Polydipsia is increased thirst in dogs. Polydipsia in dogs - excessive consumption of water by an animal

The need for water is a physiological sensation and is called thirst. Arises this phenomenon as a result of many factors, and some of them may be a sign of the development of a pathological picture of a health condition. Thirst in dogs is the norm during the hot season, after active physical exercise, or during the period of feeding puppies.

Polydipsia – increased need in the absorption of large quantities of water, exceeding the total amount of liquid per day. Overwhelming majority clinical cases in which the animal absorbs water abundantly is associated with the development of various pathological processes in the pet's body. Therefore, the owner’s task is to control the amount of water consumed by the animal and timely appeal To veterinarian for advice.

For example, animals fed dry food should consume large quantity water than pets, whose diet consists of natural products. In order to know exactly when an animal has an increased need for drinking water, it is necessary to calculate consumption rates that correspond to individual characteristics.

On average, the amount of water is calculated at the rate of 60-100 ml per 1 kg of pet weight per day. Yes, dogs large breeds can drink up to 3-4 liters a day and feel great. Pets weighing up to 4 kg should drink at least 0.5 liters per day to avoid dehydration.

Polydipsia is a symptom in which the body feels an unnaturally strong desire to consume fluids. The appearance of polydipsia is based on increased activity of a certain center located in the brain.

There are primary and secondary forms of thirst. Primary develops as a result of activation of a center in the brain (sometimes due to mental disorders). The secondary type of thirst occurs after a change quality composition blood circulating throughout the body.

In any case, a prolonged and severe course of polydipsia leads to serious violations in the animal’s body, causing disturbances in water and electrolyte balance. Polydipsia can provoke ascites, edema, disruption of the renal structures, and convulsive phenomena.

Increased thirst in a dog can be caused by natural causes and occurs as a result of active physical activity, in the hot season, at elevated indoor temperatures in winter. Also, the cause of thirst in a pet may be the presence in the diet of foods that have a diuretic effect, and causes a deficiency of fluid in the body. The reasons for natural increased thirst lie in excessive consumption of protein foods by animals, ingestion medications with diuretic properties and glucocorticosteroid substances, stressful situations.

Primary thirst is not caused by physiological stimuli and is psychogenic. In any other cases, thirst is secondary and may arise as a result of the reasons described above or pathological conditions body. The causes of secondary thirst, indicating a disruption in the functioning of the body, are:

  1. Processes of an oncological nature - in addition to increased desire drink, the animal feels weak, a repulsive odor arises from oral cavity, weight loss. The pet may be suffering from disorders digestive system manifested in the form of diarrhea and eruption of gastric contents.
  2. Diabetes mellitus is the main cause of pathological thirst in dogs. When diabetes mellitus develops in an animal, in addition to polydipsia, symptoms such as rapid obesity, loss of vision, large amounts of urine production, and eruption of gastric contents occur.
  3. Liver diseases - inflammatory processes in the liver structures, such as hepatitis or cholangitis, provoke an increase in the body's need for water. In addition to polydipsia, the dog develops jaundice, urine becomes dark color, the frequency of urination increases, ascites develops.
  4. Diseases of the kidney structures - with the development of inflammatory processes in the filtering paired organ the animal has a need to consume fluid. Along with polydipsia, urinary incontinence manifests itself, blood fractions in the excreted portion of urine, admixtures of pus or mucus in the urine, painful sensations when urinating.
  5. Intoxication - manifested by a large number of symptoms, including increased thirst. Poisoning of a dog’s body can occur for a number of reasons, but is always accompanied by the urge to vomit, indigestion, general weakness and malaise. Serious poisonings lead to increased temperature indicators body, convulsions, hypersalivation, changes in the shade of visible mucous membranes.
  6. Pyometra is an inflammatory process that develops in the uterine cavity, accompanied by thirst in the female, increased general temperature body, apathy, stool disorder, painful sensations in the lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting.
  7. Excessive calcium content in food - hypercalcemia is more often diagnosed in young dogs and puppies when increased content calcium in the body. In addition to increased thirst, there is a lack of appetite, developmental disorders, and deformation of bone tissue.
  8. Infectious diseases are always accompanied by an increase in body temperature and, as a consequence, polydipsia. Depending on the type viral infection symptoms may vary. The most commonly observed symptoms are weakness, stool disorders, nausea and eruption of gastric contents.

Treatment of polydipsia directly depends on the cause that caused it. So, helping a pet who has suffered a heatstroke in the hot season is to provide a cool room and wrap it in a damp cloth. If the animal experiences thirst after taking medications that contain alcohol, then it is necessary to contact a veterinarian to change the drug.

With increased thirst, it is important to adjust the animal’s diet. If the pet receives food from the table, especially spicy or salty, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that provokes thirst and give specially selected food.

Thirst that persists in a dog long time, requires close attention from a veterinarian. In conditions veterinary clinic the necessary diagnostic studies, allowing you to establish the exact cause of polydipsia. The doctor must rule out such dangerous diseases as diabetes mellitus, renal dysfunction, and hyperadrenocorticism. For this purpose, blood is drawn for biochemistry. After receiving the data, the doctor will be able to draw up individual scheme treatment for the animal, based on the needs and characteristics of the body.

It is possible to prevent the development of severe thirst provoked by dangerous diseases. To do this, you need to carefully monitor the dog’s health, adhering to the rules of keeping. It is forbidden to give animals food from the human table, since the abundance of fat, salt and spices can cause not only severe thirst, but also the onset of serious illnesses digestive system.

In addition, an important point in the prevention of polydipsia is diagnostic examinations by a veterinary specialist once every 6 months. This allows you to monitor the health of the animal, promptly detecting the development dangerous diseases, including cancerous tumors.

The very concept of “diabetes” means “diabetes”. In diabetes, polyuria and polydipsia are always present. Polydipsia is a consequence of polyuria. At diabetes mellitus will high level glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia), glucose in the urine (glucosuria). In diabetes insipidus, there is no hyperglycemia and glycosuria. Diabetes insipidus is much less common. Its diagnosis and treatment are more difficult. Diabetes insipidus may be central genesis or nephrogenic. Central diabetes insipidus is associated with decreased production of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) due to pituitary tumors. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is more often a consequence of metabolic disorders, primary nephrogenic diabetes as congenital pathology kidney is extremely rare.

Polyuria and polydipsia can also be a symptom of chronic renal failure. There are three stages in the development of chronic renal failure: latent, polyuric and anuric (oliguric). The polyuric stage is characterized by increased diuresis, increased thirst and unconcentrated urine (urine is almost clear, odorless). These symptoms should alert you. Chronic renal failure occurs more often in older animals, but can also occur congenital anomalies And breed predisposition to them.

Pyometra - inflammatory disease uterus, characterized by the accumulation of pus in its cavity. In this case, there may be no discharge from the loop (often the cervix is ​​closed and prevents the release of pus out). The dog usually becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, and may have an elevated body temperature. Polyuria with pyometra is associated with kidney damage from endotoxins from E. coli bacteria, which often “live” in the affected uterus.

Cushing's syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism) – hormonal disease related to increased work adrenal glands and cortisol production. Exist different kinds and the mechanisms of development of hyperadrenocorticism is a rather complex and extensive topic. It must be remembered that one of the leading symptoms is polyuria and polydipsia (occurs in 90% of sick dogs), also often: saggy belly, baldness, enlarged liver.

Addison's disease (hypoadrenocorticism) is a hormonal disease associated with suppression of the adrenal glands, and as a result, reduced production of cortisol and aldosterone, and often sex hormones. Polyuria occurs as a secondary phenomenon due to a lack of aldosterone (a hormone that retains sodium ions and water in the bloodstream). Symptoms also include weakness, loss of appetite, and slow heartbeat.

Let's summarize. If you notice polyuria in your dog, you should consult a doctor. After a clinical examination, the doctor will prescribe blood tests (general clinical and biochemical), ultrasound abdominal cavity, Analysis of urine. As a rule, these studies are sufficient to make a diagnosis: diabetes mellitus, pyometra, chronic renal failure. If you suspect endocrine diseases Depending on the symptoms, additional studies are prescribed and hormonal tests are performed.

Caring dog owners note all the changes occurring in their pets. They know how much food the animal eats at lunch and during the day, and also note the amount of liquid it drinks. Any deviation is confusing. For example, why did the dog start drinking a lot of water and constantly asking to go to the toilet? Is it normal for a dog to be thirsty or should we limit our water intake? Excessive water consumption can be caused by many reasons, let's look at them in more detail.

Water consumption rate for dogs

An animal may have a single attack of thirst, for example, when the room is too hot, the dog begins to drink heavily.

This quite acceptable , so the body tries to cool down somehow. But if the animal begins to drink excessively constantly, the owner should definitely take a closer look at associated symptoms. Perhaps the reason is pathology.

Before deciding whether your dog drinks a lot, you need to know how much he should drink. It all depends on its weight: for each kg no more than 100 ml. If a dog weighs 5–10 kg, then it should drink no more than 0.5–1.0 liters per day. It is necessary to take into account not only clean water, but also all liquid dishes if the animal is on a natural diet.

A dog up to 10 kilograms drinks no more than a liter per day.

How to measure?

Before giving water to your dog, you need to measure its volume.

To determine how much your pet drinks, you need to take measurements.

When pouring water into a bowl, first measure its volume. When feeding, they also record how many ml of liquid meals were eaten per day. The readings are summed up and after that it is only possible to conclude whether the dog drinks a lot or whether this is normal for its weight. Don't forget to measure the water as you add it throughout the day.

Why does a dog drink a lot of water?

The most simple reasons consumption excess liquid– heat indoors or outdoors, as well as great physical stress on the animal during the warm season.

When switching to dry food, the dog will need more water.

If the animal is fed over-salted food , then it will drink much more than it should. In cases where an animal is transferred from normal natural nutrition for dry food, your pet will need additional liquid. This normal phenomenon, because previously the body received not only water, but also liquid from soups, broths, and cereals. A does not contain moisture, so the bowl of water must be much larger than before or you will have to add water more often than usual.

Taking medications

In some cases, when the animal is prescribed a course of diuretics, or the pet is being treated with corticosteroids, excessive water consumption may occur.

During the period of taking medications, the dog needs more water.

This is completely normal and should not be limited. Anticonvulsant treatment also induces thirst in some animals.

The dog drinks a lot of water and goes to the toilet often

A dog may be thirsty due to an elevated temperature.

If the dog owner is convinced that the pet has no objective reasons for thirst, it is not hot outside, feeding occurs as usual and the animal has not been subjected to heavy stress and has not taken pills, the cause of thirst should be looked for in internal diseases:

  1. Any inflammatory process in the body is accompanied by an increase in temperature . You should measure the temperature and pay attention to the condition of the animal. Perhaps thirst is a consequence of the inflammatory process and elevated temperature.
  2. E If, in addition to thirst, the dog also often asks to go to the toilet to urinate , perhaps she has problems with her kidneys or urinary system. In this situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the dog’s behavior, whether urination is accompanied by pain, whether bloody discharge in urine. It is recommended to show the dog to a specialist, because kidney problems or - quite unpleasant diseases, which can even lead to the death of the animal. For example, when the urinary ducts are blocked by stones. If urine has ceased to be excreted, the animal is lethargic, but still drinks a lot - urgently go to the veterinary clinic!
  3. Do you notice that the dog began to drink a lot and eat a lot, be sure to visit a veterinarian . He will offer to undergo examination for. Unfortunately, this disease is affecting an increasing number of pets. Feeding buns, candies and other sweets leads to the progression of the disease. The dog begins to feel excessively thirsty and tries to drink a lot.
  4. Diabetes insipidus is also accompanied by water consumption. The animal begins to drink excessively, the owner does not have time to add water to the drinking bowl.
  5. Thirst,– obvious. This disease is accompanied by purulent inflammatory process in the uterus. IN in some cases the presence of cancer is possible.
  6. the animal also suffers from thirst, and the owner notices that the pet begins to drink too much water.
  7. Psychogenic polydipsia is accompanied by unprecedented thirst in the dog, the symptoms of which are difficult to miss.
  8. Sometimes spinal injury leads to the fact that the dog begins to drink water without measure. Some dog breeds are prone to back and spinal injuries. For example, if the dachshund has become sad, and its gait is uncertain and weak, it may have happened. An indirect symptom of injury is an excessive need for water and frequent urination. In addition to dachshunds, such spinal problems occur in other breeds of dogs with elongated bodies, such as basset hounds.

Additional causes of thirst

If the pet has undergone castration surgery, then an excessive need for water is a consequence hormonal changes in organism. Bitches during lactation may also experience an insatiable desire to drink water.

During lactation, dogs begin to drink water more often.

An incorrectly designed diet leads to the desire to drink water in large quantities. For example, a diet with reduced content squirrel or salted fish dishes on the menu - this is the reason why dogs start drinking water in huge doses.

Treatment and assistance for your pet

Dog food should not be salty.

How can you help your dog if he drinks too much water? Here are the basic recommendations to help novice dog breeders:

  1. Checking Dog Food for Salt . If foods are oversalted, you should change your diet and temporarily eliminate salt completely.
  2. By increasing the amount of protein foods in the menu , you can achieve a reduction in water consumption.
  3. If thirst is caused transfer to dry food , just put a large bowl of water and periodically add liquid to it.
  4. If the owner suspects the dog pyometra, you need to contact your veterinarian. He will prescribe: general and biochemical, then send the animal for an ultrasound. Depending on the results obtained, treatment will be prescribed. IN severe cases it will be surgery with removal of the uterus and ovaries. Sometimes prescribed conservative treatment. This will include antibiotic therapy as well as the use of hormonal drugs, affecting the contraction of the uterus and the removal of any contents from it.
  5. Diabetes in animals is considered incurable , but application special drugs can improve the condition and prolong the life of the pet. If your pet has diabetes, a diet will be recommended and insulin will be prescribed. The veterinarian will select the dose. It will depend on the constitutional characteristics of the dog, its physical activity. Regarding nutrition, it is best to transfer the animal to ready-made feed for diabetics. This will make it easier to control the nutrition process. Feed should be chosen only of high quality. If the doctor prescribes insulin, your pet will have to inject it at the same time every day. The doctor will select the dosage and tell you whether it is better to inject into the withers or chest. Special syringes are purchased at the pharmacy. You will also need to have on hand portable glucometer to control glucose levels. Sometimes, after taking insulin, an animal experiences an excessive drop in glucose levels, which can lead to the development of a hypoglycemic coma and can result in the death of the animal. If the level on the glucometer drops to 3 mmol/l, you should give the dog something sweet. For example, natural honey or dilute sugar in water and feed the animal with this syrup.
  6. If you have cystitis, give your dog as much water as possible. , you can brew bearberry and let your pet drink this decoction. Treatment with antibiotics is carried out in mandatory. Washing is carried out in a veterinary clinic Bladder disinfecting solutions. Suitable for this purpose: furatsilin, potassium permanganate, penicillin. At infectious process urosulfan, furadonin are prescribed, and if Pseudomonas aeruginosa is detected, gonocrine is prescribed. Cystenal helps relieve spasms and soreness. It is dripped onto sugar and given to the pet to eat.


Any change in the behavior of an animal, a change in water and food consumption, an increase in body temperature - all this alarms, to which the dog owner must respond.

You should not limit your dog's water intake.

Water consumption should not be limited in order to reduce urination and constant calls for the animal to take a walk outside. Limiting water intake may worsen your pet's condition. Only in such cases can you limit fluid intake: swelling of the pet’s paws and abdomen; , which occurs even after drinking water. But in such situations, you cannot delay going to the veterinarian.

Video about why a dog drinks a lot

Polyuria – overeducation and urine output (for dogs more than 50 ml/kg/day). As a rule, polyuria is accompanied by polydipsia - increased thirst (more than 100 ml/kg/day).

Polyuria is a symptom that accompanies these diseases in dogs:

  1. Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus
  2. Chronic renal failure
  3. Pyometra
  4. Cushing's syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism)
  5. Addison's disease (hypoadrenocorticism)

The very concept of “diabetes” means “diabetes”. In diabetes, polyuria and polydipsia are always present. Polydipsia is a consequence of polyuria. In diabetes mellitus there will be high levels of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia) and glucose in the urine (glucosuria). In diabetes insipidus, there is no hyperglycemia and glycosuria. Diabetes insipidus is much less common. Its diagnosis and treatment are more difficult. Diabetes insipidus can be of central origin or nephrogenic. Central diabetes insipidus is associated with decreased production of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) due to pituitary tumors. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is often a consequence of metabolic disorders; primary nephrogenic diabetes as a congenital kidney pathology is extremely rare.

Also, polyuria and polydipsia can be a symptom of chronic renal failure. There are three stages in the development of chronic renal failure: latent, polyuric and anuric (oliguric). The polyuric stage is characterized by increased diuresis, increased thirst and unconcentrated urine (urine is almost clear, odorless). These symptoms should alert you. Chronic renal failure occurs most often in older animals, but there may also be congenital anomalies and a breed predisposition to them.

Pyometra is an inflammatory disease of the uterus, characterized by the accumulation of pus in its cavity. In this case, there may be no discharge from the loop (often the cervix is ​​closed and prevents the release of pus out). The dog usually becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, and may have an elevated body temperature. Polyuria with pyometra is associated with kidney damage from endotoxins from E. coli bacteria, which often “live” in the affected uterus.

Cushing's syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism) is a hormonal disease associated with increased adrenal gland activity and cortisol production. There are various types and mechanisms of development of hyperadrenocorticism - this is a rather complex and extensive topic. It must be remembered that one of the leading symptoms is polyuria and polydipsia (found in 90% of sick dogs), also common: saggy belly, baldness, enlarged liver.

Addison's disease (hypoadrenocorticism) is a hormonal disease associated with suppression of the adrenal glands, and as a result, reduced production of cortisol and aldosterone, and often sex hormones. Polyuria occurs as a secondary phenomenon due to a lack of aldosterone (a hormone that retains sodium ions and water in the bloodstream). Symptoms also include weakness, loss of appetite, and slow heartbeat.

Let's summarize. If you notice polyuria in your dog, you should consult a doctor. After a clinical examination, the doctor will prescribe blood tests (general clinical and biochemical), abdominal ultrasound, and urinalysis. As a rule, these studies are sufficient to make a diagnosis: diabetes mellitus, pyometra, chronic renal failure. If endocrine diseases are suspected, depending on the symptoms, additional tests are prescribed and hormonal tests are performed.

Article prepared by doctors therapeutic department"MEDVET"
© 2015 SEC "MEDVET"

Polydipsia in dogs is a phenomenon expressed in the fact that the animal absorbs water in a huge number, significantly exceeding daily requirement body in liquid. Sometimes such a phenomenon may be due to the fact that the female is pregnant or during the feeding period, but in most cases, if she begins to drink a lot of water, this is a sign that pathogenic processes are taking place in her body. Therefore, the owner must be attentive to such a phenomenon, and if the dog’s thirst becomes completely uncontrollable, he must take him to the veterinarian for an examination. In the article we'll talk about the factors influencing why a dog drinks so much, the “background” diseases associated with this phenomenon, as well as treatment methods.

Naturally, if a dog drinks a lot of water, this is not always associated with any illnesses. Consider similar symptom it is necessary in a comprehensive manner, taking into account all the reasons that can cause abnormal thirst in an animal. There is no need to take your dog to the vet if thirst is triggered by factors such as:

  • active physical exercise to which the dog is exposed while walking;
  • the dog’s menu includes a lot of spicy and salty foods;
  • hot season, elevated temperature in the immediate place of residence of the dog;
  • the influence of pharmaceuticals prescribed to the animal;
  • treatment of dogs against helminths and fleas.

The owner must be aware that if the dog requires a lot of water to maintain normal life functions, but does not have free access to a drinking bowl, then dehydration is possible. Vivid symptoms the development of such a malicious process are:

  • rapid breathing;
  • saliva becomes viscous and thick;
  • lethargy, desire to lie in a cool, shaded place;
  • The dog's tongue becomes dry.

In advanced cases, dehydration in a dog is expressed in the fact that the pet stops getting up and vomits a lot. If he is not provided prompt assistance, then he will die. On the other hand, experts assure that if there are 1-2 symptoms and no vomiting, the problem can be dealt with at home.

Treating your dog is quite simple; give him a tablespoon of water every 10 minutes. When the condition normalizes, it is permissible to place a drinking bowl next to the animal, but make sure that it does not lean heavily on the water, this can cause vomiting and repeated dehydration. Dehydration, in the case where a puppy has been exposed to it, is best treated in a veterinary hospital, under the supervision of a veterinarian, since the risk of complications of the symptom is too great.

Diseases that cause thirst

Owners who are wondering why their dog drinks a lot of water but eats little or nothing should know that the probability of the dog having some kind of illness is about 90%. Sometimes the cause of this is the use of alcohol-based drugs, but most often the root of the problem lies at the beginning of the pathogenic processes. Uncontrolled thirst indicates that the dog has dangerous diseases, each of which will be discussed below.

Kidney diseases

With kidney dysfunction, the dog drinks a lot of water and urinates. Renal failure, expressed in acute form, can lead an animal to dehydration literally within a day. However, in an older dog who drinks a lot of fluids and goes to the toilet frequently, this symptom talking about chronic form renal failure. This point is important to consider when making a diagnosis.

With the help of active urination, in veterinary medicine this phenomenon in dogs is called polyuria, the kidneys remove waste from the body that arises during the metabolic process. In case of illness of these important organs, harmful toxins begin to accumulate in the dog’s body. That is why the pet actively drinks liquids in order to urinate frequently and thereby eliminate toxic metabolic waste. However, in reality this does not solve the problem, but only aggravates it. In advanced cases, the pathology can lead to the death of the animal.


Another big reason why your dog drinks a lot of water is diabetes. The disease occurs due to the fact that the dog’s pancreas undergoes destructive processes and ceases to produce such an important protein hormone for the body as insulin. It is with its help that carbohydrate metabolism is carried out.

Diagnosis of pathology is possible only in a veterinary clinic. The main procedure to differentiate the diagnosis is the general and biochemical tests blood. This terrible disease has no obvious symptoms; the only sign is frequent drinking of water. In older individuals, blindness is sometimes an aggravating symptom.

Cushing's disease

Veterinarians call this disease hyperadrenocorticism. Its course is due to the fact that the level of cortisol in the dog’s body increases significantly. It occurs due to injuries to the adrenal glands and pituitary gland, or the growth of abnormal tissues in them. In healthy dogs, cortisol levels are consistently low and increase only in stressful situations.

In the presence of pathology, it is intensively released into the bloodstream, leading to an increase in glucose production, causing animals to actively drink liquid. TO additional features should include: hair loss, the pet frequently urinates, apathy, as well as nocturia (the need to urinate at night).

Behavioral deviations

This includes a disease such as psychogenic polydipsia. It is formed against the background of experienced dehydration in a dog, or in a puppy who has recently stopped drinking mother's milk. The disease is difficult to treat and requires the intervention of a qualified veterinary neurologist who can develop an effective therapeutic regimen to influence a sick animal.

TO serious illnesses, against the background of which it may appear that the pet has an uncontrollable thirst, should be attributed various poisonings, urolithiasis, pyometra (inflammation of the uterus with a purulent etiology) and an ulcer in the open stage. General symptoms for all these pathological conditions is that the pet drinks a lot of water, runs around peeing profusely, vomits a lot, and is breathing heavily. Signs vary depending on the factors that triggered the disease. If thirst does not stop for 1-2 days, then your pet should be urgently taken to a doctor for examination.

Treatment of the disease

Polydipsia from heatstroke in the summer, it can be eliminated in dogs quite easily at home. It is enough to move the animal to a dark, cool place and leave it to lie there. Additionally, you can wrap your pet in a damp cloth, this will make it much easier. general state dogs.

If the owner notices that the dog has actively begun to lean on the water, then you should remember whether he took in Lately drugs containing alcohol. If there are children in the family, make sure they do not feed the dog excessively spicy or salty food. When your fears are confirmed, try to balance the animal’s diet. Give it 2-3 days special food, and the thirst will pass.

Uncontrolled fluid absorption that lasts a week requires taking it more seriously. The pet will have to be hospitalized. At the veterinary hospital, the doctor will give him all the necessary diagnostic procedures, allowing us to establish the exact pathogenesis of the phenomenon. Thus, an analysis of blood fluid can show:

  • with kidney dysfunction – high levels of urea nitrogen and creatinine;
  • in case of diabetes mellitus – glucose level exceeding the norm;
  • with hyperadrenocorticism - reduced levels of urea nitrogen and increased value serum phosphatase.

When it turns out that they have found in the blood painful changes, required additional research using ultrasound and x-rays. In some cases, the use of biopsy is justified. Based on the data obtained, the doctor will provide appropriate therapy that will allow the pet to quickly “get back on its feet.”

Finally, I would like to say that preventive measures in the case of polydipsia are quite simple. The owner should take the pet for examination to the veterinarian at least once a month, ensure that its physical activity is normalized and prevent the animal from overheating outside in the summer and at home in the winter. Extreme thirst- this is not the most dangerous symptom of all, but it should not be ignored.