Glutathione is the queen of the body's antioxidant defense! Foods that Increase Glutathione Levels

Glutathione is rightfully considered one of the most important compounds in our body. Without this substance, cells would be gradually destroyed by free radicals and cease to exist. The antioxidant is indispensable in the fight against oncology, severe damage to the liver and heart, and as an additional therapy in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, joint ailments, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Used in anti-aging cosmetology.

What is glutathione?

Glutathione (l-glutathione) is the most important organic antioxidant and main modulator immune system, without which cells cannot exist. The secret of its effectiveness lies in the presence of sulfur-containing groups. Being a tripeptide, the substance has a complex chemical formula, which in letter form looks like this: C 10 H 17 N 3 O 6 S.
Glutathione is a part of the body, but its amount is unstable during the day - in the morning the level of the tripeptide is extremely low, but after eating it rises sharply. In addition, the number of molecules produced strongly depends on a person’s age: young people have much more glutathione than older people. This is why scientists recommend taking medications with antioxidants after 35 years.

To understand the role of a substance, you need to understand the amazing mechanism of its circulation in the body, which forms the basis for the life of all cells.

It is known that there are two types of tripeptide: reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG). The first is a reducing agent, that is, it interacts with free radicals, preventing them from damaging cells. When this occurs, GSH loses its unpaired electron and becomes unstable or oxidized, acquiring the characteristics of a free radical.

This is interesting. Sulfur (S) exhibits adhesive properties and collects all the “garbage” contained in the body, namely heavy metals, toxins and oxidants.

Functions of glutathione in the human body

Few people know that with a lack of glutathione, liver function deteriorates and mitochondria in cells die. The tripeptide neutralizes these destructive processes and restores intercellular impulses, preventing weakening of the immune system and the onset of premature aging.

Other biological effects glutathione:

  • improves the absorption of vitamins and certain medications;
  • used to treat autoimmune diseases;
  • reduces pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis;
  • prevents the development of cataracts and glaucoma;
  • protects nerve cells, prevents stress and mental fatigue;
  • reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease;
  • increases immunity;
  • reduces the manifestations of diabetes;
  • has an anti-aging effect;
  • destroys cancer cells.
Lack of glutathione is recorded in many pathologies. These include: liver and kidney diseases, joint ailments, allergic type asthma, autism, chronic infections, inflammation, problems with the heart and blood vessels. The substance is especially necessary for residents of large cities and workers employed in hazardous industries.

This is interesting. Until recently, the ability to take supplements orally was limited because more than 90% of the ingested substance was broken down in the gastrointestinal tract. The discovery of American scientists changed everything - the new acetyl glutathione is stable in the acidic environment of the stomach and can be used in the form of tablets.

Glutathione for infertility

L-glutathione is more often used in the treatment of male infertility, which is characterized by a violation of the redox process. In particular, a lack of glutathione peroxidase and selenium leads to a deterioration in sperm motility.

The therapeutic effect of the tripeptide in infertility has been confirmed by many laboratory and clinical studies, where acetyl glutathione in an amount of 600 mg daily actually improved male fertility.

Concerning female infertility, then l-glutathione is especially important for older patients and young ladies with premature aging of the ovaries. It has been experimentally proven that eggs rich in glutathione produce healthier and more viable embryos. This means that by taking the tripeptide, we can turn back the physiological clock and prevent aging and even ovarian cancer.

Attention. It is l glutathione that is often prescribed to couples during the period of preparation for IVF. The substance protects the health of eggs, improves general level ovulation and significantly increases the chances of a favorable conception.

Glutathione in cosmetology

Due to its strong antioxidant properties, the tripeptide is widely used in the beauty industry - the substance perfectly restores tissue elasticity, which is very important for the delicate skin of the face and neck. After a course of anti-aging procedures or oral administration of the drug, the dermis becomes smoother and more hydrated, complexion improves, and pigmentation disappears.

When is glutathione needed:
  • for sluggish, tired, dull skin;
  • to combat age spots, melanomas and other pigmentation disorders;
  • as prophylactic photodamage and dermatological lesions;
  • in many forms acne, except acne caused hormonal imbalance in organism.

Glutathione perfectly restores the skin after all kinds of traumatic cosmetic procedures: dermabrasion, resurfacing, medium and deep peeling. It has been established that the tripeptide acts better directly, as a result of which the substance is most widely used in mesotherapy.

Glutathione for skin whitening

Despite the fact that there are a huge number of whitening products on the market today, it is better to resort to more natural methods. This means regular facial cleansing, proper nutrition, sun protection and glutathione supplementation.

The substance not only eliminates age spots, but also has a very beneficial effect on the skin, evening out the overall tone and giving the face soft glow. It’s not for nothing that the tripeptide is so popular in Asia, where women give great value dermis color.

Glutathione is usually prescribed in tablet form or cosmetic procedures. Oral administration should last at least 5–6 months, only then the effect will be noticeable. Mesotherapy works faster, but the problem in this case is the cost of manipulation.

Advice. For those who do not have pronounced pigmentation and do not want to spend money, we can offer local cosmetical tools with glutathione. Various creams, lotions, soaps are more accessible and regular use quite effective.

Where is glutathione found?

The main problem with replenishing l glutathione is that it biological value manifests itself most effectively under the condition of organic synthesis. Other methods of taking the substance (injections, tablets) are less effective. That's why the best option get required amount peptide is a balanced diet.

So, where is glutathione found:

  • meat and dairy products;
  • fish;
  • legumes;
  • eggs;
  • cereals;
  • fruits and berries;
  • vegetables;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • vegetable oils;
  • spices.

It should be noted that a nutritious and balanced diet will undoubtedly increase glutathione levels, but does not guarantee sufficient amounts. The quality of the products consumed leaves much to be desired; some of the substances are destroyed when heat treatment, the daily routine does not allow you to eat rationally. Therefore a good alternative balanced diet can become dietary supplements containing natural tripeptide.

L glutathione: reviews of the best drugs and where to buy

It is recommended to purchase glutathione from the iHerb online store. It is there that you can buy supplements containing, in addition to the tripeptide, a complex of amino acids. It is believed that in this form the substance is absorbed better and more completely, and the set of BUN activates the synthesis of organic glutathione.

For example, Brocco-Glutathione, 500 mg from Nature's Answer contains a natural tripeptide enhancer - live broccoli sprouts. This combination has been found to help cells increase levels of the substance and eliminate many dangerous diseases, including cancer, persistent increase in blood pressure, stomach ulcers, age-related degeneration yellow spot.

In the mid-1990s, scientists found that the concentration of glutathione in the liver and lungs is significantly reduced if a person does not consume enough sulfur-containing amino acids

Called "the mother of all antioxidants" by Mark Hyman. About 117 thousand peer-reviewed scientific articles have been devoted to the study of this molecule. Experts recognize that people become deficient in glutathione due to the following factors: 1) premature aging, 2) infections, 3) chronic stress, 4) wounds, 5) environmental toxins, 6) GMO foods, 7) artificial sweeteners, 9) antibiotic abuse, 10) radiation therapy cancer patients.

What is glutathione?

Glutathione is a peptide consisting of three main amino acids. This substance plays a vital role in the body. Researchers believe this peptide is so critical to our health that glutathione levels in our cells become a predictor of how long we will live!

The key to understanding why glutathione has such important for health, is that every cell in our body produces it. According to Gustavo Bounous, MD, professor of surgery at McGill University in Montreal, "It is the most important antioxidant in the body because it works within the confines of the cell." Although glutathione is absolutely essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, it is not technically an "essential nutrient" because the body can create L-cysteine ​​from amino acids. L-glutamic acid and glycine.

Functions of glutathione in the body

Some of the functions that glutathione performs are:

1) Forms conjugates with drugs, which makes them more digestible.

2) Is a cofactor (helper molecule) for several important enzymes, including glutathione peroxidase (which protects you from oxidative damage).

3) Participates in the rearrangement of protein disulfide bonds (which is critical for the biogenesis of 1/3 of all human proteins).

4) Reduces the level of peroxides (natural bleaching agents that are harmful to the body).

5) Takes part in the synthesis of leukotrienes (vital components for inflammatory and allergic reactions).

6) Helps before bile is released.

7) Helps detoxify methylhyoxal, a toxin produced as a metabolic byproduct.

8) Causes apoptosis cancer cells(programmed cell death).

In addition to fulfilling these vital important functions in the human body, the list of benefits of glutathione is very long: 1) plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system; 2) stimulates T-cell function, which is critical for a strong immune system; 3) helps prevent drug resistance; 4) protects against toxins environment; 5) fights cancer.

Glutathione protects against cancer

One of the most promising directions Research on glutathione is its role in cancer prevention. According to a 2004 study published in the journal Cell Biochemistry:“Elevated levels of glutathione in tumor cells may protect such cells in cancer bone marrow, breast, large intestine, larynx and lungs."

The reverse is also true. According to Italian researchers, glutathione deficiency causes cells to become more vulnerable to oxidative stress, which contributes to the development of cancer.

Many scientists explain the surge neurological diseases and cases of cancer due to glutathione deficiency. Researchers have discovered that glutathione is an even more powerful anti-cancer agent than previously thought. According to Jeremy Appleton, chair of nutrition at National College natural medicine in Portland, Oregon: “In people with diseases such as cancer, AIDS, etc. serious illnesses, there is almost always a deficiency of glutathione. The reasons for this are not entirely understood, but we do know that glutathione is extremely important for maintaining intracellular health."

Natural Remedies and Foods That Boost Glutathione Levels

If we start taking natural remedies and foods that increase the production of glutathione in the body's cells, we will become much healthier. In this case, there will be no “overdose” of glutathione, nor any side effects. Eat clinical researches that asthmatics should not inhale glutathione as it can narrow their Airways. Additionally, scientists are unsure as to how the body responds to synthetic forms of glutathione (pills). My recommendation is to regularly eat the following healing foods and natural remedies.

Foods that Increase Glutathione Levels

Milk thistle increases glutathione levels in liver cells

Used for many centuries in different traditional medicines world as a treatment for immune dysfunction. The unique flavonoid complex of milk thistle - silymarin - is used to treat liver disease and diseases biliary tract. According to scientists, the secret therapeutic effect Milk thistle is that silymarin is able to increase glutathione levels in liver cells. It has been shown that milk thistle can actually help protect the liver from toxicity due to alcohol abuse (alcoholism is known to cause glutathione levels to plummet).

Whey protein replenishes glutathione stores

Whey protein replenishes glutathione by increasing cysteine ​​levels, which helps restore glutathione when it is depleted by the immune response. According to a recent study, whey protein is an ideal supplement that helps naturally increase glutathione levels and fight cancer, strengthen the immune system, increase metabolism and reduce appetite.

Products containing sulfur

In the mid-1990s, scientists found that the concentration of glutathione in the liver and lungs is significantly reduced if a person does not consume enough sulfur-containing amino acids. That's why I recommend you eat plenty of sulfur-rich, cancer-fighting cruciferous vegetables. These include: arugula, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, mustard greens, radishes, turnips, watercress.

N-acetyl cysteine ​​– glutathione precursor

Incredible effective remedy for asthma – N-acetyl cysteine ​​– helps reduce the severity and frequency of wheezing and respiratory attacks due to increased glutathione and thinning of bronchial mucus. In fact, N-acetyl cysteine ​​is a precursor to glutathione. It was recently proven high efficiency in the treatment of neurocognitive problems such as drug addiction, compulsive behavior, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It is advisable to take 200-500 mg of N-acetyl cysteine ​​daily.

Alpha lipoic acid

Alpha- lipoic acid Helps restore glutathione levels even in individuals with a weakened immune system. Daily use 300-1200 mg of alpha lipoic acid alone helps improve insulin sensitivity and reduce symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. In addition, this substance has been clinically shown to be effective in restoring blood glutathione levels and lymphocyte function in patients with HIV/AIDS.

Methylated nutrients (vitamins B6, B9, B12 and biotin)

Methylated substances are perhaps the most important for the production of glutathione in the body. The best (natural) way to keep these nutrients at optimal levels is to consume these folic acid-rich foods:

Chickpeas (0.5 cup): 557 mcg (more than 100% DV)

Liver – 90 g: 221 mcg (55% DV)

Beans - 0.5 cup: 146 mcg (37% DV)

Lentils – 0.5 cup: 179 mcg (45% DV)

Spinach – 1 cup: 56 mcg (14% DV)

Asparagus – 0.5 cup: 134 mcg (33% DV)

Avocado – 0.5 cup: 61 mcg (15% DV)

Beets – 0.5 cup: 68 mcg (17% DV)

Broccoli – 1 cup: 57 mcg (14% DV)

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that creates glutathione

Selenium works like this powerful antioxidant and is required for your body's synthesis of glutathione. Be sure to stock the following healthy selenium-rich foods in your refrigerator:

Brazil nuts - 30 g (6-8 nuts): 544 mcg (100% DV)

Tuna – 100 g: 92 mcg (more than 100% DV)

Halibut – 100 g: 47 mcg (67% DV)

Sardines, canned – 100 g: 45 mcg (64% DV)

Beef – 100 g: 33 mcg (47% DV)

Turkey, boneless - 100 g: 31 mcg (44% DV)

Beef liver– 100 g: 28 mcg (40% DV)

Chicken – 100 g: 22 mcg (31% DV)

Egg – 1 large, 15 mcg (21% DV)

Spinach – 1 cup: 11 mcg (16% DV)

Vitamins C and E increase glutathione levels in red blood cells and lymphocytes

Vitamin C helps raise glutathione levels in red blood cells and lymphocytes. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that works with glutathione to prevent damage from reactive oxygen and protects glutathione-dependent enzymes. So, working together, vitamin C and E help boost your glutathione levels and protect you from disease! Vitamin C and E together help maintain glutathione at optimal levels and boost your immune system and overall health!

Vitamin C-Rich Foods

Oranges – 1 large: 82 mg (more than 100% daily value)

Red Pepper – 0.5 cup: 95 mg (over 100% DV)

Cabbage – 1 cup: 80 mg (134% DV)

Brussels Sprouts – 0.5 cup: 48 mg (80% DV)

Broccoli – 0.5 cup: 51 mg (107% DV)

Strawberries – 0.5 cup: 42 mg (70% daily value)

Grapefruit – 0.5 cup: 43 mg (71% DV)

Guava – 1 fruit: 125 mg (more than 100% daily value)

Kiwi – 1 piece: 64 mg (33% daily value)

Green Pepper – 0.5 cup: 60 mg (100% DV)

Vitamin E-rich foods:

Almonds – 30 g: 7.3 mg (27% DV)

Spinach – 1 bunch: 6.9 mg (26% DV)

Sweet Potato - 1 tbsp: 4.2 mg (15% DV)

Avocado – 1 piece: 2.7 mg (10% daily value)

Wheat germ – 30 g: 4.5 mg (17% DV)

Sunflower seeds - 2 tbsp: 4.2 mg (15% DV)

Palm oil – 1 tbsp: 2.2 mg (11% DV)

Squash – 1 cup: 2 mg (7% DV)

Trout – 90 g: 2 mg (7% DV)

Olive oil – 1 tbsp: 2 mg (7% DV)

Beef liver is rich in selenium and increases glutathione levels

Not only is beef liver the richest selenium product. Studies have shown that this product is good at increasing glutathione levels in the body.

Although the National Institutes of Health (NIH) still states that glutathione deficiency is extremely rare, there are big number authoritative sources that say the exact opposite. I recommend taking the approach common sense to increase glutathione levels. Essentially, if you eat these 9 foods regularly, you will achieve health and well-being.

Glutathione and him role in the body

It's probably no secret that the air we breathe at home, at work and in transport continues to deteriorate. In cities, we inhale poisons such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzopyrene and other substances, the amount of which is increasing, thanks to technological progress from year to year. The food products that we consume every day contain preservatives, and even if we buy live vegetables and fruits, we cannot be sure that no chemicals were used in their cultivation... Tap water also contains impurities that are not at all beneficial for our body, but bottled water water, as it turns out, is also harmful to health... It’s a sad picture... What to do? How to maintain health in such harsh environmental conditions? After all, our body was not programmed to fight so many toxins...

What can help? It turns out that our body already has a powerful tool for cleansing and removing toxins, as well as neutralizing destructive free radicals. It produces a certain substance called - glutathione. Essentially this is the most powerful antioxidant, and it is not found in fruits or drinks (where it was customary to look for antioxidants;-), and is produced by our body.

Glutathione is the most important antioxidant in our body, playing an important role in the body’s defense against diseases, toxins, viruses, adverse effects environment, radiation and oxidative stress (free radicals). Low level glutathione is linked to diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis, pregnancy complications, male infertility and cataracts. Glutathione deficiency can lead to lack of coordination, mental disorders and difficulty maintaining balance. Without glutathione, our liver would very quickly become clogged with toxins, causing the organs to not be able to do their job and causing death. The level of glutathione in cells determines how long we live.

What is glutathione and where does it come from in our body?

1. Glutathione is a super antioxidant that plays an important role in the body's defense against diseases, toxins, viruses, adverse environmental influences, radiation and oxidative stress (free radicals).

2. Glutathione constantly protects us from toxins, diseases, viruses. Without glutathione, our liver would very quickly become clogged with toxins, causing the organs to not be able to do their job and causing death.

3. Glutathione is produced by each of our cells and is one of the most important means in healing and cleansing the body.

4. The level of glutathione in cells determines how long we will live. We need this wonderful antioxidant to survive, and without it our liver would soon accumulate a lot of toxins.

5. Global pharmaceutical companies spent more than $500 million to create a drug that would increase the production of glutathione inside the cell, but this task was not crowned with success.

6. Glutathione is so important in medicine that there are more than 86,000 articles in National Institute health care (see and search for "glutathione").

7. Glutathione is a small protein produced by every cell in our body. It is made up of three blocks of proteins called amino acids.

8. Beginning around age 20, the body's production of glutathione declines by approximately 1% per year. But unfavorable environmental conditions and excessive use of medications can disrupt glutathione production even faster. Some scientists believe that a 30% reduction in glutathione production is enough for cells to stop functioning normally.

9. The level of glutathione in cells determines life expectancy. Glutathione levels are the only predictor of death in HIV patients. Glutathione levels directly indicate life expectancy in people with HIV.

10. Unfortunately, glutathione taken orally is completely ineffective as it is destroyed by stomach acid. That is, the body in this case sees glutathione the same way it sees food. However, many supplements have entered the market since the benefits of glutathione became known. People who buy such glutathione supplements are wasting their money because this amino acid breaks down in the stomach, just like in the stomach, acid breaks down food for digestion.

11. Anyone who wants to increase glutathione production within their cells should only use products that are clinically proven to be effective. The consumer can then use their supplements with confidence that the amount of glutathione in the body will actually increase. Glutathione is the most important antioxidant in our body that protects all cells. Glutathione production declines by 1% per year starting at age 20. Do you want to increase your glutathione levels?

Pharmacological group: peptides; antioxidants
IUPAC name: (2S)-2-amino-4-1R-1-carboxymethyl carbamoyl-2-sulfaniletyl carbamoyl butanoic acid
Other names: γ-L-glutamyl-L-cysteine ​​glycine
(2S)-2-amino-5-2R-1-(carboxymethylamino)-1-oxo-3-sulfanidepropan-2-yl amino-5-oxopentanoic acid
Molecular Formula: C 10 H 17 N 3 O 6 S
Molar mass: 307.32 g mol-1
Melting point: 195°C; 383°F; 468 K
Solubility in water: easily soluble
Solubility in methanol, diethyl ether: insoluble

Glutathione is an important antioxidant in plants, animals, fungi and some bacteria and archaebacteria. Glutathione prevents damage to important cellular components caused by active forms oxygen (free radicals and peroxides). Glutathione is a tripeptide with a gamma peptide bond between the carboxyl group of the glutamate side chain and the amino group (attached via a normal peptide bond to ). Thiol groups are reducing agents that exist in animal cells at concentrations of approximately 5 mM. Glutathione reduces the formation of disulfide bonds in cytoplasmic proteins by serving as an electron donor. During this process, glutathione is converted to its oxidized form, glutathione disulfide (GSSG), also called L-(-)-glutathione. Once oxidized, glutathione can be reduced again by glutathione reductase using NADPH as an electron donor. The ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione in cells is often used as a measure of cellular toxicity. The metabolic intermediate el-cysteine ​​can increase glutathione levels in the body, but using this substance to increase glutathione levels is ineffective and costly.

brief information

Glutathione (γ-L-Glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine) is a small molecule containing (peptide) that contains one molecule L-glutamic acid, L-cysteine, as well as Glycine in each individual molecule. This molecule is an absolutely natural component of the nutritional supplements we use, and plays the role of the main antioxidant in human body. The action of glutathione is highly dependent on the integrity of the "glutathione system", which contains enzymes that synthesize glutathione within the cell as well as dedicated enzymes that use glutathione as a catalyst for all antioxidant effects. Glutathione supplementation is designed to preserve the already existing supply of glutathione in cells and thus maintain effective work the entire system. Contrary to current theory, glutathione itself does not have a designated niche in the supplement system, and when it is useful, it is likely the most expensive and ineffective method to achieve any desired goal. All of this is ultimately due to the few pharmacokinetic aspects that make glutathione supplements ineffective:

    1) Glutathione is a tripeptide made up of three amino acids, and although this particular tripeptide may resist hydrolysis, it is still largely absorbed in the intestines.

    2) There is a possibility that glutathione can be absorbed through the intestines in its original form, but this substance is in pure form simply cannot get into the cage; Glutathione must be pre-synthesized from (two molecules bound together) before use.

  1. Inflammation and immunology

    Virological interaction

    Macrophages found in the human body infected with HIV infection, have a higher concentration of GSSG (relative to reduced glutathione) than macrophages in uninfected individuals. This is thought to be related to the decreased expression of glutamine cysteine ​​ligase (GCLC) observed in macrophages in people with HIV infection. Macrophages isolated from the bodies of HIV-infected patients on chronic antiretroviral therapy were incubated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and 5-10μM glutathione, which led to an increase in reduced glutathione (53-93% in HIV + and 80-83% in the HIV control group ), which coincided with N-acetylcysteine ​​at only 10 mM. Difference in content active substance persisted when assessing lipid peroxidation (via malondialdehyde assay) and in reducing the intracellular growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

    Interaction with oxidation


    Superoxide (O2-) is produced when one electron is removed by an oxygen molecule (O2) or subsequently produced as a byproduct of metabolic reactions. Superoxide is a free radical with which both N-acetylcysteine ​​and glutathione can contact directly and non-enzymatically, although the rate constants for such reactions are weak (and thus these antioxidants have low potency). Superoxide formation is common first step in the production of the oxidant, since the oxidizing agent O2 is able to easily cross membranes (similar to H2O2, but not O2 -), and since O2 is universally required for metabolic reactions. Enzymes that use glutathione to exert enzymatic and antioxidant properties (peroxidases and S-transferases) do not appear to have potent antioxidant effects on the radical, and endogenous rejection of necrotic tissue from surviving tissues from O2 is typically handled by superoxide dismutases (SODs). ), which are converted to superoxide hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Superoxide is one of the major free radicals that can have oxidative effects in the cell, and is typically processed by the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which converts it to hydrogen peroxide as glutathione concentrations decrease; Glutathione and its enzymes do not have particular antioxidant potential directly in reducing superoxide.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    The superoxide radical is converted to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by superoxide dismutase (SOD), and once this occurs, the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx) is able to reduce it to H2O through the use of two glutathione tripeptides (and subsequent formation of GSSG). H2O2 can also be obtained as by-product aerobic metabolic reactions. The antioxidant enzyme “catalase” (a heme-containing enzyme) also removes H2O2 by breaking it down into water and oxygen. Catalase and GPx act together, so H2O2 can inactivate catalase when high concentrations, and it appears that catalase may be protected from inactivation by glutathione peroxidase. Glutathione, using the GPx enzyme, plays a role, along with catalase, in the reduction of potential oxidizing compounds known as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). These enzymes can convert hydrogen peroxide back into water (or water or oxygen, in the case of catalase).


    The hydroxyl radical (OH, the neutral form of hydroxide has the formula OH) is a powerful radical produced by the reaction of O2 and iron through the "Fenton reaction" (the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with iron ions, which is used to destroy many organic substances). Unlike O2 and H2O2, which are moderate and reversible oxidizing agents, OH is an irreversible modifier of protein structures. Hydroxyl radicals are believed to mediate the elimination of many negative reactions related to increased concentration H2O2 in cells, such as DNA damage.

    Peripheral organ system


    Inflammatory bowel diseases, including nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are characterized by an increase in oxidative stress and a simultaneous decrease in the level of oxidative protection, which is provided, for example, by the concentration of glutathione. In gastrointestinal tissue, glutathione is the main non-enzymatic antioxidant. And, since the measures taken to preserve this substance are typically also used to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in animals with these same diseases, glutathione has thus been recognized as a therapeutic agent. In rats, injection of glutathione (200 mg/kg) one hour before induction of colitis via trinitrobenzene sulfatic acid (TNBS) exhibits a protective effect compared with saline solution. Following administration of 50 mg/kg glutathione by injection daily for eight weeks after induction of colitis, virtually complete removal lipid peroxidation and inflammation itself. Studies in people treated with mesalamine used an additional 800 mg of N-acetylcysteine ​​(which can restore glutathione levels) or a placebo. Protective effect when combination therapy was mild and did not reach statistical significance.

    Male genitals

    Male infertility is a condition characterized by excessive oxidative stress, suggesting a possible therapeutic role for antioxidants in general. In particular, deficiency of glutathione peroxidase (due to deficiency) appears to lead to defects in motility and morphology, by affecting middle part sperm (section between its head and tail). The therapeutic effect of glutathione was confirmed in one study where 600 mg of glutathione was used as intramuscular injections, which, in turn, improved sperm motility. This particular finding (improved mobility) was also noted in laboratory research, when N-acetylcysteine ​​was used by infertile men for three months at a dose of 600 mg daily. Glutathione injections may improve male fertility by improving the morphology and motility of sperm. This effect is also noted in preliminary studies using an oral N-acetylcysteine ​​supplement; No studies have currently been conducted using glutathione supplements.

    Longevity and life extension


    The glutathione content in cells decreases during the aging process, even in the absence of diseases, which leads to an increase in oxidative processes in the body. By at least, in aging rats, the reason for this appears to be a decrease in the synthetic capacity of the second step of glutathione anabolism (catalyzed by glutathione synthetase). There are no changes in the metabolism of γ-glutamyl transpeptidase or the reduction of the substance as an antioxidant by glutathione reductase, although this mechanism has not been studied in humans. It has been found, however, that the rate of glutathione synthesis (fractional and absolute) is lower in older adults compared to control levels in younger adults. This decrease may be associated with a decrease in protein turnover throughout the body (a change in the composition of BJU occurs with aging of the body), which would reduce the pools and required for the synthesis of glutathione. In fact, red blood cell glutathione levels, as well as its constituents L-cysteine ​​and glycine (not glutamate), were noted to be lower in older adults than in younger adults. When supplemented with N-acetylcysteine ​​(100 mg/kg L-cysteine) and (100 mg/kg) L-cysteine, glutathione concentrations were restored by 94.6% within two weeks, relative to the level of glutathione synthesis observed in youth. Insufficient dietary protein intake can also lead to decreased glutathione levels. However, both a decrease in glutathione synthesis and a change in its composition can be caused in healthy adults by limiting the level of protein consumed in food or only the sulfur-containing amino acids found in dietary protein. Glutathione levels appear to be reduced in older people compared to youth levels, even when there is no obvious painful conditions. By eating, which are precursors of glutathione (and), you can restore glutathione levels in those people whose glutathione levels were restored quite quickly in their youth.

    Other medical conditions


    The metabolism of glutathione has been studied in people with autism. Autism is associated with increases in oxidative metabolites such as malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced mineral chelates such as seruloplasma and transferrin (leading to the production of more free minerals, which are known to contribute to the manifestation of oxidative stress). All this suggests that, in general, the state of the body of children suffering from autism is more pro-oxidative than anti-oxidative. Plasma levels of glutathione and its reduced form are low in autistic children compared to the control group, and the level of oxidized glutathione is higher. No changes were found in the activity of glutathione reductase in children with autism and the control group, although glutathione peroxidase has different indicators (suppression and increase - both indicators were recorded). The GSSG:GSH ratio (usually indicating glutathione reductase activity) is also increased, indicating greater oxidation in autistic individuals compared to controls. Autism in general is a condition characterized by excessive oxidative stress compared to controls. Because glutathione is a major component of the body's antioxidant system, antioxidant disorders throughout the body involve the glutathione system, which has been shown to be less active in children with autism relative to controls. One study in autistic children was conducted using either dietary supplements (fat-soluble glutathione 50-200 mg per approximately 13 kg body weight twice daily in increasing doses) or transdermal supplements (135-405 mg in three divided doses in increasing doses ). The study noted slight increases total number glutathione in both treatments and an increase in reduced glutathione in the blood in the group taking nutritional supplements; Because the study measured baseline severity of autism, these measurements were not repeated after the illness.

    Interactions with nutrients

    Alpha lipoid acid

    Alpha lipidic acid (ALA) is a thiol-containing antioxidant produced in mitochondria from octanoic acid, used as a REDOX antioxidant (having both oxidized and reduced forms) and a mitochondrial enzyme cofactor. Although it is similar to glutathione in that it has a sulfur-containing antioxidant, unlike glutathione, alpha lipidic acid can allow absorption from the intestines intact and can be effectively used by the body as a dietary supplement. ALA appears to play a role in glutathione synthesis. Glutathione cannot be transferred between intact cells; instead, L-cystine is transported between cells to provide L-cysteine ​​for glutathione synthesis. Since L-cystine is a product of oxidative activity (two oxidized molecules bound to each other), ALA can combine L-cystine molecules into two and thereby increase the level of glutathione synthesis, releasing its precursor, which is the substrate necessary for the synthesis step , limiting the reaction rate in the overall synthesis of glutathione. Additionally, GSSG (the oxidized form of glutathione) can be directly converted back to rGSH by reducing the level of alpha lipidic acid, which in turn becomes its oxidized form (dihydrolipoidic acid). This general supportive role of alpha-lipid acid in glutathione activity has been noted in various cellular studies, and appears to be possible even in natural conditions in rats, with 16 mg/kg ALA in the body. Alpha lipidic acid can reduce the amount of oxidized glutathione, thereby increasing the effectiveness and maintaining the actions of glutathione in the cell.

This is not the first blog article about glutathione. This antioxidant deserves to be written about. More than 120,000 scientific works dedicated to him. It is the only antioxidant that is present INSIDE every cell. A deficiency of this antioxidant is found when:

1) Premature aging,
2) Infections,
3) Chronic stress,
4) Injuries,
5) Environmental toxins,
6) So-called “health products”
7) Genetically modified products,
"8)" Artificial sweeteners,
9) Excessive use of antibiotics.
10) And radiation therapy.

Chronic stress, environmental toxins – who doesn’t have them!

Researchers now believe that glutathione levels in cells are becoming a predictor of how long we will live!

It is not considered an essential nutrient because it can be formed in the body from three amino acids, as I wrote about earlier.

Therefore, it will be useful for each of us to know as much information as possible about ways to increase glutathione in the body.

I wrote a little about this in the article “

Today I will talk about 9 more ways to increase glutathione in the body.

Foods and supplements that increase glutathione.

In the literature you may find that glutathione deficiency is “very rare,” but there is a growing number of reputable scientific sources that say the exact opposite.

Because of this substance's role in preventing and treating disease, experts recommend being proactive and taking steps to increase your glutathione levels.

They will help you with this regular use the 9 foods and supplements listed below.

This, experts say, is a win-win option for achieving good health.

1. Milk thistle.

You know this plant under the name milk thistle. It has been used around the world for centuries in folk medicine.

Valued as a remedy for impaired immunity.

The medical preparation silymarin (a complex of flavonoids from milk thistle) is used for liver damage and diseases of the biliary tract.

According to scientists, the secret of milk thistle's healing is associated with increasing glutathione levels.

In animal studies, it has been shown that milk thistle can protect the liver from alcohol toxicity.

And scientists are well aware that alcohol consumption leads to a decrease in glutathione in cells.

2. Whey protein.

Whey protein contains the amino acid cysteine, which is necessary for the synthesis of glutathin.

But it is extremely important to purchase the right whey protein; just any protein will not work.

Avoid processed whey protein or protein isolate.

Experts advise using whey protein, which is obtained from an organic product and is completely free from pesticides, hormones, GMOs, and artificial sweeteners.

But it is better to avoid this product for those who use a gluten-free diet, since such people may experience cross reaction to milk proteins.

3. Products containing sulfur.

It has been a well-established fact since the mid-1990s that glutathione concentrations in the liver and lungs fall when intake of the sulfur-containing amino acid is insufficient.

Therefore, consuming cruciferous vegetables is essential to maintain levels of this essential antioxidant in the body.

Let me remind you that these include:

1) Arugula,
2) Bok Choy,
3) Broccoli,
4) Brussels sprouts,
5) Cabbage,
6) Cauliflower,
7) Greens,
"8)" Kale,
9) Mustard greens,
10) Radish,
11) Turnip,
12) Watercress.


NAC is the amino acid N - acetyl cysteine. He is effective drug for asthma, reduces the severity and frequency of respiratory wheezing.

It is known to increase glutathione and reduce bronchial mucus.

NAC is a precursor to glutathione.

Recently, it has also been shown to be effective in treating neurocognitive conditions such as drug addiction, compulsive behavior, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

5.Alpha – lipoic acid.

Surprisingly, alpha lipoic acid helps restore glutathione levels with any immune system depletion.

Just 300 – 1200 mg of alpha lipoic acid daily helps improve insulin sensitivity and reduce symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.

It has also been clinically shown to restore blood glutathione levels and lymphocyte function in patients with HIV/AIDS.

6. Methylation of nutrients (vitamins B6, B9, B12, biotin).

The human body produces glutathione if it is present in sufficient quantities nutrients for methylation processes.

Here is a list of these products:

Table No. 1. Folic acid content in foods.

(Quoted by Dr. J. Axe)

7. Selenium.

Selenium is needed to synthesize glutathione in the body. You can read more about it in the article “

These products will help you with this:

Table No. 2. Products containing selenium.

(Quoted by Dr. J. Axe)

8.Vitamins C and E.

Vitamin C helps increase glutathione in red blood cells and lymphocytes.

Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that works with glutathione to prevent damage from reactive oxygen and protects glutathione-dependent enzymes.

Thus, working together, vitamins C and E help glutathione and support human health.

You just need to consume foods with high content these vitamins. Together they can help keep glutathione at optimal levels, increase immune system activity and general function bodies!

Table 3.

(Quoted by Dr.J.Axe)

Table No. 4. Products containing vitamin E.

(Quoted by Dr.J.Axe)

9. Beef liver.

Beef liver is included in the list best products containing selenium.

But eating beef liver has been shown to be better for producing glutathione in the body than taking glutathione supplements.

It is important to eat beef liver from cows raised in natural conditions who were fed grass.

This is effective way increases glutathione levels and selenium levels in beef and beef liver, and they are much more bioavailable than dietary supplements.


Let's briefly review 9 ways that, according to scientific research, will allow us to increase the level of glutathione in the body.

1) Milk thistle or milk thistle. Not difficult to buy and use. Is quite real.

2) Whey protein. What do you need to know about him?

  • Not everyone will do. We have to choose.
  • Not suitable for everyone. When eating gluten free, it is excluded from the diet.

3) Products containing sulfur. Ideal for many people. There are plenty to choose from.

4) NAC is good remedy choice for everyone.

5) Alpha Lipoic Acid is a great supplement for many of us and a godsend for those with diabetes.

6) Folic acid– it is indicated for use in many diseases. But, of course, it is better to receive from natural products.

7) Selenium. You've heard about him more than once. You need to know that an overdose is dangerous.

“8)” Vitamins C and E. We have heard more than once about their benefits. They just didn’t know that pharmacological preparations of these vitamins is not the entire vitamin, but only part of it. Therefore, it is better to eat more natural foods than to deceive yourself with pills.

9) Beef liver. Eh, where can I get organic liver in Russia? I would eat it, it seems, every day. That's how I love her. Or is this a signal from my body that I need it for my health?

Try to consume as much as possible more products nutrition that allows you to increase the level of glutathione in the body and be healthy!

How to increase glutathione levels in the body?