Cat vomits bile: causes and treatment. The main reasons why a cat vomits and what the owner can do to alleviate the condition

The onset of a viral or infectious disease may be accompanied by vomiting of bile, as the liver cleanses the blood of bacteria and toxins released during their activity. Every day, vomiting with bile will become more frequent until it is carried out.

Changing your usual food may cause vomiting. The liver cannot always cope with the increased nutritional value of a new type of food. In this case, vomiting occurs, first the cat vomits food masses, later - with an admixture of bile.

A foreign body in the stomach can also cause vomiting. Cats love to play with small details, easily swallowing them. If the part passes through the intestinal tract, it will come out naturally. If it stops in the stomach, then vomiting bile is inevitable.

Help with vomiting

If a cat is vomiting, the owner must provide assistance. If vomiting occurs once, it is necessary to monitor further behavior. Perhaps the cat has accumulated in his stomach, so he gets rid of it.

If you vomit bile frequently, you should contact a veterinarian. In this case, vomiting may be the cause of the onset of an infectious disease. Tests will be taken from the cat and treatment will be prescribed.

Vomiting in case of poisoning has positive action, as the body gets rid of the poison. The doctor should prescribe antitoxic drugs, treatment of which will stop vomiting in the patient. In case of poisoning strong poisons The course of the disease is lightning fast. In such cases, he dies within a few hours if he does not go to the clinic.

Vomiting may begin due to severe helminthic infestation, worms can come out with bile. The doctor prescribes symptomatic treatment And anthelmintic drugs. Only complex treatment will help the animal.

If vomiting with bile, it is necessary to fasten the cat for a day, while water is given ad libitum. It is necessary to track the moment after which vomiting began, since food poisoning may be the cause.

Help the cat yourself with the help of the drugs “Cerukal”, “Smecta” or “Enterosgel”. In this case, it is necessary to go to the clinic on the same day to identify vomiting. Without knowing the root cause, you can harm the animal. The clinic will find out the cause and prescribe treatment.

What to do if your cat is vomiting

The frequency of vomiting is the main criterion for assessing the seriousness of the situation. If vomiting occurs in an animal after bathing, when the cat carefully licked itself, or as a result of eating grass, then the pet does not need help. Such reflexes represent a natural cleansing of the body.

After poisoning or damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach, the cat should be fed exclusively in small portions carefully chopped food. Meat products It is better not to include it in the diet for several days.


Depending on the severity of the injuries, a transfusion may be needed. In addition, intravenous infusion may be prescribed to replenish fluid in the body (). Medications are prescribed to reduce stomach acidity and reduce gag reflexes. Mild complications that lead to vomiting blood, such as stomach ulcers, are also treated with medications. IN severe cases, for example, when internal damage or bleeding ulcers may need surgical intervention. To prevent this disease in the future, your doctor may recommend special diet, which excludes foods that increase the risk of vomiting blood.

Whatever the nature of vomiting blood, it definitely requires appropriate treatment. IN otherwise this problem can be exacerbated by numerous complications such as strangulation, shock and anemia.

The gag reflex that occurs in cats may be due to for various reasons. Most often, vomiting is a physiological process when a cat spits up its fur. Cats are clean animals; they constantly lick their fur. Because of this, a whole ball of hair accumulates in their stomachs, which, for one reason or another, is not absorbed by the body and is not digested. This usually occurs in long-haired cats and cats.

If a cat vomits even after eating his usual food, this may indicate that the animal has a disease. gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, gastritis, hepatitis, intestinal obstruction. Vomiting also occurs when there is chronic diseases kidney ( urolithiasis disease, renal failure). A cat will vomit if it has contracted any infectious disease ( feline distemper, viral peritonitis, calicivirus infection cats, etc.).

Sometimes cats and cats call vomiting reflex independently, eating when possible certain herb. This allows them to cleanse their stomach, and in this case there is no need to worry. By the way, cats often gag after swallowing large pieces of food or eating cold foods. Usually there is no need to worry in such cases either.

If the cause of your cat's vomiting is physiological processes regurgitation of fur, then there is no point in sounding the alarm and contacting a veterinarian. In this case, a special unnamed herb purchased at a pet store will help relieve vomiting. The grass is taking over cat hair, significantly accelerating its elimination from the pet’s body. You can use a special veterinary paste that dissolves hair in the pet’s gastrointestinal tract.

If your cat is vomiting frequently and repeatedly, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Medical intervention will be required if the cat has been vomiting for more than a day. In this case, the veterinarian will biochemical analysis blood of the animal and send the cat for an x-ray and ultrasound. Sometimes cats can vomit if they have a helminthic infestation. In this case, you cannot do without prevention: to a pet You need to give antihelminthic drugs 2 times a year.

As mentioned above, often the cause of vomiting in cats can be infection with one or another infectious disease. In this case, the cat owner urgently needs to contact a veterinarian, since only qualified specialist will be able to deliver accurate diagnosis. In addition, persistent vomiting may be caused by foreign body that has entered the pet's stomach or esophagus. In this case you also need to do X-ray, and then take appropriate measures to solve this problem.

Prevention of vomiting consists of high-quality food, timely vaccinations against infections, and periodic use of antihelminthic drugs.

As you know, vomiting in a cat can be a completely natural process of self-cleansing of the stomach, or it can occur against the background various diseases gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, liver and the like. Vomit can tell a lot about the nature of vomiting and the reasons for the development of this condition. By the color and presence of impurities in the vomited contents of the pet’s stomach, the owner can assess how pathological the process is, why it occurred and whether the animal needs immediate consultation with a veterinarian.

Why does yellow vomit occur in cats?

Yellow vomiting in a cat is a fairly common occurrence, which indicates that bile has entered the pet's stomach. Naturally, such a process cannot be called physiological, so it requires increased attention by the animal owner. Even vomit turns yellow minimal amount bile impurities, which normally should not be in the stomach. Bile reflux from duodenum occurs due to weakness of the sphincter or increased reverse intestinal motility, which may indicate diseases of the liver, gallbladder, and small intestine.

Sometimes your pet's vomit is colored green color. Green vomit in a cat is a sign of a huge amount of bile or intestinal contents being thrown into the stomach. This condition characteristic of diseases such as intestinal obstruction and peritonitis, so even its one-time appearance should serve as a specific signal for the animal owner to visit a veterinary specialist.

IN in some cases cat vomiting yellow color appears due to eating large amounts of industrial feed, which contain yellow dyes. Such vomiting can occur extremely rarely, but more often it is chronic. Vomiting in a cat after eating usually indicates inflammatory processes in the stomach, the presence of ulcers or colitis. It develops as a result of introduction into daily diet feeding animal feed of dubious quality, which irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and provoke the development of ulcerations on its inflamed surface.

Symptoms that indicate you need to take your cat to the vet

Yellow vomiting in a cat, which occurs once after eating food, while the general condition and activity of the animal has not changed, is not a cause for concern and, most likely, indicates that the pet simply overate. You should contact your veterinarian in the following cases:

  • yellow vomiting lasts for several hours;
  • in the vomit, bile impurities, bloody streaks or great amount yellow mucus;
  • Yellow vomiting in a cat is accompanied by an increase in general temperature body, decrease motor activity, refusal of food and drink;
  • The animal vomits constantly, regardless of food intake.

Treatment of bile vomiting in a cat

You can treat yellow vomiting in a cat at home only in completely healthy animals with a single manifestation. In other cases, it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the veterinarian, as there is a risk of developing complications of the underlying disease, which will negatively affect the animal’s well-being and can even be fatal.

Basic principles modern therapy vomiting bile in cats:

  • adequate diet therapy;
  • use of antispasmodics;
  • prescription of antiemetic drugs;
  • protection of the gastric mucosa;
  • treatment of the underlying disease that caused the development of vomiting;

On the first day after yellow vomiting occurs, it is necessary to completely stop feeding the animal and limit as much as possible the amount of liquid the cat drinks. Since vomiting of bile in a cat, the causes of which lie in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system, is a direct indication for diet therapy, you should completely change the animal’s diet, removing fatty, fatty foods from it. fried foods, smoked meats, sausages, as well as too cold or hot food.

To reduce intensity pain syndrome and liquidation stomach cramps It is advisable to prescribe to a cat antispasmodics. The irritability of the vomiting center in the central nervous system can be reduced with the help of antiemetics. It's no secret that bile, when it enters the stomach, causes severe irritation its mucous membrane. In order to prevent the development of gastritis, veterinarians recommend giving the patient a pet dosage forms from the group of gastroprotectors.

Parallel symptomatic therapy The veterinarian is treating the underlying disease that caused the cat to vomit. It is at this stage that the specialist can recommend to the animal owner alternative options elimination pathological process taking into account individual characteristics pet's body, etiological factors the disease, the nature of its course and the frequency of relapses.

Vomit (Emesis, Vomitus) - a complex reflex act caused by irritation of the vomiting center, in which the contents of the stomach are expelled through the oral and sometimes nasal cavity.

From a physiological point of view, vomiting in a cat is a protective reaction of the body, as a result of which the stomach is freed from toxins that have entered it, toxic substances, foreign bodies.

In its origin, vomiting is of reflex and central origin.

In cats, vomiting is a common occurrence, which accompanies diseases of various organs.

The appearance of vomiting in a cat is preceded by nausea, during which the cat becomes frightened and restless.

Cat owners should know that vomiting is not a disease, but a symptom of some disease. Most common cause Vomiting in a cat is the ingestion of hairballs or your cat has eaten some low-quality food.

The main causes of vomiting in a cat:

  • Infectious diseases ( , ).
  • Poisoning from poor quality food.
  • Poisoning with poisons and medicines(, tetracycline, digoxin, acetaminophen).
  • Postpartum diseases (acute endometritis).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Uremia.
  • Ketosis.
  • Inflammatory processes in the throat.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver, gall bladder.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • When transporting a cat due to stress or motion sickness.

Vomiting in cats can be acute or chronic.

Types of vomiting in cats

Sporadic vomiting in a cat can occur due to diseases of the liver, kidneys, diabetes mellitus, worms, chronic gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome.

Persistent vomiting in cats occurs due to injuries, when the cat eats grass, hairballs or foreign objects, or infectious enteritis.

In the case when there is blood in the vomit, such vomiting usually occurs when swallowing foreign object, causing injury to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. If the owner of a cat finds blood in the vomit in the form of “ coffee grounds", then this indicates bleeding in the stomach, or in upper sections thin section intestines. In case of an unpleasant foul odor from the vomit, it is necessary to exclude intestinal blockage or peritonitis. Sometimes such vomiting in a cat occurs as a result blunt trauma belly.

Signs of vomiting in a cat

Before vomiting begins, the cat becomes very nauseous, the cat behaves restlessly, randomly moving around the room from place to place, makes constant swallowing movements, and meows pitifully. And individual cats are noted profuse drooling. After some time, the cat begins to cough, tilt and stretch its head forward, and breathe frequently and deeply. After all this, the cat begins to contract in the abdomen and throat, ending with vomiting.

There are several types of vomit in cats.

Vomit with hairballs.

This type of vomiting in cats is considered to be physiological point vision normal process, which occurs in cats 1-2 times a month. Cats in a similar way free their stomachs from the fibers of their fur that have fallen during the process of licking. Such hairballs that have entered the stomach can be removed from the cat's stomach with the cat's feces. Sometimes such lumps in a cat can cause obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vomiting of whole, almost undigested food.

This type of vomiting in a cat occurs 15-30 minutes after the cat has finished eating. This vomit This happens to a cat when she has been starving before and the animal is forced to eat a large amount of food due to hunger. It happens when, after eating, the cat is forced to exercise active games, jumping, when the food eaten is not able to be digested.

Vomit mixed with bile.

A cat's bile is normally located in gallbladder and normally it should not be contained in vomit from the stomach. The appearance of bile tells its owner about diseases of the gallbladder or liver. When a cat's vomiting is prolonged, then after the contents of the stomach are released, bile begins to be released when the cat vomits. Bile entering the stomach causes inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Vomiting liquid or foam.

This type of vomiting is preceded by 4-8 reflex muscle contractions belly. At the same time, the cat tenses and experiences discomfort. When a cat vomits, it stops licking itself, tends to hide in a secluded place and does not pay any attention to others. Sometimes it happens that despite an intense urge to vomit, it is not observed. However, this causes the cat painful sensations. At the same time, the cat refuses the food and water offered to it, due to the fact that they cause it to constantly vomit, the cat constantly licks its lips.

Vomit mixed with blood.

Individual inclusions of scarlet color in the vomit indicate mechanical damage digestive organs. These injuries most often occur in cats when they are swallowed. foreign objects having sharp edges (meat and fish bones).

A deep red color indicates damage lower sections digestive system. This vomit may be the result of bleeding in the stomach, where blood enters chemical reaction With gastric juice. This kind of vomit in cats occurs with gastritis, malignant neoplasms, as well as sharp objects entering the stomach.

Green vomit.

Green vomit in a cat occurs with diseases of the liver, gall bladder or intestinal obstruction. With these diseases there is large selection bile or when the contents of the intestines are thrown into the stomach. Vomiting of green matter in a cat occurs as a result of the cat consuming fresh or dry grass.

The presence of feces in the vomit.

The appearance of feces in a cat’s vomit indicates an intestinal blockage, an injury to the abdominal area, or the presence of peritonitis.

In what cases is it necessary to urgently contact a veterinary clinic?

Cat owners should immediately contact a veterinary clinic if their cat exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Repeated and profuse vomiting.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • The cat is constantly vomiting.
  • The general condition of the cat is inactive, the cat is lethargic.

What diagnostic measures are carried out in a veterinary clinic?

First aid

For some relief general condition Your cat needs to stop feeding it for a day; you can leave free access to water, but only if the water does not cause new vomiting.

In the case when the cat vomited once and the cat feels normal after that, then the owner is not required to carry out treatment.

If a cat vomits more than three times a day, as a result of which the cat becomes depressed and painful, then after visiting a veterinary clinic, the cat is put on a special diet and food is limited. To prevent dehydration, the cat is prescribed a solution of Regidron or saline. If the cat refuses water, Ringer's solution is injected subcutaneously.

Treatment of vomiting should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the cat's vomiting.

If the gastrointestinal tract is blocked by wool, pieces of wool are removed with a special probe. Conservative way breeding wool is that it is given food with increased content fiber or prescribe medications that cause rapid evacuation of hair from the stomach - Malt paste. Surgery is performed to remove hairballs.

The cat is given phenothiazine, torecon, and passertin as an antiemetic. If a cat's vomiting is caused by poisoning, it is prescribed internally with activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight), smecta, enterosgel and other adsorbent substances. To speed up the elimination of poisons that have entered the body, diuretics are prescribed.

IN veterinary clinic To relieve intoxication, the cat is prescribed droppers with a solution of glucose and ascorbic acid.

For infectious diseases, a course of antibiotics is administered.

When vomiting caused by worms, deworming is carried out first.

Preventing vomiting in cats

Prevention of vomiting in cats should be based on feeding fresh, good-quality food or purchased commercially produced food. Try not to feed the cat raw fish and meat. Your cat should be vaccinated against infectious diseases common in your region. For the purpose of prevention helminthic diseases it must be treated for worms twice a year. If you keep cats of long-haired breeds, it must be brushed regularly so that its gastrointestinal tract does not become clogged with hair. In order to monitor its health, the cat must be periodically shown to the clinic’s veterinarian.

When a cat vomits yellow liquid- this means two options: vomiting bile or eating certain type stern. If a cat eats a specific food, it may vomit yellow color. It is quite easy to distinguish it from bile: vomit has gray shade. IN in this case there is no reason to worry, you just need to rule it out this type food, since the cat’s body does not accept it. The situation is different with rich yellow vomit - this means that bile has entered the cat’s stomach, which healthy condition the body should not be in it.

Causes of bile vomiting in cats

Establish the reasons why the cat is coming vomiting bile, maybe veterinarian. As a rule, if a cat vomits bile with constant frequency, this indicates diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines or gall bladder. The above diseases can occur against the background of an incorrect, unbalanced diet, consumption of too much fatty foods. It is also possible for diseases to develop if the cat is fed food that is not entirely fresh. It is also advisable to give the animal fractional feed so that it does not swallow large pieces - this can also cause the accumulation of bile in the stomach.

Name of veterinary services


Cost of service, rub.

Initial appointment

Repeated appointment

One animal

One animal

Veterinarian consultation

Consultation with a doctor based on test results

Doctor's consultation, without pet

Cat vomiting mucus

A cat may begin to vomit mucus if the animal is suffering chronic gastritis, intestinal disease. Presence various kinds viruses in the body or worms can also contribute to mucus vomiting. If a cat vomits mucus with white foam, then this does not pose a strong threat to health, since such a pathology is considered vomiting on empty stomach. The situation is completely different when a cat vomits only mucus without any impurities - in this case, a trip to the doctor cannot be postponed, because this can be caused by quite serious illness, for example, intestinal obstruction.

As with any animal illness, the main thing here is not to delay and urgently take the animal to the clinic. Self-medicating when your cat is vomiting is completely useless and sometimes even dangerous! Not knowing the reason for this condition of the animal, having read “useful” advice on the Internet, many owners neglect medical assistance and try to improve the pet’s health at home, on their own. Thus, often the animal not only does not feel better, but on the contrary, its condition worsens! Don't play Aibolit when we're talking about about the health and even life of your cat, contact the Bio-Vet professionals, and your cat will thank you!

Bloody, yellowish, with food particles, vomiting in a cat with bile or mucus is a clear sign that something is wrong with the pet’s body. On the other hand, cats can easily induce vomiting themselves in order to free themselves from the feeling of heaviness in the peritoneum. The owner’s task is to be able to distinguish pathology from the natural desire to cleanse the stomach and know possible reasons vomiting in cats in order to seek help in time.

Vomiting is often a symptom of some disease. It is hardly possible to list them all, since the urge to vomit in a cat may occur, for example. Vomiting accompanies most viral infections, gastrointestinal diseases (food, medicines, pesticides, etc.). As a rule, in such cases frequent vomiting in a cat is associated with other symptoms: cough, apathy, atypical discharge, . Your pet needs to be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Excessive vomiting in a cat after eating, when the food has not even had time to be digested, may indicate that the food was swallowed too quickly, followed by deliberate regurgitation. This is usually what cats that live in a crowded environment do: they eat quickly (before others take it away), hide, regurgitate and eat the food already in calm atmosphere. Such pets should be fed in modest portions several times a day, the food should be crushed. However, the causes of vomiting in cats immediately after eating can be much more serious: intestinal obstruction, digestive dysfunction, etc. Therefore, if other symptoms are observed or the cat vomits more than once, it is wiser to consult a doctor.

Vomiting hair once in a cat is normal. In the process of caring for its fur coat, the pet swallows a certain amount of hairs, which then gather into a lump that can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa and even block the intestinal lumen. Therefore, a smart cat itself gets rid of dangerous contents by regurgitating its fur. In this case, the reason why the cat is vomiting is insufficient care. In order not to harm your pet’s health, you should comb out the fur coat more often, especially during the molting period. To make it easier for your cat to get rid of the lump, you need to give her a spoonful of Vaseline oil.

Some cats are prone to vomiting. Many pets do not tolerate long trips well - then vomiting is provoked by motion sickness. Your veterinarian will tell you how to treat vomiting in a cat in such cases. As a rule, mild sedatives are used plant based. If a trip is planned, feeding is stopped eight hours in advance. The same applies to stressful situations, for example, or rearranging the furniture - it is wiser to give the cat a fasting day.

Vomit with various impurities

Often, vomit is not just food, but something of uncertain color and consistency. In most cases, such vomiting signals a serious problem, so a visit to the doctor should take place as soon as possible. In order for the doctor to quickly understand why the cat is vomiting, the owner must provide him with accurate information:

  • time of the first urge and first vomiting;
  • frequency, number of masses;
  • consistency;
  • whether the cat’s appetite is preserved, whether the cat drinks water;
  • when was the last time your pet ate;
  • are there any other symptoms;
  • whether the cat could have swallowed something spoiled or inedible;
  • whether the cat suffers from a chronic disease;
  • Have you been vaccinated?

YELLOW VOMITING IN A CAT- a sign that bile has entered the stomach, which normally should not be there. The delicate walls of the stomach are instantly irritated due to bile entering the mucous membrane, which leads to vomiting. Sometimes the vomit is colored yellowish color when feeding with industrial diets, but there is a difference - if there is bile in the vomit, the color is bright, rich, but when stained with one of the components of the feed, the vomit is grayish-yellow. Repeated vomiting of bile in a cat most likely indicates chronic illness gallbladder, liver or intestines. The cause may be difficulties with digestion - fatty or stale food, overfeeding with eggs, quickly swallowing large pieces.

If THE CAT HAS GREEN VOMIT, got into the stomach a large number of bile or intestinal contents. Sometimes green vomit is a symptom of a severe infection. In any case, your pet needs to be taken to the vet immediately. However, if your pet has recently eaten even a small amount of dried or fresh grass, greenish vomit is normal.

VOMITING WITH MUCUUS IN A CATalarming symptom. Mucus is present in vomit for intestinal diseases and some viruses. The reason may be, then, as a rule, mucus is also found in the feces.

Constant VOMITING IN A CAT AFTER EATING maybe gastrointestinal diseases, infections. You can only ignore one-time vomiting, and only if there are no other symptoms of illness. If vomiting recurs regularly and/or the owner notices that the cat is losing its appetite, is less active and generally feels unwell, contact a veterinarian.