How to make a microenema with chamomile. Indications for use. The procedure is simple

If the body cannot cope with painful condition, then he needs help. And for this, among other things, a microenema can be used. Microclysters can be used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.


According to the principle of action, microenemas are similar to regular ones, but the main difference is their volume. If a regular enema is up to two liters of liquid that are introduced into the body (into the intestinal area) in one go, then a microenema is much smaller, it starts from 50 grams and usually does not exceed 200 grams, a sort of mini-variation. Otherwise, its principle is very similar. For children, especially newborns, this option is generally optimal, because it is impossible to give a full-size enema to a baby, and it is impossible to make such a large infusion. During pregnancy, some kind of microenema with chamomile will also be better than a large one.


There are a few various variations, what microenemas can be in principle. The main ones can be identified:

  • laxative (it can be glycerin, as well as oil or even hypertonic);
  • softening (usually it is milky, although there may be other variations, such soft options recommended during pregnancy, however, and not during pregnancy either);
  • cleansing (mostly starch, honey or coffee).

Also, classification can be done purely based on the composition or brand of microenemas. There is a microenema:

  • with evaporated urine;
  • with chamomile;
  • With sea ​​buckthorn oil(or other oil);
  • emulsion type;
  • Microlax;
  • Salofalk and many other options, including those similar in effect to Salofalk.

Here it is impossible to recommend using something universal, because any enema, be it Salofalk, liquid with sea buckthorn oil or other oil, is primarily an effect on the body, a certain stress for the intestines of adults and children (especially newborns) - and not only for intestines. This cannot be avoided, because the effect of an enema is still too important, but each person needs to choose for himself (or for children/newborns) exactly what is most suitable, what has exactly those indications and takes into account exactly those contraindications that are also inherent in himself .

If you are not sure what you intend to do (especially during pregnancy or performing an enema for children/newborns/infants), then consult your doctor and clarify with him all aspects regarding microenemas. This is important to understand which one is correct to put in different cases, for example, which one to use in children, in newborns, during pregnancy, and so on, is Salofalk or Microlax suitable for you, and so on. But even if the doctor has authorized it, the instructions for use of the drug (especially during pregnancy or when prescribed for children/newborns) should be studied thoroughly.


Let's figure out when you can and should use microenemas:

There are other situations when microenemas can be quite effective. This, for example, is a condition before childbirth/surgery, or the intestines are too clogged with fecal debris (then you simply cannot do without cleansing the intestines, otherwise constipation cannot be avoided), or the need for X-ray studies abdominal cavity, as well as the colon and digestive tract. Microenemas are useful for hemorrhoids, and microenemas with chamomile will have an effect without irritating the insides.

Of course, each condition is individual, so make a final decision before how to do the procedure, before you understand whether you need microenemas or not, you should first of all have a doctor who will get acquainted with your situation and make some decision on how it can be achieved maximum benefit, will tell you, for example, whether a microenema is needed for hemorrhoids, or during constipation, and so on.


But such things may not always apply. There are situations when the use of such mini-enemas is contraindicated. This, for example, is a short period after a surgical intervention affecting the abdominal cavity, damage to the mucous membrane, tumors located in the colon, the presence cardiovascular failure or other glaring problems. If you experience at least one of these difficulties (or even a number of others), then you should not try to use microenemas on your own, you must do it under the supervision of a doctor (especially during pregnancy or in the case of children/newborns, or when done, for example, microenemas for hemorrhoids), and not at home (at home, doctors usually do not advise getting rid of constipation using this method) and only if there are indications.

What do we have to do?

To carry out a microenema, to make it for yourself at home, you will need a Janet Spitz with a volume of up to 200 grams, as well as a syringe with a tip. You will need Vaseline to lubricate its tip, although any greasy cream can replace it. You will also need liquid. The liquid can be any of those described, for example, Salofalk (Salofalk from pharmaceutical drugs this kind is one of the most effective options), or something similar (in non-standard cases, the instructions for its use should be studied).

Next, the person lies on his left side, gently bends his legs at the knees and pulls them towards his stomach. The buttocks are spread apart with the left hand, and a lubricated catheter is inserted with the right hand. To avoid problems, its introduction is carried out, as the instructions for use say, with rotational movements. Next, a Janet syringe is attached to the catheter and in small portions a substance is introduced into it. If there is no Janet syringe, then you can use a rubber bulb, the overall result will be approximately the same.

Don't forget to keep the liquid (oil, Salofalk or something else) inside for a while for maximum effect. After this, you can repeat the procedure after a certain period with the permission of the attending physician, or as indicated in the instructions for its use. Do not try to take the initiative once again and do a mini-enema at home when you are not sure that this is permissible, even if it is to cleanse the intestines/constipation. And then, if you set everything correctly for yourself, the microenema will only benefit you, then the microenema will really help you.

When the human body cannot cope with a disease, microenemas will come to help. Cleansing is carried out as necessary diagnostics and treatment. In ordinary enemas, the volume of water is from one and a half to two liters. Microclysters are distinguished by their small volume - from fifty to two hundred milliliters.

Instructions for using microenemas

There are several types:

  • laxative effects (glycerin, oil, hypertonic);
  • softening (milk);
    with chamomile;
  • cleansing (honey, starch, coffee);
  • microenema microlax;
  • emulsion;
  • with evaporated urine

To solve your problem, choose a microenema that is right for you. To ensure that during the procedure the body does not experience stress and there is no irritation of the mucous membranes, carefully read the instructions and contraindications.

Indications for use

Indications for microenemas are:

  • joint pain in the sacrum, lower back;
  • irregular periods;
  • increased gas formation;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • state of chilliness;
  • semen exhaustion;
  • loss of strength and weakness;
  • sheep feces;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • cystitis

If you have some of the listed symptoms, think about helping the body.

Cleansing enemas are also done before operations and before childbirth. For x-ray examination of the abdominal cavity, colon and digestive tract, in cases where the intestines are clogged with feces and it is necessary to use an enema at home.


Contraindications to the procedure are:

  • inflammatory processes in the acute period;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • lesions of the colon mucosa;
  • recent surgery into the abdominal cavity (appendicitis, peritonitis);
  • colon tumors;
  • cardiovascular diseases

If at least one of the symptoms is present, independent use of microenemas at home is strictly contraindicated. Indications are possible only as prescribed by a doctor.


To administer a microenema, you will need a Janet syringe, with a volume of one hundred and fifty to two hundred grams with a tip, or a familiar rubber syringe. You need to heat the liquid to a temperature of 37 °C. Fat cream or Vaseline will be needed to lubricate the tip.

To carry out the procedure correctly, follow some rules:

  1. Lie on your right side, bend your legs and pull them towards your stomach.
  2. With your left hand, spread your buttocks, and with your right hand, enter into anal hole lubricated tip, about five to ten centimeters.
  3. Attach the Janet syringe to the catheter and inject liquid in small portions.
  4. Apply gentle pressure. To prevent fluid from leaking, hold the end of the catheter.
  5. After injection, carefully remove the syringe and fill it with air.
  6. Then reattach and blow out so that the remaining liquid enters the intestines.

Also carry out the procedure using a rubber enema.

Laxative microenemas

At chronic constipation usage shown oil microenemas. For the procedure they use oils: olive, sunflower, hemp and vaseline. Oil in an amount of fifty to one hundred milligrams is heated to a temperature of 37 ° C and injected into the anus using a syringe or rubber bulb. The oil coats the intestinal walls and relaxes the muscles. The action begins within ten to fifteen minutes.

For a glycerin microenema you will need ten milligrams of glycerin. For a laxative effect, administer two to three milliliters of 10% antipyrine or 1% pilocarpine, which must be diluted in twenty milliliters of water.

Hypertensive. At high blood pressure give an enema of 5-10% sodium chloride, 20-30% sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate. Inject two hundred to three hundred milligrams and try to hold it for twenty to thirty minutes. You can use Carlsbad or sea salt.

Cleansing microenemas

For honey, dissolve a tablespoon of the product in two hundred milliliters of water and add a tablespoon lemon juice. Hold inside for ten to fifteen minutes.

For colitis, a starch enema is good. It envelops the intestinal walls. To use, add rice, potato, corn or wheat starch to one hundred milligrams of water and stir. Then add one hundred milliliters of boiling water. Cool to 38-40°C.

Coffee shop. Add three tablespoons of natural ground coffee to boiling water. Cook for three minutes, and then keep on low heat for another twelve minutes. Then cool and strain. Use it similarly to a honey enema. It removes waste and toxins from the body well, prevents early stage colds and has a beneficial effect on the liver and bile ducts.

Softening (milk) microenemas

If your hands are often cold, you have a tendency to constipation and dehydration, and you have an asthenic (thin) build, then this procedure will help you. To cold time of the year unpleasant symptoms did not occur, use hot baths and softening microenemas. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in evening time. The warming process occurs due to the transfer of heat from sour milk and butter.

Some options for softening milk microenemas:

  1. Warm up a hundred milligrams cow's milk and add twenty grams of melted butter. Keep on low heat until the oil is completely dissolved. Cool to 38°C and inject into the rectum. Lie down for a while until you feel the urge to have a bowel movement. After several procedures, constipation will stop, and an acidic milk environment will appear in the intestines.
  2. Add a pinch of ginger and red pepper to the milk with ghee. This mixture, introduced into the body, will warm it up from the inside and improve heat transfer.
  3. Add a teaspoon of salt to the previous method. This will enhance the softening effect of the microenema.
  4. Add a tablespoon of wormwood decoction or a teaspoon of chopped garlic to the milk with melted butter. This helps to restore the functioning of the biliary tract.
  5. Instead of milk and butter, you can use lamb broth or bone broth.

Microclysters for diseases

Microenemas with evaporated urine for microcracks

This method eliminates microcracks in the intestinal mucosa and removes stagnant deposits.

Pour one hundred milliliters of urine into the enema. In subsequent applications, increase this volume by fifty to one hundred milliliters. When the amount reaches half a liter, do an enema with this amount three to four times. Then, every other day, begin to reduce the volume by fifty to one hundred milliliters, gradually bringing it to one hundred. The cycles can be repeated periodically. This procedure cannot be done during pregnancy.

Microenemas with chamomile against inflammation

The use of chamomile helps reduce inflammatory processes in the body. The procedure should be done before bedtime, but frequent use Not recommended.

To prepare the solution, take three tablespoons of chamomile, fifty milliliters of water, two milliliters of dimexide, a doxycycline capsule (pour out the powder) and a crushed ciprolet tablet.


When treating rectal disease, take two tablespoons of chamomile and a glass of boiling water. Warm the solution, stirring, in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Cool at room temperature and strain. Bring the resulting volume boiled water up to two hundred milliliters. For an enema, use fifty grams.

Hemorrhoids and blood vessels

Microclysters with oils of medicinal plants are used for treatment hemorrhoids and to restore the elasticity and plasticity of veins. To make oil, take fresh St. John's wort or rosehip flowers. Place tightly in a glass jar and fill with refined vegetable, olive or corn oil so that it covers two to three centimeters. Cover with gauze and place in the sun. The solution should be left to infuse for a month, stirring daily. After this time, squeeze out the mass and filter. Place in a glass bowl, dividing into three layers. The topmost layer will be the oil extract. It should be stored in a dark glass container in the refrigerator. Shelf life - one year. Use a microenema daily, thirty milligrams, preheated to 40 C.


For treatment chronic form for paraproctitis, take plantain, tansy and chamomile in equal proportions and pour a glass of boiling water. Close the lid and leave for two hours. After this, strain and do an enema at night for a month.

Microenemas with honey also help a lot. Dissolve a tablespoon of it in half a glass of boiled water. The course of treatment is two weeks. Calendula infusion relieves inflammation and promotes healing.


In the treatment of cystitis, the use of warm microenemas with medicinal plants. They should be administered overnight, warmed up to 40°C. The prepared infusion must be filtered very carefully. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, this method cannot be used.

  • Chamomile infusion: infuse ten grams of chamomile in half a glass of boiling water.
  • Sage infusion: five grams per half glass of boiling water.
  • Infusion with yarrow: ten grams per half glass.
  • Infusion of hop cones: five grams per half glass.
  • An infusion of their periwinkle (for strong and sharp pain): ten grams per half cup.
  • Infusion of larkspur root (for severe and sharp pain): fifteen grams per half glass.

Fir water: infuse ten grams of young fir shoots in a glass of boiling water. Bring the resulting infusion to its original volume. Keep the enema for up to twenty minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add three drops fir oil or garlic juice. The course of treatment is three months, which can be repeated after six months.

Mixture for bleeding during cystitis: infuse five grams of hop cones and cinquefoil rhizomes in half a glass of boiling water for an hour.

Microclyster microlax

The main purpose of the drug microlax is a laxative effect. It is a liquid in tubes. It contains substances that dilute the contents in the rectum.

For adults and children, one tube with a volume of five milliliters is enough for one-time use. Before use, lubricate the anus with cream and release the air from the tube. The effect of the medicine begins within fifteen minutes. Indications are frequent and prolonged constipation, fecal incontinence - encopresis, or X-ray examination abdominal organs. Side effects may occur in the form of a slight burning sensation in the rectal area

Microenema microlax for children

The baby is on breastfeeding Unlike a baby who is fed an adapted formula, he is practically not susceptible to tummy problems and constipation. Infant formulas cannot fully replace mother's milk. Functions gastrointestinal tract in a newborn are not yet sufficiently developed. The intestinal microflora is not formed, the muscles in small intestine do not contract evenly yet, the enzyme system is not perfect. If a problem arises when you cannot do without using medicines, then the microlax enema has a good and mild laxative effect.

For infants, the enema is available in a volume of five milliliters. It is administered to the child rectally. The composition of microlax in large quantities includes glycerin and water. Contained sorbic acid, citrate and sorbitol solution soften feces. Ten minutes after using the enema, the intestines will be emptied. The product is safe even for one-month-old newborns. You can use it many times without fear of addiction. If your baby experiences constipation very often, consult your pediatrician.

The drug has a mild laxative effect when used correctly.

  1. Before insertion, break off the seal.
  2. Squeeze out a few drops and wet the micro-enema tip for easier and painless use.
  3. Inject halfway to the indicated mark on the tip.
  4. Press the tube and inject half of the product.
  5. Then, using gentle pressure, gently pull it out of the sphincter.

Additionally, use baby cream. It will help reduce discomfort. After the microenema, give your baby a tummy massage with light movements around the navel in a clockwise direction.

The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor in accordance with the age of the baby. Most infants tolerate the procedure easily. Sometimes, when unpleasant sensations arise, they may cry, but quickly calm down in their mother’s arms.

Do not forget that a microenema is still a medicinal product, and there may be various kinds problems with bowel movements. The drug only makes the process easier. The cause of constipation must be determined by a doctor. A mother who is breastfeeding may need to reconsider her diet.

Microlax can also be used for older children.

Microenemas price

The average price of the drug is about two hundred and fifty rubles. The package contains four microenemas with a volume of five milliliters.

Microenemas reviews

Natalia."A simple solution to a delicate problem"

Advantages: quick and painless help

Flaws: price

I was faced with the problem of constipation in my newborn daughter. Complications were in the form umbilical hernia, and constipation could last up to seven days. This is my first child, so there was not a lot of excitement and anxiety from misunderstanding. Experienced relatives told me about microlax. The drug took effect within two minutes of administration. We purchased two more packages of four microenemas each. My daughter's main problem was solved. When she got older, we took microlax on vacation. It came in handy. The only drawback is the price.

Inga“Wonderful tummy help”

Advantages: gentle, effective and fast-acting product

Flaws: did not find

I have a big difference between children. Almost fifteen years, but both had the problem of constipation. For my first child, on the advice of the doctor, I inserted a piece of soap. It was not always pleasant, and he often cried. While in the maternity hospital with my second son, I already knew about the Microlax microenema, and was ready to use it if necessary. I am very glad that this remedy was recommended to me. The problem of a week's constipation was solved after two times of use. I recommend this medicine to everyone.

Tatiana"An effective remedy for a good mood"

Advantages: quick results, ease of use

Flaws: didn't find it

We started having tummy problems after three months. I thought this was normal, since the flora of the gastrointestinal tract is just forming, the body is growing and adapting. There were constipations for three days, but the tummy was soft, and the baby was not worried. When my daughter started kicking her legs and screaming after not having bowel movements for four days, I decided to use a microenema called Microlax on the advice of a friend. We went to the toilet within ten minutes. Returned good mood and smile. Easy to use and fast soft effect deserves to always have this product in our home medicine cabinet.

The word “enema” comes from the Greek “klisma”, which means washing. The process involves the introduction of solutions into the rectum various substances. This method has been used since ancient times, thousands of years ago. In the Middle Ages, the most common methods of treatment were: enema, bloodletting, and laxatives. Not counting all sorts of whisperings and ritual rituals.

For infusion, a metal, glass or plastic Esmarch mug, a rubber heating pad, a Janet syringe, and a syringe are used. For microenemas, a syringe or a Janet syringe is more convenient: they make it easier to carry out the procedure with a small volume of injected liquid. Syringe - rubber bulb (there are different sizes, from 50 ml). Janet's syringe is a small device with a capacity of 150 ml (most often). You saw him in “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” although the plot with Experienced is staged: intramuscular injections This syringe does not do this. They produce medications packaged in special disposable tubes with a long spout. They are inserted in the same way as a microenema is given: the tip is removed and the contents are squeezed into the anus.

When purchasing, check the contents; sometimes clamps or tips are missing. Glass tips are good for sterilization, but dangerous if inserted incorrectly. Plastic ones, and with rounded edges, are definitely preferable. All reusable parts require careful washing and sterilization.

If used once, be it replaceable tips or rubber gloves, it is better to open it and throw it in the trash in front of the patient. The procedure is quite intimate; first you need to “relax” the client. There will be more sense, and the procedure will be easier.

Contraindications for enemas

  • abdominal pain until the cause is found out4
  • inflammatory phenomena;
  • inflammatory diseases near the anus;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • tumors;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • bleeding hemorrhoids.

Any medical procedures can cause harm, an enema is no exception. Too frequent use changes the pH and microflora of the lower sections. Increased pressure and, as a consequence, stretching of the walls weakens the muscles and leads to lazy intestines (medical term, weak contractions and, as a result, constipation).

What types of enemas are there?

There are followers of cleansing, where an enema is a blessed and necessary procedure for life. Arguing with fanatics is stupid, but converting to their faith is even stupider. The decision to carry out a procedure must be made after weighing the pros and cons and when the benefit is more important than the possible harm.

Types of enemas:

  1. Cleansing
  2. Drip
  3. Hypertensive
  4. Starchy
  5. Medicinal
  6. Oily
  7. Siphon
  8. Nutritious
  9. Emulsion

Since we are interested in microenemas, then siphon, that is, repeated washing, which only does medical staff, we will not consider. Like drip, which is a fluid replenishment within an hour or two, it is modern times generally rarely used. There are volumes of several liters.

Read also: More than 17 recipes for treating prostatitis using traditional methods


Perhaps the most commonly used enema. It is done in case of poisoning, before visiting a proctologist, as a preparatory preparation before therapeutic or nutritional therapy, before operations and examinations, and for women before childbirth.

This also includes the introduction of liquids for constipation with the banal purpose of facilitating bowel movements. The volumes vary; both micro- and regular enemas are used for cleansing. After administering the liquid, you need to lie down for at least 10–15 minutes so that the water has time to soften the stool. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain: water will pour out, but only that...


The peculiarity is the introduction of a liquid that irritates the intestinal receptors for independent, subsequent relief. To do this, use solutions of magnesia (Epsom or bitter salt, scientific name– magnesium sulfate heptahydrate), soda, ordinary rock salt, soap. A cold (room temperature) solution is administered, then the laxative effect is stronger. Required irritant effect It’s not healthy for the body to eat, so don’t get carried away with frequent eating.


Do it when acute colitis. A suspension of a product (potato, rice, wheat or corn - it doesn’t matter) is introduced to weaken peristalsis. This suspension softens feces and at the same time envelops the intestinal walls. Five grams of starch are dissolved little by little in 100 ml warm water, then add 100 ml hot. The optimal temperature for administration is 38 °C.


Introducing medication into the body by enema instead of the more common oral route has some advantages. They are divided into two groups: administration of local drugs and overall impact. Local – delivery of the drug immediately to the place for illness of the rectum or colon. When administering drugs with general effects, they are not destroyed in the liver and have no effect on them. gastric juice. The effect of the drug is stronger, and it is easier to calculate the duration of work. It’s a little strange, but often an enema is less dangerous for the body than simply swallowing a pill with the same drug.

Oil and emulsion

Instead of (or in addition to) water, use olive, sunflower or Vaseline oil. The volumes are small, usually 50–100 ml is enough. The oil or its aqueous emulsion is heated in a water bath to 37–38 °C. The action is slow, so such enemas are often given at night.


Not all substances are absorbed in the large intestine. Water, salts, glucose, weak solution proteins (broth). Enter a noticeable amount nutrients This way is problematic, so such feeding should be considered only as additional, and not a replacement for the main one.

Before use (as in the case of medicinal), first do a cleansing enema. The goal is to remove excess for better absorption of nutrients.

Arrangement of the place and the process itself

In advance, before placing a microenema, prepare the place. Cover the couch (or other flat, not too soft surface) with oilcloth. You can do the enema yourself, although it is more convenient if the procedure is performed by medical staff. When introducing any object into anus You may feel the urge to immediately run to the toilet. This is due to signals from the receptors of the anus, such is the deception of the body. It’s not scary, you need to keep this possibility in mind and warn the patient (especially a child).

In cases where the body is unable to cope with certain pathological conditions, needed ambulance, which is often used as an enema or microenema. The main difference between a microenema and an enema is the use of a smaller volume of liquid introduced into the intestines.

Enemas are cleansing and therapeutic. In the first case, water or a solution with a volume of one and a half to two liters is used. As for microenemas, their volume should not exceed 200 ml. The procedure can be performed at home.

One of the most effective in the fight against various ailments is an enema with chamomile. Enema with chamomile decoction or infusion - effective remedy, which helps treat inflammatory processes in the rectum. Thanks to the healing effects of chamomile, the benefits of the procedure appear on the third day of therapy.

Before you begin to treat a certain ailment with the help of herbal enemas, you must consult with your doctor regarding the feasibility and usefulness, and also make sure that there are no contraindications.


Chamomile - medicinal plant which is used for therapy various diseases since ancient times.

Infusions, decoctions, and enemas with chamomile are effective in the fight against:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;
  • liver pathologies and biliary tract;
  • enteritis;
  • colitis;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • prostatitis.

The effectiveness and usefulness of the plant is determined by its rich composition. Chamomile is endowed with: essential oils, flavonoids, quercetin, kaempferol, coumarins, phenolcarboxylic acids, bitter substances, organic acids, mucous substances, macro- and microelements, ascorbic acid, gum.

The following effects of the plant are known:

  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • enveloping;
  • laxatives;
  • painkillers;
  • antiviral;
  • calming;
  • wound healing;
  • vasodilators.


Chamomile remedies help: eliminate pain and spasms, minimize gas formation, eliminate inflammation, fast healing wounds, eliminating swelling. Infusions, decoctions, and teas with chamomile help in the fight against various pathologies, in particular colds and gastrointestinal ailments. Douching with a decoction of the plant is useful for gynecological ailments. Chamomile enema - effective remedy in the treatment of hemorrhoids, prostatitis, colitis.

Effect on hemorrhoids

Due to the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and calming properties, enemas with chamomile infusion are often used to treat such unpleasant illness like hemorrhoids.

This pathology is characterized by dilation of the anal veins. The appearance of the disease is usually due to inactive or sedentary life, pregnancy, labor, availability bad habits, constant carrying of heavy objects.

There are internal and external hemorrhoids. The first is characterized by dilation of the veins in the rectal canal. The nodes cannot be seen, since they are located inside the intestine. This form accompanied by intense pain, itching, burning, and bleeding.

As for external hemorrhoids, this form is accompanied by swelling and dilation of the veins around the anus. The disease is characterized by pronounced painful sensations, itching and burning. It hurts for a person to go to the toilet.

In most cases, people refuse to go to the doctor because of embarrassment. Some people, when alarming symptoms appear, select medications for themselves, without thinking that self-medication can be harmful. Therapy, in particular the use of drugs or enemas with chamomile, can be prescribed exclusively by qualified specialist. The use of enemas with chamomile decoction is especially popular in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Reviews from people who have used the procedure are entirely positive. Chamomile has pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and wound-healing properties and helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms, including pain, itching, spasms, and rectal bleeding. Despite all the usefulness of chamomile, it is necessary to use products from it, including enemas, after consulting a doctor.

Microenemas with chamomile: how to do it, indications and contraindications

Chamomile decoctions and infusions (there are many recipes for remedies) are effective in the fight against various ailments: gynecological diseases, gastrointestinal pathologies.

Microenemas with chamomile are effective in the fight against the following diseases:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • flatulence and colic;
  • constipation;
  • pathologies of the rectum;
  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal spasms.

As for contraindications, microenemas with chamomile are not recommended in the following cases:

  • people with cracks, ulcerative lesions and erosions on the rectal mucosa;
  • with severe hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • with rectal prolapse;
  • with proctitis;
  • with exacerbations of gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • in the presence of neoplasms;
  • people who have recently had surgery in the abdominal or rectal area;
  • children under one year old.

At proper preparation means and the procedure, microenemas with chamomile infusion will help: eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids, cleanse the intestines, eliminate constipation, disinfect ruptures, tissue regeneration, and reduce hemorrhoidal formations.

Method of use for hemorrhoids

To perform an enema, you need to prepare the following infusion. You need to brew 30 grams of dried or fresh chamomile flowers in boiled water - 200 ml. Next, the product is left in a warm place for half an hour.

After 30 minutes, the composition must be filtered.

To perform a microenema, the chamomile infusion must be warm. Experts do not recommend carrying out the procedure in the morning or using it for it. cold water. For one procedure you need 50 ml of chamomile infusion.

The procedure is simple:

It is preferable to carry out the procedure in the evening, before going to bed. The duration of the therapeutic course is one and a half weeks. Chamomile enemas are also effective in the treatment of colitis and prostatitis. In the first case, the procedure helps to minimize inflammatory process, eliminating spasms, as well as increasing the level of absorption of nutrients. The procedure is simple.

First you need to brew a tablespoon of dried or fresh chamomile in half a liter of boiling water. Next, the container with the composition is left in a warm place for an hour. Then the product is filtered and poured into a syringe. The temperature should be 38-40 degrees. Before starting a therapeutic enema, it is necessary to conduct a cleansing enema. After the procedure, you need to inject a quarter glass of sea buckthorn oil into the rectum.

Enemas with chamomile decoction will also help in curing prostatitis. The procedure will help minimize inflammation and restore the mucous membrane, as well as heal the affected areas. To carry out the procedure, you must prepare next remedy. You need to brew 20 grams of raw material in boiled water - 200 ml. Next, the composition must be simmered over low heat for half an hour.

The filtered product must be poured into a syringe. To perform an enema for prostatitis, you can use no more than 100 ml of the product. An enema must be done before going to bed. Enemas with chamomile infusion are effective in the fight against various ailments. However, despite their usefulness, you should consult a doctor before starting the procedure. Inappropriate use this method is fraught with disastrous consequences.

It is equally important to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications for the procedure. Particular care must be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In such cases, any interference in the normal functioning of the body is fraught with serious consequences. Proper execution enemas will help in therapy various pathologies. You should not refuse treatment prescribed by your doctor. The duration of the therapeutic course is selected by the doctor depending on the disease and the severity of symptoms.

Enemas for cleansing gastric tract known to mankind since the times of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. Then people realized that by introducing into the intestines various solutions you can either heal or... kill a person, and outwardly it will look very natural. Yes, those were the times. Today, enemas are widely used in medicine; moreover, given the certain inconveniences associated with this, microenemas were invented. This approach in complex therapy Many diseases that are not treated in a hospital, but on an outpatient basis, have proven themselves very well. Of course, a microenema is not a panacea, however, it can help cope with mild form constipation, relieve inflammation, introduce medicinal product A microenema directly into the intestines may well be possible. Microenemas with chamomile, which have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, are especially popular.

How to make microenemas with chamomile

Of course, chamomile alone, with all its numerous and wonderful medicinal qualities, the disease cannot be cured. However, chamomile can help in the treatment of many diseases. Having a natural ability to relieve inflammation, chamomile decoction is indispensable for many inflammatory diseases lower section intestines, colon and rectum, female and male genital organs. Microenemas with chamomile for hemorrhoids can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition and accelerate the healing of cracks and restoration of the normal mucous membrane of the rectum and sphincter.

It is very simple to use a microenema, unlike its big “sister”, because for cleansing purposes no more than 200 grams of water are introduced into the body, and even less for anti-inflammatory purposes. Traditionally, microenemas with chamomile are done at night, an hour before going to bed. To do this, you need to prepare a chamomile decoction in advance (at least half an hour in advance). To do this, take two tablespoons of dry raw materials, which are poured with a glass of boiling water. Chamomile should be brewed exclusively in ceramic or glass containers. Enameled, and even more so aluminum, pots and ladles are not suitable for this.

The broth should infuse for 15 to 30 minutes. After which it must be filtered. To obtain a more concentrated solution, you can “simmer” chamomile in a water bath for 15 minutes. Before use, the chamomile decoction should be cooled to 25-28 degrees. If the solution is too concentrated, it needs to be diluted. Suitable for this only boiled water. If we talk about how to make a microenema with chamomile, then irrigation should be carried out with a rubber bulb small size. Such microenemas with chamomile have not only an anti-inflammatory effect, but also an antiseptic effect, have an astringent effect on the mucous membrane, relieve flatulence, and reduce pain.

At the same time, we must not forget that microenemas, even with such a wonderful and useful decoction chamomile ways to very quickly “wash” natural – healthy microflora intestines. Therefore, there is no need to abuse microenemas. Typically, for anti-inflammatory purposes, a microenema with chamomile is prescribed for three days in a row, at night, in a volume of 50 milliliters.

Microenemas with chamomile for prostatitis are also used before bedtime. The volume of the decoction should not exceed 100 milliliters and should not be concentrated. When treating prostatitis, microenemas are usually combined with the use of antibacterial agents, as an accompanying procedure with an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

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