Bleeding in cats (general information). Why does my cat bleed from her vagina?

In a cat, vaginal bleeding is not always bleeding. Normally, blood discharge can be in small quantities during estrus, pregnancy and after childbirth for up to 3 weeks. Otherwise, the blood indicates a pathology of the reproductive or urinary system. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. If you notice symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian for qualified help.

Negative reasons for discharge

The causes of intrauterine bleeding in cats can be different.:

  1. Inflammatory diseases, including endometritis, pyometra. IN reproductive system pet's ovaries, uterus, vagina and external genitalia. They are manifested by the animal’s restlessness, the appearance of aggressiveness, and active licking of the external genitalia;
  2. Damage to the uterus. Accompanied by copious bleeding. There are many blood vessels on the walls of this organ;
  3. Oncological diseases of cats. Cancer cells oppress general immunity, including genitourinary system. Purulent people speak of danger bloody issues with an unpleasant odor. They are caused by the growth or destruction of a tumor;
  4. Decaying placenta. It is possible that after birth, part of the placenta will remain inside. This leads to its decomposition. As a result, from the vagina there's blood coming out. Exists Great chance surgical intervention.


A disease of cats that occurs when the level of progesterone in the blood increases. Leads to purulent inflammation of the uterus. Cats that have never given birth and are receiving antisex drugs to suppress estrus are susceptible.

The disease can be open or closed, depending on the open/closed cervix. Open option characterized by purulent or bloody discharge. It is easier for the cat to tolerate due to the fact that the discharge comes out through an open lumen in the cervix. With the closed version there is no discharge. Pus and blood accumulate in the uterus. And since on early stage If closed pyometra is asymptomatic, this will lead to intoxication, organ rupture and death of the cat.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • deterioration general condition;
  • lack of appetite, vomiting;
  • increase in abdominal volume;
  • active licking of the belly.

In most cases, removal of the cat's uterus and ovaries is an effective treatment. After surgery, a course of antibiotic treatment is carried out, as well as maintenance therapy. In some cases it is allowed drug therapy. However, it is worth considering that it can lead to temporary improvement with further relapse.


Inflammation of the uterine mucosa. The cause is genital infections. Animals walking along the street, young cats under 3 years of age are at risk when using hormonal drugs from estrus, an unbalanced diet, difficult childbirth, and a hereditary tendency is also likely.

The disease is considered in acute or acquired form. Let's look at the symptoms. In the acquired form, symptoms are mild. The pet looks healthy in appearance, but often licks itself, so the cat’s blood from the uterus is not visible. The danger is that this form may become purulent. This is due to increased accumulation of secretions due to thickening of the uterine mucosa. The secret is favorable environment for the development of infections. Characterized by heavy discharge and an increase in body temperature. Urgent required health care.

Symptoms in acute form:

  • temperature increase;
  • loss of appetite;
  • copious discharge from the genital opening;
  • often arches his back and assumes a posture for urination;
  • increase abdominal cavity;
  • the external genitalia are inflamed.

At an early stage, antibiotics are used and antimicrobials. At purulent form carry out sterilization. For increase protective forces the body is prescribed immunomodulators.

Symptoms of uterine bleeding

What symptoms indicate bleeding? With hidden bleeding, the cat becomes lethargic, inactive, and has an impaired appetite. Appears severe shortness of breath And increased fatigue. The temperature on the skin of the paws is significantly lower than the body. The abdomen is dense, enlarged, the mucous membranes are pale. Symptoms increase gradually over a period of several days to several weeks.

The owner must not forget that when intrauterine bleeding Almost all of the blood remains in the organ cavity. And only in isolated cases are spots on the external genitalia. Such bleeding is very dangerous because it is detected too late.

If there is obvious bleeding, the cat coughs up blood, vomits, and the stool becomes liquid with bloody streaks. Bloody discharge from the loop and blood in the urine are observed. It is important to immediately consult a doctor if the symptoms listed above are present, as well as if the bleeding continues for more than 15 minutes and the cat has significant blood loss after it stops.

First aid when a cat is bleeding from the vagina prohibits any independent actions.

Diagnosis and treatment

Vaginal bleeding in cats is always dangerous to health. If you do not stop it in time, the cat may die.

Veterinarian for precise setting diagnosis applies following methods diagnostics:

  • general examination, palpation;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, abdominal radiograph;
  • cytology of discharge from the uterus;
  • histological examination of biopsy material;
  • vaginoscopy;
  • urine and blood tests (general, biochemical, coagulability);
  • sowing on nutrient media.

Depending on the cat's test results, the type of treatment prescribed will depend. It includes:

  • Antibiotic therapy for infectious diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • Surgical intervention for oncology and endometritis;
  • For major bleeding, a blood transfusion is given;
  • Antishock therapy;
  • Corrective therapy for bleeding disorders;
  • Chemotherapy to reduce the risk of relapse after surgery.

Only veterinarian prescribes treatment and selects necessary medications. Their use must strictly correspond to their intended purpose. Self-medication leads to irreversible consequences. After a successful course we recommend preventive examinations once a month

Bleeding occurs as a result of damage to the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. It may lead to acute anemia, tissue hypoxia and even death. Timely detection of bleeding in cats can often save the animal's life. However, the elimination of its consequences must take place with the participation of specialists.

Types of bleeding

In cats, as well as in all mammals, there are four types of bleeding:

  • Capillary. Blood of a rich dark color is released in a drying stream or in separate drops.
  • Venous. Dark-colored blood flows out in a stream of medium strength.
  • Arterial. Blood of a bright red hue is released in a powerful, periodically pulsating stream.
  • Mixed. It has all the signs and usually occurs with serious injuries.

Along with this, bleeding may be:

  • External, that is, blood flows from wounds and injuries into the external environment.
  • Internal. The condition is extremely dangerous because it is often difficult to diagnose. The main symptoms are paleness of the mucous membrane, weakness, shortness of breath, and periodic loss of consciousness in the cat.
  • Traumatic, caused by mechanical damage, for example, impact, compression, cut of soft tissue, etc.
  • Non-traumatic, provoked by pathologies such as oncological diseases, purulent inflammation, atherosclerosis, etc.

In what cases is a veterinarian necessary?

Of course light external damage that causes minor capillary bleeding does not require specialist help. If the blood flows heavily, you need to provide first aid (apply a tourniquet, bandage, apply pressure to the artery) and immediately consult a doctor.

You should also definitely visit or call a veterinarian if your pet has:

  • External bleeding does not stop for 15 minutes or more.
  • An external hematoma appeared in the form of a round swelling.
  • The bleeding was stopped, but the animal developed weakness, shortness of breath, and pale mucous membranes. This may indicate internal damage.
  • There is hyperemia of one or two eyes caused by ruptured blood vessels.
  • Blood is found in urine, feces, vomit and/or oozing from natural orifices.

We are ready to help

Our clinic offers qualified care for your pets suffering from bleeding of all types. Experienced veterinarians will stop the bleeding, find out the cause of ruptured blood vessels, administer medication or surgical treatment. We work around the clock and provide both stationary and home-based services to our clients.

A cat may have discharge normal reaction body. However, it is impossible to understand and diagnose a possible disease on your own. Therefore, having discovered the presence similar problem your pet, you need to seek help from a veterinary clinic to get advice and advice from a doctor.

Reasons for appearance

Discharge from the uterus in cats can occur for several reasons, which are generally considered abnormal and pose a threat to the health of the animal. Conventionally, all failures can be divided into two categories, which will accurately indicate the negative and neutral causes of these formations:


  1. Estrus.
    Discharge in a cat during heat is completely normal and should not cause any particular concern to the owner. The estrus stops within a few days. Also, at this time, the pet owner may notice changes in the animal’s behavior - observed excessive activity, playfulness, the female arches her back.
  2. Postpartum period.
    After childbirth, fluid may come out for some time. greenish color, but gradually it becomes light and soon disappears completely.
  3. Pregnancy.
    For the most part, discharge during pregnancy in a cat signals that natural processes are occurring in the body that prepare the animal for the birth of offspring.


  1. Decaying placenta.
    When childbirth is not entirely successful, the placenta or part of it remains inside. So, the owner may observe bloody or slightly watery discharge from the cat. This indicates that the decomposition process has begun inside the body. Most likely, the animal will require surgical care.
  2. Genital infections.
    If the female pink discharge with a possible reddish tint, this indicates a urogenital disease Bladder, urinary tract, uterus. They are odorless but have a thick texture.
  3. Cancer.
    Cancer can manifest itself not only as a general suppression of the immune system. Cancer cells affect many systems, not leaving the genitourinary system unattended. If the cat purulent discharge from the uterus and with a characteristic odor, this indicates the danger that threatens the pet. Pus is a process of destruction that begins to occur from within.
  4. Inflammation of the genital organs.
    IN in this case mucous membranes are secreted and watery discharge. The animal restlessly licks itself below, becomes somewhat aggressive and alarmed. There may be pain when trying to urinate.
  5. Uterine injury.
    Damage internal organ will always be accompanied by abundant and thick bloody discharge at the cat. The animal will need urgent medical attention and absolute rest so as not to aggravate the injury.
  6. Defects in the location of the ureter or sphincter dysfunction.
    This problem can cause the urine to become inflamed or irritated, which can then lead to purulent discharge in the cat.
  7. Disturbances in the functioning of the rectum.
    Due to this problem, liquid feces can penetrate into the vagina.

Dangerous diseases


This is an inflammatory process in the vagina. Its symptoms are manifested not only in discharge from the perineum, but also in the process when the female often licks under her tail. Very often, owners may notice that their pet, which suffers from discharge, is attracted to cats. In such a situation, it is important not to confuse vaginitis with estrus and consult a doctor in time. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, it can develop into other forms:

  • Cystitis;
  • Pyometra;
  • Spread of infection;
  • Endometritis, etc.


This is a disease that includes inflammatory processes in the uterine mucosa. Endometritis can have two forms - chronic and acute.

Chronic endometritis does not affect the health of the animal in most cases. The animal is in timely estrus. The female can walk with the cats, but fertilization does not occur. There is another option - if fertilization occurs, then the kittens may die in the womb or be born premature.

The acute form of endometritis is characterized by a deterioration in the general condition of the cat. She becomes apathetic and her appetite decreases significantly. If the animal is not treated in time, in 100% of cases it dies.
Thus, acute endometritis even more dangerous than its chronic form.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight a disease to which cats and dogs are susceptible - pyometra.


This is a complex inflammation of the uterus in which the animal suffers from the accumulation of pus, mucus or blood in the vagina.
This disease is divided into hematometra (blood accumulation) and hydrometra (fluid accumulation). Also, the disease has two forms:

  • The open form is characterized open neck uterus. At the same time, the discharge Brown in a cat (but it can also be whitish in color, and reddish) freely exit through the genital loop;
  • The closed form has no secretions. Closed pyometra more dangerous. With it, pus accumulates in the uterine cavity and can lead to peritonitis, inflammation of the abdominal cavity, intoxication and uterine rupture, and, as a result, death.

Self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences, including the appearance malignant tumors, infection and death.

TO hemorrhage is the outpouring of blood from vessels due to a violation of their integrity or porosity (that is, permeability of the walls of blood vessels). Occurs by various reasons, in most cases as a result traumatic injury, although there are also provoking diseases that lead to changes in vascular wall. If you have a cat, you definitely need to know the symptoms of bleeding and what to do in such an emergency situation.

Types of bleeding in cats

Bleeding in cats is divided into:

  1. Traumatic - occurs when mechanical damage vessels. The causes of traumatic blood loss are impacts, ruptures, compression, cuts or crushing.
  2. Non-traumatic - develop due to various pathologies vessels or surrounding tissues (for example, with arrosion, wall dissection), as well as malignant tumors, purulent inflammation, atherosclerosis and others pathological conditions. Another reason is impaired blood clotting.

Also, depending on the type of vessels that were injured, bleeding can be arterial, capillary, venous and mixed.

In addition, blood loss can be:

  • External - resulting from damage skin and/or mucous membranes;
  • Internal - in this case, blood is poured either into the body cavity (for example, pleural, cranial cavity, abdominal and others) or into the lumen of a hollow organ (uterus, bladder, stomach, trachea and others).

The last option is the most dangerous in its consequences and often ends fatal. Therefore, you should know how internal bleeding in cats manifests itself clinically.

Types of internal bleeding, their signs

Internal bleeding occurs:

  1. Explicit(this includes intestinal, gastric, uterine and others). They are indicated by:
  • discharge of scarlet foamy blood;
  • the appearance of vomiting, similar in consistency to coffee grounds;
  • loose, tarry stools;
  • stool containing red blood;
  • discharge of blood from the rectum;
  • presence of blood in the urine.

Hidden(occur inside organ cavities). They are diagnosed by the following symptoms:

  • severe shortness of breath;
  • sudden fatigue of the pet;
  • pallor of mucous membranes;
  • rapidly increasing abdominal volume.

Can you help your pet yourself?

When the first signs of blood loss appear in a cat, measures must be taken to stop it. Stopping bleeding can be temporary or permanent.

With the help of a temporary stop, you can prevent critical blood loss and gain time for final stop. Methods for temporarily stopping external bleeding include: applying pressure bandage or a tourniquet, pressing the artery with a finger.

The bandage can be used for capillary types of bleeding, minor venous and arterial. A napkin is placed on the site of the injury, cotton wool rolled into a tight ball is placed on top, and then bandaged tightly. It is the pressure bandage that is the most popular and effective method temporarily stopping bleeding in pets.

By using a temporary stop, you can prevent critical blood loss and gain time for a final stop. Methods for temporarily stopping external bleeding include: applying a pressure bandage or tourniquet, pressing the artery with a finger.

When you have temporarily stopped the bleeding, you need to immediately go to the veterinarian or call him to your home. If you suspect the presence internal bleeding, then you don’t need to do anything yourself so as not to worsen the existing situation. Immediately show your pet to a specialist, in this case, with moderate injuries, there is a chance that the fluffy one can be cured and returned to his previous healthy life.

The appearance of blood from a cat’s nose usually leads the owner into a stupor, because it is immediately difficult to figure out why this is happening and how to help the animal. In any case, the severity of this symptom indicates the need to consult a veterinarian.

A cat's nose may bleed for many reasons. In order to detect them, it is necessary to observe the animal for other symptoms of any disease.

Nosebleeds can be divided into types according to severity:

  • Acute – begins suddenly and asymptomatically;
  • Chronic – you can systematically notice bloody discharge under the cat’s nose.

Also, bleeding can be bilateral or unilateral. As a rule, they arise from various reasons. To diagnose the disease, it is very important to immediately determine, after the first symptoms of bleeding appear, whether blood is flowing from one nostril or from both. Unilateral bleeding usually indicates the presence of foreign body, tumors or injuries in the nose, and bilateral - for an infectious disease.

Some cats have an individual tendency to bleed, but such cases are very rare. Most often, this problem is caused by a specific cause that requires urgent medical intervention.

Causes of bleeding:

In some cases, a cat may sneeze and sneeze. Therefore, you need to watch your pet very carefully so as not to miss this important symptom. You also need to carefully examine the cat's oral cavity: perhaps blood is flowing as a result of damage to the tooth root after a strong collision with a bicycle or car.

What is the danger of nosebleeds?

In some cases, the presence bloody discharge demands from the cat's nostrils emergency care veterinarian As a rule, this is indicated additional symptoms. Therefore, it is worth examining the animal as soon as bloody discharge from the nose appears.

Signs that accompany a nosebleed and indicate the need to take your cat to a veterinarian:

  • When you sneeze, a lot of blood is released;
  • There is deformation of the muzzle, swelling on the animal’s body;
  • Mucous membrane oral cavity acquires a marble color;
  • Presence of symptoms of periodontal disease or gumboil;
  • The animal's feces become black, acquiring a viscous consistency. This indicates that some of the blood is going inward rather than flowing outward. In such a situation, urgent diagnosis is necessary;
  • Availability unpleasant odor from the mouth and nose;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • The animal sleeps a lot;
  • Loss of appetite.

If you have such symptoms, you should contact a specialist for examination and further diagnosis.

First aid for nosebleeds in animals

Having noticed that the pet is bleeding from the nose, the owner must calm down himself, and then carefully examine the animal to determine the degree of complexity of the situation. After this, it is necessary to calm the animal to avoid increased blood pressure. There is no need to give sedatives or other medications without consulting a veterinarian.

At heavy bleeding you need to make a cooling compress by applying ice to the animal’s nose. If your cat does not get better over time, you should immediately consult a doctor.


In order to find out why a cat’s nose is bleeding, the veterinarian prescribes comprehensive examination animal.

Diagnostic methods:

  • Tests are carried out: general or biochemical analysis blood, coagulation test, endoscopy, biopsy, cytology, X-ray examination nasal cavity;
  • Attentive visual inspection, nasal examination, as well as oral routes, oral cavity, lower nostrils, throat.
  • Urinalysis to assess liver function;
  • Serological tests are carried out for the presence of fungal diseases, as well as infections caused by ticks;
  • Carrying out computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Rhinoscopy;
  • Blood pressure measurement;
  • Surgery for residual diagnosis.

The need for a specific diagnostic method is determined by the veterinarian depending on the complexity of the symptoms. After the diagnosis is established, treatment is prescribed to eliminate the bleeding, as well as the reasons that caused it.

Cat treatment and care

Drugs for the treatment of nosebleeds in cats must be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment methods:

  • ice packs;
  • adrenaline or other vasoconstrictors;
  • sedatives;
  • anesthesia and surgical intervention in severe cases.

When treating a cat’s nosebleeds and the causes of this phenomenon, you should provide your pet with appropriate care, the main rule of which is to protect it from stress and follow the veterinarian’s recommendations.

To prevent bleeding from a cat’s nasal cavity, it is necessary to do all the required vaccinations, monitor the pet’s diet and give vitamins to maintain immunity. You should also periodically take your cat to the veterinarian to identify dangerous symptoms in the early stages.