How to drink ginger mixture lemon honey. Useful properties of ginger. Features of preparation and storage

The cultivated plant ginger has been known all over the world for a long time. It is used in cooking, cosmetology, for preparing folk recipes. Nowadays, the unique properties of ginger have been proven by scientists. They are determined by many useful substances contained in the product. The plant contains many chemical elements which have a positive effect on human immunity.

The plant is also endowed with vitamins, fats and various amino acids necessary for the human body. Basic substances of this product is sugar, starch. Ginger also contains gingerol, a component that gives it a special taste.

Today the plant is used for healing; ginger and lemon are most often prepared for immunity.

Impact on the immune system

For supporting immune system the root of this plant is considered the best remedy. The rich composition of ginger has a beneficial effect on the general condition, and also supports the body during viral and colds. The product has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improves immunity, helps fight depression and stress, and supports inert human activity.

There are many folk recipes using this spice. All of them can be prepared independently at home. Ginger with lemon is the best effective method restoration of immunity after past diseases. Lemon is not only a storehouse of vitamin C, but also many trace elements, carotenes and organic acids. This citrus is an indispensable tool for many diseases.

The healing mixture is endowed with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities. In addition, the root is able to purify the blood and normalize blood flow. Both adults and children enjoy using ginger and lemon for immunity, thanks to pleasant aroma components.

To soften taste qualities mixture, honey is added to it, which also has many advantages. This medicine perfectly helps with various infectious and acute colds. Ginger root is also widely used for prevention.

A long time ago medicinal recipe, which contains products such as ginger and lemon, is the most common among patients who need to improve their overall health. For greater effectiveness, experts recommend using the mixture in compliance with proper nutrition and performing physical education. This course of treatment helps the body fight stressful condition, improves the functioning of the immune system. This drug can be used by adults and children if they have no contraindications to its use.


Important during use medicinal root observe correct dosage. If the plant is used as a seasoning for dishes, then it is used a small amount of product. So no need to worry about side effects from an overdose. However, do not forget that you may be intolerant to ginger.

It is not recommended to make ginger drinks for children under two years of age. The plant will not benefit patients suffering from ulcers or gastritis. Ginger should not be used by patients who are preparing for surgery. Taking mixtures and drinks made from ginger is not compatible with blood thinners, as well as with elevated temperature and bleeding. The plant can be used by pregnant women only with the permission of a doctor.

How to brew ginger for immunity: recipes for mixtures and methods of use

It is worth immediately noting that not the entire plant is used, but only its root. It is in it that all the useful substances have accumulated, which have a beneficial effect on all human organs and systems. You can buy the root of the plant in almost all stores. You can also grow this crop yourself, but it will take a lot of time.

In order for the treatment to bring benefits to human health, you should understand how to brew ginger for immunity. Also, you should know some secrets of choosing this vegetable. The root system should not be damaged and be smooth, which indicates its freshness. A product with an elongated shape contains much more vitamins and microelements. Don't forget about individual use ginger

How to choose ingredients

In order for ginger to help restore the immune system as much as possible, it should be combined with other ingredients: lemon, honey, dried fruits, medicinal herbs. All of these natural products also have strong properties immunostimulants.

Mixtures and drinks from this spice are often prepared independently at home. It is used after the end of illness to boost immunity, as well as with for preventive purposes. Recipes with ginger root have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to use the root only within three weeks of storage.

For adult patients, an alcohol-based ginger tincture is prepared to improve immunity. Many patients prefer this effective treatment method. To do this, for 300 g of pre-crushed product you will need 400 g of alcohol. Mix everything and place in a cool and dark place to infuse for seven days. The medicine should be taken 2 times a day before meals.

A drink with ginger and dried fruits, which can boost immunity, is also useful for promoting health. Such dry fruits include raisins, dried apricots, prunes, and figs. All crushed components are poured with boiling water and infused. The drink is consumed warm 30 minutes before meals.

How to cook

How to brew ginger for immunity, so that when cooking ginger root he didn't lose his healing qualities, described below. Properly prepared medicine will help not only in restoring immunity, but also in treating many ailments. The product can be infused with alcohol or made into a pleasant drink. If you add lemon to tea, it will bring even more benefits.

It is recommended to drink ginger tea in the autumn-winter period for prevention. colds. The desired piece of root is peeled before cooking. Moreover, the skin is cut off in a thin layer because it is under it that there is an accumulation of essential oils, which give the drink a wonderful aroma.

Before preparing the medicine, the root of the plant is finely chopped and poured boiled water. Lemon is added to the finished infusion, and sugar is added for sweetness, but honey is better. They will add to the drink pleasant taste and aroma. Moreover, the combination of these natural products has an enhanced effect on the restoration of the immune system and general condition person. All components must be taken in the required proportion which are recommended in the recipes.

Small slices of the prepared product can be thrown into any tea, then it will be aromatic and even more useful. You can also prepare your own ginger drink by grinding it first. The root should be boiled for about 15 minutes and no longer, and it is recommended to steam it in a thermos for 30 minutes. Slices of the spicy root can simply be chewed to disinfect the oral cavity.

Formula recipes for children and adults

The most effective remedy for recovery normal operation immune system, as well as prevention various diseases, especially for colds in children and adults, ginger root with the addition of lemon is considered. This recipe has been tested for years and is very popular. However, for continuous use of such recipes, it is better to consult a doctor.

Prepared from spices healing mixtures, drinks, infusions, and also used for inhalation. The root of the plant is also used for cooking various dishes, due to which the patient’s well-being improves. It is recommended to use fresh vegetable because it retains more of those substances that can help both adults and children restore their health.

  1. Drink. Peel two centimeters of ginger root and chop it. Then cook the pulp in 2 liters of liquid. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. The drink can be drunk with the addition of lemon and sugar, one glass in the morning and evening.
  2. Medicinal mixture. To enhance the effect of ginger on the body, it is combined with foods that have a similar effect. Take 200 g of chopped root, two lemons, minced together with the peel, 100 g of finely chopped dried apricots and figs, 200 g of cranberries. After all the products have been combined, pour in 200 g of honey and mix the contents thoroughly again. Take the drug 1 teaspoon, preferably with tea.
  3. In order to improve tone and strengthen the immune system, it is useful to periodically drink a glass of tea with ginger and lemon. Add 3 slices of peeled root and a few drops of lemon juice to the tea leaves. You can add sweetness to the cup of drink if desired.
  4. - 100 g, dried fruits in a set or one type (raisins, prunes) - 100 g, walnuts— 200 g, natural honey — 250 g. All components should be crushed and mixed thoroughly. Then the mixture is closed in a glass container and left in a dark place for 7 days.

It is worth noting that such a combination as ginger, lemon and honey is allowed to be taken by children only after 5 years. Moreover, the dose of such a mixture for a child is 1 teaspoon per day, while for adults you can take 1 teaspoon per day. If ginger is excluded from this mixture, it can be used for children from 3 years of age.

In damp, cold weather, ginger will help protect the body from colds. This plant contains camphin, feladrin, gingerol, borneol, which are present in large quantities vitamins C, A, B1, metals - magnesium, sodium, zinc. All substances enhance immunity and help resist diseases.

When purchasing, take the root in your hands. Choose a plant that is firm and smooth, with fibers and no black spots. Conventionally, a distinction is made between “young” and “old” ginger. “Young” does not need to be peeled before cooking. Store in the freezer for up to 6 months, in the refrigerator for up to three weeks, pre-packed in plastic wrap. Ginger should not be taken by people with cholelithiasis and those suffering from ulcerative colic, as well as newborns. Nursing mothers can use the product if there is no allergy or other body reaction.

Most often, a ginger drink is prepared for consumption. Peel the root, cutting off the crust as thinly as possible; at the surface there is an aromatic layer rich in oils. Grate the product on a fine grater. You can add a little water and grind the root in a blender until it becomes mushy, which is even better - you get more juice. To obtain the drink, pour two liters of hot water over the grated mass. After 10 minutes, you can drink the tincture. It is allowed to boil water over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Drink 200 g twice a day, regardless of meals. Ginger is measured in centimeters; for this recipe, two centimeters of the root is enough. The plant has a specific taste - tart with bitterness, so add lemon, cinnamon or cardamom, and honey to the drink. The tincture can be drunk along with the pulp, but you can squeeze it out. Do not drink it before bed if it prevents you from falling asleep, or before meals if you experience discomfort.

You can drink ginger with tea. Pour two teaspoons of tea leaves into the bowl and one grated ginger, a slice of lemon and pour boiling water over it. After brewing, strain the tincture, cool slightly and add honey.

Good results gives ginger juice, which must be taken up to 3 times a day, 3-5 mil. To prevent the child from refusing the juice because of the unpleasant taste, a mousse with honey and lemon is made from the root. In addition to its medicinal properties, the drink is very refreshing on a hot day.

For those who are always in a hurry, there is a simplified way to prepare the drink. Wash the product, remove the skin and cut thinly. Place in hot water, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat - and you’re ready to drink.

There is a recipe for cooking medicinal product without insisting. Peel the root weighing 120 g and grate it on a fine grater. Peel four lemons and cut into small cubes. Pour the ingredients into a bowl and puree with a blender. Add 150 g of honey. You can add 300 g of pumpkin. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. To boost immunity, take a tablespoon every day. The mixture can also be added to tea.

Candied ginger has appeared on supermarket shelves. It is brought from China, where this product is very popular. It retains its beneficial properties and has a pleasant taste. You can candied ginger yourself. Peel the root and place it in cold water, heat to a boil and cook for half an hour until softened. Sprinkle the product with sugar and put it in the refrigerator for storage. Use with tea.

You will feel the results of using ginger in your diet within a month. It has properties similar to garlic, but lacks unpleasant odor. Therefore, ginger is located at the top line in the table of popularity of substances that enhance immunity.

Among the many recipes for immunity, a mixture of ginger, lemon and honey is deservedly popular. In this combination there are representatives of three culinary cultures. Lemon and citrus fruits in general are representatives Mediterranean cuisine(although this fruit was brought to the Mediterranean from India by the soldiers of Alexander the Great). Beekeeping is one of the world's traditions, although the Slavs were traditionally strong in this activity. Ginger, also called Japanese horseradish, came from the Far East.

In Russia, other plants with a ginger-like effect have been used to treat colds since ancient times - black radish and ordinary garden horseradish. But ginger has a much more refined taste and can be used in much more more culinary recipes, as well as when brewing teas. It’s hard to imagine tea with the addition of horseradish or black radish.

A new combination of vitamins and immunomodulators has brought a fresh impetus to strengthening the immune system in our country, whose residents practically did not know what ginger was until the early 90s of the last century, when the first establishments of Japanese and Chinese cuisine appeared in our cities.

You can talk endlessly about the healing properties of the three legendary ingredients of the mixture to improve immunity. Let's try to collect the most Interesting Facts about amazing properties honey, lemon and ginger.


Zingiberaceae are a genus of dicotyledons. herbaceous plants with strong roots or roots, which are the main culinary and pharmacological value of the plant. In addition to ginger (Zingiber officinale), from which the spice called “ginger” is made, the ginger genus includes turmeric, cardamom, alpinia officinale and several other plants, from the roots of which valuable seasonings and healing extracts. In total, the ginger genus includes 52 species and many subspecies.

Actually, pharmaceutical ginger grows wild in the eastern and South-East Asia, some countries in Africa and Central America. But for many decades the plant has been grown in greenhouses and nurseries for culinary and pharmacological needs. Over the past 30 years, ginger has been actively cultivated in our country.

The root of adult plants is dug up and dried. Depending on the subsequent processing, a distinction is made between white (washed) and black ginger; the former is valued much higher, although they have the same beneficial properties.

Ginger root is sold in fresh. You can buy dried spices - in the form of candied fruits and in powder form. The higher the quality of the ground raw material, the stronger its aroma. Pickled ginger is also used in cooking, but healing properties noticeably lower if it is marinated in ordinary vinegar. To preserve the benefits, it is recommended to marinate it with honey and citric acid(you can also use apple cider vinegar).

Ginger root is a real treasure trove biologically. active substances. Their list includes:

  • essential oils from the group terpenes;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins A, C, B1, B2;
  • many macro and microelements.

Ginger's fiery, tart flavor comes from gingerol, a close relative of the alkaloids capsaicin and piperine, the main flavor components of chili peppers and black pepper.

There are thousands of recipes for dishes using ginger as a flavoring in different cuisines around the world. Ginger is added to beer, soft drinks, tea, dough, sauces, compotes, jelly, puddings, etc. Most Russians are familiar with pickled ginger, which, according to Japanese tradition, is used as a snack during a meal of sushi and sashimi. The habit of eating ginger along with rolls does not correspond to traditions Japanese cuisine, this is a purely Russian invention.

But ginger tends to increase arterial pressure, therefore, for hypertensive patients and people with any diseases of cardio-vascular system should be taken with caution!

There are many folk recipes medicines Ginger-based, but its strength can be doubled with the other two ingredients in our trio - honey and lemon.


There is no need to talk about the benefits of honey and other bee products for human health. Otherwise, people would not have been engaged in beekeeping since time immemorial on all continents except Australia and Antarctica. By the way, the word “honey” itself has ancient Semitic roots, and during excavations of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings, a hermetically sealed amphora with honey was found, which had not lost its properties at all. nutritional properties for three thousand years.

Natural Bee Honey has dozens unique properties, including general strengthening and immunomodulating. The value of honey has been known for many thousands of years. The ancient Slavs were convinced beekeepers and beekeepers, in the principalities Ancient Rus' taxes and taxes were paid in money, furs, livestock and bee honey.

Honey stimulates natural production interferons in the body. They are the ones who are in partnership with immunocompetent cells They find cells in the body that have been infected by viruses and bacteria, as well as those that have embarked on the path of malignant degeneration. It is thanks to interferons that the mechanism works humoral immunity, thanks to which the body detects and neutralizes foreign molecules and life forms in the intercellular space, preventing aggressors from infecting still healthy cells.

Honey is rich in quickly digestible, high-calorie substances that carry energy, necessary for the body in the face of infection. The product of cultivated bees contains dozens of valuable amino acids, vitamins A, C, K, E, P and B vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Everyone knows that honey is incredibly useful during colds, both in terms of treatment and prevention. Honey not only fights infection and softens coughs, but also forms a thin film on the mucous membrane, which has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Honey is extremely beneficial for men's and women's health. The expression "honeymoon" comes from Scandinavia. There, in the Middle Ages, newlyweds had to include honey in their diet in order to give birth to healthy offspring.


When mentioning all citrus fruits, the first medical association– ascorbic acid or vitamin C. This substance has a strong antioxidant and immunostimulating effect. Vitamin C does not kill viruses and other pathogens that have entered our body, but it maximally activates all protective resources, directing them to fight treacherous invaders.

But it’s not ascorbic acid alone that lemon is valuable. The sunny fruit contains organic acids, pectin, beta-carotene, other vitamins, vegetable fiber. One lemon wedge eaten per day helps stabilize cellular metabolism, remove from cells and intercellular space toxins, improve performance gastrointestinal tract along its entire length. Lemons, like all yellow and orange fruits, are good for your eyesight.

And now let’s imagine the combined effect of using a miraculous mixture to boost immunity, which includes lemon, honey and ginger!

Immunity mixture recipe

The vitamin mixture is prepared very quickly. The recipe is extremely simple.

Ingredient ratio:

  • 200 g of honey (preferably liquid, but in no case subjected to heat treatment, because when heated, honey not only loses its beneficial properties, but becomes poisonous);
  • peeled ginger root – 400-500 g;
  • 2 medium sized lemons.

Cooking process

Wash the lemon peels thoroughly, you can scald them with boiling water to wash away all the dirt from the porous peels and chemicals if they were processed for preservation before transportation. Cut the lemons into slices, removing the seeds, as they add bitterness. Also cut the washed and peeled ginger root into slices. Grind ginger with lemons in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add honey, mix thoroughly, place in sterile jars and put in the refrigerator.

Mode of application.

Take 1-2 teaspoons several times a day with water or tea, but not very hot (to preserve the beneficial properties of the ingredients). You can simply make lemonade by mixing it with water and drinking it throughout the day.

If you add a little more garlic to this mixture, you will simply get a “thermonuclear bomb” for treating colds and flu. Take this mixture shortly before bedtime with herbal tea, add a pinch of cinnamon, extra warmth and sleep will speed up immune processes. And the light aroma of garlic will disappear by morning or be eliminated with a toothbrush and paste.

This vitamin mixture will be much healthier than artificial ones. chemicals and more pleasant in cost and taste.

Prepare a ginger mixture with honey and lemon for your family's immunity and be healthy!

Ginger with lemon and honey - these three simple ingredients will help us in winter time support your immune system and stay healthy. I offer housewives to take note of my simple recipe on how to prepare a vitamin preparation for the winter, which stimulates the enhancement of immunity using folk remedies.

In my recipe, the proportions of ingredients are correctly selected and the mixture is not only healthy, but also very tasty. Ginger is used with lemon and honey both for colds and for weight loss. The step-by-step photos will become faithful assistants for cooks.


  • ginger root – 200 g;
  • lemon – 300 gr;
  • bee honey - 700 gr.

To prepare a vitamin preparation, I usually choose thin-skinned, medium-sized lemons. Such lemons usually have much fewer seeds than thick-skinned lemons. You can determine how thin the lemon peel is visually. Thin-rind lemons are less porous than their thick-rind counterparts.

Be sure to choose fresh ginger root, and in no case limp. A correctly selected spine will give its full healing juice our vitamin preparation.

Bee honey is better to take flower or May honey. But the main thing is that it has not yet had time to crystallize, otherwise it will be difficult to mix it until smooth with ginger and lemon.

Since the peel of the ginger root also contains a lot of useful substances, I will not peel the root to prepare our vitamin preparation. We need to thoroughly wash it under running water to remove any dirt. I do this very simply, using a toothbrush specially made for such purposes.

I will grind the lemons together with the peel, and so that the peel does not taste bitter, we need to scald our lemons with boiling water from a kettle.

Then cut the ginger root into small pieces.

We cut off the rough skin at the ends of the lemons, cut them into four parts and remove the seeds, if any.

Then add lemon to the blender and grind everything together.

Now, we can start assembling our vitamin preparation. Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.

If your honey is too thick, then before adding it you need to melt it a little in a water bath (do not heat it too much, the honey may lose its beneficial properties).

You can store the vitamin preparation for 3-4 months, but usually my household eats it faster.

How to use ginger with lemon and honey

To maintain normal immunity in the winter and spring, an adult needs to eat 2-3 tablespoons of a healing mixture per day, and a child needs 2-3 teaspoons. Also, our ginger-honey-lemon preparation is very tasty added to cooled (not hot) tea.

Eat healthy raw ginger jam with lemon and honey with pleasure and be healthy!


Dear readers, we all know that autumn is not only a time of beautiful wilting of nature, but also changeable weather, which means the season of colds. With the onset of cold weather, acute respiratory infections and flu regularly return, unpleasant companions for children and adults. Therefore, it becomes so important for everyone to take care of their immunity and strengthen it.

This is especially true for all city residents. There are many reasons for a weakened immune system: this and bad ecology, unbalanced diet, foods not best quality, stressful situations and excessive mental stress. As a result, the immune system begins to malfunction, which is especially noticeable in the number of seasonal colds.

But still there are simple and effective means strengthen protective forces body, prepare for waves of viruses, protect yourself from infections. Today we will remember one such health recipe - ginger with lemon and honey.

Ginger, lemon, honey. Triple effect. More useful together

Three quite familiar natural ingredients– ginger, lemon, honey together give a wonderful useful remedy. It will strengthen the immune system, prevent the onset of colds, and allow you to cope with any illness that appears. This aromatic and tasty vitamin mixture will also increase overall tone, give strength to the body and mind, and help cleanse blood vessels. It tastes more like a delicacy than a medicine.

For immunity, honey, ginger, lemon - form a harmonious and effective combination. These three gifts of nature in union seem to be specially created to support a person in the autumn-winter time, when depression appears or fatigue accumulates.

These components are useful both together and on their own. Let's talk briefly about the benefits of each.


Natural honey, like all bee products, is the most valuable health product. This natural antiseptic with excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to honey, interferon is actively produced, which strengthens the immune system and fights off viral attacks. Honey tones and strengthens the body, it is an antibacterial, anticonvulsant, and is good for digestion.

Honey reduces triglyceryls in the body, which is good for the heart. It heals wounds and normalizes hemoglobin, copes well with coughs and is known as a classic cold remedy. Simple honey water at regular use will maintain health. Combined with lemon and ginger, it will give you energy and help eliminate nausea.

Honey contains many useful elements: vitamin set (A, B, C, E, K, P), minerals, amino acids, sugars, enzymes, etc.


Lemon is famous natural antioxidant. This is a treasure trove ascorbic acid, a means to strengthen the immune system. Lemon tones, relieves heat, has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. It gives energy to the heart muscle, stops bleeding, resists stress and perfectly quenches thirst.

Lemon contains vitamins (A, B, C, E, P), mineral elements, organic acids, alimentary fiber. You can read about the beneficial properties of lemon in the article


Ginger (ginger root) – special herbal product. It has a unique aroma, a specific pungent taste and a lot of medicinal properties. It is an immunostimulant, it has an antimicrobial, diaphoretic, analgesic, and expectorant effect. Ginger normalizes digestion, eliminates inflammation, and is an antiallergic and sedative.

Ginger root treats sore throats and colds, increases appetite, eliminates migraines and nausea. He brings it back to normal hormonal background and perfectly warms the body, helps cleanse the blood and restore tissue, improves brain function. It is an antioxidant, it removes toxins and poisons, and also lowers cholesterol. Scientists have discovered antitumor properties ginger

Ginger contains many minerals and vitamins (A, B, C), amino acids, essential oils, fatty acid, alimentary fiber.

Beneficial properties of ginger, lemon and honey

For cold and damp times there is a recipe for health - ginger with lemon and honey. Together they give a special effect, reinforcing and complementing each other. Their medicinal properties not only strengthen our “protective barrier”, but also gently work for the benefit of other body systems.

Together these products will provide the following assistance:

  • Improve metabolic processes in organism;
  • Actively stimulate the immune system and have an antiviral effect;
  • Stop and eliminate harmful microorganisms;
  • Provide the necessary vitamin and mineral composition;
  • They will demote elevated temperature, will remove discomfort from acute respiratory infections and flu;
  • Will help remove inflammation from sore throats and colds;
  • They will warm you up, cleanse your body and give you energy.

In addition to strengthening the body, ginger with lemon and honey will be beneficial for the functioning of the heart, liver and kidneys. This mixture will cleanse the blood, saturate the brain with oxygen, and normalize intestinal function. The combination of these products can also be used for weight loss.

Ginger, lemon, honey. Healthy recipes for our immunity

There are two main ways to strengthen the immune system: classic recipe with ginger, lemon and honey. This is a warming and strengthening tea and a healthy vitamin mixture. Both the drink and the mixture will give the same effect and will be equally beneficial for health when many around begin to get sick.

Ginger. Lemon. Honey. Making delicious tea

To prepare you need ginger root, lemon and honey. Better to use clean water because we care about own health, strengthening our immunity.

First, you need to cut off the thin peel from the ginger root. If the root is young, this peel can be easily scraped off. Then the root is cut into small thin pieces. You can grate it, but it will take longer.

We will need about half of the ginger root average size(weight about 30 grams).

Wash lemon warm water and cut into 4 parts. For our amount of ginger you will need a quarter of a lemon. Squeeze the juice out of it.

We will need a regular size teapot. Put some chopped ginger into it and add lemon juice. Next, pour boiling water over the mixture. Infuse healing drink should take 20 – 30 minutes.

Add honey to warm tea, approximately 20 - 30 g. And if we are already using honey, there is no point in adding ginger tea sugar.

You should not add honey to hot water, it will lose its healing properties.

The proportions of this tea can be varied to suit your taste, achieving the perfect combination. The drink will give you strength to protect against colds and viruses, and will help with the first symptoms of a cold.

Vitamin mixture with ginger, lemon and honey. Recipe

From the same ingredients you can prepare a thick fortified mixture. This will be a jam for strong immunity, sweet and sour with a refreshing ginger aroma.

You will need about 200 g of ginger root, 4 lemons, 150 - 200 g of honey. Prepare a glass jar with a screw-on lid.

We peel the ginger root (you can just rinse it thoroughly and not peel it, because there is a lot of useful stuff in the peel) and cut it into small pieces. You can grate it. From my experience I will say that it is very difficult to clean a grater; everything immediately becomes clogged with fibers. It's best to cut it up.

Wash the lemons, you can remove the zest, but you can leave it, there’s a lot in it. valuable substances. I usually always use lemon along with the peel. Cut the lemons into small pieces.

Parts of ginger and lemon are ground in a meat grinder. You can use a blender or shaker bowl.

The resulting mass is placed in a bowl, honey is added to it. After mixing well, transfer the mixture into a clean, dry jar and close it. We send the mixture to the refrigerator, where it will infuse for 5 - 7 days.

There is a variation of the same mixture, in which lemon slices and ginger slices are laid out in layers in a glass container and seasoned with honey.

I suggest watching a video on how to prepare this healthy recipe with ginger, lemon and honey.

How to take this vitamin mixture?

For the prevention of flu and colds Eat a tablespoon of the mixture per day. It's best in the morning, half an hour before meals. Take the vitamin “jam” with a glass of water. Half a teaspoon of the mixture can be added to tea and drunk 3 times during the day. It is best to add this mixture not to hot tea, as vitamin C is destroyed under the influence of hot temperature.

This energy-rich natural supplement will protect you from flu and acute respiratory infections, and at the same time cleanse blood vessels and support the entire body.

If you feel the first signs of flu and colds , then you can take this vitamin mixture like this:

In the morning - 2 tablespoons of the mixture, washed down with a glass of water. The water temperature is about 60 degrees (not too hot, but not cool either).

In the afternoon – tea with 2 tablespoons of ginger mixture.

In the evening - either tea again, or repeat the morning version.

What do you need to know? We dosage vitamin mixture increased, plus enough hot water, so the effect of such a mixture will be with a diaphoretic effect. It is advisable not to go outside immediately, but also better at home until it is possible to stay, or if it is not possible, take it only in the evening.

Ginger, honey, lemon for weight loss. Recipes

As I already said, ginger contains components that warm us inside, increase blood circulation and “drown” our fat. This is why those who brew ginger tea notice that they become slimmer and lose weight.

I want to offer you two recipes for losing weight.

First recipe: 1 teaspoon of crushed ginger root should be poured with a glass of boiling water. When it cools down a little, add 1 teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon.

The second recipe for this tea . Brew 2-3 tablespoons of crushed root with boiling water in a large thermos (take 2 liters of water), add other ingredients to taste. It is best to brew this tea in the morning, pour it into a thermos and enjoy a cup of tea throughout the day.

The taste of this tea is sour-sweet-spicy. It is good to drink this tea if you have a slow metabolism. And if you drink it before meals, it will dull the feeling of hunger.

In order for such recipes to bring us health benefits, we must not miss the subtleties.

How to choose the right ingredients

Ginger, lemon, honey are very beneficial for the body, and you need to choose them for use carefully. First of all, take fresh products that you are confident in their quality.

Lemons must have a good, whole, dense peel. Look for a bright, light yellow shade with no dark areas.

Honey you need a natural one, preferably from an apiary. A trusted specialty store will also work. Best to look for liquid honey, it is much more convenient to make vitamin “jam” with it. For example, acacia honey is very healthy and crystallizes slowly.

Ginger The choice of ginger is also important. Search fresh root, firm, without obvious wrinkles. Better than an elongated shape, without veins, with a pronounced aroma. Do not purchase ground ginger for tea and vitamin mixture.

How to store our vitamin mixture?

Store the mixture of ginger, lemon and honey in the refrigerator or at least in the shade and cool.

Can we give ginger, lemon and honey mixture to our children?

Children under 3 years old should not be given ginger; it is too active for children. And honey often causes allergic reaction in kids.

For older children, you can offer candied ginger. Read about how to prepare them. They can be sucked like lollipops for sore throats and coughs by both adults and children. But be careful about contraindications.

Contraindications to products

Everything, even the most useful natural products, can have contraindications. Most often this is an individual intolerance to the product or its components.

The ginger-lemon-honey combination can cause harm or discomfort in a number of diseases:

  • Stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • Liver diseases (including hepatitis);
  • High pressure;
  • Some heart diseases;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Allergy.

It is worth remembering that tea with ginger, lemon and honey should not be drunk after 9 pm. This drink can overinvigorate you and prevent you from falling asleep easily. The tea or mixture should be taken regularly for periods of no more than 20 days.

If after taking any alarming symptoms, you need to consult a doctor.

Otherwise, ginger with lemon and honey is a recipe for health and vital energy for the cold season. This healing trio will warm you up, increase your tone, accelerate your blood, protect you from colds and viruses, and eliminate fatigue. Finally, it is not only healthy, but also very tasty. I wish everyone health and good mood.

Dear readers, how do you prepare a mixture of ginger, lemon and honey? Share your healthy recipes.

Magic lines for your beloved mother