After extraction, the adjacent tooth hurts when pressed. Why do neighboring teeth hurt a lot after tooth extraction?

Teeth begin to hurt suddenly and often at the most inopportune moment. A person has no choice but to go to an appointment with a dentist, after examining the oral cavity, he makes a decision on treatment or removal.

Everything seems to be fine, the diseased tooth has been removed, but after some time, after the anesthesia wears off, painful sensations come back, but only to the adjacent tooth, and the question immediately arises, why is this happening and how long will it last?

If a neighboring tooth hurts after tooth extraction, this may mean the following:

  1. During surgical intervention in the roots of the tooth, tissue and gum damage occurs; often the doctor has to suture the gum and because of this, the pain can spread to adjacent teeth.
  2. The process of infection spreading to neighboring segments that are located next to infected wound, pain may be accompanied by fever, inflammation of the cheeks and gums, pain in the head.
  3. During the extraction operation, damage occurred to the roots of an adjacent tooth or from it. If this happens, you need to make a second visit to the dentist's office.
  4. Painful sensations may occur due to negligence of the doctor’s recommendations.

After tooth extraction, the occurrence of pain is natural reaction and normally this will happen for three days.

These sensations appear due to the fact that during surgery, damage to the gums and soft tissues occurs. If pain does not leave a person for a long period of time, it is necessary to contact a dental clinic as soon as possible.

Duration of pain

During tooth extraction, damage to the gums occurs; after the procedure, neighboring teeth begin to shift and touch the site of injury and because of this, pain occurs, usually it is aching and goes away after 3-5 days.

If the removal was more complicated, the pain may not leave the patient for up to half a month. It may be accompanied by headaches, swelling in the cheek area and swelling of the gums.

In many cases, all symptoms may go away on their own after some time.

How to relieve pain?

Usually the painful sensation goes away on its own after a few days, but if this does not happen or the pain is hard to bear, you can use some remedies to alleviate the condition.

Doctors make appointments for patients after surgical procedures. In addition to medicines, you can use a variety of baths.

The following methods can be used to relieve pain:

  1. If you have severe pain, then you can take medications prescribed by your doctor or the dosage depends on the intensity of pain. Ketanov is the most popular tablet for pain, two tablets are taken. every 6 hours. If the pain is acute, you can take Nurofen or Ibuprofen several times during the day. You cannot take pills at your own discretion; you must always follow the doctor’s recommendations or instructions.
  2. The first few hours after removal You can apply cold compresses to the cheek area. By applying this method you can get rid of unpleasant sensations, calm your nerves and promote the most fast healing wound
  3. After a few days you can make baths with a mixture of baking soda, salt and 3-4 drops of iodine. carried out as often as possible throughout the day.
  4. You can use baking soda and salt for the same procedures. both together and separately from each other. Such procedures are carried out at least three times a day.
  5. Decoctions of medicinal plants contribute well to wound healing. To prepare, you need to make a decoction of St. John's wort or chamomile and leave for a little while. You should not rinse your mouth because the socket is washed out; different types complications. Instead of rinsing, you just need to put the broth in your mouth and hold it for a while, then spit it out.
  6. Can be taken medicines antihistamine type. With their help, the effect of painkillers is enhanced and swelling is reduced. In addition, these medications have a hypnotic and sedative effect.

Important! No matter how severe the pain is after tooth extraction, it should gradually decrease. If this does not happen or the pain in neighboring teeth only intensifies, despite taking medications, you need to go to the dental clinic as soon as possible.

After the surgical procedures, the doctor will give the patient some recommendations, if followed, the rehabilitation period can be facilitated.

For the fastestAnd speedy deliverance for pain, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If a tooth is removed without possible complications, after the operation, you must immediately take the painkiller recommended by the dentist; you must take the drug while the anesthesia is still in effect. In many cases, this method helps to avoid pain.
  2. After tooth extraction, you should try not to bend too much or resort to physical activity, to avoid blood flow to the removal site, in otherwise Bleeding may begin.
  3. It is necessary to refrain from eating spicy, hot food and drinks, and also temporarily give up alcohol, smoking, and visiting baths and saunas.
  4. After the operation, it will be better if the patient sleeps or rests. You should not eat on the side where the tooth was manipulated, and try to strain and load your jaw as little as possible.
  5. If the doctor allows, you can do it cold compress(for 15 min.) to the side where they are present painful sensations.
  6. You should not rinse your mouth, as this may cause it to wash out and cause the formation of alveolitis.
  7. Teeth should be brushed as usual, but the extraction site should be treated with special care.

After tooth extraction, patients are almost always accompanied by pain. There is no need to worry about this; the pain will go away on its own after some time.

If the pain does not go away, but only increases and is accompanied by various symptoms, it is necessary to consult a dentist as soon as possible, this will be the most best option in solving the problem that has arisen.

A wisdom tooth causes many problems to a person. It hurts when it erupts, it often causes swelling of the gum tissue, it can injure the inner surface of the cheek or tongue, destroy the roots and walls of the adjacent tooth, and deform the dentition. After treatment of wisdom teeth, complications often develop, and after their removal, dentists often hear patient complaints: Wisdom tooth pulled out, now it hurts!

In principle, if after the removal of any tooth, pain develops (find out here), swelling of the cheek appears, swelling of the gum tissue, and the temperature rises - then all these phenomena can be associated with the body’s usual postoperative reaction to external intervention, as well as with the fact that injured tissues and nerve endings require some time to fully recover. Such sensations are usually most intense if the eighth molar is removed. This is due to the fact that almost always the removal of a wisdom tooth occurs with complications, due to its anatomical structure and inaccessible location on the jaw. That is why the problem “they pulled out a wisdom tooth, now it hurts” is very relevant.

It is worth noting that pain after tooth extraction surgery does not always go away over time. Often they are a signal that some kind of pathological process, and the sooner you consult with a dentist about the existing complication, the easier and faster it will be possible to achieve a complete cure.

Let us consider in detail what unpleasant phenomena may occur after surgery and in what cases should you go to the doctor.

A wisdom tooth was removed and swelling developed

During the operation, trauma to the gingival tissue occurs, the integrity of the periodontium is often damaged, bone is cut out, etc. Naturally, recovery from such serious injuries cannot occur completely painlessly. That is why, after the removal of any tooth, inflammation of the gum tissue develops, and very often the cheek adjacent to the tooth swells.

If the removal was not difficult, then such phenomena disappear without a trace within two or three days, with complex operation inflammation may not go away for a week, sometimes even ten days. In order to alleviate the condition, you can apply ice compresses to your cheek, and also rinse your mouth, starting from the third day after removal, with decoctions pharmaceutical herbs or antiseptic solutions.

In some cases, inflammation may be caused by an allergic reaction to an anesthetic drug. This swelling also goes away quite quickly. But if the inflammation increases over time, affects neighboring tissues, and is accompanied by throbbing pain and purulent discharge, then you should consult your dentist.

Wisdom tooth pulled out, now it hurts

Pain in the gum area or in the socket after tooth extraction usually begins as soon as the effect of the painkiller wears off. This is also due to tissue trauma that is inevitable during the operation. There may be pain different intensity how strong and long-lasting it will be depends both on the complexity of the operation and on personal pain threshold, and on the body’s individual ability to recover.

In order to relieve pain, you can take an analgesic; usually the dentist recommends a medicine that can be used to relieve post-operative pain.

If within a few days pain syndrome does not go away, and its intensity, on the contrary, increases, try to get an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Perhaps pain is a sign of an ongoing inflammatory process.

A tooth was pulled out and now I have a fever

Sometimes an increase in temperature is a normal reaction of the body to surgery. As a rule, in the evenings the mark on the thermometer can be about 38C, and in the morning and during the day the temperature is normal or close to normal. Such “jumps” can continue for two to three days, then everything returns to normal.

If the temperature rises on the third day or later, accompanied by a general deterioration in health, swelling, purulent discharge, immediately contact a specialist.

All complaints about the fact that a wisdom tooth was pulled out, now it hurts, the temperature rises, swelling develops, and other discomfort that last more than three days are a reason for dentists to conduct a thorough examination of the patient’s condition.

Often enough unpleasant symptoms appear due to the fact that, due to carelessness or ignorance, the patient removed a blood clot that protected the wound cavity from pathogenic microbes and contributed to the speedy healing of the hole. It is the loss of the clot that causes dull aching pain, and when inflammatory process develops, the pain becomes stronger and more painful, and may occur bad smell from the mouth, inflammation of the lymph nodes, fever, general malaise.

In order to reduce the risk of complications, you should follow all the recommendations of your doctor and carefully monitor the condition of your oral cavity in the postoperative period.

Bleeding after tooth extraction

When a tooth is removed, it forms open wound, which bleeds for some time. This is normal, as damage will inevitably occur during the operation. blood vessels. The doctor takes all measures to stop the bleeding, in particular, puts a gauze pad on the wound; you need to bite it firmly, this will contribute to faster blockage of the blood vessels.

For several hours, sometimes days, the wound may bleed slightly. If you simply notice a bloody taste in your mouth or that your saliva is colored pink color, nothing to worry about. If the bleeding is intense, then apply a tampon in the same way as the doctor did and hold for fifteen minutes. If this measure cannot stop the bleeding, consult a doctor.

Purulent discharge after tooth extraction

If an infection gets into the tooth socket, an inflammatory process develops, which often leads to suppuration of the tissue. If a wisdom tooth has been pulled out, now it hurts and there is pus coming out, then you should go to the doctor immediately. The infection can affect not only the socket or gum tissue; if the inflammatory process is not stopped, then suppuration of the bone tissue (osteomyelitis) will begin, and blood poisoning or extensive purulent lesion muscle tissue (phlegmon). All of these diseases are deadly. Only a specialist can prescribe effective treatment and prevent the development of complications.

Dry socket after tooth extraction

As mentioned above, after the operation a blood clot should form in the socket. It provides speedy healing wounds, protects bone and nerve endings. To prevent the clot from being washed away, it is forbidden to rinse the mouth after tooth extraction for the first or second day, and then rinsing must be done very carefully.

A dry socket increases the risk of wound infection, it increases pain, and may cause bad taste in the mouth.

When a wisdom tooth is removed, the situation is complicated by the fact that when the clot is lost, the patient cannot see for himself that the socket has become dry. Therefore, he sees a doctor only when pain develops. And very often complaints that a wisdom tooth has been pulled out and now hurts are associated with the formation of a dry socket.

In such situations, the doctor applies cotton swab with a special medicine that, instead of blood clot, provides the hole with protection and promotes it effective healing. This medicine must be changed daily until the wound is completely healed.

Alveolitis after tooth extraction

The formation of a dry socket can lead to a disease such as alveolitis, that is, inflammation of the socket. But alveolitis also develops due to the fact that a tooth fragment, bone fragment or other remains in the socket foreign object, this disease provokes an inflammatory process in the periodontal area, as well as infection entering the socket.

The symptoms are gray plaque, which covers the hole, pain, bad breath.

If alveolitis is not treated, the pain intensifies over time and may be affected The lymph nodes, deteriorate general health, temperature rise.

Alveolitis requires professional treatment. The doctor will clean the hole, remove all foreign objects, as well as foci of infection, then treat the cavity with an antiseptic.

As we see, the situation when a wisdom tooth has been pulled out and now hurts is almost inevitable. However, it is necessary to distinguish between normal postoperative phenomena and complications that develop as a result of wound infection.

In any case, if something really bothers you, it is better to consult a specialist. After all we're talking about about your health. You should not numb the pain with analgesics or take antibiotics on your own to relieve the inflammatory process. Correct treatment Only a qualified dentist can prescribe it.

Pain after tooth extraction

After extraction of the eighth molar of patients dental clinics may bother various symptoms. Often appears pain after wisdom tooth removal, the gums become inflamed, the adjacent cheek swells, there may be discomfort when swallowing food, pain when opening the mouth, etc. Similar symptoms may be typical postoperative manifestations that spontaneously disappear within a few days, or may be signs of the development of various complications.

Pain during simple removal

If the removal of the eighth molar was not accompanied by any complications, for example, a previous inflammatory process, then most likely postoperative pain it will pass quickly enough. Pain and swelling - normal phenomena after an operation during which the soft fabrics and nerve endings, and you will have to endure some discomfort for several days.

Pain during difficult removal

A complex extraction is an operation during which the doctor had to cut the gum, remove the tooth piece by piece, remove the unerupted eighth molar, and drill out the bone tissue. In such cases, pain after wisdom tooth removal is inevitable, and its intensity depends on the degree of trauma of the operation, the speed of healing of the postoperative wound and the individual pain threshold.

After complex removal The patient may experience “figure eight” pain for a week, sometimes lasting up to ten days. The fact that the healing process is successful is indicated by a decrease in the intensity of pain over time. If you observe an increase in pain, it is constantly aching or throbbing, too painful, and practically does not disappear after taking analgesics, then you should contact your dentist.

Main complications after removal of the eighth molar

Most often, after the removal of a wisdom tooth, a complication develops such as alveolitis, that is, inflammation of the socket that remains in place extracted tooth. Inflammation can occur because a blood clot that forms at the wound site has been removed, failed to form, or has fallen out. The hole remains open and they penetrate into the wound cavity pathogens, causing inflammation.

The symptoms of the disease are intense pain, increased swelling, bad breath may appear.

Pain after wisdom tooth removal can be caused by suppuration of a blood clot that has formed in the socket of the extracted tooth. Suppuration occurs if a fragment of a tooth, a piece of cotton wool or some other foreign object remains in the wound. There is also a high risk of suppuration if the operation was complicated by the presence of an inflammatory process or gum disease, as well as if the patient has carious teeth. In this case, severe pain also develops and bad breath appears. If the inflammation is not treated, the adjacent gum tissues suffer, and the periosteum and bone may be affected.

If after surgery to remove a wisdom tooth you experience severe pain, general malaise, your temperature rises, purulent discharge from the wound, you should consult a doctor immediately.

You can definitely talk about the seriousness of the situation after the examination. An approximate picture of what is happening is built by analyzing the symptoms.


  • It's a dull pain;
  • pain is felt exclusively upon palpation or upon contact with hard objects;
  • strong pain;
  • pain is accompanied by swelling of the cheeks;
  • pain signs and temperature;
  • swelling of the hole from which the tooth was removed;
  • the occurrence of pain after the end of anesthesia;
  • jaw pain;
  • presence of a bruise at the site of tooth extraction.

Causes of pain

The reasons should be considered as typical and atypical. Typical ones include:

  • pain on contact where the tooth was - a quickly passing phenomenon;
  • Swelling of the gums is a common consequence after tooth extraction. But upon discovery this phenomenon requires greater attention to oral hygiene. Decoctions or infusions are used as a rinse;
  • pain after recovery from anesthesia usually lasts 2–5 hours. But more is possible a long period. If it hurts a lot, take a painkiller. According to the rules, dentists warn about possible consequences, so they prescribe medications themselves;
  • a bruise is the result of pressure applied during tooth extraction. You should not apply a cold compress to your teeth, as this can cause inflammation of the nerves. For quick disposal special ointments are used for hematomas. But, in any case, the bruise is temporary;
  • Pain in the jaw after tooth extraction is considered natural; after all, tooth extraction is an operation performed by dentists.

The listed signs are normal and should not cause concern. With such pain, it seems to a person that the neighboring teeth hurt, but in fact, the pain covers a certain area, the center of which is the place after the extracted tooth.

If neighboring teeth hurt after tooth extraction and, at the same time, there are purulent formation- a sign of infection. Before a dental examination, you can reduce pain by rinsing chamomile decoction, as well as taking painkillers. But a visit to the dentist cannot be postponed, even if the pain completely disappears.

The temperature indicates the characteristics of the immune system, that is, the body’s protective reaction to surgery occurs. In addition, the possibility of an inflammatory process cannot be ruled out. Accordingly, the appearance of temperature is a reason for repeated examination.

IN dental practice There have been cases when patients, after tooth extraction, noticed pain in the area of ​​other teeth, although they had not bothered them before. This fact may be psychosomatic in nature, since the most painful tooth drowned out the pain of other teeth. But, if the removal is carried out by a competent specialist, then he will definitely notice the problems of all teeth, because an x-ray of the oral cavity is first taken.

Toothache causes a lot of suffering: it hurts to speak, laugh, drink, turn your head.

Looking for salvation man walking to the dentist, he removes a tooth that is affected by caries and cannot be restored, but after the anesthesia wears off, painful sensations unexpectedly arise in the adjacent tooth. Why does the adjacent tooth hurt after extraction and can this be avoided?

Variant of the norm

During surgical manipulations in the oral cavity, the jaws and gum tissue are always injured. In addition, after the operation, a displacement of the dentition occurs, it expands and compresses the socket in the place of the eliminated tooth.

These reasons cause temporary pain in the adjacent tooth. After 5-6 days, the pain usually goes away without a trace.

Other reasons:

  • Results of mechanical impact. During the removal, a piece of the periosteum broke off, the necks of the roots of the tooth adjacent to the extracted one were exposed, a piece of the adjacent tooth broke off - all this should be a reason for a second visit to the dentist.
  • Infectious process in the socket, affecting nearby segments. Secondary manifestations: temperature increase, headache, swelling of the gums and cheeks.

How to avoid the unpleasant consequences of tooth extraction

Before deleting:

  • do not be nervous and, if possible, do not take analgesics;
  • Before surgery, undergo an examination, treat diseased teeth and clean them with ultrasound - these measures will help prevent the development of infection.

After removal:

  • make sure that the doctor removed tooth fragments from the wound and disinfected them;
  • on the day of removal, the mouth should not be rinsed under any circumstances, since after removal a blood clot remains in the hole, ensuring normal healing;
  • do not touch the hole;
  • follow all doctor’s recommendations: do not smoke, avoid hard foods and alcohol, do not eat hot food;
  • If the dentist prescribed antibiotics, be sure to go full course;
  • if after a week the neighboring tooth continues to hurt, general state worsened, swollen gums or cheeks, or an unpleasant odor from the mouth, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After the removal of a wisdom tooth, when the “freezing” has already gone away, patients are bothered by pain. This normal reaction body on surgical intervention. The pain gradually subsides and disappears completely within 5-7 days.

But not everyone finds saying goodbye to the G8s quick and easy. Increasing pain, swelling, hematomas and bleeding are a sure sign of complications, which, alas, cannot be cured in a week. How to distinguish pathology from the norm and prevent complications - read on.

Why does it hurt

The most obvious reason is the body’s natural physiological response to surgical trauma. All third molars - wisdom teeth - are large and have 2-5 roots. After their extraction, an open bleeding wound remains in the gum tissue and jawbone, caused by damage to the connections between the tissues.

The wound is filled with a blood clot - it is this that prevents infection from entering the hole and serves as the basis for the formation of granulation tissue - connective material that will fill the space formed after the removal of the 8. In the meantime, the hole remains injured, it may bother you elevated temperature body (within 37-37.5 degrees) and pain.

Normally, these symptoms gradually disappear within a week. But only with proper care.


All other reasons severe pain in the gums are associated with complications that arose during molar extraction or after surgery. These include:


    Infection of the socket of an avulsed tooth most often occurs due to the early loss of a blood clot or due to too weak immunity.

    Damage to capillaries when removing the figure eight.

    Patients also complain of hematomas, swelling of the gums, and an increase in body temperature of more than 37.5 degrees.

  1. Allergic reaction on the pain reliever used for local anesthesia before surgery.
  2. Presence of root fragments in the hole.

    If a tooth has not been completely removed, its remains provoke an inflammatory process in the socket, which also affects the gums.

Distinguish pathological pain from the reaction to the operation simply. They intensify progressively - they become stronger every day, radiating to the ENT organs, head, neck, chest.

This is often accompanied by bleeding from the wound, bruising, swelling and swelling. There are cases where, after a complex wisdom tooth extraction, swelling and bruising spread to the face, neck and chest and disappeared within six months.

Healing of the hole after simple removal

The process is individual, but with normal immunity the time frame varies between 3-7 days. If the procedure went without complications, after 3-4 days, granulation tissue - young connective tissue - is formed at the site of the blood clot. After 7 days, it spreads to almost the entire depth of the hole, with the exception of the very bottom.

After 2-3 weeks, the root of the extracted tooth is completely occupied connective tissue. And after 2-3 months from the moment of surgery, the hole in the jaw “overgrows” with a full-fledged bone tissue. By this moment, not a trace remains of the torn out “eight”.

These data are averaged. Wells removed upper teeth Wisdoms heal quickly and without problems, but with the lower ones everything is not so smooth. On lower jaw more nerve endings, the lower molars have more “branched” roots. That's why discomfort last longer.