Which lands include the breeding of wild animals? Semi-free breeding of wild ungulates is a promising direction in the hunting industry. Problems of wolf conservation in Poland

Making a decision on the enclosure keeping of ungulates (deer, fallow deer, mouflons) requires a serious strategic calculation for the owner or director of the farm. An enclosure (we will use this term to refer to areas fenced off for keeping animals) requires large financial investments: the construction of a fence and special infrastructure, the creation of pastures and fodder fields, the purchase of agricultural equipment and, finally, the initial number of animals. The initial costs amount to millions of rubles, and the enclosure will bring tangible results only after a few years.

Breeding goals.

The size and required infrastructure of the enclosure depends on the goals.

1. Hunting, including trophy hunting, in an enclosure.

2. Release into own lands.

3. Sale of live animals.

4. Raising animals for commercial purposes (producing meat and antlers).

5. A complex of all these goals or their combination.

Depending on the purposes of breeding, places where animals are kept can be technologically divided into “enclosures” proper and more complex complexes - “farms of wild ungulates”.


In the simplest and most common version of an enclosure (both in Europe and here), the same territory is used for breeding and shooting animals. These types of enclosures are created by fencing the perimeter of an acceptable area of ​​land and are the simplest to set up. The animals are provided with minimal care, but managing such a semi-wild herd to achieve a specific result is quite difficult.

Subsequently, the owners of the enclosure, as a rule, are faced with the need to catch part of the animals for various purposes, be it for sale or veterinary needs, etc. In small enclosures, adult males conflict and can cause serious injuries to each other, even leading to the death of animals, so raising elite trophies in such conditions is not an easy task. An excess of females in the enclosure, resulting from the predominant removal of males, necessitates their removal from the enclosure. Therefore, the structure of the enclosure should initially be thought out in such a way as to have several zones that allow a differentiated approach to the animals contained in them, depending on their purpose and plans for further use.

Such an enclosure system seems expensive and unnecessary at the initial stage, but in the future it can reduce costs and provide significant income by reducing losses and improving the quality of the resulting animals. The phased construction of areas of the enclosure complex, carried out over several years (as the livestock increases), allows us to avoid large one-time costs.

Farms of wild ungulates (deer farms, farms)

usually, are created for the purpose of obtaining marketable products (meat and antlers), selling live animals, although growing elite trophies on a farm is much more efficient and faster.

In the West, there is a whole culture of consumption of delicious deer meat, starting with the fact that a restaurant visitor can know from which specific farm the meat was supplied, in what conditions it was raised and what the animal ate, and ending with a special technology for maturing the meat, without which the deer steak will not reach the desired softness and juiciness. Therefore, the production of venison represents a huge and as yet untapped market of interest to investors.

The leaders of reindeer farming - New Zealand and England over the past 30 years have actually turned deer farming into an agricultural industry using all the latest veterinary and livestock achievements.

The basis of reindeer farming is their grazing on pastures divided into paddocks. Rotating grazing paddocks during the summer is essential as deer are much more demanding of pasture quality than traditional farm animals.

Many years of experiment show that deer get along just fine without a forest if they are provided with good grass, a watering hole and a shelter from the sun in the summer, and hay or silage and shelter from the wind in the winter.

High quality pastures with young offspring of optimal height can only be ensured by constant changing of paddocks and mowing the grass in them, which imposes its own specifics on the design of farms.

The area of ​​the paddocks depends on many reasons, including the purpose of raising animals, the number of animals in the group, and the quality of pastures.

To design pens when building farms, it is important to determine how animals will winter and provide places for this. Traditional and simple is wintering in pasture paddocks. With this option, one should take into account trampling and excessive grazing of pastures, which significantly reduces their productivity in the next season and changes the composition of the vegetation cover. It is imperative to take into account the distance from the feed warehouse, the possibility of travel (hills, mud, snow), animal safety, and protection from the wind.

The best solution is to build small winter pens in convenient locations as close as possible to warehouses and technical bases. It is optimal to have a separate wintering pen for each group, since it is better for the groups to be permanent, with an established stable hierarchy and minimal competition between animals. Using the natural configuration of paddocks and existing forest plantations to protect, and in their absence, the construction of artificial protection, primarily from the wind. With appropriate protection and feeding, deer can withstand even very severe frosts.

A more advanced method is wintering under a roof (sheds, sheds, etc.), most often calves separated from their mothers winter this way, as they are the most sensitive and fastest growing (and therefore the most demanding of conditions).

The nature of the terrain also determines most of the decisions, and above all, the location of division into pens, the route of animal translocation corridors, the location of gates and places of capture.

The main element of the farm is a specially equipped pen for catching and carrying out all necessary veterinary procedures, equipped with a machine for restraining animals.

No pen for catching there cannot be a farm, since conducting breeding work using only injectors for immobilization is extremely unproductive and expensive.

Fencing and mesh

Even 6-7 or more years ago, the fences of all enclosures were built from chain-link mesh with a mesh size of 100X100 mm or less, less often - from welded non-galvanized road mesh. The only advantage of the chain-link mesh was that its short rolls can be carried manually and installed in particularly hard-to-reach places - ravines, etc. The only advantage of the road network is its accessibility. There simply were no other materials.

But, the days of chain-link mesh are gone forever; now special fencing systems are used to fence enclosures, which are based on a galvanized steel mesh with a fixed knot, capable (often without repair!) of withstanding a tree falling onto the fence. The inventors of such a net are New Zealanders - the pioneers of modern farm reindeer husbandry.

The essence of the concept of “fencing system” is that the mesh along the entire perimeter is always in a tense state, which is achieved by using special fasteners to connect rolls of mesh (up to 100 m long) into a single whole, by fastening the wire to the posts without rigid fixation. All this requires special tools and technologies and forms elastic, durable fencing elements that work as a single unit for 200-400 m, resistant to impacts in any direction.

There are only 3 manufacturers of such mesh in Europe -TORNADO (England), NODIMOR (Portugal, FORTEMA (Spain). THIS NET IS NOT PRODUCED IN RUSSIA.

The height of a fence made of mesh with a fixed knot can be from 1.9 to 3 m. To keep deer, there is no need to bury the mesh in the ground.

Enclosure infrastructure facilities

Technological processes in the enclosure require the construction of special structures both for feeding the animals and for their removal (shooting, trapping) and the implementation of veterinary procedures.

  1. Complex feeding areas.
  2. Feeders for feeding hay.
  3. Solonetz.
  4. Towers for observing animals and shooting.
  5. Watering holes.
  6. Quarantine pen (quarantine).
  7. Pedestrian paths.
  8. Car roads.
  9. Live trap.
  10. Separator.

The infrastructure of enclosures is designed individually in relation to the goals and objectives of animal breeding and depends on the landscape and terrain.

Animals for enclosures.

  1. Among deer, the most common species for keeping in hunting enclosures in our country, according to our experts, is sika deer (CervusNipponhortulorum). This is the most accessible and inexpensive type.
  2. Maral (Siberian subspecies of red deer) is the second largest animal in hunting enclosures. This is due to the availability of primary purchase of animals from deer breeding farms.
  3. The last 5 years have seen an explosive interest in acquiring European red deer (Cervuselaphushippelaphus). It is this species that is traditionally cultivated in Europe, where it is the personification of the most valuable and prestigious trophy for a hunter. Once introduced to New Zealand, this species gave rise to the development of modern intensive reindeer farming and a culture of deer meat consumption.
  4. Doe (Damadama)- this medium-sized deer with characteristic spade-shaped antlers actively and confidently takes its place in the enclosures of the European part of Russia. Due to its small size, it is the most economical to maintain, and the meat has the highest gastronomic characteristics.
  5. In the last 2 years, interest in keeping white-tailed deer has increased among individual owners. What drew attention to this species was the not entirely justified opinion about its hyper-fertility.
  6. Mouflon (Ovismusimon). This is the only representative of the genus of sheep living in Europe. Successfully kept in fenced areas. Not found in the wild in Russia, the most exotic inhabitant of our hunting enclosures.

Typically, mouflons are imported by farm owners who want to diversify the species composition of animals in enclosures and gain additional opportunities for trophy hunting. Traditionally, our hunters went to Europe to hunt mouflons, but we believe that in a few years worthy specimens of these rams will be raised in Russia.

  1. Boar (Sus scrofa).

Recently the most popular and easiest to breed, this hunting species is now going through hard times due to outbreaks of African swine fever, which has decimated the livestock of European Russia. The main feature of enclosure keeping wild boars is the need to deepen the fence by 30-50 cm due to its ability to undermine the fences, but at the same time not requiring a fence height of more than 180-200 cm. It is extremely undesirable to keep a boar in the same pen with deer, since, being an omnivorous animal , it poses a mortal danger to newborn fawns.

Shared content.

The following combinations may be most common: all deer can be kept in enclosures in different combinations; the only difficulty lies in the difficulty of identifying females and young animals of different species when shooting in an enclosure.

Mouflon can be kept together with any deer, but requires close attention from staff, since females and young mouflons cannot compete for food in feeding areas with deer; this problem is especially acute in winter.

Supply of wild ungulates (Who can buy deer from in Moscow?)

The main task that arises when creating an enclosure is the acquisition of animals.

If you only need a few animals, they are easy to find in Russia and delivered to the farm. Private enclosures offer almost all types of deer; just type the phrase “buy deer” into a search engine.

But, as a rule, domestic suppliers cannot provide the necessary selection either by gender or age of any large batch. The gender and age composition of groups of animals offered for sale within Russia almost always differs from the wishes of the customer, since the formation of batches of animals occurs based on the results of catching with live traps in enclosures, or immobilizing animals. At the same time, the selectivity of capture is extremely limited.

In addition, prices for Russian animals are often formed based on the wishes of the owners and may exceed the cost of imported animals.

When importing animals, DeerLand LLC has the opportunity to form batches by sex and age in accordance with agreements with the customer, which is due to the presence of its own quarantine in Europe and extensive partnerships with breeding farms for breeding European red deer, European fallow deer, and European mouflon. In addition, imported animals can undergo all prescribed veterinary quarantine procedures at the base of Dearland LLC in Russia.

What is needed to create an aviary?

If you are thinking about creating an aviary, expert advice will not be superfluous.

Semi-free maintenance of the breeding of game animals does not apply to one of the seven types of methods of using the animal world provided for in Art. 34 of the Federal Law “On Animal World”:
1) hunting;
2) fishing, including harvesting of aquatic invertebrates and marine mammals;
3) extraction of objects of the animal world that are not classified as objects of hunting and fishing;
4) use of the beneficial properties of the life activity of objects of the animal world - soil formers, natural environmental health workers, plant pollinators, biofilters and others;
5) study, research and other use of the animal world for scientific, cultural, educational, educational, recreational, aesthetic purposes without removing them from their habitat;
6) extracting useful properties of the vital activity of objects of the animal world - soil formers, natural environmental health workers, plant pollinators, biofilters and others;
7) obtaining products of vital activity of objects of the animal world.
This list is not exhaustive, since the same article states that laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation may provide for other types of use of wildlife.
Nevertheless, we believe that the semi-free keeping and breeding of game animals is not, in our opinion, a type of use of the animal world in principle.

This conclusion follows from the following concepts - “wildlife”, “use of objects of the animal world”, “habitat of the animal world”, “use of the animal world”, which are given in Art. 1 of the Federal Law “On Fauna”. These four concepts taken together define the criterion for the use of the animal world, which consists in the use of wild animals in a state of natural freedom.

In addition, paragraph 10 of the Regulations on Hunting and Game Management of the RSFSR, approved
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 10.10.60 No. 1548, and paragraph 1 of the Model Rules of Hunting in the RSFSR, approved by order of the Main Hunting Committee of the RSFSR dated 04.01.88 No. 1, recognize as hunting tracking for the purpose of production, pursuit and the very production of wild animals and birds in a state natural freedom.

Semi-free keeping and breeding of animals imply captivity.

According to Section A “Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry” of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities OK 029-2001, adopted and put into effect on 01.01.03 by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 06.11.01 No. 454-st, subgroup 01.25.4 “Reindeer Breeding " and subgroup 01.25.9 "Raising other animals not included in other groups" belong to subclass 01.2 "Animal husbandry".

At the same time, breeding animals involves keeping them.

Meanwhile, in Art. 2 of the Federal Law “On Pedigree Animal Husbandry” defines the concepts of both “breeding animal husbandry” (breeding pedigree animals, production and use of pedigree products (material) for breeding purposes) and “breeding animal” (a farm animal having a documented origin, used for reproduction of a certain breed and registered in a certain order), which objectively removes wild animals from the scope of this law. It’s not for nothing that in Art. 4 of the said law states that relations in the field of breeding and use of wild animals are regulated by other legislation of the Russian Federation.

Let's try to figure out what legislation regulates the issue of breeding and using wild animals in captivity?

According to paragraph 1 of the Regulations on Hunting and Game Management of the RSFSR, hunting is a branch of the national economy, the main task of which is to meet the state's needs for furs and other hunting products. For these purposes, the establishment of hunting grounds, protection, reproduction and rational use of wild animals and birds is carried out.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2001 No. 649, hunting is classified as a seasonal industry, as are the types of activities carried out within it, including biotechnical activities and game breeding.

Although the term “game breeding” refers mainly to the maintenance, breeding and release of feathered game (ducks, pheasants, etc.) into hunting grounds, it is still permissible to place work on the maintenance and breeding of all game objects in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats within the framework of economic activities regulated by legislation on wildlife.

It is not for nothing that the issue of keeping and breeding fauna in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats is raised in Art. 26 of the Federal Law “On Animal World”, which states that keeping and breeding of objects of the animal world in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats is permitted only under licenses of specially authorized state bodies for the protection, control and regulation of the use of objects of the animal world and their habitat.

Legal entities and citizens involved in the maintenance and breeding of fauna are obliged to treat them humanely and comply with the appropriate sanitary, veterinary and zoohygienic requirements for their maintenance. Failure to comply with these requirements entails administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and wildlife objects are subject to confiscation in court.

Meanwhile, the procedure for obtaining licenses for keeping and breeding wildlife in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats has not been established either by the above law or other federal regulations. Only the authorities that issue these licenses are known.

Thus, in accordance with paragraph 4 and subparagraph 5.2.2 of the Regulations on the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2004 No. 327, this service and its territorial bodies issue licenses for the maintenance and breeding of fauna classified as to hunting objects, in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats.

In our opinion, the procedure for issuing licenses provided for in Art. 37 of the Federal Law “On Wildlife” and the Regulations on the procedure for issuing long-term licenses for the use of wildlife objects classified as hunting objects, approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2000 No. 569, cannot be applied in this case.

Thus, an application for a license to keep and breed game animals in semi-free conditions and in an artificially created habitat must be sent to the territorial department of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance in any form. Moreover, a legal entity or individual entrepreneur may not have the status of a hunting user, that is, not have a long-term license to use wildlife within the boundaries of a certain territory.

The application form approved by the joint order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation and the State Committee for Ecology of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 1998 No. 378/400 can be used as a sample.

At the same time, the issue should be resolved with the owner or holder of a forest fund plot or land plot regarding its provision for use for the above-mentioned purposes within certain boundaries, which must be indicated in the application.

How this issue is resolved in practice in relation to the use of forest fund areas is, in principle, prescribed in forest legislation.

The said legislation provides for two options for obtaining a forest fund plot for use for the purpose of keeping and breeding animals classified as hunting objects in semi-free conditions. The first option is for the needs of hunting, the second is for secondary forest management. If both options are implemented, the applicant acquires the status of a forest user.

The first option is preferable for those business entities who use wildlife for hunting purposes in a given forest area on the basis of a long-term license. And the second is for those who are not hunting users.

In both cases, the use of a forest fund plot is formalized in the manner prescribed by the Regulations on the lease of forest fund plots, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 1998 No. 345. Clause 7 of the said Regulations prescribes the provision of forest fund plots for rent based on the results of forest competitions.

The procedure for organizing and conducting forestry competitions was approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2005 No. 103.

The following provisions of this Procedure are of interest to potential applicants. Thus, paragraph 19 of the Procedure stipulates that persons wishing to participate in a forestry competition for the right to conclude a lease agreement for a forest area shall submit to the competition commission applications with competitive proposals for participation in the forestry competition, drawn up in the prescribed manner. The application and competitive proposals must be signed by the applicant for participation in the forestry competition or his authorized representative. Signatures must be certified in the prescribed manner. The authority of the representative is confirmed by the attached power of attorney, executed in the prescribed manner. The following documents are attached to the application submitted by legal entities:

Copies of constituent documents and a copy of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity, certified in the prescribed manner (copy of passport for an individual*);
a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority;
a copy of the balance sheet for the reporting period of the current year with a mark from the tax office;
a document confirming the solvency of the forestry competition participant;
a certificate from the tax authority confirming the absence of arrears in taxes and other obligatory payments, issued no earlier than 3 months before the date of the competition;
a document confirming the payment of a deposit by the participant in the forestry competition*;
a certificate confirming the absence of rent arrears under previously concluded lease agreements for forest areas, issued no earlier than 3 months from the date of the forestry competition (if there are such agreements)*;
certificate about the structure of the organization, number of employees and qualifications of management personnel, experience in similar activities;
certificate-presentation of the forestry competition participant, including information about the history of the organization and information confirming the experience and capabilities of the applicant in technical and organizational support of the project*;
the applicant’s concept for the development and use of a forest fund plot transferred for lease*.

* - documents required for individuals (editor's note).

The application and list of submitted documents are drawn up in 2 copies, one of which remains with the organizer of the forestry competition, the other with the applicant.

Clause 20 of the Procedure states that individuals and legal entities who are not at the stage of liquidation or reorganization, who do not have current tax debts, who have completed an application for participation in the competition in the prescribed manner, have paid a deposit and submitted it to the organizer of the forestry competition, are allowed to participate in the forestry competition within the established time frame, other necessary documents specified in the tender documentation.

Participants in the forestry competition cannot be organizations that are affiliated with the organizer of the competition and the employees of the organizer of the competition who are members of the competition commission.

An applicant may be denied participation in a forestry competition if:

The person applying for participation in the competition did not make a deposit;
the person applying for participation in the forestry competition did not submit all the necessary documents within the prescribed period;
a person applying for participation in a forestry competition provided deliberately false information in the competition documentation.

Submitting an application to participate in a forestry competition means that the participant agrees with the terms of the forestry competition and accepts these terms.

When submitting an application, an individual presents an identification document. If an application is submitted by a representative of the applicant, a power of attorney must be presented.

The opening date of the forestry competition is the start date for accepting applications with competitive proposals, indicated by the competition commission when publishing a notice in official publications of government bodies of the Russian Federation or constituent entities of the Russian Federation. After the deadline, applications are no longer accepted.

Clause 21 of the Procedure explains that a participant in a forestry competition has the right to withdraw his proposal before the last day for accepting applications (inclusive) by notifying the organizer of the forestry competition and the secretary of the competition commission in writing. The date of revocation is the date of registration by the forestry competition organizer of the forestry competition participant’s written application in the application journal.

To participate in the forestry competition, the applicant must make a deposit of 10 percent of the initial rental amount. The deposit is paid to the account of the organizer of the forestry competition in non-cash form.

If a participant in a forestry competition withdraws his proposal after the deadline for accepting applications, the deposit will not be returned.

According to paragraph 27 of the Procedure, the assessment of competitive proposals is carried out when considering competitive proposals by the competition commission. Participants in the forestry competition or their representatives have no right to be present during the evaluation of competitive proposals. During the assessment, the competition commission has the right to call applicants to give explanations and request additional information and confirmation from them.

Information about the consideration and evaluation of competitive proposals is confidential and is not disclosed to persons not officially related to the evaluation procedure.

The evaluation of competitive proposals and the determination of the winner of the forestry competition are carried out on the basis of the criteria set out in the competition documentation. Additional technical, organizational and commercial advantages of the submitted bids may also be taken into account.

In accordance with paragraph 8 of the Procedure, the winner is a participant in the forestry competition whose competitive proposals contain conditions that meet the criteria defined by the competition documentation and fully comply with the conditions of the forestry competition.

Finally, paragraphs 33-38 of the Procedure describe the mechanism for concluding a lease agreement for a forest area and the consequences of evading its conclusion:

The organizer of the forestry competition and the winner of the forestry competition sign a protocol on the results of the forestry competition, which has the force of a contract, on the day of the commission meeting. The winner of the forestry competition, if he evades signing the protocol, loses the deposit he made (clause 33);
The protocol on the results of the forestry competition is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is given to the winner, and the second remains with the organizer of the forestry competition. The protocol on the results of the forestry competition is the basis for concluding a lease agreement for a forest area with the winner of the forestry competition (clause 34);
the winner is sent by registered mail a notification of the need to arrive to conclude a lease agreement for a forest area (clause 35);
the lease agreement for a forest fund plot must be signed by the winner of the forestry competition and the corresponding forestry enterprise of the Federal Forestry Agency or the organization of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation carrying out forestry management within the competence determined in accordance with Articles 46 and 47 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation (the lessor), within twenty days or another period specified in the notification after the completion of the forestry competition and the execution of the protocol on the results of the forestry competition (clause 36);
failure of the winner to sign the lease agreement for a forest plot within the time limits specified in this Procedure or in the notification, as well as delay in execution of the agreement due to the fault of the winner of the forestry competition are considered as a refusal to sign the agreement. If there are good reasons, the organizer of the forestry competition has the right to extend the period for signing the contract (clause 37);
in accordance with Art. 448 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in the event of one of the parties evading the conclusion of an agreement, the other party has the right to go to court with a demand to compel the conclusion of an agreement, as well as for compensation for losses caused by evasion from concluding it (clause 38).

The forest area leased in this way for the needs of hunting is used in accordance with the Procedure for using forest areas for the needs of hunting, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2005 No. 211.

Paragraph 5 of the said Procedure directly provides for the right of the forest user to keep and breed animals classified as hunting objects in semi-free conditions in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the animal world.

And the subsequent paragraphs of this Procedure clarify the implementation of the granted right.

Thus, paragraph 7 states that a forest user on a forest plot allocated to him for use for the needs of hunting may keep and breed animals classified as hunting objects in semi-free conditions, without additionally concluding a lease agreement, issuing a short-term use right, or a forest license.

Clause 8 of the Procedure stipulates that when keeping and breeding animals classified as hunting objects in semi-free conditions in forest areas, the following requirements must be taken into account:

In the allocated areas of the forest fund, other types of forest use are limited in accordance with the established procedure, as well as the presence of citizens in the forests;
forest areas must be allocated at a distance of at least 1000 meters from the border of a populated area, and must not be crossed by public roads, rivers and ravines;
fenced areas should be equipped with feeding areas, feeding troughs, shelters, and observation towers;
in order to avoid significant damage to trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation by animals located in the fenced area, the forest user must provide them with adequate feeding according to the established diet;
in the fenced area, preventive measures should be taken against the occurrence of mass infectious and invasive diseases among kept animals.

The fee (forest tax rate) for the use of forest areas for the needs of hunting was established by order of the Federal Forestry Agency dated December 7, 2005 No. 324 in the amount of 0.03 rubles. for one hectare per year.

A forest plot obtained as a result of a lease competition for secondary forest use is used in accordance with the Rules for the use of forest resources for harvesting secondary forest resources and carrying out secondary forest management, approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2005 No. 212. According to paragraph 10 of these Rules, the forest user is obliged to maintain and breed fauna in semi-free conditions in compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on fauna.

Forest tax rates for incidental forest use, in particular, for the use of forest fund areas for the maintenance and breeding of wildlife in semi-free conditions, are established by order of the Federal Forestry Agency No. 285 dated October 25, 2005 and vary quite significantly for different regions.

Thus, for the Moscow region and the city of Moscow, the annual forest tax rate for the above purposes is set at 100 thousand rubles. per hectare, Leningrad region and St. Petersburg - 50 thousand rubles, Voronezh region - 4312 rubles, Belgorod region - 500 rubles, Vladimir region - 200 rubles, Yaroslavl region - 100 rubles. and, finally, for the Arkhangelsk region and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - only 10 rubles.

This price leapfrog is not motivated by anything. The note to the said order states that secondary forest management includes, along with others, the use of forest areas for maintaining and breeding fauna in semi-free conditions.

At the same time, you should know that the use of forest areas for constructing fences, placing guardhouses, hangers, sheds and other temporary structures, as well as for maintaining and breeding wildlife in semi-free conditions is included in the List of additional types of secondary forest use, according to Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for the Use of the Forest Fund for the Harvesting of Secondary Forest Resources and the Implementation of Incidental Forest Use, approved by the above-mentioned Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2005 No. 212.

As for establishing legal relations with the owners of land plots that are not included in the forest fund, but which are supposed to be used for maintaining and breeding wildlife in semi-free conditions, one should be guided by the norms of land and civil legislation. The grounds for the emergence, in particular, of rental relations are described in great detail in Art. 22, 28, 34, 38 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and Chapter 34 “Rent” of Part Two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and there is no point in quoting them here. It should only be noted that the amount of rent for the use of a land plot is determined by the contract, and according to Art. 614 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the rent itself can be set in the form of:

1) payments determined in a fixed amount, made periodically or at a time;
2) the established share of products, fruits or income received as a result of the use of the leased property;
3) provision of certain services by the tenant;
4) transfer by the lessee to the lessor of the thing stipulated by the contract for ownership or lease;
5) assignment to the tenant of the costs stipulated by the contract for improving the leased property.

The parties may provide in the lease agreement for a combination of these forms of rent or other forms of rent payment.

It is also important that tenants of land plots, by virtue of Art. 388 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not recognized as payers of land tax.

In addition, everyone who is engaged or plans to keep and breed game animals in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats under licenses issued by a specially authorized state body in accordance with Art. 26 of the Federal Law “On Fauna”, it is necessary to take into account that these animals are not subject to the fee for the use of fauna objects provided for in Chapter 25.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, since in accordance with Art. 333.2 of this code, the objects of taxation for the use of objects of the animal world are objects of the animal world, the removal of which from their habitat is carried out on the basis of a license (permit). At the same time, under the habitat, according to Art. 1 of the Federal Law “On Fauna” refers to the natural environment in which objects of the animal world live in a state of natural freedom.

This is exactly the explanation given by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in responses dated November 19, 2004 No. MV2493 and No. MV2494 to the relevant requests.

To this I would add information about the right of hunting users to use objects of the animal world kept in semi-free conditions, without any additional permissions (read, licenses). But the main thing is that, according to the documents, these animals are considered acquired for resettlement in a designated territory, which is directly required by paragraph 3 of Art. 40 of the Federal Law “On Fauna”.

There are several more important clarifications and comments, without which this article would be incomplete.

According to the List of additional types of secondary forest use, approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2005 No. 212, these include the use of forest areas for growing crops (vegetables, fodder, grains, industrial and others), grazing domesticated animals (reindeer and others) , the use of forest areas for the construction of fences, snow shields, gatehouses, hangers, sheds, drying racks, timber warehouses and other temporary structures for forest management, obtaining fauna and their metabolic products, and other purposes.

So, in our opinion, all of the above types of secondary forest use can be carried out without additional conditions when using a forest fund plot for keeping and breeding fauna in semi-free conditions, in other words, inside the territory of a fenced enclosure where wild animals are located.

Since animals in enclosures are in captivity, their use is not subject to either standard or regional hunting rules, which regulate the hunting of animals that are exclusively in a state of natural freedom. Consequently, the prohibitions contained in these rules regarding the tools and methods of hunting in the enclosure territories do not apply.

In the case of the use of animals on the territory of the enclosure, documentation of such use is carried out in the usual manner, namely, an appropriate act must be drawn up. Moreover, all products (meat, skins, horns, etc.) are the property of the hunting or forest user, who has the right to dispose of it at his own discretion, but in the case of transportation, the carrier must, in addition to the act, also have a delivery note or a purchase and sale agreement and a certified a copy of the license for keeping and breeding wildlife classified as hunting objects in semi-free conditions and in an artificially created habitat. Otherwise, problems may arise with the traffic police.

In conclusion, we should touch upon those objects of the animal world that are not classified as objects of hunting, but which are planned to be kept and bred in semi-free conditions.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources has been designated as the body authorized in this area. According to clause 5.3.4 of the Regulations on this service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2004 No. 400, the service issues, in accordance with the established procedure, licenses (permits) for keeping and breeding in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats of fauna objects that are not classified as objects hunting and fishing.

Therefore, interested parties should contact the territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor regarding this issue.

Published based on materials from Safari magazine No. 4, 2006.

The life of European dogs, cats and other domestic animals has changed significantly with the introduction of the “European Convention for the Protection of the Rights of Pets”.


From now on, if the police took a pet from an owner who committed violent acts against the unfortunate animal, then in addition to a fine (1-3 thousand euros), imprisonment (from 3 months to 4 years), he will have to pay for the maintenance of the “victim” " in the shelter until a new owner is found for him. This is approximately 40 euros per day. Simple mathematical calculations prove that it is cheaper to be a decent person!

I must say that there is nothing wrong with special areas for walking and training dogs. And to have such a pet, you need permission from the police, insurance against damage to third parties, and the dog itself must pass an aggressiveness test.

On streets with a lot of traffic, with a large number of people, the dog, naturally, should be on a leash. If she is non-aggressive and obeys her owner well, she is allowed to walk freely, while being in the field of view and influence of the owner. The dog should have time to walk freely: run around, sniff, play enough, communicate with its relatives. Animals deprived of this opportunity become irritable and disobedient. Unspent energy accumulates in them, which leads to physical and mental disorders. Therefore, the Animal Welfare Act defines constant walking only on a leash as bullying.

Germans generally have pets spayed or neutered unless they are intended for breeding. This solves the problem of getting uncontrolled offspring and other everyday troubles associated with the “personal life” of pets.

Unauthorized destruction and throwing of unwanted animals onto the street (instead they are given to shelters) is punishable by a fine of up to 25,000 euros. The strictest prohibition is imposed on keeping dogs on a chain and in conditions inappropriate for their species; docking of ears and tails; destruction of healthy animals; catching and keeping wild animals and birds; training dogs using bullying methods; setting them against other animals, training them for anger, and holding dog fights.

Owners of fighting dogs must have a special permit to own a dog and a certificate of its “reliability.” To do this, character tests of the animal are periodically carried out. In most cities, such dogs must only be driven on a leash and muzzled. Fines for violation are 50 thousand euros. Compulsory insurance and increased taxes have been introduced. Breeding is prohibited. But! No one subjects dogs to euthanasia, and people undergo annual licensing and door-to-door inspections.

In Italy, dog owners who take their animals for walks less than three times a day face a fine of up to 500 euros. In addition, there is a law according to which a person who throws an animal into the street or mistreats it can be sentenced to a fine of 10 thousand euros and a year in prison.

The main assistance to the police in identifying criminals is provided by informants: they report to the “competent authorities” all known facts of cruelty to animals. In addition, a special chapter “Crimes against animals” has been introduced into the Criminal Code: punishment is up to four years in prison and a fine of up to 100 thousand euros. It provides for severe penalties against those who torture or abandon animals, as well as those who organize dog fights. The perpetrators face a sentence of three months

The police have the right to enter any premises where they know animals are being abused. The rescued animal is immediately sent to a veterinarian, who, if necessary, provides the necessary assistance and gives an opinion on the severity of the injuries. The “patient” is then sent to a shelter and remains there until he can no longer

According to a new law from the city council of Turin (Italy), dog owners who take their animals for walks less than three times a day face a fine of up to 500 euros.

Regulations concerning the protection of animal rights in Turin take up an entire brochure of 20 sheets, in particular, the city prohibits the sale of goldfish in plastic bags.

The law also prohibits dyeing pets' fur in different colors and inflicting "various mutilations" on them solely for aesthetic reasons, such as tail docking.

The National Council, the lower house of the Swiss parliament, has passed a bill that gives pets a special legal status. From now on they are no longer equated with things.

This means that during court proceedings the interests of the “little brothers” will be taken into account, for example, when dividing property in court during a divorce between animal owners. If until now a dog or cat was simply assessed according to its market value, now the judge has the right to give it to the former spouse with whom, in his opinion, the animal will be better off.

Under John Paul II, the Catholic Church recognized dogs as having souls. They can now enter the temple.

As a rule, a puppy is purchased from a small breeder. In fact, there are no "Professional Breeders" in Sweden with a huge

The number of dogs, which is typical for other countries.

Almost 100% of puppies are registered by the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK). You are given a pedigree (up to the third generation, but if you wish you can contact SKK and get a more complete pedigree covering a period of 100 years).

Rescued and selected dogs. You probably won’t find such dogs in Sweden. There are no stray dogs at all. You can hardly make a career as a dog catcher in this country.

A set of measures to restore the number of wild ungulates, undertaken by hunting specialists in order to eliminate the consequences of a sharp decline in the number of wild ungulates that took place in the late 80s and early 90s. of the last century, has not yet led to the desired result and remains one of the most pressing problems of the hunting industry.

The successes of individual, primarily private hunting grounds, where intensive protection, feeding, and regulation of the number of predators are carried out, do not allow reaching the former number of wild ungulates, due to their insignificant area compared to the total area of ​​hunting grounds suitable for habitat of the species in question.

In the current situation, as an alternative to the low number of wild ungulates in public lands, in recent years, in a number of regions, separate park-type farms have begun to be formed, aimed at raising game in semi-free conditions.

Table 1. Hunting users who have permission to maintain and breed wildlife in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitats in the Tver region.




JSC "Normix"

Roe deer - 20, Wild boar - 30,

Sika deer - 15


JSC "Selkhoztekhnika"

Roe deer - 20, Wild boar - 40,

Sika deer - 15


Season LLC

Boar - 5, Maral - 20, Roe deer -20,

Sika deer - 20


LLC PH "Neste-

Wild boar - 250, Maral - up to 150, Roe deer - up to 150




Maral - 15, Boar - 30


Boar up to 100

CJSC Agrofirma

“Dm. Mountain"

Sika deer -20


SPK "Tverskie"

dawn" (district)




JSC "Vysota"

Red deer - 15, Wild boar - 12


JSC "Zalesye"

Elk - 1, Wild boar - 20, Sika deer, Fallow deer - 20

In addition to the impoverishment of hunting grounds, there are a number of other reasons that contribute to their development, including limited time for hunting for a certain category of hunters, the requirement for a full guarantee of hunting success, the impossibility of acquiring or an acute limitation of the limit of one-time licenses for the production of wild ungulates, and limited data periods types of hunting in leased hunting grounds and public lands, the acute demand for this type of service, due to the increase in the material well-being of the population in recent years.

The main goal of developing aviary farms, according to the author, is:

Providing the maximum types of services during hunting, at the request of the hunter;

Preservation of wild animals in nature by harvesting animals raised in an enclosure;

Enrichment of hunting grounds by releasing into leased lands game animals raised in a semi-free state, incl. sale of animals to other farms;

Studying the biology of wild animals when raised in enclosures, developing effective methods of biotechnology, incl. feeding;

Protection from predators, poachers and diseases;

Determination of limiting factors and their elimination by carrying out appropriate biotechnical and veterinary measures;

Improvement of species composition and formation of breeding stock;

Demonstration of wild animals to park visitors for review, photography and video shooting; conducting educational lectures on the biology of the species.

Currently, the technology for growing sika deer and deer, which are included in the list of farm animals in Russia, in semi-free conditions, has been developed in some detail. The species of antler deer under consideration have been traditionally used in the Far East and Altai to obtain valuable biological products, the main type of which is antlers. The wild boar is becoming increasingly popular among hunters as a valuable hunting object. At the same time, there is a tendency to develop two types of enclosure farms: intensive and extensive.

A striking example of intensive farming on an area of ​​20 hectares is the work of Bitis LLC, located 50 km from Moscow, 1 km from the village of Shapilovo, near the station. Khotkovo. The author was able to personally verify the efficiency of game reproduction on this farm, which in 2008 alone sold 800 wild boars. Along with wild boar, sika deer and roe deer are bred here. It has its own incubator, pheasant farm, mallard duck farm, and fishing pond. The hunter, at his discretion, can use a number of services, including hunting for ungulates, feather hunting and sport fishing, which was clearly demonstrated by visitors to the farm, the number of preliminary applications from which far exceeded the carrying capacity. The park is not without aesthetic pleasure: mute swans and scorches live on the pond next to the mallard ducks, and sika deer feed along the coastal strip.

The high efficiency of reproduction of game animals here has been achieved thanks to the use of technology for breeding wild boar through hybridization with domestic pigs, strict compliance with sanitary and veterinary requirements, timely vaccination of animals, feeding them with high-quality balanced feed of our own production, produced on our own equipment, high production standards due to stable operation trained personnel, active material motivation of work, depending on the final results, creating conditions for wild animals taking into account their biological characteristics and needs, detailed design of pens, cages, and farm premises. The farm is served by a staff of 10 units, including administration, specialists and technical personnel.

The opposite, extensive type of park hunting management is the example of LLC PH "Nesterovo" near the village of Bazykino, Tver region. on the border with Moscow. Here, the area of ​​the park fenced with a metal mesh is 3.5 thousand hectares, including the fence perimeter of 32 km. The park is served by 7 units. rangers-guards who go around the perimeter of the park on ATVs every two days. The park is home to more than 250 wild boars and 150 red deer. A visit to this farm in June 2009 showed a significant concentration of wild ungulates, while at the same time there were no active signs of degradation of vegetation and soil cover. Thanks to the significant internal area of ​​the enclosure, the presence of large cultivated areas occupied by oats, winter crops, young deciduous trees, including aspen and willow, in the form of clearings 40-50 m wide, intensive feeding at 7 complex feeding sites, construction of artificial watering places, including a small pond in 0.3 hectares, the optimal ratio of the amount of game in relation to the area of ​​the park has been achieved.

Information on the selection of animal species, sites for parks, fencing and landscaping of the site, keeping animals in enclosures is given in sufficient detail in the monograph by A.A. Danilkin. Wild ungulates in hunting. Various design features of constructing fences in parks are given in the manuals of V.G. Gusev. and Kovalenko N.E., Drury I.V. and Matyusheva P.V. Practical recommendations for increasing the number of wild ungulates are presented in the work of B.I. Ditsevich. The specifics of feeding wild ungulates in winter are contained in the article by Danilkin A.A.

The demand for services for the production of animals in enclosures is currently quite high, despite the rejection of this type of animal production by individual hunters, hunting specialists, and hunting clubs. At the same time, the hunter requires that the hunt be brought as close as possible to the driven hunt, using its active phase with approaching the animal for a shot or using hunting dogs, gradually moving away from static shooting from towers on feeding grounds. Without going into the debate about the moral side of enclosure hunting, this is a topic for a separate article, it must be recognized that today there is no other alternative, since the lands are poor in game and do not meet the hunter’s need for sufficient quantities. Whether we like it or not, park hunting is actively developing, but, unfortunately, it is still chaotic.

Recognizing the right to life of this form of hunting, hunting specialists need to resolve a number of issues for its development, including the following aspects:

To begin with, unite specialists in this area into a working group;

Prepare methods for organizing enclosure (park) farms;

Establish information support on the database of breeding animals, the availability of accessible and inexpensive materials for the construction of enclosures;

Summarize the experience accumulated by individual farms and publish it in an acceptable circulation, post it on hunting websites;

Resolve legal issues, in particular, eliminate unnecessary guardianship by control bodies, simplify the procedure for acquiring breeding material, revise the cost of renting forest areas for organizing an enclosure;

Provide a number of benefits for farms engaged in semi-free breeding and release of wild animals into hunting grounds;

To allocate a separate subprogram within the framework of environmental and agricultural programs for the development of small businesses, in order to allocate targeted long-term loans at low interest rates for those wishing to develop hunting farming;

To hold, under the auspices of specialized scientific organizations, an All-Russian conference dedicated to the issues of game farming (park breeding of wild animals).

Considering that the main theme of the XXIX International Congress of Game Biologists is: “Hunting is one of the most important tools for preserving the animal world,” it can be stated that the topic of park breeding of wild ungulates is fully consistent with this statement and is worthy of further discussion.

F.F. Abdullin.

More and more often you can find breeders who are inclined to breed wild animals, including mouflons, on their plots.

European mouflons are small animals 110-130 cm long, weighing 35-50 kg. The short coat varies in color from reddish-brown on the sides to yellow-white on the belly and inner legs. The small proportional head of males is decorated with twisted triangular hollow horns.

European mouflon can be found in the wild, zoos and nurseries of Armenia, Iran and Iraq. A small number of acclimatized animals live in Cyprus, Sardinia, Corsica and Hungary. Mouflons are often spotted in mountainous landscapes with calm and subdued topography. Rams prefer gentle slopes with alternating deep ravines or rock ledges, which serve as shelter from predators and winter weather. Animals require a large area for grazing and proximity to a watering source.

Mouflons live in herds, sometimes containing 100 individuals. Males behave separately, joining the herd only during the current period, from October to December. Sometimes in the mountains you can even hear the sounds of blows of horns in fights between males, which spread over 3-5 km. Pregnancy in females lasts about 5 months.

The animals have a well-developed sense of smell, vision and hearing, so the rams do not allow them to come closer than 300 steps. In case of danger, mouflons are able to run quickly and overcome obstacles up to 1.5-2 meters high and up to 10 meters down mountain slopes.

Animals do not like sudden temperature changes, so in the summer months rams climb to the mountains, where the climate is cool and there is young, lush grass. During the dry summer season, they move closer to bodies of water, hiding from the heat in gorges and under rock overhangs. In winter they go down to the foot of the mountains, where they shelter from adverse weather conditions in gorges protected from the wind. They lead a sedentary lifestyle, with permanent feeding, watering and resting places.

You can also buy European mouflons at a nursery and keep them in your backyard or mini-zoo, maintaining the total number of animals. Often high reproductive males are crossed with regular domestic sheep to produce healthier and more fertile offspring.

Keeping mouflons is not particularly difficult. Since the animals are accustomed to grazing in endless fields, keeping them in captivity will require large paddocks with a high and strong fence. A small barn is built inside the enclosure, in which animals can take shelter from cold or heat, and a manger for hay and drinking bowls are installed. The more mouflons are exposed to fresh air, the better their coat structure will be.

The main summer diet of mouflons consists of field grasses and tree leaves, while the winter diet consists of thin branches of bushes, dry grass and tree bark. Mouflons can be fed with grain and vegetable mixtures, hay and sheep feed.

The average life expectancy of mouflons in nature does not exceed 12 years, and with proper maintenance in enclosures, it can be increased to 19 years. These rather rare animals will decorate the familiar setting of the home landscape.