Acute and chronic bronchitis. Bronchial asthma. What is the difference between asthma and bronchitis

Essentially, the treatment of bronchitis in bronchial asthma is carried out in the same way as the treatment of asthma and bronchitis, and may include medications used for bronchial asthma (to stop its attacks), as well as bronchodilators - to thin thick mucus and better remove it from respiratory tract.

Good therapeutic effect give cough drops Bronchipret, Bronchicum, Gedelix, Lizomucil; syrups Brontex, Mukosol, Lazolvan, Flavamed.

The dilation of the bronchi during asthmatic asthma is facilitated by the use of β2-sympathomimetics in the form of a spray - Salbutamol (Albuterol, Astalina, Ventolin) or Fenoterol (Beroteka, Aeruma, Aruterol), one or two injections at a time ( daily dose– three inhalations). Side effects of these drugs include tachycardia, headache, tremor of the limbs, convulsions, neuropsychiatric disorders.

The group of drugs that expand the lumen of the bronchi (bronchodilators) includes Seretide (Tevacomb), which also contains the corticosteroid fluticasone. The doctor determines the dosage individually, depending on the intensity of asthma. Side effects of this medicine include irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat, nausea, increased heart rate, tremors, and all side effects GCS, including decreased adrenal function and Cushing's syndrome. Therefore, it is not prescribed to children under five years of age, as well as to pregnant women, patients with cardiac problems, diseases thyroid gland and diabetes.

Clenbuterol (Contraspasmin, Spiropent), which relieves bronchospasm and thins sputum (in the form of syrup can be prescribed to children from 6 months), is taken orally - twice a day, one tablet (0.02 mg). Side effects may occur in the form of dry mouth, nausea, increased heart rate, and decreased blood pressure.

You should take into account the undeniable need to take vitamins (A, C, E) and increase your water intake. But physiotherapeutic treatment for a combination of bronchial asthma and bronchitis is prescribed with caution: steam inhalations, which are good for bronchitis, can cause an asthmatic attack.

Breathing exercises for asthma and bronchitis can alleviate the condition, especially diaphragmatic breathing, but performing exercises that force exhalation or require bending forward can provoke increased coughing.

Should be postponed until the inflammatory process has stopped acute process manual massage chest, better acupressure for asthma and bronchitis - shiatsu: at points in the middle of the subclavian region, on the back of the neck at the base of the skull and above upper lip(immediately under the nasal septum).

Traditional treatment

If medicinal plants do not cause allergies; herbal treatment can be used as an aid. Herbal medicine suggests drinking herbal teas and decoctions using peppermint, coltsfoot, oregano, thyme; licorice roots or elecampane; anise fruit. Can also be used in pharmacy

The main difference between obstructive bronchitis and simple bronchitis is the presence of obstruction.

Bronchitis is a popular disease and occurs in every fourth patient. Diagnosing and treating simple bronchitis is not difficult.

However, with an obstructive lesion, the mucous membrane of the lungs is damaged.

This leads to disruption of gas exchange in lung tissues and structures. A narrowing of the pulmonary passage appears, and sometimes a spasm.

All this prevents the removal of sputum from the lungs, and significantly aggravates the picture of the disease.

The spasm causes shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and wheezing. Obstructive bronchitis - can occur as independent disease, and as a complication of other diseases.

Most often these are ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza and others infectious diseases. It occurs due to prolonged exposure irritating factor(cough) to the bronchi.

Therefore, the longer you delay treatment, the greater the destruction of the lungs.

How does the disease arise and its obstructive form?

Like the course of the disease, the reasons for which bronchitis and obstructive lesions occur differ from each other.

The main causes of bronchitis are bacteria and viruses. In itself, the disease is not complex. Its complications are much more severe.

There are many more reasons for the occurrence of pulmonary obstruction. These include:

  • untreated respiratory diseases;
  • frequent diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • reduced immunity;
  • burns and injuries;
  • smoking;
  • bad ecology;
  • old age and childhood;
  • constant exposure to allergens;
  • chemicals inhaled in the air.

Obstructive pulmonary disease is significantly different from ordinary bronchitis and asthma.

There are factors that link these diseases (bacteria, viruses, the presence of allergens), but the destruction that occurs in the pulmonary structures accurately indicates the presence of obstruction.

Most often, this disease occurred in children 4–7 years old. However last years An increasing number of adults are becoming susceptible to obstructive bronchitis.

Symptoms characteristic of bronchitis with obstruction

The following symptoms are characteristic of obstructive bronchitis.


The main symptom of any bronchitis is a cough. And if with a simple course of the disease it is most often dry, then with an obstructive lesion moist cough can reach such strength that the patient experiences chest pain.

A cough can strike a patient at any time of the day or night. Its cause is viscous, difficult to clear sputum.


A symptom characteristic only of obstruction is shortness of breath. It may appear after minor physical exertion.

And when advanced stage, even at rest. A patient with simple bronchitis does not have this symptom.


Excessive fatigue is a symptom characteristic of the obstructive course of the disease. It is worth the patient to experience even minor physical exercise how exhausted he is already.

This is due to the destruction occurring in his lungs. At ordinary bronchitis, the patient simply feels unwell, which goes away after 2 to 3 days of competent treatment.

Increased body temperature

With obstructive bronchitis, the body ceases to respond properly to inflammation, since the immune system is weakened. Therefore, body temperature does not exceed 37.6 °C.

This fundamental feature, by which one can distinguish obstructive bronchitis from the normal course of illness or asthma.

With bronchitis, body temperature can be quite high. Sometimes more than 38°C.

How does the disease differ from bronchial asthma?

If previously the main question was how to distinguish obstruction from simple bronchitis, then Lately actual problem humanity has become the presence of bronchial asthma. Great amount Allergens constantly affect the lungs.

Synthetic down, artificial fur toys, mold, dust mites, animal hair, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, tobacco smoke, harmful substances, secreted by factories - all this irritates the mucous membrane of the lungs.

Because of large quantity For people suffering from bronchial asthma, it is extremely important to know by what signs each of us can distinguish it from obstruction.

After all, an asthma attack can begin abruptly and, without proper help, lead to death.

  1. Allergic nature of asthma. It occurs only under the influence of allergens. Pulmonary obstruction occurs due to prolonged irritation of the lungs by coughing or infection.
  2. Chronic asthma. The patient can never achieve complete recovery. Only a period of remission. Obstruction – acute illness. It can be completely cured. However, only on condition timely treatment. If you start obstructive bronchitis, then it can become chronic.
  3. The most common symptom of asthma is a dry cough. For obstruction, a wet cough would be more natural, with big amount secreted sputum.

It is important to remember that bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis are diseases that can flow into each other.

If you do not pay enough attention to the treatment of obstruction, bronchial asthma can develop as a complication.

From which it will never be possible to recover. Also, asthma, without proper control, can be accompanied by bronchitis.

How should the disease be treated?

In order to get rid of simple bronchitis, it is enough to take a course of anti-infective and mucolotic drugs. As complementary therapy You can use inhalations and breathing exercises.

Bronchitis itself is not a complicated disease, and its treatment does not take much time. It is enough to start therapy on time and the effect will occur within 2-3 days.

Unlike simple bronchitis, getting rid of obstructive bronchitis is much more difficult. His treatment must be comprehensive and long-term.

  • Treatment should begin with bronchodilators. To restore microcirculation in the lungs, the following are used: Atrovent, Salbutamol, Teopek. The drugs can be used topically, as a spray. In the best way delivery of the substance to the lungs will be the use of a nebulizer. It is also possible to use drugs intravenously. But only on condition that the patient is constantly in the hospital. And he doesn't have heart failure.
  • Expectorants. Helps cope with the discharge of sputum from the bronchi. Ambroxol or Lazolvan.
  • Antibiotic therapy. Prescribed only if the obstruction is accompanied by the presence of a bacterial lesion.
  • Corticosteroids. Prescribed with great caution and only when the patient’s breathing is extremely difficult.
  • Exercise therapy. Perfectly restores gas exchange in the lungs and promotes recovery.

Only a specialist can distinguish obstructive bronchitis from ordinary bronchitis in a timely manner. Don't delay going to the doctor. Especially if you are susceptible to pulmonary obstruction.

Obstructive bronchitis is not a disease that you can “get over on your feet.” For full recovery need some peace and bed rest, as well as qualified treatment.

Now you know much more about how to recognize it in yourself. This means you can distinguish the disease from simple bronchitis much earlier. But remember that adequate therapy begins with correct diagnosis.

Therefore, you should not rely on your knowledge and strength, because nowadays everyone has access to a doctor.

  • exogenous (develops as a result of exposure to allergens);
  • atopic (due to a congenital predisposition to allergies);
  • endogenous (occurs under the influence of infection, cold, physical effort, difficult experience);
  • mixed genesis (all factors at the same time).

Bronchitis - acute or chronic illness respiratory tract caused by infection or hypothermia. Manifested by severe paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath; with obstructive bronchitis, bronchial spasm is added and the release of a large amount of thick sputum, initially transparent, then purulent (with advanced bronchitis).

Acute obstructive bronchitis can develop as a complication after an infectious or catarrhal disease, especially if treatment was ineffective or the disease was suffered “on your feet”. Chronic bronchitis is characteristic of smoking people, as well as for those working in hazardous industries. Bronchitis is widespread in environmentally unfavorable areas. In people who are immunocompromised or susceptible to frequent illnesses ARVI, an infection from the upper respiratory tract quickly descends and affects the bronchi and lungs, causing bronchitis and pneumonia, requiring long-term treatment antibiotics.

Can bronchitis turn into asthma?

Acute bronchitis, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase in body temperature: this is how the body fights the pathogens of the inflammatory process in the bronchi. Antibacterial treatment justified only in the first 3-5 days of illness; then antibiotics should be discontinued or treatment adjusted depending on the results of blood, urine and sputum tests.

The main role in the treatment of bronchitis belongs to mucolytic and expectorant drugs based on herbs: they relieve coughing attacks and remove mucus from the bronchi. Antibiotics prescribed over long courses nullify the body's resistance, and the next attack of a viral or bacterial infection the disease returns with renewed vigor. In addition, antibiotics themselves can cause allergic reaction, which can lead to the development of the asthmatic component of the disease and subsequently provoke bronchial asthma.

Long-term poisoning of the body with inhaled poisons (smokers, miners, construction workers) can provoke chronic asthmatic bronchitis, which by the age of 50-60 turns into bronchial asthma. This is further facilitated by the presence hereditary predisposition to asthma.

How to distinguish these two diseases?

How is bronchitis different from bronchial asthma? They have common features: debilitating paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath, feeling of tightness in breathing, spasm of the bronchi with blockage of mucus. But there are signs that allow you to distinguish them:

  1. One disease differs from another by different mechanisms of changes that occur in the cellular level. With bronchitis, under the influence of bacteria or viruses, irritation of the bronchial mucosa occurs, which causes swelling of the mucous membrane and the release of a large amount of sputum, clogging the lumen of the bronchi. Cough and shortness of breath appear immediately as a reaction to irritants inside the bronchi. Asthma, unlike bronchitis, has a different, more complex and multi-stage pathogenesis, affecting biochemical processes in the cells of the respiratory tract and nerve endings. Bronchial obstruction occurs immediately when allergens are inhaled or when the patient comes into contact with an infection; suffocation occurs within 5-20 minutes.
  2. The clinical picture becomes clearer after functional studies external respiration: peak flowmetry, spirometry. In bronchial asthma, during an exacerbation, breathing is more depressed than in bronchitis, pulmonary ventilation is impaired, and obstruction is constant. When studying the respiratory function after inhalation of a bronchodilator, the indicators improve. With obstructive bronchitis, the main indicators of respiratory function are close to normal, which makes it possible to distinguish it from asthma.
  3. Obstructive bronchitis can and should be treated completely; subject to doctor's recommendations, quitting smoking, healthy way life, hardening the body and maintaining health with herbal treatment, the disease no longer returns. Asthma, unlike bronchitis, accompanies a person throughout his life; by using drug therapy the patient can control it, but cannot completely cure it - neither with medicines, nor with homeopathy, nor with herbs.

Knowledge of the development and course of both diseases will help the doctor explain to the patient how to distinguish asthma from bronchitis and how to behave with a particular disease. The main thing is that the patient does not panic, but immediately begins treatment for the disease.

How to treat obstructive bronchitis?

When a person has a fever and their health worsens, the use of antibiotics is justified. radical struggle with the causative agent of bronchitis. To determine the pathogen, a sputum test is taken from the patient on the first day of illness; a few days later he donates blood and urine. If there is obstruction, the patient is prescribed FVD study, allowing to distinguish obstructive bronchitis from asthma. To exclude pneumonia, an x-ray of the lungs is indicated.

Antibiotics should be used for no more than 3-5 days. Basic healing effect provide antitussive and expectorant herbal remedies. After normalizing the temperature and stopping antibiotics, the patient should use inhalation treatment with expectorant herbs and thermal procedures for get well soon. The obstruction is removed alkaline inhalations, V difficult caseshormonal aerosols. After 10-20 days, bronchitis disappears without a trace.

How to treat asthma?

Treatment of asthma depends on its severity and can be symptomatic or basic. For stage I asthma, it is enough symptomatic therapy for asthma attacks (drugs in the form of aerosols that dilate the bronchi). If the disease has reached II or Stage III, needed basic therapy, affecting the mechanism pathological process. The patient must use it for life hormonal drugs at least twice a day (with a stable condition) and up to 4-8 times a day with exacerbation of asthma. Thus, he independently controls his underlying disease. For concomitant diseases, for example, ARVI, he can successfully use herbal treatment.

Bronchitis is inflammatory disease which develops as a result of bacterial, viral, fungal and other infections in bronchial tree and is accompanied general intoxication body, cough with sputum and in some, especially severe cases, shortness of breath.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease bronchopulmonary system, which is characterized by the presence of reversible attacks of bronchial obstruction (narrowing of the bronchi) that occur in predisposed patients and are associated with the action of provoking factors.

These factors include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • physical exercise;
  • frequent use of aspirin in sensitized patients;
  • allergic reactions associated with allergens entering the bronchi during breathing, this could be pollen, house dust, chemicals etc.

Bronchial asthma is characterized by paroxysmal course. The severity of the attack is determined by a special classification:

1st degree – intermittent bronchial asthma:

Attacks of reversible bronchial obstruction occur rarely, about once a week, exacerbations are short-lived, usually do not disrupt the usual routine (sleep, work, physical activity) day. Symptoms (shortness of breath, sputum, cough, wheezing) are short-lived. Nocturnal asthma attacks do not bother me. FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) when performing spirometry (a method of measuring the speed of air flow that enters and exits the lungs) is 80% of normal.

Stage 2 – persistent bronchial asthma mild degree severity:

Video: Elena Malysheva. Chronic cough and bronchial asthma

Winter and autumn are wonderful seasons that can give us many bright and unforgettable moments. But very often cold and bad weather also create health problems and provoke colds. Most common option for the autumn-winter period - spasmodic bronchitis, which often leads to the development of asthma. Let's figure out how bronchitis differs from bronchial asthma and describe the main signs of these diseases.

Characteristics of diseases

Both diseases (bronchitis, asthma) have similar manifestations (clinics), for example, in that they affect the upper respiratory tract, however, the pathogenesis of these diseases is different.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the main respiratory tract (bronchi), which has acute or chronic forms. The disease is provoked by an infection (for example, ARVI, influenza), which leads to the development of inflammation in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and bronchi.

Most often, the disease affects children, the elderly and smokers. Obstructive bronchitis is characterized by closure of the lumen in the bronchi, often with spasm.

A person who has bronchitis experiences:

  • difficulty breathing,
  • discomfort in the chest area,
  • shortness of breath (most often after physical activity),
  • dry cough;
  • secretion of sputum,
  • in rare cases, the temperature rises (with the development of an acute form of the disease).

The duration of acute bronchitis is 1-2 weeks, as for chronic form, then it may drag on for several years.

Asthma is a disease chronic type caused by inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, it is characterized by:

  • spasm and swelling of the bronchi;
  • one of the main symptoms is suffocation;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • on early stages the disease is accompanied by a dry cough.

In most cases, asthma is diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. Now there are more than 200 million asthmatics in the world, the worst thing is that the disease cannot be completely cured. All medical and medical actions are aimed at reducing the number of attacks and maintaining the patient’s condition.

We have looked at the main signs of diseases; we need to determine what the differences between them are.

Comparison of symptoms

Let us clarify once again that acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the respiratory tract that develops against the background of a bacterial or viral infection. The duration of the disease in acute form is 2-3 weeks. A more serious form is chronic bronchitis, which occurs with prolonged irritation of the bronchi (dust, smoke, smoking). Asthmatic bronchitis is characterized by recurrent manifestations, the duration of exacerbation of the disease ranges from 1 hour to 1 month.

Asthma is caused by swelling in the lower respiratory tract and inflammation, as well as the development of bronchial hyperactivity under the influence of allergies. In short, bronchitis is the result of infection, asthma is the result of allergic exposure.

If we compare the symptoms, then asthma is accompanied by frequent attacks choking and a dry, prolonged cough that produces clear and viscous sputum. Acute bronchitis is accompanied by a dry cough, without discharge strong sputum, chronic – presence of cough with wheezing, sputum production.

Bronchitis is caused by viral, bacterial or fungal infections, also severe hypothermia body. Asthma is associated with the accumulation of an allergen in the body with reduced immunity, or with inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract.

If we compare the symptoms of cough, they are as follows. With bronchitis, it is initially dry, a little later it changes and becomes moist, and worsens at night. If the disease has acute form, the cough comes in fits and starts, with wheezing and pain in the chest area. Asthma is accompanied by periodic dry paroxysmal cough.

These diseases are interconnected. Namely, bronchitis (chronic type) can lead to asthma. Conversely, bronchitis may develop as a result of complications of asthma.

Comparison of diagnostic methods

In order to put the correct and accurate diagnosis, as well as to exclude the presence of pathology, the patient should undergo comprehensive examination. The doctor listens to wheezing and breathing. If asthma is suspected, the patient's exhaled air flow rate is measured.

Factors confirming asthma are:

  • the presence of eosinophils, Kurshman spirals in the patient’s sputum;
  • positive reaction to allergy tests;
  • the disease is associated with any time of year;
  • when taking a sample with bronchodilators, there is not a pronounced bronchospasm;
  • when conducting x-ray examination no changes were detected in the lung tissue.

The following indicators will indicate whether a patient has bronchitis:

  • the presence of specific antibodies in the blood;
  • rapid onset of cough that is not associated with asthma, a cold or more serious illness(pneumonia, whooping cough);
  • the presence of an infectious agent when analyzing the patient’s blood or sputum.

Diagnosis is carried out taking into account symptoms, medical history, after examining the patient and checking the functioning of the lungs. To confirm the diagnosis, a chest x-ray is prescribed.

It is very important to consult a specialist in a timely manner, especially if the symptoms of the disease continue to develop and there is no reaction to the medications used.

Treatment methods

Concerning acute bronchitis, then it is caused by viruses, therefore, the use of antibiotics is not necessary, the disease most often goes away after a while. Sometimes the doctor prescribes drugs (inhaled) that lead to the opening of the airways, but only if the patient coughing with wheezing.

Let us highlight the main stages of disease treatment:

  • complete cessation of smoking, do not stay in places with polluted air for a long time.
  • appointment medicines, capable of expanding the bronchi, which will lead to the removal of sputum and eliminate shortness of breath, obstruction and respiratory failure. Sample list medications: Salbutamol, Berodual, Eufillin, Teopek.
  • Taking expectorants and mucoltics by patients will dilute the sputum and reduce its viscosity. Well suited for these purposes: Doctor Mom, licorice root, Bromhexine, Lazolvan.
  • If necessary, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, but only if there is a threat of complications.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis is aimed at eliminating the pathogen, for example, Flemoxin, Cefazolin, Levofloxacin, Bioparox. The duration of treatment is at least 10 days.

The approach to asthma treatment has two directions:

  1. When action is limited aggressive factors there is a decrease in the severity and frequency of attacks;
  2. Drug therapy aimed at removing sudden attack, for example, bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids(with a long course of the disease).

The main thing to remember is that asthma with the wrong or irregular treatment leads to complications ( cor pulmonale, pneumothorax, emphysema). Untreated bronchitis can lead to pneumonia, heart failure, or respiratory failure.

Can be done general conclusions, the main differences between asthma and bronchitis in etiology, clinical picture and pathogenesis.