How and what to feed a poodle puppy and an adult dog? Miniature Poodle: nutrition and care

Indoor decorative breed. Smart, cheerful, harmoniously built, the dog, with curly hair, resembles a small sheep playfully frolicking on the grass. Despite the fact that today poodles are increasingly giving up their homes on sofas, ottomans and armchairs to Yorkies, pugs and toy terriers, they still remain one of the most popular and smart dogs in the world, and all thanks to their compact size and good adaptability to any conditions and boundless love for the owner.

Description of the Miniature Poodle breed and FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: France.
  2. Use: companion.
  3. FCI classification: Group 9. Companion dogs. Section 2. Poodle. No operational tests.
  4. General appearance: An elegant, harmoniously built breed with a characteristic curly or corded coat.
  5. Important proportions:
  • The length of the muzzle is almost equal to 9/10 of the length of the skull.
  • The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
  • The height at the withers is almost equal to the height of the croup.
  • The distance from the ground to the elbows is 5/9 of the height at the withers.
  • Behavior/Character: smart, active, loyal and cheerful dog. Easy to learn.
  • Head: refined, proportional to the body. The head is elongated, well sculpted, and should not look heavy or too delicate.
    • Skull: when viewed from above, it appears oval along the longitudinal axis, slightly convex in profile. The longitudinal axes are slightly divergent. The width of the skull is less than half the length of the head. The brow ridges are moderately pronounced and covered with long hair.
    • Frontal groove: wide between the eyes, narrowing towards a very well defined occipital protuberance. (In miniature poodles, the nuchal protuberance may be less pronounced.)
    • Stop (Move from forehead to muzzle): slightly expressed.
  • Nose: the nose is well developed, vertical when viewed in profile, the nostrils are well open. Black, white and gray poodles have a black nose; for brown ones - brown; Poodles with apricot and red hair have a brown or black nose.
  • Muzzle: The upper profile is straight. The length of the muzzle is almost 9/10 of the length of the skull. The lateral bones of the lower jaw are located almost parallel. The muzzle is strong. The lower profile is formed by the jaw, not the lower edge of the upper lip.
  • Lips: moderately developed, dry, of medium thickness. The upper lip lies on the lower lip without overlapping it. Black, white and gray poodles have black lips. The brown ones have brown; in apricot and red poodles - brown, more or less dark, or black. The angle of the lip is not pronounced.
  • Jaws/Teeth: regular scissor bite, upper row closely overlapping the lower. The teeth are strong.
  • Cheekbones: the muscles of the cheeks are not protruding, tightly adjacent to the bones of the skull. The infraorbital region is well carved and little filled. The cheek bones protrude slightly.
  • Eyes: almond-shaped, located at the level of the transition from the forehead to the muzzle, slightly slanted. The eyes are black or dark brown. Dark amber eye color is acceptable for brown poodles.
  • Eyelids: Black, white and gray poodles have black eyelid edges, brown poodles have brown edges. Apricots and reds have brown or black eyelids.
  • Photo of a miniature poodle wearing a hat

  • Ears: Quite long, falling along the cheeks. The base is located on the continuation of the line emanating from the top of the nose and passing just below the outer corner of the eyelid. Flat, widening from the base, the tips are rounded, covered with long, wavy hair. The ear flap reaches the corners of the lips.
  • Neck: strong, slightly convex nape line, medium length, good proportions, without dewlap. The length is slightly less than the length of the head. The Miniature Poodle carries its head high and proud. The neck is oval in cross section.
  • Body: The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers.
  • Withers: moderately expressed.
  • Back: short, harmoniously contoured, straight, strong. The withers and croup should be almost at the same height.
  • Loin: strong, muscular.
  • Croup: rounded but not sloping.
  • Chest: deep, reaching to the elbows. Width 2/3 depth. In large poodles, the circumference of the chest, measured behind the shoulder blades, should exceed the height at the withers by at least 10 cm. The ribs are oval.
  • Underline/Belly: fit, without undermining (like a greyhound).
  • Tail: Set high, level with the waist. We can allow it to be long or shortened by one third or half of the natural length. When calm, the tail is lowered. In motion it rushes obliquely upward.
  • Photo of a tan miniature poodle

  • Forelegs: straight, parallel, with good muscles and bones. The distance measured from the corner of the elbow to the ground should be slightly longer than the distance from the corner of the elbow to the withers.
    • Shoulders: obliquely lying, well muscled; The shoulder blade forms an angle of about 110° with the shoulder.
    • Shoulder: The length of the shoulder corresponds to the length of the shoulder blade.
    • Wrist: continuation of the line of the forearm.
    • Pastern: strong, almost straight when viewed from the side.
    • Forelegs: small, closed, forming a short oval. The toes are arched, the paw pads are hard and thick. The nails are black on black and gray poodles, and black or tan on brown poodles. White poodles have claws that are horn-colored or vary in pigmentation, including black. Apricot and red poodles have brown or black nails.
  • Hind limbs: When viewed from behind, they are placed parallel. The muscles are well developed and clearly defined. The knee joint is quite pronounced. The angles of articulation of the hip, knee and hock joints should be well defined.
    • Hips: strong, with well-developed muscles.
    • Hocks: fairly short, vertical. A poodle should be born without dewclaws.
    • Hind feet: small, closed, forming a short oval. The toes are arched, the paw pads are hard and thick. The nails are black on black and gray poodles, and black or tan on brown poodles. White poodles' claws can be horn-colored or of varying pigmentation, even black. Apricot and red poodles have brown or black nails.

  • Movement: springy, light gait.
  • Skin: elastic, without signs of dampness, pigmented. In black, brown, grey, apricot and red poodles, the pigmentation should match the coat color. For white poodles, you should aim for silver colored skin.
  • Coat:
    • Poodle with curly hair: Abundant, fine, fluffy texture, in good curl, elastic and resistant to hand pressure. The coat should be very thick, abundant, of uniform length, forming proportionate curls.
    • Corded Poodle: A profuse coat of fine texture, fluffy and dense, forming characteristic cords of equal length, which must be a minimum of 20 cm in length.
  • Miniature Poodle Height:
    • Height at the withers: 28 - 35 cm. The miniature poodle should be a reduced miniature poodle and, if possible, maintain the same proportions, excluding any signs of dwarfism.
  • Disadvantages: Each deviation from the above-mentioned requirements of the standard must be considered as a defect, the assessment of which must be established in exact proportion to the degree of deviation.
    • Carp-shaped or sunken back
    • Tail set too low
    • Excessively nervous behavior
    • Teeth: the absence of two P1s is not taken into account
    • Absence of one or two symmetrically located P2
    • The absence of M3 is not taken into account
  • Serious disadvantages:
    • Partially depigmented nose
    • Pointed muzzle
    • Spotted face
    • The bridge of the nose with a hump
    • Teeth: absence of two asymmetrically located P2
    • Eyes too big, too deep set, not dark enough
    • Ears too short
    • Beveled croup
    • Tail thrown over the back
    • Too straight angles of the hind limbs
    • Smooth and stretched movements
    • Poor, or limp, or harsh coat
    • Indeterminate or unevenly distributed color on the body: black-gray or gray-white, faded apricot (red), cream, beige in browns or too dark brown
  • Disqualifying faults:
    • Aggression or cowardice
    • Completely unpigmented nose
    • Insufficiently pronounced type, especially of the head
    • Overshot or undershot
    • Teeth: missing one incisor or one canine or one carnassial
    • Absence of one P3 or one P4
    • Absence of three or more premolars (except P1)
    • Tailless or naturally short-tailed
    • Dewclaws or signs of their removal on the hind legs
    • Mixed coat color
    • White spots or white fur on the paws
    • Dogs with a height of more than 62 cm for large dogs or less than 23 cm for toy dogs
    • Dogs with signs of dwarfism: an apple-shaped head, an unpronounced occipital protuberance, a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle, protruding eyes, a too short or upturned muzzle, a shortened lower jaw, an unpronounced sloping chin
    • Almost invisible frontal groove
    • Toys have too light a frame
    • Tail in a ring, the end of which falls on the back or croup

    Any dog ​​showing physical abnormalities or behavioral disturbances must be disqualified.

    Note: Males must have two apparently normally developed testes that are completely contained in the scrotum.

    • Solid wool: black, white, brown, grey, apricot and red.
    • Brown color: not weakened, quite dark, uniform and warm color. Beige and lighter shades are not desirable.
    • Gray: uniform, not weakened, not close to black, not whitish.
    • Apricot: uniform, without transition to fawn, sand or red.
    • Red: The entire coat should be of a uniform color, with no tendency towards apricot.

    Pigmentation: Eyelids, nose, lips, gums, palate, natural orifices, scrotum and paw pads should be well pigmented.

    Poodle - companion dog. It has an amazing ability to fit into the society around it and acquire exactly those behavioral characteristics that are most interesting to its owner. The Pudelek will happily go fishing with his fisherman owner, run along the paths of the park, play with a ball with his athlete owner, or maybe stroll sedately along the boulevard in the company of his elderly owners.

    It doesn’t matter what size your favorite poodle is, royal or toy, they can accurately determine the owner’s mood when he is sad and sad. The four-legged “psychologist” is right there, begins to lick and feel sorry for your loved one, and life is seen in a completely different light.

    Gets along well with children, loves to play and frolic with them. He is highly trainable, but polite and careful in communication, he demands no less respect for himself, and only then does he try to please his owner and demonstrate the wonders of obedience and training. Toy poodles are non-aggressive and tolerant of other dogs and animals living in the house.

    When strangers appear, they begin to bark and try to protect their owner and his family from “uninvited guests,” and only after making sure that nothing threatens their loved ones will they begin to hospitably communicate with guests, lick everyone, “love” everyone and, of course, allow stroke yourself.

    Among poodles, there are often disobedient individuals who snarl and growl at their owner. When encountering such an example, one should not rush to condemn the breed as a whole.

    This kind of behavior is the fruit improper upbringing. At one time, the owner used brute force in the process of raising the animal or, on the contrary, spoiled his pet too much and allowed him everything. As a result, the poodle took the place of the leader, and the owner was assigned only the role of an ordinary member of his pack.

    Miniature Poodle care and maintenance

    Photo of a miniature poodle with different colors


    The Miniature Poodle has a thick, curly coat.

    There are two types of wool.

    1. Curly hair is thick, elastic, forms curls, and abundantly covers the entire body.
    2. Corded wool type- thick, abundant cover, fluffy wool forms cords of at least 20 cm.

    The peculiarities of the poodle's coat represent a problem for some, but for others it is a marvelous embodiment of their “hairdressing” fantasies. Owners who keep a dwarf poodle “for the hobby” can transform their pet at least every month, giving it a wide variety of shapes and hairstyles using scissors and a comb. In the summer heat, you can trim your four-legged ward's head, which will not affect the quality of the coat in any way.

    The photo shows a miniature poodle standing in nature

    The big advantage of poodle hair is that it does not shed, and does not cause allergies. Although this fact causes a wave of mistrust among many citizens, especially owners of short-haired dogs, who at one time, when purchasing a dog, hoped that it would produce less hair.

    The most important requirement for a miniature poodle's coat is that it must always be clean.


    Bathe the dog two to three times a month, or as it gets dirty. The more regularly you carry out the bath procedure, the less time it takes: the hair does not have time to get tangled and tangled. In addition, all poodles are big fans of splashing in ponds. The path to natural bathing areas is prohibited except for exhibition animals, since it is possible that after such a bath the dog will become covered in tangles.


    In the photo there are two miniature poodles on the paving stones

    You should brush your pet every day; this procedure will not take much time, 5 - 10 minutes, but both you and your pet will enjoy the interaction. Combing is also useful because it promotes blood supply to the skin and replaces massage. When caring for a miniature poodle, it is better to use professional cosmetics. There are many brands, so it will not be difficult to choose for each dog what is right for him. By regularly bathing your dog with properly selected cosmetics, you can forget about combing your pet from wash to wash.


    Healthy eyes of a miniature poodle are shiny, without streaks (tear marks are a little more noticeable on white individuals), and do not water. It is enough to inspect the eyes and rinse with warm water or weakly brewed black tea. In case of redness, tearing, severe souring of the dog’s eyes, immediately contact your veterinarian. It is better not to self-medicate.


    The weak point of the poodle is its drooping ears. The ventilation in them is not very good; the water that gets in during bathing does not go away. To prevent otitis media and other ear problems from accompanying the dog throughout its life, the owner must carefully monitor the hygiene of his four-legged friend’s ears. Inspect your dog's ears regularly; there should be no unpleasant odor, excess wax, or strange fluid coming out; if you notice such symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

    The poodle sometimes has problems with the anal glands, the cleaning of which, if such a problem has ever arisen, will need to be carried out regularly, most conveniently while washing the dog.

    Claws and paws

    Be sure to regularly inspect the condition of your poodle's paws and claws. Even if the pet leads an active lifestyle, its claws must be trimmed with a special nail clipper 1-2 times a month. Afterwards, go through it with a file to remove burrs and smooth out the sharp ends of the claws. Always remember about the fifth toe on the front paws, it is short and does not erase the claw at all. Wash paws after walks, inspect for damage and cracks.

    As a rule, toy poodles that are properly cared for are healthy and long-lived: for many in the breed, 12 years old is far from old.

    Training a Miniature Poodle

    It's no secret that all representatives of the poodle breed have a high level of intelligence, and dwarf poodles are no exception.

    They perfectly remember those actions, the meaning of which is clear to them. One word or gesture is enough for the pet to clearly do what is asked of it. At the same time, the poodle is not distracted by people and other dogs.

    The highest reward for a dog is the praise of its owner. But if your pet doesn’t see the meaning of the command, it will be very difficult to teach it to carry it out.

    Impatient owners often make the mistake of subjecting their pet to harsh training and then jumping to conclusions about the dog’s stupidity and stubbornness. The poodle will very quickly get tired of the monotonous and thoughtless execution of commands, and he may simply refuse to work.

    Photo of a miniature poodle in the garden

    Representatives of this breed are excellent at mastering such entertaining types of training as:

    • agility (a competition in which the dog is guided by the owner through an obstacle course)
    • freestyle (pet dancing to music)
    • flyball (a flying ball, a team or individual competition for dogs. The pet must catch the ball released from a special machine and quickly bring it to the owner. The game resembles a relay race)

    “Vain” dogs of this breed love and appreciate when they are admired, be it a victory in the show ring, a sports competition, or demonstrating tricks in front of house guests. There is also an opposite point of view: a poodle does not need to be trained at all, especially its “miniature” varieties, so as not to suppress its free personality.

    But if you want to buy a dwarf poodle, remember that without training and education, even the smallest and seemingly harmless dog can become uncontrollable and cause a lot of trouble to the owner and others.

    Miniature Poodle food

    Photo of a fluffy miniature poodle

    What to feed a miniature poodle - home-cooked food or ready-made food - each owner decides for himself.

    The main condition is not to make a sudden transition from one type of feeding to another.

    When you just adopted your baby from a breeder, for the first few days you feed him the food he is used to in order to avoid digestive problems. If you are planning to accustom your puppy to feeding finished industrial products, do not be lazy to consult a veterinarian about the quality of food and which of them is best suited specifically for your pet.

    List of natural products that can be used to prepare food for a miniature poodle:

    1. Meat - beef, turkey, chicken, lamb.
    2. Cereals - buckwheat, rice.
    3. Sea fish without bones (river fish is not allowed)
    4. Any vegetables, except potatoes and legumes (they cause bloating)
    5. Fermented milk products
    6. Eggs (preferably quail) and offal - no more than 2 times a week.
    7. Vegetable oil, sunflower and corn (especially in winter).
    8. Fruits (apples, banana)
    9. Honey on the tip of a spoon as a treat.
    10. Chocolate, cakes, cookies are not allowed.

    It is better to consult a veterinarian about introducing mineral supplements and vitamins into your animal’s diet. The pet's diet must be adjusted if it suffers from food allergies, urolithiasis, kidney or liver failure, and so on. Feeding weakened, old, pregnant and lactating dogs also requires correction.

    Nutrition according to all the rules is the key to the health of your four-legged ward.

    Diseases of the Miniature Poodle

    • progressive retinal atrophy
    • epilepsy
    • deafness
    • allergy
    • diabetes
    • heart diseases
    • early gray hair (common in brown poodles)
    • autoimmune hemolytic anemia
    • excessive tearing
    • ear infections

    Feeding with natural products is considered traditional in our country. Although it is difficult to create a balanced diet without serious knowledge and experience, it is still possible to do this by studying the necessary literature or using the help of experienced breeders.

    By feeding natural products, the owner can independently influence the calorie content, volume and composition of food, and, consequently, the development of the dog in the right direction. Feeding with natural products makes it possible to create a special diet for a specific dog.

    If you decide to feed your poodle natural products, you need to understand that the food should be varied and not limited to one or two types of products (for example, meat and porridge).

    Your dog's diet should include the following foods:

    Meat. It is recommended to feed only beef and mainly in raw form, but recently feeding raw meat has been associated with a large number of problems (pathogenic microorganisms, worms, mad cow disease, etc.), so breeders prefer to feed their dogs cooked meat. The meat should not be fatty. The dog's diet should also contain by-products: beef stomachs, liver, kidneys, heart, udder. They contain many useful substances; it is better to give them after heat treatment, but raw, unless you are sure that they came from a healthy animal. Beef tripe contains a wide range of natural vitamins and biologically active substances.

    Bones. They are rich in minerals and vitamins. The heads of tubular bones, which contain bone marrow and cartilage tissue, cartilaginous parts of the ribs, joints, tails and parts of the spinal column, are very useful. Beef and veal bones are best given raw, all others are boiled. Boiled bones must contain cartilage tissue and tendons. It is necessary to check that the bones are large enough and do not contain fragments that could damage the esophagus. Bones are not the main food, but only a delicacy.

    Eggs. A very nutritious, biologically complete product containing proteins, vitamins and active substances. Chicken eggs can be given raw; all others are better boiled. If other foods are available, eggs can be given 2-3 times a week.

    Dairy. In first place, of course, is cottage cheese, as the main source of calcium. Cheese and fermented milk products, such as “biokefir”, “bifidok”, yogurt, which help normalize intestinal microflora, also have great nutritional value

    Cereal products. The main source of carbohydrates. Rice and buckwheat are the most digestible

    Vegetables and fruits. Source of dietary fiber. A variety of them in a dog’s diet is necessary, both raw and cooked. In their raw form, you should try to grind them as finely as possible; you can add a small amount of vegetable oil. Many dogs do not digest legumes and corn.

    Garlic. Raw finely chopped garlic (1 clove) on a piece of bread with butter is useful to give to a puppy and an adult dog weekly as an anthelmintic.

    Raisins, dried fruits, cheese. Convenient and useful bait, which is used as a reward during training.

    Sea kale. Contains a large number of microelements, which can improve the pigmentation of coat and skin.

    You should not give your dog:

    1. Pork, fatty lamb. These types of meat can cause stomach upset and are very hard on the liver.

    2. All kinds of sweets: pastries, cakes, lump sugar, etc. They cause watery eyes or suppuration of the eyes, and the normal functioning of the liver can be disrupted.

    3. Spices, spices and aromatics;

    4. Hot (straight from the stove), cold (from the refrigerator), salty, fatty, smoked, spicy food;

    5. River fish, freshwater and raw sea fish. Possible infection with worms;

    6. Sausages, sausage, ham. These products have a bad effect on the liver, and the dog can die at a young age.

    An intelligent, non-shedding, versatile dog that attracts the attention of many potential owners. However, the scary fact is that the breed is prone to food allergies. Not everyone decides to get a pet with the expectation that in the next 15–18 years they will have to cook turkey and rice every day. In fact, to It is no more difficult to train a Poodle than other dogs, even if he has an allergy. Naturally, you need to find an approach and identify prohibited products.

    A one-month-old puppy realizes that there is something more around him than his mother. The baby begins to be interested in sounds, objects and, of course, the smell of food. Encouraging natural curiosity, the breeder introduces complementary foods. Usually, the first adult food is boiled minced meat or industrial canned food.

    Next, depending on the preferences of the breeder, the diet of the Poodle puppy is formed. At 2 months the baby is no longer dependent on mother's milk, and if it reaches out to the “power source,” it’s more out of habit. At 3 months, the baby usually moves to a new home, which is associated with a number of stresses. Don’t complicate your pet’s life; ask the breeder in detail what your pet ate and keep the usual diet for another 10–14 days.

    Important! The transition to a new type of feeding should be gradual. Replace foods by mixing for 5-10 days.

    Selection of diet, types of nutrition

    To avoid problems, it is important to feed your Poodle correctly, but how can you avoid making mistakes? The first condition is to put aside fears, especially if this is your first dog. Even if it manifests itself, it is not critical and can be solved. You should not violate strict prohibitions, we will consider them below, but even the most experienced breeder can make mistakes when it comes to choosing a diet. The first question to decide is the type of food. You have to choose from three categories:

    • Natural feeding– usually in the form of meat porridge. To save time, some owners adapt to harvesting semi-finished or canned food. The frozen preparation includes meat, vitamins, vegetables. Before feeding, the mass is defrosted, heated and mixed with porridge or given in its pure form.
    • Dry food– granules that are made from dried natural products (meat, vegetables, grains). Premium food and lines of higher quality contain a full range of vitamins, a minimum amount of preservatives and salts. Cheap food is made from beans, which are useless for the dog's body. Salts, dyes and preservatives, which are generously flavored with economy-class food, are dangerous.
    • Semi-moist food– an industrial product, packaged in blisters, bags or jars, in the form of pate or meat pieces with gravy. Typically, food in this form is most readily consumed because it has a rich taste and smell. But again, cheap products are unlikely to benefit your pet; rather, they will help “fill your belly.”

    Read also: The puppy does not gain weight on dry food: reasons

    Expert opinion on types of dog feeding in the video below:

    Important! High-quality dry food has a neutral odor and a light or dark brown color. Red and green granules are not vegetables and carrots, they are dyes that are harmful to health.

    Industrial feed classes

    All feed on the market is divided into five classes: economy, casual (medium), premium, super-premium and holistic. Food from the economy series is not suitable for Poodles. Medium quality can be considered if your pet is healthy and you are ready to regularly introduce vitamins into the diet. Premium and super-premium are high-quality food, among which you can find hypoallergenic and “breed” products. Holistic is the highest quality food intended for dogs on a strict diet or with identified pathologies.

    Important! Always read the information on the food package. As a rule, products manufactured under a patent in another country (for example, a US manufacturer, a Polish patent) are inferior in quality to the original.

    Food for your Poodle puppy should be chosen from: not lower than super-premium class, but don’t rush into buying a hypoallergenic line. Your pet may not even have allergies, but by putting your dog on a strict diet, you can “spoil” the stomach, intestines and metabolism. During the period of teeth change, the pet should be switched to canned food, and for “scratching” the gums, the dog should be provided with special treats. When baby teeth erupt and the dog is forced to chew pellets, there is a possibility of crooked incisors.

    Food for Poodles aged 2–6 years can be chosen from the medium or premium series. It all depends on the individual sensitivity of the dog. Whatever class of products you choose, it is worth asking whether the brand has products for animals of different sizes. The fact is that dwarf and royal Poodles differ not only in size, but also in metabolic rate. As strange as it may sound, a small dog needs to consume more high-calorie food. Be sure to monitor your weight and weigh your pet regularly. A slight weight gain by winter is normal, but if the patient is gaining weight quickly, it is necessary to review the diet or examine him for hormonal disorders.

    Read also: How to stop a dog from pulling on a leash: methods for correcting behavior

    Feeding an old Poodle is a more specific task, since with a natural slowdown in metabolism, the risk of pathologies increases. Considering that Poodles live up to 16–18 years, the “age frame” of old age is usually shifted to 12 years. In fact, an animal older than 8-9 years is considered elderly and it is during this period that it is worth reviewing the diet of the ward.

    The main attention should be focused on the health of the heart, bones and joints, and this means weight control, the dose of vitamins and microelements received. In old age, feeding holistic products or super-premium food for older dogs becomes relevant. If teeth are lost, Poodles are switched to semi-moist food.

    Important! When kept on dry food, strictly ensure that the dog always has access to water. The granules that enter the esophagus and stomach absorb liquid, causing thirst. If the dog does not have the opportunity to drink, the production of gastric juice and bile increases, which over time will lead to peptic ulcers and liver failure.

    Natural nutrition

    With a natural diet, the dog receives raw and cooked foods. Usually, it is easier for the owner to prepare meat porridge, to which vitamins or other additives are added before serving. The general list of products that should be considered when compiling a diet is:

    • Meat(33–35%, up to 45% in puppyhood) – shredded beef, chicken, turkey.
    • Meat by-products(related to meat, but should not exceed 40% of the total mass fraction) - beef or chicken tripe, heart, liver (strictly dosed). Boiled pig ears and broth from them strengthens joints.
    • Fish(you can replace meat 1-2 times a week) – low-fat, oceanic, boneless, boiled, chopped.
    • Dairy– low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, natural yogurt.

    Poodles are active, attentive, and easy to learn thanks to their sharp mind and good memory. The excellent sense of these dogs allows them to be used as assistants in hunting, as well as search and rescue operations.

    Preparing a diet for a poodle

    To correctly create a menu, consider several factors.

    Firstly, dogs' digestion is different from ours. For example, the appearance and taste of food are not important to them. But the smell - yes. In it, dogs are able to distinguish thousands of facets.

    The body of these animals digests what they eat much faster than the human body. And this is despite the fact that food enters the stomach practically without primary processing. This is because there is no special enzyme in dog saliva - amylase and the dog does not chew food.

    Also, the gallbladder and pancreas do not secrete enzymes capable of breaking down starch and lactose.

    Secondly, the menu should include a sufficient amount of proteins (4-5 g per 1 kg of weight), carbohydrates (12-15 g), fats (1-2 g), vitamins (A, B1, B2, C ), macro- and microelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, etc.), clean water.

    Proteins are the building blocks for the construction of any organism. Dogs absorb it almost completely from animal food. But only half is made from plants. Also, a large amount of such food is not completely digested. These residues negatively affect the condition of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Gas formation, colic, inflammation, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation may begin. The acidity of gastric juice also decreases, this creates favorable conditions for the life of worms.

    But all of the above does not mean that you need to feed your dwarf poodle, like all other representatives of the breed, only meat. The dog's diet should consist of at least 50% animal food. For puppies, pregnant, lactating and sports dogs - 2/3 of the total volume.

    Allowed proteins include:

    1. Meat - raw beef. It can be fresh or defrosted, finely chopped or in the form of minced meat.
    2. Meat by-products - liver, stomach, lungs, kidneys, spleen. They don't have much protein, but they do have a lot of connective tissue, which dogs also need in small quantities. By-products are given in cooked form as an additive to meat.
    3. Sea or ocean fish - cod, halibut, haddock, hake, etc. It does not need to be boiled, but the main thing is that it is frozen. Remove all bones first. Replace meat with it 1-2 times a week.
    4. Fermented milk products - low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without sugar and fillers, yogurt.
    5. Eggs. Raw protein can cause an allergic reaction, so it is better to boil the eggs. 1-2 pieces every 7 days.
    Not a single dog’s menu is complete without plant food. It contains essential vitamins and carbohydrates. However, their excessive consumption overloads the liver, and as a result, the blood is less cleansed. This can lead to allergies.

    Cereals are the main carbohydrate source. Buckwheat and brown rice are best. If it is not possible to feed your poodle brown, then replace it with long grain. If problems arise with this, then you can use a regular, round one. But after cooking, it must be thoroughly rinsed to remove starch, since it is not absorbed by the dog’s body. You need to cook the cereal until cooked, but so that it remains crumbly.

    The poodle's diet must include fresh vegetables (zucchini, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, carrots, bell peppers, etc.), fruits and berries (apples, gooseberries, etc.), herbs (spinach, dill, parsley, lettuce, celery etc.). It is better if all this is crushed or ground, without heat treatment.

    Animal and vegetable fats should also be included in the pet's menu - butter, flaxseed, unrefined sunflower, pumpkin, olive oils.

    Fresh, filtered water should always be available at all times. If you cannot filter water at home, it is better to use bottled water. On average, a dog needs 2 liters per day.

    With a natural type of feeding, dogs require additional vitamin and mineral supplements. Only a veterinarian is involved in their selection and administration.

    You can use dried fruits and cheese as rewards.

    There are a number of foods that are prohibited for consumption by dogs, including poodles:

    • pasta, baked goods - cause digestive problems;
    • smoked, fried, spicy, fatty foods - leads to gastritis;
    • tubular bones - can damage the gastrointestinal tract;
    • potatoes, legumes - lead to gas formation;
    • salt, spices, seasonings;
    • confectionery, chocolate, sweets - do not provide any benefit, cause dental problems, liver dysfunction, suppuration of the eyes and lacrimation;
    • Whole milk is not digestible by adult dogs. Causes gas formation, allergic reactions are possible;
    • very thick porridges are difficult to digest;
    • sausage products - contain preservatives and additives.

    Feeding scheme

    After being born, the puppies eat only their mother's milk for the first few days. On the 10th day they begin to be fed. For the first feeding, cow or goat milk is used. Additionally, egg yolk is added to it (1 piece per 1 liter of milk).

    At the age of 14 days they begin to give meat, for now in the form of minced meat. Then vegetables, cereals. The amount of food is increased gradually.

    At 2 months, babies are finally weaned from their mother's breast. They should already be able to feed themselves.

    At about 3 months, the puppy moves to a new owner. It is necessary to check with the breeder how and what the dog was fed and adhere to all the recommendations received for the first time.

    Toy poodle puppies, as well as large and small poodles, should be fed 6 times a day at the age of 3 months, 4 times a day at 3-6 months, 3 times at 6-12 months. After a year, the poodle is considered an adult dog and switches to two meals a day.

    If your pet eats natural food, then its menu should look something like this:

    1-3 months

    • 1st feeding - not thick porridge (2 tablespoons);
    • 2nd feeding - calcined cottage cheese (1-2 tablespoons);
    • 3rd feeding - minced meat (2-3 tablespoons);
    • 4th feeding - vegetables/fruits (2-3 teaspoons), milk (4 teaspoons);
    • 5th feeding - minced meat + grated vegetables (2-3 teaspoons);
    • 6th feeding - crackers, pre-soaked in milk (2 pcs.).

    3-6 months

    • 1st feeding - milk porridge (2-3 tablespoons);
    • 2nd feeding - minced meat (3-4 tablespoons) + vegetables (3-4 teaspoons);
    • 3rd feeding - cottage cheese (2-3 tablespoons);
    • 4th feeding - minced meat (3-5 tablespoons) + vegetables (1-2 tablespoons).

    7-12 months

    • 1st feeding - porridge with cottage cheese / crackers, previously soaked in milk (4 pcs.);
    • 2nd feeding - beef pieces (4-5 tablespoons) + vegetables (2 tablespoons);
    • 3rd feeding - beef pieces (5-7 tbsp. spoons) + vegetables (3 tbsp. spoons).

    12-18 months

    • 1st feeding - beef pieces (4 tbsp. spoons) + vegetables (2 tbsp. spoons) + porridge (1 tbsp. spoon);
    • 2nd feeding - beef pieces (6-9 tablespoons) + vegetables (3 tablespoons).
    Additionally, the puppy is given vitamin supplements daily. Once a week, raw egg yolk. From 4 months, the yolk is replaced with a whole egg. From 5 months, an egg is given twice a week.

    The approximate diet of an adult large poodle looks something like this:

    • animal proteins (meat/offal/fish) - no more than 500 grams per day;
    • cereal - no more than 300 grams per day;
    • fermented milk products - no more than 250 grams per day;
    • vegetables, fruits, herbs - no more than 300 grams per day;
    • the total weight of the daily diet is 850-1000 grams.

    Approximate diet for an adult small poodle:

    • animal proteins (meat/offal/fish) - no more than 350 grams per day;
    • cereal - no more than 100 grams per day;
    • fermented milk products - no more than 150 grams per day;
    • vegetables, fruits, herbs - no more than 200 grams per day;
    • the total weight of the daily diet is 600-850 grams.

    Approximate diet for an adult miniature or toy poodle:

    • animal proteins (meat/offal/fish) - no more than 250 grams per day;
    • cereal - no more than 50 grams per day;
    • fermented milk products - no more than 100 grams per day;
    • vegetables, fruits, herbs - no more than 150 grams per day;
    • The total weight of the daily diet of a miniature poodle is 450-600 grams, and that of a toy poodle is 350-450 grams.

    Adult dogs are also given vitamin complexes daily and an egg twice a week.

    Poodles aged 8-9 years are considered senior, those aged 12 years are considered old. Metabolism slows down, but the risk of various diseases increases. With excess body weight, additional stress is placed on the bones, joints, and cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is necessary to control the weight of older and elderly dogs. When losing teeth, food must be appropriate. The entire amount of food should be divided into 3-4 meals.

    General requirements for proper feeding of all types of poodles:

    1. Food must be freshly prepared. Do not serve your pet cold or hot food, only warm food.
    2. After the meal, the bowl is removed, even if the poodle has not eaten everything.
    3. Food from the master's table is prohibited.
    4. Keep the bowl clean. If there are several dogs, then there should be the same number of bowls.
    5. Poodles have a special chest structure. It is difficult for them to eat from dishes placed on the floor. Use brackets or stands to allow your pet to eat while standing.
    6. Develop a strict feeding regimen. Do it in the same place.
    7. One feeding should not contain meat and fermented milk at the same time.
    8. The dog should be well-fed, but not overfed.

    Feeding with industrial feed

    Owners do not always have time to prepare food for their pet as well. The way out of this situation will be ready-made industrial feed. The market is vast. Depending on the size, weight, age, and presence of diseases, you can choose dry food for your poodle.

    There are several lines of such products: economy, medium, premium, superpremium and holistic. The latter are products of the highest quality, intended for pets on a strict diet and with identified pathologies.

    Poodle puppies need to be fed a super premium diet. Their composition is balanced and already contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the growth and proper formation of a young body. You can choose hypoallergenic products.

    First, dry food is introduced into the diet in a soaked form. During the period of teeth change, it can be replaced with wet canned food.

    Healthy poodles aged 2-6 years can be fed the medium line food. Provided that she receives additional vitamin and mineral complexes. Everything will depend on the individual sensitivity of the dog.

    For elderly and old pets, the holistic or super-premium series are suitable according to their age. If teeth fall out, dry food is replaced with semi-moist food.

    The transition to an industrial type of nutrition from natural products should be carried out smoothly, within 10-14 days.

    The most famous manufacturers of ready-made food are Royal Canin, Purina Pro Plan, Acana, etc.

    Royal Canin

    This company has a series specifically for poodles. The line is divided into food for puppies up to 10 months and for dogs over 10 months.

    Contains poultry meat, plant components, vitamins, macro- and microelements. The manufacturer claims that the food promotes the harmonious development of the puppy’s young body and the preservation of the clear mind of an adult poodle. There is also an emphasis on caring for the beauty of the coat.

    Purina Pro Plan

    This manufacturer does not have a series specifically for the poodle breed. But there are lines for puppies and adult dogs. They are also divided according to growth parameters - for dwarf and large breeds.

    The puppy food contains Optistart formula, which contains colostrum. The manufacturer claims that this complex helps in the formation of strong immunity, minimizes the risk of intestinal infections, and also promotes brain and vision development.


    Canadian made food. You can choose products for small breed dogs. Contains chicken, flounder, fruits and vegetables, eggs. As well as Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Does not contain grains or potatoes.

    It will be better if a specialist selects food specifically for your four-legged friend.

    Combined nutrition

    If your poodle is naturally fed, then mixing dry granules into his food is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that it takes different amounts of time to digest industrial feed and natural food. Regular products require only 2 hours, and prepared foods require 3-5 hours.

    Thus, digested natural food will enter the intestines along with undigested granules, which will simply begin to rot in the colon.

    However, it is possible to combine two types of nutrition. The main rule is not to mix both types of food in one feeding. Natural food is given no earlier than 5 hours after industrial food.