A girl during ovulation. What do you need to know? Physiological reasons for lack of ovulation

Remember that when you are ovulating, the life of the egg (that is, the period for conception) is very short. Therefore, in order to increase, it is important to understand all the subtleties regarding the cycle. And you need to start by learning to “understand” your cycle, and be able to recognize the signs of ovulation before it begins.

"Understanding" the cycle

The menstrual cycle will tell you when ovulation occurs

Your menstrual cycle will seem much easier if you know how to approach it. You don't need to be an expert to do this. It is important to acquire basic knowledge in order to learn how to calculate the ovulation period based on the existing cycle, and get closer to the long-awaited pregnancy.

The period from the 1st day of menstruation until the onset of ovulation is called the follicular phase. The second half of the cycle is called the luteal phase and lasts from 12 to 16 days. The day of ovulation, not the first day of your period, is the starting point for determining cycle length. Your cycle chart will help you determine the length of the follicular and luteal phases, which is useful for every woman to know.

How does ovulation occur?

The ovaries are incredible almond-shaped organs. Before ovulation, they produce follicles that contain the eggs themselves. Each follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) cycle produces 5 to 12 follicles. Dominant follicle released during ovulation. Maturing follicles release estrogen, and due to high levels of estrogen in the blood, luteinizing hormone (LH) causes ovulation.

Ovulation occurs 12-24 hours after the LH surge, when a mature follicle breaks through the ovarian wall. If the sperm is ready and waiting to release the egg, or if intercourse is occurring at this point, the chances of you getting pregnant are highest.

For 90% of women, the cycle length is 23-35 days, and ovulation occurs right in the middle. Extraneous factors (stress, for example) can delay the onset of ovulation until the 3rd or 4th week.

Most doctors calculate based on the estimated ovulation on day 14 in a 28-day cycle. Now you yourself understand how inaccurate this is! Absolutely not every woman has a 28-day cycle, and ovulation occurs on the 14th. A normal, healthy menstrual cycle can last from 26 to 32 days.

Does ovulation occur every month?

Not all women ovulate monthly. If the ovary has not produced a mature follicle, then ovulation will not take place. This is called an anovulatory menstrual cycle. The endometrium (the lining of the uterus that builds up in preparation for pregnancy) develops as usual, but no egg is produced. A small percentage of women are able to produce 2 or more eggs during the day, after which the release of several more is impossible due to hormonal changes in the body. Once the egg is fertilized, hormones prevent subsequent eggs from being released to protect and maintain the pregnancy.

Ovulation: signs, symptoms, sensations

Now let's figure out how to determine ovulation by sensations. There are signs of ovulation that you may notice in yourself. Let's look at the main and secondary symptoms ovulation.

Sign of ovulation 1: Pain during ovulation or ovulatory syndrome

How to determine ovulation by sensations: pain during ovulation should not be severe

One of the most unpleasant symptoms ovulation is pain during ovulation or ovulatory syndrome. Ovulation causes sudden constant pain lower abdomen. It is important to understand that mild discomfort is normal, but pain is not. They may be a sign of a cyst, growths after surgery, or other health problems. Such a “symptom” should be urgently addressed by a medical institution, especially if you are planning to conceive a child, as the pain may indicate a problem that threatens your fertility.

Ovulation Sign 2: Decrease basal temperature

To notice temperature fluctuations, you first need to start measuring it, every morning, at approximately the same time, entering all the data into the cycle table. Keeping a table or calendar is very important for understanding the cycle and determining the processes occurring in the body. If you did not enter data into the table, it will not tell you anything, but it will great start in the process of learning the characteristics of your body.

To measure your temperature, you will need a basal thermometer, which is specially designed to detect less noticeable temperature fluctuations than a regular thermometer. Such a thermometer has an error of ±, and is capable of determining temperature to two decimal places.

Today the market is full of various thermometers, but all you need is a regular basal thermometer. After ovulation, you will notice a slight rise in temperature and it will remain at this level until your next menstruation. If you become pregnant, your temperature may still be elevated. Here's how women can predict the onset of their period by noticing a slight drop in temperature during the premenstrual period.

Sign of ovulation 3: Cervical discharge during ovulation

Discharge is one of the most accurate signs by which you can calculate the onset of ovulation. The change in discharge depends on the fertile or infertile stage of the cycle. They can also help determine when you are fertile again after having a baby.

Cervical discharge changes under the influence of the hormone estrogen. After menstruation, the discharge is usually slight, then it becomes mucous, then creamy, then watery and, reaching the state of highest fertility, it becomes slimy, stretchy and transparent. Discharge during peak fertility period appears damp egg white, thus ensuring rapid passage of sperm to the egg and alkaline protection from acidic environment vagina.

As you age, the number of days with completely clear, protein-rich discharge decreases. For example, in a 20-year-old girl such discharge can last up to 5 days, and in a woman about 40 years old - 1-2 days maximum.

Ovulation Sign 4: Cervical Position

The cervix is ​​a great indicator of when ovulation occurs. Of course, to understand all the changes in the position of the cervix, you need to carefully monitor the cycle for quite a long time.

You should check your cervical position at approximately the same time each day as it may change throughout the day. Remember to wash your hands before checking.

Just like the discharge during ovulation, the position of the cervix adjusts to give the best result for fertilization. Before ovulation approaches, the cervix is ​​dry, hard, closed and lowered into the vagina. Such signs are typical for barren days. As ovulation approaches, the cervix becomes soft and wet (due to the abundance of mucus), the cervical canal opens, and the cervix itself rises and takes a position at the top of the vagina.

Signs of ovulation 5-10: Minor symptoms of ovulation

Sign of ovulation 5: Breast tenderness and tenderness

Sign of ovulation 6: Increased libido

Sign of ovulation 7: Increased strength and energy

Sign of ovulation 8: Increased sense of smell, vision and taste

Sign of ovulation 9: Water retention in the body

Ovulation sign 10: Bloody issues

Mid-cycle spotting is thought to be the result of a sudden drop in estrogen before ovulation. Due to a lack of progesterone, slight bleeding may be present in the mucous membrane.

If ovulation is disrupted, the first signs of ovulation will not make themselves felt. This can be caused by inflammation of the genital organs, systemic diseases, tumors or stressful situations. In this case, dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system occurs in the female body.

If the first signs of ovulation do not make themselves felt during childbearing, adulthood, then female body faced anovulation, which occurs along with a disruption of the menstrual cycle and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. In addition, the absence of the first signs of ovulation may indicate that a woman is infertile. But there are methods that will help determine the reason for the lack of ovulation and return it. But first of all, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Signs of the onset of ovulation

Signs of the onset of ovulation help a woman better understand her body and choose perfect time for sexual intercourse, which will contribute to the long-awaited conception and pregnancy.

Signs of the onset of ovulation:

  • Discharge – changes occur in the cervical mucus, its consistency and amount of discharge changes. Such changes indicate increased level estrogen. When the mucus becomes similar to raw egg white, this is the first sign that ovulation has begun and the woman is ready to conceive.
  • Basal temperature – before ovulation, a woman’s basal temperature rises. This can be determined with a thermometer in the morning before you get out of bed. Sudden jump temperature increases indicates that the egg is already mature and ready for fertilization. A couple of days during which the basal temperature remains high is the ideal time for conception. To better navigate the signs of ovulation, using basal temperature measurements, you can create a graph that will clearly show approaching ovulation and the time for conception/conception.
  • Well-being - another sign of ovulation is pain in the lower abdomen. For some women, the pain lasts a couple of minutes, for others for several days, and for others, the entire period before the onset of menstruation resembles cramps. By the way, pain in the lower abdomen does not occur in all women, so if you did not have pain and suddenly suddenly appeared, then consult a gynecologist, as this may indicate a pathology or some kind of disease.
  • Hormones – before ovulation begins, significant hormonal changes occur in the female body. The production of luteinizing hormone increases. You can determine the onset of ovulation using special tests that are sold in pharmacies. The tests work on the hormone described above, or more precisely on its interaction with the reagent.

Signs of approaching ovulation

Signs of approaching ovulation make it possible to understand that the body is ready to conceive a child. Let's look at the reliable signs of approaching ovulation, which occur in almost everyone healthy women.

  • Breast swelling.
  • High energy.
  • Headache.
  • Emotionality and irritability.
  • Swelling.
  • Changing allocations.
  • Enhanced vision, taste and smell.
  • Bloody issues.

These are all signs of ovulation. But do not forget that the signs of approaching ovulation depend entirely on your lifestyle. Try not to be nervous, eat healthy food, have regular sexual intercourse and active image life. Then the signs of ovulation will not be so painful.

Signs before ovulation

Signs before ovulation help a woman plan a pregnancy or, conversely, pay attention to contraceptive methods and check her ovulation calendar. Let's look at the main signs before ovulation.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen - pain occurs on one side, on the side where the ovary is located, which is preparing for ovulation. As for the duration of pain, it can be from a few minutes to 3-4 days.
  • Swelling and tenderness of the breasts is the surest sign that indicates that a woman will begin ovulation in the near future. Breasts become very sensitive and swell due to changes in hormone levels in the body, which is preparing for conceiving a child.
  • Vaginal discharge changes, it becomes abundant and watery.
  • Basal temperature increases due to the hormone progesterone.
  • Intensifying sexual desire. This is a signal from the body that the woman is healthy and ready to conceive a child.
  • The cervix becomes soft, rises and dilates slightly. This is necessary for conception to be successful.

Also, signs before ovulation include increased taste and smell. This occurs due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone and changes in hormonal levels in the female body. Sometimes, before ovulation there may be slight swelling abdomen and flatulence, but in addition to approaching ovulation, this indicates a woman’s poor diet and lifestyle.

External signs of ovulation

During the period of ovulation, not only the state of a woman’s body changes, but also her appearance, that is, there are external signs ovulation. Every woman should listen to herself and her body in order to navigate the signs and signals that the body gives.

The following external signs of ovulation are distinguished:

Pay special attention to vaginal mucus, it resembles egg white, becomes more viscous, and increases significantly with discharge.

Signs of ovulation

The signs of ovulation appear differently for each woman, but they all indicate that the woman healthy body who is ready for procreation. Let's look at the signs of ovulation that occur in every woman.

  • Changes in basal temperature – Check your basal temperature every morning before you get out of bed for a couple of cycles. Use your results to create a graph. Using the graph, you can determine the onset or end of ovulation. So, an increase means that ovulation has occurred, and a decrease means ovulation has ended. Changes in basal temperature are associated with changes in the level of the hormone progesterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for the restructuring of mucous secretions and for the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.
  • Discharge is the surest sign of ovulation. Heavy discharge begins a couple of days before the release of the egg; it looks like egg white. Changes in secretions are necessary not only to determine the onset of ovulation, but also to increase the life cycle of sperm.
  • Changes in the cervix – signs of ovulation begin with changes in the cervix. It rises and opens a little, and becomes soft to the touch. After ovulation and the release of the egg from the follicle, the uterus closes and descends.
  • Drawing pain – pain appears in the chest, lower abdomen and lower back. They go away immediately after ovulation ends. Some women have pain so severe that without pain medication and bed rest, surviving the ovulation period is very difficult.
  • Ultrasound examination - allows you to accurately determine the beginning of ovulation and its end.

Ovulation and discharge

Signs of ovulation can be easily determined by the discharge. To do this, a woman must know the features of the first and second phases of the menstrual cycle. Signs of ovulation based on discharge depend on the moment of the cycle. Signs of ovulation and discharge can make it clear whether a woman is pregnant or not, whether ovulation has ended or is it just beginning; the main thing is to carefully monitor the state of your own body.

After menstruation, there is practically no discharge, but closer to the middle of the cycle it appears copious discharge, at first they are liquid and then become creamy and sticky. All this is directly related to the level of hormones in the female body and the slow dilatation of the cervix.

  • On the day of ovulation, the discharge is a viscous, sticky mucus, sometimes with lumps. This consistency of mucus is provided by the body so that sperm can get to the egg as quickly as possible.
  • Sometimes the mucus is streaked with pink, white, yellow or Brown. This color of discharge indicates the end of ovulation.
  • Some women also experience spotting, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, usually on the side where the ovary is located, in which ovulation occurs.
  • There are cases when ovulation occurs without discharge. The reasons may be the stress and nervous state that the woman suffered or one of the phases of ovulation that failed.

Ovulation and bleeding

Some women experience symptoms during ovulation. bleeding. As a rule, there are few of them and they are brown or yellow-brown in color. This frightens many and causes panic attacks, and thoughts that signs of ovulation and bleeding are associated with implantation bleeding. But this is far from true. About a week passes between ovulation and the period of implantation, so you should not associate spotting and bleeding due to implantation.

The reason for bleeding during ovulation is a rupture of the follicle, which will soon release mature eggs. With the arrival of menstruation, the ovaries release mature eggs, which are located in peculiar follicle capsules. After some time, out of all the follicles, only one remains, in which the mature egg is located. It is because of the rupture of the follicle in the ovary that bleeding appears. Similar discharge is observed for two days, no more.

Ovulation and mucus

Before ovulation, the female body produces cervical mucus, which acts as natural remedy For effective conception. Mucus creates an ideal environment for sperm. In a healthy woman, sperm will live for about 72 hours. If there are no signs of ovulation and mucus, then the life of sperm will be reduced to a couple of hours.

Thanks to mucus, a unique environment for sperm is formed in the vagina, which allows them to move much faster into the vagina, which means they can fertilize the egg faster. As for the amount of mucus, it is different for everyone. The closer ovulation is, the more mucus, but a couple of days before ovulation begins, the amount of mucus decreases, and after ovulation ends, the mucus disappears.

Please note that not even a large number of mucus is a sign of the fertile phase. At first, the discharge looks like cloudy mucus, but as ovulation approaches it becomes slippery, viscous, transparent, and sticky. And after ovulation, the mucus becomes thick and cloudy and disappears. After this, the mucus begins to dry out in the female body and the infertile period begins.

Do your breasts hurt during ovulation?

All women experience the same sign of ovulation - chest pain. The breasts swell, become very sensitive, and hurt at the slightest touch. Such signs of ovulation are observed on day 15 28 daily cycle menses. Signs of ovulation – breast pain, which can occur after menstruation.

Pain sensations in the mammary glands change cyclically due to the influence of female hormones - progesterone and estrogen. Due to the increase in estrogen in female blood, the chest begins to hurt, as a rule, the pain indicates that in a couple of days the woman will begin menstruation. For many women, breast pain as a sign of ovulation determines the most favorable period for conceiving a child. Gynecologists call chest pain a sign of ovulation - premenstrual syndrome or PMS. The appearance of pain a couple of days (from 2-3 to two weeks) before the onset of menstruation indicates that ovulation has occurred in the female body.

Signs of ovulation on ultrasound

Signs of ovulation on ultrasound allow you to accurately determine the phase of ovulation. With the help of ultrasound, you can create a personal schedule and ovulation calendar, as well as find out about the approaching or end of ovulation.

The following signs of ovulation on ultrasound are distinguished:

  • Growth of the follicle with the egg, dilation of the cervix.
  • Visualization of the grown follicle to ovulatory size.
  • Observation of the corpus luteum, which is located at the site of the follicular fluid and follicle. The presence of fluid indicates that the follicle has successfully released the egg and ovulation has begun.

Also, signs of ovulation on ultrasound can be determined using the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is checked in the second phase of the cycle, that is, a week after ovulation or a week before the start of menstruation. If progesterone is normal, or preferably above normal, then ovulation was 100%, if below normal, then there was no ovulation. But there are exceptions, this happens when the follicle does not burst due to the very thick lining of the ovary and the egg does not get out. An ultrasound will determine this due to free fluid in the peritoneum.

Ovulation period

The ovulation period is the day in the cycle when conception will be most effective and will lead to pregnancy. That is why all women who are trying to get pregnant carefully calculate this date. Or, on the contrary, they protect themselves as much as possible on this day, since the likelihood of pregnancy is high. Ovulation and the period of ovulation are clear signs that the female body is functioning correctly and is ready to give another life. Let's look at how to calculate the ovulation period, signs and main symptoms.

Calendar method. A method used by women to use a calendar to regularly mark the onset and end of their menstrual cycle. This allows you to calculate the length of the menstrual cycle. To accurately find out the period of ovulation, you need to regularly keep a calendar of the onset and end of menstruation for 4-5 months, and then carry out small calculations. For example, your average cycle 28 days, then the ideal day for ovulation to occur is 15-16. But do not forget that the egg does not mature every month; there are months in which there is no ovulation at all. There are other methods that allow you to quickly and more reliably find out about approaching ovulation.

Ovulation period, signs:

  • An elevated basal temperature indicates approaching ovulation.
  • Breast swelling, breasts become very sensitive.
  • Changes in mucous secretions.
  • Hypersensitivity, irritability, increased emotionality.
  • Increased libido, strong sexual desire.

How to determine ovulation?

There are several methods to determine ovulation. Every woman who is sexually active and wants to get pregnant needs to be able to determine ovulation. But how to determine ovulation in order to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy or, on the contrary, do everything to ensure that conception leads to pregnancy?

  • Determining ovulation by measuring basal temperature. In the first half of the cycle, thanks to estrogen, the readings on the thermometer will be low, around 36-36.5 degrees. But before ovulation, the temperature will increase to 37 degrees due to high concentration the hormone progesterone.
  • To determine ovulation, you can do a special test and closely monitor your vaginal discharge. Before ovulation, they become abundant, transparent, and sticky.
  • The calendar method, like measuring basal temperature, requires time and observation. Using the calendar, you can find out about your upcoming cycle and ovulation.
  • Tests – there are tests not only to determine pregnancy, but also to determine ovulation. In cost they are equal to pregnancy tests, but their popularity will soon supplant them. Diagnosis using an ovulation test, as well as a pregnancy test, is made using urine. Two lines on the test - the period of ovulation. The test works thanks to luteinizing hormone, which predicts the period of ovulation.
  • Ultrasound examination - used in cases where ovulation does not occur for a long time, there was a malfunction in the body that led to a complete change in the cycle. During the procedure, the doctor monitors the period of follicle development. If the follicle has not burst and released a mature egg, then abdominal cavity a small amount of liquid is observed.
  • Feelings - you can determine ovulation by own feelings. So, the most obvious sign of ovulation is pain in the lower abdomen. The pain can last from a couple of minutes to several days, it completely depends on the woman’s body.

The ovulation period is the ideal time to conceive a child.

Signs of double ovulation

There are cases when a woman has two ovulations in one cycle. Ovulation can take place either in one ovary with a break of several days or in two ovaries at the same time. This phenomenon occurs after induction and stimulation of ovulation, but sometimes also in normal cycles.

Scientists say that there are only a couple of cases in the world when, due to double ovulation, double pregnancies occurred with a difference of several days, but no more than 10. But many gynecologists say that double ovulations are much more common and the woman does not always know about it.

The following are signs of double ovulation:

  • Breast swelling.
  • Changing allocations.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen (first on one side, then on the other, or on one side for a short period).

Please note that ovulation does not always occur alternately in the ovaries. There is no systematization of ovulation. In the female body, one ovary acts as the main one and ovulates; this can be observed over several cycles. But such a picture does not mean that the second ovary is sick and requires immediate medical care. The hormone pattern is responsible for the sequence of ovulation in the ovaries and nothing and no one can influence it. Therefore, you should not be surprised if during one cycle you notice increased or repeated signs of ovulation.

Signs of late ovulation

Signs of late ovulation frighten women, as many people think that if ovulation occurs later than usual, then there is a disorder or disease in the body. But is it? Let's look at the causes and signs of late ovulation.

  • Overwork, stress - if a woman is planning to conceive a child, then she is strictly forbidden to be nervous. It is also not recommended to change climatic conditions and frequent flights from one time zone to another. Try not to overwork yourself, both physically and mentally. Since overwork is the most common sign of late ovulation.
  • Infectious diseases– if there is an infection in the female body that concerns the reproductive system, then late ovulation is inevitable. In addition, due to infection, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and there may be a delay, which for many women is a reason to think that pregnancy has occurred.
  • Hormonal imbalance– an imbalance of pituitary hormones is another sign of late ovulation. In order to find out the ovulation status, it is recommended to measure hormone levels in the first phase of the cycle.
  • Premenopausal period - late ovulation is observed in women who are forty or more years old.
  • Gynecological diseases - infections, cysts, amenorrhea.
  • 2-3 months after an abortion and 1 year after childbirth - during this period the woman will have late ovulation.

Define late ovulation can be done using an ovulation test, full diagnostics And ultrasound examination release of the egg from the follicle, testing for the level of pituitary hormones. Please note that it is best to conduct research into the cause of late ovulation during the period of the desired conception of a child.

To speed up the process of ovulation, it is recommended to contact a gynecologist, take the necessary tests and undergo an examination. After this, the doctor prescribes treatment for late ovulation or stimulates the onset of ovulation in its absence. This is the simplest and most effective solution to the problem of late ovulation. Do not self-medicate, as this can cause problems for both the unborn baby and the mother.

When treating problems with ovulation, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, be less nervous, eat healthy foods, and lead an active lifestyle. Regularly have sex with a regular partner without protection.

Signs of conception

Signs of conception manifest differently in every woman. So, some women begin to understand that they are pregnant after a week, others after a month, and some even only after going to the gynecologist and taking a test. Let's look at the main signs of conception.

  • Signs of conception in the first days are bleeding. After conception, somewhere in the first or second week, the process of embryo implantation occurs in the body. For many women, this period is accompanied by bleeding and cramping.
  • The menstrual cycle is disrupted, in other words, the woman has a delay. This is the most common sign of conception. During pregnancy, the menstrual cycle stops, but some women may experience light bleeding.
  • Sensitive breasts. A couple of days after conception, the breasts swell and become hypersensitive. This is a sign of conception that cannot be ignored, since even a light touch to the breast causes discomfort.
  • Nausea is also a sign of conception and occurs from 3-9 weeks after conception.
  • Apathy and fatigue. Due to the fact that the body is rebuilt to support the life of mother and child, future mom may feel unwell from the first days of conception.
  • Headache - appears in the first days of conception and occurs due to changes in the hormonal levels of the female body.
  • Frequent urge to the toilet. Frequent urination appears at 6-7 weeks of conception.
  • Increased appetite - after conception, a woman begins to feel constant pangs of hunger. As for products to satisfy such an appetite, these are not necessarily pickles. By the way, this symptom can persist throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Signs of conception after ovulation

During ovulation, a woman has several days to become pregnant. That is, in the fertile phase of ovulation, successful conception most likely. Signs of conception after ovulation look like this:

  • Lack of menstrual cycle.
  • Increased basal temperature.
  • Increased appetite and changes in taste preferences.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea.
  • Breast swelling and tenderness.
  • Strong sense of smell.
  • Irritability.
  • Apathy and fatigue.

Please note that the lifespan of sperm in a healthy woman is from 3 to 7 days, but if there are disturbances in the female body, especially if they relate to vaginal discharge, then the likelihood of conceiving a child is reduced to a couple of hours.

If a woman has disturbances in the process of maturation of the follicle, which is responsible for the egg, then it is necessary to stimulate ovulation. For these purposes, you need to undergo an examination and consultation with a gynecologist, who will prescribe medications to restore ovulation and the possibility of conception.

Signs after ovulation

  • Signs after ovulation are very difficult to track, but the best way to do this is with an ovulation test or an ovulation calendar.
  • The first sign after ovulation is discharge; it is either completely absent or becomes creamy and sticky.
  • Also, after ovulation, the basal temperature does not fall and is at elevated state. This is also observed in the case of pregnancy, when the egg is fertilized.
  • After ovulation, the pain and swelling of the mammary glands goes away, and the pain in the lower abdomen also stops.
  • Another sign after ovulation is the disappearance of the hormonal rash. As a rule, before ovulation, small hormonal pimples appear on the face, especially on the forehead.

All signs after ovulation depend on how the ovulation process itself went and, of course, on the individual characteristics of the female body.

Signs of pregnancy after ovulation

All women have a couple of days before and after ovulation, called the fertile phase. These days are the most favorable moment for conception and pregnancy. Let's look at the main signs of pregnancy after ovulation.

  • High basal temperature.
  • Delayed menstruation.
  • Swelling and change in breast shape, darkening of the nipples.
  • Increased fatigue, morning sickness, sudden and causeless mood swings.
  • Change in vaginal color.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet and increased mucous discharge.
  • Bloody discharge, gas and constipation.
  • Spasms in the lower abdomen may be on one side.
  • Heightened sense of smell.
  • Acne and pimples.
  • Mild cold and stuffy nose.
  • Changes in taste and increased appetite.

Signs of fertilization after ovulation

Signs of fertilization after ovulation appear no earlier than a couple of weeks after intercourse. Let's look at the signs of sexual fertilization after ovulation.

  • Implantation bleeding, which is caused by the attachment of the embryo to the uterine cavity. Bleeding occurs within one day or several hours.
  • The breasts swell and become very sensitive.
  • Menstruation does not occur, that is, there is a delay.
  • There may be a feeling of nausea, apathy, headache, and fatigue.
  • Observed frequent urination and uncontrolled appetite.

All these signs are conditional and they can be caused by other reasons, for example, colds, infections or inflammatory diseases. It is better to determine fertilization and pregnancy after menstruation has not occurred, that is, after a delay. About five weeks after sexual intercourse, at which time conception and pregnancy could occur.

Signs of lack of ovulation

Signs of lack of ovulation appear in every healthy woman. As a rule, women under 30 years old have about 2-3 cycles per year with complete absence ovulation. Lack of ovulation is a symptom of gynecological or endocrine disorders that can lead to infertility. Let's look at the most common signs of lack of ovulation.

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Premenopause.
  • Stop taking hormonal medications.
  • Various diseases.
  • Climate change.
  • Intensified training.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Weight loss or gain.

There are many signs and reasons that indicate that there is no ovulation. Many signs of lack of ovulation depend on the period of a woman’s life, for example, adolescence, menopause, or breastfeeding and pregnancy. Other signs are associated with the use of hormonal and medicines. Still others with diseases, sports and much more. To find out exactly what the body is saying when it shows certain signs of lack of ovulation, be sure to consult a gynecologist or undergo an ultrasound examination.

Signs of a cycle without ovulation

Signs of a cycle without ovulation or anovulatory cycle - this is menstruation without development corpus luteum, but with bleeding. This occurs due to the fact that the uterine mucosa grows, and the secretory phase, which occurs under the influence of the corpus luteum after ovulation, is absent.

A similar phenomenon occurs in healthy women, especially in teenage years when the menstrual cycle is being established. Signs of a cycle without ovulation can occur in nursing mothers and during the onset of menopause, that is, menopause. The reason for a cycle without ovulation is insufficient stimulation of the ovaries by hormones of the hypothalamus and high level pituitary hormone.

The main signs of a cycle without ovulation are breast swelling, emotional swings, increased basal temperature, and changes in vaginal discharge. Please note that a cycle without ovulation is accompanied by a delay in menstruation from a couple of days to several months, and after this period comes a long and painful menstruation With heavy bleeding. Heavy bleeding may lead to anemia. Signs of a cycle without ovulation are most often observed in women in childbearing age who have hormonal infertility precisely due to lack of ovulation.

Signs of ovulation occurring

Signs of ovulation indicate that the female body is ready for fertilization or that menstruation will begin in the near future. The start and end times of ovulation are great value for women who want to become pregnant or, on the contrary, are protected naturally.

The main signs of ovulation occurring:

  • Changes in discharge, that is, cervical mucus.
  • Pain in the ovaries.
  • Increase in basal temperature and body temperature in general.
  • Changes in hormone levels (this sign is displayed on the face, in the form of a hormonal rash on the face).

To accurately understand the signals that the body gives and know the signs of ovulation, you can buy an ovulation test or keep a special chart that will help track the beginning and end of ovulation and monitor the features of the cycle.

Signs that ovulation has passed

Signs that ovulation has passed are as important as signs that ovulation has begun. The ovulation period is always accompanied by certain symptoms, which can be understood and studied only after observing your own body.

Signs that ovulation has passed:

  • Change in vaginal discharge.
  • Fluctuations in basal temperature, but as a rule, after ovulation has passed, basal temperature decreases.
  • The pain in the lower abdomen, on the side of one of the ovaries, where ovulation occurred, stops.
  • Decreased sexual activity and libido.
  • Slight swelling of the mammary glands.

Signs of the end of ovulation

Signs of the end of ovulation indicate that if conception has not occurred, then the woman will begin menstruation in the near future. Let's look at the main signs of the end of ovulation.

  • If pregnancy does not occur, then menstrual flow begins.
  • At the end of ovulation, the level of basal temperature decreases.
  • Normalized hormonal background, estrogen and progesterone decrease to normal levels.
  • Breast swelling and sensitivity goes away.
  • There may still be pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Irritability and emotional swings.

Monitor your body closely to understand when ovulation begins and ends. Make an ovulation calendar or buy a test to determine your ovulation periods. As a last resort, you can always consult a gynecologist and go for an ultrasound examination to determine the ovulation cycle.

Signs of completed ovulation

Signs of ovulation are very important, as they indicate the healthy reproductive function of the female body. In addition, ovulation is a signal from the body that it is ready for conception and pregnancy. Let's look at the signs of ovulation.

  • A woman experiences a change in vaginal discharge; it becomes transparent, sticky and viscous. This consistency of the discharge indicates that the woman is ready for fertilization and, thanks to the mucus, sperm can quickly reach the mature egg.
  • Basal temperature - before the onset of ovulation, the level of basal temperature rises, and if ovulation has taken place, then the basal temperature drops to the usual level of 36.4 degrees.
  • During the period of ovulation, one of the ovaries hurts, that is, nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen. As soon as ovulation has taken place, the pain stops or becomes less severe.
  • Signs of completed ovulation include bad feeling women, fatigue, apathy, irritability, increased emotionality, touchiness, tearfulness.

To confirm the authenticity of signs of ovulation, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination. An ultrasound will visually show whether ovulation has occurred or not.

Signs of ovulation are signals from the body that a woman is healthy and ready for procreation. In addition, ovulation helps a woman maintain her beauty. Since ovulation is responsible for the menstrual cycle. If you have the slightest problem with determining the period of ovulation or the characteristics of the menstrual cycle, seek help from a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound examination.

Ovulation- This is the shortest period of any physiological menstrual cycle, during which an adult egg rushes from the ovary into the pelvic cavity for potential fertilization. Every woman is probably familiar with the term “ovulation”, because it is directly related to her desire and ability to realize her reproductive function, that is, to become a mother. The majority of cases of infertility are associated with deformation of the ovulation mechanism, therefore, when a patient with menstrual dysfunction and/or infertility first contacts a specialist, he will determine the parameters of the menstrual cycle and the presence of the ovulatory phase.

Before talking about ovulation and its features, it is necessary to dwell on the concept of the menstrual cycle and the mechanisms of its implementation.

The menstrual cycle is a successive structural and functional changes, occurring not only in the reproductive sphere, but throughout the entire body. The endocrine, vascular, nervous and other systems actively participate in its implementation, and the main regulatory link is localized in the brain.

The period of formation of the physiological menstrual cycle is associated with the onset of puberty. As a rule, the first menstruation () occurs at 12–14 years of age and marks the end of the first period of sexual development.

Initially, the first menstrual cycles, like those of adult women, have two phases, but are distinguished by the absence of ovulation. Anovulation during the first menstruation (formation period) has a physiological basis, as it is associated with hormonal dysfunction when the ovaries lack required quantity hormones for the “maturation” of a full-fledged egg. After a year or a year and a half, the ovaries begin full-fledged hormonal activity, and the menstrual cycle acquires full-fledged ovulation. As a rule, by the age of 16, the menstrual cycle is established and retains its individual parameters constant in the future.

What menstrual cycle is considered “normal”? Perhaps the most correct answer to this frequently asked question is this: the menstrual cycle is considered “normal” only if it maintains its parameters for almost the entire life and is not accompanied by pathological symptoms, does not disrupt the usual rhythm of life and ensures full reproduction.

To characterize the menstrual cycle, the concept of its duration is used; characteristics such as duration and volume are also important menstrual blood loss and its accompanying symptoms.

The duration of the menstrual cycle clearly demonstrates the individual menstrual calendar, which is recommended for all (and healthy) women. If the first day of menstrual bleeding is marked monthly on the calendar, then the cycle is calculated by the number of days between the marked dates in such a way that the beginning of menstruation is simultaneously considered the last day of one cycle and the first day of the next following it.

Menstrual bleeding also does not have clear “normal” parameters. It is believed that menstruation should not significantly worsen your well-being, be excessively abundant and prolonged. It is difficult to quantify the amount of menstrual blood loss. In laboratory conditions, it has been established that the physiological norm is blood loss in the range of 40 - 150 ml. So that women can independently determine this parameter, the amount of blood lost during menstruation is taken as the conditional norm, which does not require changing more than four sanitary pads daily.

As a rule, a “normal” menstrual cycle is 21 to 35 days (for 75% - 28 days), menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days, menstruation passes without severe pain or deterioration in well-being.

After formation, the menstrual cycle for the majority does not change its characteristics, with the exception of periods of pregnancy and lactation. By the age of 45, when hormonal ovarian function begins to fade, the menstrual cycle gradually changes.

For most women, the menstrual cycle has very similar parameters, but there are also those who have an individual “norm”. As a rule, the nature of menstrual function is largely determined genetically, so the daughter often inherits its characteristics from her mother and/or grandmother.

However, whatever the features of the cycle, it will be considered physiological only if it has two phases and is accompanied by ovulation. To determine their presence, complex laboratory tests are not always required. A healthy woman can independently study the features of her cycle with the help of special techniques: measuring basal temperature and determining ovulation using special pharmacy tests.

Ovulation serves important criterion physiological menstrual cycle, since in its absence a woman is infertile.

What is ovulation

Theoretically, the menstrual cycle can be divided into two, each half will correspond to two phases. Ovulation is considered a kind of conventional boundary between these phases. We can say that everything cyclical changes, occurring in the reproductive system outside of pregnancy, are designed to ensure complete ovulation.

The menstrual cycle, and, consequently, all changes occurring in the sexual sphere, is controlled by the brain. It contains the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The pituitary gland cyclically synthesizes FSH (follicle-stimulating) and LH (luteinizing) hormones, thus controlling the hormonal function of the ovaries. The hypothalamus, in turn, regulates the functioning of the pituitary gland with the help of biologically active compounds - releasing hormones.

The first phase (follicular) of the menstrual cycle starts with the onset of the next menstrual bleeding, when the pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating hormone, and the active process of folliculogenesis starts in the ovaries. In the ovaries under the dense outer shell there are many immature follicles. Follicles are laid in the structure of the ovaries during the period of their active maturation in order to provide the female body with eggs in subsequent years. The follicle resembles a thin-walled vesicle small size, in which an underdeveloped egg is present. Every month in one of the ovaries (usually alternately) 10–15 follicles begin to actively grow and become proliferating. Of all the proliferating follicles, the body often “selects” only one, which has the most suitable hormonal and structural properties. As a result, he becomes dominant and goes through all stages of development. By the time the first phase of the cycle is completed, a more complexly organized membrane (granulosa) is formed around it, its size increases, and the cavity is filled with follicular fluid. Such a follicle is called primordial. In fact, each follicle is a small temporary hormonal gland, since the cells of the granulosa membrane secrete the hormone estrogen (estradiol) in it. Estrogen ensures the full development of the follicle and, accordingly, the egg located inside it. A fully mature follicle (Graafian vesicle) contains a fully formed egg.

After the egg becomes complete, the follicle begins to accumulate a large amount of FSH and estradiol, which serves as a kind of signal to the pituitary gland: “the egg no longer needs me.” According to the mechanism feedback The pituitary gland begins to secrete luteinizing hormone, under its influence the wall of the Graafian vesicle becomes thinner and bursts, releasing the egg. This period is called ovulation.

The second phase (luteal) of the menstrual cycle is associated with the formation of the corpus luteum. It is formed at the site of the destroyed follicle with the participation of luteinizing and luteotropic hormones of the pituitary gland. A ruptured follicle leaves behind granulosa cells, which gradually begin to rapidly divide and sprout into small blood vessels. Granulosa cells accumulate carotene, a yellow substance, so the new structure that forms is called the “corpus luteum”, and only its shell looks yellow, and the liquid inside still remains transparent.

The corpus luteum secretes the hormone progesterone, functions as a temporary hormonal gland throughout the second phase and dies shortly before the next menstrual bleeding.

All cyclic changes occurring in the ovaries are characterized as the ovarian cycle. Meanwhile, certain changes also occur in the uterus, which are characterized as the uterine cycle. It consists of successive phases:

— Desquamation: menstrual bleeding itself, when the superficial (functional) layer of the endometrium is rejected along with the glands and blood;

— Regeneration: restoration of the functional layer due to the reserve epithelium. It begins during the bleeding period and ends by the 6th day of the cycle;

— Proliferation: proliferation of stroma and glandular structures. Coincides with the period from the beginning of follicle maturation to the 14th day (if the cycle is 28 days);

- Secretion. Symmetrical to the corpus luteum phase. Under the influence of progesterone, the mucous membrane changes: it becomes loose and voluminous. In fact, conditions are created for the development of a potential pregnancy.

Similar cyclical hormonal and structural changes in the ovaries and endometrioid tissue are repeated monthly throughout reproductive period a woman’s life, and are the essence of the concept of the menstrual cycle.

Signs and symptoms of ovulation

The presence of a two-phase cycle accompanied by full ovulation is important characteristic reproductive health, as it indicates the proper functioning of the ovaries and the central link “hypothalamus - pituitary gland” that regulates them.

However irregular ovulation does not always imply serious structural or functional disorders. Physiological anovulation is considered during the period of formation of the hormonal function of the ovaries in young girls, as well as during the decline of this function against the background of menopausal age-related changes.

Single anovulatory cycles against the background of normal menstrual function are not pathological. The ovaries, under the influence of temporary unfavorable factors during the period of follicle maturation, can change the rhythm of hormonal secretion, and the ovulation mechanism is distorted. can provoke strong emotional distress, overwork, excessive physical exertion, sudden weight loss and some other circumstances. As a rule, after the factor provoking anovulation is eliminated, the cycle returns to the usual two-phase rhythm.

It is reliably known that even in the absence of obvious reasons, single (1-3 times annually) menstrual cycles without ovulation occur annually in completely healthy women who have overcome the 30-year mark. The closer a woman's age approaches menopause, the more often she experiences irregular ovulation.

Accurate determination of ovulation without certain tests and laboratory research almost impossible.

Conventionally, ovulation is considered the middle of the menstrual cycle. However, if the cycle differs from the generally accepted physiological “norm” in duration, ovulation shifts in time. The egg may leave the follicle a little earlier or a little later. For specialists, it is not so much the time of ovulation that is important, but the usefulness of the egg that has left the follicle.

Early ovulation in a normal two-phase cycle of a single nature does not correlate with pathology. If habitual early ovulation does not affect reproductive function, it is also accepted as the individual norm. By analogy with early ovulation, late ovulation is not always associated with any dysfunction.

If the basis for the shift in ovulation time is pathological process, for example, hormonal dysfunction or infectious inflammation, a woman falls into the category of “sick” and requires medical assistance.

As a rule, ovulation is asymptomatic. However, since during this period there is a sharp change in the ratio of hormones, with careful attention to their condition, some women may notice indirect signs ovulation. These include monthly identical subjective sensations that appear approximately in the middle of the cycle.

Feelings during ovulation

Despite the individual characteristics of the menstrual cycle, most women secrete similar sensations during the period of ovulation. Most often these are:

— Transparent mucous membranes vaginal discharge. Sometimes women compare them to liquid glass. Mucous discharge during ovulation does not have an unpleasant odor, does not irritate the mucous membranes and does not contain pathological inclusions.

- Slight pain in the lower abdominal segment, sometimes in the projection of the ovulated ovary. When the egg leaves the ovary, a microhemorrhage forms at the site of the ruptured follicle. A small amount of blood getting into surrounding tissues causes minor pain. This symptom should not be confused with sharp pain associated with progressive massive hemorrhage in the ovary and pelvic cavity after rupture of a follicle, follicular cyst, or.

Mild pain may continue after ovulation. In 20% of women, weak nagging postovulatory pain is not a deviation. As a rule, in completely healthy people, the stomach pulls for a short time after ovulation, while others pathological signs No. Sometimes similar condition associated with the accomplished conception.

If a woman feels like her stomach is pulling after ovulation for more than two days, while the intensity of the pain increases, and other unusual symptoms appear (discharge, temperature, etc.), it is necessary to seek help.

— Increased size and sensitivity of the mammary glands due to their swelling.

— Exacerbation of olfactory function and minor changes in taste preferences.

- Increased libido. Since the period of ovulation is the most favorable for conception, nature stimulates the female body through intimate attraction.

Such symptoms are sometimes provoked not only by timely, but also by early or late ovulation.

The listed signs have varying degrees severity, however, some women perceive their appearance so clearly that they almost always know about the time of ovulation.

Not all women have subjective manifestations of ovulation, so determining ovulation based on them is useless. In addition, the listed manifestations are nonspecific and may appear due to other reasons.

A single absence of ovulation can also go unnoticed. However, if it acquires a systematic, chronic nature, it necessarily provokes menstrual dysfunction and.

How many days does ovulation last?

The duration of the ovulation period is limited by the time during which the egg is released from the follicle and remains viable awaiting potential fertilization. It is impossible to measure the exact duration of these processes, since it varies from cycle to cycle in the range from 16 to 32 hours, even for one woman.

It's not the duration that matters most ovulatory period, but its presence, because it is thanks to ovulation that the desired one occurs. The period of ovulation is most suitable for conception. Since an egg outside the ovary can only live for two days, it is important to determine the moment of its release from the follicle.

Knowing about the presence of ovulation is important not only for the speedy onset of the desired pregnancy, but also for preventing unwanted conception. With a regular menstrual cycle, women sometimes use a physiological contraceptive method, when they break the cycle conditionally in two, and two days before this midpoint and two days after are taken as “dangerous” days, on which, if you do not want to get pregnant, you should not enter into intimate relationships without appropriate measures. This tactic is not always effective, since the ovulation period may shift.

To independently find out about her cycle and the time of ovulation, a woman needs to use the method of measuring basal temperature or conduct express diagnostics.

The technique of monitoring fluctuations in basal temperature allows you to more reliably determine ovulation, as well as “see” both phases of the menstrual cycle. Basal is the body temperature in the morning after at least six hours of sleep. Cyclic hormonal changes, especially fluctuations in progesterone concentrations, are reflected in body temperature, so different phases cycle, and during ovulation too, it is not the same. The rectal method of basal thermometry is considered generally accepted.

Basal temperature is usually measured over several cycles and noted in a graph, which indicates the day of the cycle and the measurement result. At the end of the measurement, by connecting the marked points, you can construct a curve of the menstrual cycle. In a normal cycle, it has a pronounced biphasic pattern, and the period of ovulation is visualized as a temperature jump.

The measurement technique has several disadvantages, so its results should not be interpreted by a woman without the participation of a specialist and be the only diagnostic criterion.

Another way to independently determine the presence of ovulation is a home rapid ovulation test. The technique allows you to detect an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) in the second half (phase) of the cycle.

Indirect signs of ovulation can also be detected by gynecological examination. The fact of ovulation can be reliably established in the laboratory by studying the amount of hormones and their ratios according to the phases of the cycle. An indicator of ovulation can be an increased concentration of progesterone and LH.

Ultrasound scanning allows you to “see” ovulation, that is, not only to determine the presence of follicles in the ovarian stroma, but also to identify the phase of its development. Also during the study, the corpus luteum is visualized.

It should be clarified once again that a one-time study of the menstrual cycle does not have much informative value. To determine ovulation and assess the fullness of the menstrual cycle, you need a combination of several methods that should be used several cycles in a row.

What kind of discharge occurs during ovulation?

An indirect sign of ovulation is a change in the nature of vaginal discharge. As a rule, by the middle of the cycle, which is conventionally taken to be the period of ovulation, the discharge becomes abundant, viscous in consistency and mucous in appearance.

The epithelium lining the cervical canal contains a large number of glandular structures that secrete cervical mucus. Being quite viscous, it fills the channel in the form of a kind of “plug”, performing the function of a biological barrier. The cervical plug has many pores, their number determines the density of the mucous secretion.

The condition of cervical mucus directly depends on the hormonal function of the ovaries. During the period of ovulation, the cervix should become the most permeable for sperm so that they can ascend to the egg for subsequent fertilization. For this cervical mucus becomes less viscous and more fluid, it enters the vaginal cavity and “liquefies” normal physiological secretions. During this period, the woman notices transparent viscous discharge, reminiscent of raw egg white. Mucous discharge during ovulation indicates a good estrogen background.

Functional diagnostic tests (FDT) are based on changes in the state of cervical mucus, with the help of which a woman’s ability to conceive is determined, that is, the presence of ovulation.

The first test, or Billings method. It evaluates the degree of viscosity (distension symptom) of cervical mucus in both phases of the cycle. The mucus is removed from the cervical canal with a special tweezer-like instrument (forceps) and its extensibility is determined by diluting its “halves.”

The second test, the pupil sign, visually assesses the amount of mucus in the cervical canal. As a rule, the mucus plug, increased in volume, by the middle of the cycle modifies the external pharynx; as a result, upon examination, its opening is widened, and the mucus accumulated in the canal becomes similar to a round, shiny pupil (a positive symptom). In the following days, the amount of mucus decreases, as a result, the cervix looks “dry” (negative symptom).

Infrequently, during the period of ovulation, minor (spotting) spotting appears, which is not a pathology in the absence of other alarming symptoms. However, if bleeding accompanies every ovulation, there is a high probability of hormonal imbalance.

Ovulation stimulation

If the menstrual cycle has relatively constant subjective parameters and is not accompanied by pronounced disturbances, the woman, of course, has no idea about the amount of hormones and in what rhythm her ovaries secrete, and therefore does not know about the presence or absence of ovulation. As a rule, she has to think about the usefulness of her cycle when long absence desired pregnancy, or in case of menstrual irregularities, For example, .

Since pregnancy is simply impossible outside the ovulatory cycle, restoring the ovulation mechanism is the main goal in infertility therapy.

There are many reasons for anovulation, most often its origins are endocrine rather than gynecological ailments. There is a direct relationship between the number of anovulatory cycles and the severity of the causes that provoke it. Episodic cycles without ovulation are observed against the background of pronounced psycho-emotional experiences, infectious inflammation, and a sharp change in the climatic environment. We can say that the body "turns off" ovulation intentionally to avoid potential conception in unfavorable conditions. After the “harmful” effects on the female body are eliminated, the menstrual cycle returns to its origins without external intervention.

If the absence of ovulation is repeated from cycle to cycle, it is considered as chronic pathology and requires detailed research. The chronic anovulatory cycle is often based on pathologies thyroid gland, increased secretion of FSH and decreased estradiol levels, sexual infantilism, exhaustion,.

Chronic anovulatory cycles are always accompanied by hormonal dysfunction. To return ovulation, at the first stage of therapy it is necessary to recreate the correct menstrual rhythm and its two-phase pattern.

It should be noted that the restoration of a two-phase rhythmic cycle is not always accompanied by ovulation and returns the woman’s ability to reproduce. Therefore, the next stage is often necessary - stimulation of ovulation. The technique is based on artificial stimulation of follicle growth and maturation; its goal is the development of one “adult” egg.

To induce ovulation the following are used:

- Clomiphene. A nonsteroidal synthetic estrogen that affects the ovaries indirectly through stimulation of the pituitary-hypothalamic structures. The regimen and dosage are selected according to the specific clinical situation.

— Drugs of the gonadotropin group, which are selected for resistance to Clomiphene. For the growth and maturation of the follicle, FSH is first prescribed, and then the process of ovulation is stimulated with the help of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

The results of hormone therapy are monitored by ultrasound and hormonal laboratory tests.

Women planning a pregnancy or, conversely, avoiding conception need to understand the physiology of the ovulation process and its signs.

About ovulation

Ovulation is the period during which a woman's body is ready to conceive a child. At this time, an egg is released from the ovarian follicle. Normally, this period occurs systematically every 20-40 days. During pregnancy, pathologies of the pelvic organs and menopause, ovulation is absent.

The best time to conceive is the days before ovulation occurs and a few days after it. This favorable period is called the fertile phase.


Sometimes it happens that in one cycle 2 ovulations occur at once. This happens due to the non-simultaneous functioning of the ovaries, the difference in the release of the egg between them is several days.

There have been only a couple of cases of double pregnancy due to this anomaly in the world. In most cases, such ovulation is practically asymptomatic, and the woman is not even aware of it, since it is unremarkable (abdominal pain, breast swelling and increased discharge).

It rarely happens that ovulation alternates in different ovaries. Nature arranges it in such a way that hormones regulate this process. Thanks to it, each ovary will perform an ovulatory function in due time.


Many women have heard about this phenomenon. But its presence does not mean at all that there are any disorders or abnormalities in the body. Late ovulation may be a consequence of:

  1. emotional overstrain. This factor includes stress, climate or time zone changes, and flights.
  2. infection affecting a woman's reproductive organs.
  3. hormonal imbalance.
  4. approaching menopause (usually at age 40 or more).
  5. gynecological pathologies of the pelvic organs.
  6. recent abortion or childbirth. After an abortion, ovulation may be delayed by 2-3 months, and as a result, the birth of a child may be delayed for up to 1 year.

You can determine late ovulation:

  • according to the test (the main condition for an accurate test result is the absence of urination for 4 hours and moderate drinking during this period);
  • donating blood to check hormone levels;
  • having undergone an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

To eliminate this problem, doctors most often prescribe to women hormonal drugs and healthy lifestyle.

Lack of ovulation

Normally, a woman can have three cycles in a year without ovulation. But sometimes it doesn’t come at all. The reasons for its absence may be:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • premenopausal period;
  • abrupt termination of taking hormonal drugs;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • climate change;
  • intensive sports activities;
  • emotional turmoil;
  • losing weight or gaining excess weight.

But in the absence of ovulation, it is better not to let the situation take its course, but to immediately seek advice from a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Because this violation may cause infertility in the future.


Ovulation in all women is accompanied by a different set of symptoms. But the main signs are as follows:

  1. Change in consistency of discharge. They become more watery and are removed with double force.
  2. Increasing a woman's libido. This factor is explained by the physiological need for fertilization, inherent at the gene level.
  3. Increase or decrease in body temperature. These changes during ovulation are not too serious and amount to only a couple of tenths of a degree. By changing basal temperature, the level of progesterone necessary for conception increases.
  4. Softening, lifting and opening of the cervix.
  5. Breast pain and tenderness.
  6. Pain in the lower abdomen from one ovary, which can last for several days.
  7. Increased levels of luteinizing hormone.

The nature of the symptoms depends solely on the characteristics of the female body.

First signs

The very first symptoms of ovulation are increased discharge from the vagina, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and changes in body temperature. If in a woman’s body there is hormonal disbalance or other disorders, these signs do not appear.

This process can be affected stressful situation, systemic diseases, pathologies of the pelvic organs and tumor neoplasms.

In the absence of the first signs, a woman experiences a disruption of her menstrual cycle with anovulation. Also, such changes in the body may indicate infertility. To determine the exact cause of the disorder, you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will find out why a woman has no signs of ovulation and tell her what to do.


A few days before ovulation, a woman may feel some signs that it is approaching. They may be as follows:

  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • migraine;
  • increased emotionality;
  • the appearance of additional energy;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • poor health (excessive fatigue, nausea, etc.);
  • change in the intensity of discharge (bloody discharge is possible);
  • enhanced sense of smell, vision and taste.

Doctors say that ovulation occurs individually for each woman. For expressiveness various signs The approach of this process is influenced by a person’s lifestyle. With poor nutrition, bad habits and lack of exercise, a woman may feel pain and general malaise much more strongly than a woman who monitors her health, diet and physical activity.

Before ovulation

Signs of ovulation, which appear immediately before its onset, allow a woman to plan pregnancy or contraceptive methods. They are already more pronounced and resemble the physiological process itself.

  1. Unilateral pain in the lower abdomen and back.
  2. Increased sensitivity and pain in the chest area.
  3. Change in the consistency of vaginal discharge (resembles egg white).
  4. Increased fatigue and emotionality.
  5. An increase in body temperature due to a hormonal surge. After ovulation, hyperthermia goes away.
  6. Increased libido.
  7. Softening and dilation of the cervix.

Also, a woman begins to sense taste and smell more acutely due to an increase in progesterone levels. In some cases there may be increased gas formation and bloating.


You can determine that ovulation is taking place using a test or by calculating the date on the calendar. Other symptoms of the end of this period are:

  • complete absence of discharge or change in its consistency to very thick;
  • disappearance of pain in the lower abdomen and chest area;
  • body temperature still remains elevated for some time;
  • absence of skin rashes, which often accompany a woman during this period.

Signs may vary depending on age and other characteristics of the female body.

Discharge during ovulation

A woman needs discharge or cervical mucus to effectively conceive. In this environment, sperm can survive for about 72 hours and reach the egg much faster.

A woman’s body is designed in such a way that not only pathologies and dysfunctions of the reproductive system, but also the approach of ovulation can be determined from the secretions. Immediately after menstruation, vaginal mucus is almost completely absent. In the middle of the cycle, the discharge intensifies and has a watery consistency, which thickens as ovulation approaches.

On the day the period favorable for conception begins, the discharge resembles viscous and sticky mucus mixed with lumps. On the final day of the process, they become less dense and may have pink, yellow, brown or white streaks. Sometimes female discharge contain blood clots.

Discharge is the main sign of ovulation in a woman. Their absence may be due to emotional background or a malfunction of the reproductive system.

Bloody issues

Many women are scared this sign the arrival of ovulation. They mistakenly associate it with implantation bleeding. In fact, blood in the discharge appears after the rupture of the follicle with a mature egg.

But if such spotting continues for more than a week and becomes more intense, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Other signs of ovulation

Discharge is not the only sign of ovulation in a woman. Pain in the chest also often accompanies this period. The mammary glands swell and give off on palpation severe pain. This symptom is usually observed in the middle of the cycle.

Pain in the breast area occurs under the influence of progesterone and estrogen and for many representatives of the fair sex is a sign of the ideal moment to conceive a child.

The most accurate way to recognize the release of an egg from the ovary is by examination by a gynecologist, who can determine the presence of ovulation and its phase based on the condition of the cervix.


Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs will allow you to more accurately determine the phase of ovulation. Many women this procedure helps to create a personal calendar indicating the ideal days for conceiving a baby.

On ultrasound, ovulation is determined as follows:

  • dilatation of the cervix;
  • enlargement of the follicle with the egg;
  • the presence of a corpus luteum at the location of the follicular fluid.

If such an important physiological process has not occurred, then the follicle does not burst.

How to independently calculate the ovulation period?

Know the period own ovulation necessary not only for women trying to get pregnant, but also for those who are carefully trying to avoid pregnancy.

  1. The first and most in a simple way To identify the permissible period for conception is to measure temperature. Right before this process, body hyperthermia (37 degrees and above) is observed.
  2. If the main method turns out to be uninformative, then you should try special devices. These are sold in almost every pharmacy and are similar to pregnancy test strips.
  3. Maintaining a calendar. This technique Although it will take a lot of time, it will allow you to accurately calculate the most suitable dates for conception.
  4. Monitoring the amount and consistency of discharge.
  5. Ultrasound. But this method Suitable for those women who, for some reason, have not ovulated for a long time.

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary. As a rule, the egg matures every month, but there are cases when more than one ovulation occurs during one menstrual cycle. There are also anovulatory cycles. If this happens several times a year, then this is considered normal. If the maturation and release of the egg from the ovary does not occur within 2-3 cycles, this may indicate the presence of a very serious pathologies.

Ovulation usually occurs 12-14 days before the start of menstruation. If the cycle is regular and its duration is 26-29 days, then the maturation of the egg occurs just in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Using the calendar method, you can calculate the expected onset of ovulation. It can be more accurately determined only with the help of special tests and a medical examination, as well as by analyzing your own feelings.

Calculating ovulation is not a reliable method of contraception, but it can help increase the chances of conceiving if a woman is really interested in getting pregnant.

How to diagnose the onset of ovulation

There are a number of signs that can be used to diagnose the release of an egg from the ovaries. As a rule, at this time women note an intensification of sexual desire. 1-2 days before ovulation, the nature of vaginal discharge changes. Experts assure that during this period, vaginal mucus becomes more viscous, and its quantity also increases.

Some women note an increase in breast sensitivity and the appearance painful sensations in this area. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen may also appear. Such symptoms are often observed in the middle of the cycle. They may indirectly indicate the onset of ovulation.

You can more accurately determine the time of release of the egg from the ovary by measuring your basal temperature daily. This method is quite reliable. In this case, measurements must be taken every morning without getting out of bed. During ovulation, there is a sharp rise in basal temperature. If fertilization does not occur, the temperature begins to gradually decrease after a few days.

Many women find it convenient to determine ovulation using special tests. They can be bought at the pharmacy. The principle of their operation is similar to the principle of operation of tests for. The indicator strip reacts to the presence of specific hormones in the urine, which the body begins to produce during ovulation.

The most accurate method is to determine the release of an egg from the ovary using ultrasound, as well as special tests. In order not to miss the moment of ovulation, you need to get tested every 2-3 days.