they are more superficial, arise as a consequence of certain current events, do not tend to recur in similar situations, and can disappear without treatment.

    Sexual neuroses are disorders that:

    · Arise as a result of distorted, neurotic personality development in childhood;

    · Are a consequence of prolonged exposure to traumatic factors;

    · In many cases, it occurs without identifying traumatic factors (or they are simply not recognized by the patient);

    · They appear already at the first attempts to start sexual activity together;

    With sexual neuroses, in addition to disturbances in the sexual sphere, dysfunctions of other systems are usually observed.

    Sexual neurotic reactions are characterized by:

    · They occur at any age, but most often not in childhood;

    · They often develop after immediate exposure to a stimulus;

    · The traumatic factor is usually well known and recognized by the patient;

    · Manifest in any period of life immediately after exposure to a traumatic factor;

    · The course of disorders is often acute or subacute.

    Sexual neurotic reactions often develop independently of general neurosis, although they can also be a manifestation of it, i.e. existing neurosis may be a factor contributing to the development of neurotic reactions.

    The above division is simplified and undertaken for clinical practice in order to avoid a common name (and thereby the same treatment and prognosis) for disorders that differ from each other both in the nature and duration of exposure to the factor that causes them, and in the characteristics of the course and response to treatment.

    A different approach is needed to a man with a sexual neurosis that developed over a long period of time, was chronic and difficult to treat, and in the absence of regular sexual activity, and to a man who already had normal sexual intercourse, but as a result of exposure to a traumatic factor (for example , trauma from a partner) suffering from a functional sexual disorder, which should be considered as a sexual neurotic reaction. Such a disorder disappears as a result of the elimination of the traumatic factor and the treatment provided, without showing a tendency to recur in the original situation.

    It is also impossible to approach a woman with a neurotic disorder of sexual experiences in the same way, who has never, even in the most favorable situations, received complete satisfaction, and her disorder has become chronic and requires and requires special treatment, and a woman who led a regular, normal sex life , accompanied by complete sexual satisfaction, but in which, due to mistakes or low sexual culture of the current partner, there is no feeling of sexual satisfaction. Sexual disorders of neurotic origin occur much less frequently than sexual neurotic reactions. It is the latter that are the most common functional sexual disorders (for example, with regard to sexual coldness in women, the frequency of sexual neurotic reactions compared to neuroses is 40:1).

    Sexual neurotic reactions include all syndromes of functional sexual disorders that layer on a primary organic basis.

    Traumatic factors can be very different. For example, for a woman, this role may include a lack of sexual culture and sexual experience in a partner, rape, cheating on her husband, induced abortion, fear of an unwanted pregnancy; for men, a woman’s incorrect behavior (for example, ridicule of her partner’s sexual qualities), fear during sexual intercourse, infection with a sexually transmitted disease or fear of infection, iatrogenic influence. Personality characteristics that contribute to the emergence of sexual neurotic reactions include hypochondriacal traits and a tendency toward phobias.

    The symptomatology of sexual neurotic reactions is usually similar to that of sexual neuroses.

    Psychogenic sexual dysfunctions (sexual neuroses)

    Psychogenic sexual dysfunctions include functional-psychogenic sexual disorders that arose with the direct participation of psychological mechanisms and manifest themselves in qualitative or quantitative disturbances in the sexual functions of men and women not associated with organic pathology.

    Psychogenic sexual dysfunctions are distinguished by:

    1) the leading role in their development of traumatic influences and other negative psychological factors;
    2) no obvious connection with organic disorders or diseases;
    3) the reversible nature of certain disorders of sexual function.

    Psychogenic sexual dysfunctions are the result of a systemic interaction of a number of unfavorable factors that can lead to certain disturbances in sexual reactions or decreased libido in men and women. These include various situational factors, traumatic experiences, partner problems and personal characteristics of the subject.

    Situational factors: lack of conditions for complete privacy, the possibility of being taken by surprise by the arrival of other people (when spouses live with their parents and then with their children, when trying to have coitus in a train compartment, inside a car, “in the lap of nature,” etc. ); fear of unwanted pregnancy; fear of contracting a sexually transmitted disease; the threat of publicity of sexual intercourse during extramarital contacts; a weakly expressed desire for intimacy at the moment due to physical fatigue, mental fatigue or previous stress; alcohol intoxication, etc.

    Traumatic experiences: painful memories of previous sexual failures, including partner’s dissatisfaction with sexual intimacy; anxious fears of one’s own sexual inferiority and fear of being rejected if one fails to “please” the partner properly; fear of loss of erection or premature ejaculation in men, or anxiety about the possibility of “being left without orgasm” in women.
    Partnership problems: violations of interpersonal relationships, frequent conflicts, increasing negative emotions, mutual distrust or cooling of partners; inappropriate behavior of a sexual partner who behaves aggressively, mockingly or demonstrates his coldness and reluctance to closeness; differences in sexual preferences and disharmonious sexual interaction between partners.

    Personality characteristics: anxious and suspicious character traits; reduced self-esteem, tendency to conscious self-control during sexual intercourse; a realistically unattainable goal of maximum satisfaction from every sexual encounter; erroneous beliefs about sexuality (due to improper upbringing or one’s own negative experience of intimate contacts); unconscious hostility towards the opposite sex and feelings of guilt in connection with sexual pleasure, as well as a deep-seated fear of intimacy and loving relationships.

    As a rule, several of the above reasons play a role in the development of functional-psychogenic disorders of the sphere in people of both sexes. For example, the most common form of neurotic disorders leading to sexual dysfunction, primarily erectile dysfunction, is the syndrome of anxious anticipation of sexual failure. This neurotic syndrome develops in a man after one or more situationally determined unsuccessful attempts to perform sexual intercourse. This is often facilitated by suspiciousness, indecision, a tendency to all sorts of fears, as well as other personal characteristics that predispose to the emergence of alarming doubts in one’s abilities and fears of failing again. Partnership problems are also important, which in themselves increase both the likelihood of failure and its negative consequences. Often women express their negative attitude towards their partner’s sexual difficulties in a mockingly ironic manner. Therefore, it is not surprising that each subsequent intimacy begins to cause severe anxiety in a man, which, due to the release of adrenaline into the blood, which has a vasoconstrictor effect, prevents the increase in genital blood flow to the level necessary for a stable erection. If new breakdowns occur, they increasingly focus the man’s attention on his potency, strengthening conscious control over the course of intimate contacts and aggravating the situation. Sexual intercourse loses its inherent sensuality and spontaneity, turning for a man into a kind of test for sexual viability. This entails further failures, which only confirm the validity of obsessive fears of sexual fiasco, closing a “vicious circle” and leading to the emergence of psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Sometimes there is such a strong fear of sexual intimacy that a man, without any gross organic pathology of the sexual sphere, can avoid any intimate contact for a long time. The presence of the syndrome of anxious expectation of failure, or coitophobia, requires their mandatory neutralization by psychotherapeutic methods, since without this it is difficult to count on a stable restoration of normal genital reactions of a man.

    Neurotic mechanisms of anxious anticipation of sexual failure can also be found in women with anorgasmia, dyspareunia, sexual aversion, and vaginismus. Here the nature of the failure changes (lack of orgasm, pain during intercourse, etc.), but there is almost always an expectation of negative consequences from intimacy, sometimes so pronounced that it causes fear and attempts to avoid sexual intercourse by any means. With anorgasmia, for example, there is an increase in conscious control over coitus, which is often combined with attempts to voluntarily speed up the approach of orgasmic release. In some cases, this may be due to anxious fears of completely losing control of oneself and looking ridiculous at the moment of orgasm; in others, there is a subconscious feeling of guilt and shame for enjoying sex; thirdly, fear of a possible pregnancy, etc. At the same time, there is a desire to experience an orgasm, putting maximum effort into it. However, any conscious intervention only inhibits the involuntary orgasmic reflex, and, over and over again confirming the woman’s worst predictions, leads to the formation of an anxious expectation of another disappointment from intimacy. In some cases, this can be facilitated by a sexual partner. Many men tend to view a woman's orgasm as a personal victory and evidence of their sexual sophistication. Sometimes they begin to reproach their partner for the lack of orgasm, which makes her worry before the start of coitus and pushes her into ineffective conscious manipulations that only delay the onset of orgasm and increase anxiety and obsessive thoughts about its absence.

    Neurotic problems in the sexual sphere

    Sexual neurosis is a functional psychogenic sexual disorder that developed under the influence of psychological mechanisms. It is not associated with somatic pathology. Any experience can act as a traumatic factor - stressful situations, interpersonal relationships, personality traits of the patient. The problem often has its roots in early childhood, but its origins can also be found in adolescence, during the development of sexuality.

    Sexual neuroses and neurotic reactions

    Neurotic reactions differ from sexual neuroses in that they are not so strong, they are not repeated under similar circumstances, and can go away on their own.

    Sexual neuroses are recognized as disorders that:

  • were the result of the patient’s distorted, neurotic personal development in childhood;
  • appeared as a response to prolonged exposure to traumatic factors;
  • are often asymptomatic for humans;
  • appear immediately, at the very beginning of sexual activity;
  • are chronic in nature.
  • occur at any age, but rarely in childhood;
  • for their development, a simultaneous action of the stimulus is sufficient;
  • the traumatic factor is often known to the patient and is recognized by him;
  • manifests itself at any age immediately after the action of a traumatic factor;
  • the course is often acute (subacute).
  • Conventionally, neuroses of a sexual nature are divided into those that:

  • manifest themselves in the form of sexual disorders (corresponding experiences, functions or behavior). They vary in degree of severity in relation to their objective existence, as well as in relation to their subjective perception, the patient’s level of concentration on the problem;
  • do not have a neurotic nature, but lead to neurotic disorders, for example, with underdevelopment, prenatal damage. The neurotic component may even dominate the overall clinical picture. Treatment is aimed simultaneously at eliminating the organic disease and the neurology.
  • Sexual neurasthenia develops as a result of obsessive fears - fear of unwanted conception or fear of being caught in a moment of passion. The condition can also be provoked by overwork, stress, and alcohol intoxication, which negatively affect sexual performance in the actual presence of love desire.

    The development of pathology is also facilitated by memories of past failures, especially if the partner once showed dissatisfaction with intimacy: women are afraid of not knowing a real orgasm, and men are afraid that at a crucial moment they will be weak.

    Problems of an intimate nature also arise against the background of conflicts between partners, when quarrels are frequent, harmony is lost in relationships, and alienation has arisen. More serious cases are possible when there are requests for methods of sexual satisfaction that are unacceptable for the partner, ridicule, ignoring the partner’s preferences and desires, and pronounced selfishness.

    Love neurosis develops in suspicious people, with low self-esteem, in those who have a tendency to control during sexual intercourse in order to prolong it as much as possible and reach a peak in order to show their partner their strength.

    Neurosis may be a consequence of upbringing, when the patient was taught from childhood that intimate relationships are sinful and dirty in nature. Then a person may even experience a feeling of guilt for the pleasure received during sexual intercourse.

    Usually, several factors are simultaneously involved in the occurrence of such a neurotic state; often the disorder is accompanied by an anxiety-depressive syndrome.

    Adaptation to dysfunction occurs through compensation:

  • an insufficiently attractive image of a partner during sexual intercourse is replaced by an unattainable, but more desirable and idealized one;
  • Erection problems are compensated for with skillful technique and lengthy foreplay. Perhaps, up to personal identification with the partner and involvement in her inner world, or to the idealization of relationships by shifting the value of the physical act of love and exalting the spiritual and moral side of the relationship. In this case, a man can talk for hours about his remarkable capabilities, flirt uncontrollably in public, flaunting his supersexuality, openly boast about his love victories;
  • Cultivation of sex leads to a constant desire to improve oneself in this area - the patient studies unusual techniques, moves on to tantric practices, idealizes his qualities, and egocentrism becomes more and more apparent.
  • If a person has come to terms with failures, he gradually gets used to his own inadequacy, and sex life loses its value in his eyes. The patient will strive to replace it through a hobby. At the same time, he will accept the role of a loser and idealize his partner.

    When sexual incompetence is proven, people try to find an answer from pseudoscientific sources, idealize previous partners, blaming the current partner for intimate failures. Another outcome is also possible - a person avoids intimacy in every possible way under any pretext, trying to replace it with various benefits - material or intellectual.

    The conflict in the couple is aggravated by the search for love affairs on the side. There are two possible outcomes of sexual intercourse with a casual partner - success, as if there were no problems, and complete failure, which is typical for those whose relationship with their current partner is strong and harmonious.

    Neuroses of a sexual nature require treatment by a specialist - a sexologist-psychotherapist. You will not be able to cope with the disease on your own. By delaying going to the doctor, a person only aggravates the problem.

    Sexual neurosis is a sexual disorder that arises for psychological reasons. Expressed in specific dysfunctions. Somatic pathologies may accompany the disorder, but not necessarily. That is, the problem can be solved exclusively by working with such a mysterious characteristic of a person as the psyche.

    To begin with, it is worth defining general neurosis. Neurosis is a functional (that is, manifested in specific dysfunctions, for example, psychogenic impotence, inability to begin or complete sexual intercourse) reversible, psychogenic disorders. The following symptoms are typical for patients:

    • Asthenia (complaints of weakness, decreased vitality, performance, drowsiness,
    • Obsessive ideas (examples: fear of closed spaces, unreasonable fear of failure in bed, despite the fact that the patient is physiologically healthy).
    • Hysterical state (excessive manifestations of emotions).

    Obsessive ideas deserve special attention. They are diverse. But they are always distinguished by illogicality, inappropriate reactions, dead-end moves - so much so that it is obvious: it is necessary to work with a problem in the field of the psyche.

    • Example No. 1: a man cannot complete sexual intercourse with his wife, experiences fear of failure, avoids intimacy, while no problems arise with his mistress.
    • Example No. 2: a man who has had a sexually transmitted disease in the past feels unreasonable itching of the genitals after each sexual intercourse, although there is no objective evidence of the disease.

    Many experts do not classify sexual neurosis as a separate category of diseases. There is no sexual neurosis in ICD-10. It can be classified in category F40-F48- “Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders.”


    There are no officially designated species. The most typical situations can be described:

    1. Neurosis of expectation of failure. Negative experience “wanted and couldn’t” can lead to development of this inadequate reaction. Objectively, the patient is able to perform sexual intercourse, but he is paralyzed by the fear of not being up to par, as a result of which he gives up trying to do something in advance. And his body says “helps”. Neurosis of expectation of failure can be understood more broadly; such a reaction can occur to any important event, for example, an exam. The patient follows an unconscious internal logic: it is better not to pass at all than to try and fail.
    2. Neurotic masturbation. It should be distinguished from normal, although the Russian sexologist L. Ya. Yakobzon claims that any masturbation is a neurosis. We can talk about neurotic masturbation if self-satisfaction completely replaces or has led to specific problems in normal paired sexual intercourse. If masturbation is only a way to realize libido, for example, during a wife’s pregnancy, there is no talk of pathology.
    3. Neurosis, expressed in specific somatic dysfunctions. For example, itching of the genitals, despite the fact that All tests are normal, and no pathologies are observed. A classic example of such neurosis is described in the “Lives of the Saints” from Epiphanius, about the attack of “ant” on his “secret uds” (genital organs), although, of course, in his story the story takes on a touch of a miracle and is replete with specific details: ants attacking the genital organs holy hermit, were the most natural, And, to get rid of monstrous, the elder needed to pray properly. But as an illustration of a neurotic reaction, the wonderful story is ideal. Unpleasant sensations arising in the area of ​​the external genital organs, which are of a neurotic nature, can indeed be extremely realistic, and they cannot be eliminated with medications.

    The causes of sexual neuroses, as well as the manifestations of the disease, can be so diverse that any classification is difficult.

    Causes of sexual neurasthenia

    A traumatic factor can be:

    1. Negative event.
    2. Difficulties in interpersonal relationships.
    3. Personality characteristics (difficulties during the development of sexuality).

    Problems in a couple that can lead to the development of the disease:

    1. Ridicule, humiliation from a partner.
    2. Unconstructive conflicts.
    3. Inappropriate reactions, behavior, requests from a partner.
    4. Ignoring desires, emotional deafness, selfishness, indifference.
    5. Large difference in sexual preferences, permanent dissatisfaction.

    Other possible reasons include: lack of sex with the inability to sublimate, childhood traumas, including those not related to gender, overly strict upbringing, past illnesses, neurological dysfunctions.

    Often the trigger is undiagnosedurological disease - the patient associates the reasons for his failures or lack of desire with psychological factors

    Symptoms and diagnosis

    Sexual neurasthenia is difficult to diagnose, especially since those affected rarely seek help and are often unable to clearly tell what is bothering them.

    Psychological defenses are often included: compensation, rationalization, denial and others, so the situation when the victim undergoes treatment is completely different illnesses are not uncommon. The symptoms of sexual neurosis overlap with the symptoms of neurosis in the general sense:

    1. Emotional disturbances, inappropriate emotions, often for no apparent reason.
    2. Problems in relationships, communication, increased vulnerability.
    3. Inadequate assessment of one's sexual capabilities, underestimated or overestimated
    4. Anxiety, fear. In difficult cases, phobias, panic attacks (fear or panic with pronounced vegetative disorders: palpitations, sweating, rapid pulse, chills, suffocation), panic disorders are possible.
    5. Indecisiveness uncertainty, inconsistency in desires, pessimism, cynicism.
    6. Irritability, sudden mood swings, decreased resistance to stress.
    7. Reduced performance: fatigue, weakened mental functions, often sleep disorders.

    Physical dysfunctions are also possible, especially in the sexual sphere:

    1. Decreased libido, lack of desire, unusual, difficult to realize fantasies, inability to start or complete sexual intercourse, impotence (psychogenic), lack of orgasm, pleasure, satisfaction.
    2. Dizziness, migraines, pressure changes until the eyes darken, loss of balance.
    3. Eating disorders: gluttony, malnutrition, feeling of constant hunger or, on the contrary, lack of appetite.
    4. Disturbances in the functioning of various organs and systems: surges in blood pressure, arrhythmia, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), frequent or difficult urination, stool disorders, indigestion.
    5. Insomnia, other sleep disorders: waking up at night, nightmares, feeling tired and groggy after waking up, difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep.
    6. Hypochondria (unreasonable concern for health), pain and discomfort in various parts of the body, for example, itching in the external genital area.


    Sexual neurosis primarily affects the sexual sphere, but gradually invades other areas of life. The condition is reversible, meaning that upon recovery, all symptoms will disappear without any consequences.

    However, prolonged nervous tension against the background of existing diseases or characteristics of the body can lead to aggravation of diseases and their transition to a chronic form, for example, increased stomach acidity will lead to chronic gastritis. Other likely negative consequences include:

    • Failures in work, career, personal life.
    • Diseases, especially gynecological and andrological. The gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems are most often affected.
    • Gaining excess weight, or, on the contrary, sudden weight loss.


    If you suspect a disease, you should contact a psychologist, sex therapist, neurologist, or endocrinologist. Only comprehensive work will allow us to accurately diagnose the cause and draw up an optimal plan to solve the problem. It makes no sense to treat the first symptom that comes along, given their diversity. A problem in such an area as sex and relationships between two people does not always mean that you only need to contact a sex therapist.

    Example: a man successfully has sexual intercourse, but does not experience orgasm and does not ejaculate; his girlfriend was at first treated with understanding and tact, but over time the couple wanted a child, problems arose in the relationship, and, as a result, the man developed neurotic symptoms. The psychologist the couple visited gave the man a referral to a urologist. After specific treatment aimed at relieving inflammation in the urethral area, the couple’s life returned to normal.

    Main methods of treatment:

    1. Psychotherapy is the main method of treatment. It is selected individually, depending on the cause that causes the symptoms. There are many methods. of these can be classified by area of ​​influence: on the causes, on the symptoms, auxiliary (aimed at temporary relief).
    2. Medications (tranquilizers, antidepressants, specific drugs, for example, those that stimulate erection or increase libido, vitamins that improve general tone). In the case of sexual neurosis, drug intervention is exclusively auxiliary.

    It is encouraging that serious difficulties are possible only at the diagnostic stage. The disorder is reversible, therefore, using a modern arsenal of psychotherapeutic methods, you can actually get rid of the symptoms of the disease without any negative consequences for your health and personal life.

    The main symptoms of inflammatory processes in the female genital organs:

    acute pain;

    swelling of tissues in the female genital area;

    pathological vaginal discharge;

    pain during intercourse as a symptom of inflammation of the genital organs;

    pain during urination;

    general malaise and discomfort: increased body temperature, weakness;

    burning and itching in the genital area.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the male genital organs

    Symptoms of inflammation of the genital organs in men are different due to anatomical differences:

    swelling of the foreskin;

    pathological discharge;

    redness, burning, itching;

    decreased sex drive;

    pain during ejaculation and urination;

    general ailments: high fever, weakness, apathy.

    Treatment of inflammation of the female genital organs

    Inflammation in women can manifest itself in both the internal and external genital organs. External inflammations include:


    Internal inflammation of the genital organs in women includes:

    inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis);

    inflammation of the uterus (endometritis);

    inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis);

    inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis);

    inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis, salpigo-oophoritis);

    inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum (pelvioperetonitis).

    First aid in the treatment of female genital inflammation

    The main thing is to get a consultation with a gynecologist as soon as possible, who will help you start treatment with the help of medicines and folk remedies. It should be understood that inflammation in women is quite dangerous, and its treatment should in no case be prescribed independently or according to the scheme of friends who have already gone through it. To choose a truly effective drug or folk remedy, you need to identify which microorganisms caused the inflammation, for which the doctor needs to take a smear and do an antibiogram.

    But it is worth remembering that taking medications is not all that you can do to help yourself. You also need to observe sexual rest for at least 2-3 weeks and carefully monitor your stool, since the accumulation of feces can cause additional pain. In addition, during the treatment period, exclude from the diet spicy foods that irritate the intestines, and allergens such as chocolate and egg whites. When treating inflammation, it is also recommended to maintain a plentiful drinking regimen, with preference given to mineral water, sour fruit drinks, tea with lemon. Eat more dairy products as calcium will reduce inflammation.

    Treatment regimen for genital inflammation

    The gynecologist prescribes how to treat inflammation, based on test results. The basis is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Physiotherapy therapeutic massage. Sometimes the doctor additionally prescribes vitamins and agents to boost immunity.

    With these inflammations in women, strict adherence to hygiene rules and preferably bed rest are required. It is strongly recommended to wash the genitals with a five percent solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile tincture, and boric acid solution several times a day. After drying with gentle blotting, the genitals should be lightly powdered with talcum powder or baby powder.

    In case of severe itching, pain and swelling, it is necessary to use Valerian, Bromine, Motherwort, Diphenhydramine or Anesthetic ointment to treat the genital organs. If itching is associated with hormonal disorders and there is inflammation of the external genitalia, then therapy should be carried out with hormonal drugs. Locally you need to take ointments containing estrogen hormones. At the same time, sedatives, such as valerian or bromides, should also be taken to treat inflammation.

    Folk remedies for inflammation of the genital organs in women

    Herbal medicine will tell you how to treat inflammation of the genital organs using folk remedies. But it is better to coordinate the use of herbs and compresses with your doctor, so as not to harm the body and cause complications. After all, inflammation of the genital organs in women can develop into a chronic form without treatment.

    For acute inflammation, a folk remedy such as steam baths is very effective. Leaves of fresh white cabbage should be boiled in milk. The cabbage and milk broth should then be poured into a basin, sit over it and thus take medicinal steam baths. The treatment procedure for adnexitis should be carried out daily until complete recovery.

    Raw potatoes will also help protect against inflammation of the genital organs. Raw potato juice should be drunk as a folk remedy, a tablespoon every day.

    A herbal mixture of coltsfoot, centaury and tributary is also a good assistant in the treatment of inflammation of the genital organs. A tablespoon of this folk remedy should be infused in 200 grams of boiling water and taken 70-80 grams 5-6 times a day for a month.

    A chamomile enema will relieve inflammation of the genital organs and relieve pain. Pour two tablespoons of chamomile with 200 grams of boiling water and leave under the lid for half an hour. Before the treatment procedure using the traditional method, we cleanse the intestines with an enema of summer boiled water. After cooling the chamomile to 36 degrees Celsius, we do an enema and lie on our side for about half an hour, without getting up, until the contents are absorbed.

    Mix a collection of chamomile, coltsfoot, sweet clover, calendula and centaury in equal parts. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the mixture into 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave for half an hour. To treat inflammation of the genital organs, you need to take this folk remedy 70 grams 5-6 times a day for several months. By the way, traditional medicine does not recommend being sexually active during treatment.

    Douching to treat inflammation should also be done with herbal decoctions. To do this, take oak bark, mallow flowers, chamomile and sage leaves and mix them in a ratio of 2:2:5:3. A couple of tablespoons of the mixture should be poured into 1000 milliliters of boiling water and left to infuse. After cooling to 36-37 degrees, the broth should be administered into the vagina with a syringe at night.

    Baths are effective for treating inflammation of the genital organs; they are also good to use with berries and juniper stems. A bucket (20 liters) of boiling water is designed for 50 grams. This folk remedy should be infused for approximately two hours. After heating it to a pleasant temperature, you should sit in this decoction for 15 minutes.

    Treatment of inflammation of the male genital organs

    Inflammation in men has a slightly different clinical picture. These include:

    inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis);

    inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin (balanoposthitis);

    inflammation of the urethra (urethritis);

    inflammation of the genital (seminal) vesicles (vesiculitis);

    inflammation of the scrotum, testicles, etc.

    Treatment regimen for inflammation in men

    Is it worth repeating that at the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the genital organs, a man should immediately consult a doctor? After all, the entire public, including doctors, constantly talk about this. Urologists and dermatovenerologists claim that treating inflammation in men takes a lot of time, due to the anatomical features of the body’s structure.

    Treatment of the genital organs in men follows the same scheme as in women - antibacterial drugs, physiotherapy, massage. In rare severe cases, surgical intervention is required. A urologist treats patients.

    Treatment methods for inflammation of the male genital organs

    Treatment of inflammation in men is not much different from the treatment of inflammation in women and includes:

    drug treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, sometimes diuretics are used;

    physiotherapeutic treatment of inflammation of the genital organs in men includes:

    • laser therapy,
    • ultrasound and electromagnetic therapy,
    • as well as therapeutic massage and others;

    general strengthening treatment of inflammation of the genital organs in men.

    Neurasthenia - what is it?

    Neurasthenia is a disease of the central nervous system that occurs due to prolonged psychological or physical stress on the body. It is a type of neurosis. The result is depletion of the nervous system. Sometimes a person may be diagnosed with chronic neurasthenia or chronic fatigue syndrome. The disease is affected by frequent overload at work, lack of rest, stressful situations, as well as chronic intoxication and somatic diseases. Signs of neurasthenia occur in women and men, but, according to statistics, males are slightly more susceptible to it. The age of the disease is usually 20-40 years. Quite often, pathology is a sign of other serious diseases.

    The prognosis of the pathology is quite optimistic: generally it ends in complete cure, but sometimes it becomes chronic if sufficient attention is not paid to its treatment.

    Neurasthenia: symptoms

    • Symptoms of neurasthenia vary, usually the first ones are insomnia, headache and dizziness.
    • The pain syndrome is usually mixed and occurs in the evening or just before bedtime. This creates a feeling of pressure on the head. This sign is sometimes called the helmet or helmet of a neurasthenic, this makes it possible to differentiate it from other pain sensations.
    • Dizziness may occur as a result of extreme anxiety, intense physical activity or weather changes.
    • Other signs of neurasthenia are cardiovascular disorders: pressing or stabbing pain in the heart area, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), redness or pallor of the skin, arterial hypertension.
    • Patients are concerned about various night sleep disturbances. Dyspeptic symptoms may occur: belching, heartburn, loss of appetite, flatulence, causeless constipation and diarrhea.
    • Quite often there is a decrease in libido, in men - premature ejaculation, increased sweating, and slight trembling of the fingers. With any excitement, there is a frequent urge to urinate, which goes away with rest.


    The manifestations of the disease are varied, depending on them, several forms are distinguished; after determining the form, the doctor will be able to answer the question of how to treat neurasthenia.

    • Hypersthenic neurasthenia can manifest itself as high excitability and irritability. People susceptible to this form of the disease often lose their temper, show irritability, shout at people around them, are even capable of insulting them, and do not control the expression of emotions. It is very easy to piss them off; this can be caused by noise, large crowds of people, or loud conversation. Performance decreases due to primary weakness of active attention. This form of the disease is characterized by sleep disturbances: frequent awakenings at night, problems falling asleep, unpleasant dreams. Because of this, there is a feeling of weakness and fatigue even in the morning, after sleep. There are discomfort in various parts of the body and memory loss.
    • The second stage of the disease is irritable weakness. It usually occurs in people with a phlegmatic or choleric temperament, if the first stage does not lead to long-term remission or recovery. Irritability quickly passes and is replaced by mental exhaustion. Patients are characterized by rapid excitability, they can scream and swear, but after a short time the reaction gives way to a feeling of emptiness and powerlessness, sometimes turning into crying. Neurasthenia of this form is characterized by increasing nervous weakness, inability to start work, rapid fatigue, and lack of concentration.
    • The hyposthenic form can occur from the very beginning of the disease in anxious people with a melancholic temperament, but more often it is the third phase of the disease. It is characterized by physical and mental weakness, decreased mood, constant lethargy, passivity, and lack of interest in everything that is happening. Decreased mood is usually combined with asthenia, tearfulness and emotional instability.

    When the factor that leads to pathology is eliminated, the patient’s body function is restored after some time and recovery occurs. But when attacks occur repeatedly, their duration increases and depressive states worsen.

    Sexual neurasthenia

    One of the common factors in the deterioration of sexual life is disruption of the nervous system. Many men who have symptoms of neurasthenia and do not receive treatment develop disorders related to the sexual sphere. Overwork and weakness affect erection, frequent emissions, premature ejaculation or weak orgasm appear. In women, sexual disorders are much less common than in men; they are usually characterized by a decrease in sexual activity.

    If treated incorrectly, functional weakness in males leads to complications in the form of prostatitis.

    People who have sexual neurasthenia are characterized by unfinished sexual intercourse, frequent changes of sexual partners and excessive masturbation, resulting in hyperemia.

    Typically, diagnosis and treatment are complicated by the fact that young patients rarely consult a doctor with such complaints. Therefore, the doctor may suspect the disease based on the following indirect symptoms:

    • pain in the lumbar region;
    • unhealthy appearance;
    • frequent constipation.

    If you notice similar symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. It is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with the consequences.

    Diagnosis of neurasthenia

    If a person develops a neurasthenic syndrome, which is accompanied by general weakness, absent-mindedness, malaise, and fatigue, then he should consult a neurologist. The diagnosis will be established based on complaints, medical history and examination results. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the presence of somatic diseases, chronic infections or intoxications. Sometimes the disease can develop in the presence of organic brain lesions, so patients are advised to undergo examinations such as rheoencephalography (REG), MRI or CT. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will tell you in detail how to treat neurasthenia.

    Quite often, the disease is disguised as other pathologies, so the patient turns to a therapist. Indeed, a neurasthenic person is prone to exacerbations of chronic diseases, decreased hemoglobin, dysbacteriosis, and functional digestive disorders. Skin diseases, psoriasis, herpes, neurodermatitis appear. But the causes of the disease lie in psychological problems, so it is extremely important to address them, and then the “associated symptoms” will go away.

    Neurasthenia in children

    When examined, many nervous children are diagnosed with neurasthenia. The nervous sensations that arise during illness as a defensive reaction to unpleasant life situations differ from the reactions of healthy people in their scale. Many parents ask the question of who neurasthenics are and how they differ from ordinary people. The main symptom of this condition is a decrease in the threshold of irritability of the nervous system. It arises as a response to long-term traumatic factors. Usually the disease is diagnosed in adolescence or primary school age, but sometimes signs appear in preschoolers. The condition can be triggered by congenital factors, then from the first year of life the child may develop the following distinctive signs:

    • Sleep disturbance. Rest is restless, the baby wakes up from any external irritant, and he often cries. Later, the child gives up naps early.
    • In behavior, such kids are very fussy and active, they have a noticeable increased demand for others.
    • A child may completely lose interest in food due to colic or teething.

    At an older age, children may develop other symptoms:

    • increased excitability, short temper, capriciousness;
    • disturbance of urination and defecation;
    • emotional instability;
    • headache;
    • physical weakness;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • poor concentration;
    • high fatigue during mental stress;
    • discomfort in various parts of the body;
    • At primary school age, advanced neuropsychic development sometimes occurs.

    In children, two forms of pathology are usually distinguished. Hypersthenic neurasthenia manifests itself in the form of noisy, hot-tempered and irritable behavior. It is typical for schoolchildren and teenagers. With the asthenic form, the child, on the contrary, is fearful, tearful and weakened; this form is usually found in young children.

    If the child is not provided with timely psychological and medical assistance, then social adaptation may be disrupted. It is difficult for a child to maintain normal relationships and connections. In addition, a long-term decrease in emotional background can lead to depression.

    When diagnosing, a neurologist is based on symptoms and prescribes treatment depending on the severity of the disease. First of all, it is important to protect the child from conflict situations; to achieve the best effect, sometimes the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist is required. A change of environment, such as going on vacation, can help your child. As a rule, signs of neurasthenia appear much less frequently in new conditions.

    The doctor may prescribe various medications for the treatment of neurasthenia, but more often other rehabilitation means will be recommended:

    • moderate physical activity;
    • proper nutrition;
    • soothing infusions of medicinal herbs;
    • medicinal baths.

    In the future, it will be necessary to adhere to preventive measures to prevent the recurrence of the disease. It is important to try to avoid conflict situations at home, ensure that your child gets adequate rest and daily routine, and exercise regularly. If symptoms characteristic of pathology are observed, the school psychologist should conduct preventive conversations.

    Neurasthenia: treatment

    If you have signs of neurasthenia, you should contact a neurologist, he will study the symptoms and prescribe comprehensive treatment. You can also go to an appointment at a psychiatric clinic, in the neurosis department, where doctors specialize in specific diseases and will be able to prescribe effective medication and psychotherapeutic therapy. At the very beginning, the psychotraumatic factor that triggered the onset of the disease must be identified and eliminated. It is worth regulating the working regime, paying attention to proper rest, and reducing psychological stress. Some patients believe that psychostimulants contribute to treatment, but their long-term use, on the contrary, can lead to increased asthenic manifestations and form dependence. Therefore, self-treatment with medications is undesirable, even if they are taken on the advice of those people who have helped them. The drugs are used in individual dosages, taking into account the existing symptoms, and the duration of taking the medicine will be different for each person.

    Drug treatment of neurasthenia

    The following drugs may be prescribed to treat neurasthenia:

    • Nootropics are drugs that stimulate and improve brain nutrition (Actovegin, Encephabol, Piracetam).
    • For signs of irritability, tranquilizers (Grandaxin, alprazolam) can be prescribed.
    • Drugs to regulate sleep (phenazepam, seduxen). These medications can only be used for a limited amount of time due to the risk of addiction to them.
    • Vitamin complexes (neurovitan, B vitamins).
    • General strengthening agents (calcium glycerophosphate, iron preparations, pantocalcin), antioxidants (Mexidol), angioprotectors (cinnarizine).
    • For cardiovascular manifestations, hawthorn tincture, valerian, and motherwort preparations may be recommended.
    • In some cases, tonics are prescribed: separal, ginseng, Chinese lemongrass.

    Folk and auxiliary remedies

    In all cases of the disease, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment for neurasthenia. A consultation with a physiotherapist is often necessary. The following methods can be recommended: massage, electrosleep, aromatherapy, reflexology, water treatments - various baths, circular or rain shower.

    Among folk remedies, herbal infusions and infusions that have a slight calming effect can be used: marsh cudweed, valerian root, motherwort.

    If there is a need to activate vital forces, then you can use tonic medicinal plants: oregano herb, rose hips, calamus root, raspberries, birch leaves, chicory, strawberries.


    Simultaneously with drug treatment, it is necessary to use psychotherapeutic methods. Psychotherapy is aimed at changing the patient’s attitude towards a traumatic situation, or the doctor should help him adapt to it. Auto-training and the method of electroencephalographic biofeedback are widely used. Both individual and complex therapy are indicated.

    What is this concept

    To begin with, it is worth defining general neurosis. Neurosis is a functional (that is, manifested in specific dysfunctions, for example, psychogenic impotence, inability to begin or complete sexual intercourse) reversible, psychogenic disorders. The following symptoms are typical for patients:

    • Asthenia (complaints of weakness, decreased vitality, performance, drowsiness,
    • Obsessive ideas (examples: fear of closed spaces, unreasonable fear of failure in bed, despite the fact that the patient is physiologically healthy).
    • Hysterical state (excessive manifestations of emotions).

    Obsessive ideas deserve special attention. They are diverse. But they are always distinguished by illogicality, inadequate reactions, dead-end moves - so much so that it is obvious: it is necessary to work with a problem in the field of the psyche.

    • Example No. 1: a man cannot complete sexual intercourse with his wife, experiences fear of failure, avoids intimacy, while no problems arise with his mistress.
    • Example No. 2: a man who has had a sexually transmitted disease in the past feels unreasonable itching of the genitals after each sexual intercourse, although there is no objective evidence of the disease.

    Many experts do not classify sexual neurosis as a separate category of diseases. There is no sexual neurosis in ICD-10. It can be classified in category F40-F48- “Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders.”


    There are no officially designated species. The most typical situations can be described:

    1. Neurosis of expectation of failure. Negative experiences of “wanting and not being able” can lead to the development of this inadequate reaction. Objectively, the patient is able to perform sexual intercourse, but he is paralyzed by the fear of not being up to par, as a result of which he gives up trying to do something in advance. And his body says “helps”. Neurosis of expectation of failure can be understood more broadly; such a reaction can occur to any important event, for example, an exam. The patient follows an unconscious internal logic: it is better not to pass at all than to try and fail.
    2. Neurotic masturbation. It should be distinguished from normal, although the Russian sexologist L. Ya. Yakobzon claims that any masturbation is a neurosis. We can talk about neurotic masturbation if self-satisfaction completely replaces or has led to specific problems in normal paired sexual intercourse. If masturbation is only a way to realize libido, for example, during a wife’s pregnancy, there is no talk of pathology.
    3. Neurosis, expressed in specific somatic dysfunctions. For example, itching of the genitals, despite the fact that all tests are normal and no pathologies are observed. A classic example of such neurosis is described in the “Lives of the Saints” from Epiphanius, about the attack of “ants” on his “secret uds” (genital organs), although, of course, in his story the story takes on a touch of a miracle and is replete with specific details: ants attacking the genital organs the holy hermit, were the most natural, and in order to get rid of the monstrosity, the elder needed to pray properly. But as an illustration of a neurotic reaction, the wonderful story is ideal. Unpleasant sensations arising in the area of ​​the external genital organs, which are of a neurotic nature, can indeed be extremely realistic, and they cannot be eliminated with medications.

    The causes of sexual neuroses, as well as the manifestations of the disease, can be so diverse that any classification is difficult.

    Causes of sexual neurasthenia

    A traumatic factor can be:

    1. Negative event.
    2. Difficulties in interpersonal relationships.
    3. Personality characteristics (difficulties during the development of sexuality).

    Problems in a couple that can lead to the development of the disease:

    1. Ridicule, humiliation from a partner.
    2. Unconstructive conflicts.
    3. Inappropriate reactions, behavior, requests from a partner.
    4. Ignoring desires, emotional deafness, selfishness, indifference.
    5. A big difference in sexual preferences, permanent dissatisfaction.

    Other possible reasons include: lack of sex with the inability to sublimate, childhood traumas, including those not related to gender, overly strict upbringing, past illnesses, neurological dysfunctions.

    Often the trigger is an undiagnosed urological disease - the patient associates the reasons for his failures or lack of desire with psychological factors

    Symptoms and diagnosis

    Sexual neurasthenia is difficult to diagnose, especially since those affected rarely seek help and are often unable to clearly tell what is bothering them.

    Psychological defenses are often included: compensation, rationalization, denial and others, so the situation when the victim is undergoing treatment for a completely different disease is not uncommon. The symptoms of sexual neurosis overlap with the symptoms of neurosis in the general sense:

    1. Emotional disturbances, inappropriate emotions, often for no apparent reason.
    2. Problems in relationships, communication, increased vulnerability.
    3. Inadequate assessment of one's sexual capabilities, underestimated or overestimated
    4. Anxiety, fear. In difficult cases, phobias, panic attacks (fear or panic with pronounced vegetative disorders: palpitations, sweating, rapid pulse, chills, suffocation), panic disorders are possible.
    5. Indecision, uncertainty, contradictory desires, pessimism, cynicism.
    6. Irritability, sudden mood swings, decreased resistance to stress.
    7. Reduced performance: fatigue, weakened mental functions, often sleep disorders.

    Physical dysfunctions are also possible, especially in the sexual sphere:

    1. Decreased libido, lack of desire, unusual, difficult to realize fantasies, inability to start or complete sexual intercourse, impotence (psychogenic), lack of orgasm, pleasure, satisfaction.
    2. Dizziness, migraines, pressure changes until the eyes darken, loss of balance.
    3. Eating disorders: gluttony, malnutrition, feeling of constant hunger or, on the contrary, lack of appetite.
    4. Disturbances in the functioning of various organs and systems: surges in blood pressure, arrhythmia, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), frequent or difficult urination, stool disorders, indigestion.
    5. Insomnia, other sleep disorders: waking up at night, nightmares, feeling tired and groggy after waking up, difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep.
    6. Hypochondria (unreasonable concern for health), pain and discomfort in various parts of the body, for example, itching in the external genital area.


    Sexual neurosis primarily affects the sexual sphere, but gradually invades other areas of life. The condition is reversible, meaning that upon recovery, all symptoms will disappear without any consequences.

    However, prolonged nervous tension against the background of existing diseases or characteristics of the body can lead to aggravation of diseases and their transition to a chronic form, for example, increased stomach acidity will lead to chronic gastritis. Other likely negative consequences include:

    • Failures in work, career, personal life.
    • Diseases, especially gynecological and andrological. The gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems are most often affected.
    • Gaining excess weight, or, on the contrary, sudden weight loss.


    • https://www.astromeridian.ru/medicina/kak_lechit_vospalenie_polovyh_organov.html
    • https://illness.DocDoc.ru/nevrastenija
    • http://1neurologia.ru/nevroz/seksualnyj/

    Due to the fact that in the realities of the modern world a person is forced to make the maximum amount of effort to achieve what he wants, many psychological diseases have developed. To some extent, this can be frightening, because psychological illnesses are considered one of the most severe, since a person must heal himself on an emotional and intellectual level. Experts in this field of medicine recommend devoting more time to rest, because endless work not only exhausts the body, but also the person’s personality. The article is aimed at providing information about this type of disease such as sexual neurasthenia.

    What is sexual neurasthenia?

    It would be appropriate to start with a general definition of neurasthenia, because this will help to better understand the intricacies of the disease and understand how it may differ from other diseases of this type.

    Neurasthenia is a mental disorder that belongs to the group of neuroses. It occurs due to the maximum exhaustion of the human psyche as a result of constant and heavy stress on it. According to statistics, this disorder occurs among young and middle-aged people - from twenty to forty years.

    The disease itself can be caused by many factors, but in each case it is guaranteed to have unpleasant consequences. Sexual neurasthenia is a disorder of the central nervous system that leads to a decrease in human sexual activity.

    Sexual neurasthenia mainly affects young people, and most often these are men. Scientists have proven that this disease occurs due to prolonged psychological and physical stress. Today, each of us experiences constant stress at work, at home, in transport, in the store and in other similar places. Therefore, neurasthenia can be safely called a disease of civilization, because it affects those who are not able to cope with stressful everyday life.

    Causes of sexual neurasthenia

    Due to the characteristics of the disease, many factors can be called the causes of sexual neurasthenia, but what they all have in common is that they significantly affect the human psyche.

    The main causes of sexual neurasthenia include:

    • stress on the nervous system;
    • lack of rest;
    • frequent masturbation from an early age;
    • lack of adequate nutrition;
    • bad habits;
    • lack of healthy sleep;
    • frequent and incomplete sexual intercourse.

    The main feature of neurasthenia is that it occurs in everyone individually, stimulated by individual circumstances. At such moments, the support of family and friends is important for the patient; they are the ones who will not allow you to fall into depression.

    Symptoms of sexual neurasthenia

    When a person suffering from this type of neurasthenia realizes his problems, he is not necessarily in a hurry to go to a specialist in this field for full treatment. This may be due to simple embarrassment or a reluctance to accept that a person may have problems with intimate health.

    The main symptoms of sexual neurasthenia:

    • constant feeling of excitement;
    • frequent emissions;
    • weak or absent erection;
    • pain during ejaculation;
    • premature ejaculation;
    • weak orgasm;
    • loss of sexual desire;
    • weakening of sexual sensations;
    • changes in the functioning of the genital organs;
    • depressed mood;
    • negative emotions;
    • reduced ability to work;
    • pain in the lower back;
    • constipation

    Doctors say that it would be extremely unwise to ignore such a disease, because mental illnesses can lead to consequences of varying severity. Many people who suffer from sexual neurasthenia experience a depressed state and signs of depression. This can be called very dangerous, because a person who is depressed may have thoughts about his own insignificance and worthlessness.

    Treatment of sexual neurasthenia

    For successful treatment of sexual neurasthenia, the person’s attitude is extremely important, how much he wants to get rid of this uncomfortable illness, which significantly lowers self-esteem.

    Doctors have developed several methods that will allow you to completely get rid of sexual neurasthenia, but for this you need to strictly adhere to all the instructions that were prescribed by a competent specialist.

    To begin with, the patient must give up all sorts of bad habits that in one way or another worsen his health. Also, during treatment you will have to refrain from sexual intercourse. Moreover, it is not recommended to stay in medical institutions throughout the entire treatment; this will not allow the patient to escape from the disease, and the quality of treatment may decrease due to worries.

    For healing, it is important to improve the quantity and quality of your sleep. It is recommended to take frequent and good rest, this will allow you to remove all accumulated stress. Don’t forget about proper nutrition, it will give your body the strength to fight the disease. According to the recommendations of medical professionals, it is best to sleep lying on your back, this will not allow blood to stagnate in the bone marrow.

    Water therapy can be called effective: while undergoing it, the patient relaxes as much as possible, enjoys it and stops thinking about his own inferiority. This type of treatment allows you to get rid of all kinds of stress and prevent the emergence of new ones.

    Acupuncture is also considered an effective method of combating sexual neurasthenia. Games directly act on the nerve endings, allowing them to relax. It is also possible to use sex hormones, which reduce desire.

    To summarize, we can say that sexual neurasthenia is a disease that can be cured. To do this, you need to strive as much as possible for the desired result and choose the right course individually. Be healthy!

    There are a huge number of psychological disorders in the modern world. In most cases, a person tries to cope with them himself, but there are cases when self-medication can only lead to a worsening of the condition. Such ailments include sexual neurasthenia. The patient should not be left alone with the disorder. As a result, this can lead to a deterioration in the condition or the development of other psychological diseases.

    Nature of the disease

    Neurasthenia is one of the psychological diseases that experts classify as neuroses. It appears due to the fact that the individual is constantly under environmental pressure. In many cases, this disease can be found in people between 20 and 40 years old.

    The disease can occur due to a wide variety of factors. It is worth noting that everyone’s body is individual and reacts differently to certain stimuli. For some, a small scandal is enough, while others succumb to nervous tension for years, and only then does this illness manifest itself.

    Genital sexual neurasthenia in most cases affects young people, mainly men. Doctors have already proven that the disease appears due to constant psychological and physical stress.

    Neurosis is called a disease of civilization: it affects those who cannot cope with the harshness of everyday life.


    Sexual neurasthenia has many factors that influence its occurrence. Therefore, it is simply impossible to identify all the reasons. But there are main sources of stress that play the role of triggers for the majority:

    1. Constant psychological stress.
    2. Inadequate sleep.
    3. Constant masturbation.
    4. Incorrect or inadequate nutrition.
    5. Alcohol and smoking.
    6. Incomplete sexual intercourse or too frequent intercourse.

    The peculiarity of neurasthenia is that it occurs individually for each person. This is influenced by various factors that constantly oppress a person. During periods of stress, it is very important to provide the patient with support and not allow him to succumb to negative influences, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Not always, when a person realizes that he has problems, he rushes to the doctor. This may be caused by ordinary embarrassment or a reluctance to accept oneself as one is. But you can carry out preliminary diagnostics yourself.

    Sexual neurasthenia manifests itself as follows:

    • constant sexual activity;
    • weak erection;
    • pain in the groin;
    • premature ejaculation;
    • weakness;
    • low sexual activity;
    • Bad mood;
    • negative emotions;
    • back pain.

    This is only a small part of the symptoms that can occur with this disease. Therefore, you should treat your body with special care. To ignore such a disease is to allow the disease to lead to harmful consequences.

    Treatment methods

    Sexual neurasthenia can only be cured if the person himself understands that something is wrong with him. Modern doctors have developed a number of techniques that allow them to cope with this difficult disease.

    To begin with, the patient is advised to give up all bad habits. They worsen not only physical health, but also psychological health. Sexual neurasthenia can be treated only if the patient is ready to cooperate with doctors and adhere to all recommendations.

    Therapy involves abstaining from sex. Also, you should not stay in the hospital for the entire treatment period. This will only depress the patient even more.

    Achieving quality sleep is very important for recovery. It is also recommended to relax outside the home more often. Another important part of therapy is proper nutrition. Vegetables and fruits will saturate the body with vitamins, which will allow it to strengthen and recover from stress.

    Sexual neurasthenia is in many cases treated with hydrotherapy, acupuncture and other methods. Doctors recommend not to resort to medications, because... This is simply one of the difficult moments in a person’s life, which can be easily dealt with without the help of various medications.


    Sexual neurasthenia occurs in people in youth or during puberty. To avoid such a disease, you need to carefully monitor your mental and physical health.

    It is also very important that parents pay attention to their teenage children. The period of life called “difficult age” often passes with a wide variety of negative consequences. Children at this time are overly excited and nervous.