What does the average length of the menstrual cycle mean? When and why the cycle is broken. Bloody discharge between periods

Menstruation accompanies a woman most of her life. A regular monthly cycle is key women's health. For girls who have recently encountered this process, there is a lot of secret, hidden, unknown. What is a monthly cycle - how to calculate its duration, what day to start from, how long does each phase last?

Girls begin menstruation on average between 14 and 16 years of age. Due to individual characteristics and in the presence of pathologies, menstruation appears at a later time. early age- from 9 years old, and later - 17-18 years old. Doctors call normal cycle women duration 28 days. But under constant influence unfavorable factors An upward deviation of 4 days is allowed. Therefore, a cycle of 32 days is normal.

What does a woman's menstrual cycle mean? A sequence of events that constantly repeats itself. Manages the process in female body hormonal background. The entire cycle is divided into 4 parts, but conventionally it is usually divided into 2.

Follicular phase

Under the guidance of the brain - the pituitary gland and with the help of the central nervous system The ovaries produce sex hormones. In the first phase, estrogen predominates. It is responsible for the formation of follicles and the development of eggs in them. Initially appears in the ovaries a large number of follicles. Within a week, a dominant one appears and an egg develops in it. In parallel with this process, the structure of the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium, changes. How to count the follicular phase at home? There is a calendar method for this. The calculation is very simple. Add the number of days or look at the calendar. The calendar method is used as the basis for the online calculator. You don’t even have to bother yourself with counting, just enter the date the cycle started and ended. In 12-14 days, the development and preparation process is completed. The next phase begins in the body.


It is generally accepted that ovulation is healthy body women occurs from 12 to 16 days of the cycle. Perfect option with duration menstrual cycle 28 days – 14 day. With a duration of 32 days - 16 days. At this moment, hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body. Estrogen levels decrease, progesterone levels increase. Sudden jump leads to rupture of the follicle. The egg comes out in search of sperm. This phase lasts no more than 2 days for a woman.

Luteal phase

Immediately after ovulation, progesterone remains in the predominant majority. Under its influence, the egg continues to develop. The structure of the endometrial layer changes. It becomes loose so that the fertilized egg can quickly gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. After fertilization, the egg develops autonomously. After 7–10 days, it begins to move through the tubes into the uterine cavity. Implantation occurs. From this moment the pregnancy is considered completed. If fertilization does not occur, 10 days after ovulation the body begins to prepare for menstruation. The uterus uses sedentary muscles. It makes intense contractions and tries to tear away the endometrium. After a few more days, the final phase of this cycle begins, and it is also the beginning of the next one.

Desquamation phase

Nothing more than menstruation. Under the influence of hormones, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, blood vessels dilate, and stagnant blood exits through the uterus. At this time, the endometrial layer is shed, menstrual flow it looks like clots. Menstruation in women lasts from 3 to 5 days. All deviations up and down are deviations. The beginning of menstruation is a renewal phase. Restoration, transformation. The uterus is cleared of the previous layer of endometrium, ejects the unfertilized egg and is already preparing for a repeat process all over again. This ends the current menstrual cycle and begins the next one.

Typical house cycle calculation

How to calculate the duration of your menstrual cycle is a method usually used by women who use natural method prevention unwanted pregnancy. How can a woman carry out a regular calculation of her house using the calendar method?

From the beginning of menstruation, mother, sister, friend, doctors recommend having a regular calendar and marking the start and end dates of menstruation. They should be used to guide the usual calculation of duration. The start date of the previous menstruation is considered the first day of the cycle. The date of the next menstruation is its end. For example, menstruation began on September 22, the next one began on October 24. Then the duration of the menstrual cycle is 32 days.

The usual calculation of a woman's menstrual cycle becomes more complicated irregular cycle. After all, for many women, menstruation does not come on time. Then the gynecological count is averaged. Data will be required for at least 6 months, and better year. Then add up the duration of all cycles and divide by the number of months. For example, 28+32+27+33+28+40 = 188 days. Divide the number by 6 months, the average length of the menstrual cycle is 31 days.

The calendar method allows you to obtain the total duration of a woman’s entire cycle. To find out how long each phase lasts, you should use another calculation method - measuring basal temperature. It is often used in gynecological practice.

Calculation of each phase of the house cycle

Based on basal temperature readings, you can determine the phase of the cycle. For the most part, women are interested in the moment of ovulation. After all, only a week before it begins and 2 days after ovulation is considered a favorable period for conception. Basal temperature is used to initiate pregnancy and to prevent it. You can determine when your period will start.

After ovulation, no more than 6 days pass before the next period begins. Changing this rule is considered a deviation.

Basal temperature is measured by a woman in the morning without getting out of bed. Used to measure mercury thermometer. Record the start date of menstruation, mark the temperature on the graph every day, and connect it with a line. To get the most full picture The duration of each phase should be measured for at least 3 months, preferably six months. It should be remembered that healthy woman 2 cycles per year without ovulation. This is how the body rests. After 35 years there are about 6 such cycles.

  1. If the basal temperature chart shows no significant delay or increase in temperature, it means there was no ovulation in the cycle.
  2. If the changes are minor, ovulation is weak.
  3. If in the second phase there is a decrease in temperature again and an increase again. The basal temperature indicator remains at 37 degrees - egg implantation has occurred, a pregnancy test should be performed.

Measuring basal temperature will allow you to determine the presence of pregnancy even before the test shows it. In addition, whereas the gynecological calculation gives only an average value. The basis is ovulation in the middle of the cycle. Although in fact it can occur on any day of the cycle, even when menstruation occurs. Hence the deviation of the gynecological pregnancy period from the present one by 1–2 weeks in one direction or the other. Exact date ovulation allows you to determine the real date of birth.

Discharge in each phase of the menstrual cycle

You can determine which phase lasts by looking at the vaginal discharge. We'll have to keep an eye on them for a few months. Then the woman will know exactly when and what happens in her body:

  1. In the first phase, the discharge is scanty, practically absent. Odorless, transparent or .
  2. During ovulation, a change in consistency and quantity occurs. The discharge becomes more abundant. Transparent, viscous. Remind egg white. Sometimes blood particles are present. Discharges acquire pink tint or smear it with brown.
  3. In the second phase they remain abundant. There is a change again. The color is white, the consistency is thick.
  4. Before menstruation, the discharge becomes a little less. A brown tint appears. When calculating the duration of the menstrual cycle, days from brown daub are not taken into account. If they are followed by full periods.
  5. During pregnancy, the discharge remains thick and the amount increases.

The normal monthly cycle is the same every month. However, due to the fact that a woman’s body is influenced by many internal and external factors, deadlines change. For example, ovulation does not occur in the middle of the cycle, periods are late or start earlier.

Factors influencing the length of the menstrual cycle

Not always guilty of cycle disruption gynecological diseases. The failure occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Can affect hormone levels various factors, including gynecological diseases. For example:

  • climate change;
  • physical exercise;
  • nervous system disorder;
  • illnesses with fever;
  • viral disease;
  • thrush;
  • medicines;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • cervical erosion;
  • endometriosis;
  • endometritis;
  • change in a woman's weight;
  • bad habits;
  • nutrition.

If the cycle is irregular, to count it average duration All these factors should be taken into account. If a woman underwent treatment and there were serious psychological stresses, such a cycle should not be taken into account in the calculations.

All calculation methods monthly cycle can be done at home. If desired, use an online calculator on the Internet. Every woman should know the length of her cycle. Well-being depends on its regularity future pregnancy. After all, sooner or later every woman will think about a child. Constant delay menstrual cycle indicates the presence of problems in women's health. You should seek help from specialists. IN in some cases to be passed hormone therapy. An irregular menstrual cycle is allowed only at the beginning of its formation, 2 years after the start of the first menstruation.

A normal, regular cycle, ordered by time and duration, is like arterial pressure, as an excellent indicator of cholesterol, is a major factor in women's health. Guarantor of her reproductive ability, the cycle demonstrates that internal organs function perfectly, a balanced work is underway to cleanse the entire body of toxins and other elements of decay.

That is why it is necessary to know very accurately the frequency and duration of menstruation. To do this, the woman keeps a calendar of the beginning and end of the cycle. To know the exact period of the cycle, you need to monitor the body for at least 4-6 months and only after this period draw any conclusions.

The average cycle period is 28 days. This is absolutely not an indicator of the norm. Everything happens individually for each woman. And a cycle of 35 days or two weeks is the same if it arrives without delay and passes without complications.

It is worth knowing some factors of change female cycle, which do not depend on the state of health and do not cause harm.

1. Change of seasons. Over the course of a calendar year, the cycle behaves differently in winter and summer and can shift during the year by up to whole week. By the way, in extreme heat and in severe frost, menstruation may behave somewhat “inappropriately” - stop or, conversely, be profuse.

2. Abrupt change climatic latitude, for example, a trip to tropical resorts in winter - the body is in a stressful situation, it urgently needs to be rebuilt, and the cycle is in solidarity with the body.

3. Diet. Fatty, spicy, cholesterol-rich foods can speed up the onset of menstruation. Tight often leads to lateness, delay (actual sudden weight loss can completely cause the non-appearance of menstruation).

4. Stressful situations, physical or mental increased load within a month.

What should a woman be wary of in her cycle? These are sudden, unreasonable leaps, different duration(if this is not the first year of the formation of the cycle or the period of menopause). Constant discomfort, sharp aching, persistent pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation. The duration of menstruation is more than 10 days. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor. And first of all, the specialist will ask about the duration of the cycle; with this information, he will more accurately and quickly make a diagnosis.

Everyone knows that the menstrual cycle in women is a sign of health. But not everyone understands what its purpose is. You should not perceive menstruation as some kind of unpleasant anomaly - this is the key to fertility (the ability to conceive). Isn’t this the highest happiness of a woman?

Simply put, menstruation is regular. bloody issues from the vagina. But that's just external sign menstruation, and there is a whole series of changes that occur during this period inside the reproductive system (ovaries, uterus, vagina). In general, the body is adjusted to conception. The cerebral cortex and ovaries secrete special hormones that increase the possibility of becoming pregnant. If the egg is not fertilized, then after a while a new menstrual cycle begins.

Independent calculations

So that there are no surprises in the form unplanned pregnancy, you need to keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle, where you will mark the beginning and end of your critical days. This should be done to identify the delay or, conversely, to choose the most favorable time for conception.

Once you decide to keep a calendar, it will be easy for you to calculate your menstrual cycle. The first day is the day the menstruation begins, and the last day is the day before the next menstruation. You can contact a gynecologist who constantly monitors you and is familiar with the characteristics of your body, so that he can help you calculate your cycle, first marking the beginning of menstruation on a calendar for several months

Calculate without dangerous days menstrual cycle can be done using basal temperature, which is measured in the rectum. The manipulation should be carried out immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, at rest. To do this, place the thermometer on the bedside table the day before.

If the temperature in the rectum is not higher than 37 o C, then the day can be considered safe. If it drops and then rises sharply, this indicates approaching ovulation. Girls who dream of becoming pregnant are advised to actively engage in sex during this period, and those who want to delay motherhood need to take extra precautions.

If you take hormones, the menstrual cycle is more stable, the basal temperature remains at the same level and there is no point in measuring it.

Phase separation

Experts distinguish three phases of the menstrual cycle, each of which is dominated by its own hormone. This hormone influences the processes accompanying changes in reproductive system.

The following phases are distinguished:

  1. Follicular.
  2. Ovulatory.
  3. Corpus luteum phase (luteal).

Start first phase The menstrual cycle coincides with the beginning of menstrual periods. At this time, the pituitary gland actively secretes follicle-stimulating hormone, which provokes an enlargement of the endometrium. Also, thanks to this hormone, it matures dominant follicle in the ovaries.

5-7 days after the start of the first phase, second . The follicle in the ovary grows even more, and the amount of estradiol reaches a maximum. Ovulation lasts approximately three days. It is during this period that the release of luteinizing hormone begins.

Elevated LH concentrations mark the onset of third phase menstrual cycle, which promotes the release of a mature egg. The burst follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, which entails an increase in blood circulation in the endometrium. This is the most suitable moment for conception. If there is no pregnancy, a new cycle begins after a couple of weeks.

What is considered normal

To understand how to correctly count menstrual cycles, you must first clarify what it is. Many women perceive cyclicality as a simple break between critical days, counting from last day. But the beginning of the menstrual cycle, as mentioned above, is counted from the first day when you started bleeding. The circle is completed with the last day before the next menstruation.

This is the duration of the menstrual cycle, which ranges from 28 to 35 days. If you keep or are just about to start keeping a monthly calendar, consider this fact.

What else characterizes a normal menstrual cycle, besides a fixed break:

  1. Discharge of medium intensity is observed for at least 3 and no more than 7 days. If you exceed this figure, it is better to consult a gynecologist.
  2. The ideal length of the menstrual cycle for a healthy woman is exactly 4 weeks. Sometimes this figure can decrease to three or increase to five weeks. This is not considered a deviation. Too much long breaks(from 40 days) occur during menopause. Although this may be due to the lack of ovulation in a young woman. There is no need to take isolated cases into account, but if your periods have decreased to 6-7 cycles per year, it’s time to go to the doctor.
  3. During normal periods, no more than 60 ml of blood per day is lost. This figure is close to overestimated, and blood loss in excess of 80 ml per day is fraught with severe anemia and serious abnormalities in the uterus. Deviations are indicated by and (less than 20 ml). Read more about the causes of scanty periods

In a healthy woman critical days about 16 mg of iron is consumed. Exceeding this norm can make itself felt in the form of paleness to blue around the lips and wings of the nose, dry skin, general weakness and nausea during menstruation. When you find yourself similar symptoms You need to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible and follow all his instructions. IN otherwise anemia will develop. In addition, it is protracted and painful periods that signal endometriosis, which often leads to infertility.

Menstrual cycle calendar... Every woman has heard about it, but not every woman uses it. Banal laziness is sometimes stronger than us. But progress does not stand still and there is no need to scribble with a pen on a paper calendar. Since you have come to our website, then right now you have the opportunity to calculate the menstrual cycle calendar. More precisely, you don’t have to count anything, our program will calculate it. All you need to do is choose the correct date of your last period and the average duration of your menstrual cycle.

So for what purpose do you need to make these calculations? Perhaps it is enough to keep in mind the date when the last bleeding began? Unfortunately, this is not enough. And now we will take a closer look at why.

1. Average duration of the menstrual cycle. This indicator plays a significant role in many situations. For example, the last period was 26 days, and the year before 40... The situation is abnormal, but may not require examination if the case is isolated. Therefore, you must always know when the disturbances began, and then this phenomenon can be associated with something and the cause can be found.

It is important to know the average duration and to determine ovulation in women with irregular bleeding. Our online menstrual cycle calendar will help you calculate this golden mean. You can choose how many months in advance you need to make calculations. Ovulation is highlighted in a bright orange color and is a single day. A green most likely days to conceive.

2. The second point smoothly follows from the first point - calculating the menstrual cycle calendar will be useful for women who are unable to get pregnant. U healthy couples pregnancy, in the absence of any contraception, occurs within 1 year. But not everyone wants to wait, perhaps a whole year! Indeed, in many cases, the process of conception is delayed due to the fact that sexual intercourse occurs on days that are inappropriate for conception, distant from ovulation. If you use an online menstrual cycle calendar, and in addition to it, measure every day basal temperature and/or do ovulation tests, you can speed up your motherhood.

The opposite option - some ladies try calendar method protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. This method effective in no more than half of the cases. The effectiveness is too low, especially in women with irregular menstruation, with too low body weight or, on the contrary, excess weight, etc. And the consequences of mistakes can be very tragic. Therefore, to determine safe days It is better to use another available method.

3. For the forgetful. What can I say, not all of us remember when our last period was. What is required of you? Enter accurate data into the menstrual cycle calendar we offer and copy the result to your computer. By calculating several cycles ahead at once, you will be able to draw some conclusions.

4. Knowing what kind of day we have after the start of our last period, we can avoid some worries and generally improve the quality of our life. Have you noticed several bloody spots on your underwear outside of menstruation and are already rushing to the doctor? But the issue may be the implantation of the egg into the wall of the uterus. This occurs approximately on the 20th day when average duration cycle. Well, look, what kind of day are you having? So maybe this is the reason? Unpleasant and even painful sensations in the uterine area can be exactly in the middle of the cycle - on the day of ovulation, and this is also normal. Don't forget about PMS. IN last week Mood swings may occur before your period, so try not to take it out on your family.

The nature of menstruation and their regularity is important indicators female reproductive health. The body reacts sensitively to any stress, so occasional deviations from the norm are possible, which are not considered pathology. However, if the disturbances are persistent, this may indicate a disease. It is convenient to mark the start and end days of menstruation on a calendar. This will allow you to find out the duration of the next cycle and not miss unusual changes. It is important to understand what processes occur between menstruation, when conception is possible, and why critical days occur more often or less frequently than usual.


Why is cycle duration calculated?

Processes in women's reproductive organs repeat every month, on average every 28 days. Thanks to individual characteristics body cycle can be shorter (up to 21 days) or extended (up to 35 days). The main indicator of health is not so much the number of days in it, but the constancy of this indicator. If a woman gets her period regularly after 5 weeks or after 3 weeks, this is normal. But if they occur either after 35-40 days, or after 20-21, and this happens repeatedly, this is already a pathology.

  1. Prepare for the onset of menstruation, take measures to ease premenstrual syndrome(plan, for example, the load during critical days).
  2. Provide for the possibility of pregnancy in the middle of the cycle, increase attention to contraception.
  3. Take into account which days will be most favorable for conception and the onset of the planned pregnancy.
  4. Notice the onset of pregnancy and approximately calculate the day of birth.
  5. Plan a preventive visit to medical specialists (gynecologist, mammologist).

Having noticed persistent irregularities in the frequency of menstruation, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time to prevent early menopause or the occurrence of diseases of the uterus and ovaries.

What processes occur during the menstrual cycle

The processes occurring in the female reproductive system are directly related to the ratio of sex hormones that are produced in the ovaries. The cycle is conventionally divided into phases: follicular, in which the maturation of the egg occurs, ovulatory and luteal - the phase of the onset and maintenance of pregnancy.

Follicular phase

The beginning is considered the first day of menstruation. Its duration is different women ranges from 7 to 22 days (the duration of this particular phase determines whether a woman’s cycle is short or long). The phase begins with menstruation - the cleansing of the uterus from the endometrial layer that formed earlier. Menstruation occurs when fertilization of the egg does not occur.

By the end of menstruation, the pituitary gland begins to produce follicle-stimulating hormone, under the influence of which several follicles (vesicles with eggs) develop in the ovaries. Of these, one stands out, the largest (dominant), which grows to approximately 20 mm in diameter. The growth of the rest stops.

During the development of follicles, estrogens are intensively released, due to which a new layer of mucous membrane (endometrium) begins to grow in the uterus.


The follicle (the so-called Graafian vesicle) that has matured along with the egg bursts on days 7-22 (on average 14) of the cycle. At the same time, the hormone lutein is released from the pituitary gland, which promotes the formation of the corpus luteum from the ruptured membrane. Its purpose is to produce progesterone, which prevents the development of new follicles. Ovulation and progesterone production usually continues for 16-48 hours.

Luteal phase

It is called the corpus luteum phase. This temporary gland functions for approximately 12 days, producing progesterone. If fertilization of the egg occurs, then corpus luteum continues to function until the placenta forms in the endometrium. If pregnancy does not occur, the gland dies and menstruation begins.

Conception is most likely in those few days when ovulation occurs and a mature egg is released. By carefully observing the changes occurring in the body for six months, a woman can roughly predict when the “dangerous” days will come. The total duration of the luteal phase is 13-14 days and is practically unchanged.

Video: How to calculate the duration of menstruation and determine ovulation. Cycle phases

Causes of menstrual irregularities

In addition to fluctuations in the timing of menstruation, menstrual disorders also include the duration of menstruation less than 3 or more than 7 days, changes in the intensity of blood discharge (less than 40 ml or more than 80 ml for all days), lack of ovulation.

The causes of violations may be:

  1. Diseases of reproductive and endocrine organs. You need to know how to count your menstrual cycle so as not to miss the onset of the disease.
  2. Hormonal changes during natural age-related changes(maturing period, menopause). IN puberty The maturation of the ovaries is just beginning, so in the first 2 years, girls’ periods may be delayed by 2-6 months. Often, ovarian maturation is completed only during the first pregnancy. For many women, the cycle stabilizes after childbirth.
  3. Physiological processes during the period of recovery of the body after pregnancy and childbirth, during lactation.
  4. Violations hormonal levels after an abortion.
  5. Hormone imbalance caused by stress, medications, sudden weight loss or weight gain.

How older woman, those more likely occurrence of violations, as they accumulate possible reasons(number of births, abortions, consequences of gynecological and other diseases), the body ages.

Why does the cycle lengthen?

The reason for the increase in cycle length may be the lack of ovulation due to inadequate development of follicles. In this case, the corpus luteum does not form and progesterone levels do not increase. Under such conditions, under the influence of estrogens, the endometrium continues to grow until it begins to break down mechanically. In this case, the onset of menstruation is significantly delayed.

Another reason for the lengthening of the cycle may be the existence of the corpus luteum for too long after pregnancy has not occurred. This anomaly is determined using ultrasound.

Addition: The opposite situation is also possible. A woman experiences a delay in her period due to the onset of pregnancy, but when she comes to be checked by a gynecologist, it turns out that there is no corpus luteum in the ovaries, although it should be there and provide nutrition to the embryo. This indicates a threat of miscarriage. Required special treatment hormones.

Reasons for shortening the cycle

The cycle is shortened due to the fact that the corpus luteum dies earlier than usual, or follicle maturation and ovulation occur faster.

Often, deviations in cycle duration are the body’s response to the occurrence of extreme conditions life, when for health reasons or due to severe life situation gestation healthy offspring impossible. For example, during the war, women lost their periods altogether.

Video: Duration of the menstrual cycle. Reasons for deviations

How is cycle time calculated?

The countdown starts from the first day of menstruation. And it ends on the last day before the next menstruation. How to correctly calculate the menstrual cycle, taking into account the different number of days in each month, can be seen in examples.

Example 1. The woman had her previous menstruation on March 5, and the next one came on April 2. The duration of the cycle is 27 (the number of days starting from March 5 and ending on March 31) + 1 day (April 1) = 28 days.

Example 2. The previous menstruation was on September 16, the next one on October 14. The duration of the cycle is: 15 (from September 16 to 30) + 13 (in October) = 28 days.

Example 3. The previous menstruation was on February 10 (it was a leap year), and the next one came on March 6. The cycle is equal to: 20 (from February 10 to February 29) + 5 (in March) = 25 days.

Single deviations should not cause alarm; they can be considered the norm. But when long-term violations You need to undergo an examination to find out the reason.