A substance produced by leukocytes in response to a foreign protein. Extracurricular event in biology on the topic "The internal environment of the body" (grade 8). Competition "Weak Link"

(from the Greek leukos - "white" and kytos - "receptacle", "cell") - these are white blood cells - colorless blood cells ranging in size from 8 to 20 microns, containing a nucleus and cytoplasm.

Types of leukocytes

Depending on whether the cytoplasm of leukocytes is homogeneous or contains granularity, they are divided into granular (granulocytes) and non-granular (agranulocytes).

There are three types of granulocytes: basophils (stain blue and blue with alkaline dyes), eosinophils (stain pink with acidic dyes) and neutrophils (stain with both alkaline and acidic dyes; this is the most numerous group). Neutrophils according to the degree of maturity are divided into young, stab and segmented.

Agranulocytes, in turn, are of two types: lymphocytes and monocytes.

Functions of leukocytes

All types of leukocytes perform a protective function in the body. However, they do it differently.

The phenomenon of phagocytosis was discovered in 1882 by the outstanding Russian scientist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov.

The main function of neutrophils is phagocytosis of bacteria and tissue decay products. The process of phagocytosis (active capture and absorption of living and non-living particles by phagocytes - special cells of multicellular animal organisms) is extremely important for immunity. Phagocytosis is the first step in wound healing (cleaning). That is why in people with a reduced number of neutrophils, wounds heal slowly.

Neutrophils produce interferon, which has an antiviral effect, and secrete arachidonic acid, which plays an important role in regulating the permeability of blood vessels and in triggering processes such as inflammation, pain, and blood clotting.

Eosinophilsneutralize and destroy toxins of foreign proteins (for example, bee, wasp, snake venom). They produce histaminase, an enzyme that destroys histamine, which is released during various allergic conditions, bronchial asthma, helminthic invasions, and autoimmune diseases. That is why in these diseases the number of eosinophils in the blood increases. This type of leukocyte also synthesizes plasminogen, which reduces blood clotting.

Neutrophils can determine the sex of a person: the female genotype has round outgrowths - “drumsticks”

Basophils produce and contain the most important biologically active substances. So, heparin prevents blood clotting in the focus of inflammation, and histamine expands the capillaries, which contributes to its resorption and healing. Basophils also contain hyaluronic acid, which affects the permeability of the vascular wall; platelet activating factor (PAF); thromboxanes that promote aggregation (clumping) of platelets; leukotrienes and prostaglandin hormones.

In allergic reactions, basophils release biologically active substances into the blood, including histamine. Itching in places of mosquito and midge bites appears due to the work of basophils.

Monocytes are produced in the bone marrow. They are in the blood for no more than 2-3 days, and then they go into the surrounding tissues, where they reach maturity, turning into tissue macrophages (large cells).

Lymphocytes- the main actor of the immune system. They form specific immunity (protection of the body against various infectious diseases):

  • perform the synthesis of protective antibodies;
  • lysis (dissolution) of foreign cells;
  • provide immune memory.

Lymphocytes are formed in the bone marrow, and specialization (differentiation) takes place in the tissues.

There are 2 classes of lymphocytes: T-lymphocytes (mature in the thymus gland) and B-lymphocytes (mature in the intestine, palatine and pharyngeal tonsils).

Depending on the functions performed, they differ: T-killers (killers), dissolving foreign cells, pathogens of infectious diseases, tumor cells, mutant cells; T-helpers (helpers) interacting with B-lymphocytes; T-suppressors (oppressors), blocking excessive reactions of B-lymphocytes. The memory cells of T-lymphocytes store information about contacts with antigens (foreign proteins): this is a kind of database where all infections that our body has encountered at least once are entered.

Most B-lymphocytes produce antibodies - proteins of the immunoglobulin class. In response to the action of antigens (foreign proteins), B-lymphocytes interact with T-lymphocytes and monocytes and turn into plasma cells. These cells synthesize antibodies that recognize and bind the appropriate antigens in order to destroy them. Among B-lymphocytes there are also killers, helpers, suppressors and immunological memory cells.

Leukocytosis leukopenia

The number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood of an adult normally ranges from 4.0-9.0x109 / l (4000-9000 in 1 μl). Their increase is called leukocytosis, and their decrease is called leukopenia.

Leukocytosis can be physiological (food, muscle, emotional, and also occurring during pregnancy) and pathological. With pathological (reactive) leukocytosis, cells are ejected from the hematopoietic organs with a predominance of young forms. The most severe leukocytosis occurs with leukemia: leukocytes are not able to perform their physiological functions, in particular, to protect the body from pathogenic bacteria.

Leukopenias are observed when exposed to radiation (especially as a result of damage to the bone marrow during radiation sickness) and X-rays, with some serious infectious diseases (sepsis, tuberculosis), as well as due to the use of a number of drugs. With leukopenia, there is a sharp inhibition of the body's defenses in the fight against a bacterial infection.

When studying a blood test, not only the total number of leukocytes is important, but also the percentage of their individual types, called the leukocyte formula, or leukogram. An increase in the number of young and stab neutrophils is called a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left: it indicates an accelerated renewal of the blood and is observed in acute infectious and inflammatory diseases, as well as in leukemia. In addition, a shift in the leukocyte formula may occur during pregnancy, especially in the later stages.

Platelets(from the Greek trombos - "lump", "clot" and kytos - "receptacle", "cell") are called platelets - flat cells of irregular rounded shape with a diameter of 2-5 microns. In humans, they do not have nuclei.

Platelets are formed in the red bone marrow from giant cells of megakaryocytes. Platelets live from 4 to 10 days, after which they are destroyed in the liver and spleen.

Platelets contain a large amount of serotonin and histamine, which affect the size of the lumen and the permeability of blood capillaries.

Platelet Functions

  • Prevention of large blood loss in case of injury to blood vessels, as well as healing and regeneration of damaged tissues. (Platelets can adhere to a foreign surface or stick together.)
  • Synthesis and release of biologically active substances (serotonin, adrenaline, norepinephrine), as well as blood coagulation factors.
  • Phagocytosis of foreign bodies and viruses.
  • Platelets contain a large amount of serotonin and histamine, which affect the size of the lumen and the permeability of blood capillaries.

Violation of the quantity and quality of platelets

activated platelets

The number of platelets in the peripheral blood of an adult is normally 180-320x109 / l, or 180,000-320,000 per 1 μl. There are diurnal fluctuations: there are more platelets during the day than at night. A decrease in the number of platelets is called thrombocytopenia, and an increase is called thrombocytosis.

Thrombocytopenia occurs in two cases: when an insufficient number of platelets are formed in the bone marrow or when they are rapidly destroyed. Radiation, taking a number of medications, a deficiency of certain vitamins (B 12, folic acid), alcohol abuse and, in particular, serious diseases can negatively affect the production of platelets: viral hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis of the liver, HIV and malignant tumors. Increased destruction of platelets most often develops when the immune system fails, when the body begins to produce antibodies not against microbes, but against its own cells.

With thrombocytopenia, there is a tendency to easy bruising (hematomas) that occurs with little pressure or no reason at all: bleeding with minor injuries and operations (tooth extraction); in women - profuse blood loss during menstruation. If you notice at least one of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor and perform a blood test.

With thrombocytosis, the opposite picture is observed: due to an increase in the number of platelets, blood clots appear - blood clots that clog blood flow through the vessels. This is very dangerous because it can lead to myocardial infarction, stroke and thrombophlebitis of the extremities, more often the lower ones.

In some cases, platelets, despite the fact that their number is normal, cannot fully perform their functions (usually due to a membrane defect), and increased bleeding is observed. Such disorders can be both congenital and acquired (including those developed under the influence of long-term medication: for example, with frequent uncontrolled intake of painkillers, which include analgin).

Lesson Objectives:

Educational: to generalize and systematize students' knowledge about the composition and functions of blood, the structure of the circulatory system and the importance of immunity.

Developing: to develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice in the provision of first aid for all types of bleeding;

Educational: to promote a healthy lifestyle; note the negative impact of nicotine, alcohol and drugs on the work of the circulatory system.

Equipment: plates with team numbers, emblems of competitions for all participants, statements for the jury; paper for terminological dictation; cards with digital information; cards with texts of tasks; cotton wool, bandages, tourniquet, handkerchief for first aid.

The class is divided into 4 teams, each of which comes up with a name for itself in advance. At the beginning of the lesson, students choose colored chips (each color gives the opportunity to participate in one of the competitions). Competitions are judged by a jury.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher communicates the goals and objectives of the lesson, announces the conditions for the game, and represents the jury. Students choose colored chips and take places at the gaming tables.

II. Checking students' knowledge. (It is carried out in the form of games-competitions - see lesson appendices.)

III. Summing up the lesson.

1. Grading for the terminology competition ( see the Appendix to the lesson competition “Terms”).

2. Estimates for participation in competitions.

3. General results and conclusions.

to the lesson on the topic “Blood. Circulatory system. Immunity".

Competition "Terms"

Conditions: the teacher reads the definitions, all students in the field write down the terms in order. After the end of the dictation, one participant from each team (having a yellow chip) goes to the jury table, where their work is checked (the teacher reads the definitions, and the contestants name the terms). The jury corrects mistakes and marks the participants of the competition, who now, having a standard answer, check the work of their team for 10 minutes.

  1. Vessels that carry blood away from the heart. ( arteries)
  2. Path of blood from the right ventricle to the left atrium. ( Small circle of blood circulation)
  3. Vibrations in the walls of blood vessels caused by changes in blood pressure in the vessels in the rhythm of the contraction of the heart. ( Pulse)
  4. Blood group of the universal donor. ( 1 or 00)
  5. The liquid part of the blood. (Plasma)
  6. A substance found in erythrocytes. ( Hemoglobin)
  7. Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart. ( Vienna)
  8. Preparation of killed or weakened microorganisms. ( Vaccine)
  9. White blood cells. ( Leukocytes)
  10. The body's ability to defend itself against infection. ( Immunity)
  11. A person who donates part of his or her blood for a transfusion. ( Donor)
  12. A substance produced by white blood cells in response to a foreign protein or organism. ( Antibody)
  13. Blood saturated with oxygen. ( Arterial)
  14. The movement of blood through the blood vessels. ( Circulation)
  15. The largest vessel ( Aorta)
  16. Red blood cells. ( red blood cells)
  17. The process of devouring foreign bodies by leukocytes. ( Phagocytosis).
  18. Blood saturated with carbon dioxide. ( Venous)
  19. Hereditary disease, expressed in a tendency to bleed as a result of non-clotting. ( Hemophilia)
  20. Path of blood from the left ventricle to the right atrium. ( Systemic circulation)

Competition “What do these numbers say”

Conditions: players with a blue chip participate in the competition. Points will be collected by those players who remember faster than others what the following numbers and numbers mean.

  1. 90% (the amount of water in the blood).
  2. 300 g (weight of the heart).
  3. 60-80 times / min (number of heartbeats).
  4. 120 days (erythrocyte lifespan).
  5. 0.9% (the amount of NaCl in the blood).
  6. 0.8 s (cardiac cycle duration).
  7. 5 million/mm 3 (number of erythrocytes).
  8. 0.5-1 mm/s (blood flow velocity in capillaries).
  9. 120/80 mmHg Art. (normal blood pressure).
  10. 2.5 cm (diameter of the aorta).
  11. 30-50 cm/s (velocity of blood flow in the aorta).
  12. 6-9 thousand / mm 3 (number of leukocytes).

Contest "Find the mistake"

Conditions: teams receive texts (by lottery) in which errors were made. Within 1-2 minutes, work is carried out in groups to identify errors, then the player who has red chip, reads the text and comments on the errors.

Texts for the contest “Find the mistake”

1. Leukocytes.

Leukocytes are white blood cells. They smaller(larger than) erythrocytes, have filiform(amoeboid) body and well-defined nucleus. In 1 mm 3 of their blood from 9 to 15 thousand. (6-9 thousand). Like erythrocytes, leukocytes not capable move independently (able to move actively). Leukocytes devour bacteria that have entered the body. This way of eating is called pinocytosis(phagocytosis). In addition, a special group of leukocytes produces immune bodies - special cells(substances) capable of neutralizing any(specific) infection. He studied the protective properties of blood I.P. Pavlov(I.I. Mechnikov).

2. Red blood cells.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They are very small. In 1 mm 3 of them 10 million. (5 million). mature erythrocytes have small nuclei(do not have nuclei). These are cells globular(biconcave cake) forms that are not capable of independent movement. Inside the cells is hemoglobin - a combination of protein and copper(gland). Erythrocytes originate in spleen(in the red bone marrow), but are destroyed in red bone marrow(spleen). The main function of erythrocytes is the transport of nutrients substances(gases). A disease associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells is called thrombophlebitis(anemia).

3. Lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is complementary to arterial(venous) and is part of the cardiovascular system. Capillaries are blind-closed and blood(lymph) moves along them into two(one) directions. The lymphatic system is the mediator between body cells and blood. supplies the body with oxygen and nutrients(frees from decay products). Lymphatic vessels Dont Have(have) valves. Special formations - lymph nodes concentrated in the chest cavity(throughout the body in moving places). They perform a barrier function, here they form platelets(lymphocytes). Composition of lymph and blood similar(different).

4. Heart.

The heart is the engine of blood in the body. This three-chamber(four-chambered) muscular organ located in abdominal(thoracic) cavity. The mass of the heart is approx. 1 kg(300 g). AND outside, and inside the heart is lined with a single-layer epithelium (outside - connective tissue). Inside there is a valve apparatus that provides blood flow in only one direction. The ventricles are separated incomplete(complete) septum, and therefore arterial and venous blood mixed up(do not mix). The largest vein The aorta (artery) that carries blood away from the heart originates from the left ventricle. The heart cycle lasts 0.8 min(sec).

Competition "Admission at the emergency room"

Conditions: guys with a white chip participate in the competition. They must provide first aid to the “injured” (tasks are chosen by lottery).

1. The victim has severe bleeding on the left forearm, the blood is coming in jerks, the color of the blood is scarlet.

Answer. The type of bleeding is arterial. A tourniquet must be applied. It is applied to clothing (so as not to damage the skin) above the wound until the bleeding stops. The tourniquet can be kept for no more than 1.5-2 hours (so as not to cause necrosis). On the wound - a sterile bandage. The victim must be taken to the hospital.

2. The victim has cardiac arrest due to electric shock.

Answer. It is necessary to de-energize the victim, then urgently begin to perform an indirect heart massage in combination with artificial respiration. Due to the effect of current, there may be muscle spasm, so the victim can unclench his teeth using a knife or stick. A clean scarf is applied to the mouth and nose of the victim, air is blown into the lungs at a frequency of 18-20 times per minute, heart massage - rhythmic pressure on the lower third of the sternum - at a frequency of 60-70 times / min.

3. The victim has a skull injury: the forehead is cut, the bleeding is profuse, the bone is not damaged.

Answer. It is necessary to blot the wound with a napkin, apply gauze folded several times to the wound and apply a circular bandage or “cap”. Deliver the victim to the first-aid post for suturing.

4. The victim has an abrasion on his knee, the bleeding is weak, the wound is dirty.

Answer. Rinse the wound with boiled water or a solution of potassium permanganate, treat the skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green, you can close the wound with a bactericidal plaster, a bandage is not required.

Contest “Messages”

Conditions: the participants of the teams who prepared the messages are speaking (time limit - 3 minutes).

Message topics.

  1. Cardiovascular diseases and their prevention.
  2. The influence of alcohol, tobacco, drugs on the work of the cardiovascular system.
  3. The value of physical exercises for strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  4. Why are vaccinations needed?

1. The movement of blood through the blood vessels. 2. The largest vessel 3. Red blood cells. 4. The process of devouring foreign bodies by leukocytes 5. Blood saturated with carbon dioxide. 6. Hereditary disease, expressed in a tendency to bleeding as a result of blood non-coagulation 7. The path of blood from the left ventricle to the right atrium. 8. Preparation from killed or weakened microorganisms. 10. The ability of the body to defend itself against infectious effects. 11. Blood vessels through which blood moves to the heart. 12. A person who provides part of his blood for a transfusion. 14. The liquid part of the blood. 15. Blood type of a universal donor. 16. A substance produced by leukocytes in response to a foreign protein or organism. 17. Blood saturated with oxygen. 18. Fluctuations in the walls of blood vessels, caused by changes in blood pressure in the vessels in the rhythm of the contraction of the heart. 19. Path of blood from the right ventricle to the left atrium. 20. Vessels carrying blood from the heart. Terms

1. The movement of blood through the blood vessels. (Blood circulation.) 2. The largest vessel. (Aorta.) 3. Red blood cells. (Erythrocytes.) 4. The process of devouring foreign bodies by leukocytes. (Phagocytosis.) 5. Blood saturated with carbon dioxide. (Venous.) 6. Hereditary disease, expressed in a tendency to bleed as a result of blood non-clotting. (Hemophilia.) 7. Path of blood from the left ventricle to the right atrium. (A large circle of blood circulation.) 8.. Preparation of killed or weakened microorganisms. (Vaccine.) 9. White blood cells. (Leukocytes.) 10. The body's ability to protect itself from infectious effects. (Immunity.) 11. Blood vessels through which blood moves to the heart. (Veins.) 12. A person who provides part of his blood for a transfusion. (Donor.) 13. A substance that is part of erythrocytes. (Hemoglobin.) 14. The liquid part of the blood. (Plasma.) 15. Blood group of the universal donor. (1 or 00.) 16. A substance produced by leukocytes in response to a foreign protein or organism. (Antibody.) 17. Blood saturated with oxygen. (Arterial.) 18. Fluctuations in the walls of blood vessels, caused by changes in blood pressure in the vessels in the rhythm of the contraction of the heart. (Pulse.) 19. The path of blood from the right ventricle to the left atrium. (Lesser circulation.) 20. Vessels that carry blood from the heart. (Arteries.) Terms

90% times per minute 0.8 sec 120 days 0.9% 6-9 thousand/mm cm/s 120/80 mmHg 5 million/mm3 0.5-1 mm/s 2.5 cm 300g. the amount of water in the blood the mass of the heart the number of heartbeats the life expectancy of erythrocytes the duration of the cardiac cycle the amount of NaCl in the blood the number of erythrocytes the rate of blood flow in the capillaries normal blood pressure the number of leukocytes the rate of blood flow in the aorta the diameter of the aorta

1. The victim has severe bleeding from a wound on his right forearm, the blood is coming in jerks, the color of the blood is scarlet. 2. The victim has cardiac arrest due to electric shock. 3. The victim has a skull injury: the forehead is cut, bleeding is profuse, the bone is not damaged. 4. The victim has an abrasion on his knee, the bleeding is weak, the wound is dirty. Reception at the emergency room

1. Answer. The type of bleeding is arterial. A tourniquet must be applied. It is applied to clothing (so as not to damage the skin) above the wound until the bleeding stops. The tourniquet can be kept for no more than 1.5-2 hours (so as not to cause necrosis). The wound is covered with a sterile bandage. The victim must be taken to the medical center. 2.Answer. It is necessary to de-energize the victim, then urgently begin to perform an indirect heart massage in combination with artificial respiration. Due to the effect of current, there may be muscle spasm, so the victim can unclench his teeth using a knife or stick. A clean handkerchief is applied to the mouth and nose of the victim, air is blown into the lungs at a frequency of once per minute, heart massage - rhythmic pressure on the lower third of the sternum - at a frequency of once per minute. 3.Answer. It is necessary to blot the wound with a napkin, apply gauze folded several times to the wound and apply a circular bandage or “cap”. Deliver the victim to the first-aid post for suturing. 4. Answer. Rinse the wound with boiled water or a solution of potassium permanganate, treat the skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green, you can close the wound with a bactericidal plaster, a bandage is not required.

Lesson - review of knowledge on the topic: “Blood. Circulatory system. Immunity"

blood leukocyte vessel student


.repeat the terminology on the topics of blood, immunity; to reveal the degree of understanding of the processes of blood coagulation, phagocytosis, the formation of immunity.

.ability to provide first aid for various types of bleeding.

.education of a healthy lifestyle.


· team name plates

· emblems of the contestants

· statements for the jury

· terminological dictation paper

sample answers

· digital information cards

· model show props

· cotton wool, bandage, tourniquet, handkerchief

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher communicates the purpose and objectives of the lesson, announces the conditions for the game, and represents the jury. Students choose color chips and take places at the gaming tables.

II. Main part.

.Competition "TERMS"

Conditions: the teacher reads the definitions, all students in the field write down the terms in order. After the end of the dictation, one participant from each team (with a yellow chip) goes to the jury table, where their work is checked. The jury corrects mistakes and marks the participants of the competition, who now, having a standard answer, check the work of their team within 5 minutes.

.largest vessel (aorta)

.red blood cells (erythrocytes)

.blood saturated with carbon dioxide (venous)

.preparation of killed or weakened microorganisms (vaccine)

.white blood cells (leukocytes)

.the body's ability to defend itself against infection (immunity)

.blood vessels that carry blood to the heart (veins)

.substance found in red blood cells (hemoglobin)

.a substance produced by white blood cells in response to a foreign protein or organism (antibodies)

.oxygenated blood (arterial)

.vessels that carry blood away from the heart (arteries)

.Competition "FROM ACCURACY TO ..."

Conditions: players with a blue chip participate in the competition. Points will be collected by those players who will quickly remember what the following numbers and numbers mean.

.90% (amount of water in the blood)

.300g (weight of heart)

.60-80 times per minute (number of heartbeats)

.120 days (erythrocyte lifespan)

.0.8 sec (cardiac cycle duration)

.0.9% (amount of NaCI in the blood)

.120/80 mmHg Art. (normal blood pressure)

.30-50 cm/s (velocity of blood flow in the aorta)

.2.5 cm (aortic diameter)

.0.5-1 mm/s (blood flow velocity in capillaries)

.Competition "MODELS"

Conditions: teams play out models of physiological processes: "Circulation of blood", "Blood coagulation", "Immunity". Contestants with green chips comment on the performance of their team.

"circulation circles"

4 people participate: "blood", "heart", "body", "lungs". Blood goes from the heart to the body, to which it gives a red chip (oxygen) and takes a blue chip (carbon dioxide) from it, then the blood returns to the heart and then moves to the lungs, where it gives a blue chip and takes red, the blood returns to the heart and that's it repeats.

"blood clotting"

5-6 people participate: two depict the walls of blood vessels, and the rest - blood elements. The facilitator reads the text, the participants act out the action.

Leading. Imagine that you cut your finger (participants 1 and 2 open their hands) and blood begins to flow through the damaged wall of the vessel (3,4,5 players repeatedly run through open hands). But fibrin threads begin to appear at the site of damage (players 1 and 2 stretch out their hands and connect them), which, like a mesh, close the hole. And blood cells get into this network, they clog the breakthrough. This is how a thrombus is formed.

"Formation of immunity"

Characters: girls (two cells), hooligan (pathogenic organism), policeman (leukocyte), special forces soldier (antibody).

The cage girls are walking slowly, talking, then a bully comes flying at them, who starts kicking and tickling them, as a result one of the girls faints (the cage dies), the other runs away, then returns, leading a policeman with him. The policeman looks at the hooligan, makes an entry in the protocol (determines the type of infection) and invites a special forces soldier (antibody), who takes the stubborn hooligan away.

.Competition "FIND THE ERRORS"

Conditions: Teams receive texts that contain errors. Within 2 minutes, work is underway in groups to identify errors, then the player with the red chip reads the text and comments on the errors.


Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They are very small. In 1 mm there are 10 million (5 million). mature erythrocytes have small nuclei (do not have nuclei). These are cells of a spherical (biconcave) shape, not capable of independent movement. Inside the cells is hemoglobin - a combination of protein and copper (iron). Red blood cells originate in the spleen (in the red bone marrow), and are destroyed in the red bone marrow (spleen). The main function of red blood cells is the transport of nutrients (gases). A disease associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood is called thrombophlebitis (anemia).


Leukocytes are white blood cells. They are smaller (larger) than erythrocytes, have a filamentous (amoeboid) body and a well-defined nucleus. In 1 mm of blood there are from 9 to 15 thousand (6-9 thousand). Like erythrocytes, leukocytes are not able (able) to move independently. Leukocytes devour bacteria that have entered the body. This way of eating is called pinocytosis (phagocytosis). In addition, a special group of leukocytes produces immune bodies - special cells (substances) that can neutralize any (specific) infection. The study of the protective properties of blood was carried out by I.P. Pavlov (I.I. Mechnikov).

The heart is the engine of blood in the body. This is a three-chamber (four-chamber) muscular organ located in the abdominal (thoracic) cavity. The mass of the heart is about 1 kg (300 g). Both outside (connective tissue) and inside the heart is lined with a single-layer epithelium. Inside the valvular apparatus, providing blood flow in only one direction. The ventricles are separated by an incomplete (complete) septum, and therefore venous and arterial blood mix (do not mix).


Conditions: guys with a white chip participate in the competition. They must provide PHC to the “victim”.

.the victim has severe bleeding from a wound on his right forearm, the blood is coming in jerks, the color of the blood is scarlet.

Answer: the type of bleeding is arterial. A tourniquet must be applied. It is applied to clothing above the wound until the bleeding stops. The tourniquet can be kept for no more than 1.5 - 2 hours. Sterile dressing on the wound.

.the victim has a skull injury: his forehead is cut, bleeding is profuse, the bone is not damaged.

Answer: it is necessary to blot the wound with a napkin, apply gauze folded several times to the wound and apply a bandage with a circular or “cap”. Deliver to the infirmary.

.the victim has an abrasion on his knee, the bleeding is weak, the wound is dirty.

Answer: wash the wound with boiled water or a solution of potassium permanganate, treat the skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green. A bandage is not required.

.Competition "MESSAGES"

Conditions: team members who prepared messages speak.

Example topics: "Cardiovascular diseases and their prevention", "The influence of alcohol, tobacco, drugs on the work of the cardiovascular system", "why are vaccinations needed?".

III. Summing up the lesson.

.Grading for terminological dictation.

.Estimates for participation in competitions.

.General results and conclusions.


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