Inulin benefits and harm reviews. Benefits, harms and contraindications of chicory. Benefits, harms and calorie content of chicory: tops and roots. Secrets of a mysterious product, chicory - beneficial or harmful

In the last 5–6 years, Russian market Chicory is widespread, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in this material. This is a soluble product (powder), which is poured with boiling water to prepare a drink, according to its own taste characteristics reminiscent of coffee. Therefore, it is preferred by many people who want to give up caffeine due to hypertension, stomach diseases, or to maintain white teeth. This drink contains vitamins and minerals, and is therefore beneficial for the body.

General information

Chicory – herbaceous plant the Astrov family. The Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of this herb. It is currently cultivated on an industrial scale for further processing and production of a powdered soluble product for preparing a drink.

Before instant drink appeared on wide sale, it was harvested by hand. With this preparation, the benefits of chicory were preserved. To do this, it was necessary to collect and clean the roots, then cut them and dry them. After this, the particles were fried and ground into powder. Currently, there is no such problem, since the root of this herb in ground, whole or soluble form is widely available on sale.

Useful material

The benefits of chicory are explained by the vitamin content it contains. Contains 12 vitamins:

  1. beta-carotene (3430 mg) has a powerful antioxidant effect, strengthening the cell membrane so that free radicals do not penetrate through it, forming insoluble compounds in cells that can contribute to the development of oncological diseases;
  2. vitamin C (24.0) helps strengthen the immune system, therefore it is useful for pregnant women who especially need strong immunity for guard own body and fetus from infections ( daily norm 120–150 mg);
  3. choline (12.8) is involved in fat metabolism and actively cleanses the liver of fats;
  4. Vitamin E (2.26), like beta-carotene, has antioxidant properties, strengthens cell membranes and prevents penetration into them free radicals, which reduces the likelihood of developing cancer, its molecules surround red blood cells that carry oxygen to cells, protecting them from destructive impact these same free radicals;
  5. vitamin B5 (1.16) promotes skin healing and is involved in the production of antibodies immune system, corticosteroids and adrenal hormones;
  6. vitamin PP (1.02), together with B vitamins, is involved in the processing nutrients into energy;
  7. vitamin B6 (0.11) is involved in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, promoting the conversion of nutrients into energy (with its help, enzymes are formed in the liver, which break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins);
  8. vitamin B2 (0.1) is involved in the processes of cell division and growth processes of the body, therefore it is necessary for women during pregnancy for normal height fetus ( daily norm 2.2 mg);
  9. vitamin B1 (0.06) strengthens cell membranes, protecting them from negative impact peroxidation products (essentially an antioxidant);
  10. vitamin K (297.6 mcg) normalizes the process of blood clotting, accelerates the healing of cuts and wounds, and is therefore necessary for the restoration of the body after operations (daily norm 2 mcg per kg of weight);
  11. Vitamin A (286) is part of rhodopsin, a visual pigment that helps the eye distinguish dark from light, see in the dark and distinguish color shades, because daily use daily vitamin intake (1000–1500 mcg) helps maintain visual acuity;
  12. vitamin B9 (110) is indispensable for pregnant women, as it participates in the formation of the fetal nervous system (daily intake 200–500 mcg).

The second thing that chicory is useful for is the minerals it contains:

  • Potassium (420 mg) is involved in the normalization of muscle function, including the heart muscle. In this regard, it has medicinal properties for arrhythmia, because it helps to even out heartbeat and reduce the severity and frequency of attacks;
  • Calcium (100) is an important “building” material for bones, teeth and nails. Required for normal development skeleton;
  • Phosphorus (47), along with calcium, is involved in bone formation. Helps them maintain strength, protects them from deformation;
  • Sodium (45) is an important substance in the composition intercellular fluid. Involved in transfer processes useful substances to cells;
  • Magnesium (30) promotes complete absorption of calcium and potassium;
  • Iron (0.9), after entering the human body, interacts with oxygen, this is necessary for hemoglobin, the oxygen carrier. This explains its healing properties for anemia (low iron content in the body);
  • Manganese (0.43), together with calcium and phosphorus, is involved in the formation bone tissue. Promotes complete absorption of vitamins A, B and C;
  • Zinc (0.42) is also involved in the formation of bones, and therefore is necessary for children during active growth(daily intake up to 11 mg);
  • Copper (0.3) promotes collagen production. Thanks to this, the elasticity of the skin increases. This also explains its healing properties for vascular diseases - the presence of collagen increases the elasticity of their walls and restores their tone;
  • Selenium (0.3 mcg) is indispensable for men, as it stimulates testosterone production.

The calorie content of a drink made from instant powder is very low. 100 g of dry product contains 21 kcal, and one teaspoon contains 7 g of soluble powder and less than one and a half calories. Thus, depending on the richness of the drink, one glass of it (without sugar or milk) contains from one and a half to five calories (5-7 in black tea, up to 37 in coffee).

Preparing the drink

Liquid chicory (powder diluted with boiling water) replaces coffee for many people who are forced to give up caffeine (pregnant women, those with increased nervous excitability, hypertensive patients). It not only tastes like coffee, but also has an invigorating effect due to the herbs and roots containing inulin, a polysaccharide that acts as a natural energy drink.

The process of preparing the drink is usually described on the powder packaging. Most often, it is recommended to pour 250 ml of boiling water into one dessert spoon of powder and let it brew for two minutes. Then drink the drink.

There are also ways to brew chicory extract in milk. Wherein dessert spoon powder is poured into 250 ml of hot milk, not water. This method allows you to make the drink taste more like coffee, since chicory brewed with boiling water has a characteristic taste that not everyone likes.

Important! The benefits and harms of chicory diluted in milk should be considered separately. Presence cow's milk complicates the process of iron absorption. Therefore, in case of anemia, it is worth replacing it with a plant analogue, for example, soy milk.


Basic beneficial features chicory for weight loss is explained by the presence of inulin in its composition. Up to 60% of the powder volume is inulin and fiber. The inulin content is reduced to 30% if high temperatures(above 60 degrees), since inulin is destroyed at them. Inulin prevents glucose from falling, thereby suppressing the feeling of hunger. It also promotes complete absorption of vitamins and minerals. It invigorates no worse than coffee.

The main benefit of chicory exclusively for men is its selenium content. It promotes testosterone production. The hormone, in turn, helps increase potency. The diuretic properties of a drink made from this herb have a positive effect on genitourinary system, preventing the development of infections. This important feature, because according to statistics, about 50% of men reproductive age suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system.


Before use, it is important to find out the contraindications of chicory, because sometimes healthy drink also causes harm. The reason to stop drinking instant chicory root drink is taking antibiotics. Chicory extract negatively affects their digestibility, as it contains calcium salts, which reduce the degree of absorption of tetracycline drugs by up to 80%. The effectiveness of antibiotics decreases to the same extent and their healing properties decrease.

Chicory also has contraindications for varicose veins. Daily use expands the veins even more due to the presence of vitamins A, C and E, which can influence the walls of blood vessels, increasing the lumen. They also increase capillary permeability. This property complicates the course of the disease and causes aggravation of current symptoms. For the same reason, you should not use chicory extract for hemorrhoids.

Due to excessive vasodilation and blood thinning under the influence of magnesium and vitamin C, which prevent red blood cells from sticking together, liquid chicory is contraindicated in case of hypotension (low blood pressure), or when blood pressure jumps in both directions. Even a single dose causes a decrease in blood pressure, which in hypotensive patients leads to dizziness, nausea, and weakness.

Chicory also harms the body of allergy sufferers. High content of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) can provoke an exacerbation of an allergic reaction. Also, if you drink more than three glasses of the drink daily, there is a risk of vitamin C hypervitaminosis.

Despite the fact that many of the benefits of chicory are due to high content it contains calcium, the same fact explains its harm to people suffering urolithiasis. Liquid chicory contains calcium oxalates, which reduce the acidity of urine. This is what leads to the formation of sediment in the kidneys and bladder, stone growth or formation.

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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Today, chicory is familiar to many, more often as an instant drink, a coffee substitute. He's got enough pleasant taste and it can charge you with energy for the whole day. And about such a concept as chicory inulin, not many have heard, much less know about the benefits and harms of this substance for human health.

What are the benefits of chicory inulin?

IN general concept Inulin refers to a polymer of fructose that is found in many plants.

Namely, chicory inulin is extracted from tubers by extraction ( percentage inulin in tubers is 6%), as sugar is produced from sugar beets. The plant itself has a soft and delicate taste, which allows you to add an interesting flavor to many dishes.

  • Medical workers Inulin is classified as a probiotic that has a positive effect on the formation of intestinal microflora.
  • It helps remove radionuclides and heavy metal salts.
  • Renders positive effect on skeletal system in general, due to better absorption of calcium.
  • Helps fight many infections, thereby strengthening the immune system of the human body.
  • Is an excellent remedy for weight loss, as it reduces appetite and blood glucose.
  • Positively affects the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Improves skin and fights wrinkles.

To whom may chicory inulin be harmful?

Information that inulin, which is contained in chicory, can adversely affect human body, No. The only thing that needs to be noted about the use of chicory inulin is that allergic reactions. After all, the risk of individual intolerance to a particular substance is always present. Children, pregnant and lactating women should use inulin with caution.

Buy chicory inulin (as well as natural powder chicory) you can have it delivered from China in the AliExperss store.

Chicory and its healing properties.

Chicory helps fight inflammatory processes occurring in the human body. It contains polyphenols, which remove all toxins and excess fat reserves.

How healthy is instant chicory?

  • Has a positive effect on digestion;
  • will help cope with fats that enter the body with food, so this instant drink is recommended to be consumed during a diet;
  • is allowed for consumption by diabetics, because glycemic index he is at a low level.

And the delicate and soft taste of the drink made from the soluble powder of this plant will only encourage you to drink it again and again.

You can buy high-quality chicory in the Ozone online store at affordable prices.

Permissible daily intake of the product.

There are no specific limits to the use of this product, but you should still stick to three to five grams per day. It is also allowed to drink a drink made from soluble chicory with milk. Such a pleasant drinking duo will help cleanse the body of unnecessary substances, which will only have a positive effect on the slimness of your figure.

Conclusions about this plant in general.

It has been proven that the extract liquid chicory, both instant powder and chicory herb are equally beneficial. It's all about the content of inulin, which is an excellent representative of fiber that has a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract generally.

Natural chicory tuber will be useful for diseases of the intestines and stomach. Ground chicory root folk medicine very often used to normalize the functioning of the stomach and treat gastritis in different stages. The only thing I would like to note before you start taking chicory is not as a food additive, but as a medicine, better .

Used as a coffee substitute, chicory brings many benefits to the body. It invigorates and at the same time is indicated for insomnia, helps cleanse the liver and the outflow of bile. Chicory dilates blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure. Overdose and improper use can be harmful to health.

What are the benefits of chicory?

For cooking medicines It is better to use common chicory (cychorium intibus). The beneficial and medicinal properties of cultivated varieties (witloof, endive and others) are somewhat reduced, although they are tasty and contain a lot of vitamin C.

The plant has a useful property of stimulating metabolic processes, heart activity, slow down the rhythm of its contractions and increase the amplitude, lower blood pressure due to vasodilator effect, normalize the level.

Drinking from useful plant improves the functioning of the pancreas, helps increase the concentration in the blood. And the property of lowering glucose levels contributes to weight loss, prevention and treatment.

Drinks made from chicory leaves and roots improve liver function, increase blood flow and metabolism in it, and have a choleretic, diuretic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effect.

Calming properties are used in cases of insomnia, neuroses and stress. Chicory improves mood, gives strength and vigor, and helps cope with loss of strength.

The plant has a beneficial effect on thyroid gland, has a thyreostatic effect, helps cope with thyrotoxicosis.

Chicory is useful both when used independently and in combination with other medicinal plants, enhances their therapeutic effect.

Traditional medicine uses the roots of the plant; decoctions and infusions are prepared from its powder. IN medicinal purposes accept Fresh Juice, salads are prepared from the leaves. Fresh or dried stems, flowers, and leaves bring health benefits.

Composition of chicory

The beneficial properties of chicory are due to the biologically active substances it contains:

  • The root contains a lot of inulin (up to 60% of dry weight), fructose, tannins and resinous substances.
  • The leaves are rich in vitamin B4 (choline), which is necessary for the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys and brain.

Chicory contains carotene, vitamin C, vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 ( a nicotinic acid), AT 5 ( pantothenic acid), B9 (folic acid).

The plant contains sodium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus.

Inulin, which is part of chicory, is useful not only for those suffering diabetes mellitus. It strengthens, stimulates the growth of bone tissue, which prevents the development of skeletal diseases, is water-soluble, and removes from the body harmful substances, improves general condition.

Eating chicory improves digestion, it is beneficial to the intestinal microflora, stimulates an increase in the number of bifidobacteria, and normalizes cholesterol metabolism. It is used for prevention cardiovascular diseases, in the treatment of hepatitis B and C.

Chicory coffee drink

In industrial production, cleanly washed roots are heated in special drums, where they are fried. Under the influence of inulin, the content of inulin is reduced by almost half, glucose and fructose are formed - simple sugars, giving the drink a sweetish taste. The roots change color, become brown, brittle and fragrant.

An extract is obtained from the roasted roots under the influence of hot water, and the finished powder is dried. All that remains is to brew the instant chicory with boiling water - the coffee is ready.

At home, the roots are dried and the temperature in the oven is gradually raised from the initial +50C to +180C. Readiness is indicated by a golden brown color and a characteristic aroma. After cooling, the roots are ground in a coffee grinder and stored in an airtight container in a dark place.

Various recipes are used to prepare a coffee drink:

  • Place the powder in a cup, brew with boiling water at the rate of 1 tsp. chicory per glass, leave.
  • Pour the powder with cold water, bring to a boil in a cezve over low heat until a characteristic cap appears. As soon as the cap begins to “breathe,” let the coffee cool for 5 minutes, then bring it back to a boil over high heat. Strain the finished drink, add sugar to taste.

If at first the taste seems unusual, you can add a little ground coffee.

Chicory coffee regulates the activity of digestion and intestines, helps to cope with constipation, which is especially important for.

To reduce harmful action Traditional coffee can benefit from adding chicory powder.

Popular recipes with chicory

Improving memory and attention. At high intellectual loads It is useful to take a glass of chicory root decoction with milk and 1 tsp every day. honey, eat an apple. The product also helps cope with irritability.

Beneficial properties of chicory for depression and loss of strength

  • Brew 5g of crushed root or soluble chicory with 1/4 cup of boiling water, bring to a boil. Leave for 2 days in a sealed container, strain, add boiled water up to 1/4 cup.

Instill 2 drops into each nostril up to 5 times a day, the course of treatment is two weeks.


  • Brew 20g of chicory roots with a glass of boiling water, leave, strain. Add the juice obtained from a medium-sized head or a tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves.

Gargle while warm every half hour. Every hour, take 1 tbsp orally. Ingredients: add the juice of one clove of garlic to 1/4 cup of chicory infusion.

For bronchitis and cough, the following recipes are beneficial:

  • Grind 2-3 tbsp in a meat grinder. raisins, pour a glass of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. chicory. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, let cool, strain.

Take warm with honey throughout the day. Prepare a fresh infusion every day.

  • Mix 3 parts of chicory roots, 2 parts of marshmallow roots. Place 2 tsp in a thermos. mixture, brew 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 7-8 hours, strain.

Take a glass throughout the day.

The benefits of chicory for the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder

The plant is useful for removing harmful substances from the body, primarily from the liver and kidneys. It is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, and gall bladder. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to consume fruits and vegetables rich in potassium. Chicory is good for digestion and improves appetite.

  • Brew 2 tbsp. chicory roots with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, strain, add water to a volume of 250 ml.

Take 1/3 cup warm 15 minutes before meals.

Liver diseases.

  • Wash and chop the plant (root, leaves, stem), brew 2 tbsp. 500 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, let cool, strain. Add 2 tbsp. honey and 1 tsp. fruit vinegar.

Take half a glass 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.

  • Grate the root on a fine grater to obtain juice.

Take 1 tsp. before meals.

Chicory is useful for the formation of bile, helps cope with stagnation in the liver and with its alcoholic damage.

  • Brew 2 tbsp. crushed roots 1 liter of boiling water, simmer in an enamel bowl over low heat for 20 minutes, leave for half an hour, strain.

Take half a glass between meals. Treat for three or more months.


  • Pour 1 tsp. a glass of crushed roots cold water, bring to a boil, leave for half an hour in a sealed container, strain.

Take 1/2 cup half an hour before meals.

Inflammation bile ducts(cholangitis).

  • Brew 1 tsp. chicory roots with a glass of boiling water, simmer for half an hour in a water bath, let cool, strain.

Take 1/4 cup with honey half an hour before meals.

Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

  • Brew 6g chicory roots, 5g juniper fruits, 4g herbs shepherd's purse 300 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 3 minutes, leave, strain.

Take 100 ml half an hour before meals for 14 days.

  • Mix 2 parts each of chicory horses and leaves, 1 part each of valerian roots, grass, hop cones. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave, strain.

Take 100 ml before breakfast and dinner.

Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

At chronic form diseases it is good to drink coffee drink from chicory half and half with milk. Its daily use while following a diet allows you to eliminate inflammation in six months to a year. Must be included in diet seaweed and foods rich in cobalt and nickel. Their deficiency disrupts the functioning of the pancreas, which, in turn, can lead to diabetes.

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. crushed chicory roots, leave for half an hour in an enamel bowl in a water bath, let cool, strain.

Take a quarter glass with honey half an hour before meals throughout the day.

  • Brew 1 tsp. soluble chicory with a glass of boiling water, leave. Add a glass of weak infusion (dilute with water).

Take 1/2 cup three times a day after meals.

How to drink chicory for heart or vascular diseases

The beneficial properties of the plant are used in the treatment of heart diseases to increase the amplitude and normalize the rhythm of contractions, dilate blood vessels, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, and increase the concentration of hemoglobin.

  • Mix 1 tsp. soluble chicory or powder from its roots and 1 tbsp. marigolds, pour 100 ml of vodka. Leave in a dark, cool place in a tightly closed glass container for 20 days, shake every day, and strain when finished.

Take 20 drops on a piece of sugar after meals.

  • Brew 20g of chicory with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain.

Take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day to relieve swelling associated with insufficient heart function and stimulate its activity.

Cardiac ischemia.

  • Mix two parts cottage cheese and one part soluble chicory or its crushed roots.

Eat throughout the day.

Frequent heart contractions (tachycardia).

  • Mix equal parts creeping thyme herb and chicory, brew 1 tbsp. mix 500 ml of boiling water, cover well and leave for 30 minutes, strain.

Drink during the day in four doses.

Reduced concentration of hemoglobin in the blood (anemia).

  • Cut young shoots during flowering, scald with boiling water, mince, squeeze, and boil the juice for 10 minutes over low heat.

Take 1 teaspoon diluted in half a glass of milk 3 times a day.

High blood pressure (hypertension).

  • Pour 1 tbsp. crushed chicory roots 1.5 liters of cold water, slowly bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, cover well and leave for 4 hours, strain.

During the day, take a total of 250-350 ml of infusion, possibly with the addition of honey and lemon. Treat for two weeks.

Strengthening blood vessels.

  • Mix dried plant tops and parsley leaves, 1 tsp. Brew the mixture with a glass of boiling water, cover well and leave for 20 minutes, strain.

Take 1/3 cup before meals.

Beneficial properties of chicory for diabetes

The anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antitoxic properties of the plant have a protective effect on membrane structures in the pancreas, which makes it possible to reduce blood glucose levels.

  • Brew 1 tsp. mixture of flowering tops and crushed roots with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes, let cool, strain.

Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

  • Brew 2 tbsp of a mixture of chicory roots and burdock with 500 ml of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes, let cool, strain.

Take half a glass 3-4 times a day.

The benefits of chicory for weight loss

The medicinal plant helps to cope with overweight. It contains pectins, they reduce the feeling of hunger, reduce appetite, and prolong the feeling of fullness.

To lose weight, it is not enough to drink chicory. Diet and exercise are required. The use of infusions and medicinal fees enhances the effect of exercise.

You should not use weight loss supplements during pregnancy, as well as in case of kidney, liver, or gastrointestinal diseases.

Recipe for reducing appetite and losing weight:

  • In the evening, brew 2 tbsp in a thermos. chicory 1 liter of boiling water.

Take the infusion half an hour before meals in small sips, drink it throughout the day.

Recipe for removing harmful substances:

  • Mix 20g chicory root, 15g leaves, 15g, 15g parsley roots, 15g buckthorn, 10g mint, 10g yarrow. Brew 2 tbsp in a thermos. collecting 500 ml of boiling water.

Take 30 ml before meals three times a day.

Recipe for normalizing intestinal function and removing fluid from the body:

  • Mix 80g of chicory herb, 10g each of coltsfoot, blackberry, and birch leaves. Brew 1 tsp. mix 500 ml of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain.

Take 50 ml before breakfast and lunch.

Harm and contraindications of chicory

Despite its benefits, chicory, when consumed in excess, can cause excessive appetite and lead to obesity.

Taking an infusion of the plant is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of the duodenum.

The simultaneous use of infusion and antibiotics may interfere with the absorption of the medicine.

Drinks with chicory are contraindicated for children under three years of age, as their nervous system is not fully developed.

Excessive consumption of chicory can cause hypervitaminosis of vitamin C. You should avoid taking it if you are allergic to ascorbic acid.

Chicory dilates blood vessels; this beneficial property can be harmful for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

At bronchial asthma and bronchitis, chicory drinks in some cases can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

For some types of gastritis, the use of chicory is contraindicated and can be harmful.

Long-term use of chicory large quantities can lead to insomnia, exacerbation of gallbladder diseases, indigestion, gout, arthritis, and provoke formation (the plant contains oxalates).

Chicory has a diuretic effect, and with low blood pressure this can be harmful, as it will drop even more.

Modified: 02/11/2019

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What are prebiotics and why are they needed?

The future of many areas in medicine lies in the study of human microbiota. That part of the microbiota that lives in the intestines is nourished by prebiotics, including our hero.

Microbiota (normal microflora) is a collection of microorganisms in the human body. It affects directly or indirectly all (!) systems and organs. Life is impossible without the active participation of bacteria - just as without air, water, food and gravity.

People as a “host species” are not critical for the existence of bacteria, but Bacteria are obligatory companions of humans. Therefore, numerous studies of the most modern laboratories are focused on studying the connection and algorithm of interaction between “a person and his microbiota”.

More than 10 thousand species of microbes inhabit the intestines. Of these, 62% are poorly studied, of which 99% are poorly or not cultivated at all.

3-5% of our weight is bacteria inhabiting the body. Do you weigh 65 kg? The bacteria in your body is from 2 to 3.25 kg.

Only by the age of 7 is a stable structure of the human microflora created. Throughout our lives, the quality and balance of microflora depends very much on nutrition.

Thus, depends directly on nutrition and those key systems that rely on gut bacteria. First of all, immunity (up to 70% of immune reserves are determined by the intestinal microbiota). As well as all types of metabolism, absorption of nutrients, synthesis of vitamins and target compounds, among which there are active anti-cancer molecules.

How to maintain harmony of friendly microflora?

To make a conditions proper nutrition and replenish the diet with special substances - prebiotics.

These are nutrients that are not absorbed in upper sections digestive tract, reach the intestines unchanged and create conditions there for the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria.

What is inulin and what are its benefits?

Fructose-oligosaccharides (FOS), galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), lactulose, lactitol and inulin are the most well-known compounds with pronounced prebiotic properties.

What is inulin and what is it for? A polysaccharide consisting of 95% fructose. It dissolves well in hot water, but is not digested in the stomach and today fully belongs to dietary fiber. In the large intestine, inulin becomes a desirable food for beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Deep Study of Inulin began at the end of the 20th century. A lot of information has been accumulated on the benefits of prebiotics in the prevention and treatment of a number of dangerous conditions that shorten life to a certain extent. modern man- atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, hepatosteatosis, constipation, reduced immunity.

TOP 6 useful properties

Let's start with the obvious and end with some very ambitious health benefits. Inulin is truly beneficial in many ways.

Let us remind you that we always offer treat any loud delights soberly. That is why in the iHerb section you will also find skeptical assessments of health-improving new products with honest reviews “we won’t buy it.”

In the case of inulin, after careful study and long-term use, it is no coincidence that the scales tip in a clear favor, which is especially important - universal.

How is our today's hero useful?

Reduces constipation and normalizes cleansing

2011, the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition: A 28-day study of the effects of chicory inulin on constipation in old age. Conclusion: daily addition of 15 g of inulin relieves constipation and improves the quality of life in people 60+. ()

Inulin retains liquid in the intestinal lumen, which makes the food bolus loose and easy to move through the intestines.

Gel-like, sliding surface feces - distinguishing characteristic with a sufficient amount of inulin. This protects against injury during bowel movements in a person with hemorrhoids.

Nourishes beneficial intestinal microflora

Inulin is an oligosaccharide, i.e. it includes several simple sugars, joined together to form the so-called “fructan”. This is an indigestible prebiotic that, moving through the intestines, selectively ferments and nourishes only healthy intestinal microflora. As a result pathogenic microorganisms cannot reproduce.

He also receives protection colon, in addition to the systemic effect on immunity and metabolism. Studies have found that inulin-type fructans reduce the risk of colon carcinogenesis and improve treatment inflammatory diseases intestines. ()

Prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetes

As it passes through the digestive system, inulin acts as an adsorbent. It takes triglycerides with it, " bad cholesterol"and other potentially dangerous and toxic compounds.

A high-fiber diet has long been linked to heart health in numerous studies. And although today cholesterol from food cannot be considered the main cause of atherosclerosis, alimentary fiber make a significant contribution to the detoxification of the body. They trap excess cholesterol produced by the liver in the intestinal lumen and remove it from the body.

Reduces the GI of the meal!

Being sweet, but not being a completely digestible carbohydrate, inulin does not lead to an increase in blood glucose levels and does not cause insulin secretion. It is able to moderately reduce appetite and the glycemic index of meals, slowing down the growth of glucose in the blood and the deposition of excess sugars into fat. () An invaluable property for weight loss and diabetes!

Increases the absorption of calcium and magnesium

Some studies have shown that inulin improves the absorption of the electrolytes calcium and possibly magnesium.

How it works? It all comes down to the positive prebiotic effects of inulin in the gut: they grow beneficial bacteria- the absorption of minerals from the food bolus improves.

2005, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Study in groups high risk for calcium deficiency (young girls and older women). Conclusions: “Daily consumption of a combination of short-chain and long-chain inulin prebiotic fructans significantly increased calcium absorption—increasing bone mineralization by 23%.” ()

An effective health supplement for weight loss

2016, University of Guelph in Canada, healthy women The powder was added to the menu for 8 days. Conclusions: “6 g of inulin in yogurt for breakfast reduces appetite.” ()

Only 1.5 kcal per 1 gram of inulin, delicate sweetness and voluminous expansion into a gel-like substance. This gives a feeling of fullness and satiety, and all the listed benefits for the body.

It is clear that inulin is an excellent participant dietary dishes for weight loss without harm to health.

Treatment of diseases of the nervous system and developmental delays in children

Stands apart extremely interesting application inulin for developmental delays in children and even in the treatment of autistic disorders. Essentially, the sweet powder does the same thing - it normalizes the microflora in small intestine. But that’s the beauty of the body with its unsolved mysteries! It is the beneficial microorganisms in the intestines that are closely related to nervous system, including its center - the brain.

To find out more, ask any full review on request “Nemeczyk protocol”. This is a biomedical doctor who has long observed the effects of introducing into the diet of children with deviations of only three rules. Here they are:

  1. taking inulin;
  2. taking omega-3 fatty acids;
  3. exclusion of excess omega-6 with simultaneous introduction of omega-9 ().

Some benefits can also be expected from the daily presence of inulin in the menu of people with Parkinson's disease and the general decline of motor and cognitive functions as they age.

Foods high in inulin

One way to consume a healing prebiotic on a regular basis is to include daily menu food where there is a lot of it. What foods contain inulin? Let's list in descending order.

  1. - 15 to 20% - the most popular source with extremely high concentration
  2. Jerusalem artichoke (tubers) - from 16 to 18%
  3. Asparagus - from 13 to 18%
  4. Garlic - from 9 to 16%
  5. Artichokes - from 3 to 10%
  6. Leeks - from 3 to 10%
  7. Onions - from 2 to 6%
  8. Barley - from 0.5 to 1.5%
  9. Wheat flour - from 0.5 to 1.5%
  10. (especially slightly green) - from 0.3 to 0.7%
  11. Wheatgrass (a popular member of wellness menus)

In which medicinal plants:

  1. Dandelion root - up to 40%
  2. Elecampane root - up to 44%
  3. Burdock root (dry) - up to 45%
  4. Echinacea

It is not surprising that infusions for diabetics often contain elecampane, burdock and dandelion. First of all, this is the merit of our hero.

How it is produced and what it is used for

Most often, the valuable polysaccharide is obtained from Jerusalem artichoke, chicory root and agave.

Oligosaccharides are used in the food industry for dietary baking. This improves the taste, texture, moisture content and health benefits.

At the same time, it contains significantly fewer calories than carbohydrates and fats: only 1.5 kcal per 1 gram of inulin.

Inulin is very mild sweet taste(about 10 times weaker than sugar). It is universal for any recipe, not only as a substitute for sugar, but also as a substitute for flour, as it helps create the illusion of fat content due to its gel-like texture after absorbing water.

Inulin is also available in the form of biologically active additives V different forms - powder, capsules, tablets.

Where to buy and how much does inulin cost?

The international market is actively attacking Chinese inulin. Its quality is questionable. Examinations reveal up to 50% maltodextrin. Read labels to make informed choices about health products.

On the Russian market, you will most often encounter inulin from Jerusalem artichoke. It can be purchased at pharmacies and local online stores.

World leader in online trading iherb health and beauty products allow you to choose a convenient form of polysaccharide from a rich list of brands. Position cards have a comprehensive description and rating with reviews. It is easy to find out the source of raw materials and production technology.

It is advisable to compare costs world-famous TMs and a not entirely clear option from the nearest pharmacy. Those who put together a basket of several items on iHerb will experience significant savings.

Consider other permanent bonuses. You can add an item marked Economy Delivery to your cart or place one non-small order. In this case, for a certain basket size, even urgent delivery to your doorstep is significantly cheaper or free.

Our experience today suggests another important detail when buying inulin on iHerb. Pay attention to the offer buy 3 or more cans at a time. The powder is light, and when consumed by a family of 3 or more people, it is profitable to place a micro-wholesale order with an additional discount.

How to use with food and in supplements

Two questions remain:

  1. Is the daily requirement for inulin calculated?
  2. How to get the recommended amount daily.

For example, advanced in the topic healthy eating Americans consumed with food from 10 to 15 g per day. These figures only apply to those who follow a balanced diet, not a low-carbohydrate diet. In the general population, the amount of inulin is unlikely to exceed 3-5 grams per day.

Inulin is a tasty and convenient option. It is sweet and soluble in hot water. It can be added in smoothies, tea, cocktails, jelly, salad, porridge and baked goods.

Useful idea: combine inulin and calcium!

Milk and banana shake for breakfast. Cottage cheese and garlic - traditional original snack. Raw onions in salads with leafy greens and cheese. Omelet with asparagus and grated Dutch cheese. Jerusalem artichoke tubers baked with cheese and sour cream.

Our approach to using inulin:

Possible harm and side effects

Allergy to inulin practically does not occur.

Like any dietary fiber, inulin can cause unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract, especially with excess intake:

  • Loose stools;
  • Dyspepsia from the stomach (heartburn, nausea);
  • Flatulence and mild flying pains along the intestines.

With a moderate intake of inulin (up to 3 teaspoons/day) this harm can affect only a narrow circle of people, for example, sick chronic pathology intestines (IBS, colitis, etc.). Such patients are advised to monitor the amount of products with inulin, and administer the supplement accompanied by liquid only during the period of remission, increasing the dose slowly.

To be on the safe side, each person trying an inulin supplement for the first time can introduce it gradually, starting with 1 teaspoon of powder.

We will be glad if we clarified for you all the nuances about inulin, the benefits and harms of the healing polysaccharide, methods of use and products where it is found in large quantities.

We hope our story will inspire you to use inulin systemically. It is especially useful to make healthy adjustments to the diet of children, elderly and frequently ill family members. And if you have any questions: comments are always open. Be healthy and bon appetit!

Thank you for the article (32)

Many medical and nutrition experts say it is important to consume chicory inulin. The benefits and harms of this substance are not familiar to everyone. What is inulin in chicory? How to use and what are the benefits of this substance? Let's try to figure it out in the article.

Chicory inulin – what is it and why is it so important

Inulin is obtained from the roots of a plant such as chicory by cold pressing. Inulin is a carbon and a prebiotic. It is not absorbed in the digestive organs, but is processed by the intestines. This substance is also found in onions, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke, and dandelion.

The benefits of chicory inulin are as follows:


The benefits of inulin are very high, however, it has its contraindications. It interferes with the absorption of antibiotics, so their simultaneous use is excluded. Inulin aggravates hemorrhoids and is prohibited for respiratory spasms and varicose veins.

If you doubt whether chicory inulin will harm your body, be sure to consult a specialist.


Chicory inulin, the benefits and harms of which you now know, is used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Used in the manufacture of ice cream, sauces or mousses as a stabilizer. Added to baked goods baby food or chocolate.

To experience the full benefits of a substance such as inulin, you can consume chicory daily. The drink is sold in every store and has a pleasant sweetish taste and aroma, vaguely reminiscent of coffee. However, it does not contain harmful caffeine and is useful for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Preparing chicory is very simple. You can pour boiling water over a teaspoon of dry powder and add milk, cream or honey. Or pour a quarter teaspoon of boiled milk, adding honey to taste. Some people prepare it this way: add boiling water to a tablespoon of powder and cook for three minutes, then add honey, cream, milk or sugar.

If you want to experience all the benefits of inulin, it is better to drink chicory drink. It will undoubtedly help overcome many diseases and even prevent them.

Look interesting video about chicory: