Aconitum napellus homeopathy. Indications for use of Aconite. In what cases are granules used?

Fighter. A perennial plant from the ranunculaceae family. The tincture is prepared from the whole plant, collected at the end of flowering. We find the pathogenesis of aconite in Hahnemann's Pure Medicines. It was completely retested by the Austrian Society of Testers (1 volume of the Austrian Bulletin of Homeopathy), and prof. Imbert-Gurbeir wrote one of the most interesting monographs on aconite. Type Aconite is especially indicated for children, young people and adults whose arterial circulation functions quite normally. It corresponds mainly to active, full-blooded, sanguine subjects who react to their surroundings with great force; they have all the symptoms of arterial aconite flushes. It doesn’t hurt to note that aconite is best suited for those who have dark color faces, eyes and hair are brown or black. Characteristic 1. Extreme anxiety and agitation with excessive melancholy and fear of death. This condition occurs in severe cases inflammatory fevers, with some heart diseases and with exophthalmic goiter. This fear, as well as the illness that causes agitation in the patient, are characteristic of this remedy. 2. Fear of crossing the street, going into society, fear that something might happen, fear is constant, incomprehensible, inexplicable. Here we note that aconite excellent remedy for diseases that developed as a result of fright, recent and distant (opium, ignatia, veratrum album). 3. Diseases and pains that appear after exposure to cold wind. Other chief remedies relating to dry and cold wind; bryonia, causticum, hepar sulfur and nux vomica. 4. The severity of symptoms that appear suddenly and immediately develop with great severity. 5. Worsening of symptoms: agitation, pain, melancholy, etc. at night, especially after midnight. The pain of aconite is unbearable, sharp, tearing, accompanied by extreme excitement, melancholy, fear: the patient rushes in different directions, being unable to bear this pain or withstand touch. The pain worsens at night, around midnight, as in general, the symptoms of this remedy. They are replaced by a feeling of numbness, tingling, goosebumps. And the etiology is most important: exposure to dry, cold air. Stools are frequent, scanty, with tenesmus and unbearable urge. Diarrhea, with gastric mucous or chopped spinach-like stool in children during the hot season. Relief occurs after sudden release of mucus or blood. Menstruation: very heavy, long, sometimes short-lived, or replaced by nosebleeds in strong and full-blooded women. Sudden stopping due to fear, anger, strong excitement, even joy, or exposure to a dry, cold wind. Summary Aconite - important tool with any strong hot flashes, accompanied by melancholy, excitement and increased temperature. It is called the "homeopathic lancet". The most important characteristic feature his: “physical and mental excitement.” For all diseases due to exposure to the cold and, especially, to the cold wind, you need to think about aconite. It is the first remedy for inflammatory fevers. Chills and numbness

indications for use

Main indications Aconite is the best remedy for inflammation, flushing and arterial hyperemia; this is an excellent anti-inflammatory, but it corresponds only to the beginning of inflammation (formative period), losing its indications as soon as the rush of blood is localized, transudate, hepatization or tissue changes appear. It is necessary to know for sure that aconite corresponds mainly to diseases due to exposure to dry, cold wind, due to fear, cessation of sweating; those cases that are characterized by the severity of symptoms, violent, sudden, acute onset with fever - that is why it is, first of all, an important remedy for inflammation and congestion of the lungs, especially in plethoric, sanguine and strong subjects. ACTIVE IDIOPATHIC CONGESTIA (Voile, Potena, Granchet forms) with full, hard, galloping pulse and increased blood pressure. On the contrary, aconite is absolutely contraindicated in cases of passive adynamic hot flashes with a decrease in blood pressure, such as typhus. And with hot flashes, due to asystole with a threadlike pulse with a decrease in blood pressure, it is even harmful. The site of selective action of aconite is the upper lobe of the left lung. If the tide could not be stopped by aconite, and if inflammation of the tissue has developed, then it loses its strength and bryonia can take its place in pleuropneumonia, and phosphorus in splenopneumonia. FOR BRONCHITIS, PLEURITIS, (as well as inflammation pelvic peritoneum), aconite is applicable at the beginning; the indication for it is determined by the nature of the fever, and in case of damage respiratory tract, - cooling as a cause of illness. Runny nose: there is not only painful dryness in the nose, but also dryness and a feeling of heat in the skin, and a flow of blood from the periphery to the center. LARINGO-TRACHEITIS of aconite is often a consequence of cooling without perspiration (that is why belladonna is more suitable for children who often catch colds when running around in perspiration). Aconite cold - a cold when walking in an open carriage, with chills; while staying in cold rooms. Here are the readings of aconite. An excellent regulator of blood circulation, aconite is also indicated for hemoptysis. Nosebleeds with increased blood pressure. HEMOPTYSIS with anxiety and fear. Aconite corresponds to congestive hemoptysis at the beginning of tuberculosis, caused by a sudden cold: alarm signal which should not be neglected. SONGINS with fever, burning, purple throat, excitement and melancholy; We must not forget about the etiology - the common cold. RHEUMATISM. Aconite is the main remedy against acute articular rheumatism. For acute local manifestations rheumatic diathesis, during a febrile period, aconite is often very effective means: for lumbago (bryonia, rus, actea, puxivomica), scleritis (spigelia), pleurodynia (ranunculus bulbosus), sciatica and other neuralgia of a rheumatic nature. COLD FACIAL NEURALGIA affects mainly people prone to hot flashes and congested. Aconite is especially indicated when there is severe congestion in the affected part, usually the face, which in such cases becomes red and swollen. A crawling sensation in the affected part; the pain drives the patient almost to despair. This pain is extremely sharp at the beginning and is always accompanied by a crawling sensation and numbness. HEART DISEASES. Aconite is an excellent remedy for aortitis and initial stages endocarditis. Palpitation with a feeling of melancholy. Seizures sharp pain, spreading from the heart to left hand and accompanied by a feeling of numbness and crawling in the fingers. INCREASED BLOOD PRESSURE without organic damage. Nothing compares to aconite for its rapid action in cases of acute high blood pressure. Aconite eliminates such increases without damage irrevocably, while in patients with arteriosclerosis it only decreases for several days, weeks, etc. months, because painfully altered arteries in these cases fatally lead to increased pressure again. Equally, aconite appears to be effective AT THE BEGINNING OF ENDOCARDITIS, PERICARDITIS AND ARTERITIS with increased pressure. It also retains all the power of its action in acute or subacute cases of hot flashes during chronic diseases. Smokers under the influence of nicotine may experience a spasm of the vessels supplying the large arterial trunks (aorta). As a result of malnutrition vascular walls A general circulatory disorder may occur in the form of palpitations, arrhythmia, and even angina attacks. In all such cases, the administration of aconite often gives brilliant results. IN CARDIAC OVERSTRESS IN ATHLETES, when an increase in blood pressure is followed by asystole and a dangerous decrease in blood pressure, giving all phases of aconite poisoning. ARNICA acts more slowly in the same cases. SEVERE JAUNDICE. The pathogenesis of aconite gives symptoms of severe jaundice (icteric discoloration of the skin, hemorrhages, fever). But phosphorus reproduces these symptoms even better, so aconite and phosphorus are two remedies against severe jaundice; here aconite is used in low dilutions. HEADACHE. Congestive headache, with a feeling of fullness, as if a weight were pressing on the head in the forehead. Headache with a feeling of heat, heaviness, throbbing, splitting, after a cold or exposure to the sun. Feeling the rush with high fever, accompanied by violent heartbeat, pulsation of the arteries, in the temples, with fever, melancholy, fear. COUGH - usually dry and short whistling, as with croup, worse in the evening, at night from dry cold wind or draft, smoking, drinking. Nothing seems to make it easier. It is accompanied by shortness of breath, sharp pains, fever, excitement and melancholy. It appears suddenly in full-blooded children who have caught a cold during the day; during the first sleep between 9 and 11 pm, before midnight; cough is hoarse, strong, almost immediately suffocating; the child grabs his throat with his hands and suffocates; he is excited, sad and afraid. Aconite cough either without sputum at all, or with a small amount of viscous mucus. Auscultation does not give anything here, because... aconite corresponds only to the simple stage of irritation, which is immediately followed by the stage of true tide. FEVER. In general, aconite is useful at the beginning of any acute, not too severe fever that appears after a cold, characterized by redness of the face, which turns pale when getting out of bed, thirst with need large quantities water and especially severe dryness skin, the functions of which seem to have ceased due to spasm of the capillaries. In these same cases, aconite, due to its stimulating effect on circulatory system, causes a rush of blood to the surface of the skin and, consequently, the appearance of a relieving sweat. As soon as the patient sweats, the indications for aconite end. Urinary retention in children at the beginning of inflammation clearly indicates aconite. Thus, aconite is a remedy against sthenic or simple inflammatory fever. Minor effect It turns out only for septic fevers and accompanying local inflammations.

effect on the body

Physiological action Leaving aside poisoning with aconite, which paralyzes nervous system and leading to death so quickly that symptoms useful to us for therapeutic purposes do not have time to develop, we will study only the results of the action of aconite tincture on healthy person, reversing special attention on circulatory disorders, which is the most important. The tincture of aconite in moderate doses, depending on the sensitivity of the subject undergoing the test, produces at first an increase in cardiac activity, causing full, hard and rapid pulse, significant increase in temperature and blood pressure. This is the basic action of aconite, which the homeopath should never forget, and which gives him the key to the main therapeutic indicators. A sharp stimulation of blood circulation causes the following symptoms: tinnitus, dizziness, headaches. The soft palate, uvula, tonsils, cheeks, ears, as well as the connective membrane of the eyes are hyperemic. Capillaries rupture from tension, resulting in bruising, ecchymoses, hematomas and nosebleeds. The whole face turns red due to a rush of blood to the head, there is a tickling in the larynx with a feeling of roughness. Eyelids, eyeballs hyperemic, lacrimation increases. The laryngoscope shows hyperemia of the entire mucous membrane of the larynx, which can spread to the trachea. Then there is a secretion of visible mucous membranes, accompanied by chills, followed by dilation of the capillaries of the skin, and finally the secretion of sweat. Depending on the dose, aconite produces two types of fever: one that we have just described - with symptoms of inflammation in the form of: redness of the face, rapid and full pulse, increased temperature, and the other: with a pale, emaciated face, cooling of the body and weakness of the pulse. High doses of aconite act on the nervous system of warm-blooded animals as follows: first - direct, easy stimulation of the bulbar brain centers, then - a reflex action due to irritation nerve endings various excretory organs (lungs, bronchial mucosa); This reflex action causes stimulation of the vagus and splanchnic nerves, which is ultimately followed by paralysis. Wolfsbane Causes Disorder pain sensitivity, mainly in the region of the trigeminal nerve. Aconite also acts on motor nerves, but not in the same way as curare - muscle contraction stops along with the motor function of the nerve. Before the onset of paralysis, aconite causes spasm, and trismus - common symptom in case of aconite poisoning. The following symptoms- the result of the action of aconite on the nervous system: a variety of pains, but mainly tugging and shooting in the region of the branches of the trigeminal nerve, in the muscles of the chest, throughout the body; increased sexual feeling; hyperesthesia of the olfactory nerves, pressure in the pit of the stomach, dizziness with fainting when getting up and going to vertical position. Feeling of numbness and goosebumps in the lips and nose, painful tingling in the tip of the tongue; a feeling of tightening of the skin of the face and squeezing in the limbs, as if they were tightly tied with a rubber bandage. At the same time, the subject becomes very sensitive to wind and experiences a purely subjective sensation of cold. Memory and thinking become sharper. Restless sleep, nightmares, extremely unstable mood, deep melancholy. Breathing becomes irregular in number and rhythm, which leads to symptoms of suffocation. These disorders are the result of spasm of the muscles of the chest and diaphragm. Aconite also has an effect on the digestive system. Among the main symptoms we note: severe thirst, nausea and vomiting, a feeling of painful heaviness in the stomach, colic and bloating. Aconite causes diarrhea rather than constipation; it is preceded by colic and rumbling. The stool is greenish or whitish, as with jaundice. Poisoning with aconite sometimes presents a picture of cholera disease. Aconite increases all kinds of discharge: the amount of urine increases and sweat becomes profuse. Aconite has a predominant effect on some organs and tissues: the larynx, heart, sclera, pleura, peritoneum and joints. It is extremely important to note that all symptoms caused by aconite may disappear within a few hours and the body will begin to function normally again. The stronger the dose and the more intense its effect, the faster the depression follows the symptoms of excitement. Hahnemann well noticed and interpreted this phenomenon. In his “Medicinal Science” we read: “Exacerbation of memory” is immediately followed by the opposite symptom: “weakness of memory”, and regarding this contradiction he adds: most of the symptoms of aconite, which seem to exclude each other, are only alternatives (phenomena depression follows excitement), and aconite may be useful in either one or the other of these symptoms. During autopsies, the following are observed: rushes of blood to the lungs and brain; inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, serous effusions into the pleura, arachnoid membrane and peritoneum; nodular mitral valve lesions have been observed in animals exposed to prolonged exposure to aconite. Peculiarities Deterioration. After being in a dry, cold wind at night - around midnight. Improvement. After sweating; during rest, from wine and stimulants; in the fresh air. The predominant side is the left.


Doses Aconite is one of the remedies that homeopaths are very willing to use in material doses. In chronic cases, especially with neuralgia, we prefer infinitesimal doses. For inflammation, when the fever is not intense, we prescribe small but significant doses. In acute cases, the beginning of which aconite corresponds to, it is given every half hour until sweat appears, then it is canceled and another remedy necessary in this case is prescribed.

The composition of the drug, produced in the form homeopathic cereal, includes tincture of aconite, diluted in accordance with methods accepted in homeopathy and applied to sugar grains.

For the manufacture of tablets Evaporated aconite extract is used. Each tablet corresponds to 0.02 dry residue of the plant tincture.

Part tinctures includes aconite tuber extract (for a 10% tincture in a ratio of 1:10). Ethanol 40% is used as an extractant.

Release form

  • Sugar granules.
  • Homeopathic tincture.
  • Tablets standardized by alkaloid composition.
  • Alcohol tincture.
  • Medicinal raw materials from tuber roots.

pharmachologic effect

Homeopathic medicine With anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, antispasmodic And narcotic properties .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The product has a combined effect, which is primarily aimed at normalizing self-regulation processes. By influencing the central nervous system and stimulating the center responsible for the inhibition of the parasympathetic nervous system, aconite exhibits high analgesic activity, relieves fever and inflammation, reduces secretory function glands, bronchi And lungs , reduces the strength and frequency of contractions heart muscle , promotes expansion coronary vessels (thus reducing blood pressure), inhibits peristalsis, and relieves anxiety.

Indications for use

In official medicine, the use of aconite tincture can be recommended as external pain reliever at neuralgia (in particular, when trigeminal neuralgia ), joint pain, , colds.

Externally and locally the medicine is prescribed for bruises, dislocations and bone fractures, sciatica , face , wounds and ulcers, , lice and .

The use of aconite is also indicated for helminthic infestations , urinary retention and poisoning (as an antidote).

The instructions for use of Aconite Dzungarian (medicinal raw material from the root of Aconitum soongaricum Stap. and tincture 10%) indicate that the product can be used to relieve inflammation in acute infections, ,sepsis , , intestinal, renal, hepatic and stomach colic, pleurisy , , , , diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

However, the properties of the plant are most pronounced when used for treatment. malignant neoplasms (with localization in thyroid gland, stomach, lungs, mammary glands, brain, spine, skin), malignant tonsillitis , pernicious anemia , goiter .

An alkaloid contained in aconite jungaris. Zongorin has pronounced antidepressant activity, which, according to a number of researchers, allows it to take a place between psychostimulants And antidepressants .


Contraindications for use are intolerance to the aconite plant, hypotension , typhus , which are a consequence asystole tides.

Aconite is very toxic. It should be handled with great care, since toxic substances can penetrate the skin even when in contact with the plant.

Side effects

Hypersensitivity reactions.

On initial stages treatment may worsen the symptoms of the disease. If this effect develops, discontinuation of the drug is not required.

Instructions for Aconite

The cereal is used sublingually. During febrile conditions in the first days, granules are taken 5 times a day, 8 pieces per dose, approximately 20-30 minutes before or an hour after meals.

After completion of the acute phase of the disease, the frequency of doses is reduced to 3 times a day, and after 2 weeks - to 2 times a day.

Depending on the specific clinical situation, the doctor may recommend a different number of granules for each appointment.

Homeopathic aconite is used so widely that it is quite difficult to give an exact dosage level. It all depends on the severity of the symptoms and the severity of the pathological process. In general, fairly weak dilutions of the remedy are used in homeopathy.

The tincture is taken orally half an hour before meals, diluting the required number of drops in 50-100 ml of lukewarm water. drinking water. You should drink the product slowly, in small sips.

To prepare a tincture for treatment neuralgia , toothache, rheumatism , 20 grams of plant roots are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused in a dark place for one week. The finished tincture has the color of brewed tea.

The medicine is rubbed with a gauze swab into the skin at the site of pain projection. Frequency of applications - 2 times a day. The duration of the course is one month.

For convulsions, the patient is prescribed 5-10 mg ( ), with heart rhythm disturbances due to normal indicators BP - 10 mg in the form of a 10% solution or 1-2 ml solution Obzidana 0.1%, 1 ml solution 0.6% with 20 ml of 40% glucose solution.

At bradycardia shown subcutaneous injection solution 0.1%; intramuscular administration: 100 mg , 2 ml of 1% ATP solution, 5 ml of 5% solution, 4 ml of solution each And 5%.


Antagonists of aconite are antihistamines , glucocorticosteroids preparations containing caffeine.

Can be used in parallel with antibiotics .

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Keep away from children. An opened bottle of tincture should be stored in the refrigerator. Store granules and tablets in a place protected from moisture and light at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

special instructions

Botanical description of the plant

Aconite or fighter (lat. Aconitum L.) is a genus of herbaceous poisonous perennials of the family Ranunculaceae (Ranunculaceae). It contains more than 300 representatives, including wolfsbane (A. lycoctonum L.), monkshood (A. napellus L.), Carmichaelii aconite (A. carmichaelii Deb.), climbing (A. volubile Pall.), arcuate ( A. arcuatum), Djungarian (A. soongaricum Stap.), shaggy (A. villosum Rchb.), etc.

In homeopathy they use: aconite (A. napellus L.), Altai (A. altaicum Steinb.), Baikal (A. baicalense Turcz. ex Rapaics), white-mouthed (A. leucostomum Worosch).

The wrestler is common in temperate latitudes of Asia, North America and Europe. The plant has an erect (sometimes curly or tortuous) stem with a height of 50 cm to one and a half meters. Climbing plants can reach a length of 4 meters.

The root of the wrestler, as a rule, consists of 2-3 black-brown tubers of an oblong-ovoid shape. The depth of their penetration into the soil is from 5 to 30 cm. The leaves of the plant are palmate, lobed or dissected, dark green, arranged in an alternate order.

The flowers are purple, blue, sometimes yellow, white or variegated; irregular shape; collected in simple or branched racemose or pyramidal inflorescences up to 50 cm long. Each flower has a corolla-shaped calyx consisting of five sepals (the upper one has the shape of a helmet).

Planting and caring for aconite

It should be remembered that a plant such as fighter is very poisonous. Therefore, when planting it near the house, it is necessary to take all possible precautions to protect small children from it.

When working with aconite, you should pay attention to your own safety. It is recommended to wear gloves when trimming, weeding and replanting the plant.

Flowers are planted in warm, elevated places, optimally in early spring or late autumn.

Care involves clearing the planting site of weeds, loosening the soil, watering in dry weather and periodically fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Flower of the aconite plant, photo:

Photo of climbing aconite:

Photo of Djungarian aconite:

Wikipedia indicates that the ancient Germans and Gauls used aconite poison to rub spears and arrows intended for hunting predators: wolves, leopards, panthers. Therefore, people still often call the plant “wolf killer”. The Slavs called it black or dog potion.

The ancient Romans and Greeks used aconite poison to kill those sentenced to death.

The ancient Greeks, as well as later Theophrastus and Pliny, believed that the flower got its name from the name of the town of Akon. As the legend about wolfsbane says, not far from this city there was an entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead, guarded by the three-headed dog Cerberus.

And when the dog, pulled out into the Light of God by Hercules, first saw the sun, poisonous saliva flowed from all three mouths from horror. Its drops, falling to the ground, immediately turned into beautiful flowers. Thus, the wrestler got its name from a nearby town, and owes its poisonousness to the saliva of a monster with three heads.

Homeopath Farrington suggested that, translated from Greek, “monkshood” means “dustless” or “without dust,” which reflects the peculiarity of the growth of certain species of aconite on mountain slopes.

Scandinavian legends say that aconite grew in the place where the god Thor died from the bites of a poisonous snake he defeated. The Germans called the wrestler the wolf root and the helmet of the god Thor, since it was with the help of this plant that the son of Odin fought the wolf.

In homeopathy, the plant aconite is considered a left-sided remedy. The effectiveness of using preparations from the grass and root tubers of the fighter in oncology is due to the combination analgesic And antidepressant effects of aconite.

Precautionary measures

During treatment with Aconite, inhalations with drugs containing camphor or menthol are contraindicated.

At diabetes mellitus sugar granules should be taken into account in total consumed glucose.

Alcohol, nicotine, and coffee interfere with the manifestation of the action of aconite.


Djungarian aconite tincture 10%, Dietary supplement "Donovit-VS2" , Aconite-Plus , Aconite tincture (Oncolan ),Akofit .

For children

During pregnancy

Use during pregnancy is allowed only in consultation with a doctor.

Most mothers will agree that the safest, softest, but effective treatment for children it is homeopathy. Let's look at the most common childhood diseases and homeopathy that will help with each of them.

Aconite– use only in case of acute onset of ARVI and high temperature. at the first signs of a cold (at sharp increase temperature in a child who has “walked in the cold wind”), best effect will be on the first day of high fever, especially if accompanied by fear and anxiety. The child is restless, tossing about in bed, hot and dry, like a coal. Apply before sweat appears. Dosage: children - from 1 to 3 peas, adults - from 5 to 8 peas (the number depends on the state of the body: the more weakened the body, the fewer the number of balls). Dissolve the peas in boiled water in a quantity of 100 ml, shake vertically several times, apply 1 teaspoon every 5-10 minutes (it is advisable to hold it in the mouth for 1 minute before swallowing).

Belladonna– use when sweating occurs. The patient's face is red, the temperature is high, there is pronounced anxiety, in more severe cases there may be delirium, rage, anger, the child wants to bite everyone. Prepare the medicine in the same way as Aconite. And apply 1 teaspoon every 5-10 minutes until the condition improves. If the patient feels better, the medicine should be given less often. If the temperature drops to 37.3-37.4, discontinue the medicine.

Bryony– is used after the first two medications or on the first day of the disease, if the clinic is not so bright, and signs of “brokenness” come to the fore: soreness of muscles and joints, headache. It is prepared in the same way as the first two medicines. If you improve, stop taking it, the body will cope on its own. For injuries, use the following medications

Arnica 30– for any injuries accompanied by soft tissue bruises (the child fell, broke his knee, in order to quickly relieve pain, it is necessary to give freshly prepared medicine until improvement). According to traumatologists, if you give medicine immediately after receiving an injury, then subsequently there will not even be a concussion if there has been a serious head injury. The medicine is prepared using the same method. For a puncture wound, two medications must be given at once:

Ledum 30 And Calendula 30. Dissolve a few balls of each medicine in 100 ml of water. In all cases, medications should dissolve on their own; when completely dissolved, shake 5–10 times, drink 1 teaspoon every 5–10 minutes until the pain completely disappears.

If a child has a finger caught in a door, then dissolve 3 to 5 balls of medicine in 100 ml of water. Hypericum 30(the dose depends on the child’s age and state of health). Give the medicine until the pain decreases or disappears.

Give for burns Kantaris 30. Prepare the solution in the same way as all other medicines; apply 1 teaspoon every 5 minutes until wellness. If improvement occurs, stop taking the medication. The best way to help is a tincture of cantharis (to lubricate the burned areas), and then, after improvement (after 2-3 days), use calendula ointment to lubricate the blisters.

For diarrhea without fever, dissolve in 100 ml of water. Camphor, when completely dissolved, shake 3-5 times, give 1 teaspoon every 5-10 minutes until the condition improves. In more severe cases, call a doctor.

If a child wakes up at night in fear and begins to choke, while his temperature is elevated, it is necessary to give him in solution Aconite 30 every 5 minutes, and also give under the tongue Spongia 30 to relieve the symptom of false croup. Give the sponge every 5 minutes until the child’s condition clearly improves. Then sit the child down and call the doctor. The most important thing is not to be nervous and try to calm the child down.

When teething in a child, use Hamomilla 30 or Coffee 30, prepare in the same way as the first medicines. For a fair-haired child with blue eyes, Hamomilla is more suitable, and for a dark-haired child with brown eyes, Coffea is more suitable.

For suppuration of the tonsils with bad breath, you must take Mercurius solubilis 30 1 tablet 2 times a day.

If significant swelling appears during a fever, glassy swelling on the uvula, pharynx, eyelids is dangerous condition! The inflamed areas hurt, burn, are very sensitive to heat, touch and pressure (feels like a bee sting), cold will improve the patient's condition. In this case it is shown Apis– 3-5-8 peas (depending on age and health status). Give every hour under the tongue until the swelling subsides (frequent urination is a good sign).

At acute cystitis with burning pain when urinating, it is necessary to use Kantaris 30 1-3-5-8 peas, depending on age and health condition, three times a day.

Treatment of colic in babies - Colocynth 30, Magnesia phosphorica 30, Lycopodium 30 and Chamomilla 30

Help with severe teething Hamomilla, Belladonna And FitolyakA, and Calcarea phosphorica And Calcarea carbonica. The last two drugs will also help in the treatment of rickets in children

Arsenicum album 30, Veratrum album 30, Nux vomica 30, Ipecac 30, Sulfur 39, Lycopodium 30 used for rotavirus infection.

Rhus Toxicodendron, Antimonium Tartaricum good for chicken pox

Homeopathic ointments:
Apis– with bee stings and severe swelling, especially angioedema type
Arnica- for bruises, bruises, hematomas, during treatment
cephalohematomas in infants
Ledum– for insect bites and puncture wounds

Every mother wonders what medicines should be taken with you on a trip or what should be at home for emergency care for a child in different situations. Below is a list of homeopathic medicines that you need to have in your first aid kit for your child from birth:

Arnica 30– used for bruises and sprains, closed bleeding and hemorrhages in soft fabrics(hematomas). For large bruises. For concussions and bone fractures

Aconite 30– used at high temperatures. The child falls ill suddenly, at night. The temperature is very high. The child is dry and hot, like a coal. There is no stage of sweating with fever yet, the child behaves very restlessly, cries, squeals. Aconite is also used at the first signs of false croup, when the child wakes up at night with severe cough(at 12, 1 am), clutches his chest and cries. Dry, barking cough. The day before, as a rule, the child walked in the cold wind, froze, and at night woke up coughing in fear.

Gepar sulfur 30– used for false croup, when the child is bothered by dry, rough, barking cough. As a rule, on the second day after Aconite. Also works well for tonsil congestion and purulent inflammation teeth and gums

Hamomilla 30– an excellent drug for the treatment of colic in infants. When it is generally difficult to calm a child down, he screams like crazy. The child more or less calms down in the mother’s arms, but at the same time the mother must continuously walk back and forth. It also perfectly helps with difficult teething in babies, when the child has a high temperature. liquefied stool is green, one cheek is red and the other pale, toothache relief comes from cold (gel teethers if kept in the freezer). The child calms down in the mother's arms, but she must constantly move

Magnesia phosphorica 30– helps with colic in babies. In this case, relief comes if you apply something warm to the child and at the same time release pressure (put the undressed baby on the mother’s stomach - skin to skin contact)

Colocynth 30- for colic in babies. In this case, the child is better off in a position bent in half or with his knees pressed to his stomach (but at the same time the child lies on his side - fetal position)

Carbo vegetabilis 30– helps with colic in babies. Sharp relief after belching or passing gas.

Lycopodium 30– perfectly treats colic in babies. Belching and passing gas doesn't really help. Colic occurs clearly from 16 to 20 pm. The child sucks greedily at the breast, as if he wants to eat it, his stomach is swollen and tense. As a rule, he is born small, has longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead, and appears older than his age. Right-sided otitis media

Calcium carbonicum 30– during teething, with rickets in children. Such children, as a rule, are large and loose, inactive (although there are exceptions). Chilly, head and neck sweat during sleep, body smells sour. Children often have a “milky crust” on the head and a tendency to constipation

Belladonna 30– for all conditions accompanied high temperature in children. At high temperatures, the hands and feet are cool, the head is hot, and there is sweating. Sweat is usually hot. There is no thirst even at high temperatures. It has worked well for rubella and scarlet fever when the symptoms coincide. Right-sided otitis media

Calcium phosphoricum 30- for rickets in children. But the child is thin and petite and moves a lot. He is capricious when teething, demands toys, and then throws them away angrily, he cannot be pleased, he is dissatisfied with everything

Spongia 30– for whooping cough and false croup in children. The cough takes on a metallic hue. Sometimes we alternate both drugs: Spongia and Gepar sulfur

Fitolyaka 30– when mother’s milk stagnates. In case of severe teething in a child. When teething, relief comes if the child chews on a hard surface (wooden or even metal surface)

Ferrum phosphoricum 30– with ARVI (cough, runny nose and temperature up to 38.5) Nasal discharge quickly becomes streaked with blood

Sulfur 30- for diarrhea in children. In this case, the stool irritates the skin around the anus. Saliva irritates the skin of the face.

So, all described homeopathic medicines in this article:

  • Belladonna 30
  • Fitolyakka 30
  • Arnica 30
  • Ledum 30
  • Calendula 30
  • Bryony
  • Hypericum 30
  • Camphor
  • Hamomilla 30
  • Coffee 30
  • Mercurius solubilis 30
  • Kantaris 30
  • Lycopodium 30
  • Calcarea phosphorica 30
  • Calcarea carbonica
  • Aconite 30
  • Gepar sulfur 30
  • Magnesia phosphorica 30
  • Colocynth 30
  • Calcium carbonicum 30
  • Calcium phosphoricum 30
  • Spongia 30
  • Ferrum phosphoricum 30
  • Carbo vegetabilis 30
  • Sulfur 30
  • Arsenicum album 30
  • Veratrum album 30
  • Nux vomica 30
  • Ipecac 30
  • Rus Toxicodendron
  • Antimonium Tartaricum
Homeopathic ointments:
  • Arnica
  • Ledum
*Regimen for taking homeopathic remedies:
Homeopathy can be diluted in cold or warm, raw or boiled water, in non-metallic containers and a non-metallic spoon. Children's plastic dishes and children's plastic accessories are best suited for this. Store the resulting solution in a dark and cool place. You can also dilute 1 pea in one teaspoon (non-metallic) boiled or filtered and give it if we are talking about a couple of times a day, and not every half hour as, for example, with Rotavirus. You can give it from a spoon if the baby drinks well, or from a pipette.

What is also useful in a first aid kit:
1.Candlesviburkol(homeopathy) – if the child has a high temperature (up to 38.5). Place 0.5 candles (if the child is under six months old) and a whole candle (over 6 months) up to 3 times a day in the rectum.
2. Paracetamol suppositories(Efferalgan 80 or 150 mg depending on the age of the child) put into the rectum at a temperature of 38.5 and above. They can be placed up to 4 times a day
3. Nurofen suppositories– if paracetamol does not help. They should be placed in the rectum up to 3 times a day.
4.Laktafiltrum– 0.5 tablets 3 times a day with meals (grind into powder and dilute with water or breast milk). Give for 3-4 days for diarrhea or vomiting.
5. Smecta– 1 sachet per day (dilute with 2 times less water, and not as indicated on the sachet, this is better absorbed). The child should drink the contents of the sachet throughout the day, and not immediately. Give for vomiting and diarrhea. 1-3 days
6. Regidron– give for vomiting and diarrhea for 1-2 days. Dilute strictly as directed on the package
7. Ointment "Rescuer"- from insect bites, burns
8. Antibiotics ( amoxiclav)
9. Antihistamine (Zyrtec drops or fenistil drops). Give when allergic rashes with itching or severe swelling. Zyrtec for children under 1 year – 3-5 drops 1 time a day, fenistil – 7-10 drops 2 times a day
10. miramistin,hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, brilliant green

Aconite is a plant of the Ranunculaceae family. Despite the toxic substances in its composition, it is used in alternative medicine and serves as a valuable homeopathic raw material.

Aconite - properties of the drug

There are many representatives of the genus Aconite, more than three hundred, but only a few of them are used in medicine - Altai, pharmaceutical, Baikal, Belousty. The plant is part of homeopathic alcohol tincture, homeopathic cereal with sugar. To make the medicine, aconite root is used, from which the extract is extracted.

The latter evaporates and becomes the main active substance means:

Additional substances, depending on the form, are ethanol 40% or sugar. Aconite extract contains many alkaloids, which also provide the raw material with medicinal properties. Homeopathic remedies have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anesthetic;
  • antipyretic.

The effect of the plant on the body is combined. Like all homeopathy, Aconite’s indications for use relate primarily to self-healing of the body. Raw materials trigger the normalization of self-regulation processes. It affects the central nervous system, helping to get rid of pain, fever, and stops the production of inflammatory mediators.

Aconite also reduces heart rate, helping with arrhythmia. The drug carries vasodilator effect, positively affecting blood pressure and vascular tone. It also has an anti-anxiety effect and reduces the secretion of the tracheobronchial tree.

Indications of the product

The plant has been known since ancient times; even then it was used to treat various joint diseases. The homeopathic medicine widely used for rheumatic diseases because it can relieve inflammatory process in the joints.

Drinking tincture or granules is recommended for arthritis of different origins, arthrosis and rheumatism.

The medicine will help reduce pain from gout, sciatica, and osteochondrosis. Its indications also extend to the field of neurology - you can drink it for hysteria, neuralgia, epilepsy, dizziness, headache.

IN complex therapy Aconite is prescribed for anemia. Very often the drug is indicated for infectious and colds:

Heartfelt, vascular diseases also treated with Aconite - it is recommended for angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, hypertension, arrhythmia, endocarditis (as an additional remedy), cardiac neurosis. Diseases of internal organs can be treated with this product bronchial asthma, cystitis, nephritis, hepatitis.

The medicine will help normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce the severity of hot flashes during menopause. Tincture of Djungarian aconite is indicated for oncology (usually skin, thyroid, and lung cancer).

Contraindications and side effects

It is better to strictly observe contraindications - despite the low dosage of the plant in homeopathy, it contains toxic substances. You cannot treat with granules, tincture for typhus, low blood pressure, serious types of cardiac arrhythmia and heart blockades. Aconite is a medicine for adults only!

It is not recommended to prepare the tincture yourself - you may not comply with the dose and get fatal poisoning!

Among side effects Allergy and intolerance reactions may occur that have different severity and different symptoms. As in cases with other homeopathy, it is considered normal for the signs of the underlying disease to intensify in the first days of therapy. Aconite should not be discontinued.

Get overdosed homeopathic remedies difficult - high dilution is used to create them. But when consuming the tincture in large quantities, signs of overdose may develop - impaired urine output, vomiting, diarrhea, depression of consciousness, abdominal pain. Numbness appears in the legs, arms, hyperhidrosis, and weakness. An urgent visit to a doctor and gastric lavage is necessary! Severe poisoning leads to death from respiratory arrest or asystole!

Instructions for the drug

The semolina is taken by sucking it under the tongue. Usually the initial dose is 6-8 granules 5 times a day. Treatment should be done on an empty stomach - half an hour before meals or 2 hours after. When the signs of an inflammatory, cold or other disease begin to subside, the dosage is reduced.

After that, for several more weeks they drink 8 granules 3 times a day, then 1-2 times a day.

The duration of therapy is determined only by the doctor depending on the type of disease.

The tincture is also drunk before meals; it is diluted with water before taking it. On one-time appointment you need to take 5-10 drops, the norm is up to 5 times a day. During the treatment period, you need to exclude foods containing a lot of acids - lemon, raspberries, etc. For toothache, you can drop a little tincture directly onto the tooth or rub it into the gum next to the tooth.

In oncology, there is a decrease in pain and inhibition of tumor development while taking Aconite. Baikal and Dzungarian aconite in tincture are especially suitable for this purpose. First, drink 3 drops three times a day, then gradually increase the dose to 30 drops three times a day and reduce it to the original. The course will be 40 days, after 14 days another course is carried out, and so on 3 courses.

And Ranunculus.

It is a beautiful plant with a tall, straight stem, 4 to 5 feet tall, ending at the top in a dense cluster of deep, dark blue inflorescences. The leaves are deeply dissected. The root, a dark conical tuber, whitish when cut, has a bitter taste and causes a tingling and numbness in the mouth when bitten. The root of this plant is often mixed with horseradish and eaten with disastrous results.

This plant generally prefers moist, shady locations in hilly or mountainous areas. Its flowers are unusual: shaped like the hood of a monk's robe, they do not have radial symmetry, like spring buttercups - anemones, aquilegia, peony, but are mirror symmetrical. Flowers have lost radial floral symmetry and acquired higher form symmetry characteristic of the animal kingdom: higher vertebrates, like all vertebrates, have bilateral symmetry, this is the basis of their morphology.

Figuratively speaking, the flowers of Aconitum napellus are invading the animal kingdom, and the extraordinary toxicity of the entire plant may be due to this. The root and all upper parts of the plant contain the alkaloid aconitine, so the whole plant is used to prepare the mother liquor.

Interestingly, Aconitum napellus is in polar contrast with Helleborus niger, also called the “Christmas rose,” which is the most ancient representative of the Ranunculaceae family.

Aconitum napellus is the youngest representative of this very primitive plant family. It has a more progressive structure, manifested in a specialized upper sepal, which forms the protective cover of the flower, in a rich blue color, in the structure of flowers arranged in the form of an inflorescence, and not on individual stems.

In terms of flowering time, Aconitum napellus is polar opposite to the “Christmas rose”. Instead of breaking through the snow in winter, it stretches powerfully upward, blooming in the heat of summer. Thus, instead of the torpor, hibernation characteristic of Helleborus, assertiveness can be assumed here. Instead of slow winter growth, this erect summer-blooming plant exhibits rapid, sudden energetic activity.


There is something sinister and fatal in this plant that repels him appearance, a rather threatening color hue, in its predilection for “hiding in damp forests and shady thickets.” In Britain they believe that this is the most poisonous plant.

Already in ancient times poisonous properties this plant was well known. Plutarch has a story about how the soldiers of Mark Antony’s army, left without food, dug up and ate these roots, as a result “everyone died in convulsions.” The root used to be called “killer panther”; they say that the sorceress Hecate discovered the poisonous properties of the plant and passed this knowledge on to her merciless daughters Circe and Medea.

This plant was the main one integral part a lethal drug used on the island of Kos to kill “old people who were of no value to the state.” The juice of the plant was also used as poison for arrows, and even in our times, killers use an infusion from the leaves or use the main poisonous alkaloid of the plant - aconitine.

Taking this alkaloid is quickly fatal; a milligram is enough to kill a horse. Symptoms of acute Aconitum napellus poisoning have been observed countless times. The sequence of appearance of symptoms of acute poisoning by this plant is as follows: after a few minutes (in as a last resort after half an hour) a burning and tingling sensation appears in the mouth and throat. The itching and tingling sensation spreads throughout the body, causing the victim to become extremely weak. This is perhaps the most characteristic symptom. The hands appear to be “made of wool and covered with gloves.”

Following the cold sweat and trembling, a general numbness appears with an unusual feeling of deathly cold throughout the whole body, as if blood were flowing in the vessels instead of ice water.

Excruciating pain is felt in the head, neck, back and heart area. The face becomes gray, the cheeks are sunken, and within 30 minutes or within 3 hours after poisoning, death occurs as a result of circulatory failure, respiratory paralysis and cardiac arrest.

At first the pulse slows down, then becomes irregular and, in the end, is barely palpable. Suppression of blood circulation and concomitant hypoxia cause horror and fear of imminent death, turning into real panic, while palpitations and attacks of suffocation do not decrease.

Closer to death, consciousness becomes clouded, the ability to formulate thoughts is lost ( oxygen starvation cerebral cortex). Hearing and vision are impaired: shiny white objects are seen as yellow-green. Death is preceded by rapidly progressing blindness. The pupils, however, only dilate when acute convulsions occur.

This medicine acts on the heart in two stages. Initially, the activity of the heart slows down according to the degree of irritation of the vagal center in medulla oblongata; then the direct effect on the heart involves pathological process His bundle, which is manifested by increased heart rate followed by arrhythmia.

There is an effect on the peripheral nervous system with stimulation of the endings of the sensory nerves, which causes tingling and itching. Tingling in the area of ​​the mucous membranes of the mouth is accompanied by profuse salivation.

Aconitum also has a specific effect on trigeminal nerve, which leads to the appearance of severe neuralgia.


Aconitum was studied by S. Hahnemann and described in the first volume of Materia Medica Riga.


Aconitum is more indicated for flowering, strong-built people than for fragile or weakened people.

Redness of the entire face or one half of it is possible. The facial expression is frightened, even panicky.

The child may cry pitifully.

Skin is hot and dry. The temperature rise reaches its peak at 21:00. The pupils do not dilate.

A characteristic symptom is severe restlessness, incessant tossing, turning from side to side.


The main characteristic of the psyche in the case of Aconitum is fear, the most expressed anxiety, horror, reaching the point of panic and uncontrollable rage.

There may be a fear of the dark, ghosts, crossing the street, or the patient is afraid to even just leave the house. Sometimes there is a fear of imminent death, one knows and names exactly how long the illness will last, or an inexplicable, but very real fear of “something uncertain.” , Cannot tolerate pain that seems unbearable, and also cannot tolerate noise, even music. The patient “loses his temper,” demanding that “something be done, and done immediately.”

The patient is easily excited. Children are very lively, active, and instantly show anxiety. On the other hand, there may be confusion of consciousness, thoughts randomly replace each other.

A characteristic symptom is an aversion to being touched or opened, possibly due to skin hypersensitivity.

Obviously clinical symptoms, requiring the prescription of Aconite, appear whenever the situation becomes threatening in reality or in the imagination, which causes fear.


The patient to whom Aconitum is indicated is alternately hot and cold, the vasomotor reaction is impaired by the action of toxins, as a result of which the circulation becomes unstable.

Thirst is usually strong: drinks cold water in large quantities.

There is daytime drowsiness, at night sleep may be disturbed, severe yawning; or sleep may be disturbed by an abundance of dreams or even nightmares. Anxiety and insomnia in old age often require the use of Aconite.

The covered parts of the body may sweat, and this brings relief; palms may feel cold and clammy.


General symptoms

Typically a violent onset of fever with a high fever and a burning head while the body is cold. Acute illness may appear several hours after exposure etiological factor; one author compares it “to the storm that is typical of the mountain tops where Aconitum grows.” The rise in temperature is often preceded by severe chills, which makes it understandable to recommend taking a dose of Aconitum “at the first shiver.” The pain is usually severe and unbearable, driving the patient into despair, causing him to scream, and is described as burning, sharp, cutting or like a dagger. The pain is often accompanied by numbness, tingling, crawling sensations, and sometimes flashes of heat. The intensity of the pain experienced may be associated with hyperalgesia, and the decrease in the pain threshold is the result of a circulatory disorder that causes anoxia of the sensory nerves. Another characteristic symptom of Aconitum is sudden violent bleeding of bright red blood from the nose, uterus, rectum or other organ, accompanied by great mental confusion and anxiety.

Vertigo is the chief symptom of this remedy, when “everything goes round and round.” It is especially pronounced when getting up from a lying position or may appear suddenly as a result of fear or trouble. The headache comes on suddenly and is very severe, it is described as shooting, stabbing or squeezing, the head is blazing hot; worse when moving, talking, trying to sit, even when drinking. Some relief is felt in the fresh air. Neuralgic pain in the face has been described as a “hot wire piercing the tissue,” accompanied by a crawling sensation, and perhaps a sensation of “ice water running down the nerves.”

Eye symptoms appear acutely, out of the blue, with fever, redness and lacrimation, photophobia and, sometimes, sudden blurred vision. Usually there is not a lot of discharge, but when you open the eyelids, a hot, watery fluid may stream. Opening the eyes is often difficult due to severe swelling. It is important to note that this remedy is especially valuable for eye injuries and is often called “Arnica for the eyes.”

Sharp throbbing pain or severe cutting pains may appear suddenly after exposure to extreme cold; accompanied by hypersensitivity to noise and music, which makes them unbearable.

Respiratory system

The sense of smell is heightened, special sensitivity to unpleasant odors. When exposed to cold wind, a runny nose begins: the discharge is liquid, especially in the morning; clear liquid drips or streams from the nose. The condition worsens when talking; relieved in open air. Sore throat dry, numb, tingling, pressure and pain when swallowing. A hoarse, croaking, convulsive cough worsens when eating and drinking, when lying down, when trying to speak, when inhaling tobacco smoke, with unpleasant emotions and at night. Various shooting and shooting sensations are felt in the chest stabbing pains. Emerging asthmatic attacks of suffocation are accompanied by severe anxiety. The child may wake up in the first half of the night after exposure to cold with a strong, croupy, suffocating cough. Aconitum is indicated in the first stage of pneumonia with sudden onset, violent shooting, tearing or burning pain in the chest, especially when the upper part of the left lung is affected; the patient can only lie on his back. All this is accompanied by a strong dry cough and sputum, red as a cherry.

Digestive system

There is numbness and tingling on the lips and tongue. The sense of taste is impaired: everything except water seems bitter. The mouth is constantly dry. When exposed to cold air, it appears toothache; teeth are very sensitive to cold in any form.

Hiccups, belching, heartburn, vomiting bile, as well as a feeling of fullness, tension and heaviness in the epigastrium or lower left chest. Stomach symptoms appear unexpectedly and are accompanied by unusual strong thirst- drinks water “and just can’t get drunk.” There is a tingling, burning, cutting sensation in the abdomen, combined with sensitivity to touching, and cannot tolerate any movement. In summer there may be sudden onset of diarrhea with cholera-like stools, collapse, mortal anxiety and great restlessness. The stool may look like chopped spinach. Intestinal obstruction may develop.

The cardiovascular system

Sudden severe attacks rapid heartbeat accompanied by severe fear and anxiety; the patient sits straight, stretched out, and can barely breathe. Shooting or squeezing pain in the chest that gets worse when climbing stairs or walking quickly.

Reproductive system

Suddenly, after cooling, severe orchitis begins. Gynecological complaints are clearly associated with nervous shock and severe fear.

Urinary system

Sudden acute onset of a disease of the urinary system with cutting, tearing pain. The urine is hot, dark, reddish, even bloody. Acute urinary retention due to shock; urinary retention in newborns.

Nervous system

There is numbness and weakness in the extremities, especially in the left arm. The brushes are shaking. Increasing pain in fingers. The palms are hot, while the feet are cold as ice. A variety of stabbing pains, twitching, paresthesia and paresis are felt in the limbs or back.

Propulsion system

Acute inflammation of the joints. Of particular note is the pain in the hip joint, which makes you cry out with every step. Weakness and discomfort is felt in both knees and hip joints. The limbs feel heavy and numb, as if after a bruise.

In addition to the paresthesia already mentioned, a purple or measles-like rash may appear. Itching is accompanied by peeling. The skin is so sensitive that the slightest touch causes indignation.


Any extreme temperatures cause the condition to worsen; there is a tendency to worsen in a warm room, when exposed to direct sun rays, from wine and other stimulants, when lying on the sore side and at night, especially about midnight.

The condition is relieved in the fresh air; after sleep and after profuse sweating.

Aconiturn is often prescribed for sudden appearance complaints, whether in severe cold in winter or hot summer, that is, in dry cold and dry heat. Other factors that may cause clinical manifestations requiring the use of Aconite are bathing in cold water, surgery and the accompanying shock.


Aconitum is fast active medicine, the value of which is difficult to overestimate in the first hours acute diseases. Its use can prevent the development of more serious condition, but if symptoms persist, the use of other medications is recommended. If the skin has become moist or profuse sweating has begun, then it is too late to prescribe Aconite.

However, the condition requiring Aconite may appear at any time during the course of the disease. chronic diseases or after surgery.

Aconitum rivals Chamomilla and Coffea as an analgesic.

After this remedy, Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia or Ipecacuanha, prescribed according to the symptoms, work well. IN certain cases after Aconite, Sulfur must be given to complete the treatment.