Immune system immunity and its types. Immunity. Types of immunity. The immune system of the human body. Immunocompetent cells. When and how we weaken and destroy the immune system

The immune system provides specific protection for the body against genetically foreign molecules and cells.

Cells have a unique ability to recognize foreign antigens.

The immune system emphasizes the unity of cells by common origin, functional action and regulatory mechanisms

Central or primary organs of the immune system- red bone marrow and thymus.

Red bone marrow- the birthplace of all cells of the immune system and the maturation of B lymphocytes. In it, erythrocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, dendritic cells, B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocyte precursors and NK cells are formed from pluripotent stem cells.

Red bone marrow in children under 4 years of age is found in the cavities of all flat and tubular bones.

A At the age of 18, it remains only in the flat bones and epiphyses of the tubular bones.

With age, the number of red bone marrow cells decreases and it is replaced by yellow bone marrow.

Thymus- responsible for the development of T-lymphocytes, which come there from the red bone marrow from pre-T-lymphocytes.

In the thymus, T-lymphocytes with clusters (receptors that determine functional abilities) of CD4+ CD8+ differentiation are selected and those variants that are highly sensitive to antigens of their own cells are destroyed, i.e. it prevents an autoimmune reaction.

Thymic hormones accompany the functional maturation of T-lymphocytes and increase their secretion of cytokines.

The thymus is surrounded by a thin connective tissue capsule and consists of 2 asymmetrical lobes, divided into lobules. Under the capsule there is a basement membrane on which epithelioreticulocytes are located in one layer. The periphery of the lobules is the cortex, the central part is the medulla, all lobules are populated by lymphocytes. As Tim ages, he undergoes involution.

T lymphocytes differentiate to mature immune cells in the thymus, responsible for the cellular lymphocytes, B lymphocytes - Bursa Fabricius

Secondary organs of the immune system are peripheral organs.

Group 1 - structured organs of the immune system - spleen and lymph nodes.

Group 2 - unstructured.

Lymph nodes- filter lymph, extract antigens and foreign substances from it. Antigen-dependent proliferation and differentiation of T and B lymphocytes occurs in the lymph nodes. Mature non-immune lymphocytes formed in the bone marrow, with the lymph/bloodstream, enter the lymph nodes, encounter the antigen in the bloodstream, receive an antigen and cytokine stimulus and turn into mature immune lymphocytes capable of recognizing and destroying the antigen.

The lymph node is covered with a connective tissue capsule, trabeculae extend from it, have a cortical zone, a paracortical zone, medullary cords and a medullary sinus.

In the cortical zone there are lymphoid follicles, which contain dendritic cells and B - lymphocytes. The primary follicle is a small follicle with non-immune B lymphocytes.

After interacting with antigen, dendritic cells and T-lymphocytes, the B-lymphocyte is activated and forms a clone of proliferating B-lymphocytes, resulting in the formation of a germinal center that contains proliferating B-lymphocytes and after completion of immunogenesis, the primary follicle becomes secondary.

In the paracortical zone there are T-lymphocytes and post-capillary venules with high epithelium; through their walls, lymphocytes migrate from the blood to the lymph nodes and back. It also contains interdigitating cells that migrated to the lymph node through the lymphatic vessels from the integumentary tissues of the skin and mucous membranes along with the already processed (antigen processing) antigen. The medullary cords are located under the paracortical zone and contain macrophages, activated B lymphocytes, which differentiate into plasma antibody-producing cells. The cerebral sinus accumulates lymph with antibodies and lymphocytes and it is drained into the lymphatic bed and it is carried away through the efferent lymphatic vessel.


It has a connective tissue capsule, from which trabeculae extend, making up the frame of the organ. It has a pulp that forms the basis of the organ. The pulp contains lymphoid reticular tissue, blood vessels and blood cells. In the white pulp there is an accumulation of lymphoid cells in the form of periarterial lymphoid couplings. They are located around arterioles. The white pulp also contains germinal germinal centers and B cell follicles.

The red pulp contains capillary loops, red blood cells, and macrophages.

Functions of the spleen - in the white pulp there is contact between the cells of the immune system and the antigen that has penetrated into the blood, processing and presentation of this antigen. As well as the implementation of various types of immune response, mainly humoral.

Deposition of platelets occurs in the red pulp, up to 1/3 of all platelets are contained in the spleen, erythrocytes and granulocytes, and this is the destruction of damaged erythrocytes and platelets.

Lymphoid tissue associated with the skin.

These are white branched interdigitating Langenhars cells. They fix the antigen coming from the skin, process it and migrate to regional lymph nodes (“these are border guards who catch a saboteur and take him to the commandant’s office”)

Lymphoid cells of the epidermis, mainly T-lymphocytes and keratinocytes, as a mechanical barrier.

Lymphoid tissue associated with mucous membranes (the area of ​​which is 400 m2)

It is represented by structured - solitary follicles, appendix and tonsils, single lymphoid cells. The antigen penetrates the lymphoid tissue from the surface of the mucous membranes through special epithelial M-cells. Macrophages and dendritic cells located under the pithelium process the antigen and deliver its specific part to T and B lymphocytes.

It is characteristic that each tissue has populations of lymphocytes capable of recognizing their place of residence. They have homing “Home” receptors on their membranes. CLA - cutaneous lymphocyte antigen.

Peyorrhea plaques - Lymphoid formations located in the mucosal membrane, have three main components - the epithelial dome consists of epithelium devoid of intestinal villi and containing many M - cells. A lymphoid follicle with a germinal center that is filled with B lymphocytes.

Interfollicular zone - N lymphocytes and interdigitating cells.

The main function of a specific immune response is specific antigen recognition.

Forms of immune response.

  1. Cellular immunity is the accumulation of antigen specific active T-lymphocytes that perform effector functions, either directly by the lymphocytes themselves, or through the cellular mediators lymphokines secreted by them.
  2. Humoral immunity is based on the production of specific antibodies - immunoglobulins, which perform the main effector functions.
  3. Immunological memory is the body’s ability to respond to a second encounter with an antigen more intensely than to the first. This ability is acquired as a result of immunization with the same antigen.
  4. Immunological tolerance is a state of specific immunological a-reactivity of the body to certain antigens. It is characterized by -

A) lack of response to antigen

B) lack of elimination of the antigen upon repeated administration

C) Lack of antibodies to a given antigen. Antigens that cause immunological tolerance are called tolerogenic

Forms of immunological tolerance

Natural- formed by antigens in the prenatal period

Artificial- when very high or very low doses of antigen are introduced into the body.

Immunoglobulins- contained in blood and tissue fluid. The molecule consists of a protein and an oligosaccharide. According to electrophoretic properties, they are mainly gamma globulins, but alpha and beta are also found.

Immunoglobulin monomers consist of 2 pairs of chains - 2 short or L chains and 2 long or heavy H chains. The chains have a constant C and a variable V region.

Light chains There are 2 types - lambda or kappa, they are the same for all immunoglobulins, they contain 200 amino acid residues.

Heavy chains are divided into 5 isotypes - gamma, mu, alpha, delta and upsilon.

They have from 450 to 600 amino acid residues. Based on the type of heavy chain, there are 5 classes of immunoglobulins - IgI, IgM, IgA, IgD, IgE.

The enzyme papain splits the immunoglobulin molecule into 2 identical antigen-binding Fab fragments and one Fc fragment.

Immunoglobulins of classes A, M, G are major immunoglobulins, D, E are minor. G, D, E, as well as whey fractions A are monomers, i.e. have 1 pair of heavy and 1 pair of light chains and 2 antigen binding sites.

Immunoglobulin M- is a pentamer.

The secretory fraction of immunoglobulin A is a dimer connected to each other by a j - chain (join - connect). The antigen binding region is called the active center of the antibody and is formed by the hypervariable regions of the H and L chains.

These areas contain specific molecules that are complementary to certain antigenic epitopes.

The FC fragment is capable of binding complement and is involved in the transfer of some immunoglobulins across the placenta.

Immunoglobulins have compact structures held together by a disulfide bond. They are called domains. Available variable domains and constant domains. Light L chains have 1 variable and one constant domain, and heavy H chains have 1 variable and 3 constant domains. The CH2 domain contains a complement-binding region. Between the CH1 and CH2 domains there is a hinge region (“antibody waist”), it contains a lot of proline, makes the molecule more flexible and, as a result, F ab and F ac can rotate in space.

Characteristics of immunoglobulin classes.

IgG(80%) - blood concentration 12 g per l. Mol. A mass of 160 daltons is formed during the primary and secondary introduction of antigens. Is a monomer. There are 2 epitope binding sites. It has high activity in binding to bacterial antigens. Participates in the activation of compliment along the classical pathway and in lysis reactions. Penetrates through the mother's placenta into the fetus. The Fc fragment can bind to macrophages, neutrophils and NK cells. Half-life is from 7 to 23 days.

IgM- 13% of all immunoglobulins. Its concentration in serum is 1 g per l. Is a pentamer. This is the first immunoglobulin produced in the fetus. Formed during the primary immune response. Normal antibodies, as well as isohemagglutinin, belong to this class. It does not cross the placenta and has the highest rate of binding to antigens. When interacting with an antigen in vitro, it causes reactions of agglutination, pretepetation, and compliment binding. Its Fc fragments are also involved. Immunoglobulin monomers in the form of membranes are present on the surface of B lymphocytes.

IgA - 2 subclasses - serum and secretory. 2.5 g per l. It is synthesized by plasma cells of the spleen and lymph nodes, does not produce the phenomenon of agglutination and pretepetation, and does not lyse the antigen. Half-life - 5 days. The secretory subclass has a secretory component that binds 2 or rarely 3 IgA monomers. The secretory component has a j chain (beta globulin with a molecular mass of 71 kilodaltons, is synthesized by epithelial cells of the mucous membranes and can attach to serum immunoglobulin, when it passes through the cells of the mucous membrane - transcytosis). SIgA Participates in local immunity, dimer, 4 epiop binding sites. Prevents the adhesion of microbes on mucosal cells and the absorption of viruses. IgA controls complement via the alternative pathway.

40% - serum, 60% - secretory

IgD- 0.03 g per l. Monomer, 2 epitope-binding sites, does not cross the placenta, does not bind complement. Located on the surface of B lymphocytes and activates their activation or suppression.

Properties of antibodies.

  1. Specificity - each antigen has its own antibody
  2. Affinity - the strength of binding to an antigen
  3. Avidity - the rate of binding to an antigen and the amount of antigen bound
  4. Valency is the number of working active centers or anti-determinant groups. There are 2-valent and 1-valent antibodies (1 active center is blocked)

Antigenic property of antibodies

Allotypes are intraspecific antigenic differences. There are 20 types in humans.

Idiotypes are antigenic differences in antibodies. Characterize active differences in the active centers of antibodies.

Isotypes are classes and subclasses of immunoglobulins; isotypes are determined by cedamide constants of heavy chains.

Functions of immunoglobulins.

The main one is binding to the antigen. This ensures the neutralization of toxins and the prevention of pathogens from entering the cell.

Effector function - binding to cells or tissues with the participation of specific receptors, binding to cells of the immune system, phagocytes, complement components and binding to staphylococcal and staphylococcal antigens.

Types of antibodies

According to their properties, they are classified as complete divalent (agglutinin, lysines, pretepicins), incomplete monovalent blocking

By location - circulating and supracellular

In relation to temperature - thermal, cold and 2-phase

Dynamics of antibody formation

  1. Lag phase - antibodies are not formed in the blood
  2. Log phase - logarithmic increase in antibody concentration
  3. Plateau phase - stable high concentration of antibodies
  4. Attenuation, decline - cessation of the action of antibodies.

In a secondary immune response

The lag phase accelerates, antibody titers are higher, with the primary immune response, immunoglobulin M is formed, and then G, with the secondary, IgG is immediately formed, and IgA is formed even later

Characteristics of incomplete antibodies - monovalent, blocking, one active center. They are formed during infection, allergies, Rhesus conflict, are thermostable, appear early and disappear late, pass through the placenta. Their identification is carried out using the Coombs method and enzymatic methods.

The level of antibodies in blood or other fluids is assessed by titer, i.e. the maximum dilution of the biological fluid at which a visible reaction phenomenon is observed when the antigen interacts with the antibody. Analytical methods are used and the concentration is determined in g per liter.

The human immune system plays an important role in the professional knowledge of a personal trainer, since often in his coaching practice he has to deal with the fact that excessive loads increase the impact of stress on the body, and aggressive environmental conditions contribute to the weakening of the immune system and the occurrence of diseases. A personal trainer must know and be able to explain not only what the immune system is, but also what is often the causative agent of the disease and by what means the body fights it.

The goal of the immune system is to completely rid the human body of foreign agents, which are often pathogenic microorganisms, foreign pathogens, toxic substances, and sometimes mutated cells of the body itself. The immune system has a large number of options for identifying and neutralizing foreign bodies. This process is called an immune response. All his reactions can be divided into congenital and acquired. A characteristic difference between them is that acquired immunity is highly specific in relation to specific types of antigens, which allows it to quickly and efficiently neutralize them upon repeated encounter. Antigens are molecules that are perceived as foreign agents that entail specific responses in the body. For example, if a person has had chickenpox, measles or diphtheria, he often develops lifelong immunity to these diseases.

Development of the immune system

The immune system consists of a large number of varieties of proteins, cells, organs and tissues, the process of interaction between which is extremely complex and occurs quite intensively. A prompt immune reaction allows one to quickly identify certain foreign substances or cells. The process of adaptation to working with pathogens contributes to the development of immunological memory, which subsequently helps to provide even better protection for the body the next time it encounters foreign pathogens. This type of acquired immunity is the basis for vaccination methods.

Structure of the human immune system: 1- Liver; 2- Portal vein; 3- Lumbar lymphatic trunk; 4- Caecum; 5- Vermiform appendix; 6- Inguinal lymph nodes; 7- Cervical lymphatic trunk; 8- Left venous angle; 9- Thymus gland; 10- Intrathoracic lymphatic duct; 11- Tank of milky juice; 12- Spleen; 13- Intestinal lymphatic trunk; 14- Lumbar lymphatic trunk; 15- Inguinal lymph nodes.

The human immune system is represented by a collection of organs and cells that perform immunological functions. First of all, leukocytes are responsible for implementing the immune response. The cells of the immune system are mostly derivatives of hematopoietic tissues. In the adult, the development of these cells originates in the bone marrow and only T lymphocytes differentiate within the thymus gland. Adult cells settle inside lymphoid organs and at the border with the environment, near the surface of the skin or on mucous membranes. Transport of immune system cells during immune activation is ensured by the lymphatic system. It realizes its function by introducing into the systemic circulation various molecules, liquids and infectious agents packaged in exosomes and vesicles.

Stages of immune defense

The immune system protects the body from infections in several stages, with each subsequent stage increasing the specificity of the protection. The simplest form of protection is physical barriers, the purpose of which is to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the body. If the infectious agent does penetrate these barriers, the innate immune system then reacts to it. If the pathogen successfully overcomes the barrier of the innate immune system, the third barrier of defense is activated - the acquired immune system. This part of the immune system adapts its response during the infectious process to increase its recognition of foreign biological materials. This response persists after the pathogen is eliminated in the form of immunological memory. It enables the mechanisms of acquired immunity to develop a faster and stronger response with each subsequent encounter with this pathogen.

The flow pattern of blood, interstitial fluid and lymph in the body: 1- Right atrium; 2- Right ventricle; 3- Left atrium; 4- Left ventricle; 5- Aorta and arteries; 6- Blood capillary; 7- Tissue fluid; 8- Lymphatic capillary; 9- Lymphatic vessels; 10- Lymph nodes; 11- Veins of the systemic circulation, where lymph flows; 12- Pulmonary artery; 13- Pulmonary vein. I- Circulatory system; II- Lymphatic system.

Both innate and acquired immunity depend on the ability of the immune system to distinguish self from non-self molecules. In immunology, self-molecules mean those components of the body that the immune system can distinguish from foreign ones. Conversely, foreign refers to those molecules that are recognized by the immune system as foreign. One of many classes of foreign molecules is called antigens and is defined as substances that are able to bind to specific immune receptors and trigger an immune response.

Immune system barriers

Since the human body is in constant interaction with its environment, nature has made sure that the functioning of the defense mechanism occurs, among other things, through the respiratory, digestive and genitourinary systems. These systems can be divided into constantly operating and symptomatically activated (in response to intrusion). An example of a permanent defense system is the small hairs on the walls of the trachea, which are also called cilia. They make intense upward movements, due to which dust particles, pollen and other foreign objects are removed from the respiratory tract. Actions similar in purpose (removal of microorganisms) are carried out due to the washing action of tears and urine. Mucus, which is secreted in the respiratory and digestive systems, serves to bind and immobilize foreign bodies, objects and microorganisms. If the constantly operating defense mechanisms are not enough, “emergency” mechanisms of cleansing the body of pathogens, such as coughing, sneezing, vomiting and diarrhea, are activated.

Structure of the lymph node: 1- Capsule; 2- Sine; 3- Valve to prevent reverse flow; 4- Lymphatic nodule; 5- Cortex; 6- Gate of the lymph node. I- Afferent lymphatic vessels; II- Efferent lymphatic vessels.

In the genitourinary and gastrointestinal tracts there are biological barriers represented by friendly microorganisms - commensals. Non-pathogenic microflora that has adapted to living in these conditions competes with pathogenic bacteria for food and space, often changing living conditions, namely acidity or iron content. This greatly reduces the likelihood of pathogenic microbes reaching the quantities necessary for the development of pathology. There is quite convincing evidence that the introduction of probiotic flora, for example, pure cultures of lactobacilli, which are found in yogurt and other fermented milk products, helps restore an adequate balance of microbial populations during intestinal infections.

Innate immunity

If the microorganism successfully penetrates all barriers, it encounters the cells and mechanisms of the innate immune system. Innate immune defense is nonspecific by nature; in other words, its components identify and respond to foreign bodies, regardless of their characteristics. This system does not provide long-term resistance to specific infections. The innate immune system is the body's main defense tool in both humans and most living multicellular organisms.

Inflammation is one of the primary responses of the immune system to infection. Symptoms of inflammation usually include redness and swelling, which is an indication of increased blood flow to the affected tissues. Eicosanoids and cytokines, which are released by damaged or infected cells, play an important role in the development of inflammatory reactions. The former include prostaglanids, which cause an increase in temperature and dilation of blood vessels, as well as leukotrienes, which attract certain types of white blood cells. The most common cytokines include interleukins, which are responsible for the interaction between leukocytes, chemokines that trigger chemotaxis, as well as interferons, which have antiviral properties, namely the ability to inhibit protein synthesis in microbial cells. In addition, secreted growth factors and cytotoxic factors also play a role in the reaction to a foreign pathogen. These cytokines and other bioorganic compounds lead immune system cells to the site of infection and promote healing of damaged tissue by eliminating pathogens.

Acquired immunity

The acquired immune system developed during the evolution of the simplest vertebrate organisms. It guarantees a more intense immune response, as well as immunological memory, thanks to which each foreign microorganism is “remembered” by antigens unique to it. The acquired immune system is antigen-specific and requires the recognition of specific foreign antigens in a process called antigen presentation. This specificity of the antigen makes it possible to carry out reactions that are characteristic of specific microorganisms or cells infected by them. The ability to implement such reactions is supported in the body by “memory cells”. If the human body is infected by a foreign microorganism more than once, these specific memory cells are used to intensively eliminate this kind of consequences.

Cells of the immune system, whose functions are to implement the mechanisms of the acquired immune system, belong to lymphocytes, which in turn are a subtype of leukocytes. The overwhelming number of lymphocytes are responsible for specific acquired immunity, as they are able to identify infectious agents both inside and outside cells - in tissues or in the blood. The main types of lymphocytes are B cells and T cells, which are derived from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells. In an adult, they are formed in the bone marrow, and T-lymphocytes additionally undergo separate differentiation procedures in the thymus. B cells are responsible for the humoral component of acquired immunity, in other words, they produce antibodies, while T cells are the basis of the cellular component of the specific immune response.


The human immune system is primarily designed to protect the body from the infectious effects of foreign bodies, objects and substances. It protects the body from the occurrence and development of diseases, identifies and destroys tumor cells, recognizes and neutralizes various viruses in the early stages and more. The immune system has at its disposal a large number of tools for quickly detecting and no less quickly eliminating harmful infectious agents. Also, do not forget that there is a method of developing immunity to a number of infectious diseases, such as vaccination. In general, the immune system is a guardian that protects and protects your health at all costs.

Human immunity is an innate or acquired defense of the internal environment against the penetration and spread of viruses and bacteria. A good immune system promotes good health and stimulates an individual's mental and physical activity. The presented publication will help you understand in more detail the features of the formation and development of immunity.

What does human immunity consist of?

Human immune system - is a complex mechanism consisting of several types of immunity.

Types of human immunity:

Natural - represents a person’s inherited immunity to a certain kind of disease.

  • Congenital - transmitted to an individual at the genetic level from descendants. It implies the transmission of not only resistance to certain diseases, but also a predisposition to the development of others (diabetes mellitus, cancer, stroke);
  • Acquired - is formed as a result of a person’s individual development throughout life. When it enters the human body, an immune memory is developed on the basis of which, in case of repeated illness, the recovery process is accelerated.

Artificial - acts as immune protection, which is formed as a result of artificial influence on the individual’s immunity through vaccination.

  • Active — the body’s protective functions are developed as a result of artificial intervention and the introduction of weakened antibodies;
  • Passive - is formed by the transfer of antibodies through mother's milk or as a result of injection.

In addition to the listed types of resistance to human diseases, there are: local and general, specific and nonspecific, infectious and non-infectious, humoral and cellular.

The interaction of all types of immunity ensures the proper functioning and protection of internal organs.

An important component of an individual’s resilience is cells, which perform important functions in the human body:

  • They act as the main components of cellular immunity;
  • Regulate inflammatory processes and the body’s reactions to the penetration of pathogens;
  • Take part in tissue restoration.

Basic human immune cells:

  • Lymphocytes (T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes) , responsible for the production of T - killer and T - helper cells. Provide protective functions to the internal cellular environment of an individual by detecting and preventing the spread of dangerous microorganisms;
  • Leukocytes - when exposed to foreign elements, they are responsible for the production of specific antibodies. The resulting cellular particles identify dangerous microorganisms and eliminate them. If foreign elements are larger in size than leukocytes, then they secrete a specific substance through which the elements are destroyed.

Also human immune cells are: Neutrophils, Macrophages, Eosinophils.

Where is?

Immunity in the human body is developed in the organs of the immune system, in which cellular elements are formed that are in constant movement through the blood and lymphatic vessels.

The organs of the human immune system belong to the categories of central and specific; in response to different signals, they exert an effect through receptors.

The central ones include:

  • Red bone marrow — the fundamental function of the organ is the production of blood cells of the human internal environment, as well as blood;
  • Thymus (thymus gland) - in the presented organ, the formation and selection of T - lymphocytes occurs through the produced hormones.

Peripheral organs include:

  • Spleen - storage place for lymphocytes and blood. Participates in the destruction of old blood cells, the formation of antibodies, globulins, and the maintenance of humoral immunity;
  • Lymph nodes - act as a place of storage and accumulation of lymphocytes and phagocytes;
  • Tonsils and adenoids - are accumulations of lymphoid tissue. The organs represented are responsible for the production of lymphocytes and protection of the respiratory tract from the penetration of foreign microbes;
  • Appendix - takes part in the formation of lymphocytes and in the preservation of beneficial microflora of the body.

How is it produced?

The human immune system has a complex structure and performs protective functions that prevent the penetration and spread of foreign microorganisms. Organs and cells of the immune system are involved in the process of providing protective functions. The action of central and peripheral organs is aimed at the formation of cells that take part in the identification and destruction of foreign microbes. The reaction to the penetration of viruses and bacteria is the inflammatory process.

The process of developing human immunity consists of the following stages:

In the red bone marrow, lymphocyte cells are formed and lymphoid tissue matures;

  • Antigens affect plasma cell elements and memory cells;
  • Antibodies of humoral immunity detect foreign microelements;
  • Formed antibodies of acquired immunity capture and digest dangerous microorganisms;
  • Cells of the immune system control and regulate the restoration processes of the internal environment.


Functions of the human immune system:

  • The fundamental function of immunity is to control and regulate the internal processes of the body;
  • Protection - recognition, ingestion and elimination of viral and bacterial particles;
  • Regulatory - controlling the process of restoration of damaged tissues;
  • Formation of immune memory - when foreign particles initially enter the human body, cellular elements remember them. With repeated penetration into the internal environment, elimination occurs faster.

What does human immunity depend on?

A strong immune system is a key factor in an individual’s life. Weakened body defenses have a significant impact on overall health. Good immunity depends on external and internal factors.

The internal ones include an innate weakened immune system, which has also inherited a predisposition to certain diseases: leukemia, renal failure, liver damage, cancer, anemia. Also HIV and AIDS.

External circumstances include:

  • Ecological situation;
  • Leading an unhealthy lifestyle (stress, unbalanced diet, alcohol, drug use);
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Lack of vitamins and nutrients.

The listed circumstances influence the formation of weakened immune defense, exposing a person’s health and performance to risks.

The immune system This is a collection of organs, tissues and cells, the work of which is aimed directly at protecting the body from various diseases and at destroying foreign substances that have already entered the body.

This system is an obstacle to infections (bacterial, viral, fungal). When the immune system malfunctions, the likelihood of developing infections increases, which also leads to the development of autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis.

Organs included in the human immune system:

  • lymph glands (nodes),
  • tonsils,
  • thymus gland (thymus),
  • Bone marrow,
  • lymphoid formations (Peyer's patches).
  • lymph plays a major role, a complex circulatory system that consists of lymphatic ducts connecting the lymph nodes.

Lymph node - This is a soft tissue formation, oval in shape and 0.2 - 1.0 cm in size, which contains a large number of lymphocytes.

Tonsils- these are small accumulations of lymphoid tissue located on both sides of the pharynx. sat downVarious, it is also a filter for blood, a storage facility for blood cells, and the production of lymphocytes. It is in the spleen that old and defective blood cells are destroyed. The spleen is located in the abdomen under the left hypochondrium near the stomach.

Thymus or thymus gland → which is the central organ of lymphoid hematopoiesis and immune defense of the body. The gland is responsible for the functioning of all organs and systems. This organ is located behind the sternum. Lymphoid cells in the thymus multiply and “learn.” In children and young people, the thymus is active; the older a person is, the less active the thymus becomes and decreases in size.

Esotericists call the thymus gland " point of happiness«. This gland helps neutralize negative energy, strengthen the immune system, maintain vitality and health...

Bone marrow - This is a soft spongy tissue located inside tubular and flat bones. The main task of the bone marrow is the production of blood cells: leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets.

Spleen - abdominal organ; the biggest lymphoid organ. It has the shape of a flattened and elongated hemisphere, looks like a gland and is located in the left upper part of the abdominal cavity, behind stomach.

Functions of the spleen:

  1. Lymphopoiesis is the main source of the formation of circulating lymphocytes; acts as a filter for bacteria, protozoa and foreign particles, and also produces antibodies (immune and hematopoietic functions).
  2. Destruction of old and damaged red blood cells (into heme and globin) and platelets, the remains of which are then sent to the liver. Thus, the spleen, through the destruction of red blood cells, participates in the formation of bile (filtration function, participation in metabolism), including in iron metabolism).
  3. Depositing blood accumulation of platelets (1/3 of all platelets in the body).
  4. In the early stages of fetal development, the spleen serves as one of the hematopoietic organs. By the ninth month of intrauterine development, the formation of both erythrocytes and leukocytes of the granulocyte series is taken over by the bone marrow, and the spleen, starting from this period, produces lymphocytes and monocytes. In some blood diseases, however, foci of hematopoiesis reappear in the spleen

Peyer's patches
– Group (generalized) lymphoid nodules are located in the intestinal wall and mainly in the ileal wall. They are part of the immune and lymphatic system, ensuring both the purity of most fluids in our body and high-quality immunity.

Why are these accumulations of lymphoid cells needed? You and I receive through food and water, along with the necessary substances, a lot of ballast substances, as well as microorganisms. Our food and drink are never sterile. The body kills some types of microbes with the help of antibodies - modified lymphocytes that can destroy the enemy at the cost of their own life. But this long process does not always end in favor of the body; a disease may develop.

So, in Peyer's patches of the intestine, antigens meet with the so-called immunoglobulins A (IgA) - also antibodies, but which do not kill the microbe, but only accumulate on its surface, preventing it from settling and attaching to the intestinal wall, and most importantly, penetrating blood capillary. With such “honorable” accompaniment, the unfamiliar and potentially dangerous microbe is expelled from the intestines naturally.

Lymphatic fluid (lymph) - This is a colorless liquid that flows through the lymphatic vessels; it contains many lymphocytes - white blood cells involved in protecting the body from disease. ⇒⇒⇒

Lymphocytes– these are figuratively speaking “soldiers” of the immune system, they are the ones responsible for the destruction of foreign organisms or diseased cells (infected, tumor, etc.). The most important types of lymphocytes (B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes) work together with other immune cells and prevent foreign substances (infections, foreign proteins, etc.) from invading the body. At the first stage, the body “teaches” T-lymphocytes to distinguish foreign proteins from normal (its own) proteins of the body. This learning process takes place in the thymus gland during childhood, since at this age the thymus gland is most active. Then a person reaches adolescence, and the thymus decreases in size and loses its activity.

An interesting fact is that in many autoimmune diseases, and in multiple sclerosis as well, the immune system does not recognize healthy cells and tissues of the body, but treats them as foreign, begins to attack them and destroy them.

The role of the human immune system

The immune system appeared along with multicellular organisms and evolved as an aid to their survival. It connects organs and tissues that guarantee the body’s protection from genetically foreign cells and substances that come from the environment. In terms of organization and functioning mechanisms, it is similar to the nervous system.

Both systems are represented by central and peripheral organs that are capable of responding to different signals, have a large number of receptor structures, and specific memory.

The central organs of the immune system include the red bone marrow, and the peripheral organs include the lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, and appendix.

The central place among the cells of the immune system is occupied by various lymphocytes. When in contact with foreign bodies, with their help, the immune system is able to provide different forms of immune response: the formation of specific blood antibodies, the formation of different types of lymphocytes.

History of the study

The very concept of immunity was introduced into modern science by the Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov and the German - P. Ehrlich, who studied the body's defense reactions in the fight against various diseases, primarily infectious ones. Their joint work in this area was even awarded the Nobel Prize in 1908. The work of the French scientist Louis Pasteur, who developed a vaccination method against a number of dangerous infections, also made a great contribution to the science of immunology.

The word immunity comes from the Latin immunis, which means free from anything. At first it was believed that immunity protects the body only from infectious diseases. However, research by the English scientist P. Medawar in the mid-twentieth century proved that immunity provides protection in general from any foreign and harmful interference in the human body.

Currently, immunity is understood, firstly, as the body’s resistance to infections, and, secondly, as the body’s responses aimed at destroying and removing from it everything that is alien to it and poses a threat. It is clear that if people did not have immunity, they simply would not be able to exist, and its presence allows us to successfully fight diseases and live to old age.

The work of the immune system

The immune system has been formed over many years of human evolution and acts like a well-oiled mechanism and helps fight diseases and harmful environmental influences. Its tasks include recognizing, destroying and removing from the body both foreign agents penetrating from the outside, as well as decay products formed in the body itself (during infectious and inflammatory processes), as well as pathologically changed cells.

The immune system is able to recognize many “strangers”. Among them are viruses, bacteria, toxic substances of plant or animal origin, protozoa, fungi, and allergens. She includes among them the cells of one’s own body that have turned cancerous and therefore become “enemies.” Its main goal is to provide protection from all these “strangers” and preserve the integrity of the internal environment of the body, its biological individuality.

How is “enemies” recognized? This process occurs at the genetic level. The fact is that each cell carries its own genetic information, unique only to a given person (we can call it a mark). This is what the immune system analyzes when it detects penetration into the body or changes in it. If the information matches (the label is present), then it is yours; if it does not match (the label is missing), it means it is someone else’s.

In immunology, foreign agents are usually called antigens. When the immune system detects them, defense mechanisms immediately turn on, and the fight against the “stranger” begins. Moreover, to destroy each specific antigen, the body produces specific cells, they are called antibodies. They fit antigens like a key to a lock. Antibodies bind to the antigen and eliminate it - this is how the body fights the disease.

Allergic reactions

One of the immune reactions is allergy - a state of increased response of the body to allergens. Allergens are substances or objects that contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction in the body. They are divided into internal and external.

External allergens include some foods (eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits), various chemicals (perfumes, deodorants), and medications.

Internal allergens are the body’s own tissues, usually with altered properties. For example, with burns, the body perceives dead tissue as foreign and creates antibodies for them. The same reactions can occur with the bites of bees, bumblebees, and other insects. Allergic reactions develop rapidly or sequentially. When an allergen affects the body for the first time, antibodies with increased sensitivity to it are produced and accumulated. When this allergen enters the body again, an allergic reaction occurs, for example, skin rashes and various tumors appear.


We often hear that a person’s health largely depends on his immunity. What is immunity? What is its significance? Let's try to understand these questions that are unclear to many.

Immunity is the body’s resistance, its ability to resist pathogenic pathogens, toxins, as well as the effects of foreign substances with antigenic properties. Immunity ensures homeostasis - the constancy of the internal environment of the body at the cellular and molecular level.
Immunity happens:

- congenital (hereditary);

- acquired.

Innate immunity in humans and animals is passed on from one generation to the next. It happens absolute and relative.

Examples of absolute immunity. A person is absolutely not sick with bird plague or rinderpest. Animals are absolutely free from typhoid fever, measles, scarlet fever and other human diseases.

An example of relative immunity. Pigeons do not usually get anthrax, but they can be infected with it if the pigeons are given alcohol first.

A person acquires acquired immunity throughout life. This immunity is not inherited. It is divided into artificial and natural. And they, in turn, can be active and passive.

Artificial acquired immunity created by medical intervention.

Active artificial immunity occurs during vaccinations with vaccines and toxoids.

Passive artificial immunity occurs when serums and gamma globulins are introduced into the body, which contain antibodies in finished form.

Natural acquired immunity created without medical intervention.

Active natural immunity occurs after an illness or latent infection.

Passive natural immunity is created when antibodies are transferred from the mother’s body to the child during its intrauterine development.

Immunity is one of the most important characteristics of humans and all living organisms. The principle of immune defense is to recognize, process and remove foreign structures from the body.

Nonspecific mechanisms of immunity– these are general factors and protective devices of the body. These include skin, mucous membranes, the phenomenon of phagocytosis, inflammatory reaction, lymphoid tissue, barrier properties of blood and tissue fluids. Each of these factors and adaptations is directed against all microbes.

Intact skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract with cilia of the ciliated epithelium, gastrointestinal tract, genitals are impermeable to most microorganisms.

Peeling of the skin is an important mechanism for its self-cleansing.

Saliva contains lysozyme, which has an antimicrobial effect.

The mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines produce enzymes that can destroy pathogens that enter there.

There is a natural microflora on the mucous membranes that can prevent pathogens from attaching to these membranes, and thus protect the body.

The acidic environment of the stomach and the acidic reaction of the skin are biochemical factors of nonspecific protection.

Mucus is also a nonspecific protective factor. It covers the cell membranes on the mucous membranes, binds pathogens that enter the mucous membrane and kills them. The composition of mucus is lethal to many microorganisms.

Blood cells that are nonspecific protection factors: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophilic leukocytes, mast cells, macrophages, platelets.

The skin and mucous membranes are the first barrier to pathogens. This defense is quite effective, but there are microorganisms that can overcome it. For example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, salmonella, listeria, some coccal forms of bacteria. Certain forms of bacteria are not destroyed by natural defenses, for example, capsular forms of pneumococcus.

Specific mechanisms of immune defense is the second component of the immune system. They are triggered when a foreign microorganism (pathogen) penetrates through the body’s natural nonspecific defenses. Appears inflammatory reaction at the site of pathogen introduction.

Inflammation localizes the infection and the death of invading microbes, viruses or other particles occurs. The main role in this process belongs to phagocytosis.

Phagocytosis– absorption and enzymatic digestion of microbes or other particles by cells by phagocytes. At the same time, the body is freed from harmful foreign substances. In the fight against infection, all the body's defenses are mobilized.

From the 7th – 8th day of illness, specific immune mechanisms are activated. This the formation of antibodies in the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, bone marrow. Specific antibodies are formed in response to the artificial introduction of antigens during vaccinations or as a result of a natural encounter with infection.

Antibodies- proteins that bind to antigens and neutralize them. They act only against those microbes or toxins in response to the introduction of which they are produced. Human blood contains proteins albumin and globulins. All antibodies belong to globulins: 80 - 90% of antibodies are gamma globulins; 10 – 20% - beta globulins.

Antigens– foreign proteins, bacteria, viruses, cellular elements, toxins. Antigens cause the formation of antibodies in the body and interact with them. This reaction is strictly specific.

A large number of vaccines and serums have been created to prevent human infectious diseases.

Vaccines– these are preparations from microbial cells or their toxins, the use of which is called immunization. 1–2 weeks after the vaccine is administered, protective antibodies appear in the human body. The main purpose of vaccines is prevention.

Modern vaccine preparations are divided into 5 groups.

1.Vaccines from live attenuated pathogens.

2.Vaccines made from killed microbes.

3. Chemical vaccines.


5.Associated or combined vaccines.

For long-term infectious diseases, such as furunculosis, brucellosis, chronic dysentery and others, vaccines can be used for treatment.

Serums- prepared from the blood of people who have recovered from an infectious disease or artificially infected animals. Unlike vaccines, Serums are more often used to treat infectious patients and less often for prophylaxis. Serums are antimicrobial and antitoxic. Serums purified from ballast substances are called gamma globulins. They are prepared from human and animal blood.

Serums and gamma globulins contain ready-made antibodies, therefore, in infectious foci, persons who have been in contact with an infectious patient are administered serum or gamma globulin, and not a vaccine, for prophylactic purposes.

Interferon– an immunity factor, a protein produced by the cells of the human body that has a protective effect. It occupies an intermediate position between general and specific mechanisms of immunity.

Organs of the immune system (IOS):

- primary (central);

- secondary (peripheral).

Primary OIS.

A. Thymus (thymus gland)- the central organ of the immune system. It differentiates T lymphocytes from precursors coming from the red bone marrow.

B. Red bone marrow– the central organ of hematopoiesis and immunogenesis, contains stem cells, is located in the cells of the spongy substance of flat bones and in the epiphyses of long bones. It differentiates B lymphocytes from their predecessors, and also contains T lymphocytes.

Secondary IP.

A. Spleen- parenchymal organ of the immune system, also performs a depository function in relation to blood. The spleen can contract because it has smooth muscle fibers. It contains white and red pulp.

White pulp makes up 20%. It contains lymphoid tissue, which contains B - lymphocytes, T - lymphocytes and macrophages.

Red pulp is 80%. It performs the following functions:

Deposition of mature blood cells;

Monitoring the condition and destruction of old and damaged red blood cells and platelets;

Phagocytosis of foreign particles;

Ensuring the maturation of lymphoid cells and the transformation of monocytes into macrophages.

B. Lymph nodes.

B. Tonsils.

D. Lymphoid tissue associated with the bronchi, intestines, and skin.

By the time of birth, secondary AIS are not formed, since they do not come into contact with antigens. Lymphopoiesis (formation of lymphocytes) occurs if there is antigenic stimulation. Secondary OIS are populated by B - and T - lymphocytes from primary OIS. After contact with the antigen, lymphocytes start working. No antigen goes unnoticed by lymphocytes.

Immunocompetent cells – macrophages and lymphocytes. They jointly participate in protective immune processes and provide an immune response.

The human body's reaction to an infection or poison is called an immune response. Any substance that differs in its structure from the structure of human tissue is capable of causing an immune response.

Cells involved in the immune response, T – lymphocytes.

These include:

T - helpers (T - helpers). The main goal of the immune response is to neutralize the extracellular virus and destroy the infected cells that produce the virus.

Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes- recognize virus-infected cells and destroy them using secreted cytotoxins. Activation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes occurs with the participation of T-helpers.

T – helpers – regulators and administrators of the immune response.

T - cytotoxic lymphocytes - killers.

B – lymphocytes– synthesize antibodies and are responsible for the humoral immune response, which consists of activating B lymphocytes and their differentiation into plasma cells that produce antibodies. Antibodies to viruses are produced after the interaction of B lymphocytes with T helper cells. T-helpers promote the proliferation of B-lymphocytes and their differentiation. Antibodies do not penetrate the cell and neutralize only the extracellular virus.

Neutrophils- These are non-dividing and short-lived cells, contain a large amount of antibiotic proteins, which are contained in various granules. These proteins include lysozyme, lipoperoxidase and others. Neutrophils independently move to the location of the antigen, “stick” to the vascular endothelium, migrate through the wall to the location of the antigen and ingest it (phagocytic cycle). Then they die and turn into pus cells.

Eosinophils– are able to phagocytose microbes and destroy them. Their main task is the destruction of helminths. Eosinophils recognize helminths, contact them and release substances – perforins – into the contact zone. These are proteins that are integrated into helminth cells. Pores form in the cells through which water rushes into the cell and the helminth dies from osmotic shock.

Basophils. There are 2 forms of basophils:

Actually basophils circulating in the blood;

Mast cells are basophils found in tissues.

Mast cells are found in various tissues: in the lungs, in the mucous membranes and along the blood vessels. They are capable of producing substances that stimulate anaphylaxis (vasodilation, contraction of smooth muscles, constriction of the bronchi). Thus they are involved in allergic reactions.

Monocytesturn into macrophages during the transition from the circulatory system to tissues. There are several types of macrophages:

1. Some antigen-presenting cells that absorb microbes and “present” them to T lymphocytes.

2. Kupffer cells – liver macrophages.

3. Alveolar macrophages – macrophages of the lungs.

4. Osteoclasts are bone macrophages, giant multinucleated cells that remove bone tissue by dissolving the mineral component and destroying collagen.

5. Microglia are phagocytes of the central nervous system that destroy infectious agents and destroy nerve cells.

6. Intestinal macrophages, etc.

Their functions are varied:


Interacting with the immune system and maintaining the immune response;

Maintaining and regulating inflammation;

Interaction with neutrophils and their attraction to the site of inflammation;

Release of cytokines;

Regulation of reparation (recovery) processes;

Regulation of blood clotting processes and capillary permeability at the site of inflammation;

Synthesis of components of the complement system.

Natural killer cells (NK cells) - lymphocytes with cytotoxic activity. They are able to contact target cells, secrete proteins that are toxic to them, kill them, or send them into apoptosis (the process of programmed cell death). Natural killer cells recognize cells affected by viruses and tumor cells.

Macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and natural killer cells mediate the innate immune response. In the development of diseases - pathology, a nonspecific response to damage is called inflammation. Inflammation is a nonspecific phase of subsequent specific immune reactions.

Nonspecific immune response– the first phase of the fight against infection, starts immediately after the microbe enters the body. The nonspecific immune response is almost the same for all types of microbes and consists of the primary destruction of the microbe (antigen) and the formation of a focus of inflammation. Inflammation is a universal protective process aimed at preventing the spread of a microbe. High nonspecific immunity creates high resistance of the body to various diseases.

In some organs in humans and mammals, the appearance of foreign antigens does not cause an immune response. These are the following organs: brain and spinal cord, eyes, testes, embryo, placenta.

If immunological stability is impaired, tissue barriers are damaged and immune reactions to the body’s own tissues and cells may develop. For example, the production of antibodies to thyroid tissue causes the development of autoimmune thyroiditis.

Specific immune response- This is the second phase of the body’s defense reaction. In this case, the microbe is recognized and protective factors are developed specifically against it. The specific immune response is cellular and humoral.

The processes of specific and nonspecific immune response intersect and complement each other.

Cellular immune response consists in the formation of cytotoxic lymphocytes capable of destroying cells whose membranes contain foreign proteins, for example, viral proteins. Cellular immunity eliminates viral infections, as well as bacterial infections such as tuberculosis, leprosy, and rhinoscleroma. Activated lymphocytes also destroy cancer cells.

Humoral immune response is created by B - lymphocytes, which recognize the microbe (antigen) and produce antibodies according to the principle of a specific antigen - a specific antibody. Antibodies (immunoglobulins, Ig) are protein molecules that combine with a microbe and cause its death and removal from the body.

There are several types of immunoglobulins, each of which performs a specific function.

Immunoglobulins type A (IgA) are produced by cells of the immune system and are released to the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. They are found in all physiological fluids - saliva, breast milk, urine, tears, gastric and intestinal secretions, bile, in the vagina, lungs, bronchi, genitourinary tract and prevent the penetration of microbes through the skin and mucous membranes.

Immunoglobulins type M (IgM) are the first to be synthesized in the body of newborns and are released during the first time after contact with infection. These are large complexes that can bind several microbes at the same time, promote the rapid removal of antigens from circulation, and prevent the attachment of antigens to cells. They are a sign of the development of an acute infectious process.

Immunoglobulins type G (IgG) appear after Ig M and protect the body from various microbes for a long time. They are the main factor of humoral immunity.

Immunoglobulins type D (IgD) function as membrane receptors for binding to microbes (antigens).

Antibodies are produced during all infectious diseases. The development of the humoral immune response takes approximately 2 weeks. During this time, enough antibodies are produced to fight the infection.

Cytotoxic T - lymphocytes and B - lymphocytes remain in the body for a long time and, when new contact with a microorganism occurs, they create a powerful immune response.

Sometimes the cells of our own body become foreign, their DNA is damaged and they have lost their normal function. The immune system continually monitors these cells for potential cancer development and destroys them. First, lymphocytes surround the foreign cell. Then they attach to its surface and extend a special process towards the target cell. When the process touches the surface of the target cell, the cell dies due to the injection of antibodies and special destructive enzymes by the lymphocyte. But the attacking lymphocyte also dies. Macrophages also capture foreign microorganisms and digest them.

The strength of the immune response depends on the reactivity of the body, that is, on its ability to respond to the introduction of infection and poisons. There are normergic, hyperergic and hypoergic responses.

Normoergic response leads to the elimination of infection in the body and recovery. Tissue damage during the inflammatory reaction does not cause serious consequences for the body. The immune system functions normally.

Hyperergic response develops against the background of sensitization to the antigen. The strength of the immune response greatly exceeds the strength of microbial aggression. The inflammatory response is very strong and leads to damage to healthy tissue. Hyperergic immune reactions underlie the formation of allergies.

Hypoergic response weaker than aggression from microbes. The infection is not completely eliminated, the disease becomes chronic. A hypoergic immune response is typical for children, the elderly, and people with immunodeficiencies. Their immune system is weakened.

Increasing immunity is the most important task of every person. So, if a person suffers from acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) more than 5 times a year, then he should think about strengthening the body’s immune functions.

Factors that weaken the body's immune functions:

Surgical interventions and anesthesia;


Chronic stress;

Taking any hormonal medications;

Treatment with antibiotics;

Atmospheric pollution;

Unfavorable radiation conditions;

Injuries, burns, hypothermia, blood loss;

Frequent colds;

Infectious diseases and intoxications;

Chronic diseases, including diabetes;
- bad habits (smoking, frequent use of alcohol, drugs and spice);

Sedentary lifestyle;
- poor nutrition-eating foods that reduce immunity -smoked meats, fatty meats, sausages, sausages, canned food, semi-finished meat products;
- insufficient water consumption (less than 2 liters per day).

The task of every person is strengthening your immunity, usually nonspecific immunity.

To strengthen your immune system you should:

Observe the work and rest schedule;

Eat well; food should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals, amino acids; to strengthen the immune system, the following vitamins and microelements are needed in sufficient quantities: A, E, C, B2, B6, B12, pantothenic acid, folic acid, zinc, selenium, iron;

Engage in hardening and physical training;
- take antioxidants and other drugs to strengthen the immune system;

Avoid self-administration of antibiotics and hormones, unless prescribed by a doctor;

Avoid frequent consumption of foods that reduce immunity;
- drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Creating specific immunity against a certain disease is possible only through the introduction of a vaccine. Vaccination is a reliable way to protect yourself from a specific disease. In this case, active immunity is carried out due to the introduction of a weakened or killed virus, which does not cause the disease, but activates the functioning of the immune system.

Vaccinations weaken general immunity in order to increase specific immunity. As a result, side effects may occur, for example, the appearance of mild “flu-like” symptoms: malaise, headache, slightly elevated temperature. Existing chronic diseases may worsen.

The child's immunity is in the hands of the mother. If a mother feeds her child with breast milk for up to a year, then the child grows healthy, strong and develops well.

A good immune system is a prerequisite for a long and healthy life. Our body constantly fights germs, viruses, and foreign bacteria that can cause fatal harm to our body and dramatically reduce our life expectancy.

Immune system dysfunction may be considered a cause of aging. This is the self-destruction of the body due to disturbances in the immune system.

Even in youth, in the absence of any diseases and leading a healthy lifestyle, toxic substances continuously appear in the body that can destroy the body’s cells and damage their DNA. Most of the toxic substances are formed in the intestines. Food is never 100% digested. Undigested food proteins undergo the process of rotting, and carbohydrates undergo fermentation. Toxic substances formed during these processes enter the blood and have a negative effect on all cells of the body.

From the perspective of Eastern medicine, a disorder of immunity is a violation of harmonization (balance) in the body’s energy system. The energies entering the body from the external environment through energy centers - chakras and formed during the breakdown of food during digestion, through the channels of the body - meridians, enter the organs, tissues, parts of the body, and into every cell of the body.

When immunity is impaired and diseases develop, an energy imbalance occurs. In certain meridians, organs, tissues, parts of the body, energy becomes more, it is in abundance. In other meridians, organs, tissues, parts of the body it becomes less, it is in short supply. This is the basis for the development of various diseases, including infectious diseases and immune disorders.

Reflexotherapists redistribute energies in the body using various reflexotherapeutic methods. Insufficient energies strengthen, energies that are in excess weaken, and this allows you to eliminate various diseases and increase immunity. The self-healing mechanism in the body is activated.

The degree of immune activity is closely related to the level of interaction of its components.

Variants of pathology of the immune system.

A. Immunodeficiency – congenital or acquired absence or weakening of one of the links of the immune system. If the immune system is insufficient, even harmless bacteria that have lived in our body for decades can cause serious illness. Immunodeficiencies make the body defenseless against germs and viruses. In these cases, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are not effective. They help the body slightly, but do not cure it. With prolonged stress and disruption of regulation, the immune system loses its protective significance and develops immunodeficiency - lack of immunity.

Immunodeficiency can be cellular and humoral. Severe combined immunodeficiencies lead to severe cellular disorders in which T - lymphocytes and B - lymphocytes are absent. This happens with hereditary diseases. In such patients, tonsils are often not detected, lymph nodes are very small or absent. They have a paroxysmal cough, depression of the chest when breathing, wheezing, a tense atrophic abdomen, aphthous stomatitis, chronic pneumonia, candidiasis of the pharynx, esophagus and skin, diarrhea, exhaustion, and growth retardation. Such progressive symptoms lead to death within 1 to 2 years.

Immunological deficiency of primary origin is the genetic inability of the body to reproduce one or another part of the immune response.

Primary congenital immunodeficiencies. They appear soon after birth and are hereditary. For example, hemophilia, dwarfism, some types of deafness. A child born with a congenital defect of the immune system is no different from a healthy newborn as long as antibodies received from the mother through the placenta, as well as with mother’s milk, circulate in his blood. But the hidden trouble soon reveals itself. Repeated infections begin - pneumonia, purulent skin lesions, etc., the child lags behind in development, he is weakened.

Secondary acquired immunodeficiencies. They arise after some kind of primary exposure, for example, after exposure to ionizing radiation. This destroys lymphatic tissue, the main organ of immunity, and weakens the immune system. The immune system is damaged by various pathological processes, malnutrition, and hypovitaminosis.

Most diseases are accompanied by immunological deficiency to one degree or another, and this may cause the continuation and worsening of the disease.

Immunological deficiency occurs after:

Viral infections, influenza, measles, hepatitis;

Taking corticosteroids, cytostatics, antibiotics;

X-ray, radioactive exposure.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome can be an independent disease caused by damage to immune system cells by a virus.

B. Autoimmune conditions– with them, immunity is directed against the body’s own organs and tissues, and the body’s own tissues are damaged. Antigens in this case can be foreign or own tissues. Foreign antigens can cause allergic diseases.

B. Allergy. The antigen in this case becomes an allergen, and antibodies are produced against it. Immunity in these cases does not act as a protective reaction, but as the development of increased sensitivity to antigens.

D. Diseases of the immune system. These are infectious diseases of the immune system organs themselves: AIDS, infectious mononucleosis and others.

D. Malignant tumors of the immune system– thymus gland, lymph nodes and others.

To normalize immunity, immunomodulatory drugs are used that affect the function of the immune system.

There are three main groups of immunomodulatory drugs.

1. Immunosuppressants- inhibit the body's immune defense.

2. Immunostimulants– stimulate the immune defense function and increase the body's resistance.

3. Immunomodulators– drugs whose action depends on the functional state of the immune system. These drugs inhibit the activity of the immune system if it is excessively increased, and increase it if it is decreased. These drugs are used in complex treatment in parallel with the prescription of antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal and other agents under the control of immunological blood tests. They can be used at the stage of rehabilitation and recovery.

Immunosuppressants are used for various autoimmune diseases, viral diseases that cause autoimmune conditions, and for organ transplantation. Immunosuppressants inhibit cell division and reduce the activity of recovery processes.

There are several groups of immunosuppressants.

Antibiotics- waste products of various microorganisms, they block the reproduction of other microorganisms and are used to treat various infectious diseases. A group of antibiotics that block the synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), are used as immunosuppressants, inhibit the proliferation of bacteria and inhibit the proliferation of cells of the immune system. This group includes Actinomycin and Colchicine.

Cytostatics– drugs that have an inhibitory effect on the reproduction and growth of body cells. Red bone marrow cells, immune system cells, hair follicles, skin and intestinal epithelium are especially sensitive to these drugs. Under the influence of cytostatics, the cellular and humoral components of immunity are weakened, and the production of biologically active substances that cause inflammation by cells of the immune system is reduced. This group includes Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide. Cytostatics are used in the treatment of psoriasis, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as in organ and tissue transplantation.

Alkylating agents enter into a chemical reaction with most of the body’s active substances, disrupting their activity, thereby slowing down the body’s metabolism as a whole. Previously, alkylating substances were used as combat poisons in military practice. These include Cyclophosphamide, Chlorbutin.

Antimetabolites– drugs that slow down the body’s metabolism due to competition with biologically active substances. The most famous metabolite is Mercaptopurine, which blocks the synthesis of nucleic acids and cell division; it is used in oncological practice - it slows down the division of cancer cells.

Glucocorticoid hormones the most common immunosuppressants. These include Prednisolone, Dexamethasone. These drugs are used to suppress allergic reactions, to treat autoimmune diseases, and in transplantology. They block the synthesis of some biologically active substances that are involved in cell division and reproduction. Long-term use of glucocorticoids can lead to the development of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, which includes weight gain, hirsutism (excessive body hair growth), gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands in men), development of stomach ulcers, and arterial hypertension. Children may experience growth retardation and a decrease in the body's regenerative ability.

Taking immunosuppressants can lead to adverse reactions: the addition of infections, hair loss, the development of ulcers on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, the development of cancer, accelerated growth of cancer tumors, impaired fetal development in pregnant women. Treatment with immunosuppressants is carried out under the supervision of specialist doctors.

Immunostimulants- used to stimulate the body's immune system. These include various groups of pharmacological drugs.

Immunostimulants, made from microorganisms(Pyrogenal, Ribomunil, Biostim, Bronchovaxom) contain antigens of various microbes and their inactive toxins. When introduced into the body, these drugs cause an immune response and the formation of immunity against the introduced microbial antigens. These drugs activate the cellular and humoral immunity, increasing the overall resistance of the body and the speed of response to potential infection. They are used in the treatment of chronic infections, the body's resistance to infection is broken, and germs of infection are eliminated.

Biologically active extracts of animal thymus stimulate the cellular component of immunity. Lymphocytes mature in the thymus. Peptide extracts of the thymus (Timalin, Taktivin, Timomodulin) are used for congenital T-lymphocyte deficiency, secondary immunodeficiencies, cancer, and poisoning with immunosuppressants.

Bone marrow stimulants(Myelopid) is made from animal bone marrow cells. They increase bone marrow activity, and the process of hematopoiesis accelerates, immunity increases due to an increase in the number of immune cells. They are used in the treatment of osteomyelitis and chronic bacterial diseases. immunodeficiencies.

Cytokines and their derivatives belong to biologically active substances that activate molecular processes of immunity. Natural cytokines are produced by cells of the body's immune system and are information intermediaries and growth stimulators. They have pronounced antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and antitumor effects.

The drugs Leukiferon, Lycomax, various types of interferons are used in the treatment of chronic, including viral, infections, in complex therapy of associated infections (simultaneous infection with fungal, viral, bacterial infections), in the treatment of immunodeficiencies of various etiologies, in the rehabilitation of patients, after treatment with antidepressants. Interferon containing the drug Pegasys is used in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis B and C.

Stimulators of nucleic acid synthesis(Sodium Nucleinate, Poludan) have an immunostimulating and pronounced anabolic effect. They stimulate the formation of nucleic acids, which accelerates cell division, regeneration of body tissues, increases protein synthesis, and increases the body's resistance to various infections.

Levamisole (Decaris) A well-known anthelmintic agent, it also has an immunostimulating effect. It has a beneficial effect on the cellular component of immunity: T - and B - lymphocytes.

3rd generation drugs created in the 90s of the 20th century, the most modern immunomodulators: Kagocel, Polyoxidonium, Gepon, Myfortic, Immunomax, Cellcept, Sandimmune, Transfer Factor. The listed drugs, except for Transfer Factor, have a narrowly targeted use; they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Immunomodulators of plant origin have a harmonious effect on our body and are divided into 2 groups.

The first group includes licorice, white mistletoe, milky white iris, and yellow egg capsule. They can not only stimulate, but also suppress the immune system. Treatment with them should be carried out with immunological studies and under the supervision of a physician.

The second group of immunomodulators of plant origin is very extensive. These include: echinacea, ginseng, lemongrass, Aralia Manchurian, Rhodiola rosea, walnut, pine nut, elecampane, nettle, cranberry, rosehip, thyme, St. John's wort, lemon balm, birch, sea kale, fig, king cordyceps and other plants. They have a mild, slow, stimulating effect on the immune system, causing almost no side effects. They can be used for self-medication. Immunomodulatory drugs are made from these plants and are sold in pharmacies. For example, Immunal, Immunorm are made from echinacea.

Many modern immunomodulators also have an antiviral effect. These include: Anaferon (lozenges), Genferon (rectal suppositories), Arbidol (tablets), Neovir (injection solution), Altevir (injection solution), Grippferon (nasal drops), Viferon (rectal suppositories), Epigen Intim (spray), Infagel (ointment), Isoprinosine (tablets), Amiksin (tablets), Reaferon EC (powder for solution, administered intravenously), Ridostin (solution for injection), Ingaron (solution for injection), Lavomax (tablets) .

All of the above drugs should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, as they have side effects. An exception is Transfer Factor, which is approved for use in adults and children. It has no side effects.

Most plant immunomodulators have antiviral properties. The benefits of immunomodulators are undeniable. Treatment of many diseases without the use of these drugs becomes less effective. But you should take into account the individual characteristics of the human body and carefully select the dosage.

Uncontrolled and long-term use of immunomodulators can cause harm to the body: depletion of the immune system, decreased immunity.

Contraindications to taking immunomodulators are the presence of autoimmune diseases.

These diseases include: systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, diffuse toxic goiter, multiple sclerosis, primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis, autoimmune thyroiditis, some forms of bronchial asthma, Addison's disease, myasthenia gravis and some other rare forms of diseases. If a person suffering from one of these diseases starts taking immunomodulators on his own, the disease will worsen with unpredictable consequences. Immunomodulators should be taken in consultation with a doctor and under the supervision of a doctor.

Immunomodulators for children should be given with caution, no more than 2 times a year, if the child is often sick, and under the supervision of a pediatrician.

For children, there are 2 groups of immunomodulators: natural and artificial.

Natural– these are natural products: honey, propolis, rose hips, aloe, eucalyptus, ginseng, onions, garlic, cabbage, beets, radishes and others. Of this entire group, honey is the most suitable, healthy and pleasant to the taste. But you should remember about the child’s possible allergic reaction to bee products. Raw onions and garlic are not prescribed to children under 3 years of age.

Of the natural immunomodulators, children can be prescribed Transfer Factor, produced from cow's colostrum, and Derinat, produced from fish milk.

Artificial immunomodulators for children are synthetic analogues of human proteins - the interferon group. Only a doctor can prescribe them.

Immunomodulators during pregnancy. The immunity of pregnant women should be increased, if possible, without the help of immunomodulators, through proper nutrition, special physical exercises, hardening, and organizing a rational daily routine. During pregnancy, immunomodulators Derinat and Transfer Factor are allowed in consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Immunomodulators for various diseases.

Flu. For influenza, the use of herbal immunomodulators is effective - rose hips, echinacea, lemongrass, lemon balm, aloe, honey, propolis, cranberry and others. The drugs Immunal, Grippferon, Arbidol, Transfer Factor are used. The same drugs can be used to prevent influenza during its epidemic. But you should also remember about contraindications when prescribing immunomodulators. Thus, the natural immunomodulator rosehip is contraindicated for people suffering from thrombophlebitis and gastritis.

Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) (colds) - are treated with antiviral immunomodulators prescribed by a doctor and natural immunomodulators. For an uncomplicated cold, you do not need to take any medications. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids (tea, mineral water, warm milk with soda and honey), rinse the nose with a solution of baking soda during the day (dissolve 2 teaspoons of soda in a glass of warm hot water to rinse the nose), at a temperature - bed rest. If the elevated temperature persists for more than 3 days, and the symptoms of the disease increase, you need to begin more intensive treatment in consultation with your doctor.

Herpes- viral disease. Almost every person has the herpes virus in an inactive form. When immunity decreases, the virus is activated. In the treatment of herpes, immunomodulators are often and reasonably used. Are used:

1. Group of interferons (Viferon, Leukinferon, Giaferon, Amiksin, Poludan, Ridostin and others).

2. Nonspecific immunomodulators (Transfer Factor, Cordyceps, Echinacea preparations).

3. Also the following drugs (Polyoxidonium, Galavit, Likopid, Tamerit and others).

The most pronounced therapeutic effect of immunomodulators for herpes is when they are used in conjunction with multivitamins.

HIV infection. Immunomodulators are not able to overcome the human immunodeficiency virus, but they significantly improve the patient’s condition by activating his immune system. Immunomodulators are used in the complex treatment of HIV infection with antiretroviral drugs. In this case, interferons, interleukins are prescribed: Thymogen, Thymopoietin, Ferrovir, Ampligen, Taktivin, Transfer Factor, as well as herbal immunomodulators: ginseng, echinacea, aloe, lemongrass, and others.

Human papillomavirus (HPV). The main treatment is removal of papillomas. Immunomodulators, in the form of creams and ointments, are used as aids that activate the human immune system. For HPV, all interferon drugs are used, as well as Imiquimod, Indinol, Isoprinosine, Derinat, Allizarin, Lykopid, Wobenzym. The selection of medications is carried out only by a doctor; self-medication is unacceptable.

Selected immunomodulatory drugs.

Derinat– an immunomodulator obtained from fish milt. Activates all parts of the immune system. Has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. Approved for use by adults and children. Prescribed for ARVI, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, chronic inflammation of the genitals, gangrene, poorly healing wounds, burns, frostbite, hemorrhoids. Available in the form of a solution for injection and a solution for external use.

Polyoxidonium– an immunomodulator that normalizes the immune status: if immunity is reduced, then polyoxidonium activates the immune system; in case of excessively increased immunity, the drug helps to reduce it. Polyoxidonium can be prescribed without preliminary immunological tests. Modern, powerful, safe immunomodulator. Removes toxins from the human body. Prescribed for adults and children for any acute and chronic infectious diseases. Available in tablets, suppositories, and powder for preparing a solution.

Interferon– an immunomodulator of protein nature, produced in the human body. Has antiviral and antitumor properties. It is used more often for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections during periods of epidemics, as well as to restore immunity during recovery from serious illnesses. The earlier preventive treatment with interferon is started, the higher its effectiveness. Available in ampoules in powder form - leukocyte interferon, diluted with water and dropped into the nose and eyes. A solution for intramuscular administration is also produced - Reaferon and rectal suppositories - Genferon. Prescribed for adults and children. Contraindicated if you are allergic to the drug itself or if you have any allergic diseases.

Dibazol– an immunomodulatory drug of the old generation, promotes the production of interferon in the body and lowers blood pressure. Most often prescribed to hypertensive patients. Available in tablets and ampoules for injection.

Dekaris (Levamisole)– immunomodulator, has an anthelmintic effect. Can be prescribed to adults and children in the complex treatment of herpes, ARVI, warts. Available in tablets.

Transfer Factor– the most powerful modern immunomodulator. Made from cow colostrum. It has no contraindications or side effects. Safe for use at any age. Appointed:

For immunodeficiency conditions of various origins;

For endocrine and allergic diseases;

Can be used to prevent infectious diseases. Available in gelatin capsules for oral administration.

Cordyceps– immunomodulator of plant origin. Made from the cordyceps mushroom, which grows in the mountains of China. It is an immunomodulator that can increase decreased immunity and reduce excessively increased immunity. Eliminates even genetic immunity disorders.

In addition to the immunomodulatory effect, it regulates the functioning of organs and systems of the body, and prevents aging of the body. This is a fast-acting drug. Its action begins already in the oral cavity. The maximum effect appears a few hours after ingestion.

Contraindications to taking cordyceps: epilepsy, breastfeeding a child. Prescribed with caution to pregnant women and children under five years of age. In Russia and the CIS countries, cordyceps is used in the form of a dietary supplement (BAA), produced by the Chinese corporation Tianshi. Available in gelatin capsules.

Many people prefer to take vitamins to boost their immunity. And of course, vitamins – antioxidants C, A, E. First of all, vitamin C. A person must receive it daily from the outside. However, if you take vitamins thoughtlessly, they can cause harm (for example, an excess of vitamins A, D and a number of others is quite dangerous).

Ways to strengthen the immune system.

Among natural remedies, you can use medicinal herbs to boost immunity. Echinacea, ginseng, garlic, licorice, St. John's wort, red clover, celandine and yarrow - these and hundreds of other medicinal plants were given to us by nature. However, we must remember that long-term uncontrolled use of many herbs can cause depletion of the body due to the intensive consumption of enzymes. In addition, they, like some medications, are addictive.

The best way to increase immunity is hardening and physical activity. Take a contrast shower, douse yourself with cold water, go to the pool, visit the bathhouse. You can start hardening at any age. Moreover, it should be systematic, gradual, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the climate of the region in which you live. Jogging in the morning, aerobics, fitness, yoga are indispensable for improving immunity.

You cannot carry out hardening procedures after a sleepless night, significant physical and emotional stress, immediately after eating, or when you are sick. It is important that the treatment measures you choose are carried out regularly, with a gradual increase in load.

There is also a special diet to boost immunity. It involves excluding from the diet: smoked meats, fatty meats, sausages, sausages, canned food, and semi-finished meat products. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of canned, spicy foods and spices. There should be dried apricots, figs, dates, and bananas on the table every day. You can snack on them throughout the day.

A prerequisite for the formation of strong immunity is intestinal health, since most of the cells of the immune system are located in its lymphoid apparatus. Many medications, poor-quality drinking water, diseases, old age, sudden changes in diet or climate can cause intestinal dysbiosis. It is impossible to achieve good immunity with a diseased intestine. Products rich in lacto- and bifidobacteria (kefir, yogurt), as well as the pharmaceutical drug Linux, can help here.

2. An effective remedy for boosting immunity is a drink made from pine needles. To prepare it, you need to rinse 2 tablespoons of raw materials in boiling water, then pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. Let it brew for half an hour and strain. It is recommended to drink a glass of the decoction daily. You can add a little honey or sugar to it. You can not drink at once, dividing the entire volume into several parts.

3. Chop 250 g of onion as finely as possible and mix with 200 g of sugar, pour in 500 ml of water and cook over low heat for 1.5 hours. After cooling, add 2 tablespoons of honey to the solution, strain and place in a glass container. Drink one tablespoon 3-5 times a day.

4. Herbal mixture to improve immunity, consisting of mint, fireweed, chestnut flowers and lemon balm. Take 5 tablespoons of each herb, pour one liter of boiling water and let it brew for two hours. The resulting infusion must be mixed with a decoction made from cranberries and cherries (cherries can be replaced with strawberries or viburnum), and drink 500 ml daily.

5. An excellent tea for boosting immunity can be made from lemon balm, cudweed, valerian root, oregano herb, linden blossom, hop cones, coriander seed and motherwort. All ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions. Then pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave overnight. The resulting tea should be drunk during the day in 2-3 approaches. With the help of this infusion, you can not only strengthen your immune system, but also improve the functioning of your cardiovascular system.

6. A combination of lemongrass, licorice, Echinacea purpurea and ginseng will help improve immunity against herpes.

7. A vitamin decoction of apples has a good general strengthening effect. To do this, cut one apple into slices and boil in a glass of water in a water bath for 10 minutes. After this, add honey, an infusion of lemon and orange peels and a little brewed tea.

8. The beneficial effects of a mixture of dried apricots, raisins, honey, walnuts, taken 200 g each, and the juice of one lemon are known. All ingredients must be twisted in a meat grinder and mixed thoroughly. This product should be stored in a glass container, preferably in the refrigerator. Eat a tablespoon of the product daily. This must be done in the morning on an empty stomach.

9. With the onset of cold weather, ordinary honey can be an excellent way to boost immunity. It is recommended to take it with green tea. To do this, you need to brew tea, add the juice of half a lemon, ½ glass of mineral water and a tablespoon of honey. You should drink the resulting healing solution twice a day, half a glass, for three weeks.

10. There is a gift from nature - mumiyo. It has a powerful tonic, antitoxic and anti-inflammatory effect. With its help, you can speed up the processes of renewal and restoration of all tissues of the body, soften the effects of radiation, increase efficiency, and enhance potency. To increase immunity, mumiyo should be taken as follows: dissolve 5–7 g until mushy in a few drops of water, then add 500 g of honey and mix everything thoroughly. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.

11. Among the recipes for increasing immunity there is this one. Mix 5 g mummy, 100 g aloe and juice of three lemons. Place the mixture in a cool place for a day. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

12. An excellent remedy for boosting immunity, which can relieve body aches and headaches, is a vitamin bath. To prepare it, you can use the fruits or leaves of currants, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, rowan or rose hips. There is no need to apply everything at once. Take equal parts of what you have on hand and pour boiling water over the mixture for 15 minutes. Pour the resulting infusion into the bath, add a few drops of cedar or eucalyptus oil. It is necessary to stay in such healing water for no longer than 20 minutes.

13. Ginger is another immunity-boosting herb. You need to finely chop 200 g of peeled ginger, add chopped pieces of half a lemon and 300 g of frozen (fresh) berries. Let the mixture brew for two days. Use the juice released to boost immunity by adding it to tea or diluting it with water.

Reflexology is effective for strengthening the immune system. It can be used at home. Harmonization of the body's energy system using reflexology techniques can significantly improve well-being, relieve symptoms of weakness, fatigue, drowsiness or insomnia, normalize the psycho-emotional state, prevent the development of exacerbations of chronic diseases, and strengthen the immune system.

If there are no wormwood sticks, you can use a well-dried high-grade cigarette. There is no need to smoke, as it is harmful. Impact on the basic points replenishes the energy supply in the body.

The points corresponding to the thyroid gland, thymus gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland and, of course, the navel should also be warmed up. The navel is a zone of accumulation and circulation of strong vital energy.

After warming up, place hot pepper seeds on these points and secure them with a band-aid. You can also use seeds:rose hips, beans, radishes, millet, buckwheat.

Useful for raising overall toneis a finger massage with an elastic massage ring. You can massage each finger and toe by rolling the ring over it several times until the finger feels warm. See pictures.

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http: // Article: The concept of immunity and its types.

http: // Articles: How to increase immunity.; Immunity and rejuvenation of the body.

http: // Article: What is immunity.

http: // Article: increasing immunity with folk remedies.

Park Jae Woo Himself Su Jok Doctor M. 2007

Materials from Wikipedia.