What does it mean to need oral sanitation? Sanitation of the mouth before surgery, what does it mean to sanitize the cavity

Patients who are to undergo oral sanitation should undergo surgical intervention, as well as people going on geological expeditions, long business trips, etc. Children have their mouths sanitized before planned hospitalization. Treatment can begin with the teeth and with the elimination of inflammation of the gingival margin, depending on the prevalence of the dental disease. The complex of measures for sanitation of the oral cavity includes training in hygiene skills with recommendations on choosing the type of toothpaste (therapeutic, hygienic, preventive, etc.), toothbrush, use of elixirs and floss (dental floss).

Sanitation of the oral cavity can be planned or carried out on the initiative of the patient.

Removal of teeth, as well as in the oral cavity, is carried out after the end of the periodontal period. Patients who are overly excitable nervous system, it is recommended to take the complex 3-5 days before sanitation sedatives.

How is planned rehabilitation carried out?

Planned sanitation is performed in clinics or medical units. First of all, it should be completed by persons working in hazardous production or in production with working conditions conducive to the development of dental disease. Planned treatment is also necessary for people suffering from chronic somatic diseases in order to avoid the appearance of odontogenic lesions. It is carried out in groups: children's preschool institutions, schools, sanatoriums, boarding schools. In kindergartens, sanitation begins with junior group(children aged 3 years), since this age category initial uncomplicated forms of diseases are observed, which are quite effective.

The organizational form of planned sanitation of the oral cavity is determined by the working conditions of the dentist.

Sanitation that is carried out in dental offices of children's preschools, schools, and other institutions is considered effective. The local dentist has been carrying out a set of measures for a number of years, while he monitors the development of the dental system and carries out a prevention program. Centralized planned sanitation is carried out in clinics. It is carried out by doctors using stationary equipment. The effectiveness of the set of measures is assessed by the percentage of patients who need the procedure sanitized, the reduction in the number of people who need sanitization, and compliance with the deadlines for re-examinations is taken into account.

Very often, people are faced with the fact that they are prescribed oral sanitation. What is it, what are the indications and stages of its implementation? We'll tell you in more detail below. After all, it is always better to know what you have to go through in the dentist’s or any other doctor’s office.

This procedure can be prescribed to both a child and an adult. different periods life. Depending on how we monitor, keep our teeth clean and healthy, completely different manipulations will be carried out.

What is this procedure?

The word “sanatio” is translated from Latin as “healing, treatment.” Therefore, sanitation means a whole range of procedures aimed at ensuring health oral cavity. This includes:

  • treatment of caries and other dental diseases;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • restoration of the structure of hard tissues, filling;
  • correction of the bite and position of uneven teeth;
  • installation of prostheses if necessary;
  • removal of plaque, tartar, ;
  • extraction of those units that cannot be cured;
  • preventing future diseases and tissue infections.

Of course, everything will directly depend on the condition of the teeth and in the mouth of a particular patient.

Is it painful to perform sanitation? If they just clean the plaque and then no. In cases of serious treatment, it is quite acceptable painful sensations, but they will bring relief after the procedure.

Indications for use

In order to save hard tissues in a healthy state, it is advisable to visit the dentist every six months and carry out sanitation, that is, examination of the oral cavity and timely treatment problems that have begun. This is what conscious people do who monitor their health.

In other cases, it may be necessary to undergo rehabilitation in mandatory:

  • when planning a pregnancy, registering with a antenatal clinic;
  • before childbirth;
  • upon admission of the child to childcare facility– kindergarten, school;
  • before installing braces;
  • before surgery;
  • during long-term hospitalizations;
  • before traveling abroad;
  • official employment;
  • work in hazardous industries;
  • V in general terms regular annual medical examination employees;
  • when installing a prosthesis or implantation, etc.

It is worth noting that there are no contraindications to sanitation. On the contrary, some chronic diseases require more frequent use.

For example, for allergies, asthma, tonsillitis, diabetes mellitus, various problems of cardio-vascular system Doctors recommend undergoing the sanitation procedure up to four times a year. Since in such cases, teeth are more susceptible to infection and destruction due to reduced immunity.


To obtain a dentist’s opinion on such manipulation, you should visit any dental clinic and undergo a series of procedures. Depending on the condition of your teeth and soft tissues, the number of steps will vary, but in general, oral sanitation consists of the following:

  1. Examination by a dentist, making diagnostic assumptions and prescribing some additional procedures.
  2. Do X-ray jaws, covering not only problem areas, but also the entire functional apparatus.
  3. Perform professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar.
  4. If there are diseases of hard or soft tissues, the doctor draws up a treatment plan. Sometimes other specialists are involved for this purpose - surgeons, periodontists, etc.
  5. The actual recovery stage will strictly depend on what is discovered and what problems need to be eliminated.
  6. To strengthen enamel and saturate additional minerals the doctor can coat hard tissues with a special gel polish containing increased amount fluorine and calcium.
  7. If some diseases have become chronic form and require periodic monitoring or therapeutic intervention, then the patient is registered at the clinical examination clinic.
  8. A doctor’s report is given, written according to a general template, which can indicate all the manipulations performed.
  9. Sometimes the dentist also draws up an additional schedule of visits and observations at the clinic for long-term treatment.

For all variations, brushing your teeth with professional means is a universal and mandatory procedure. But the treatment can be very different depending on the patient’s specific problems - tooth extraction, filling, implantation, prosthetics, bite alignment, treatment of sore gums, etc.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy

Consult a dentist and necessary treatment teeth or gums, preferably before the start of pregnancy. In any case, when registering at the antenatal clinic, the doctor will definitely require a certificate of sanitation. Where can I get one? In any dentist's office - in government agency or a private clinic.

The peculiarities of a pregnant woman’s condition are the processes occurring at this time in her body. These include hormonal changes and active growth fetus and various related problems. Particularly acute is the lack of minerals such as phosphorus and calcium, as well as some vitamins, which leads to popular dental problems among pregnant women:

  • swollen gums;
  • pain while eating;
  • the appearance of white spots on the enamel;
  • promotion ;
  • rapid development of caries.
To prevent this, you should contact your dentist promptly at the first unpleasant sensations and visit him additionally at the beginning and end of the gestation period. After general cleaning of surfaces and treatment mineral gels can be guaranteed healthy condition teeth and gums during this difficult period.

It is undesirable to ignore such problems, as they will worsen not only your well-being expectant mother, but can also significantly affect general development fetus and child health immediately after birth. After all, an infection that quickly spreads in the oral cavity easily gets inside female body, and there it negatively affects the fetus.

It is believed that all dental procedures should be performed in the second trimester. But in each specific case, the doctor will decide whether you need to wait this period or whether you can start treatment right away. It is worth noting that today most manipulations are safe for pregnant women and such manipulations will not affect the child in any negative way.

Even the need to take an x-ray can now be carried out in such a delicate position. For this purpose, some rooms are equipped with a special radiovisiograph. It affects locally in a volume of several centimeters, without harming the body as a whole. Also, modern medications and local anesthesia do not penetrate the placenta and are completely safe for the fetus.

In children

As soon as your baby's first baby teeth appear, you should periodically show him to the dentist. It is very important to keep them clean, as health directly depends on it. permanent units that will appear after them.

When entering an official institution, for example, kindergarten, the child must be shown to a specialist. He will reveal the first possible problems and give recommendations for compliance hygiene procedures or will appoint some affordable treatment. In this case they can do the following:

  • detect the beginning of carious processes;
  • perform filling of affected teeth;
  • if necessary, fluoridate or silver plate individual units;
  • if a malocclusion is detected, then prescribe orthodontic treatment and installation of braces.

In kindergartens and schools, every year children undergo regular examinations of the oral cavity in the dentist’s office for timely detection of emerging problems. After all, children's enamel is too fragile and thin and can quickly be destroyed. Additionally, children are known to be reluctant to practice proper dental hygiene, which also contributes to the problem.

It is important that parents teach their child to visit the dentist’s office on time and. Only by establishing positive contact is it possible to ensure that the child trusts the specialist, allows all manipulations to be carried out and does not resist treatment. Pediatric dentistry is considered more complex precisely due to the problems in establishing such trust between doctor and patient.

When do you need a certificate of oral sanitation?

If you perform such an examination regularly to maintain the health of your teeth and gums, then a certificate as such is not needed. In cases where you were referred to a dentist for sanitation from a clinic, antenatal clinic, or are required in some other official institutions, then you should take the appropriate certificate from the dentist or he will make an entry in the general medical record.

Usually this is needed:

  • upon admission to kindergarten;
  • school;
  • At work;
  • when crossing the border;
  • for trips to children's camps or other health institutions;
  • during general therapeutic treatment or medical examination;
  • for military service.

How much does this procedure cost? Depending on the clinic you contacted and the specific measures taken, the amount may vary greatly. After all, if you only cleaned from plaque and stone, you will get the same amount, but when filling several teeth or making prosthetics, the cost of all manipulations will be completely different.

Video: oral sanitation diode laser Biolase Epic.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

Since people don’t really like visiting the dentist’s office, a similar question often arises - will it be possible to do the sanitation on your own? Let us say right away that it is impossible to carry out the entire range of required procedures at home. After all, this requires both equipment and the help of a specialist. You cannot even diagnose the condition of your teeth and gums yourself.

All that is available for maintaining oral health at home is regular cleaning and treatment of surfaces, adherence to general recommendations, rinsing after meals and using high-quality devices for this.

Only a doctor can fully examine all the teeth, clean hard-to-reach places, make a diagnosis, do fillings, etc. Moreover, if installation of dentures, braces or full periodontal treatment, tooth extraction, pulp removal and other complex manipulations are required.

Complex treatment of teeth and gums or sanitation of the oral cavity consists of a number of procedures that are aimed at eliminating existing diseases and preventing common dental pathologies. Such an event can be assigned to a child or an adult, and the approach to it will be individual.

Sanitation of the oral cavity

Dental treatment can be prescribed by more than just a dentist. In different life situations A statement from a dentist may be required that the mouth has been sanitized. In this case, you need to go to the clinic, where the doctor will perform an examination, determine the scope of work, and provide comprehensive treatment.

After all the measures, the doctor will issue a conclusion indicating that the oral cavity has been sanitized, which means that all existing diseases have been eliminated.

Sanitation of the oral cavity is included in the mandatory list preoperative examinations before replacing the native joint with an implant, more details on the Artusmed website.

Sanitation of the oral cavity includes the following activities:

  1. Identification of existing diseases and predisposing factors to them through examination using modern technologies.
  2. Professional oral hygiene- deletion soft coating and hard dental deposits. May include teeth whitening.
  3. Removal of carious lesions. The stage includes the treatment of caries and its consequences in the form of pulpitis.
  4. Anti-inflammatory therapy- elimination of foci of inflammation, treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis and periodontitis.
  5. Restoring the integrity of crowns- this is necessary in case mechanical damage, chipped, fractured tooth, pathological abrasion of enamel, poor-quality filling.
  6. Tooth extractionif it is impossible to restore them.
  7. Correcting the bite and restoring the position of the teethusing orthodontic systems or installation of a prosthesis.

How is oral sanitation performed?

The set of measures differs for each patient, and you can find out the list of upcoming procedures after the examination.

Standard sanitation of the oral cavity consists of the following procedures:

  • inspection: identification carious teeth, foci of inflammation and defects;
  • x-ray: a snapshot of the jaw covering the entire functional apparatus;
  • professional cleaning: removing plaque with a scaler;
  • pigment removal:teeth cleaning with the Air Flow system;
  • preparation and filling: removal of necrosis and installation of a filling;
  • enamel remineralization: application of fluoride varnish and calcium to the crowns.

When chronic diseases were identified during the examination, the patient is registered and then visits the dentist at the specified time until recovery. In this case, it is considered that the oral cavity is sanitized only after complete healing.

When and why is it necessary to perform oral sanitation?

A certificate from a dentist regarding oral hygiene will be required under the following circumstances:

  • employment in an official position;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • registration of a child in educational establishments and health organizations;
  • military service;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • travel for work for a long period.

After treatment, the dentist issues a form (sample below) stating that the oral cavity has been sanitized.

The certificate of oral hygiene is valid for 2 months.

Preparing teeth for prosthetics

A consultation with a dentist will be required before surgery for implantation and, if necessary, prosthetics. This is necessary to be able to install a prosthesis without consequences. If there is inflammatory diseases or carious cavities, the orthopedic design will not last long, constantly causing pain.

There are therapeutic, surgical, orthodontic and orthopedic preparation for prosthetics.

Therapeutic sanitation of the oral cavity before prosthetics includes:

  • removal of supragingival and subgingival dental plaque;
  • polishing teeth and applying varnishes containing calcium and fluoride;
  • removal of carious lesions followed by filling;
  • depulpation of teeth (according to indications, depending on the type of prosthetics).

Surgical preparation includes:

  • removal of teeth that are not subject to therapeutic treatment;
  • removal of cysts, osteophytes;
  • implantation;
  • complex treatment of severe dental anomalies;
  • removal of hypertrophied tissues;
  • carrying out sinus lifting.

Orthodontic preparation includes:

  • recovery normal position teeth that will later become supporting teeth, using braces or plates;
  • creating a place in the oral cavity for fixing the prosthesis.

Orthopedic training includes:

  • production of mouth guards and plates to correct the position of teeth;
  • production of functional mouthguards to relax the masticatory muscles.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

Complex dental procedures, such as extractions, are performed during pregnancy according to strict indications when there is a risk of complications. Tooth extraction during pregnancy is possible, and it is better to do this in the second trimester. Now the majority dental procedures are safe during pregnancy, and the prognosis largely depends on psychological mood women and doctor's professionalism.

Indications for tooth extraction in a pregnant woman will be:

  • acute pain without the possibility of pain relief;
  • purulent inflammation with the formation of flux;
  • tooth decay with infection of periodontal tissue.

Is anesthesia possible for dental treatment during pregnancy?

A limited list of drugs is used as anesthesia during pregnancy. The most commonly used drug is Ultracain. This product does not contain adrenaline and does not penetrate the hemoplacental barrier. During one visit to the dentist, a pregnant woman can be administered no more than 6 carpules of the drug.

Gingivitis and periodontitis in children

Sanitation of the oral cavity in children is performed more often, and the reason for this will be susceptibility to various dental diseases. Gingivitis and periodontitis are common problems child under 3 and after 12 years. In order to prevent these pathologies, planned sanitation was introduced, which is carried out in schools and preschool institutions.

Sanitation may be required during teething in order to:

  • identifying malocclusions and deciding on the method of correction;
  • covering crowns with fluoride varnish in case of insufficient enamel remineralization;
  • elimination of caries of milk teeth.

In cases of severe gingivitis, the dentist may prescribe:

  1. Gingivectomy (partial excision of the gum). Shown in the most difficult cases, is executed under general anesthesia. After surgery, cauterization or freezing is mandatory to prevent relapse.
  2. Chemical cauterization.Apply to overgrown gums with a cotton swab sulfuric acid with ether.
  3. Diathermocoagulation(cauterization with electric current). Executed under local anesthesia, gums are affected electric shock power 4 Ampere. The procedure not only eliminates tissue proliferation, but also stops bleeding.
  4. Freezing. A sclerosing agent is injected into the gums ( calcium chloride or dextrose solution).

Brushing your teeth to prevent tartar

Professional teeth cleaning is carried out to remove hard plaque. This is a mandatory stage of oral sanitation, regardless of its condition. The procedure is performed by a dentist using hand instruments and special devices.

Removal of dental plaque occurs in 4 stages:

  1. Cleaning with ultrasonic scaler.
  2. Cleaning with Air Flow device.
  3. Enamel polishing.
  4. Fluoridation.

At the first stage, thanks to the oscillatory movements of the scaler, hard plaque is removed. At the second stage, pigment is removed using a mixture of water and powder, which are supplied under pressure. The third stage involves polishing the enamel to remove roughness after removing the stone. For this purpose, brushes and abrasive pastes. At the last stage, the teeth are coated with gel to protect against external stimuli and prevention of caries.

What is sandblasting teeth cleaning

Sandblasting of teeth is carried out using the Air Flow device. Its essence is to remove plaque and pigment by applying liquid and special powder under pressure to the tooth surface. Bicarbonate is used as a powder mixture. During the procedure, the nozzle does not come into contact with the tooth, which eliminates damage to the enamel and gums.

After sandblasting, the doctor polishes the enamel surface. As a result, the teeth lose plaque and become smooth, which prevents the accumulation of food particles and pathogens on them.

How to brush your teeth correctly

After sanitation of the oral cavity, the dentist gives recommendations on how to care for your teeth and gums at home. Mandatory measure prevention dental diseases there will be correct movements with the toothbrush. As the practice of doctors shows, a huge number of people use “harmful” teeth brushing techniques, which provoke problems with gums and enamel.

Proper brushing of teeth with toothpaste and brush is as follows:

  1. The brush is positioned at an angle of 45 degrees to the gums.
  2. Sweeping movements are made from the gums to the cutting edge.
  3. The chewing surface is cleaned away from the molars.
  4. At least 10 movements with the brush are made in each area.
  5. After cleaning, the mouth is rinsed with water.

Every person, both adults and children, has to go through medical commission. And often, in a medical card or bypass sheet after an examination by a dentist, a remark appears: “Oral cavity sanitation is necessary.” Not all people know what it is, they get scared and avoid the dentist in every possible way, believing that they are in danger of a serious and painful operation.

Sanitation of the oral cavity should not be scary - it is recommended for almost everyone, and often the event is limited to the removal of tartar and carious spots on tooth enamel.

But if there are serious problems, then sanitation of the oral cavity and teeth will help to identify and eliminate them before inflammation develops and makes itself felt with swelling, pain and other unpleasant symptoms. What awaits the patient outside the door? dental office, if oral sanitation is indicated for him?

What is the procedure

In medical terms, sanitation of the oral cavity and teeth is a series of procedures and measures, the main goal of which is to detect and eliminate any dental pathologies. These include:

  • removal of tartar and soft plaque;
  • elimination of minor defects in tooth enamel through filling and remineralization;
  • treatment of caries;
  • treatment of periodontal diseases;
  • removal of untreatable teeth, pulp and roots;
  • treatment infectious diseases oral cavity – candidiasis, stomatitis, etc.;
  • orthodontic and orthopedic measures.

With the help of oral cavity sanitation, all functions of the dental system are restored, the aesthetic appearance of the dentition is restored, and the procedure also helps to improve general condition body, since the source of infection in the oral cavity can cause a number of diseases of other internal organs.

For carrying out events, a drill, ultrasonic and laser therapy, medications(mineral and antiseptic solutions), filling materials and, if necessary, various orthopedic structures and devices.

Treatment with antibiotics is only required if it can be stopped inflammatory process and there is no other way to stop the spread of infection. Or oral diseases are a complication of another bacterial disease that requires antibiotic therapy.

When is oral sanitation indicated?

There are several types of oral sanitation:

  1. Planned or treatment-and-prophylactic. It is carried out without fail in preschool and educational institutions, military units, at some enterprises and industries whose employees are undergoing medical examination.
  2. Individual. In this case, the patient at will turns to the dentist to perform therapeutic and preventive procedures.
  3. Periodic or one-time. This form of sanitation is carried out for narrow groups of people if it is included in the medical examination plan.

Sanitation of the oral cavity can be carried out centrally - in a dental office in a clinic or hospital, or decentralized - in an office at an enterprise, preschool or educational institution. Teams of dentists travel to rural areas on specially equipped buses to carry out interventions among populations that do not have regular direct access to dental services.

  • surgery is planned;
  • the child enters kindergarten, school or university;
  • a woman is planning a pregnancy or is already pregnant;
  • there is a long business trip, work trip or travel ahead;
  • a person works in hazardous chemical production or in an area with an unfavorable environmental situation, which can threaten the health of the teeth and oral cavity.

There are no contraindications to rehabilitation as such; only some of its stages may be postponed for some time. For example, pregnant women are not recommended to have teeth removed in the second trimester of pregnancy - it is better to do it in the first or recent months

, or even after childbirth, if the condition of the tooth allows it. Some chronic or acute diseases

, taking certain medications may also be the reason why the sanitation will be postponed to a more favorable period.

Stages of oral cavity sanitation Procedure in in rare cases

  1. limited to one visit to the dental office. It is often necessary to involve a therapist and specialized specialists: an orthopedist, an infectious disease specialist, an immunologist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, a surgeon. Complete sanitation of the oral cavity includes the following steps.
  2. Initial examination of the patient's teeth and oral cavity. After the examination, the doctor determines what measures are necessary and develops a treatment regimen, coordinating it with the patient. If there are fungal or infectious diseases
  3. mucous membranes and gums, they are first eliminated.
  4. Then filling of carious teeth is performed. At the next stage, teeth are removed, which can be cured conservative methods
  5. does not seem possible.

Orthopedic operations - prosthetics, splinting, installation of braces and other bite-correcting structures - are carried out only after all defects have been eliminated. At the request of the patient, the procedure of teeth whitening, mineralization, varnishing and polishing can be performed.

Restoration is usually carried out using local anesthesia. For patients experiencing pathological fear before the dentist, before starting the procedures, a course of sedatives is prescribed. IN severe cases sanitation can be carried out under general anesthesia. When serving children, as a rule, a child psychologist is involved.

IN good clinics After complete sanitization of the mouth, the doctor conducts training sessions on correct use hygiene products for home care for the teeth: toothbrush, dental floss, paste, powders and rinses, irrigator. You should not refuse such activities; as a rule, the doctor gives valuable recommendations on selecting the optimal means and instruments for each patient individually.

Regular and proper care taking care of your teeth and oral cavity at home is a guarantee that the next planned or individual sanitation of your teeth and oral cavity will not be therapeutic, but preventive.

To undergo oral hygiene, you can make an appointment with a dentist in your local area. free clinic or contact a private specialist. In any case, this event will cost less than treatment of dental pathologies in neglected form after a few months.

A smile is the main weapon of charm for every person. The path to achieving her beauty is in regular hygienic procedures.

Oral care affects not only the external condition of the teeth, but also their health.

Preventative procedures are carried out by everyone every day. Neglecting them leads to advanced problems that threaten tooth loss and tooth decay. general health body.

Modern dentistry makes it possible to prevent dental problems much more effectively than at home.

Innovative technologies coupled with multifunctional equipment make it possible to achieve a healthy smile, even with existing problems. One of best procedures recommended for regular implementation - professional sanitation of the oral cavity.

What is oral sanitation?

Sanation (“sanatio” translated from Latin means “treatment”) is a complex of dental procedures aimed at oral health.

It is used to eliminate existing diseases and preventing the emergence of new problems of teeth and mucous membranes.

Natural sanitation (a phenomenon in which a person does not have dental problems during his life) in modern world practically impossible. Occasionally, it occurs due to genetic confinement and is maintained through hygiene and eating healthy foods.

Basically, people need professional intervention to keep your mouth in good safe condition.

Sanitation can be carried out:

  1. Individually– patient’s independent referral to a specialist at his own discretion;
  2. Planned or one-time– a course intended for limited groups of people as part of medical examination (schoolchildren, kindergarten students, pensioners, conscripts, military personnel, enterprise workers).

There are also three methods of organizing reorganization:

  • Centralized– all procedures are carried out in a medical and preventive institution (polyclinic, city dental clinic);
  • Decentralized– conducting in narrowly focused rooms at schools, enterprises and other structures;
  • Brigade– examination and treatment of patients rural areas and enterprises by a medical team in a specially equipped bus. Most often used to sanitize workers of specific plants and factories.

The standard period for reorganization is Once every six months.

Monitoring the condition of the mouth once every 5-6 months allows you to keep your teeth as healthy as possible, not lose them quantitatively, and prevent the irreversible consequences of dysfunction of the mucous membrane.

People with pathologies respiratory system and heart sanitation is recommended at least once every 3 months.

If conducted infrequently, the course can take a long time, so it is better to plan it in advance, be patient and have financial support. In mild cases procedures are performed only by a therapist and a hygienist.

In running versions A surgeon, orthodontist, orthopedist, and periodontist may be involved. The cost of sanitation outside the state medical examination depends on the severity of the lesion in the oral cavity.

The full price is determined only after drawing up the plan necessary measures based on the results of the preliminary inspection. Elimination cosmetic defects(whitening, teeth straightening) are included in the plan separately from medical procedures.

When is the procedure necessary?

To carry out sanitation, the patient only needs to come with such a desire to the dentist at his own discretion. But there are situations when the procedure is recommended, mandatory and even requiring confirmation with a certificate.

Planned rehabilitation is mandatory for:

  • workers of food factories (primarily confectionery, bakery) and greenhouse farms;
  • children attending educational institutions;
  • military personnel;
  • conscripts and students of military schools and universities;
  • specialists different professions involving contact with acids and their vapors.

  • women during the period of planning and carrying a pregnancy (the second trimester is the safest for procedures);
  • people who are at the stage of preparation for surgical interventions;
  • patients with chronic diseases of the gums, nasopharynx (tonsillitis, rhinitis), stomach, asthma and heart defects.

Dentists are increasingly recommending oral sanitation for children. during the period of change of milk teeth to molars, since at these moments the formation of the future adult jaw and bite occurs.

Certificate of reorganization may be needed in any of the above cases. It may be requested to renew a medical record, confirm the health of an employee or student, register with antenatal clinic or to a specialized doctor for registration sick leave and employment.

Experienced surgeons also pay attention to whether the patient has such a conclusion before operations - this approach avoids unnecessary infection and complications during rehabilitation.

Pregnant women Timely treatment will help prevent tooth decay. During this period, minerals from the body are supplied to the fetus in an enhanced mode, and the teeth begin to lack them.

Therefore, it is very important not to have weak points in the oral cavity. In addition, unsatisfactory microflora in the mouth can negatively affect the well-being of the expectant mother and the development of the child. Sanitation of the oral cavity a must during pregnancy!

Watch a video about the need for sanitation during pregnancy:

Responsible people voluntarily undergo regular sanitation so as not to lead to serious problems with teeth in the form of cysts, abscesses, destruction.

Performing oral sanitation

The event is carried out in several stages:

  1. Inspection oral cavity specialist. Detection present diseases– periodontitis, etc. - carried out manually, using mirrors. Connects if necessary plain radiography jaw apparatus, tooth roots, fillings.
  2. Removing teeth from surface deposits in the form of a visual plaque. Cleaning gum pockets and interdental spaces.
  3. Primary treatment places with detected diseases, elimination acute complications and inflammation.
  4. Treatment of non-carious lesions.
  5. Anti-inflammatory therapy gums and tongue(with identified periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis).
  6. Removal teeth that cannot be restored or treated. Evacuation of fragments, destroyed pieces, roots. Extraction of “wise” teeth if they are positioned incorrectly and interfere with the proper functioning of the jaw. Replacement, installation of seals.
  7. Prosthetics, correction of bite problems.
  8. Remineralization tooth enamel with special gels.
  9. Consultation on further oral care.

Activities are carried out in full or selectively at the discretion of the dentist in order. In any type of therapy without strict testimony Antibiotics are not used because oral bacteria quickly develop resistance to them.

Eliminating hotbeds of infection usually passes through antimicrobials– gels, ointments, rinses.

Further processing is carried out using boron, ultrasonic and laser technology. Can connect manual cleaning tools.

Without help professional dentists sanitation of the oral cavity is impossible. Cleaning your teeth with a brush and paste, removing food debris with an irrigator or floss, rinsing your mouth is the maximum that can be done at home. In-depth inspection without equipment or relevant knowledge cannot be carried out.

Results of the procedure

Sanitation of the oral cavity is important not only for the teeth, gums and surrounding mucous membranes.

Infection in this area is dangerous for everything human body , since it easily enters all systems through food and spreads at high speed.

A disease from the oral cavity can lead to many diseases in other organs, which not everyone thinks about.

Dentists note a direct connection between gum inflammation, caries, stomatitis and other disorders in the oral microflora with the development of such diseases, How:

  • rheumatic pathologies of the heart, joints, bones;
  • chronic tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
  • latent herpes;
  • fungal candidiasis in the mouth, tonsils and throat;
  • viral damage to the kidneys and liver.

The most a terrible consequence penetration of bacteria from the oral cavity into the blood can become intoxication stroke of the brain.

If we talk about the cosmetic effect, then sanitation of the oral cavity will certainly affect the beauty of the teeth. After its implementation, the following are observed:

  • lightening of enamel by removing plaque;
  • dense surface of the teeth without carious “ulcers” and stains;
  • alignment of teeth.

In addition, cleansing teeth and mucous membranes will eliminate unpleasant odors , will get rid of complexes when talking.

The dentist's opinion on the sanitation of the oral cavity is very great importance not only for beautiful smile, but also for general human health.

Good health directly depends on the absence of infections in the oral cavity. That is why it is important not to neglect everyday hygiene and regularly undergo sanitation by dentists with professional equipment.

An integrated approach to care dental system will get rid of many problems, will avoid some chronic diseases, maintain self-confidence in any situation.