How long does it take for the nose to recover after rhinoplasty? The rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty: the path to a quick recovery. Photos of rehabilitation by day

The operation to correct the shape and function of the nose is one of the most popular in the world and one of the most difficult. Patients are always worried about the rehabilitation period of rhinoplasty:

  • how long to wait for the healing of surgical wounds,
  • How is recovery going?
  • when the breath returns
  • how long will the swelling last
  • when will the plaster be removed
  • how to behave after the intervention.

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty takes a lot of time. The final result of the operation can be assessed after at least 9-12 months. And in some patients, postoperative changes occur throughout life.

In order for the recovery period to pass without complications, the patient should follow a number of recommendations.

First days after rhinoplasty

After the operation, swelling will begin to increase on the face. It will become most pronounced on day 3-4, and then will gradually decrease. During the 6 weeks of the rehabilitation period, most of the swelling will disappear, but it will completely disappear only after a few months. Bruises and bruises also disappear gradually. In 2 weeks, bruises under the eyes will go away, and within two months after the operation, yellowness will disappear.

After rhinoplasty, the patient has difficulty breathing. This condition is caused primarily by edema, and, on the first day, also by tampons in the nasal cavity. You need to be prepared for the fact that surgical wounds can bleed and hurt.

  1. It is necessary to keep calm in the first two or three days after rhinoplasty, to avoid any activity, especially tilts, sudden movements. In the first days of rehabilitation, you can not even tilt your head.
  2. On the first day, you need to apply an ice pack to your face as often as possible.
  3. Raised by 30-40 degrees on the first day, the head end of the bed will prevent excessive swelling. In this semi-sitting state, you need to sleep for the first week. During the entire rehabilitation period, it is recommended to sleep on your back so as not to displace soft tissues and bone structures during sleep.
  4. Due to pain, unpaved anesthesia and swollen tissues, the patient is unable to eat normally. Therefore, in the first day - only liquid food. Naturally, food should not be too spicy, hot or cold.
  5. You can wash only with cold water, without wetting the bandage.
  6. You should not drink alcohol for at least two to three weeks after rhinoplasty. This may cause bleeding. It is better to exclude alcohol for the entire period while the nose heals. For the same reason, aspirin and other blood thinners should not be taken for three weeks.
  7. You need to cut back on conversations, try not to sneeze, not to cry, not to laugh, not to touch your face.
  8. 4 weeks you can not blow your nose and wear glasses, so as not to deform the nose. Even the lightest frame can greatly impair the aesthetic result of the operation.
  9. It is necessary to avoid direct sunlight for six months, use sunscreen with a high protection factor.
  10. You can not visit the pools and baths for a month.
  11. You can return to physical activity after 4-6 weeks. You need to start with light loads, gradually reaching the usual loads. How long it will take depends on the state of health and healing of surgical wounds.
  12. The doctor may recommend special exercises to consolidate the result in the rehabilitation period. So, uniform squeezing of the back of the nose with your index fingers will help it stay narrow and even.

Removal of sutures and plaster, extraction of tampons

At the end of the operation, the doctor installs special gauze swabs moistened with a solution or ointment with an antibiotic in the nasal passages. They are needed not so much to stop bleeding, but to form tissues, fix them in the desired state. At the same time, a splint is applied to the nose - this is a special rigid bandage made of plaster, necessary so that the bones of the nose do not move. Gypsum should not be squeezed, tried to move or remove it, wet it. During the dressings, the cast will be removed in order to carry out hygienic procedures. Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty involves some inconvenience: until the tampons are removed and the cast is removed, the patient will have to breathe through the mouth.

A day later, sometimes 2-3 days after rhinoplasty, tampons are removed. After 4 days, the sutures on the skin are removed, the sutures on the mucous membrane dissolve on their own after a few weeks. The plaster is removed 7-10 days after the operation.

Drug therapy

After the operation, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to prevent the inflammatory process, probiotics, antihistamines.

In the rehabilitation period, cases of elevated temperature are not uncommon, it is worth stocking up on antipyretics. Normal for rehabilitation after rhinoplasty can be considered a slight increase in temperature - up to 37-38 degrees. In this case, the patient may feel weakness, nausea, dizziness. At this temperature, it is enough to take the medicine and rest. At a higher temperature, you should consult your doctor, as this may indicate an inflammatory process.

The recovery period is not without pain, so analgesics also do not interfere.

After removing the tampons, you need to treat the nasal mucosa daily with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and oils. Cosmetic oils of peach, apricot, grapes, almonds can be bought at the pharmacy. They facilitate the separation of crusts and moisturize the mucosa. It will not be superfluous to gently rinse the nose with saline solutions.

After rhinoplasty, you can use vasoconstrictor drops (naphthyzine, ephedrine) to improve breathing. For rapid resorption of bruises after rhinoplasty, heparin ointment, bodyaga can be used externally.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical method for correcting a congenital or acquired deformity of the nose, performed to improve its functional state and/or for aesthetic purposes. In most cases, these operations are quite traumatic, and the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty is characterized by duration, possible side effects and serious complications.

They can cause not only emotional and aesthetic problems for the patient, but also serious violations of his health. This largely depends on the qualifications and experience of the surgeon, the individual characteristics of the patient's body and the latter's compliance with the doctor's recommendations during the recovery period.

Some features of rhinoplasty

One of the features of these operations is a certain unpredictability of tissue changes during the recovery period. To some extent, this is due to the small volume of soft tissues in the nose area, which creates conditions for its deformation with postoperative scars already during the recovery period. In addition, post-treatment rehabilitation is lengthy and strict. They are quite debilitating for some patients, and the latter often lack the patience to follow the surgeon's recommendations. According to statistics, about 30% of operated people need, in connection with this, in corrective or repeated plastic surgery.

To reduce the severity of postoperative side effects and prevent possible and frequent complications, it is necessary not only to follow the doctor's recommendations correctly throughout the entire recovery period, but to do this consciously based on a general idea of ​​the course of surgery, possible complications and stages of the rehabilitation period.

Briefly about the methods of online access

Depending on the nature of operational access, all types of operations are combined into 2 groups:


They consist in making incisions not only in the nasal cavity, but also, most importantly, in the area of ​​​​the external folds of the nose, including across the vertical skin fold (columella) that separates the nostrils. This allows you to shift the soft tissues upward in order to be able to perform manipulations on the nasal bones and cartilage. "Open" surgery is performed with a significant amount of surgical intervention or the need for re-correction.


When they are carried out, one or more incisions are made from the side of the nasal cavity, that is, without violating the integrity of the skin and the formation of postoperative scars on it. After that, soft tissues, including skin, are shifted upward for further manipulations. The possibilities of access to the cartilage and bones of the nose in this type of operation are quite sufficient to eliminate typical aesthetic defects. At the same time, rehabilitation after closed rhinoplasty is easier and with fewer complications. Therefore, in plastic surgery clinics, the closed method is mainly used.

Side effects and complications during the rehabilitation period

The period of postoperative recovery is accompanied by unpleasant, but natural side effects of surgical intervention and its possible early and late complications, which may be accompanied by undesirable aesthetic consequences.

Side effects are:

  1. Hematomas and pinpoint hemorrhages directly in the nose, around it and in the periorbital zone, and sometimes subconjunctival hemorrhages of various sizes, which are associated with tissue detachment during the intervention and inevitable, even with the most sparing plastic surgery technique, vascular rupture.
  2. Severe swelling of the tissues in the nose and under the eyes, which can pass to the cheeks and descend to the chin area.
  3. Increased body temperature in the first 1-2 days after surgery.
  4. Severe difficulty in breathing through the nose, and sometimes its complete impossibility, associated with swelling of the mucous membrane and hemorrhages under it.
  5. Lack of smell.
  6. Temporary partial or complete violation of the skin sensitivity of certain areas or the entire skin in the operated area.
  7. The development of temporary asymmetry of the nose due to the displacement of its soft tissues by uneven edema.

All of the above phenomena that create a feeling of discomfort, sometimes significant, and gradually disappear within 7-14 days, are natural and do not apply to complications. However, serious complications are possible during the rehabilitation period. The main ones are:

  1. The development of microbial infection and various additional complications caused by it.
  2. The occurrence of necrosis of the skin, cartilage or bone tissue, usually due to their excessive dissection, damage to blood vessels, coagulation to stop bleeding, infection. All these factors can lead to impaired blood supply to tissues and, accordingly, to their necrosis (death).
  3. The divergence of postoperative sutures, which contributes to the formation of a rough scar.
  4. The formation of hypertrophic and, not only worsening the aesthetic results of the operation, but also capable of leading to functional disorders (difficulty in nasal breathing and impaired sense of smell).
  5. Nose deformity.

In terms of the frequency of complications during the rehabilitation period, the second place (after the fault of the surgeon) is occupied by reasons associated with non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.

Stages of recovery after rhinoplasty

The rehabilitation period begins with the introduction of gauze tampons into the nasal passages, which prevent nasal breathing (but they are soon removed) and plaster splints are applied. The duration of the recovery period, due to the volume of the operation, the quality of its implementation and the individual characteristics of the patient's body, ranges from six months to 1 year, and in some cases more. Conventionally, it distinguishes four stages.

I stage

The duration is 1-2 weeks. The main goal of the first stage is to ensure the immobility of the bone and cartilage structures and soft tissues of the nose. This is achieved by means of special fixatives or (more often) a plaster splint, as well as the introduction of hemostatic tampons into the nasal passages, which also provide additional tissue fixation.

Why is plaster applied?

During the operation, cartilage and bone, as well as soft tissues are corrected. A plaster splint, despite the fact that it causes discomfort, itching of the skin and a general feeling of discomfort, allows you to:

  • fix the final necessary shape and anatomical proportionality of the nose;
  • prevent displacement of bone and cartilage plates;
  • protect the operation area from unwanted external mechanical impact;
  • when an antiseptic preparation is added to the layers of the plaster cast, it also plays the role of an agent that suppresses the development of infection.

II stage

The average duration is 1 week. It starts with the removal of the plaster cast. In addition, hemostatic tampons are removed from the nasal passages and the latter are washed (in order to remove blood clots and crusts) with an antiseptic or 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Almost all unresolved surgical sutures are also removed. By this time, there is an improvement and stabilization of the general condition, and after the removal of the tampons, breathing becomes easier.

On what day after rhinoplasty is the cast removed?

In cases where the fixing ability of the plaster bandage has decreased, it has become deformed, accidentally or intentionally damaged by the patient, it has become wet during water hygiene procedures, it must be removed and replaced with a new one. Finally, the plaster splint is removed on the 7-14th day.

Edema at this stage is still preserved and may even increase. If, after removing the cast, the swelling has increased, this is quite acceptable and should not bother the patient. The fact is that a rigid plaster cast not only supports the structures of the nose, but also restrains soft tissue swelling, redirecting it to the surrounding areas. After removal of the obstacle, edema also appears in the freed areas, but it is no longer dangerous, since it cannot lead to deformation of the fused bones, and quickly disappears due to a decrease in the degree of the inflammatory process.

Can you remove the plaster yourself?

Sometimes patients want to check the strength of its fixation, lift it or even temporarily remove it in order to get rid of discomfort or to check whether the cartilage and bone plates have already fused. It is impossible to conduct such experiments, since the correction performed by the surgeon may be violated, as a result of which the entire aesthetic result of the operation can be reduced to "zero".

Stage III

It lasts an average of 2-2.5 months and is a period of cosmetic recovery. During this time, swelling and bruising almost completely disappear, and the shape of the nose, except for its tip and nostrils, takes on an almost final appearance. This stage is also important psychologically, since the patience of many patients is already running out by this time. However, they can already tentatively evaluate the results of plastic surgery.

IV stage

Lasts up to 1 year, and sometimes a little longer. This is the period of final healing and appearance formation, during which various defects may disappear and, conversely, new deficiencies may appear in the form of asymmetry in shape, irregularities, scars, the formation of visually identifiable callus, etc.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical operation, of course, such an aggressive intervention is stressful for the body. The nose reshaping procedure is a complex process, the success of which depends on both the surgeon and the patient. In order for the recovery period to pass as soon as possible and without complications, it is necessary to know all the subtleties of such an important stage as rehabilitation after rhinoplasty. It is worth being prepared for the fact that the next day the nose will not recover and will not take on an ideal shape, will not become a perfect and final version of the changes. We offer to understand the features of such a complex and traumatic procedure as rhinoplasty, the postoperative period of which is long, frequent complications and intensive rehabilitation.

When the operation to correct the shape of the nose is completed, the postoperative recovery period after rhinoplasty begins.

How long the nose heals after rhinoplasty depends largely on how the operation went, on the degree of qualification of the doctor, on the method of correction chosen by the surgeon, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. In the future, the result will already depend on how the patient adheres to the recommendations given by the surgeon.

The period during which the recovery period takes place takes from six months to a year. Time depends on many factors, including general health.

Recovery steps

Regardless of how the correction was made, the patient goes through the same stages of recovery. The difference lies only in additional means that accelerate or facilitate the healing process. For more clarity, let's look at the tables.

Correction method: closed rhinoplasty

Length of recovery period

What happens during this period

7 days after surgery Swelling, bruising, redness. Turunds are required. Plaster overlay. As an alternative to plaster - a retaining bandage
2-3 weeks after surgery Puffiness, bruising and redness do not appear, but not as bright as in the first stage, their complete disappearance occurs over another one to two weeks. Gypsum is removed, turundas are taken out. The nasal cavity is washed out in order to free from blood clots and mucus
1 month The bruise completely resolves, the swelling disappears. If there are no changes, this is a reason to sound the alarm. May need physiotherapy stimulation
2 month Bone tissue is strengthened, the shape of the nose begins to approach the intended
3 month The nose doesn't look perfect, but progress is being made. You can practice massage
1 year All functions are restored. Meet the new nose!

Correction method: open rhinoplasty

What happens during this period

First days after surgery Swelling and bruising - a common reaction of the body to aggressive surgical intervention

Seam along the cut line

Gypsum after rhinoplasty is a mandatory attribute of speedy healing

Be sure to put tampons inside to prevent bleeding

Functional difficulties - it is possible to breathe only through the mouth, it is problematic to eat, drink and brush your teeth

2-3 weeks

The appearance will already change, the main swelling will disappear and the doctor will remove the cast, bandage, splints, sutures, if they are not organic, they should resolve themselves

3-4 months

During this period, the external traces of plastics are invisible, but the nose did not take its final shape. A person feels internal discomfort - breathing may be difficult, painful sensations are possible from time to time

5 months - 1 year

Physical activity is fully restored, former patients can live at their usual pace of life, without restrictions and prohibitions. Nose taking shape

Correction method: nose tip rhinoplasty

The length of the recovery phase

What happens during this period

1 Week Since the operation only affects the cartilage, there is little bruising and swelling. Be sure to use bandages. Wearing a cast to prevent injury
2 weeks Stitches are removed (if they were applied during the operation). Currently, the vast majority are sewn up with self-absorbable sutures - then they do not need to be removed. Bandages are removed for the day, put back at night. This reduces the swelling
3 week Little swelling remains
4-12 weeks The healing process is going at an accelerated pace, but the recovery is not over, the tip and wings of the nose continue to change. Sutures completely dissolve
Up to 6 months With normal healing, the nose takes on a permanent shape.

General problems of the recovery period for all types of rhinoplasty

In the first week after the operation, you should be prepared for the difficulty of facial expressions, painful sensations, which can be eliminated with the help of painkillers prescribed by a doctor. It is necessary to observe a calm regime, not to lead an active lifestyle, not to be subjected to unnecessary unrest and stress.

Due to the doctor's mistake in choosing the technique of the operation, the characteristics of the body, and if all the doctor's recommendations are not followed, a postoperative complication may occur, up to:

  • death from anaphylactic shock, but the risk is 0.01%;
  • a visual defect in the form of worsening changes in the shape of the nose, atrophy of the nasal cartilage, or the appearance of a vascular network.
  • divergence of seams or their change;
  • increased skin pigmentation, hematomas, edema;
  • allergic reaction - spots, itching;
  • infection in the wound, tissue necrosis, perforation, osteotomy, toxic shock;
  • violation of breathing, smell.

Also, recovery after rhinoplasty may be accompanied by fever, poor health, weakness, nausea, vomiting, and prolonged pain. In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If after a year the result obtained is not satisfactory: asymmetry, irregularities, roughness are observed, then nose correction is not excluded.

For the fastest and best healing of scars, as well as so that the bone tissue does not grow, physiotherapy and massage are used after rhinoplasty. The procedure is carried out with two fingers, weakly pinching the tip of the nose for half a minute. Then the bridge of the nose is also clamped. You need to do this simple massage procedure about 15 times a day.

Removal of plaster after rhinoplasty

Each patient can't wait until the cast can be removed and you can see your transformed nose, albeit with swelling. The main question they ask is on what day is the cast removed after rhinoplasty? Usually it is 7-10 days. Wearing can take longer if necessary. This is voiced directly by the doctor when examining the patient, depending on his individual characteristics.

Removing a cast or splint is a painless procedure, although many people think that it is painful due to a damaged nose. It is worth noting that now surgeons are increasingly resorting to splints - special dressings consisting of a plaster bandage. It looks the most neat and elegant.

To remove plaster:

  • the patient lies down or sits down so that the head is in a horizontal position;
  • the doctor makes an incision on both sides along the edges of the plaster;
  • pulls it out smoothly. If the bandage sits so tightly that it does not come off, then they resort to an additional device that hooks it, and it leaves in a single layer;
  • if there is a plaster under the plaster, then it also peels off;
  • there is still the elimination of turundas or splints from the nostrils, which will cause some inconvenience, unpleasant sensations. Although modern hollow and smooth turundas are much easier to remove than before;
  • if the procedure does not provide that the sutures will resolve themselves after a certain period, then the removal of the sutures will also cause discomfort, pain or itching in the nose may occur;
  • the final manipulation will be washing the nose in order to cleanse it of blood clots and mucus, and its surface is also wiped from all contaminants with a disinfectant, antiseptic.

All these manipulations should be carried out by a plastic surgeon who did rhinoplasty. No way case, you cannot carry out this procedure yourself, otherwise the guarantee given by the doctor will not be valid. If there are any difficulties, then you need to seek help from a specialist, and not help yourself, as he will not be responsible for your amateur performance.

What the patient will see after removing the cast will be an inaccurate result, since the swelling will completely subside after a while, and the nose will change during the year.

Before you do rhinoplasty, you should carefully examine before the operation, revealing the possibility of its passage without any complications and risks. Next, you should follow all the rules and recommendations of the doctor at all stages of rehabilitation.


During the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty, the following rules should be followed to help protect the nose from damage:

  • it is forbidden to swim in the sea or pool to exclude the possibility of wetting the cast or bandage. Also contraindicated are hot, cold showers, bathing, visiting a bathhouse, a solarium, you can not sunbathe in the sun;
  • you can not sleep on your stomach and side;
  • you can not eat fatty, fried foods and other harmful foods;
  • you can not wear heavy glasses that put pressure on the nose to prevent its deformation;
  • physical activity should be excluded;
  • crowded places should be avoided to eliminate the risk of contracting infectious diseases;
  • can not be supercooled;
  • should be washed very carefully;
  • you can not touch the face unnecessarily;
  • alcohol is prohibited, which is not combined with antibiotics and other medicines that the doctor will definitely prescribe. Alcohol contributes to swelling and problems with the digestive tract. It is worth remembering that in a state of intoxication, coordination is disturbed, which means that injuries increase, which is unacceptable during rhinoplasty.


What drives a person when he is ready to go under the surgeon's knife to do rhinoplasty? This may be just an aesthetic desire to change the shape of the nose, making it more attractive, or there may be serious indications related to health.

Do not forget about contraindications:

  • age up to 18-20 years, when the bone tissue continues to change, grow;
  • older age from 50 years, when it is impossible to guarantee how the postoperative period after rhinoplasty will pass for a patient of this age;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, oncology, insufficient blood clotting;
  • intolerance to drugs used in anesthesia;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • chronic diseases, colds, weakened immunity, during menstruation.

The operation includes a preparatory stage, during which the patient's contraindications, drug intolerance are identified. Also during this period, it is necessary to give up smoking, quit this addiction until the end of rehabilitation. There may be other recommendations that must be followed according to the requirements of the surgeon.

Surgical correction of the nose is a serious operation with an inevitable recovery period. Rehabilitation begins with a turunda in the nose and a plaster cast, which, of course, cause considerable discomfort to the patient. However, it is impossible to do without them. Tampons are removed shortly after the operation, but with a cast, you will have to walk much longer. How many days should I wear it and will it hurt to take it off? Is it possible to wash and scratch the skin under it? Whether to expect further enlargement of edema? These and other questions is analyzed by one of the leading plastic surgeons in the capital:

Gaik Pavlovich, what is the purpose of using a plaster cast after rhinoplasty?

- It fixes the bones and tissues corrected during the operation: it is with its help that we form the final silhouette of the nose and keep its bone from moving when swelling increases. In addition, it protects the operated area from external damage and mechanical trauma. Incorrect application or untimely removal of it can adversely affect the nature of the fusion of bones and tissues, up to the risk of completely losing the shape that we set during the operation.

And how is it applied?

- The surgeon cuts out pieces of the right size from a special bandage - by and large, this is an ordinary bandage sprinkled with plaster. When water is added, it hardens. Such a dressing can have up to 5 layers, each of which performs a special function (antiseptic, protection against injuries and damage, etc.) In addition, immediately after the operation, in order not to stain the white plaster, a special device is glued under the nose that absorbs blood . It is removed after 24 hours.

How long after rhinoplasty does a patient need to wear a bandage?

- Gypsum is applied for 1-2 weeks. In the future, as a rule, it is no longer needed. But sometimes you have to change it. True, this is done extremely rarely, if there are sufficiently good reasons. Usually in the event that the patient, by his actions - intentional or unintentional - deformed the bandage, weakened it or completely removed it. In addition, the gypsum must be changed if it gets wet during water procedures (washing, bathing).

Does it hurt to remove the cast and how does it happen?

- This procedure is unpleasant, especially if the intervention was performed recently. But we are not talking about pain, sensations can be qualified as a maximum as “discomfort”. The process itself is short, literally 5-10 minutes:

  • The patient takes a horizontal position on the couch, in some cases his head and shoulders may lie in a higher position.
  • With the help of special tools, the surgeon pry off the edges of the structure, and after that, with gentle movements, makes it so that it moves away in a single layer.
  • Used materials are disposed of, and the nose is treated with an antiseptic.

And what will happen to the edema after that?

- In the early postoperative period, the bandage restrains him. This function is extremely important, as it allows the nose to “freeze” in the shape that was given to it during the correction. When the fixation is removed, the swelling may increase. However, there is nothing to worry about, this phenomenon is temporary.

Many patients complain that the nose under the plaster itches a lot. Moreover, it does not stop day or night. How to relieve suffering?

- Itching is also a temporary phenomenon, it will disappear forever after the bandage is removed. But until then, you'll have to be patient. In no case should you scratch with a toothpick and other thin objects, putting them under the cast. In my practice, I have come across patients who did just that. By performing such manipulations, it is possible to break the strength of fixation, which is fraught with improper fusion of bone and cartilage structures.

Are there any other special restrictions for this period?

- Yes. First, the bandage must not be wetted. The bandages from which it is made are afraid of water - the ingress of moisture will cause them to become soft and will not be able to support the structures of the nose. This nuance, of course, makes personal hygiene a little more difficult, but no one forbids the patient to wash his face. You just need to rinse your face with extreme caution - so that the drops do not fall on the plaster. If this does happen, it must be replaced immediately.

Also, it is strictly forbidden to lift the bandage to check how firmly it is attached. You can not loosen or knock on it. Some try to find out in this way whether the bones have managed to grow together and put the entire aesthetic result of the operation at unnecessary risk. And you just need to wait a bit: as soon as the fixation occurs, the doctor will immediately remove the bandages.

In general, in order for the healing to go as quickly and well as possible, it is better to refrain from experimenting. Yes, the patient will have to experience certain unpleasant sensations, but all this will be forgotten and seem insignificant when he sees his new beautiful nose.

Nose reshaping is one of the most frequently performed plastic surgeries. The success of the result from it largely depends on the recovery period. And rehabilitation after rhinoplasty includes many prohibitions and mandatory conditions.

Read in this article

Recovery stages and their features

Rhinoplasty is a major operation. Therefore, healing is quite slow. And before the manifestation of the final result, the appearance and well-being will change more than once.

First days

Immediately after the patient wakes up from anesthesia, he feels weakness, drowsiness, nausea. All this is a consequence of the influence of anesthetics. As they are removed from the body, the symptoms will disappear.

Immediately upon completion of the operation, turundas are placed in both nostrils, and a plaster or plastic overlay is fixed on the nose. So see what it looks like until you succeed.

The face has a frightening appearance due to. It is especially noticeable in the area of ​​​​the eyelids, which makes the eyes look swollen. There are bruises underneath. The cheeks can also become swollen. But after 5-7 days, the volume of fluid in the tissues will decrease, and the face will take on a more familiar look.

The very same rehabilitation after rhinoplasty by day looks like this:

  • the first couple of days may be disturbed by pain, therefore, appropriate drugs are prescribed;
  • while the risk of infection remains, so a course of antibiotics is usually recommended;
  • in the intranasal passages, hemostatic turundas that support the new shape of the organ are installed for several days, which also absorb secretions;
  • until the tampons are removed from the nostrils, it is difficult to breathe through the nose, so you have to do it with your mouth;
  • in between the replacement of turundas, the mucous membrane is treated with healing agents prescribed by the doctor;
  • it costs more to lie down for a week, an acceptable posture for rest and sleep is on the back;
  • after 10-14 days, the sutures are removed, the plaster or plastic overlay is removed.

In general, the features of the recovery period depend on the amount of intervention. With an extensive operation, there is more damage, so the discomfort is stronger. Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose will go faster. For example, the cast will be removed after a week, swelling in this case is not so pronounced. And septoplasty is associated with less discomfort, requirements and prohibitions than the correction of the back of the organ.

However, after a month, you can not hide from prying eyes, as the face looks quite presentable. But the size of the nose will still decrease, and the shape will improve. And if something in it does not suit you, you do not need to tune in to a new correction.

Final rehabilitation

The final period of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty is counted from the 3rd month. By this time, the swelling should be gone. And the nose takes on the shape and size newly created by the doctor. If the operation is carried out well, all the shortcomings that irritated before disappear. And, on the contrary, the errors made during the intervention become noticeable. At this stage, we can say whether the rhinoplasty was a success, or it is worth thinking about a new correction of defects.

How long does recovery take

The length of the rehabilitation period varies.

Factors affecting the duration of the rehabilitation period Rationale
The complexity of the intervention If the correction has affected a minimum of nasal tissues, they will heal faster. When the changes affected the bones, cartilage, in total, recovery can take up to a year.
Individual characteristics of the body Patients have soft and hard cartilage, thin and thick skin, fast and slow ability of tissues to form new cells.
Compliance or ignorance of the rules of the recovery period How long the rehabilitation after rhinoplasty takes depends on the behavior of the patient.
Features of access during surgery If it is carried out in an open way, it also takes time to smooth the seams.

Considering all the circumstances, the final appearance of the nose can take 4-6 months, and a year after the intervention. This time should adhere to the conditions of the recovery period.

Removal of stitches after rhinoplasty

If the rhinoplasty went without complications, and the recovery period proceeds in accordance with the norms, then the stitches will be removed 15 days after the operation. We are talking about superficial / external sutures, because doctors impose them on the mucous surface from self-absorbable threads.

During the restoration, the sutures can be treated with ointments with antibacterial drugs in the composition, but this is not a mandatory manipulation.

Even after removing the sutures, the nose does not instantly take its final shape - the swelling still persists for several weeks.

How long does rhinoplasty take

The operation itself does not last long - a maximum of 3 hours (depending on the complexity of the corrections), but rehabilitation after rhinoplasty of the nose can take several months. And even after external restoration, it is possible to evaluate the results of the surgeon's work only after 12 months.

Splints in the nose after rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, splints are inserted into the nose, which can be made of silicone. They fix the nasal septum, serve as a hemostatic device and allow you to save the formed contour of the nose even with an accidental mechanical impact on it.

Inside each splint is a thin tube that allows the patient to breathe through the nose. These liners remain in the nasal passages for at least 48 hours postoperatively. If the intervention took place with complications, then the period can be extended up to 4 days.

Self-extraction of splints from the nose is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to a curvature of the nasal septum and bleeding.

Gypsum after rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, a plaster is applied to the nose - a bandage that is designed to maintain the desired position of all bones and cartilage. It is worn for 2 weeks, then removed for the day, and put on again in the evening - this way it is possible to prevent damage to the organ during sleep. Additionally, such a device accelerates the process of disappearance of edema.

You can not independently lift the plaster cast, remove it and put it in place. It is necessary to take water procedures in such a way that water does not get on the gypsum - it will get wet, change shape and will not perform its functions.

How to smear the nose after rhinoplasty

If the doctor has not given any instructions about the use of drugs after rhinoplasty, then you do not need to smear the nose with anything. It is recommended to do saline rinsing, but use drugs from a pharmacy for this - for example, Aquamaris. So it will be possible to avoid the introduction of an infectious agent into the nasal mucosa.

You can smear the nose at the seams with Contractubex, ointment with badyaga, any decongestant creams. But it is impossible to make a choice of such drugs on your own, they are prescribed by a doctor.

Watch this video about the features of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty:

How to apply a plaster after rhinoplasty

The patch is worn after rhinoplasty for 2 weeks, then the process can be extended, in some cases, to maintain / consolidate the results, it is recommended to wear such a bandage for 3 months. The algorithm for the process of sticking the patch:

  1. Wipe the skin of the nose with an alcohol-containing lotion - this will remove the greasy film.
  2. Cut off a small piece of adhesive plaster (it should not be wide - a maximum of 1 cm) and stick it on the back of the nose.
  3. The second fragment is superimposed in such a way that the tip of the nose is involved, and the edges of the patch are attached to the previous fragment and seem to pull the tip up.
  4. The third strip of the patch is applied to the back of the nose so that it half covers the first strip and fixes the “tails” of the second fragment.

Prohibitions during rehabilitation

Healing will go without problems, and the shape of the nose will line up as intended, if you protect it from negative influences. There are several factors that can harm, which should be excluded for now:

  • Lots of salt and alcohol. Because of them, pain and swelling can linger for a long time.
  • Sport. Game types, slopes, running create a risk of mechanical damage to the nose. Its tissues after the operation are very fragile, so there is a risk of injury, divergence of the seams. For the same reason, you can not lift weights. And physical activity increases blood circulation, which is why the swelling lingers longer.
  • Overheat. High temperatures interfere with the normal fusion of bones, cartilage and skin, and create conditions for infection. Therefore, a bath, a visit to the solarium and exposure to the open sun should be postponed for at least 3 months. Instead of a hot bath, use a warm shower. Food should also be at a comfortable temperature.
  • Cold. It causes vasospasm, which does not contribute to tissue regeneration. How rehabilitation after rhinoplasty goes depends on the general condition of the body, so it is also undesirable to catch a cold.
  • Swimming in open water or pool. This should be avoided due to the risk of infection for at least 2 months.
  • Wearing glasses. Even lightly framed plastic can deform a new nose. Swelling due to the pressure of glasses on the bridge of the nose will also increase.
  • Cosmetics. It must not be used for at least 2 weeks. Washing is also prohibited. Now the most expensive cosmetics and water are sources of infection.
  • Pose lying on the side or stomach. In both cases, there is a danger of injuring the nose.

You should also not touch it for no reason, especially to peel off the crusts formed inside on the mucosa. This can cause additional damage and bleeding.

What not to do after rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, you can not:

  • have sex during the first 2-3 weeks of the recovery period;
  • take a hot bath or contrast shower;
  • wet the bandage applied by the doctor on the nose;
  • go in for sports and load the physical body for 2-3 months;
  • wear corrective glasses - the frame, even the lightest one, puts pressure on the nose; contact lenses should be preferred;
  • crush, knead, massage the nose;
  • sunbathing and visiting the solarium during the first 3 weeks of the recovery period;
  • make sudden movements of the head for 3 days after the operation.

Some restrictions are lifelong: for example, if a person is a professional boxer and has undergone rhinoplasty, then it is highly undesirable to return to this sport in the future - the results will be destroyed, and repeated surgical intervention may be required.

Watch this video about how long the rehabilitation after rhinoplasty will take:

How to help yourself recover

The rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty will be reduced if the healing of injured tissues is helped:

  • Follow a salt-free diet, including more vegetables and fruits, proteins in the diet. And carbohydrates and fats should be reduced.
  • Use gels "Traumeel C" and "Lioton", asking the doctor's permission. They will help you get rid of bruises faster.
  • Before going to bed, put pillows on the sides of the body. They will not let you roll over on your side or stomach.

Why does the nose curve to the side after rhinoplasty?

If after rhinoplasty the nose curves to the side, then the reasons for this may be the following:

  • uneven correction - during the operation, the surgeon performs a resection of bone and cartilage tissue, and if it was carried out asymmetrically, then the curvature of the nose to the side is guaranteed;
  • the placement of grafts is uneven - the defect will be visible only after the complete recovery of the patient;
  • extrusion of the implant - the injected material is displaced and "pulls" the entire nose along with it.

In addition to the mistakes of the surgeon, the patients themselves can also provoke a curvature of the nose, not observing the rules of the rehabilitation period. The most common violations occur:

  • removal of tampons from the nasal passages in an independent mode;
  • wearing corrective glasses immediately after surgery;
  • sneezing with a closed mouth, blowing your nose;
  • violation of the regime - sports are being conducted, a person continues to smoke and drink alcoholic beverages, without waiting for the end of rehabilitation.

Separately, doctors consider the temporary effect of the curvature of the nose to the side - after rhinoplasty, this is considered a normal, habitual side effect that disappears on its own by the end of the recovery period. That is why surgeons do not recommend evaluating changes in appearance ahead of time.

bruising after rhinoplasty

Bruising after rhinoplasty is an inevitable side effect that disappears on its own and in most cases does not require medical intervention. They appear 2-3 days after surgery, quickly spread to the area around the eyes, the bridge of the nose and capture part of the forehead, but after 4-5 days they disappear without a trace.

To speed up the process of getting rid of bruises, you should follow the doctor's recommendations:

  • apply cold or ice compresses to problem areas - for 10 minutes every 2-3 hours;
  • do not take medicines that contain aspirin or other blood-thinning substances;
  • it is impossible to sleep on the back in the first week after the operation - the head should always be in a slightly elevated state in relation to the body.

Any decongestant ointments, wound healing and folk remedies for bruises can be used only with the permission of a doctor.

Different nostrils after rhinoplasty: is it normal?

Most often, different nostrils in shape and size after rhinoplasty is a normal phenomenon that disappears after full recovery (after 1-1.5 months). You should not evaluate your appearance immediately after surgery and visual convergence of edema - the fluid can be deep in tissue cells, and it will serve as a deforming factor.

But sometimes different nostrils are the result of a surgeon's mistake, which occurs if:

  • made asymmetrical resection of the wings of the nose;
  • misplaced implants;
  • displacement of the endoprosthesis in tissues;
  • improperly performed cartilage transplant.

If the difference in the size and shape of the nostrils is clearly visible at the initial stage of recovery, then you should seek help from the operating doctor. He can put a tampon in a too narrowed nostril, which will make it possible to correct the situation without additional surgical intervention. A difficult situation can be corrected by a second rhinoplasty, which is performed no earlier than 6 months after the primary operation.

Nose odor after rhinoplasty

An unpleasant smell in the nose is a natural phenomenon after rhinoplasty, it can only persist in the first days after surgery or disturb the patient for 12 months.

But if such a side effect is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, yellow or green discharge from the nasal passages, pain and discomfort, then you should immediately seek qualified medical help. Most likely, an inflammatory process develops in the sinuses, which can lead to the formation of purulent contents.

Doctors consider an unpleasant smell in the nose after rhinoplasty as a normal symptom, they do not take any action and only carry out diagnostics for the timely detection of inflammatory, infectious processes.

Nose numbness after rhinoplasty

Loss of sensation, numbness of the nose after rhinoplasty is a temporary phenomenon that completely disappears after 2-3 weeks. But for some people, the process of restoring sensitivity takes much longer, it can be felt for another 3-4 months after complete rehabilitation.

The indicated period is considered the maximum, therefore, if an unpleasant symptom persists, it is worth seeking help from specialists - perhaps the nerve endings were damaged, which can be corrected.

Nose crusts after rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, crusts can form in the nose, which is not a pathology, most often this process stops immediately after the sutures are removed (on the 10-15th day of the recovery period). In no case should you “force” remove the crusts, because this provokes:

  • bleeding due to mucosal injury;
  • the introduction of infection into the resulting wound;
  • the formation of additional crusts in the process of wound healing.

Doctors are allowed to soften the crusts in the nose with peach or almond oil, which are instilled into the nostril 1-2 drops several times a day. Soaked crusts are freely removed with turundas, tourniquets or soft cotton swabs.

Nose breathing after rhinoplasty

If the nose does not breathe after rhinoplasty, then in the first few days this is considered normal. The second stage of rehabilitation, when you need to pay attention to nasal breathing - 10-15 days. During this period, the plaster cast is removed, and breathing becomes freer, but may still be difficult due to the persistence of edema.

3rd day after rhinoplasty

In general, doctors say that problems with nasal breathing after rhinoplasty can persist for up to 3 months. You can alleviate the condition with vasoconstrictor nasal drops, but they are used no longer than 5 days in a row, because later on they become addictive, and the body simply does not respond to such drugs.

Runny nose after rhinoplasty

A runny nose after rhinoplasty is not the norm and highly undesirable, because in this case, rehabilitation, recovery will drag on for several months. As a runny nose, patients often take an active separation of mucus, which is not a pathology and does not require the use of drugs.

If a runny nose is a consequence of a cold, then the doctor should prescribe the appropriate treatment. The best option would be rinsing with saline and using vasoconstrictor drops to facilitate breathing. In no case should you blow your nose, you need to exclude sneezing - these actions can provoke rupture of the sutures, displacement of implants, and distortion of the tip of the nose.

Scarring after rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, the risk of scarring at the sites of surgical incisions is especially
high in people with thick and dark skin. Scars are formed in any case, but they can be of different types:

  • normotrophic - they are distinguished by a light shade and subtlety, almost invisible to others;
  • keloid - the scar is constantly growing, itchy, its surface is pink or red, but after rhinoplasty such formations occur extremely rarely;
  • internal - are formed in the nasal passages, can cause difficulty in breathing, decrease on their own over time.

Prevention of scar formation after rhinoplasty is strict adherence to the rules of the recovery period.

When does the tip of the nose drop after rhinoplasty?

If the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty is in an upturned state, then it can be said with confidence that it will fall no earlier than in 2-3 weeks. But sometimes the operation on the nose leads to the fact that its tip remains in a lowered state forever, and this is already a sign of the unsuccessful work of the surgeon. It will not be possible to solve the problem on your own, you will need to contact the clinic for a second rhinoplasty that corrects the aesthetic defect.

The location of the tip of the nose should be assessed no earlier than 12 months after surgery.

Swollen nose tip after rhinoplasty

A swollen tip of the nose after rhinoplasty, even if it was performed on the bridge of the nose, is considered a normal side effect. Edema may be:

  • primary - occurs during the operation;
  • secondary - visible to the patient and others after removing the plaster cast, can persist for 30-45 days;
  • residual - located only at the tip of the nose, is a small bulge, not noticeable to others.

Complete recovery and disappearance of edema occurs only 12 months after surgery.

Watch this video on how to remove swelling after rhinoplasty:

After rhinoplasty, a hump appeared on the bridge of the nose

The formation of a hump on the bridge of the nose after rhinoplasty occurs after a few months, and this can mean the following:

  • the connective tissue has grown too much at the site of the incision and the work of the surgeon;
  • the patient did not follow the rules of rehabilitation and started the massage too early;
  • the demand to stop wearing glasses was ignored.

It will be possible to solve the problem only by repeated rhinoplasty, which is performed only 12 months from the previous one.

Headache after rhinoplasty

Headache after rhinoplasty is a normal side effect that can persist for up to 3 months. The pains will be periodic and not intense, due to the fact that during the work the surgeon literally breaks the nasal septum, moves the cartilage. Such interference leads to damage to the nerve endings, which provokes pain in the head.

Sometimes a similar side effect means fluctuations in blood pressure, so these indicators will need to be monitored.

Solarium after rhinoplasty: when is it possible

You can visit the solarium after rhinoplasty after 6 months. ultraviolet
rays can provoke the formation of age spots on the nose, because scars are not exposed to them.

In addition, the solarium is a thermal procedure that can increase blood flow, increase pressure, and provide a rush of blood to the nose. And this is a direct violation of the rehabilitation period.

For the same reasons, you should not take sunbaths, and before going outside, a cream with sunscreen must be applied to the nose.

How long can you wear glasses after rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, doctors do not allow glasses to be worn for 2-3 weeks - during this period, stitches will be removed, and the main recovery will take place. Such a limitation is associated with a guaranteed pressure on the nose. And even if it was not the bridge of the nose that underwent the operation, but, for example, the wings or nostrils, then the glasses will press from above, which can provoke a displacement of the skin and a curvature of the tip of the nose.

If glasses are necessary for vision correction, then they are replaced with contact lenses for the rehabilitation period. They are allowed to be worn immediately after rhinoplasty.

Physiotherapy after rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, to speed up the rehabilitation process and prevent the development of unwanted complications, doctors can prescribe a course of physiotherapy:

  • . It is used to quickly relieve swelling, treat hematomas / bruises, improve skin nutrition after surgery. It implies a combination of drugs and ultrasonic waves, one session lasts no more than 10 minutes, it is painless. The full course is variable, depending on the patient's condition. Procedures are carried out daily.
  • . Restore sensitivity, improve blood circulation. They are prescribed for 10-14 days of the recovery period after the complete removal of the plaster cast. Contribute to the removal of puffiness, which has spread to the lower part of the face. The full course consists of 5 procedures, which are carried out with a break of 2 days.
  • on the 15th day after rhinoplasty, which restores soft tissues, accelerates their regeneration and prevents scar formation. Nose massage

    Massage should be performed 2-3 times a day for a month. It helps to restore and strengthen the tone of the skin, which eliminates their sagging.

    Sometimes doctors prescribe hardware or manual lymphatic drainage, which helps get rid of deep edema affecting the periosteum. But such procedures should be performed only by specialists.

    How long after rhinoplasty can I play sports

    Doctors put a ban on sports after rhinoplasty for at least 60 days, it is desirable to withstand a period of 3 months. The fact is that physical activity leads to a natural increase in blood pressure, increased / accelerated blood flow - a rush of blood to the face can provoke a change in the results of rhinoplasty and even lead to divergence of the seams.

    If the surgical intervention passed with complications, or they arose in the rehabilitation period, then the contraindication to playing sports is extended to six months.

    Diet after rhinoplasty

    After rhinoplasty, you do not need to follow any strict diet with many restrictions, the digestive system continues to work as usual. But there are a number of recommendations of doctors that are mandatory:

    Doctors categorically do not advise eating salty, pickled, smoked foods, sausages and deli meats, fast foods, convenience foods - these foods contain a large amount of salt, which will retain fluid in the body. And this leads to a lengthening of the period of getting rid of edema after rhinoplasty.

    Alcoholic beverages are prohibited for consumption during the 20 days of the recovery period.

    Alcohol after rhinoplasty

    After rhinoplasty, alcohol should be excluded for 2-3 weeks. This recommendation of doctors is associated with the following factors:

    • alcohol increases blood pressure and increases blood flow - an extra rush of blood to the nose can cause bleeding, bruising;
    • drinks with alcohol in the composition inhibit regeneration processes and metabolism - tissues will heal more slowly;
    • there is fluid retention in the body, which prolongs the period of disappearance of edema.

    Some drugs that are prescribed by a doctor to speed up rehabilitation are incompatible with alcoholic beverages - this combination can cause an acute allergic reaction or make the medications functionally useless.

    Learn more about nose reduction surgery.

    During the recovery after rhinoplasty, it is important for the patient to be patient, calm and confident in the result, despite the so far unattractive reflection in the mirror. If you have an operation with a good doctor, the beauty and grace of the nose may be beyond expectations. The main thing is not to spoil the effect with incorrect actions after it.

    Useful video

    For information on what advice a plastic surgeon gives to patients after rhinoplasty, see that video: