What causes a boil to appear in the ear, behind the auricle or on the lobe, and what does a boil look like in the photo? Boil (furuncle) in the ear: photos, symptoms, treatment

Properly treating a boil is very important, especially for children, but you need to know why it appears. There may be several reasons, but the most important is lack of hygiene.

The child must be taught from the very beginning that hands must always be washed, that dirty hands should not be used in the mouth, nose, ears, or scratch wounds and scratches. They begin to do this from a very young age, and then the child automatically begins to observe hygiene himself.

A boil may also appear due to mechanical damage, that is, scratching with various objects, often dirty. Staphylococcus gets into the resulting microscrat and suppuration begins, which must be cured.

Sometimes the cause is inflammation due to a cold if the child has been exposed to frosty, damp weather.

Symptoms of a boil in the ear

The first signs indicating that it is necessary to begin treatment for a boil are burning, swelling, redness, mild itching and hyperemia of the skin.

Symptoms may include bursting headaches, piercing pain in the ear itself, and irritability. In children, such symptoms are especially difficult: the baby is capricious, may refuse food, and constantly reaches for the sore spot.

Symptoms of the disease

If a boil appears in the ear, the first signs will soon make themselves felt. Namely:

  • itching, burning, discomfort in the ear canal;
  • redness inside the ear, the appearance of a red tubercle;
  • painful sensations, sometimes strong, shooting, pain that intensifies when touching the inflamed area, as well as when chewing, talking and other movements of the jaw;
  • swelling of the ear canal, hearing impairment;
  • headaches or temporal pain on the side of the affected ear;
  • sometimes fever and enlarged lymph nodes;
  • sleep disturbance, irritability, short temper, especially if a boil has formed in the child’s ear.
  • at a late stage of the disease, when spontaneous opening of the boil occurs, purulent discharge from the ear is observed, while pain decreases.


Before you begin to treat a disease, it is important to find out its causes. You should consult a doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Usually, to make a diagnosis, a specialist only needs to examine and interview the patient.

Treatment methods for boils

Treatment of a boil can be carried out in a hospital setting or at home - it all depends on the severity of the disease. The most commonly prescribed drugs are erythromycin, tetracycline, Rulide and others.

If the form is very advanced, then you need to carry out a cycle of injections with an antibiotic. In some cases, it is recommended to carry out autohemotherapy, that is, intramuscular injections of one’s own blood, which must be repeated every 48 hours.

This treatment is very effective and can be combined with antibiotics.

At the last stage, you can treat by washing the affected area with boric vaseline, this helps relieve itching.

You can treat a boil in a variety of ways, including traditional ones, which are quite effective. Most often, treatment is carried out at home; in the first stages, you can get by with a regular tincture of iodine.

If only itching, tingling, and slight irritation are observed in the ear, then the appearance of a boil can be avoided. But this is not always possible, since a small child cannot clearly explain what exactly is bothering him; his ear usually begins to hurt very much when the boil is already clearly visible.

To do this, the patient with a sore ear needs to lie on a heating pad, which is filled with warm water, and first wrap the heating pad itself with a towel. Also for these purposes, you can use the Minin reflector, that is, the well-known “blue lamp”, which has antiviral and bactericidal properties.

But when using such treatment, you need to be careful, since frequent heating can lead to sepsis, which means that Staphylococcus aureus will enter the blood.

Warming up your ear for just 13-15 minutes per day is enough. Before it ripens, you cannot open the boil, as well as put pressure on its top or remove the vesicle.

Such “treatment” can only lead to the spread of infection, especially in children. Inflammation will begin to spread to nearby tissues, which will only worsen the situation.

It is necessary to treat a boil in the ear, especially in young children, very carefully, since the blood circulation in the head is very intense and any infection that gets into the blood can cause life-threatening complications.

The following treatment can be done at home:

  • the use of a solution of borax (that is, sodium tetraborate) is used for unformed boils. A tablespoon of the drug is dissolved in 200 ml of boiled warm water, after which tampons soaked in the resulting solution are applied to the affected area, they must be replaced as they dry;
  • You can also treat a boil at home with the help of calendula, for which a tablespoon of the herb is crushed, 30 g of Vaseline is added to it, everything is thoroughly mixed. The ear boil is lubricated with the resulting ointment several times a day.

Baked garlic, honey, and dandelion flowers can be used as effective medicines, but before starting any treatment, you should still consult a doctor, especially if the affected area is severely inflamed.

Curing a boil is not as difficult as it might seem. You cannot remove it yourself, as this purulent-inflammatory disease can easily cause complications.

Sometimes it requires treatment in a hospital setting, although for the most part, if you catch it in the initial stages, boils can be easily treated at home.

More often, treatment of a boil in the ear is carried out at home, sometimes in advanced cases the patient needs to be in the hospital. However, in both cases, therapy is carried out only after examination by a doctor, diagnosis and appropriate prescription.

After the examination, the doctor toilets the ear and introduces turunda with an anesthetic or antibacterial ointment based on an antibiotic.

Antibiotics for boils in the ear are, as a rule, the main part of drug therapy. They are prescribed in the form of tablets or a cycle of intramuscular injections.

When an elevated temperature appears when the boil ripens, the doctor recommends taking anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs internally.

For severe pain, it is allowed to take painkillers, for example Pentalgin, Tempalgin or Analgin for adults, children's Nurofen for babies.

In order for the process of maturation and elimination of the boil to accelerate, it is necessary to treat and treat the affected area. For this purpose, special antibacterial ointments, ear drops, and compresses are used.

The use of dry heat is another effective technique aimed at combating boils. And the effect of this procedure is aimed at accelerating the maturation of the boil located in the ear.

For example, you can use a regular heating pad filled with very warm water. The heating pad is wrapped in a soft towel and the affected ear is placed on it.

In childhood, therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating the boil are prescribed taking into account the stage of the disease. If the pathological process is limited to localization within the hair follicle, then only conservative treatment is prescribed.

It consists of strict adherence to personal hygiene rules and cleansing the area surrounding the boil with iodine alcohol or similar disinfectants.

Compresses with Rivanol and alcohol-containing solutions, bandages with tar ointment and Vishnevsky ointment are applied to the affected area. Under them, the process of maturation and independent opening of the boil proceeds much faster.

In some cases, they resort to pricking the boil with an antibiotic solution - to avoid the risk of further spread of infection, for example. The child may also be prescribed physical therapy.

If the purulent process has already left the hair follicle, they resort to surgical intervention, that is, incision of the boil and removal of the purulent-necrotic core along with the surrounding affected tissue.

At the end of these manipulations, the doctor applies a sterile bandage to the wound. In the postoperative period, children may be prescribed antibiotics.

In addition, measures are being taken to strengthen the immune system.

It happens that after successfully fighting one boil, several boils may appear on the child’s body at the same time. This pathological process, called furunculosis, already requires complex therapy, which consists of treating each specific inflamed element.

At the same time, the sick child is prescribed a course of antibacterial therapy. Children are also prescribed laser therapy, homeopathic measures and ultraviolet irradiation of the blood.

General restorative methods of treatment

  1. Immunomodulatory therapy is effective for the chronic form of furunculosis, achieved by taking drugs that increase the body's defenses.
  2. Autohemotherapy – helps stimulate local immunity to fight infection. To do this, the patient is injected with his own venous blood.
  1. The introduction of staphylococcal toxoid promotes the production of specific antibodies to staphylococcal bacteria. After such vaccination, the patient’s immune system begins to recognize and destroy this type of infection, preventing inflammation from developing.

Antibiotics and antiseptics

Oxacillin against furunculosis Boric alcohol is often used for external treatment of this disease. This drug has a destructive effect on the protein membrane of pathogenic flora, which leads to the death of bacteria.

Boric alcohol also slows down the reproduction and development of infection. Cotton pads soaked in this solution are inserted into the patient's external auditory canal.

After the abscess has burst, chloramphenicol, 1% streptomycin emulsion or any antiseptic drops are instilled into the ear.

Also, depending on the cause of the disease, various antibiotics that are active against strepto- or staphylococcal flora are taken orally. Usually these are penicillin drugs - Amoxiclav, Dicloxacillin.

In case of an allergy to penicillins, the patient is prescribed macrolides (Erythromycin, Azithromycin) or cephalosporins (Ciprofloxacin, Cefacor). For widespread furunculosis with frequent relapses, antibiotics from the rifamycin group (Rifabutin, Rifampin) are used.


This involves opening the boil in a hospital setting. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Through an incision, the doctor removes the core of the boil and the accumulated purulent masses, and the resulting damaged surface is treated with iodine.

Traditional methods of treating illness at home

Furuncle in the ear - there are many folk remedies designed to treat this disease. The following are the most popular methods of treating this pathology at home:

  • Vishnevsky ointment is the most effective medicine for furunculosis. This product has pronounced antibacterial properties. Vishnevsky ointment draws out pus well, so it is applied to the affected area after opening the boil. The dressing should be changed every 6 hours.
  • Burdock - will help cleanse the surface of the skin from germs, relieve pain and reduce inflammation. In this case, you can use the leaves or root of the plant. The burdock leaf is washed well and applied to the boil as a compress. The juice from the leaves of the plant also helps. A medicinal ointment can be prepared from burdock root boiled in milk.
  • Aloe – has antiseptic properties and is suitable for treating any purulent inflammation at home. Drops of the juice of this plant are applied to the affected skin several times a day. You can also apply crushed aloe leaves to the source of inflammation.
  • Onion - used to speed up the ripening of the boil. The onion must be boiled or baked in the oven, cut and bandaged to the sore spot. The dressing should be changed 3-4 times a day.
  • Laundry soap - this bactericidal agent can be found in every home. The soap is crushed and mixed with milk to the consistency of sour cream, then the finished mixture is applied to the affected area in the form of a compress. Use no more than 1 time per day.
  • Ichthyol – has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Ichthyol ointment destroys harmful microorganisms and anesthetizes the inflamed abscess. For treatment at home, the remedy is applied to the boil and covered with a small layer of sterile cotton wool.

Treatment of an ear boil should be carried out by an otolaryngologist. He will determine the severity of the abscess, explain what to do and how to treat the inflammation.

It all depends on the degree of maturity of the boil. At the initial stage, you can use turundas with antibacterial or warming compounds, for example: levomekol ointment, boric alcohol, physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF).

How to cure an abscess if the temperature rises or treatment does not bring results for more than a week? How to remove an immature boil? The solution may be surgical opening of the abscess.

Depending on the severity of the inflammation, treatment of furunculosis can occur in a hospital or at home.

In any case, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe therapeutic procedures aimed at removing the purulent contents of the boil, reducing inflammation and healing the wound.

As a rule, the doctor first prescribes an antibiotic to the patient: tetracycline, erythromycin, amoxicillin, augmentin and similar drugs.

If ear furunculosis is accompanied by fever and severe pain, the doctor may recommend antipyretic and painkillers, often in combination with immunostimulants and vitamins.

In particularly difficult cases, a course of physiotherapy may be necessary, including ultrasound irradiation of the ear area.

Inflammation of the boil is relieved with turundas (narrow gauze swabs) with 3% boric alcohol and glycerin. A gauze turunda is soaked in the mixture and inserted into the ear canal.

If you have the opportunity to visit a doctor, then self-medication in this case is extremely wrong.

Let's consider measures that can be taken to treat a boil in the ear at home if a doctor is unavailable for some reason. Depending on the stage of the inflammatory process in the ear canal, the possible measures taken will vary.

At the first signs of furunculosis (itching, redness, irritation of the skin), you can lubricate the affected area with tincture of iodine. If you take action in time, you can avoid further development of inflammation.

How to remove a boil with medication

To receive competent and effective treatment, it is necessary to contact an ENT specialist at the first symptoms indicating the development of a boil. In the first days of boil formation, iodine will help eliminate itching and irritating sensations in the ear. The tincture is simply applied to the sore spot.

The traditional way to treat a boil in the ear is to prescribe antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections. The doctor may also give a referral for warming physiotherapy or ultraviolet irradiation.

In especially severe cases (when body temperature rises to a high level), a specialist may insist on hospitalization.

If a boil has broken out, in a hospital setting the patient will have their ear canal washed with hydrogen peroxide and given a dressing treated with Dimexide, hypertonic solution, Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol.

Properly selected therapy usually does not lead to surgery - it becomes inevitable only in case of complications, when the inflammatory process begins to spread to adjacent tissues.

If the body temperature continues to be elevated, medications are prescribed to reduce it. To treat a boil in the ear, immunostimulants and vitamins can be prescribed.

A drug such as Dimexide can also be used for treatment at home in a diluted form. The optimal ratio in this case is 1:5, or even better – 1:10, because the skin of the ear canal is very delicate.

For this reason, a chemical burn should be completely excluded. Thus, one part of Dimexide is diluted with 5 or 10 parts of boiled water or sodium chloride solution (0.9%).

Folk remedies

At the early stage of the disease, there are ways to cure a boil in the ear or help relieve unpleasant symptoms before going to a specialist. What to do if a boil in the ear hurts and itches. There are quite effective folk recipes, here are the main ones:

Preventive actions

Taking a variety of vitamins can strengthen the body's protective functions. The healing of a weakened body is carried out with the help of hardening, long stays in the fresh air, sun and air baths. All sweet foods are excluded from the diet.

It is important to carry out proper hygiene procedures to clean the ear canal. Do not use sharp objects not intended for this purpose.

Additionally, you should balance your diet, eat fruits and vegetables, harden yourself, and strengthen your immune system.

Prevention measures:

  1. It is extremely important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, in particular washing your hands (this is especially important for children).
  2. Take proper care of your ears.
  3. Avoid hypothermia.
  4. Strengthen your immune system.
  5. Eat right.
  6. Watch your health.

Finally, I would like to remind you that sometimes a seemingly harmless disease can lead to extremely serious consequences. Take care of your health!

Fortunately, this disease does not occur very often, but if you suddenly have to deal with it, then you should know how to help and how to treat an ear boil.

Due to the fact that a boil is an annoying and very painful phenomenon, before you get to the doctor you will have to help yourself or a loved one immediately by starting treatment for a boil in the ear at home. But depending on the stage of development of the ear boil, the measures that can be taken will be different.

A boil is a purulent-inflammatory disease that affects the hair follicle on the skin, i.e. the place from which the hair grows. A furuncle in the ear is quite painful, since our auditory organ consists of cartilage, and tissue swelling leads to sharp compression of the nerve endings and, as a result, intense pain.

Stages of development of an ear boil

1. Development of infiltration (1 - 2 days);

2. Suppuration and necrosis (occurs on days 3–4);

3. Recovery (takes up to 10 days).

That is, the entire stage from the moment of occurrence to the maturation of an ear boil can last 8–10 days.

At the beginning of the development of a boil, itching and mild discomfort occur in the ear, at the site of infection. Gradually, the inflammation is localized and takes the form of a purple-bluish tumor. On the third day, a purulent-necrotic rod begins to form (from the hair follicle, adjacent tissues and hair) with a vesicle-shaped tip. Eventually, the boil in the ear matures, bursts, and a purulent core mixed with blood is rejected.

Ear boils are dangerous because when the boil opens, purulent contents can enter the middle ear and cause inflammation. Therefore, you need to sleep only on the sore side. If the boil matures and opens at night, the pus will flow out rather than in.

Causes of ear boils

Most often, a boil in the ear occurs as a result of microtrauma and poor hygiene. Staphylococcus aureus enters the skin surface mechanically, and microtrauma promotes its penetration into the ear tissue. Therefore, ear cleaning must be done carefully, efficiently and with hygiene. Another warning: be careful with the cotton swabs, they are intended for the shell of the ear, not the ear canal. It is very easy for them to damage sensitive skin and cause infection, which can lead to the development of external otitis media and ear boils.

Often the cause of an ear boil can be a decrease in immunity. As a rule, immunity sharply decreases due to: taking antibiotics, a recent viral infection, hypovitaminosis, etc.

Often boils, and not only in the ear, occur due to metabolic disorders, diabetes, obesity, diseases of the stomach and intestines, and the endocrine system. Therefore, if such a problem occurs frequently, you need to consult a doctor.

Ear boil, treatment

Until you see an ENT doctor (he treats only these organs specifically), to treat an ear boil, you can do the following.

Treatment of an ear boil at home will differ depending on the stage of development of the inflammatory process. At the first symptoms - irritation, itching or tingling in the ear - you can use iodine tincture. You just need to lubricate the affected area. If you pay attention and take measures in time, you can generally prevent the further development of an ear boil, but this advice can only help people who really listen to themselves. Sometimes paying too much attention to your condition can be beneficial.

The next step in treating an ear boil may be the use of dry heat. In this case, it is used to accelerate the maturation of a boil in the ear. For example, you can lie down with a sore ear on a heating pad filled with well-warm water, after wrapping it in a towel. A good source of heat for treating ear boils can be a Minin reflector, also known as a blue mirror lamp. The lamp, thanks to its unique chemical composition, has a useful feature - bactericidal and antiviral effects.

You need to be careful with the use of heat, especially considering that the boil is localized in the ear. And its frequent heating can lead to sepsis, in this case the entry of Staphylococcus aureus into the blood. It is enough to warm the affected area for no more than 13–15 minutes a day.

It is very important to remember that you cannot forcibly open the boil yourself before it is fully matured, or press on or remove the bubble at the top. This may also lead to the spread of infection to nearby tissues and then the condition will become much worse than it was, especially if the boil is localized in the ear. The head has an intense blood supply and many nerve endings, so you need to be careful not to develop life-threatening complications.

For unformed ear boils, you can make compresses with a solution of borax (sodium tetraborate). It can be purchased at those pharmacies that prepare their own medications.

Preparation: 1 tbsp. dissolve a spoonful of borax in 200 ml. warm boiled water. Apply moistened cotton swabs to the affected area. If the boil is in the ear canal, then turundas (narrow tampons) are moistened and inserted into the canal. They are replaced as they dry out. If borax is not available to you for some reason, then boric alcohol can be successfully used.

If the boil is located on an open surface of the body, then it is easier to deal with it. But if a boil is ripening in the ear, onions and linseed oil can come to the rescue.

Preparation: you need 1 beautiful and juicy onion, without damage. Use a knife to make a funnel into which a small amount of flax seed oil is poured. Then it is placed in the oven and baked. A liquid is formed in the funnel from onion juice and linseed oil. You can bury it in your ear, always warm. At night, close the external auditory canal with a turunda previously soaked in the prepared liquid.

To treat ear boils using folk remedies, you can use ointment from calendula flowers.

Preparation: Grind 1 tablespoon of calendula herb, add 30 grams of Vaseline, mix well. Apply to the affected area.

Preparation: Do not peel the garlic from the film, bake in the oven. Then remove the film, grind, and place the resulting porridge in gauze. Apply to the sore ear for 3 – 4 hours.

There is an ancient recipe for preparing a white plaster that can be prepared to treat an ear boil at home. It is not very easy to prepare this patch, but its drawing and healing power is enormous.

For preparation you will need equal quantities of rosin (extracted from the resin of coniferous trees), white beeswax, and lard.

Rosin is crushed to a powdery state, sifted through a sieve, poorly ground particles are ground again. In order for the product to be effective, rosin must be of high quality.

Fresh lard is finely chopped. A prerequisite is that it be fresh and not melted, this is the method of treating a boil at home..

In a water bath, begin to melt white beeswax, adding it in small portions and stirring. Then add rosin powder, mix vigorously so that the rosin evenly combines with the wax. Then add lard. Once the ingredients are combined. You must immediately remove the container in which the mixture is being prepared and stir vigorously. You need to stir until the mass becomes thick and homogeneous. Subsequently, the mass is generously applied to gauze or a bandage folded in 8 layers and applied to the boil of the ear. This dressing is changed 3 times a day. This mixture can be stored in a dry, dark place, in a hermetically sealed container (if there is any mixture left after treatment).

To effectively treat an ear boil at home, in addition to local procedures, you also need to help the body fight the infection. There are many herbs that can relieve intoxication, alleviate the condition, stimulate the immune system for boils in general, and for ear boils in particular. Here are the most affordable ones.

Dandelion herb and treatment of ear boils.

10 grams of dandelion flowers are brewed with a glass of water, infused for 3 hours, and filtered. You need to drink 1 tablespoon at least 5 times a day.

Nettle grass.

A handful of nettles, dry or fresh, is brewed and infused for 35 - 40 minutes. After this, you can drink 1/2 - 1 glass in the morning, before lunch and in the evening. Stinging nettle is often used, but in the case of a boil in the ear, it is better to use stinging nettle.

Ledum shoots and treatment of ear boils.

Break the wild rosemary and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew and strain. Take no more than 150 grams of infusion, divided into 3 doses.

White birch buds.

Brew 1 teaspoon of white birch buds with a glass of boiling water. Divide into three doses and drink throughout the day.

Grass succession.

Prepare a decoction. Based on 1 tbsp. spoon of string grass per 200 grams of water. Boil over low heat for 13 - 15 minutes. Cool the broth and take 50 ml per day.

Burdock leaves and boil treatment

Wash burdock leaves with water and boil in milk. Apply the leaves to the sore ear.

Lilac leaves.

Washed and dried leaves are crushed in a meat grinder or blender. The resulting pulp is applied to the boil and covered with gauze, then fixed with an adhesive plaster. The upper leaves, which are soft and sticky, have the most medicinal properties; if it is no longer the season, then old leaves can be used, but the amount of mass applied to the ear boil should be increased.

Treatment of ear boils in a hospital setting

If you are of the opinion that it is still necessary to treat such a disease with the help of official medicine, then you need to contact an ENT specialist at the clinic at your place of residence. When you visit an otolaryngologist, you will most likely receive injections of antibiotics, this is the treatment for an ear boil. You will be recommended warming physiotherapy and ultraviolet light irradiation. The possibility of hospitalization cannot be ruled out. This also has its advantage - you will be under the supervision of experienced specialists all the time.

When opening a boil in the ear, the drainage cavity will be washed with hydrogen peroxide and bandaged using a hypertonic solution, dimexide or Vishnevsky ointment or other hydrophilic ointments, such as levomikol. With proper treatment of an ear boil, surgical interventions are rarely resorted to, only if complications arise and the inflammatory process spreads to adjacent tissues.

If the temperature rises, medications may be prescribed to reduce it. It is also possible to use vitamins and immunostimulants in treatment.

By the way, dimexide can also be used at home to treat ear boils. Purchased at a pharmacy and used diluted. To treat a boil in the ear, it must be diluted at least 1:5, and preferably 1:10, since the skin on the head is very delicate to prevent chemical burns. In this case, one part of dimexide, and 5 or 10 boiled water or 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

There are a large number of methods and methods for treating ear boils, but remember, treatment with traditional medicine and treatment at home should not completely exclude treatment in official medicine. Since doctors can prevent many complications of an ear boil, and if you cannot cure an ear boil on your own at home, then doctors resort to more radical methods of treatment, which for the patient is not a very pleasant procedure. So think about how exactly to treat an ear boil.

We hope that you will make the right and thoughtful choice.

We wish you a speedy recovery!

A furuncle in the ear is often diagnosed in patients of different ages and is a painful inflammation of the hair follicle with an accumulation of purulent contents. The reasons for the development of such a pathology can be different, and the disease is most severe in young children, who are not yet able to explain what hurts them.

Many patients turn to a specialist with the question of how to treat a boil in the ear, because it causes them discomfort and pain. Elimination of such formations in the hearing organ is carried out using both traditional means and traditional medicine recipes.

The main reason for the formation of a boil in the ear is considered to be the penetration of various pathogenic microorganisms into the organ, among which Staphylococcus aureus is considered the most common. At the same time, for its implementation under the epidermis it is necessary to create certain conditions.

Possible reasons:

  • The most common cause of infection of the hearing organ is considered to be various injuries. A child can easily scratch in or behind the ear with dirty hands, thereby scratching the epidermis and causing an infection.
  • Many bacteria reside quietly under the epidermis, but do not have any negative effects on the body. This is due to the fact that in a healthy person the immune system functions fully, and thereby prevents pathogenic microorganisms from multiplying and developing. If any malfunction occurs in the human body, the consequence may be the appearance of various pustules and boils in the organ of hearing.
  • Often bacteria and infection enter the ear when it is not cleaned properly. The appearance of boils can be provoked by carrying out such a procedure using too sharp objects or by using increased force during cleansing.
  • In some cases, the provoking factor for the appearance of a boil in the organ of hearing may be hypothermia of the body. This leads to a decrease in the body’s defenses and pathogenic microorganisms living in tissues begin to actively multiply and progress.
  • Another common reason for the appearance of a formation in the ear is the entry of water into the organ and its further stagnation. The fact is that high humidity is considered a favorable condition for the activation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Experts say that the formation of a boil in the ear can also be provoked by such pathological conditions of the body as imbalance of hormone levels, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the endocrine system and autoimmune nature.

Main symptoms

The entire process of formation of a boil in the external auditory canal takes approximately 10 days. In the first few days after the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the organ of hearing, an infiltrate begins to develop, that is, cellular elements containing blood and lymph accumulate in one place.The consequence of this is the coloring of the skin in a bright red color, its strong compaction and it becomes purple-bluish in color.

Over the next few days, a purulent core forms, at the top of which a vesicle appears. Subsequently, suppuration and necrosis of pathological cells are observed, after which the resulting boil begins to rot. As a result of this, the vesicle bursts, purulent exudate flows out, and the patient begins to recover.

The following signs may indicate suppuration in the ear canal:

  • the occurrence of severe pain in the hearing organ
  • the process of chewing and talking causes severe pain
  • burning, itching and swelling appear in the ear canal
  • the size of the parotid lymph nodes increases noticeably
  • body temperature rises

When a boil appears in the ear, it is quite difficult to endure it, since it is accompanied by constantly shooting pain in the organ and the patient’s performance decreases. Another characteristic symptom for this pathology is considered to be general weakness of the body and the presence of irritability.

Drug treatment

Before you start treating a boil in the ear, you must consult a specialist. He will conduct a thorough examination of the patient and select the most effective medications and procedures.

Most often, when treating a boil, medications such as Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Rulid and others are prescribed. If the pathology becomes advanced, drug therapy involves injections with antibiotics. In some situations, autohemotherapy is prescribed, that is, an intramuscular injection of one’s own blood is performed, which should be repeated every two days.

At the initial stage of the disease, the use of water compresses, UHF and ultraviolet irradiation is allowed. In the event that a boil opens, special tampons are used to remove purulent exudate, which are soaked in ointments with a pulling effect. At the final stage, treatment of a boil involves washing the inflamed area with boric vaseline, which helps get rid of itching.

If the appearance of a boil is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, this may be a dangerous signal.

Blood poisoning may occur and the patient may require surgery.After opening the boil, the ear is usually washed with hydrogen peroxide and a sterile bandage is applied with a hypertonic solution, Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol.

If treatment is carried out correctly, there is no need for surgical intervention, and it is resorted to only when various complications arise and nearby tissues are involved in the inflammatory process. If drug therapy is started in a timely manner at the initial stage, the boil can resolve on its own without reaching the maturation stage.

Folk remedies against illness

Treatment of a boil in the ear can be carried out using traditional medicine, and the following are considered the most effective among them:

  1. Make a hole in a small onion and pour linseed oil into it. The hole must be covered with rye bread crumb and put the onion in the oven. After the root vegetable is baked, the juice must be squeezed out of it, which should then be instilled into the sore ear.
  2. It is necessary to prepare a thick mass from rye flour and honey with the consistency of thick clay, from which you should make a flat cake. The prepared cake should be placed on the inflamed boil, covered with compression paper on top and wrapped thoroughly. It is recommended to perform this procedure before going to bed, remembering to change the bandage every 5 hours.
  3. At home, you can prepare a mixture of Vishnevsky ointment and fir oil in proportions 3:7. The resulting mass should be applied to a bandage, and then to the boil, while covering it with paper for compresses. This bandage needs to be changed 2-3 times a day.

A common mistake patients make is trying to remove an abscess from the external auditory canal on their own. In most cases, such an opening ends with additional suppuration of nearby tissues or recurrence of the boil.

More information about what a boil is can be found in the video:

In order to avoid the appearance of a boil in the organ of hearing, it is necessary to ensure that the ears are constantly dry. To do this, when washing your hair, it is important to carry out the procedure in such a way that water, shampoo or soap does not get into the hearing organ.You should clean your ears carefully and use cotton swabs only to clean the ears, but never the passages. To clean the ears, it is recommended to make a flagellum out of cotton wool, moisten it in hydrogen peroxide, squeeze it lightly and place it in the hearing organ for a few minutes.

As a preventive measure, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene and be sure to wash your hands. In addition, you need to avoid hypothermia of the body, increase its protective functions and eat right.If you experience pain in the ear, you should definitely consult a doctor, and under no circumstances self-medicate. The fact is that improper treatment can result in complications such as sepsis, thrombophlebitis and carbuncle.

A boil in the ear is an acute purulent inflammation. It can be localized in the area of ​​the hair follicle or involve the area of ​​the skin and subcutaneous retina. The location of the boil is the outer ear, i.e. areas of the concha and auditory canal. An abscess is not dangerous in itself, but it is evidence of a violation of the immune status, hormonal imbalance, and can also be fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Pathogens of furunculosis

Most often, the cause of the disease is the most common inhabitants of the skin - and. They are representatives of the so-called conditionally pathogenic flora. This means that bacteria can coexist peacefully with their host without leaving the skin until they have the opportunity to penetrate deep into the human body.

Usually this situation occurs due to a decrease in local immunity. This happens when the body is fighting a long-term infection (for example, chronic infection) or lacks vitamins and nutrients. Microcracks on the surface of the skin of the ear can also provoke the aggressiveness of cocci. They often arise due to the incorrect use of cotton swabs or toothpicks.

Staphylococci and streptococci can be introduced into the cavity of the outer ear. This occurs as a result of contact with another carrier. The most dangerous strains (varieties) that grew in hospital conditions. Such bacteria are highly resistant to antibiotics and antiseptics and will be very difficult to get rid of.

Pathogenesis of the disease and characteristic symptoms

The disease begins with the introduction of bacteria into the hair follicle. As a result of the immune response, swelling and redness develop. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged. The main symptom of the disease is pain; it intensifies when pressing on the tragus or lower wall of the auricle, or when pulling the lobe, the sensation intensifies.

Staphylococci and streptococci release toxins into the blood that can cause fever. With extensive furunculosis, there is an increase in body temperature, general weakness, and chills. Sometimes it is possible to develop sepsis (blood poisoning). This is indicated by sudden changes in temperature within 1-2 degrees. If the boil bursts on its own, its contents will gradually pour out of the ear. Pain and swelling gradually subside. The entire process usually takes about a week.

Important! If the boil has not opened during this period, you should not try to remove it yourself; only a specialist can do this correctly. Otherwise, the infection may spread. In addition, a scar often remains at the site of the boil. Treatment at home is the first step to the development of complications.


ear diagnostics using an otoscope

The main method is to examine the auricle and canal. An otoscope is used for detailed examination. The examination can be painful, so the doctor uses the narrowest possible instrument and operates with extreme caution. The furuncle is a conical elevation, sometimes you can see the rod. It shines through thin skin. After opening, at the site of the boil, you can find a crater-shaped funnel from which pus oozes.

Furunculosis of the ear must be distinguished from. It is similar in symptoms. The main distinguishing feature is hearing loss. Also, the pain is usually localized not in the area of ​​the auricle, but in deeper parts.

Furunculosis can be closely related to the intake of sugars into the body. Sometimes he develops with eating disorders, metabolic disorders or diabetes mellitus. Therefore, in case of recurrent furunculosis, the urine must be examined for the presence of glucose in it.

Also desirable accurate identification of the pathogen. After it is isolated in the laboratory, it can be tested which antibiotic acts most effectively on it. This will allow you to correctly plan the course of treatment.

Treatment of furunculosis

Therapy of the disease is built in several directions:

  • Measures against microorganisms.
  • General strengthening treatment.
  • Surgical opening of the boil.

It is not worth treating furunculosis at home; only a doctor, after a series of tests, can choose the best therapeutic method.

Antibacterial and antiseptic drugs

Depending on the degree of damage, they can be used:

  1. Topically in the form of solutions and emulsions;
  2. As part of general therapy;
  3. In the form of injections for severe cases.

Turundas soaked in boric alcohol are inserted into the ear canal. The drug destroys the proteins of the bacterial cell, causing its death. It also inhibits the growth and development of microorganisms. After opening the boil, an emulsion, streptomycin or 1% chloramphenicol, is instilled into the ear.

Antibiotics are taken in tablet form, active against staphylococci and streptococci. Recommended regimens are highly dependent on the individual physician and regional studies regarding coccal flora. Can be written:

Opening a boil

If the disease was detected before the boil resolved spontaneously, it is better to do this in a hospital setting. Before the operation, local anesthesia is performed. After this, an incision is made and all the pus and the core of the boil are removed. The resulting cavity is lubricated with 5% iodine.

If there are no complications, the patient is discharged. At home, he needs to insert turundas soaked in alcohol or saline solution into his ear twice a day. This will allow fluid to drain and prevent infection until the wound heals.

General restorative therapy

Such measures include:

  1. Autohemotherapy. To stimulate local immunity, injections of the patient's own venous blood are performed.
  2. Taking vitamin complexes.
  3. Taking immunostimulating drugs. This measure is appropriate for chronic furunculosis.
  4. Immunization with staphylococcal toxoid. When this substance is administered, the patient produces specific antibodies. When a bacterial infection occurs, the immune system already “recognizes” them, which helps fight the infection without allowing inflammation to develop.

Possible complications

The most important danger of ear furunculosis is the spread of suppuration. The risk of this outcome is higher in childhood. In a child, due to the close location of all organs, the infection easily spreads to neighboring tissues. Inflammation can spread to the perichondrium, lymph nodes, and salivary glands. In some cases, sepsis – blood poisoning – may develop.

In all these cases, prompt consultation with a specialist is necessary, possibly hospitalization. You should consult a doctor immediately if:

  • After opening the boil, the pain and swelling do not go away.
  • Body temperature is above 37°.
  • Hearing has worsened.

Preventing the disease and preventing relapses

The key to a healthy ear is normal immunity. This means that it is necessary:

  1. Avoid chronic diseases.
  2. Follow a daily routine and eat right.
  3. Avoid stress and overwork.

Furunculosis can be associated with a number of serious disorders. To prevent relapses, it is advisable to accurately determine your hormonal levels and check your immune status. Sometimes the cause may be helminthic infestation or disorders of the thyroid gland.

Furunculosis of the ear occurs as a result of various factors, ranging from poor hygiene to serious problems in the functioning of the body. A healthy lifestyle and timely visits to specialist doctors will help reduce the risk of developing this unpleasant disease.

Video: how to get rid of boils - Dr. Komarovsky

A boil in the ear or any other place is an acute purulent inflammatory process that develops in the hair follicle. Suppuration affects the adjacent soft tissues and the nearby sebaceous gland, accompanied by severe pain. Most often, a boil is a complication of folliculitis, a skin disease in which the source of inflammation is concentrated only in the follicular sac.

What are the reasons for the development of a boil in the auricle? How to diagnose and treat this disease at home? What is forbidden to do if an abscess appears in the ear? In what cases is antibiotic treatment required?

Causes of boils

Furunculosis is a consequence of several factors at once. The main role here is played by a decrease in human immunity. Hypothermia becomes an additional provocateur of the disease. The main cause of inflammation in any part of the body is considered to be a bacterial infection - staphylococcus. That is why treatment of purulent acne is aimed at eliminating pathogenic bacteria.

These microorganisms can enter the body through open wounds - cuts or abrasions. The presence of staphylococci on human skin is considered normal; they are an integral part of the microflora. If their number is increased several times, there is a danger of the development of purulent processes.

If at this moment the immune system is weakened, then suppuration, inflammatory processes on the body, and acne appear. Insufficient hygiene of the ear canals or damage to the integrity of the skin in them can provoke a disease - suppuration in the ear. Why does it appear and how to treat it?

Common causes of a boil in the auditory organ:

  • Decreased immunity
  • Chronic and infectious diseases – hepatitis, tuberculosis, tonsillitis
  • Diabetes
  • Tumor processes
  • Taking medications that suppress the immune response
  • Mechanical damage to the skin in the ears
  • Otitis – contact of pus protruding from the middle ear with the skin of the outer part of the meatus

Symptoms of the disease

What signs can be used to determine the beginning of suppuration in one of the ears? Pain is one of the main symptoms of a boil, which needs to be treated now. At first, when inflammation just begins to develop, the pain in the ear is not so severe. It can only be felt when pressing or while cleaning the ears with a cotton swab.

Later, when pus gradually fills the hair follicle, the discomfort intensifies. So, pathology is determined by the following symptoms:

  • Itching, tingling (in the initial stage)
  • Sharp throbbing pain
  • Nagging pain in the neck while eating
  • Partial hearing loss
  • Headache
  • Increase in temperature (for 3-4 days)
  • Decreased appetite associated with general intoxication of the body

Main stages of the disease

A boil anywhere on the body where there are hairs has three stages of development, replacing each other over 10-12 days:

  1. Infiltration
  2. Suppuration and necrosis
  3. healing


The maturation of the boil begins to manifest itself with slight itching or tingling at the site of inflammation. At this stage, you can treat the abscess yourself.

On the second or third day, a reddish lump becomes noticeable. At this time, the pain intensifies, especially when pressing on the nodule.

Suppuration and necrosis

This stage occurs approximately on the 4th day of the disease. The boil increases in size, taking on the shape of a cone. At its top a white head is formed - a rod.

The patient feels unwell, weak, and loses appetite. Severe pain in the ear area sometimes spreads to the temporal part, neck, and jaw.


The beginning of this phase is characterized by the opening of the abscess - its head bursts and the contents flow out. At the same time, the core of the boil itself comes out. The patient feels significant relief: the pain gradually disappears, appetite appears, and recovery occurs.

How is inflammation diagnosed?

When the first symptoms appear - discomfort and pain, you should contact an otolaryngologist for examination and prescriptions. A boil is not always visible to the naked eye. Sometimes it is located deeper, so it is possible to examine the source of inflammation only with the help of a special instrument.

The doctor must assess the extent of the disease and determine the phase of development of the disease. Doing this at home is not always possible. The doctor’s goal is to make sure that the infection does not penetrate into the area of ​​the middle or inner ear and does not provoke purulent otitis media.

If the patient has multiple cases of purulent formations on the body, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination - bacterial culture from the ear. He will also recommend taking a general blood test and sugar test, and getting advice from an infectious disease specialist or immunologist. Based on the data obtained, treatment will be prescribed to the patient.

How to treat a boil yourself?

If a boil has formed in the ear, it must be treated to avoid possible complications. This can be done at home, if it is located not deep, but on the surface. In other cases, it is better to consult a doctor.

When observing the first symptoms of the development of an abscess, it is recommended to warm up the organ either using a blue lamp or a vodka compress. This treatment will speed up the maturation of the boil. The duration of one procedure does not exceed 15 minutes. Warming up too often and for too long can cause sepsis.

When the head of the boil has opened and its contents have come out, treatment involves the use of pulling and disinfecting ointments, such as ichthyol, levomekol. Tampons with these ointments are applied to the site of inflammation.

At this stage, Vishnevsky ointment is not used, since it promotes wound healing, but does not have stretching properties. It makes sense to apply turundas with this ointment only after all the pus has come out. Usually this happens no earlier than 2-3 days after spontaneous opening of the head. This treatment is correct.

IMPORTANT! To avoid the spread of infection to adjacent tissues, contact with water should be avoided - try not to wash your hair and ears until complete recovery.

What to do if the boil does not go away?

If the inflammation causes severe concern, the patient’s temperature has risen, or neighboring tissues have turned red - behind the ear or on the neck, you should immediately go to the doctor. Such symptoms indicate the spread of the infection or its severe course. Perhaps the doctor will decide to open the abscess surgically.

Treatment without consultation with an otolaryngologist is associated with certain risks. The patient should know that until the boil has fully matured it is prohibited:

  • injure his head
  • squeeze out pus
  • do ear rinsing

Such actions are dangerous - they can lead to the penetration of the contents of the abscess into the blood, as well as into the area of ​​the inner ear, in which case complications cannot be avoided.

If a boil in the external auditory canal does not occur for the first time, and the process of maturation and recovery is protracted, treatment with antibiotics is advisable. In each specific case, these drugs are prescribed by a doctor, indicating the exact dosage and duration of the course. Usually, already on the third day of taking antibacterial agents, the symptoms of inflammation subside.

Autohemotherapy gives good results - intramuscular injection of one’s own blood, it is taken from a vein. Doctors recommend treating boils in this way when they occur several times a year and are accompanied by complications. Along with this, treatment of concomitant diseases and stimulation of the immune system are carried out.