Oxygen cocktail production business. Opening a cocktail bar

Oxygen cocktails are among the most delicious and healthy drinks that are popular in our country. This gives an entrepreneur, even a beginner, the opportunity to organize a profitable business selling these drinks. Let's study how the corresponding retail outlets can be arranged.

Business selling oxygen cocktails rightly considered to be the most profitable and promising. This is due, first of all, to the high degree of demand for these cocktails by different categories of consumers. Oxygen cocktails have a wide range of beneficial qualities:

  • aesthetic character - pleasant appearance, taste;
  • technological nature - ease of production, lack of strict legal requirements for the production of these drinks;
  • healing nature - the ability to stimulate metabolic processes in the body, normalize blood pressure, digestion, and improve sleep.

Depending on the composition of a particular type of cocktail, its beneficial properties may be supplemented by others - determined by the properties of the corresponding ingredients (for example, juices, berries).

Actually, What is an oxygen cocktail? This is a sweet drink, easily recognizable by its “head” consisting of small bubbles of foam. It actually contains pure oxygen (not air, contrary to popular belief), the most important chemical element that ensures life on our planet.

Oxygen can enter the body not only through breathing, but also through its consumption in the “food” way - in the form of a gas dissolved in water or located inside those same foam bubbles on the surface of the cocktail. “Food” oxygen is very quickly absorbed into the blood and activates various processes that contribute to the health of the body.

Oxygen cocktail- by the way, being a Russian product (more precisely, a Soviet product - the first experiments of scientists on its use were carried out in the USSR in the 1960s) is recognized as a safe product. It is recommended for use in many health institutions. At the same time, an oxygen cocktail is also an everyday food product. It can be in demand by a variety of consumers, for example:

  • clients of fitness centers, entertainment centers;
  • visitors to cinemas and theaters;
  • visitors to parks and beaches.

Thus, the sale of oxygen cocktails as a business can be carried out in a variety of segments. The level of competition in this area of ​​business can be described as moderate. Selling oxygen cocktails is not a new type of business for Russia (which is partly understandable, based on the fact that they were invented in our country), and the corresponding business segment is quite saturated. At the same time, along with this saturation, a steady demand for oxygen cocktails has been formed: therefore, even when starting a business from scratch, you will not have to pay extra attention to explaining to consumers all the beneficial properties of this drink. Everyone knows that it is healthy and tasty.

But the entrepreneur has the power to make it the most delicious, and also to promote his brand so that, taking advantage of the good demand for the product, he can win a place in the market from competitors.


Let's study how an entrepreneur can solve these difficult problems and what investments he will have to invest in his business.

Opening a business selling oxygen cocktails involves:

  1. Preparation of equipment and arrangement of the premises.
  2. Purchase of raw materials and ingredients.
  3. Business promotion and sales organization.

Let’s take a closer look at the specifics of implementing these stages of starting a business in the context of the entrepreneur’s income and expenses.

Equipment and premises

Preparing a cocktail involves the use of the following main types of equipment:

  • oxygen cocktailer - a device for mixing oxygen with a flavoring liquid (it costs about 10 thousand rubles);
  • sales counter, table, possibly chairs (they will cost about 20 thousand rubles).

Total one-time expenses are about 30 thousand rubles.

The sale of the cocktail will have to be carried out in some premises. Let’s agree that this is a retail space in an entertainment center: in an average-sized Russian city, its monthly rent will be about 10 thousand rubles. In Moscow, of course, it is incomparably more expensive - about 30 thousand rubles, or even more.

The cocktail in question usually contains: 4 key components:

  1. water;
  2. flavoring additive (syrup, jam, concentrate);
  3. oxygen;
  4. foaming agent

At the same time, many “oxyjs” (stylish sellers and manufacturers of oxygen cocktails - from oxygen - “oxygen” and “DJ”, the one at the disco) prefer not to use separately water and a flavoring additive in the production of the product, but to use a ready-made liquid with one flavor or another - for example, natural or juice sold in packages. Let us agree to use this approach.

Ordinary egg white or, for example, gelatin can be used as a foaming agent. These ingredients are optimal in terms of quality and price.

In turn, pure oxygen cannot be replaced by anything - you will need to buy it in cylinders. The cost of a 200-gram cylinder of liquefied oxygen under pressure (corresponding to approximately 16 liters of gas) is about 1,000 rubles.

To make 1 medium serving of oxygen cocktail you will need:

  • 50 milliliters of juice (cost price - 5 rubles, based on the average cost of 1 liter of tasty, good packaged juice of 100 rubles);
  • about 0.32 liters of gaseous oxygen (cost - 20 rubles).
  • An oxygen cocktail is usually served in a plastic cup with a spoon (cost: 3 rubles).

The total cost of 1 serving of oxygen cocktail will be about 28 rubles.

The average market selling price for 1 serving of drink in a shopping center is 50-60 rubles. Thus, the operating room profitability oxygen cocktail will obviously be close to 100%. But the actual profitability (especially in the first months) will obviously be lower - since it will be necessary to take into account the costs of equipment and arrangement of the premises.

In addition, it will matter how many servings of the cocktail the entrepreneur manages to sell. We have already studied the costs of equipment and premises, now we will look at how to promote a business and what kind of turnover can be expected from it.

Brand promotion

Where to beginbusiness promotion? To do this you can use:

  • traditional, classic channels - advertising in print media, television, radio, using word of mouth (that is, involving friends and acquaintances);
  • innovative (although they are already becoming traditional - they are so widespread) channels: contextual advertising, SEO optimization, SMM.

The emphasis in promotion should be on the target audience who visits the entertainment center where the entrepreneur has rented a place to sell an oxygen cocktail. That is, if this is a shopping center primarily for young people, advertising should be given in the media of the appropriate focus, and in online promotion the emphasis should be on “youth” targeting in contextual advertising systems and other resources.

What expenses may characterize the advertising promotion of a retail outlet? If you look at the indicated promotion channels, 1 advertising impression to the target client on a good resource will vary in the range of 300-500 rubles per 1000 impressions (conversion - turning impressions into sales, can be about 2-3%).

Taking into account the popularity of the shopping center, it may be possible to get by with 1-2 advertising campaigns with 50 thousand impressions lasting about 1 week. Afterwards, the client pool will be more or less formed, then it will be supported or supplemented by regular visitors to the shopping center. On average, it can be about 50 customers per day.

How much can you earn?

So, we have all the data to calculate the profitability of a business selling oxygen cocktails.

Our daily revenue will be about 2,500 rubles (50 is the estimated number of customers, multiply the selling price of a cocktail serving by 50 rubles). If we try to be present at the workplace every day, then in a month we will earn about 75,000 rubles (2500 * 30).

Monthly costs:

  • for renting premises - 10 thousand rubles (let’s agree that we work in an average provincial city);
  • for ingredients: 33,600 (28 is the cost of 1 serving, multiply by 40, then by 30).

One-time costs:

  • for equipment (30,000 rubles);
  • for advertising (50,000 rubles).

Thus, in order to recoup the one-time investment, we will need to work in the red for about 2 months. After this, we reach a profitability of about 70% (75,000 rubles in revenue and 43,600 rubles in monthly expenses) until the moment when it is necessary to change the equipment due to wear and tear. But the costs associated with this will no longer worry us much: the business will be promoted and, most likely, will again successfully recoup the investment in updated equipment.

To a large extent, the answer to the question - whether it is profitable or not to run a business selling oxygen cocktails will depend on the real effectiveness of the campaign for promoting a retail outlet, and the entrepreneur’s approaches to choosing a retail space. But taking into account the average saturation of the segment, it is quite legitimate to consider this business as extremely profitable.

Ecology of life: Business. Today people are seriously concerned about their health and appearance, and selling oxygen cocktails can bring good profits to an entrepreneur.

Oxygen bar business plan

Oxygen bar as a business - an enterprise that is better to open in big cities, where air pollution is very high and people are seriously concerned about their health and appearance.

Why should you invest in opening an oxygen cocktail bar?

TO An oxygen cocktail is a nourishing and tasty drink that removes toxins from the body, normalizes metabolic processes, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The drink helps improve skin condition and complexion. In addition, people who consume oxygen cocktails suffer less from migraines and depression. The factors listed above indicate thatSelling oxygen cocktails can bring good profits to an entrepreneur.


Anyone can organize an enterprise:

  • capital investments are minimal;
  • work experience and special education are not required;
  • the enterprise will pay for itself in a very short time;
  • You can select and buy equipment for an oxygen cocktail and ingredients in any specialized store.

Another advantage of the business is that the oxygen cocktail machine can be installed not only in a shopping or sports and entertainment center, but also in a school, pharmacy, kindergarten, and beauty salon. The last option is especially relevant, since many women know about the positive effect of the drink on the condition of the skin and hair.

But, despite the obvious advantages, to create a successful enterprise it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan for an oxygen bar. Careful consideration of all aspects of the project will help to avoid possible risks, unforeseen expenses and other problems.


Before you open your own oxygen bar, you should calculate, at least approximately, organizational costs and draw up a business plan. The first thing you should pay attention to is purchase of special automated devices. The price of equipment for preparing oxygen cocktails today is not high.

An entrepreneur needs to purchase:

  • cocktail maker for oxygen cocktails– a device that forms foam from a filled base;
  • oxygen concentrator– a device that releases oxygen from the environment, concentrates it and converts it into a stream of pure oxygen;
  • cash machine;
  • oxygen bar rack.

You can buy an oxygen cocktail at a specialized retail outlet or online store. The cost of the device depends on its performance and functionality. Models costing from 8,000 rubles are suitable for a bar. and higher.

The concentrator is more expensive. The price of an oxygen cocktail machine varies from 24,000 rubles. and higher. You can buy an oxygen cocktail machine on the Internet, where a large assortment of similar equipment is offered.

A regular cash register can be bought for 10,000 – 12,000 rubles. A bar counter for preparing cocktails costs about 33,000 rubles, and a chair for an employee costs 1,500 rubles.

So, in order to buy equipment for an oxygen bar, an entrepreneur should prepare about 80,000 rubles. These will be one-time opening costs.


Monthly expenses look like this:

  • rent a place , approximately 2.5 m2 - about 4,000 rubles;
  • preparing an oxygen cocktail is impossible without packaged juices, syrups, foaming agents – 7,000 rub. depending on sales;
  • disposable tableware – 1,000 rub.;
  • salary to the seller-oxygen - 20,000 rubles.

The total cost will be approximately 20,000 - 30,000 rubles.

The advantage of the enterprise is the absence of special permits. It is necessary to have certificates for the components of the cocktail, technical documentation for the equipment. The seller must have a medical record. The retail outlet and the products sold must be registered with Rospotrebnazor. This will add 15,000 rubles. to expenses.

Next, you should calculate how profitable the oxygen cocktail business is. The cost of one glass of cocktail is approximately 8-10 rubles. In megacities, the price of the product sold varies from 60 to 70 rubles. That is, the profit from one serving is at least 50 rubles.

In small provincial towns, a serving of drink varies from 40 rubles. The entrepreneur's net income will be 30 -32 rubles.

If you sell 50 glasses of oxygen drink daily, your monthly income will be approximately 80,000 rubles in a metropolis, and 50,000 rubles in the provinces. Investments made at the start will pay off within a couple of months.


A good option for making money by producing and selling oxygen cocktails would be an on-site oxygen bar. In this case, one-time expenses should include the purchase or rental of a mobile premises in which the mobile oxygen bar will be located. The advantage of such an establishment is the ability to move around the city and install it in crowded places, or go out on call.

This service is often ordered by organizers of various events. A mobile bar will come in very handy at city celebrations, corporate and other meetings, promotions and openings of institutions.

Business is attractive due to the absence of much competition and high profitability.The profitability indicator varies from 90 to 150%.


The first thing a new entrepreneur must learn is that on the purchase of equipment You can't save money. The taste and beneficial properties of the cocktail directly depend on the quality of the equipment.

The stylish device should be installed in a visible place. The solidity of the installation will attract the attention of customers and instill in them confidence in the quality of the purchased products.

The ingredients must be used correctly. There are many secrets to making delicious drinks. The taste of the drink is affected by thickness, water base (syrups, juices, water), foaming extract.

Oxyjay is not only a person who knows everything, or almost everything, about creating oxygen cocktails. Oxygen bar operator is face of the company selling drinks.

A polite, smiling, good-looking agent is 50% of the success of an enterprise. published

Capital Investment: 175,000 rubles.
Payback: 6 months.

It is not only possible, but also necessary to make money from the air.

This was proven by business owners with oxygen cocktails.

Despite the fact that this is a fairly new field of activity, you can make good money in it.

This type of business has advantages, disadvantages and features that need to be taken into account when drawing up a bar business plan oxygen cocktails.

What is an oxygen cocktail?

Today, leading a healthy lifestyle is fashionable.

More and more people are starting to think about proper nutrition and are trying to saturate their body with enough vitamins and oxygen.

Carbonated sweet drinks, tea, coffee, alcohol are relics of the past, but oxygen cocktails are a look into the future.

An oxygen cocktail is a healthy drink, the main ingredient of which is oxygen foam.

And, in general, this tasty and healthy drink can be consumed by everyone, without exception, and in any quantity.

And, if earlier oxygen cocktails were prepared only at sports centers where Olympic champions were trained, or in special sanatoriums, today this drink has become available to everyone who leads a healthy lifestyle, wants to delay the aging process of the body, and simply cares about yourself beloved.

The history of oxygen cocktails

People first started talking about the oxygen cocktail back in the 1960s, when the Soviet scientist N.N. Sirotinin prepared an original and tasty drink based on berry syrup and a lot of air bubbles.

Studies have proven that through the digestive tract it is possible to saturate the body's cells with oxygen, and such oxygen infusions are much more effective than, for example, walking in the fresh air or constantly ventilating the room.

Over the course of a decade, the USSR was in full swing providing oxygen treatments to the population.

Cocktails were prescribed to everyone: pregnant women, schoolchildren, athletes.

An order was given: each sanatorium should be equipped with an oxygen installation.

And then, quite suddenly, the process of “oxygenation” of the Soviet population was stopped.

Sanatoriums with oxygen installations had to obtain a special permit to operate and register.

Unlike the USSR, other countries (Japan, the USA, some European countries) began to encourage the opening of establishments that served oxygen cocktails.

In the 1970s, bars began to appear where you could have a glass or two of an oxygen cocktail.

Those who were the first to figure it out were able to make good money selling “health elixirs.”

Today, the oxygen cocktail business is beginning to conquer Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.

Advantages of business on oxygen cocktails

Any business project can be made profitable, but the more advantages your initiative had initially, the greater the chances of success.

The oxygen cocktail business has many advantages:

  1. This niche is practically not occupied by anyone, so you can stand at the origins of the development of this business.
  2. No large investment is required to get started.
  3. Opening an oxygen cocktail bar does not require any special permits or lengthy registration procedures.
  4. To prepare oxygen cocktails you do not need to have any special knowledge: a special installation will do everything for you.
  5. The profitability of this type of business is undeniable: you can make 300–500% profit on one oxygen cocktail.
  6. Large areas are not required (a few square meters are enough) to open an oxygen cocktail bar.
  7. If you do everything correctly, then within six months your investment will pay off.
  8. You can make money from oxygen cocktails not only in the capital or large cities, but also in relatively small towns.

    Despite the fact that in the regions there are fewer consumers, and the cost of finished products will be lower, here you can save on renting premises, employee salaries, etc.

Business options for oxygen cocktails

This field of activity is also good because it involves the use of several options:

    Opening of a stationary bar.

    You open a bar in one place, give it a name and win regular customers.

    You should choose walk-through places in the city center with a large crowd of people, since an oxygen cocktail bar does not require too much space, you don’t have to rent a separate building, a corner in a shopping or entertainment center, cinema, university, etc. is enough.

    Opening of a mobile bar.

    You buy a stand, the necessary equipment, dishes, acquire transport and cater for parties, presentations, premieres, and exhibitions.

    You don't work in one place, you constantly move.

    Combined method: you have a stationary bar, but you do not miss the opportunity to cater for various events outside.

    This method is the most promising and profitable, but requires a team/partners, because it is impossible to cope with the volume of cases on your own.

Business plan for an oxygen cocktail bar: planning


This business plan describes the opening of an oxygen cocktail bar.

This bar will be located in a large shopping center on rented space.

The project does not involve a complete re-equipment of the rented area, so there will be no need to carry out major work.

A few interesting design solutions are enough.

To cover the basic costs of starting and developing a business, you need to have at least 175,000 rubles.

Pursued goals:

  • Opportunity to receive a good monthly profit.
  • A chance to occupy a vacant niche in a new type of business.
  • Satisfy the needs of the city population who need oxygen cocktails.
  • Become the owner of a profitable business that pays off quickly.

Marketing plan

Despite the economic crisis that we have been observing since 2014, the population has not stopped caring about their health, and, accordingly, has not stopped investing in it.

The level of competition in the oxygen cocktail business is difficult to analyze, since this is a fairly new type of activity with a large number of unoccupied niches.

Low competition in this area directly affects the amount of income.

Competitive advantages

Despite the large number of empty niches in the oxygen cocktail business, you should initially protect yourself from existing competitors and those companies that will appear on the market after you.

To do this, you should use the following techniques:

  • The original interior of the oxygen cocktail bar.
  • Availability of tasty and healthy snacks on the menu.
  • Servicing outdoor events.
  • Flexible system of discounts for wholesale and regular customers.
  • Friendly and highly qualified staff.
  • Bright dishes, for example, cups with good wishes or predictions on them.
  • Different payment methods: cash and non-cash payments.

The target audience

One of the main advantages of this business is its unlimited target audience.

You can attract clients regardless of their gender, age, profession, or social status.

The main emphasis should still be placed on attracting children, youth and young audiences: from 10 to 45 years old.


In order to attract the target audience, the following advertising techniques will be used:

  • outdoor advertising: on billboards, poles, etc.
  • distributing leaflets on city streets;
  • distributing business cards to customers who bought products from you;
  • printing advertisements in free newspapers;
  • popularization of oxygen cocktails on social networks (writing posts about their usefulness, uniqueness, etc.).

It is also important to create a cozy atmosphere in the bar so that customers want to come back to you again and again.


It is impossible to build a successful service business without qualified personnel.

For an oxygen cocktail bar, you will need to hire a person who will prepare oxygen cocktails, a waiter, and a cleaning lady.

The qualities that your employees should have are punctuality, neatness, friendliness.

In addition, people working in the service sector must look attractive, speak coherently and have an impeccable knowledge of the range and benefits of the product you offer.

Total: 80,000 rub.
Bartender2 15,000 rub.30,000 rub.
Waiter2 15,000 rub.30,000 rub.
Cleaning woman2 10,000 rub.20,000 rub.

In order for an oxygen cocktail bar to generate maximum income, it needs to be open seven days a week.

This can be achieved by organizing staff work in two shifts.

Shopping centers are usually open until 22.00–23.00, which means there is no need to worry about transporting staff home.

watch in the video:

Business plan for an oxygen cocktail bar: implementation

Calendar plan

A new business requires creating a calendar plan for each month of work.

After a year of successful work, you can limit yourself to drawing up a calendar plan for each quarter, after three years - for each year.

Stages of opening an oxygen cocktail bar

The stages of opening this type of business can be found in the following table:

Enterprise registration
Renting premises
Room decoration
Purchase of equipment
Obtaining the necessary permits
Launch of advertising
Start of operation

That is, in order to launch a project, you need no more than 4 months.

Startup Cost Table

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:220,000 rub.
Enterprise registration20 000
Decorating the room to your liking20 000
Renting a retail space10 000
Purchase of oxygen equipment30 000
Advertising10 000
Purchase of disposable tableware2 000
Buying a cash register10 000
Bar counter, chairs for employees,
2–3 small tables for visitors
50 000
Additional expenses20 000

In total, to open an oxygen cocktail bar you will need about 175 thousand rubles.

Calculation of consumption per oxygen cocktail

The selling price of one cocktail is 50 rubles or more.

That is, the profit from one cocktail you get is 41.5 rubles or more.

If you also serve outdoor events, your income will increase.

Calculation of revenue and profit

Source of profitMayJunJulAugSepOct
Sale of cocktails60 000 75 000 90 000 105 000 120 000 135 000
Add. sources
(selling snacks)
15 000 20 000 25 000 30 000 35 000 40 000
Revenue75 000 95 000 115 000 135 000 155 000 175 000

As you can see, with proper business development, you can return the money spent on opening an oxygen cocktail bar in 6 months.

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  • The whole truth about cocktails
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The most difficult thing in organizing a business on oxygen cocktails is not the size of the entrance ticket. To open one point, it is enough to invest no more than 50 thousand rubles. The main difficulty is choosing the location of the bar. For the successful implementation of the project, it is necessary to select the most accessible place, while the audience itself must be sufficiently solvent...

In this regard, island spaces in large shopping centers are most often rented to accommodate an oxygen bar. The rent here is very high - from 5,000 rubles per square meter. One thing saves you - you don’t need large areas for a bar. All equipment is placed on 3-4 m2. However, monthly rental costs are about 15 - 30 thousand rubles, which still need to be repaid.

Oxygen cocktail manufacturing technology

The price for one serving cannot be less than 50 rubles. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to make money. Oxygen cocktails are still not very common and in most cases they are bought on the principle: “let me try this thing.” This is not kvass, which you can sell for 10 rubles and earn purely on the turnover.

The good news is that the process of preparing oxygen delicacies is extremely simple. In fact, to prepare an oxygen cocktail, you need two main components: regular packaged juice and foam. Foam is obtained from foaming powder. Instead of foam, licorice root extract or spum mixture is sometimes used.

The bar itself is a structure that includes a sales counter, an oxygen concentrator (oxygen station) and a station with aromatic capsules (up to 40 different flavors).

Where to start a business on oxygen cocktails

You can start an oxygen cocktail business by opening one oxygen bar, investing no more than 50 thousand rubles. Popular places to place an oxygen bar:

  • Shopping centers;
  • Health complexes;
  • Entertainment centers;
  • Fitness centers, swimming pools;
  • Beaches;
  • Kindergartens and schools (outdoor bars).

Which OKVED and which tax system to choose to start a business on oxygen cocktails

  1. Register an individual business with the local branch of the Federal Tax Service (tax office). Suitable OKVED: 52.11 “Retail trade in non-specialized stores.” Taxation system - simplified tax system or UTII;
  2. Conclude a lease agreement for the placement of the device. It is enough to rent 3-4m2.
  3. Obtain permission to trade in a designated place from Rospotrebnadzor (notification).

Neither licenses nor certificates are required to carry out this activity.

What equipment to choose to open an Oxygen bar

To open one outlet selling oxygen cocktails you will need the following equipment:

This set of equipment is quite enough to open a small retail outlet in a shopping center.

Alternative - mobile oxygen bar

There is also the option of selling oxygen cocktails through a mobile sales stand. This is a fully equipped complex that can work in almost any convenient location. The battery charge is enough for 6 hours of continuous operation of all equipment. Due to its compact size, it can be transported in a regular passenger car, for example, for trading in a cinema or even on the beach:

In addition to equipment for preparing oxygen cocktails, you will need to purchase mixtures (SPUM). The price for 200 grams is about 300 rubles. Only 2 grams of the mixture are consumed per serving of cocktail (500 ml).

How much can you earn from oxygen cocktails?

The cost of producing 1 serving of oxygen cocktail is about 8 rubles. The selling price for a serving is 50 rubles. The gross profit from one glass (500 ml) is 42 rubles.

If you sell at least 50 servings per day, then the gross profit will be 2,100 rubles per day, per month - 63,000 rubles from one outlet. After paying wages, rent and taxes, the net profit will be about 40,000 rubles from one outlet.

To make your business more efficient and bring more profit, it is advisable to open a network of at least 5 oxygen bars. Moreover, the cost of opening 5 bars will be no more than 300-400 thousand rubles.

The whole truth about cocktails

The oxygen cocktail drink is far from new. It was actively used back in Soviet times, when there was active promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Cocktails were given as prophylaxis in combination with other methods of oxygen therapy. With their help, fatigue and hypoxia were treated, and cellular metabolism improved in patients. In schools and kindergartens this drink was generally required.

However, time passed and the crisis of the 90s arrived. At this time there was no time for health, so the memory of oxygen cocktails sank into oblivion. Today the country is again trying to achieve the right way of life. Conversations about health, limiting the sale of alcohol and cigarettes - all this contributes to greater consumption of oxygen cocktails. This means that entrepreneurs have a chance to tightly occupy their niche in this field.

How much money do you need to start a business?

A business like a bar selling cocktails does not require large investments. Let's try to calculate how much money may be required at the start:

  • business registration - 20,000 rubles;
  • rent -10,000 rubles;
  • raw materials and equipment 75,000 rubles;
  • staff salary (2 sellers) - 30,000 rubles.

That is, to start a business you will need 135,000 rubles.

What documents are needed to open a bar selling oxygen cocktails?

No special permits are required to open an oxygen bar. You need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Choose a simplified tax system. The OKVED code for this type of business is 56.30 - Serving drinks. You also need to have:

  • printed certificates for equipment;
  • certificate for foaming mixture;
  • staff medical record;

You also need to register with Rospotrebnadzor and obtain an SES conclusion.

Oxygen bars are a free niche in which there are practically no competitors. True, there is no regular clientele yet, but interest is growing. Incomes here are modest, but stable, so more and more entrepreneurs are beginning to consider this direction for starting their own business.

Everything new is well forgotten old. Back in the 70s, oxygen cocktails could be enjoyed in Soviet dispensaries and sanatoriums. They were prepared on mainline oxygen, or bottled oxygen. Cylinder technology is still actively used today, but it has two drawbacks - firstly, medical oxygen is not so easy to find, and secondly, a cylinder, from the point of view of the fire inspectorate, is a dangerous thing.

The invention of convenient mobile equipment helped “take” oxygen as a product outside of medical institutions. The oxygen concentrator weighs about 20-30 kg and is produced by Western European, American, Korean, and domestic manufacturers.

There are two ways to organize oxygen supply. The first is the production of oxygen cocktails, the second is the creation of an oxygen bar.

Oxygen bars already exist in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Kazan. The initial costs for creating such bars are relatively low - from 12 to 20 thousand dollars. A significant share of costs falls on rent, which today in a “walkable location” in the capital amounts to about 1,000–5,000 rubles per sq. m. meter per year, and in the regions - 300–700 rubles. Therefore, the payback period is about two years.

The bar system consists of two main components: an oxygen generator and a station with replaceable aromatic capsules (infuser). The concentrator, passing air through a molecular sieve, separates pure oxygen. In the infuser, it is saturated with aromas and reaches the consumer through the headset (earphone). Right on the nose.

You don't need any certificates to start. Government authorities have certified the units as ordinary household appliances.

For quick payback, it is necessary to set up a bar in a public place: in shopping centers, swimming pools, business centers and office buildings, cinemas. The area required is small - three to five square meters will be enough for a small counter and a few chairs. The equipment is also limited to only four concentrator kits and an infuser. When opening a separate outlet, it is better to immediately offer the whole range of services: “liquid” oxygen (cocktails) and breathing through a headset.

The main person in the oxygen bar is oxyjay. His task is to communicate with clients and organize “oxygen sessions”: mix aromas, create the right bouquet, based on the condition and age of the bar client. Usually there are no problems finding workers. This profession is considered elite, and its salary level is higher than that of an ordinary salesperson.

An oxygen cocktail is a product aimed at the general public, as opposed to a niche and trendy oxygen bar. The oxygen cocktail sells especially well in children's institutions. In some schools, children are already “fed” an oxygen cocktail. It won’t be difficult to reach an agreement with the school director if you promise to use part of the profits for school needs.

Experts believe that this business has great prospects in the regions. Firstly, it is easier for a regional company to negotiate with the administrations of schools and kindergartens, secondly, there is a chance to receive a subsidy for a social cause, and, finally, another plus is low capital intensity. Unlike an oxygen bar, which requires at least 12 thousand dollars to promote, here you can get by with 45 thousand rubles. This is the minimum set of equipment for preparing a cocktail.

Basic equipment - oxygen concentrator. There is no big difference in quality between Italian, American and Russian equipment, except that the design is better between Italians and Americans. Domestic concentrators cost 12–17 thousand rubles, foreign ones - 1–2 thousand dollars. The price of the device also depends on their capacity (they range from 3-10 liters).

An oxygen cocktail is prepared on the basis of natural packaged juice (cherry, apple, grape) or phytosolution. For foam, a special powder is added - a foaming agent; gelatin or licorice root can be used as a foaming agent.

The cocktail is served in a 200 ml disposable plastic cup. The cost of a serving of cocktail is from 70 kopecks to a ruble, the selling price is from 10 to 15 rubles. Monthly expenses for cups and plastic spoons range from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles, depending on the number of consumers. From a liter “can” of foaming powder you can prepare from 80 to 120 servings.

Thus, the profit from one school in a good situation will be about 21 thousand rubles per month, and a set of equipment can be used in several schools or kindergartens. This will increase your profits several times. You can return your investment in just one and a half to two months.

The cocktail business can be called an understandably simple and stable business. There is no seasonality factor in it; the weather does not affect oxygen. And this is also a useful business. Oxygen cocktails bring benefits and health to children.

Based on an article by Ekaterina Chinarova for Business Magazine