Endoscopic facelift surgery. Endoscopic facelift is a real breakthrough in cosmetology (21st century). When should you not do endoscopic lifting?

The aging process is considered natural, but every person wants to slow it down and stay young and beautiful longer. Unfortunately, it is impossible to turn back time, but thanks to modern developments in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery, methods have emerged that help fight aging, prolong youth, and restore former beauty.

Fast passage:

Endoscopic lifting is one of the most popular services today. Being highly effective, it is in no way inferior to a classic facelift. On the contrary, it has obvious advantages over this procedure:

  • low invasiveness of the method,
  • lack of a long rehabilitation period,
  • minimum restrictions on the operation.

Endoscopic lifting can be performed at the age of 30-45 years, when the facial skin is still quite elastic.

Endoscopic lifting of the upper face area

Deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows, drooping corners of the eyes, excess skin of the upper eyelids. It is with such problems that many patients turn to a plastic surgeon. Endoscopic lifting can help correct the situation.

Endoscopic lifteyebrows . Unlike blepharoplasty, it can easily cope with drooping eyebrows, which give the face a gloomy and tired look. This problem arises not only due to age-related changes occurring in the skin. Often it is a consequence of the special structure of soft tissues. As a result of endoscopic lifting, the patient's facial expression will change. It will look more open.

Endoscopic liftforehead . Helps remove deep eyebrow and horizontal folds. The surgeon detaches the soft tissue and gives it a new position, which is fixed with special endotins. In some cases, to secure the muscle layer, a special bioglue is used instead. Endoscopic forehead lift is one of the most common facial correction procedures because it can significantly change a person's appearance with minimal surgery.

Endoscopic temple lift . It is used in cases where it is necessary to remove “crow’s feet” - a network of small wrinkles around the outer corners of the eyes. Additionally, this operation slightly raises the outer ends of the eyebrows. This endoscopic lift is only suitable for patients who do not have obvious forehead wrinkles, as this type of surgery will not eliminate them.

To get the maximum effect, a plastic surgeon can recommend to patients a comprehensive solution to their problem. For example, an endoscopic facelift is often combined with blepharoplasty or additional cosmetic procedures.

Endoscopic midface lift

Endoscopic midface lift is recommended for flattening of the cheekbones, sagging cheeks and drooping corners of the mouth. In addition, it helps eliminate deformation of the facial oval in the initial stage and remove deep nasolabial folds.

Most often, endoscopic lifting surgery is performed in the upper and middle thirds of the face. It is rarely done in the chin and neck area, since the most effective method of correction in this case is the classic lift.

How is the operation performed?

Endoscopic face lifting is considered throughout the world to be one of the safest procedures in the field of plastic surgery, since a special endoscope is used during the operation. It is equipped with a microcamera, which the surgeon inserts into the incision. The image obtained in this way allows the doctor to accurately make the correction and prevents the risk of damage to small nerves and blood vessels during the operation.

Endoscopic lifting is called sutureless. During the operation, the plastic surgeon makes small incisions - no more than 2 cm, which, as a rule, do not require sutures. Their edges are fastened with special staples. The doctor makes each incision in a hidden place. This can be the scalp, the inside of the lower eyelid, and even the oral cavity. Due to this, small scars after such an operation are practically invisible. But the aesthetic result will be noticed by everyone around you.

An endoscopic facelift is performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is approximately one hour. The recovery period takes about a week. In the first days after the lift, the patient may be bothered by slight swelling and hematomas, but they will completely disappear within one to two weeks.

The patient must wear a compression bandage for the first five days. He is examined regularly by a doctor. You can return to your previous lifestyle in about a week. However, for some time the patient should refrain from physical activity, visiting the solarium and sauna. Then the result of an endoscopic facelift will please you for at least 5-6 years, but this period can be extended. It is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

When should you not do endoscopic lifting?

This facial surgery should not be done in the following cases:

  • patient age over 45 years;
  • excessive ptosis (tissue drooping);
  • excess skin.

In any case, the doctor will always suggest an alternative method of facelift. Thus, for patients with severe sagging skin or excess skin, an endoligature facelift or Smas-lifting will be recommended.

Endoscopic lift at the KLAZKO clinic

Endoscopic face lifting is a modern procedure that gives excellent results. You can undergo it at the KLAZKO clinic by contacting highly qualified plastic surgeons who have dozens of successfully performed operations behind them. Our clinic is equipped with the latest equipment. When performing endoscopic facelift, high-quality disposable consumables and modern drugs are used.

To get information on questions you are interested in and to sign up for a consultation, call the numbers listed in the “” section.

Before and after photos

Note Photos before and after check-lifting provided by the supplier of mini-endoprostheses Endotine

Cost of a facelift in Moscow

Procedure: "Facelift - facelifting" Price:
Upper face lift
Endoscopic forehead lift 190,000 rub.
Endoligature forehead lift 190,000 rub.
Midface lift
Endoscopic face lift 200,000 rub.
Endoligature midface lift 200,000 rub.
200,000 rub.
Lower face and neck lift
Endoligature lifting of the lower face area 210,000 rub.
Endotin lifting of the lower face area 210,000 rub.
Lifting with SMAS plastic surgery at the level of the lower third of the face 300,000 rub.
Skin-plastic face lifting 275,000 rub.
Full face lift with SMAS plastic surgery 330,000 rub.
Full face lift with SMAS and platysmoplasty 350,000 rub.
Full lifting with SMAS, platysma and subment plastic surgery. liposuction RUB 385,000
* without the cost of endotins

Facial plastic surgery without incisions is the dream of every woman. Is such a miracle possible? Yes, this is quite possible. Endoscopic facelift(surgery without incisions), as a rule, the operation is performed using modern endoscopic equipment. That is why it is called “endoscopic lifting”.

In general, these operations differ significantly from the classical methods of endoscopic abdominal operations, therefore it is more correct to call them endoscope-assisted. The widely known techniques of Space-lifting, chick-lifting and 3dlifting are also classified by many as “facial plastic surgery without incisions.” They are called “short incision facelifts,” although this is not entirely true and is not always true.

What advantages do such operations give us, are they suitable for everyone, and why can’t endoscopic lifting replace traditional lifting?

Facelift without incisions, methods and types of operations

Modern endoscopic technologies allow aesthetic correction of any area. The most popular methods are::

Endoscopic forehead lift

Today, most forehead and eyebrow lifting operations are performed without incisions. The main goal of this correction is to lift drooping eyebrows. An endoscopic forehead lift can achieve this without incisions (or using a very small incision). The main advantage is a good long-term effect with no traces of surgical intervention.

The patient underwent a face and neck lift (SMAS lift) with a one-stage brow lift using the author's technique through the superciliary area.

Endoscopic midface lifting (Space-lifting, chiсk-lifting and 3d lifting)

For mid-zone lifting, various methods are used that can achieve a rejuvenating effect without incisions or using several technologies under the general name “short incision facelift”.

The middle zone is perhaps the most difficult for a plastic surgeon, so it is important to individually select the optimal method that will give the best effect and, preferably, reduce the invasiveness of the intervention. Endoscopic lifting of the middle zone is carried out through small incisions in the temporal zone (Space-lifting, 3d lifting) or through incisions along the edge of the lower eyelid (the first surgeon to use this method was E.K. Kudinova, who used it in reconstructive surgery of the orbit and described in his dissertation). Today such an operation is known as chiсk-lifting.

Endoscopic face lift can give excellent effect in the middle zone. The result of correction of the malar zone, which is difficult to correct using traditional methods, is especially good.

However, endoscopic midface lift techniques are not suitable for everyone. The quality of the skin is of great importance, as well as the features of the anatomical structure and the degree of age-related changes in this area.

Endoscopic neck and lower face lift

Dr. Kudinova typically uses an endoscope to perform platysmaplasty. In practice, endoscopic lifting of the neck muscles is almost always combined with traditional methods of lifting the lower area of ​​the face, since this is the only opportunity not only to tighten the tissues, but also to remove their excess volume. Another reason to choose endoscopic lifting of the lower third of the face - price, significantly less than other methods. But in some cases, it is simply impossible to remove excess skin without making incisions (see SMAS neck lift).

Will an endoscopic facelift help you?

Not a single method of anti-aging plastic surgery is universal and cannot be recommended to everyone indiscriminately. Endoscopic facelift is intended primarily for young and middle-aged women. A particularly good effect is observed in patients with thin skin and mild age-related soft tissue ptosis.

But for those who have thick porous skin, significant folds and pronounced age-related ptosis of soft tissues (and age 45-50 PLUS!), not endoscopic lifting will help, but classic SMAS lifting.

Why choose the best facial plastic surgery specialist?

Need an endoscopic facelift? Or maybe you need complex plastic surgery, combining elements of innovative and traditional techniques?

To correctly select an individual rejuvenation surgery technique, you need a very competent and experienced plastic surgeon. It is better to choose someone who specializes, including in the field of maxillofacial surgery, is well aware of the specifics of endoscopic and traditional operations, and masterfully masters the entire range of modern surgical techniques. An experienced and competent professional in the field of facial plastic surgery will definitely find the most optimal lifting method for you.

In our center endoscopic face lift, price in Moscow which is quite high, is carried out on very favorable terms. You can sign up for a consultation

An endoscopic facelift will help you rejuvenate and restore your face to a fresh and attractive appearance. This procedure is carried out using modern techniques. Its main advantage is its low invasiveness. The plastic surgeon does not make deep incisions to carry out the necessary manipulations with subcutaneous fat and muscle tissues. All these procedures are carried out using an endoscope through small punctures 1-2 mm long. After the operation there are no deep scars left.

Endoscopic facelift has the following advantages:

  • Complexity. With the help of endoscopic lifting, performing operations of varying complexity, the surgeon not only tightens the skin, but also restores the volume of the face, correcting muscle tissue.
  • Minimal health risks. As already mentioned, endoscopic lifting does not leave visible scars on the face. During this procedure, the doctor makes small incisions on the scalp, soft tissues of the mouth and lips. The operation is considered non-aggressive and gentle, while solving many rejuvenation problems. When using an endoscope, the surgeon performs precise actions, as he clearly sees the internal tissues of a person on the monitor screen. There is no risk of bleeding, damage to the facial nerve or blood vessels.
  • Minimum anesthesia. The operation lasts on average 1 hour. It does not require a large amount of anesthesia, which has a positive effect on the general health of the patient.
  • Naturalness. After the operation, the face looks natural, there is no mask effect and no feeling of skin tension.
  • Compatibility. Due to the low-impact nature of the lift, it can be combined with other types of operations: mentoplasty, rhinoplasty, cheiloplasty, etc.
  • A short rehabilitation period. The stitches are removed within 7-10 days, and after 2 weeks you can return to your daily life.


After the operation, ON CLINIC specialists recommend staying in the hospital for 1-2 days. Then you go home. Your attending physician monitors you throughout the rehabilitation period. After the operation, you are prescribed a course of rehabilitation therapy: antibiotics, massage, cosmetic procedures.

Price for endoscopic facelift in Moscow

The cost of the operation depends, first of all, on which area of ​​the face is affected (upper, lower or middle). The price for endoscopic face lifting at ON CLINIC is from RUB 75,000. It should also be noted that the total cost of our services will include restorative procedures that will be prescribed by your attending physician.

Today, the popularity of this procedure, due to its low-traumatic nature and long-lasting effect, is increasing. The success of the operation will largely depend on the qualifications of the plastic surgeon and the reputation of the clinic: the choice of both should be approached responsibly. The patient, in turn, should undergo the necessary complex of surgical examinations and carefully adhere to the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

What is endoscopic face lifting - types of facelift and their advantages

The manipulation in question is a minimally invasive surgical procedure through which it is possible to rejuvenate the face and décolleté area.

The operator uses modern endoscopic devices, thanks to which extensive tissue excision can be avoided.

Indications and contraindications for endoscopic face lifting

The procedure in question is often used in the following situations:

  • You need a brow lift.
  • There is a need to eliminate deep wrinkles between the eyebrows and in the nasolabial fold area.
  • The patient wants to change the “sullen type of face” to a normal one. Such an error is not necessarily a consequence of skin aging; it may be an individual feature of the facial structure.
  • There is a hollowness of the cheeks.
  • For deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.
  • As a result of sagging skin.

Due to the fact that endoscopic lifting is a surgical procedure and involves the use of painkillers, there are a number of contraindications to it:

  • Malfunctions of the body associated with blood clotting.
  • Regular increases in blood pressure. During surgery, such a pathology can lead to severe bleeding and the formation of extensive hematomas.
  • Infection of the body.
  • Serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart.
  • Somatic pathologies.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Negative reaction of the body to the components of anesthesia.
  • Purulent phenomena at the work site.
  • Diabetes.

How the endoscopic facelift procedure is performed - stages of the operation

You need to start this manipulation with a thorough medical examination and consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. This specialist will be able to choose the right type of anesthesia, determine the area of ​​work, and examine the skin of the face and neck. The examination takes about 3 days and is carried out in a hospital setting.

A couple of weeks before endoscopic lifting, the patient needs refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol. On the day of surgery, you should not eat or drink water.

The operation algorithm is as follows:

Recovery after endoscopic facelift – results and recommendations for patients

The final result after the procedure in question will be visible in a maximum of 2 months.

The effect will persist for 5-7 years, but after this period a repeat operation is required.

In general, the patient can return to a normal lifestyle two weeks after discharge from hospital.

Since endoscopic lifting is impossible without incisions, there will be some presence of hematomas and slight swelling, but within a week the skin will recover. The doctor covers the puncture sites with special stickers, which promote rapid wound healing.

The scars remain for another three months, after which they turn white and dissolve a little: they will barely be noticeable.

Another nuance at the time of rehabilitation is a pressure bandage with which the patient will have to walk for a week. After this, the doctor removes the bandage and removes stitches and screws.

In the postoperative period, to minimize the risk of complications and to obtain the maximum effect from facelift, the patient should adhere to some recommendations:

  • If surgery has affected the oral cavity, you need to rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions for several days. The doctor may also recommend ready-made wound healing solutions.
  • You should wash your hair only after removing the stitches. You need to give up the hair dryer for a while.
  • Steam rooms, saunas, and swimming pools can be visited a month after endoscopic lifting.
  • For the first week before going to bed, the patient should place a high pillow under his head. This will improve blood circulation and speed up the disappearance of swelling and hematomas.
  • It is better to give up tobacco products for at least a month. Smoking inhibits wound healing processes.
  • Physical activity is reduced to a minimum for 4 weeks.

Possible complications of endoscopic facelift – how to avoid them?

Negative consequences after this facelift are rare: this is due to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure.

However, in rare cases, the following phenomena may occur:

  • The appearance of pigment spots at the incision sites. To eliminate them, they do not use medications: they go away on their own after six months.
  • Swelling, bruises and hematomas will be present in any case. To speed up their elimination, the doctor prescribes special ointments and solutions. Bleeding aggravates the situation with hematomas, therefore, with this phenomenon, the surgeon opens the surgical wound, drains it, and cauterizes the blood vessels.
  • Violation of the symmetry of the oval of the face. It can be a consequence of chin liposuction, when fatty tissue is distributed unevenly over the area. To eliminate this phenomenon, an additional operation is needed.
  • Hair loss. This occurs in cases where incisions were made in the temporal or postauricular region of the head. The resulting scars prevent normal hair growth. Eliminating scars can solve this problem.
  • Violation of facial expressions as a result of injury to the external branches of the facial nerve. The reason for this is the mistake of the plastic surgeon. The facial muscles recover on their own, but this takes a lot of time (about 3 months).
  • Formation of pronounced scars. Often, facelift is limited to barely noticeable scars, but with complicated wound healing, rough scars may appear. To eliminate them, the help of a plastic surgeon is required.
  • Loss of sensation in the area of ​​the incisions. It is often observed in smokers who have not given up their bad habit before and after surgery. In the absence of any additional surgical procedures, sensitivity is completely restored within a year.
  • Skin infection due to non-compliance with antiseptic rules at the time of the manipulation, or when the patient ignores recommendations in the postoperative period.

Youth is so beautiful, but, unfortunately, fleeting. But any woman after forty wants to maintain her beauty, to be desirable and irresistible. To do this, it is important not only to have a fit and slender silhouette, but also to take care of the skin of your face. With age, as well as due to bad habits and a dynamic rhythm of life, there is an increasing destruction of the amount of elastin and collagen fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity and smoothness of the dermis.

We observe the earliest signs of aging on the skin of the face: changes in the contour and oval, also the lines of the forehead area, above the eyebrows, around the mouth become permanent, a nasolacrimal groove appears and “crow’s feet” appear around the eyes.

The main reason for such changes is the separation of fat bags. It is precisely because of the large weight of adipose tissue that we note weak fixation of the oval of the face, various recesses and overhangs in the facial areas.

Year after year, the face takes on a heavy and senile outline. But we can get out of this crisis. Modern aesthetic cosmetology provides us with the opportunity to stop the process of inevitable aging.

Endoscopic facelift is the most popular, safe and effective technique among the methods of correction, tightening and lifting. The famous endoscopic facelift, as it is also called, does not require a long rehabilitation period. It is much less traumatic and associated with low risks of complications than, for example, a classic lift. In addition, he is not inferior to her in terms of performance.

The effect of this type of rejuvenation lasts for 7-10 years. In this case, we are talking about the restoration of several zones in the complex. This period can be increased if you actively take care of the condition of your skin and systematically undergo cosmetic facial care programs.

Abroad, this type of operation is also common and is known as “seamless facelift”. What is this method of rejuvenation?

An endoscopic facelift is a surgical facelift in which incisions are made in the hair growth area of ​​the head, behind the ears, or in the mouth area. They are hidden and small in size. The doctor makes incisions smaller than 1-2 cm, which in most cases do not require surgical stitches. 3-4 incisions are made in the forehead and temple areas. Special staples secure the incisions, which are removed by the surgeon in about 10-15 days. Therefore, the patient does not have any visible traces or scars from the intervention.

Invisible stitches heal quickly, and swelling and bruising during rehabilitation are minimal. That’s why the procedure was called “seamless” lifting. The effect of the procedure is visible much faster and you can enjoy your new look.

Patients return to their normal rhythm of life earlier than after traditional plastic surgery, which requires a long hospital stay and recovery. As for the average time, rehabilitation for endoscopic lifting lasts no more than one week.

Video: how to look 10 years younger using the procedure:

Let's list how endoscopic lifting differs from other types of facelift:

  • minimal trauma to skin tissue;
  • safety;
  • shorter duration of operation;
  • fast rehabilitation period;
  • symbiosis of skin lifting and volume restoration;
  • natural tightening effect;
  • duration of the result (up to 10 years).

Endoscopic facelift is performed in medical centers and clinics by professional and qualified surgeons. It is impossible not to appreciate the use of expensive medical equipment when performing endoscopic lifting, which further helps to protect the patient from possible risks.

Using endoscopic equipment, the doctor controls the entire process and progress of the operation. The procedure is performed using a special device – an endoscope. The endoscopic stand is equipped with optics, the necessary instruments, and an advanced micro-camera, so the image is displayed on the monitor. The surgeon makes the cut as accurately as possible, avoiding damage to blood vessels and nerve endings.

Before surgery, the patient will have to undergo a preliminary consultation with the surgeon. Endoscopic lifting should be performed between the ages of 35 and 50, when the skin still retains sufficient elasticity. But often ladies both younger and older than their required age turn to doctors.

Of course, you can go for a consultation, and each situation is individual: for some, age-related changes occur earlier, for others later than the average period. But only a competent specialist can determine the indications necessary for you and recommend treatment.

Basically, doctors prescribe endoscopic face lifting to people with thin and normal skin, with a short and flat forehead, without severe wrinkles, medium-type wrinkles, and with not very large excesses and sagging skin on the face.

In case of severe ptosis of soft tissues and large excess skin, the procedure is not performed. For older patients, it is better to resort to a standard surgical facelift in the future in combination with laser and injection techniques (fillers, Botox, Dysport).

  • gravitational ptosis of the facial oval;
  • “heavy”, tired face;
  • sagging facial skin;
  • folds, furrows and wrinkles in the forehead area;
  • drooping, change in the shape and position of the eyebrows;
  • crow's feet, bags under the eyes, wrinkles around the eyes,
  • nasolacrimal groove;
  • sagging, sagging tissues in the area of ​​the cheekbones and cheeks;
  • , perioral wrinkles;
  • sagging of the upper eyelids, in the temple area;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • double or layered chin;
  • creating a beautiful convexity of the forehead and projection of the cheekbones;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • facial beauty, if desired, change facial features (eyebrow height, for example).

Endoscopic lifting is a surgical operation, and naturally has a number of contraindications. These include:

The shape and height of the forehead also become some limitations to the operation, in particular to the use of an endoscope. It is easy for the surgeon to work with patients who have a low and flat forehead. A convex and high forehead makes it difficult for a doctor to work with a hard, straight endoscope and limits the accessibility of the equipment.

The first type of lift is endoscopic forehead rejuvenation, eyebrow correction or brow-lift. An endoscopic forehead lift is performed in the hair area of ​​the head. Make from 2 to 6 small incisions 1-2 cm long.

This method allows you to get rid of transverse and vertical wrinkles in the forehead area, bags under the eyes, crow’s feet, and correct the shape and position of the eyebrows. In some cases, the method is quite effective in raising the outer canthus, without even having to resort to blepharoplasty. Miniscrews are installed on the frontal bone to fix the tissues, which are removed 10 days after surgery. At first, the patient wears a compression bandage for about 4 days, and final recovery occurs 9-14 days after the procedure.

The next type of lift is cheek-lift light or lower eyelid rejuvenation combined with limited rejuvenation of the middle zone. With the help of special and very small Endotin plates, simultaneous lifting of the cheek-zygomatic area and blepharoplasty of the eyelids occurs. The plates are very small and do not cause any inconvenience.

As a result of this method, “bags” under the eyes and “sinks under the eyes”, folds in the cheek area and furrows are corrected. You will spend one day in the hospital, and rehabilitation will last from 10 to 14 days.

3D mask lift or endoscopic midface and forehead lift is a volumetric remodeling of the midface and forehead rejuvenation. With this endoscopic rejuvenation, up to 5 small incisions are made on the scalp and 2 incisions in the oral cavity under the upper lip.

The purpose of this operation is not only rejuvenation, but also facial beauty, that is, creating the desired convexity of the forehead, as well as the projection of the cheekbones, correcting the correct position and shape of the eyebrows, corners of the mouth and eyes.

Endoscopic midface lift has received the most positive reviews since it leads to a significant and pronounced effect: it lifts the midface and produces deep skin lifting. During rehabilitation in the first few days, it is necessary to maintain proper and gentle oral hygiene.

Photo: Before and after endoscopic midface lift.

Endoscopic rejuvenation of the lower area of ​​the face and neck or neck lift is a neck lift, during which a beautiful transition line to the neck and a tightened chin contour are created. During the operation, the so-called “youth angle” is formed. This procedure is effective when the skin on the neck becomes sagging with age and folds and sagging appear.

The technology is also effective in cases where we have a double chin, or if overhanging is a feature from birth that is not related to age, but, for example, to a genetic trait and nationality. Neck lifting is a very popular procedure among patients and has many satisfied reviews, since it is the neck that experiences the symptoms of aging in the first years.

Photo: Before and after endoscopic rejuvenation of the lower face.

Preparation for surgery begins with choosing a clinic. Be sure to read reviews about surgeons on the websites of medical centers and choose a competent specialist. The success and effectiveness of the procedure mainly depends on the work of the doctor.

Once you have decided, schedule a consultation with a specialist. During the consultation, the surgeon determines the indications and scope of work. The doctor selects the location of the incisions, performs 3D modeling, and informs the patient about preparation for the procedure and care during the rehabilitation period.

It is important for you, as a patient, to inform us in advance about your state of health, past illnesses, allergies, including to any types of anesthesia, and existing ailments. Next, the doctor prescribes a full medical examination, during which the patient does an ECG and donates blood for laboratory tests to determine the blood type and Rh factor.

Video: three weeks after the procedure

For several days, the patient continues to experience pain, swelling, bruising, decreased sensitivity, and may be bothered by slight bleeding.

The risks of an endoscopic lift are minimal, but it is important to monitor your well-being after surgery, and if such symptoms may worsen, contact your doctor immediately. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, after 1.5 weeks you will be able to restore your normal, everyday lifestyle, pleasant compliments and reviews are guaranteed.

The final price of the operation is calculated during consultation with the surgeon, based on the indications and the average amount of work. However, the average prices for the endoscopic lifting procedure are presented in this table:

The higher cost of the operation also depends on expensive endoscopic equipment. Of course, the average prices for endoscopic lifting are quite high, but the result and effect of this rejuvenation method is truly visible and long-lasting.

Endoscopy has made it possible to work with the human face as carefully as possible, like artists who draw the ideal human profile in their paintings. And the excellent results from the “endoscopic lifting” procedure are guaranteed by reviews from patients who have already received a boost of youth for several years to come. Surprise everyone with your timeless beauty!

Video: a detailed story from the surgeon about the procedure