What does colposcopy give? Why is a colposcopy procedure needed, how is it done and when. How long will it take

Like many other diseases of the genital organs, pathologies of the cervix often do not manifest themselves with any symptoms. However, some of them have serious consequences and can sometimes lead to cancer. Therefore, for a thorough examination and diagnosis, doctors prescribe colposcopy of the cervix.

Many women, not knowing the specifics of the study, ask questions such as why to perform colposcopy of the cervix, when is the best time to make a diagnosis, what does the doctor study during the procedure and how long does it take. However, you should not be afraid of the procedure itself, since most often it is not painful and the physical sensations are not much different from a regular examination.

Colposcopy is a diagnostic method gynecological pathologies using a microscope (colposcope). A colposcope is a device that allows you to examine the patient’s cervical canal under magnification. During a colposcopic examination, the doctor pays attention to:

  • dimensions internal organs;
  • condition of the mucosal surface;
  • number, location, color and shape of foci of infection.

Diagnostics makes it possible to identify the smallest deviations of the vaginal epithelium from the norm. So, during the colposcopy process, the doctor pays attention to:

  • mucous color;
  • uneven surface of the vagina;
  • condition and location of blood vessels;
  • the presence, number, size and condition of the affected areas of the vaginal cervix;
  • presence and condition of glands.

The colposcopic examination of the cervix itself lasts up to 30 minutes. It is recommended to undergo diagnostics on days 3–5 of the cycle, since then the uterus begins to actively secrete mucus, which complicates the procedure.

Colposcopy is not performed during menstruation, as well as in the first 4-8 weeks after childbirth, to avoid damage to unhealed vaginal tissue. If there are inflammations and ulcers in the vagina, the procedure is also contraindicated.

There are no contraindications to colposcopy of the vaginal part of the cervix during pregnancy, but you should be especially careful when choosing a specialist. During pregnancy, the cervical canal expectant mother covered big amount mucus to protect the baby from infections. Since mucus makes it impossible to examine tissue, the doctor must be very careful when removing this protective layer with a cotton swab and during the procedure so as not to cause harm expectant mother in labor and the fetus.

If, during a standard preventive gynecological examination, the doctor notices damaged areas on the surface of the vaginal walls, he prescribes colposcopy, indications for which may include:

  • itching and pain in the genitourinary system;
  • atypical discharge (sometimes mixed with blood);
  • painful sensations during and after sexual relations;
  • constant pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • the presence of atypical cells in the smear.

However, if you notice one or more of these symptoms, you should not immediately run to a colposcopy specialist. The first thing you should do is see your attending gynecologist, who will determine possible reasons discomfort, prescribe treatment or additional examinations.

Preparing for diagnosis

Before undergoing colposcopy, the patient must follow some hygiene rules in order to maintain the natural balance of the vaginal microflora, so the doctor must warn her about the examination in advance.

So, in order to prepare for the procedure, a week before diagnosis, a woman should stop using intravaginal medications. For two days before the examination, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse, and on the eve of the diagnosis, douching, the use of tampons and baths are not recommended, as this leads to a disruption of the composition of the natural flora of the vagina.

Also, before conducting the examination, the doctor must make sure that the patient is not allergic to the substances used during the examination. The most commonly used are aqueous solutions of iodine and acetic acid.

As a result of the use of solutions, a slight tingling or burning sensation may be felt, but usually this does not bring much discomfort or pain, since the usual diagnostic methods are used. gynecological speculum, and the colposcope is located outside. However, if the patient is particularly sensitive, it is recommended to take a painkiller tablet before the examination.

Carrying out the procedure

When diagnosing, the doctor examines the condition of the mucous membranes, notes the location, number and size of the affected areas, and preliminarily assesses the nature of the disease. If necessary, the doctor can take an oncocytology test for a detailed study to rule out suspicion of cancer.

Depending on what pathologies need to be identified, the doctor may use different methods inspection. Thus, there are three types of colposcopy:

  • simple (survey): the doctor examines the vaginal area of ​​the cervix under magnification, without using chemical reagents;
  • extended: the doctor conducts some tests, checking the reaction of the mucous membrane with acetic acid or iodine solution, as well as using color filters, which makes it possible to identify pathologies on initial stage developments that are indistinguishable during a survey diagnosis;
  • colpomicroscopy: the doctor examines under multiple magnification(over 300 times), which allows you to evaluate the features internal structure cells.

Patients are usually prescribed an extended colposcopy. This diagnosis consists of 5 stages:

Throughout the examination, the doctor examines the organs on the computer monitor, indicating and commenting on his observations to the patient.

IN healthy condition the surface of the cervical tissues is smooth and even, predominantly Pink colour, and the vessels evenly cover the surface of the vagina. The results of the examination may indicate the presence of the following pathologies in the patient:

The results of cervical colposcopy with interpretation are given to the patient immediately after the procedure. So, upon completion of the diagnosis, the patient can receive examination data in the form of:

  • text with a verbal description of deviations;
  • a schematic map indicating the locations of the affected areas and their sizes;
  • photo or video colposcopy of the cervix.

Colposcopy of the cervix during pregnancy has no contraindications. On the contrary, a sharp change hormonal levels And physiological changes a woman’s body during this period can lead to the development of pathologies, which can have a significant impact negative impact on the condition and health of the baby. Therefore, regular monitoring of reproductive organs. In case of severe damage to the uterine canals, the woman in labor is ordered to give birth using the caesarean section. If changes in organs are not significant, then childbirth can occur naturally, and treatment is prescribed for the period after childbirth.

Even after examination by the most qualified specialist, the possibility of manifestation of various complications. In addition to the negligence of the doctor, discomfort after colposcopy may be associated with physiological structure organs, with overstrain or non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations.

Various complications as a result of colposcopic examination rarely occur. However, in cases where there are ulcers or other wounds on the vaginal mucosa, or as a result of a biopsy, the patient may experience brown, pinkish-red or bloody discharge within 24 hours after the study. Also, the consequences of the procedure may be manifestations of painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

Despite the fact that the appearance of these signs is normal, if they last more than 3 days, as well as in the case elevated temperature, bleeding or when there is a change in character menstrual cycle You must immediately seek advice and help from a specialist.

It is also possible infectious infection patient due to improper hygiene of the doctor, as well as due to the presence of open wounds on the surface of the cervical mucosa.

To avoid the occurrence of various complications, a woman must observe certain rules for some time after the procedure. Doctors usually recommend avoiding increased physical activity, douching and sexual intercourse for several days, not taking baths or hot showers, and not taking blood thinning medications for a week.

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IN Lately diagnostic method Cervical colposcopy began to be prescribed by gynecologists almost everywhere. Due to the fact that this procedure is quite expensive, women are concerned about the real need for it and the objectivity of the data obtained during the study. In order to understand this issue, you need to know the essence of the method and indications for colposcopy.

Definition of Colposcopy

Colposcopy is instrumental method examination of the vagina and cervix (CC) using a medical optical device called a colposcope.

The technique was first introduced and tested in Germany in 1925 by G. Ginselmann. At that time, the simplest colposcope was a binocular on a tripod, equipped with a light source and a mirror and providing a 10-fold magnification of tissue.

Modern optical colposcopes for research have much greater magnification powers - up to 40 times, depending on the type of device. Best image for correct setting Diagnosis is achieved by using optical instruments and focusing light.

A perfect optical system in combination with a high-intensity light source allows you to obtain a high-quality diagnostic picture

In more modern clinics video colposcopes are used. When working with such devices, a clear image is obtained thanks to the presence of digital cameras, displayed on a large monitor and allowing damage to be examined even at the micro level (300 times magnification). In addition, with such examinations, it is possible to obtain an assessment of the condition of the patient’s genital organs by many specialists at once, broadcasting images to several monitors at the same time.

Video colposcope is working system, which includes a digital colposcope (with built-in illuminator), a tripod, as well as computer technology (software) for primary processing video images

Video: colposcopy as a diagnostic method

Purpose of the study

A referral for examination of the cervix (cervix) is given by a gynecologist for a more thorough analysis of the condition of the mucous membrane following a visual examination. This analysis helps in diagnosing a huge number of diseases. The main reason for performing colposcopy is the detection of atypical cells during cytomorphological examination of smears from the cervix. Thanks to special tests, colposcopy allows you to identify altered areas on the cervix in order to subsequently take material from them for subsequent histological examination.

Indications for colposcopy are the need to analyze and evaluate the condition of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, diagnose diseases, confirm the diagnosis

The main goal of the procedure is to detect abnormal tissues and distinguish benign education from cancer. Colposcopy may also be prescribed to monitor the treatment.

Types of colposcopy

The research carried out can be either simple or extensive. In the first case, colposcopy is an examination of the cervix after wiping it cotton swab and has no significant diagnostic value. During the procedure, the main characteristics, outlines of the cervix and the location of the vessels in it are determined.

In the case of extended colposcopy, the analysis is carried out using medications required for testing on mucous membranes:

Thus, according to the type of reaction to treatment various substances, the doctor can diagnose the type of pathology and its localization on the mucous membrane of the cervix.

Indications for the procedure

The direct and main reason for performing colposcopy is the detection of cervical dysplasia (i.e., its structural changes). This condition is precancerous and is reversible when detected on early stages, which is why its timely detection is so important. Women are most susceptible to this disease childbearing age, the frequency of dysplasia among which is 1.5 cases per 1000 people.

Except benign diseases epithelium of the cervix, colposcopy is also necessary to detect signs of cancer. The procedure is mandatory for all patients who have cytological smears were identified atypical cells.

Scheme of development of cervical dysplasia

Another indication for the procedure is the detection of erosion during examination by a gynecologist. Unlike dysplasia, erosion is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane, and not a change in its structure.

For preventive purposes, the colposcopy procedure is recommended for all women once a year.

Less common indications for diagnosis are:

  • genital warts;
  • bloody discharge between periods;
  • the appearance of pain during sexual intercourse;
  • control of therapy for gynecological diseases.

Video: important facts about colposcopy

Contraindications to colposcopy

The procedure is prohibited if the following restrictions exist:

  • postpartum period (2 months);
  • postoperative period (recently performed surgical interventions in the uterine cavity, including termination of pregnancy);
  • individual intolerance to medications used to perform extended colposcopy (iodine, acetic acid);
  • the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity;
  • during the menstrual period.

Colposcopy during pregnancy

The period of gestation does not serve as a limitation to colposcopy, since the research technique is harmless and the medications used are non-toxic. However, during pregnancy they mainly resort to simple view colposcopy without diagnostic tests. In general, the procedure does not cause any harm to the body, in particular to the fetus.

Colposcopy can be canceled only if there is a threat of miscarriage, and the procedure can stimulate labor

Preparation for the procedure

When choosing a time suitable for colposcopy, ovulatory days and menstruation are excluded. The most suitable period is considered to be from 3-4 days after menstruation until the onset of ovulation. Two days before the study, you must adhere to several rules:

  • avoid sex without a condom;
  • use vaginal creams, suppositories and other medications;
  • do not use sanitary tampons;
  • do not douche.

Colposcopy research technique

Initially, a simple type of analysis is carried out, and then an expanded one. In total, the procedure lasts about 15 minutes, is painless, non-traumatic and is considered one of the safest gynecological examinations. When identifying areas with altered epithelium, it becomes necessary to take samples, then the duration of colposcopy can increase to half an hour.

Colposcopy is performed on an outpatient basis and usually takes 10 to 20 minutes.

The examination is carried out in a gynecological chair, opposite which a colposcope is installed. The colposcopy technique consists of several stages:

  1. To increase visibility of the vaginal cavity, gynecological speculum is installed, and the cervix and its mucous membrane are assessed (simple colposcopy). After the initial visual examination, the discharge is removed with a cotton swab so that it is better to examine the vessels and the condition of the epithelium.
  2. The doctor treats the cervical area with acetic acid and evaluates its results within 2–3 minutes.
  3. Subsequent treatment of the cervix with Lugol's solution is carried out.
  4. When areas of dysplasia are identified, targeted sampling is performed epithelial cells from the detected affected areas for further research. Also typical during the procedure is taking samples of urogenital discharge and cytological tests:
    • PAP test;
    • oncocytology;
    • cytomorphological study of the cervical epithelium.

During colposcopy, the patient is positioned in a gynecological chair in the same way as for a gynecological examination.

If there is a suspicion of development malignant tumors The doctor prescribes a biopsy 10 days after colposcopy. This procedure is an excision small area tissue under study for further analysis.

Decoding the results

After the examination, the conclusion indicates the results of both simple and extended colposcopy (if one was performed).

Colposcopy is done to detect cervical cancer and changes that may lead to cervical cancer

The condition of the cervix (its shape) and mucous membrane is indicated: color, structure, nature of the vascular pattern. When performing tests with reagents, the reaction of the epithelium to staining with solutions is noted, as well as the reaction of blood vessels to exposure to acid.

If atypical tissues or abnormal changes are detected on the cervix, only a competent doctor can decipher the results of the examination for certain!

Table: basic terms found in the conclusion of colposcopy

Parameter Norm Deviation
Flat and columnar epithelium present -
Ectopia (exit of cylindrical cells beyond the boundaries of the cervix) - Not the norm, but not required complementary therapy. Maybe women who have not yet given birth take oral contraceptives or in early stages of pregnancy.
Transformation zone (cell transition squamous epithelium to cylindrical) All women have it. The area of ​​close monitoring may be the focus of the transition of benign cells to malignant ones. In this area, infection with the human papillomavirus occurs.
Metaplasia (metaplastic epithelium) - cells of a healthy transformation zone Mature cells that have a normal vascular pattern Identified immature epithelium, indicating the presence of pathology
Iodine negative site (INS) Normally, it is not detected; with the Schiller test, the epithelium is uniformly stained dark brown. The presence indicates the probable course of the disease. The areas are identified during the Schiller test - after staining with iodine they remain light. May be a sign of abnormalities:
  • atrophy;
  • leukoplakia (precancerous condition);
  • inflammation;
  • dysplasia
Acetowhite epithelium (ABE) - Identified by the action of acetic acid on the epithelium of the cervix (stained in White color). The appearance may be a signal:
  • dysplasia;
  • HPV infection.
Atypical vessels - Detected when treated with acetic acid - do not react to exposure to the reagent
Punctuation and mosaic in the transformation zone - A mild form indicates the need further diagnostics for the purpose of detecting HPV.
A rough form indicates damage to the epithelium and a high risk of developing dysplasia and oncology
Hyperkeratosis (leukoplakia—presence of cells unusual for the cervix) - It is a keratinized layer of squamous epithelium (identified as White spot on the cervix), can cause transformation
Condylomas are benign neoplasms - Indicates the presence of HPV in the body

In addition to the above anomalies, the results may indicate diseases such as:

  • stenosis (pathological narrowing);
  • polyps (benign formations);
  • endometriosis (hormone-dependent disease);
  • endocervicitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane from exposure to infection);
  • statements;
  • necrotic areas.

Rules of conduct after colposcopy

After the procedure there are no strict restrictions: you can have sex or physical activity(provided that the colposcopy was not accompanied by a biopsy - then it is necessary to observe sexual rest for a week).

In rare cases, consequences of the study may arise, for example:

  • dull pain in the lower abdomen;
  • minor bloody issues from the vagina (pink, brown);
  • aching pain in the abdomen.

The presence of these symptoms is not dangerous to health; they usually go away on their own, without any therapy, within two days after colposcopy. If discharge appears, you should not use tampons; it is better to give preference to sanitary pads.

Indications that warrant a visit to the doctor

Although colposcopy is considered safe gynecological examinations, you should see a doctor if the following symptoms that appeared after the procedure:

  • the appearance of heavy bleeding;
  • severe, unbearable pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased body temperature;
  • emergence heavy discharge with an unpleasant odor.

In gynecology, colposcopy is one of the most common methods for diagnosing diseases affecting the female genital organs. Lack of awareness about colposcopy leads to unreasonable worries before the procedure and expectations of unpleasant sensations during it. Therefore, light should be shed on this method and understand what colposcopy is in gynecology.

Colposcopy refers to an examination of the cervix under magnification using a special device, a colposcope.

Patients are often worried that the procedure is too long, so they wonder how long a colposcopy lasts. The duration of the examination is a maximum of 30 minutes, and you should not be afraid of it.

There are simple and extended colposcopy. In the first case, during the examination it is possible to determine the shape and size of the organ being examined, as well as to identify its defects. A more informative second method of colposcopy, which requires the use of additional tests.

Iodine or Lugol's solution can be used as a developer. When they are applied to healthy tissues, their shade changes, but damaged tissues do not change. For better visualization, various light filters are used. The technique allows you to effectively identify those tissues that are most suspicious.

When areas of the epithelium with manifestations of pathology are identified, a biopsy is performed. This operation is absolutely safe and virtually painless. Apart from mild discomfort, the woman will not feel anything. If there is a need for a biopsy of the vulva or vagina, local anesthesia is used.

Concerns regarding pain or the likelihood of erosive processes are completely unfounded.

Indications for the procedure

Colposcopy in gynecology is an indispensable procedure, as it makes it possible to detect a number of gynecological pathologies.

As a result of the initial examination of the patient, the following symptoms may be the basis for prescribing colposcopy:

  • nonspecific vaginal discharge, irritating the mucous membrane, which causes itching;
  • bleeding not associated with menstruation;
  • pain during and after sexual intercourse;
  • the presence of nagging uncharacteristic pain in the lower abdomen.

When it is necessary to undergo gynecological manipulations, some women experience a psychological barrier and misunderstanding why colposcopy is needed. You should know that there are a number of diseases that require mandatory this research. These diseases include those listed below.

Endometriosis. With its development, ectopic formations of the endometrium are observed. Colposcopy is used to determine the presence of this process in the vagina or cervix.

Erosion. Colposcopy for cervical erosion makes it possible to see pathological cracks, which are presented in multiples on the mucous membrane of the organ. In addition, the study allows us to identify early stage development various kinds tumors.

Cancer. The development of oncology affecting the cervix is ​​a consequence of the activity of the papilloma virus when a woman is infected. With the help of colposcopy, it is possible to recognize the nature of the processes and prevent the development cancerous tumor at an early stage.

Polyps. These unpleasant neoplasms are easily detected during a colposcopic examination.

Erythroplakia, or leukoplakia. Timely diagnosis changes in the thickness of the epithelial layer allows you to take appropriate measures to treat the disease.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Often circumstances develop in such a way that when it is necessary to do a colposcopy, women have doubts about the safety and necessity of the procedure. To objectively understand the impact of this type of diagnosis on health, you should weigh the pros and cons.

Colposcopy, like no other technique, has a high diagnostic value. With its help, the doctor receives complete information about the condition of the tissues, possible pathologies, oncological changes, as well as the presence of tumors and inflammation. As a result of the study, the reliability of the diagnosis is maximum. If necessary, the doctor can take an image and look at it again if in doubt.

Colposcopic examination is simple, and there is no need for complex preparation of the patient. Despite the complexity of the event, it is carried out completely painlessly.

The disadvantages of the technique include the possibility of conducting the study only in women who are already sex life. The event cannot be carried out during menstruation, which somewhat limits its capabilities.

Besides, prerequisite It is necessary to take into account the individual cycle of a woman so that it is possible to obtain the full amount of required information. Thus, sometimes it takes some time from the moment you see a doctor.

The likelihood of complications is minimal.


Contraindications to colposcopy are divided into absolute and temporary. To assess possible absolute contraindications It is necessary to take into account which diagnostic method will be used.

With a simple colposcopy, there are no absolute prohibitions on its implementation, since the procedure is not much different from a regular gynecological examination. The only difference is that the colposcope is installed at a certain distance from the entrance to the vagina.

If colposcopy involves selection biological material, in which certain substances are used, there is a possibility of developing allergies. In addition, individual intolerance to these solutions is possible.

Despite the safety of this gynecological procedure, it should be understood that there are some temporary prohibitions on performing colposcopy.

Contraindications may be:

  • the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • the period from the moment of birth is less than 1.5-2 months;
  • recent surgery in the treatment of the cervix;
  • the period from the moment of abortion is less than 3-4 weeks;
  • presence of bleeding.

Thus, to the question of whether colposcopy is done during menstruation, the answer is clearly negative.


Before the event, you should familiarize yourself with information on how to prepare for colposcopy.

Women often ask whether it is possible to have sex before a colposcopy. Doctors recommend limiting sexual intercourse immediately before the procedure. Minimum term abstinence is one day.

If menstruation occurs at this time, the examination is postponed. Tampons should not be used.

Before starting the examination, douching, using vaginal suppositories, sprays and tablets should be excluded. Hygiene procedures must be carried out exclusively using water, detergents should not be used in this case.

Patients should know on what day of the cycle the colposcopy is performed. To obtain the most reliable data, the study is carried out 9-20 days after the end of the menstrual cycle. If there is an urgent need urgent diagnostics, then you can not expect the onset of this period, the main thing is that there are no periods.

If the menstrual cycle fails, you should warn the doctor about this, then the specialist will be able to realistically assess the condition of the mucous membrane. Thus, colposcopy can be performed on any day of the cycle.

How is the procedure performed?

Literally translated, the name of this diagnostic method means observation of the vagina. The main focus of the procedure is to identify pathological changes in the cervix. The design of the colposcope consists of a binocular microscope, which allows obtaining a stereoscopic image.

The binocular is capable of magnification from 4 to 40 times. The device tripod is equipped with a light source.

Expensive models have additional equipment that allows for photo and video recording, which makes it possible to monitor the dynamics of the treatment process.

A routine gynecological examination is first carried out, and if a pathology is suspected, a colposcopy is prescribed. Simple procedure, as we have already noted, is visual inspection object of research.

A detailed study involves sampling the epithelium and staining the tissue. The area around the cervix is ​​first treated with a low-percentage vinegar solution. As a result of this action, short-term swelling of the mucous membrane and slowing of blood circulation occur. At the same time, there is a reduction small vessels. If this does not happen, then this phenomenon is evidence of vascular atypia.

After this, Lugol's solution is applied, which lubricates the area around the cervix. This organ has a multilayered epithelium that contains glycogen that can react to the components of the solution.

During chemical reaction coloring healthy cervix uterus occurs evenly. If during colposcopy the area is not stained with iodine, this indicates pathological changes in it. This is explained by the properties of columnar epithelium, which are difficult to stain with iodine-containing substances.

If a pathology is detected, the doctor decides on the need for a procedure. This means that a small piece of tissue is taken for testing. The instrument used for this operation is special tweezers, so you may experience unpleasant sensations reminiscent of a spasm or mild pressure.

After the procedure

If the colposcopic examination was not accompanied by a biopsy, then you can lead a normal lifestyle, there are no restrictions on work. If there is bleeding after colposcopy, this is not a cause for concern. After one, maximum three days, the discharge will stop.

A burning sensation after colposcopy is possible for a short time if a biopsy was performed. But this is not the only unpleasant one by-effect procedures. There is no need to be scared if your stomach hurts after a colposcopy. In a few days discomfort will leave.

We hope that we have dispelled all the doubts and fears that some women associate with colposcopy. The importance of this procedure for making a diagnosis can hardly be overestimated, since a correct diagnosis and adequate treatment will help not only maintain the patient’s health, but also give a new life.

Useful video about the treatment of cervical erosion: an expert says


Today, few people know what colposcopy is, since this procedure only recently became desirable, and in some clinics, mandatory. Many women, upon learning that they are scheduled to undergo a colposcopy, get scared and pester their gynecologists with questions about why colposcopy is needed and whether it hurts.

In fact, there is nothing scary or painful about this procedure. The question of what colposcopy is can be answered extremely simply: it is gynecological procedure, in which detailed examination is carried out using a microscope.

If we describe colposcopy in detail, we can find out that this procedure is very similar to a regular one. gynecological examination: during this procedure, the patient’s vaginal walls are separated and a colcoscope is brought to the cervix - a device that combines a binocular microscope and a lighting device. Colposcopy does not take much time. Her average duration- 20-30 minutes.

It should be noted that colposcopy has been recognized as the safest of all diagnostic methods used in obstetrics and gynecology. And the fact that the procedure is carried out without any anesthesia only confirms its painlessness - patients may experience only minor discomfort.

IN in some cases This procedure can also cause harm to health. Especially if unpleasant consequences inspections were not detected on time. Therefore, knowing what colposcopy is, you should also keep in mind its possible consequences.

So, if colposcopy is not performed with sufficient care, the walls of the vagina or cervix may be damaged, and they may also become infected. Therefore, if after this procedure the patient develops symptoms such as severe continuous bleeding, the appearance of strange discharge from the vagina, pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, as well as fever, she should immediately consult a gynecologist.

The desire to know as much as possible about the upcoming procedure is very natural, so many patients ask not only what colposcopy is, but also why it is needed. Perhaps many people secretly hope that this procedure is not necessary for them and can be avoided.

To their disappointment, colposcopy is an absolutely irreplaceable procedure that allows us to identify many diseases of women's health. reproductive system, which are asymptomatic.

Thus, colposcopy allows you to detect cervical erosion, benign and malignant tumors, and various damages the cervix, vagina and vulva itself.

In addition, this procedure greatly facilitates various tests (Schiller and Chrobak tests, adrenaline test and acetic acid test), as well as targeted biopsy of the cervix, in which a small piece of tissue is taken from the most affected area for laboratory research.

Colposcopy during pregnancy is also extremely important, since during this period a woman’s health is especially fragile. Colposcopy is not performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, since at this stage it creates a risk of miscarriage. But in the second and third trimester, this procedure is extremely desirable, since it is during pregnancy that cervical erosion progresses especially intensively. What if this unpleasant disease If treatment is not started in time, it can lead to rupture of the cervix during childbirth.

In general, it is advisable to undergo colposcopy annually. This procedure is indicated for all women who are sexually active. It should be kept in mind that for a couple of days before colposcopy you need to refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse, and also not use lubricating gels or douching. You need to take a pad with you to the procedure, as light bleeding is possible after colposcopy.

Often, women turn to a gynecologist only after the appearance of unpleasant symptoms that cause anxiety. Preventive visits to " female doctor“are very important, but the fact of the examination causes shame, and the methods of conducting it (including colposcopy) cause fear.

How important is colposcopy, what pathologies and abnormalities can be detected during examination, what does the preparation include and how is it carried out? Answers to these and other questions are further in the article.

The essence of gynecological examination

Colposcopy is a method of diagnostic examination of the walls and cervix using a special device. It is a microscope with additional optical and lighting systems. Thanks to this, a more thorough examination of the internal organs can be carried out. Due to magnification of 10-40 times, you can notice the most insignificant pathological processes, which are invisible to the naked eye.

There are two types of colposcopy for erosion:

  • simple;
  • extended.

During a simple examination, a standard examination is carried out; the cervix and vaginal walls are assessed only visually, without the use of additional methods and tools. When the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​treated with special reagents that make it possible to identify pathological changes at their early stage. Commonly used as reagents water solution Lugol, 3% acetic acid. Due to reagents they narrow blood vessels and the area swells cervical canal. Only healthy tissues are stained with substances, and atypical cells do not change color and become more visible. If necessary, during the examination the doctor may also take a piece of mucosal tissue for a biopsy.

If cancer is suspected, fluorescent colposcopy may be prescribed. In this case, the mucous membrane is treated with fluorochrome and studied under ultraviolet rays. Cancer cells become pinkish and easy to notice.

Thanks to timely colposcopy, it is possible to identify:

First of all, this study is necessary for women who belong to the groups increased risk– have precancerous diseases or genetic predisposition to oncology and erosion. Without colposcopy it is often impossible to diagnose correct diagnosis, which means it will not be possible to find the necessary treatment.

When should it be done?

The study may be prescribed if certain alarming symptoms. These include:

In the presence of certain diseases of the reproductive system this procedure prescribed in mandatory. So, it is prescribed for:

Colposcopy in gynecology has no clear contraindications, since this procedure is absolutely safe. But in some cases the procedure will have to be postponed, or carried out out of exceptional necessity. Thus, colposcopy is not performed during menstruation, and during pregnancy there must be compelling reasons for the examination.

There is one more nuance: such a study is carried out only if the girl has already lost her virginity.

It will be necessary to temporarily postpone the examination for erosion in a number of cases:

  • less than eight weeks have passed since birth;
  • less than four weeks have passed since the abortion;
  • was recently held surgery cervix;
  • there is a pronounced inflammatory process.

In addition, the patient may experience increased sensitivity to reagents that are used during extended examination. You should definitely inform your gynecologist about this, who will select another method of examination.

How is colposcopy performed?

Little preparation is required before the procedure.

At low pain threshold anesthetics are used before the examination general action or in the form of an application. The examination procedure takes about 15 minutes and is carried out in a gynecological chair. After anesthesia, a standard speculum is inserted into the vagina, and a colcoscope is placed near it. The examination itself is painless, but the sensations may not be the most pleasant. The reagents cause the greatest discomfort - when they are used on the mucous membrane, a burning sensation occurs. It is painful to pinch off the tissue if a biopsy is necessary.

A study such as colposcopy is a protozoa and usually does not cause any special negative consequences. For some time after an extended examination, vaginal discharge may have a slight brownish color. This symptom should not cause concern; it turns out this is due to the remnants of Lugol’s solution.

Due to the insertion of a foreign device into the cervix and its stretching, unpleasant painful sensations sometimes persist for 1-2 days. You just need to wait out this period; no medications are needed in this case. TO negative consequences There may be a risk of infection in the vaginal mucosa, which will cause an inflammatory process. In rare cases, bleeding or fever may occur after the procedure. All unpleasant symptoms should go away the next day, but if this does not happen, it is better to visit a gynecologist.

The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to cure it.