How to understand that a leg is broken. What does a fracture look like on an x-ray? not accompanied by displacement

With winter comes ice. And sometimes with it comes falls and injuries. And it doesn’t seem like he hit it hard, but the bruised area soon begins to hurt. How to distinguish a bruise and sprain from a fracture and dislocation? And how can you help?

Veronica K., Petrozavodsk

Word to the surgeon

Boris Kolodkin, Moscow

– Dear Veronica, no matter what the injury, the main thing is to immobilize the injured part of the body in time. And then, depending on the severity of the injury, the surgeon will use X-rays to determine the method of treatment: massage, plaster cast or surgery (if, for example, a muscle or ligament is torn).

Sprains and bruises are less painful than fractures - with them the function of muscles, tendons, etc. is partially impaired. Within a few days, their functionality is restored. But bruises can be accompanied by more severe injuries: dislocations, fractures, damage to internal organs.


Pain, swelling or swelling, painful to the touch, increases over several hours or days; hematoma, bruise; dysfunction of movement. At the time of injury, the pain may be intense, but after a few hours it decreases.

When the skin and subcutaneous tissue are bruised, the bruise becomes visible almost immediately. With a deeper injury, the hematoma will appear externally in the form of a bruise only after 2–3 days.

As the hematoma and swelling of the injured limb increase, it becomes difficult for the person to move the damaged part of the body and walk.

Sprained ligaments and muscles

Sensations similar to the condition after a bruise, but only pain in the joint area. Swelling and hematoma occur, but the disruption of joint movement is more pronounced than with a bruise


Sprains or tears of ligaments and muscles occur when movements in a joint exceed its physiological capabilities. In this case, the joint can still make some movements, but the muscles block it. There is a threat of rupture of both muscle and tendon. Movements in a direction unusual for the joint are also dangerous. The most traumatic are the ligaments of the joints, especially the ankle (when the foot is twisted).


1 Apply a pressure bandage and a cold object to the injury site.

2 To speed up recovery, use various topical medications that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects: diclofenac gel, indovazin, fastum gel. Apply all medications to the site of injury 2-3 times a day for 10 days.


Self-medication is only possible if you are sure that the victim does not have a fracture or dislocation.

Attention: ointments can only be applied to intact skin (do not apply to an open wound). These drugs are contraindicated in case of intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.




severe pain, swelling, hematoma, limitation of joint function

rupture of the ligaments of the knee joint is often accompanied by hemorrhage into the joint cavity - the joint area increases in size and becomes hot to the touch

the same + muscle function is completely lost

if the biceps brachii is torn, the victim cannot bend his arm; if one of the thigh muscles is torn, he cannot straighten his leg at the knee

the same + inability to bend and straighten a limb, the ability to move with the help of another person is preserved


The rupture can occur as an independent injury or adjacent to a dislocation or fracture. For example, the cause of muscle rupture can be their rapid and strong contraction, or a strong blow to the contracted muscle.

Fracture, dislocation

The same + impaired limb function:

fracture of a finger - severe swelling, pain when moving it

broken leg - loss of support, pain when trying to take a full step

dislocation of the shoulder or fracture of the collarbone - the arm “hangs like a whip” and minor movements remain in the elbow joint, an attempt to move the arm in the shoulder joint causes sharp pain

Attention: at the slightest suspicion of a fracture, dislocation or rupture, you must immediately seek medical help: an ambulance, emergency room, hospital. Independent action is possible only in extreme cases and should be done carefully.


A fracture is an abnormal curvature or shortening of a limb, pain at the site of a possible fracture, which intensifies when trying to move the injured limb and when applying pressure.


1 If the bone has torn the skin (open fracture), you need to remove adhered foreign bodies and treat the skin around the protruding bone with an antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide (3%). It foams well, so it washes away dirt from the wound and stops bleeding well. You can also use an alcohol solution or furatsilin. Then be sure to apply a sterile dressing without setting the bone.

2 In case of an open fracture, stop arterial bleeding (a tourniquet is applied above the open fracture).

3 Prevent traumatic shock: numb the pain as much as possible using available means, put something cold on the wound area.

4 Apply a sterile bandage to the wound and immobilize the damaged limb using available means: boards, sticks, branches. If your arm is broken, you can tie the bottom of your shirt to the collar. The main goal is to ensure the immobility of bones at the site of a fracture or dislocation. At the same time, pain noticeably decreases and
traumatic shock is prevented. Immobility at the fracture site is ensured by the application of special splints or improvised means - strong, but fairly light objects that support and fix the injured limb in a position of minimal pain. When holding the limb in an abducted position, rollers should be used. As a last resort, a broken arm can be bandaged to the body, and a leg can be bandaged to the other leg.


Fractures and dislocations are not always easy to distinguish, so first aid should be provided as for fractures.

How to distinguish a fracture from a bruise? Everyone needs to know the answer to this question, because if a person is faced with a serious injury, the provision of competent first aid and the success of subsequent treatment depend on correct identification. What are the signs of a fracture or bruise in a victim, and what measures should be taken?

A bruise is a soft tissue injury without compromising the integrity of the bone. This is one of the most common injuries. You can distinguish a bruise thanks to the following characteristic symptoms:

  • Swelling;
  • Subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • Pain localized in the area of ​​damage;
  • Damage to the skin and blood vessels (abrasions, scratches, minor wound surfaces)

Unlike a fracture, with a bruise the patient experiences, albeit severe, but still quite tolerable pain. At the same time, it is worth taking into account the nature of the pain. As a rule, acute pain in a person is observed immediately at the time of injury, and then it gradually weakens and becomes more muted and dull in nature.

In addition, an important difference is the preservation of motor activity of the damaged area. Even if with difficulty and experiencing painful sensations, the victim can still move the injured limb or finger, lean on the sore leg, etc.

Signs of a fracture

A fracture is considered a more severe traumatic injury, with concomitant disruption of the integrity of bone tissue and possible displacement. In the first case, as a rule, there is no difficulty in identifying the injury. The victim has a wound surface in which bone fragments and splinters can be seen, all of which is accompanied by fairly intense bleeding.

More often the question arises as to how to determine a closed type fracture? You can recognize an injury thanks to certain symptoms. Despite the fact that some clinical signs of traumatic injuries are largely similar, when there is a violation of the integrity of the bone, they appear more clearly.

So, according to traumatologists, the following symptoms are characteristic of a fracture:

  • Severe pain, with a tendency to intensify upon palpation or attempt of any movements;
  • Pain shock may develop;
  • The pain during a fracture is acute, sharp;
  • Unpleasant sensations only become stronger over time;
  • Swelling;
  • Joint deformity;
  • Shortening of the injured limb;
  • Complete impairment of motor activity;
  • Pathological mobility of bone under the skin;
  • A specific crunching sound at the moment of damage;
  • Unnatural position of the injured limb.

A victim who has received such an injury is unable to move the injured limb, and any attempts to do so cause him unbearable pain, even to the point of shock or fainting.

Characteristic differences

According to experts, bruises and fractures have a number of characteristic differences, the main ones of which are usually attributed to the following factors:

  1. A fracture is accompanied by complete or partial disruption of the integrity of bone tissue.
  2. A fracture (open) may be accompanied by bleeding, significant wounds, and skin injuries.
  3. When bone integrity is violated, a plaster cast is almost always required (with rare exceptions).
  4. A bruise requires a shorter recovery period.
  5. In case of a bruise, motor activity is maintained, and the basic functions of the damaged area are preserved.
  6. In the event of a bruise, first aid measures (cold compress, pain relief, rest) bring tangible relief after a few hours maximum.
  7. Swelling and hematomas in the event of a fracture appear more sharply, quickly and appear more extensive.

You can try to make a preliminary diagnosis using the axial load technique. The bottom line is that the victim should try to lean on the damaged area. If a bone is broken, then there is also damage to the periosteum with a large number of nerve endings, so such attempts will cause sharp and acute pain.

You can also try applying longitudinal pressure to the injury site. However, it is still better not to engage in self-diagnosis, but to immediately seek help from professionals. This will allow you to avoid possible mistakes, speed up the patient’s recovery process, and prevent the development of a number of complications.

Only a traumatologist can make a final diagnosis and determine the nature and type of injury received after a preliminary X-ray examination!

First aid measures

First aid for bruises and fractures should be provided competently, carefully and in a timely manner. Since it can be quite problematic for a non-specialist to determine the type of traumatic injury, the most important thing is not to cause harm.

In case of a severe bruise, as well as in case of suspicion of a possible closed fracture, first aid is as follows:

  1. Apply a heating pad with ice and a cold compress to the damaged area. This manipulation will relieve pain and relieve swelling.
  2. Try to provide the victim with maximum peace and avoid any sudden movements. To limit motor activity and prevent the development of possible complications, the damaged area is immobilized. For these purposes, tight fixing bandages or a splint made from improvised materials (sticks, planks, etc.) are used.
  3. If the pain is severe, you can give the victim a painkiller tablet.

Under no circumstances should you massage the damaged area. After all, when it comes to a fracture, such manipulations can displace bone fragments and damage internal tissues!

After first aid has been provided, it is important to take the patient to the emergency room as soon as possible, where a professional diagnosis will be carried out and appropriate effective treatment will be prescribed, based on the type of injury received. If the patient has a lower limb injury and there is a suspicion of a fracture, he must be taken to a medical facility in a supine position.

Bruise or fracture - only a qualified specialist (surgeon or traumatologist) can make an accurate diagnosis based on an examination of the patient and the results of a preliminary diagnosis. However, if there is the slightest suspicion of a fracture, it is necessary, after providing first aid measures, to fix the injured limb by applying a splint or tight bandage and deliver the victim to a medical facility as quickly as possible, where professionals will take care of him.

Pain is a normal reaction of the body to injury. Often, along with discomfort, a temporary limitation of mobility and a bruise spreading over the body appear. Everyone must know how to distinguish a bruise from a fracture and identify a serious threat to health. Timely assistance works wonders. Delayed rehabilitation threatens complications.

Bruise - learning to diagnose injury

Having tripped over a step, bumped into the corner of a table, or bumped into an obstacle, we talk about a bruise. They start talking about him when they get hit in a fight.

A bruise is a closed injury caused by an external object, resulting in damage to organs and tissues.

The amount of damage caused to the body as a result of injury can range from a simple bruise to a crack and fracture. In the first case, damaged vessels cause hemorrhage. In the second, the integrity of the bones suffers. Having received damage, you should carefully analyze the signs to make a preliminary diagnosis.

Experts include the following signs of injury:

  • pain;
  • swelling of tissue at the site of injury. If you place the bruised limb on a pedestal or any other elevation, the swelling gradually decreases;
  • Availability hematomas due to hemorrhage;
  • increased skin temperature in the area of ​​the bruise;
  • possible oglimited mobility of the nearest articular joint due to swelling.

Discomfort and pain gradually weaken. The situation is different if the hematoma grows. The unpleasant sensations intensify at this moment.

The discomfort from the blow is especially acute in places devoid of fat. These zones include the front surface of the lower leg and the back surface of the arm - from the elbow to the hand.

Many people do not know how to distinguish a bruise from a crack, delaying a visit to the emergency room until the last minute if they have dangerous symptoms. The situation is complicated by the fact that with a closed fracture without displacement of bone fragments, the signs are not clearly different from the symptoms of a bruise. The crack formed on the bone during the impact is also similar in characteristics.

It is recommended that at the slightest suspicion of a crack or fracture, do not disturb the bruised area and provide it with rest. In this case, the limb is fixed with a rigid bandage using a splint. The general recommendation for both injuries is exposure to cold. Applying ice to a bruise or fracture is necessary to narrow damaged blood vessels and capillaries.

If severe pain is observed, a painkiller will help relieve the spasm. If the integrity of the skin is compromised, a sterile dressing should be applied to prevent infection from entering the open cavity. The question of how a bruise differs from a fracture can be answered as follows: with a bruise, the pain gradually goes away, swelling disappears, and the mobility of the limbs is restored. In case of a crack or fracture, the rehabilitation period is significantly delayed.

However, the provision of first aid in both the first and second cases is the same: rest, pain relief, exposure to cold on damaged areas.

Fracture - we go to see a traumatologist

There is no universal rule for distinguishing a bruise from a fracture or crack in the first hours after an injury if there are no obvious symptoms of damage to the integrity of the bone. Fractures are classified according to the structure of the damage and the position of fragmentary parts of the bone material. There are open and closed fractures, with and without displacement, with a marginal, helical line. It is easy to mistake a fracture with intact skin without displacement of the bones for a bruise. Characteristic signs of a fracture are:

  • Strong pain impulse when damaged(if traumatic shock is observed, symptoms of pain may be absent for some time). Unlike a bruise, the pain comes in new waves, does not subside, and grows. When you try to move, it becomes unbearable.
  • Tissue swelling intensifies, the hematoma becomes more pronounced. If the muscle corset in the area of ​​impact is characterized by increased density, the hematoma does not appear immediately. Bruising may appear a couple of days after the incident. In some types of fractures, there is no hematoma.

When bone fragments are displaced, a fracture is easy to diagnose even for a non-specialist. The limb becomes deformed, changes its usual contour, and distorts the lines.

Many emergency rooms operate around the clock, so there are no problems with diagnosing the condition. It’s good if family and friends help you get to a medical facility.

Home first aid kit

If the sensations after a bruise are unpleasant, and there is no opportunity to immediately visit a doctor, you need to use the products in your home first aid kit.

Traditional painkillers will help relieve discomfort. Swelling can be reduced by exposure to cold. I-Bolit cream will help with minor bruises. The product effectively relieves the effects of traumatic inflammation in tissues, quickly removes swelling and neutralizes bruises on the skin. A distinctive feature of the drug is an old recipe based on medicinal herbs. The basic formula contains time-tested components from nature’s pantry:

  • Badyaga- helps relieve pain, improve superficial blood supply, convergence of hematoma, and healing of damage. Badyaga has long established itself as an effective remedy against compactions and scars. By increasing the skin's defenses, this freshwater plant sponge restores the body's immune strength.
  • Arnica extract- quickly copes with bruises and bruises on the body, eliminating them from the surface of the skin. Promotes healing of damage, healing of wounds, scratches and cracks, and relieving tissue swelling.
  • Horse chestnut extract- prevents thrombosis by strengthening the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, accelerating the flow of venous blood.
  • Sophora japonica extract- improves the quality of the vascular network, fights the fragility of the walls of arteries and capillaries.
  • Essential oils of rosemary, tea tree- actively prevent infection from entering the body, have an antiseptic effect, and relieve muscle pain.
  • Beeswax- a bactericidal element rich in vitamin A, which promotes the development of cells and surface epithelium.

The cream is applied to the bruised area in a thin layer. Thanks to its light consistency, the product is quickly absorbed without leaving greasy marks or unpleasant sensations on the skin. The safe formula allows you to apply the cream to your face without fear of harming the delicate skin that is always visible.

Summer is a time for vacations for children and vacations for adults, but it is also a time for injuries. Children run, ride a bike, skateboard, roller skate and often fall. Very often, neither children nor adults know how to determine whether a person has a fracture, bruise or dislocation? Knowing the signs of a fracture, you can easily determine what happened to the person and how to proceed. But before this, it is worth recalling that fractures can be open (one of the most dangerous along with a fracture of the spine), closed, with bone displacement, impacted, when the bone breaks and enters into itself, and compression, which happens when falling from a height.

Signs of a fracture:

  1. The damaged limb has shortened in size. To do this, compare the two limbs and you will immediately understand. If the limb is shortened, then you are dealing with a so-called impacted fracture, when the bone breaks and enters into itself.
  2. Changing the axis of the limb. Such a fracture can be either open or closed.
  3. Lack of sensation below the fracture site, resulting in difficulty in movement.
  4. Arterial or venous bleeding.
  5. When bone fragments protrude from the wound.
  6. When palpated, a crunching sound is heard.
  7. A hematoma or swelling appears in the area of ​​the fracture.

It must be remembered that with a fracture, a person experiences pain much stronger than with a bruise.

Finger fracture

If you don’t know how to identify a broken finger, then determine whether the victim is experiencing severe pain or whether swelling or swelling has appeared. If the answers are positive and the fingers are deformed, and the person experiences severe pain when trying to straighten the finger, then you are dealing with a finger fracture. Your next steps are to immobilize the broken finger and go to the surgeon.

Broken arm

To find out how to identify a broken arm, you need to look at the general signs of a fracture and thereby determine whether a person has a fracture or a bruise. If the fracture is open (there is heavy bleeding), then you cannot hesitate, you must immediately provide professional help, since in this case the matter concerns life and death.

Broken leg

If you don’t know how to identify a leg fracture, then if you see an unnaturally curved limb, then this is a pure fracture. In addition, do not forget about the unbearable pain that the victim experiences during a fracture. If you try to take a step with your injured leg, if you have a fracture, you won’t be able to do it. Moving a broken leg is also very difficult and painful.

I would like to add that you will always recognize an open fracture: bleeding, a wound from which the bone is visible. With a closed fracture it is more difficult, but always seek help from surgeons even if you are not sure whether you have a fracture or not, and provide first aid as if you had a fracture.

The very first thing to do in case of a fracture is to stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet if the fracture is open; relieve pain with antispasmodic tablets; immobilize a broken limb; give water; cover, as the victim will be cold; calm down And most importantly, call an ambulance immediately.

You can get injured literally at every step. Both adults and children are at risk. And it doesn’t matter whether you are involved in a dangerous sport or just going to the kitchen to drink water - one awkward movement can lead to a blow, sprain or fracture. Therefore, you need to know how to act with the victim in various situations. The algorithm for providing first aid directly depends on the type of injury. But an inexperienced person is not always able to correctly recognize the type of damage. How can you distinguish a fracture from a bruise? This is one of the most difficult questions for those learning first aid. Let's try to find the answer.

What is a bruise?

A bruise is an internal injury to tissues or organs that is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin. This type of injury can be the result of a fracture, dislocation or sprain. A bruise appears as a result of a fall or a strong blow. Soft tissues and organs located in the injured area suffer. At the site of the impact, a hematoma is formed - an accumulation of liquid or coagulated blood. If the bruise of an arm or leg was severe, the tissue around the bruise swells, impairing the mobility of the limb.

What is a fracture?

Fracture is a complete or partial disruption of the integrity of bone or cartilage. Accompanied by injury to surrounding tissues: muscles, skin, blood vessels, nerve endings. Fractures can occur for two reasons:

  • as a result of exposure to external forces on the bone that can disrupt the strength of the skeleton;
  • with minor injury, if a person suffers from a disease that changes the structure of bone tissue.
  • The fracture can be open or closed. With the first type of injury, the skin is injured and severe bleeding occurs. The damaged bone is visible on the surface. In type 2 injury, the skin remains intact and there is no external bleeding. A hematoma may appear.
    The symptoms of a bruise and a closed fracture are very similar. At first glance, both injuries do not have any features other than a bruise. Therefore, people have a question: “How to distinguish a fracture from a blow?”

    Learning to distinguish a fracture from a blow

    Understanding how to distinguish a fracture from a blow is not as difficult as it might seem. Main features:

  • If a person has a fracture, the pain makes itself felt for several hours. May get worse over time. When bruised, the pain gradually subsides.
  • In case of a fracture, the swelling of the damaged area increases for 2-3 days. When hit, it appears immediately after impact.
  • If the integrity of the limb bone is damaged, it is impossible to carry out motor activity due to severe pain. For example, if your hand is injured, you cannot clench your fist. If your leg is injured, you cannot straighten it completely.
  • When a fracture occurs with a displaced bone, the limb may be deformed. Its length may also change compared to a healthy one.
  • To understand what type of injury a person has, you need to press on the damaged area in the longitudinal direction. If an arm or leg is injured, ask the patient to carefully place weight on it. If there is a fracture, there will be a sharp pain in the damaged area.
    If you cannot independently determine what type of injury the victim has, you should not try to provide first aid. It is better to wait for the doctor to arrive.

    How to distinguish a fracture from a bruised finger?

    It is not so easy to understand from external signs what type of injury the victim has. Both with a closed fracture and with an impact, the same symptoms appear:

  • swelling appears on the affected area;
  • the skin turns blue;
  • the injured area hurts.
  • You can distinguish a fracture of the little finger from a blow by the following signs:

  • the length of the damaged phalanx has changed;
  • there is a constant sharp pain in the finger;
  • When palpated, bone deformation can be detected.
  • If there is a bruise, pain in the finger will occur during physical activity. It will go away in a couple of days. If the patient has a fracture, the pain will only increase over time. The swelling will also become stronger. How to distinguish a fracture from a blow yourself? Practical experience is important here. There is always a chance that a person without medical education will make a mistake. Therefore, you should not treat yourself. It would be a good idea to visit the hospital and undergo an X-ray examination to get an accurate diagnosis.

    Fracture or bruise of a toe - how to tell?

    You can distinguish a fracture of the little toe from a blow by the same signs as the type of damage to the phalanx of the hand. There is constant pain that becomes unbearable within a few days. The swelling gradually increases. The finger becomes shorter. When palpated, a protrusion of the bone may be detected. If the fracture is displaced, severe deformation of the finger will be noticeable. If a toe is bruised, it will be difficult for the victim to place weight on the injured limb. As in the case of a bruised phalanx on the arm, acute pain will appear during physical activity, which will quickly pass if treated correctly. We figured out how to distinguish a fracture from a bruised toe or hand. Now let's find out how to properly provide first aid.

    Actions when a limb is struck

    You can provide first aid by following the algorithm below:

  • apply a cold compress or ice wrapped in a cloth to the site of the impact;
  • if there is damage to the skin, treat the wound with an antiseptic and apply a bandage;
  • For severe pain, take anesthetics.
  • Treat bruises with special anti-inflammatory ointments. They relieve swelling, promote hematoma resorption and relieve pain. The recovery period after an impact lasts 7-14 days.
    If a hematoma formed after an impact does not go away for a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor. In rare cases, surgical intervention is required to cope with the disease.

    How to help with a broken finger?

    First aid for a fracture is of great importance for further treatment. It is important not to make the situation worse. First of all, with a closed fracture of the finger, you need to immobilize it. To do this, a tire is made from scrap materials. A pen, an ice cream stick, or a twig will do. The splint is placed on the inside of the finger and secured with a sterile bandage or any other cloth.
    If the fracture is open, you need to treat the wound with an antiseptic: Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin. If there is bleeding, apply a gauze bandage or cotton swab to the damaged area. Then the injured finger is fixed. To relieve pain symptoms, use "Analgin", "Ketanov", "Nurofen". If you have a fracture, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is impossible to cope with such trauma on your own. You learned how to distinguish a fracture from a blow. We became familiar with first aid techniques for injuring a finger or toe. By following the instructions, you can easily help the victim. But if you are not confident in your abilities, you should not touch the injured limb. Incorrectly provided first aid will only worsen the patient’s condition.

    Date of publication: 05/23/17