How to get out of a medication binge. Removal from binge drinking with medications at home. Stages of drunkenness

Many residents of our country know firsthand about the state of binge drinking. Some experienced this difficult period themselves, while others watched loved ones suffer. Not only an alcoholic with an already formed addiction can end up on a binge. A difficult life situation often sends an ordinary person prone to alcoholism into a drinking binge. Not everyone can get out of this state on their own - some need the support of loved ones, and sometimes they cannot do without hospitalization and qualified medical care.

What is binge drinking?

Binge drinking is a pathological (unnatural for the body) condition in which a person drinks alcohol non-stop for several days, and the body suffers from severe intoxication.

The binge can last from 1-2 days to several days, the timing depends on many factors:

  • having money for alcohol;
  • free time (need to go to work);
  • health status and presence of chronic diseases;
  • ending up in the police/sobering-up station;
  • forced hospitalization.

Psychiatrists and narcologists distinguish two types of this condition: pseudo-binge and true.

The first one occurs most often. When a person drinks continuously for several days due to severe grief, celebrates holidays for days, this is a pseudo-binge. This also includes frequent situations where a person uses every week on the weekend, and on Monday morning he always gets up and goes to work.

The true one is much more difficult. It occurs in alcoholics on the 2nd or 3rd. Here a person is already completely dependent on alcohol, he drinks not for pleasure (or to forget), but because he cannot imagine life otherwise. In this case, a severe, painful withdrawal syndrome occurs, and a regular “hangover” only provides relief for a short time.

Not every person can easily and relatively painlessly come out of binge drinking. Selecting means and methods to overcome this alcoholic nightmare, today there are many - gentle folk recipes, pills, IV drips, etc. You can try to cope on your own, with the help of your family, you can go to the hospital and even call a narcologist home.

The choice of means to overcome binge drinking depends on several factors: the duration of the drinking session, the quantity and quality of alcohol consumed, and the presence of concomitant diseases in the person.

At home

At home, the choice of ways to get out of binge drinking is quite simple, since there are few options. The main method here is self-detoxification and relief from dehydration. That is, you just need to drink a lot of liquid. On the first day - first of all, still mineral water, also juices, fruit drinks, weak green or black tea - always with lemon. It should also be remembered that getting out of binge drinking quickly is not only difficult, but also dangerous.

Folk recipes

The following folk remedies are also used at home:

  1. Cool shower every hour. If the alcoholic is not able to take a shower on his own, you can sit him in the bathtub and pour water on him so that it flows from his neck down his spine.
  2. From food the best remedy to remove toxins - thick beef broth (hot).
  3. Honey also helps well - give a teaspoon every 20 minutes, you can dilute it in a small amount of milk. The last dose before bedtime, the total amount is six spoons.
  4. Herbal decoctions are also actively used. The safest, but effective recipe- chamomile tea. You need to steam a decoction of chamomile, make hot foot baths and pour it over your head.
  5. After all procedures it is necessary long sleep. If alcoholic insomnia prevents a person from falling asleep, a mild herbal sleeping pill is allowed.


Without pharmaceutical drugs a complete exit from binge drinking is simply impossible. To independently neutralize as much as possible harmful effects alcohol on a weakened body (especially for several days), powerful complex therapy is needed.

You should start with sorbents. The simplest option is activated carbon, 1 carbon tablet per 10 kg of weight. But doctors warn: coal therapy cannot be performed more than 3 times, otherwise, along with toxins and alcohol breakdown products, beneficial substances will disappear from the body. After coal, you can switch to “” or “Polyphepan”.

To calm the nervous system, restore memory and thought processes, relieve irritability, restore sleep, suitable vitamin complexes. They must contain B vitamins (B1 and B6), as well as ascorbic acid. No-spa and aspirin will help you cope with headaches, tremors, and aching joints.

  • “Clonidine” (calms, reduces blood pressure, eliminates tremor - trembling of the limbs);
  • "Carbamazepine" (removes harmful breakdown products and relieves convulsions);
  • "Tiaprid" (neuroleptic, reduces alcohol aggression), etc.

Narcologist at home

A quick way to get rid of binge drinking at home is to call a narcologist. It is important to understand that it is not always possible to bring a person out of prolonged drinking and relieve all side symptoms at home. But only if the patient’s “alcohol experience” is low, and the binge itself is relatively short.

But the “drug specialist at home” has one important advantage - this method will help to assess the patient’s condition in detail and, if necessary, make a decision to send the person to the hospital.

(cleansing) and sedation ( sedative effect) - these are the two main methods that a binge alcoholic needs.

A narcologist, having come to a patient’s home, is obliged to carry out those medical procedures and give those medications to ensure this:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) injections intravenously.
  • A dropper with glucose, saline or saline solution (magnesium sulfate on glucose, etc.).
  • Sedative and anticonvulsant medications. Excitement will be relieved by "Diazepam" or "", convulsions - "Carbalex", "" is often used as a sedative, etc.

In the video about breaking out of binge drinking at home:

Treatment in hospital

Treatment in a special clinic is required if a person goes not into a pseudo, but into a classic true binge. When the drinking lasts more than a week, the amount of strong alcohol per day is more than a liter, the patient suffers from heart and stomach pain, hospitalization and medication cannot be avoided.

The very first stage of treatment is detoxification and infusion therapy(treatment of dehydration). This is a drip with glucose solution, vitamin B1 and diazepam intravenously.

The remaining drugs are selected strictly individually, depending on the patient’s condition, availability accompanying pathologies, mental state:

  • sedatives - to calm nerves, relieve tension and reduce cravings for alcohol;
  • vitamins – to restore the body’s functioning;
  • nootropic – to restore brain function, memory, attention, nervous activity;
  • psychotropic – to relieve anxiety, internal tension, restore sleep;
  • hepatoprotectors - for the treatment of exhausted liver;
  • cardioprotectors – to restore heart function, normalize blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels,
  • diuretic tablets - to support the kidneys and ensure rapid removal of all toxins and ethanol breakdown products.

Regardless of how a person tries to get out of binge drinking (on his own, with the help of loved ones or under the supervision of doctors), it is important to follow several vital rules:

  1. Under no circumstances should you have a hangover. Whether this should be done when coming out of a binge is a popular question, but it is worth remembering that the next portion of alcohol briefly relieves painful withdrawal symptoms, but only after a short time the person wants to continue drinking. As a result, minimal doses can only “finish off” the body with poison, and continue the binge.
  2. On the first day after stopping drinking, any physical activity is prohibited and cold and hot shower. All internal systems are working to the limit, and such an overload can even provoke a heart attack or stroke.
  3. You should not take classic “heart” sedatives - Corvalol, Valocordin and the like. The consequences for the body can be unpredictable and very dangerous.
  4. It is prohibited to take any psychoactive drugs without a doctor's prescription. In a state of withdrawal, the side effects of such drugs cannot be predicted; they can only be used under medical supervision.
  5. It is better to quit binge drinking gradually, slowly reducing the alcohol dose.

In this regard, the opinions of doctors differ, but the majority still advocates a gradual reduction in the dose. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, it is not so difficult for a person purely psychologically than when suddenly stopping drinking. Secondly, the severity of withdrawal symptoms decreases. And with it – the likelihood of developing alcoholic hallucinosis and other complications.

How long does it take to recover from binge drinking?

The binge can last from 2 days to several weeks, and the timing of recovery from it is impossible to guess.

How quickly and with what consequences a person returns to a sober life depends on several factors:

  • duration of drinking (the more days an alcoholic drinks, the harder it is to stop);
  • amount of alcohol (the larger the dose, the stronger the complications and the more painful the withdrawal syndrome);
  • the presence of chronic diseases (exacerbation of chronic diseases may develop when leaving the binge);
  • quality of alcohol (counterfeit alcohol greatly increases intoxication and provokes the development of dangerous complications);
  • availability of medical care (drips and appropriate medications speed up the detoxification and restoration of the body of alcoholics as much as possible).

Usually, after a long binge, it lasts from 1 to 6 days; in the most dangerous situations, delirium tremens can develop after a week of a terrible hangover.

Changes in the body

Withdrawal syndrome in binge alcoholics is completely different from a regular hangover. healthy people, which can occasionally go overboard. The whole diverse range of unpleasant sensations in the morning in addicted people is superimposed on disturbances in the functioning of the heart, disorders of the liver and pancreas, impaired functioning of the brain, and diseased blood vessels.

Physical consequences of quitting binge drinking in patients with alcohol addiction- This:

  • loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • pressure surges;
  • problems with coordination of movements;
  • (or appearing for the first time);
  • severe headaches;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments.

Alcoholic drinks help you relax and forget about everyday problems. They provide relief from depressive thoughts and bad mood for a short time, but they are addictive. A person becomes dependent on alcohol. He drinks more and more and cannot stop. This condition is called binge drinking. Quitting alcohol on your own is not easy, but if you really want to, it is possible.

Psychological aspect

Quitting binge drinking starts with motivation. Only a compelling reason will make the patient say “No!” strong drinks and cleanse the body of toxins. A man or woman who does not have a persistent dependence on alcohol will be convinced by simple arithmetic calculations:

  • how many liters of alcohol were drunk;
  • price of each bottle;
  • total cost of the binge.

Other patients are impressed not by the amount spent on strong drinks, but by the possible consequences of binge drinking. Among the most harmless are headache, lack of appetite, unattractive appearance, heartburn and sluggish mental activity. With regular alcohol abuse, stomach problems appear, heart and kidney failure, gastritis, tachycardia, and lack of coordination develop. The liver and pancreas, as well as the nervous system, are affected. Regular binges lead to tremors upper limbs, memory impairment and cirrhosis, which in most cases ends in the death of the patient.

A person who decides to give up alcohol will need a blank notebook sheet and a pen. Divide the paper into two columns. The first contains the consequences of alcoholism and possible diseases, and the second contains the advantages of giving up strong drinks. A patient who has recovered from binge drinking will be able to:

  • improve relationships with family members;
  • find new job or return to your old position;
  • climb the career ladder;
  • improve your life and health;
  • spend money on self-development and professional growth;
  • spend more time with friends and parents.

Each person finds their own advantages in getting rid of alcohol addiction. The main thing is to convince yourself that the time has come to change your mind and give up the habit that is destroying your body and mind. People without motivation quickly give up and go on a binge again, sometimes longer than the previous one.

The patient needs to protect himself from contact with parents, friends, drinking buddies and family members for 3-4 days. No one should reproach, blame or seduce an addicted person. Any psychological pressure reduces determination and leads to breakdown.

Gradual exit

Alcohol is one of the types of drugs. Alcoholic drinks affect the brain centers responsible for feelings of joy and euphoria. The longer a patient drinks, the more difficult it is to stop. You need to get out of a binge that lasts a week or more gradually. With a sharp refusal of strong drinks, “withdrawal” begins. The body and brain require a new portion of a substance that immerses it in a state of peace and relaxation.

A man or woman reduces the daily dose of alcohol within 1–2 days, and on the third day completely refuses. You can dilute vodka or wine with water. The additive does not change the taste of strong drinks, and it seems to the brain that it drinks the same amount as yesterday. But thanks to water, the concentration of alcohol in the blood gradually decreases.

The second option is suitable for people with iron willpower:

  1. Buy a bottle of quality alcohol. Place a 30 ml glass or glass next to it. Glasses, cups and others large containers unsuitable.
  2. Boil thick chicken or beef broth, cut sausage with lard or ham, spread sandwiches with butter. The more fat the better. It coats the walls of the stomach and prevents the absorption of alcohol.
  3. Turn on an interesting movie or TV show. Not just the evening news or Animal World, but a program that is difficult to tear yourself away from.
  4. Drink a glass of alcohol once every 1.5–2 hours. Eat a sandwich or broth. If you have no appetite, forcefully pour the soup into yourself.
  5. You can take a ten-minute break between the first two glasses. But the rest should be taken strictly according to schedule.
  6. Drink no more than 500 ml of any strong drink per day.

The patient gives the body alcohol, but in small doses. The next day he wakes up without a terrible headache and an irresistible desire to go get more. From this moment the second phase begins - cleansing.

For the first stage to be successful, you need to remove all alcohol from the house, leaving only the permitted 500 ml. Before going to bed, put a glass of water, kvass or kefir on the bedside table. Take the prepared drink immediately after waking up.

The main rule is that you cannot mix alcohol. different varieties. Wine and champagne made from grapes, with vodka from wheat and beer made from malt and hops.

The refrigerator is filled with mineral water, juices, fermented milk products, kvass or even sweet soda. Any non-alcoholic drinks that quench thirst and restore water balance.

In the first 2-3 weeks after giving up alcohol, it is advised to abstain from coffee and black tea. The caffeine contained in products excites the nervous system, and a person has a desire to drink at least a glass of cognac or a glass of beer. You can't energetic drinks. They affect not only the nervous system, but also the heart. And this organ, weakened by alcohol, must be protected.

Preparations for cleansing and restoration

A patient coming out of a binge will need a package of Enterosgel or several plates of activated carbon, Mezim and a lot of liquid. In the first hours after waking up, a person drinks 300–500 ml of alkaline mineral water or brine. Drinks increase fluid levels in the body and prime the liver.

After a glass apple juice, kefir or brine, you need to take 5-7 tablets of activated carbon or a portion of Enterosgel. More modern sorbents, such as Polyphepan or Polysorb, are also suitable. The drugs facilitate the work of the liver and remove residues from the body ethyl alcohol, relieving headaches and tremors.

Sorbents cancel the effect of taking other drugs. Activated carbon eat fatty broth made from lamb, pork or beef. For patients with stomach problems, chicken or turkey is recommended. Part light soup includes a piece of meat, water, onion and carrot. You can add some potatoes or cereal. You should not add fried vegetables to the broth. They irritate the gastric mucosa and liver, slow down metabolism and the removal of toxins from the body.

Chicken or beef soup is supplemented with breadcrumbs. For lunch you can prepare slimy porridge, omelette or vegetable salad, as well as green tea with a slice of lemon.

1.5–2 hours after taking activated carbon, it is recommended to take a Mezima or Essentiale tablet. The first drug supports the stomach and normalizes metabolism, and the second protects and restores the liver. After 4 hours, take a new portion of sorbents.

Aches, tremors of the arms and legs, as well as severe headaches are relieved with No-shpa or Analgin. Medicines are taken no more than twice a day. Heart medications are prohibited. A portion of Valocordin or Corvalol can cause tachycardia or a heart attack. At discomfort in the chest area, you should go to the hospital.

First day

Having refreshed himself and taken the first 6 tablets of activated carbon, the patient goes to bed or turns on the TV. People who are recovering from heavy drinking are contraindicated in exercise and long walks. fresh air. On the first day, the body is in energy-saving mode. The body needs rest, sleep, plenty of fluids and proper food.

TV or an interesting book will distract you from thoughts about alcohol and help suppress the desire to get hungover. Computer games not recommended. They are as addictive as strong drinks.

Smoking is prohibited before 6–8 pm. Nervousness, anxiety and depressive thoughts are removed with herbal decoctions from valerian root or motherwort. Alcohol tinctures are contraindicated. Even 5 ml of alcohol is enough for the body to break down.

Herbal baths have calming properties:

  • horsetail;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • valerian roots;
  • peppermint.

Add 2-3 drops of pine or cedar to a warm decoction for bathing. essential oil. After water procedures you should drink a cup herbal tea or infusion of rose hips with honey and lemon. A glass of apple or orange juice will do.

Thanks to the bath and decoctions, the nervous system calms down, the desire to drink becomes less intrusive, and drowsiness appears. If a person feels tired and overwhelmed, he is recommended to rest and lie down more. You cannot take a contrast shower. Some experts claim that such water procedures invigorate and fill with energy. In reality, they only create additional stress on the heart and blood vessels, causing arrhythmia and blood pressure problems.

A person coming out of binge drinking should not give up lunches and dinners. Food speeds up metabolism and helps eliminate toxins.

Healthy foods and dishes

The refrigerator of a patient with alcohol dependence should contain foods rich in vitamin C:

  • oranges and lemons;
  • apples;
  • Bell pepper;
  • sauerkraut;
  • tomatoes;
  • cranberry;
  • grape.

A banana smoothie is useful when recovering from binge drinking. The yellow fruit contains ascorbic acid, which cleanses the body and improves immunity, as well as potassium. The mineral supports the heart, removes swelling and normalizes blood pressure. The healing cocktail is simple: mix 1 banana with 100 ml of goat or cow's milk and seasoned with honey.

Neutralizes toxins dairy products: fermented baked milk, kefir, natural yogurt. Hangover syndrome is eliminated by sour juices and cabbage soup, lemonade and dishes that contain a lot of vitamins B6 and B12. The components have a positive effect on the nervous system. You can get B vitamins from seaweed, beef or pork liver, potatoes, shrimp, spinach and brown rice.

Whipped will help you get out of binge drinking egg with a pinch of salt. This snack contains vitamins B and C. The dish reduces nausea, improves mood and cleanses the body of toxins.

Hangover syndrome is eliminated warm milk with honey. Glycerin will help get rid of cravings for alcohol. At the pharmacy you buy an ampoule of the drug and a bottle of saline solution. Distilled water is also used as a base. For one part of glycerin, take 2 parts of the second component. They drink 50 ml of the medicine three times a day to deceive the brain, which dreams of alcohol.

You can get out of binge drinking without the help of a narcologist. The patient will have to give up alcohol on his own, and then cleanse the body of toxins with herbal decoctions, the right food and sorbents. Everything will work out if a person drinks water and natural juices, take soothing baths and get plenty of rest.

Video: how to get out of binge drinking at home yourself

Binge drinking is a pathological condition characterized by continuous consumption of alcohol for 2-3 days or longer without temporary sobering up. It is closely related to a hangover because it forces the alcoholic to drink strong drinks again and again in order to alleviate his well-being. The doses are gradually increased, and the patient soon loses control of himself, plunging into a deep binge.

Against this background, he develops psychological, neurological and somatic disorders, such as hallucinations, aggressiveness, memory loss, body tremors and hypertension. Due to such a destructive effect of alcohol on health and psyche, binge drinking becomes dangerous both for the drinker himself and for the people around him. The alcoholic himself is often unable to get out of it, so they use drugs to get rid of binge drinking at home.

This pathological condition is observed in patients at the second or third stage of alcohol dependence. Binge drinking begins with one-time consumption of large doses of alcohol, which do not have time to be utilized by liver enzymes. These intermediate metabolites are called acetaldehydes. They are 10-30 times more toxic than alcohol. As they accumulate in the body, symptoms of ethanol poisoning appear.

In order to get rid of them, a person again takes alcoholic drinks, which temporarily reduce the symptoms of intoxication. But in general, each subsequent dose of alcohol only worsens your health and makes it more difficult to break out of the binge, forming a vicious circle.

Ethanol and acetaldehyde, accumulating in the body, cause the following consequences:

  • Mental changes. Manifest in the form of hallucinations, confusion, deterioration of memory and thinking abilities;
  • Neurological disorders– tremors in the limbs, pain, cramps, decreased sensitivity of the palms and feet;
  • Somatic pathologies– deterioration in functioning internal organs, such as the liver (hepatitis and cirrhosis of alcoholic origin), stomach, as well as damage to the heart and blood vessels (the likelihood of myocardial infarction, stroke and thrombosis increases significantly).

Depending on the course of alcoholism, binge drinking is also divided into:

  • True. This is ethanol addiction physical level, which is found on chronic stage diseases. When an experienced alcoholic breaks down and goes on a binge, he is unable to stop drinking on his own. It can only leave it when the body is no longer able to cope with ethanol on its own. But it is better not to wait for this and take the patient out of the binge with the help of medications;
  • False. It is a form of domestic drunkenness that lasts for several days. Most often it occurs in people who do not suffer from a pathological addiction to alcohol. A person may drink simply to relax or improve their mood. The hangover syndrome does not manifest itself strongly and does not require drug therapy. In the case of an imaginary binge, a person voluntarily stops drinking and returns to a sober life.

Ways to get out of binge drinking

There are 2 methods to combat this pathological condition:

  • Breaking out of binge drinking at home. This option involves the use of medications or traditional medicine. In severe cases, resort to medical help;
  • Treatment in a special department of a medical institution.

It is advisable to use medications or traditional medicine methods to stop drinking at home when the alcohol addict himself realizes the need to stop drinking. Trying to cope with it in the midst of drunkenness is useless, because the person himself will not want to.

Using medications at home is not always safe, because it is sometimes difficult to accurately calculate the required dose and correctly assess the condition of the alcohol addict.

It is necessary to seek the help of a narcologist at home in case of true prolonged drunkenness.

When can you get treatment at home?

When there is a need to get an alcoholic out of binge drinking, you need to immediately determine where it is best to do this - at home or in a medical facility.

When making a decision, one must proceed not from one’s own wishes or a matter of convenience, but from an assessment of the patient’s condition according to a list of criteria compiled by narcologists.

How to get rid of binge drinking on your own

You can combat chronic drunkenness at home using the following methods:

  • medicines;
  • folk methods;
  • combining previous techniques.

The third option is recognized as the most effective method, when medications dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription are combined with some traditional methods. These methods of self-detoxification from binge drinking have been used for a long time and are deservedly popular.

Whatever method is chosen, for its maximum effectiveness several rules must be followed:

  • Need to pick up right time for therapy. An alcoholic should be taken out of binge drinking when he begins to sober up. You should not try to influence him during a period of active drinking by taking away alcohol or appealing to his conscience. This can provoke an outbreak of aggression. You should wait until he falls asleep, and after waking up, begin the procedure;
  • The main task when withdrawing from binge drinking is to intoxicate the body from ethanol metabolites, which have a toxic effect and cause the alcoholic to become hung over. This should be done immediately after waking up, because faster condition the addict returns to normal, the less will be his desire to get drunk again;
  • You should not let an alcoholic get hungover, even if the binge lasts several days, because this will only increase the risk of it continuing. In order to create a feeling of a hangover and at the same time quench the patient’s thirst, you can give him a glass of water to drink, adding 3-4 drops of ammonia. This solution also has a sobering effect and helps eliminate residual intoxication;
  • There is no need to leave a person alone at the beginning of withdrawal from binge drinking - he needs moral support, and it is better to leave comments regarding his behavior until he completely sobers up and can adequately assess the current situation;

  • Avoid contact with drinking buddies and do not give in to persuasion to gradually quit drinking. By this concept, an alcoholic usually means switching to low-alcohol drinks, such as beer, wine, etc. This does not help you get out of the binge, but only prolongs it;
  • During alcohol detoxification, the patient must remain in bed and limit physical exercise to enable the body to throw all its strength into the fight against toxins. This may take from one to four days. The main signs of a successfully completed withdrawal from a drunken state will be normal sleep and appetite.

Medications for detoxification

To eliminate the consequences of binge drinking, medications from various groups are used. This includes rehydration agents, anti-alcohol and sedative drugs.

Like any other medications, they should not be used thoughtlessly. The use of such drugs in combination with alcohol puts a serious strain on the liver and other internal organs, so you need to monitor the patient and correctly calculate the required dose.

Drug therapy for binge drinking is aimed at:

  • detoxification;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improvement of psycho-emotional state;
  • getting rid of hangover syndrome.

Classification of drugs

To treat binge drinking, combination therapy is necessary, including drugs from the following groups:

  • Medicines that reduce the severity of hangover symptoms. Their task is to remove toxins, normalize metabolism and replenish electrolyte deficiency. These are Regidron, Asparkam and Panangin;
  • Drugs for restoring the psycho-emotional state of an alcohol addict - nootropics, sedatives, antidepressants;

  • Agents that reduce the effect of ethanol on the body - Antaxon, Vivitron, Naltrexone, Zorex;
  • Additional medications – vitamins, dietary supplements.

Medicines for detoxification

This group of medications reduces the negative effects of toxic metabolites of ethanol by removing them from the body. It includes the following drugs:

  • Adsorbents. These are substances that can absorb toxic elements and effectively remove them from the body. Products with this effect include activated carbon, Enterosgel and Polyphepan;
  • Chemical detoxifiers. The active substances of such medications convert toxins into compounds that are safe for the body. Available in the form of injection ampoules, prescribed exclusively by a doctor. These include Unithiol and Deferoxamine;
  • Diuretics – Mannitol, Furosemide, glucose. The use of these drugs is due to the need to increase urination. Together with urine, the metabolites that accumulated in it during the period of drunkenness are removed from the body.

Solutions for droppers

An effective method of eliminating the consequences of binge drinking and removing toxic substances from the body at home. To prepare them, saline solution is used, to which one of these medications is added:

  • to cleanse the blood and eliminate symptoms of intoxication, Gemodez-N, Reopoliglyukin, Gelatinol, Neocompensan are used;
  • to restore normal functioning of the heart and vascular system use medications containing potassium and magnesium - Asparkam, Panangin;
  • drugs with anticonvulsant action - Midazolam, Chlordiazepoxide.

The composition of the dropper and the drugs used are selected based on the state of the alcohol addict.

Anti-anxiety medications

They significantly ease the course of withdrawal symptoms, help calm a person, reduce anxiety and return him to normal sleep.

The most famous medications from this group:

  • Lexotan. Tablets for effective withdrawal from prolonged pathological drunkenness. They have a moderate hypnotic effect and reduce anxiety. In a state of acute hangover, 1 tablet is prescribed three times a day; after the severity of symptoms decreases, the dose is changed. The course lasts from 3 to 4 weeks;

  • Has anti-anxiety and sedative effect, normalizes the psycho-emotional background and physical condition, promotes healthy sleep. Take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, but not more than 60 mg per day. The course lasts about 2 months;
  • Heminevrin. A sedative drug with a hypnotic effect based on clomethiazole. Reduces symptoms of hangover and delirium tremens. To relieve withdrawal symptoms, take 10-12 capsules in 3-4 doses on the first day, reduce the dose to 6-8 on the second day, and 4-6 capsules on the third. From the 4th to the 6th day, the dose is reduced to maintenance.

Before using drugs in this group, you should carefully read the contraindications and side effects. Do not exceed the recommended dose to avoid worsening the patient's condition.

Drugs to improve metabolism

To speed up metabolic processes and restoring the normal functioning of internal organs affected by prolonged drinking, the following medications are used:

  • Vitamins and mineral complexes containing vitamins A, B1, C and E. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is used to prevent and treat complications such as alcoholic encephalopathy. Ascorbic acid regulates bile secretion and improves immunity, and vitamin A improves fermentation processes. Administered as injections intravenously or intramuscularly;
  • succinic acid. An inexpensive and effective remedy with antioxidant and antidepressant effects. Reduces the concentration of toxins in the blood. It is recommended to take 2 tablets twice a day;
  • Anaprilin. Tablets included in the combination therapy regimen for hangover syndrome. Reduces blood pressure, counteracts heart rhythm disturbances and tremors. Inhibits excessive stimulation of the nervous system;
  • Magnesium sulfate. Used as a 5% solution for restorative droppers. Has a sedative and diuretic effect, dilates blood vessels;
  • Calcium chloride administered through a dropper has a diuretic effect, reduces inflammation, and helps strengthen vascular walls;
  • Solcoseryl. It is administered through a dropper along with a 5% glucose solution. Saturates blood cells with oxygen, stimulates tissue regeneration;

  • Essentiale forte. Capsules to restore normal liver function. Increases its ability to utilize toxins and is used to treat cirrhosis and necrosis.

Drugs to relieve withdrawal symptoms

A severe hangover, manifested in the form of cramps, headaches, anxiety and an irresistible desire to drink alcohol, often provokes an alcohol addict to go on a binge again.

To prevent this from happening again, you need to completely neutralize the manifestations of withdrawal symptoms. For this purpose, sedatives, anticonvulsants and tranquilizers are used, which are best used after consultation with a narcologist.

Here is a list of some of them:

  • Glycine. A multifunctional drug designed to improve neurometabolic processes. Effective not only for neuroses and stressful conditions, but also for prevention ischemic stroke, alcoholic encephalopathy. Glycine improves blood microcirculation in the brain and restores connections between neurons. This drug reduces the severity of hangover and reduces the desire to drink;
  • Phenibut. Enhances the effect of analgesics and sedatives, eliminates anxiety, has a tranquilizing effect. It normalizes the process of falling asleep, relieves cramps, increases mental performance and reduces the effects of ethanol on the nervous system;
  • Carbamazepine. A popular and effective remedy for binge drinking with anticonvulsant properties. Has a moderate antidepressant effect, improves mood;
  • Diazepam, Seduxen, Phenazepam. The drugs belong to the group of tranquilizers. They eliminate anxiety, fear, improve the quality of sleep and are indicated for use in order to overcome binge drinking at home. Not all of them are sold freely in pharmacies without a prescription, so it is better to visit a doctor first. Phenozepam is especially effective for withdrawal from binge drinking. Its daily dose should not exceed 2-5 mg, because an overdose can provoke severe violations respiratory work and cardiovascular systems. This drug is not sold without a prescription;

  • Tiapride. Antipsychotic used to eliminate aggressive conditions and imbalance. Used to treat hangover and acute psychosis alcoholic origin. For home use, Tiapride is used in tablets, and in case of an outbreak of aggression, an intramuscular injection is given.

You need to be careful when using drugs to stop drinking at home so as not to harm the weakened person. long-term use alcohol to the body. Before using medications, it is best to consult a narcologist.

Successful withdrawal from binge drinking does not mean that a person will not start drinking again, because this is only the initial stage of alcoholism treatment.

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This is what an experienced narcologist, candidate of medical sciences, responded to a letter from Anna Petrovna Volobueva, Voronezh.

"Hello. Three years ago, grief entered our family - my husband began to drink heavily. Nothing helps - neither persuasion, nor tears, nor threats. I tried to treat him. . . "


Most people suffering from alcoholism cannot cope with this problem on their own, so they very often turn to their relatives, or they themselves begin to persuade him to find any remedy for binge drinking in order to return to normal life. Treatment occurs in any case with medication, in otherwise the effect will not be long and unstable. Of course, experts recommend not resorting to therapy at home, but on the other hand, easing withdrawal symptoms will come in handy. Drops, herbal infusions, drinking plenty of fluids - all this will lead to gradual exit from a difficult condition.

Breaking out of binge drinking with a drip

The purpose of the drip is to eliminate the destructive effect of toxins and alcohol breakdown products on the body, to speed up metabolic processes, which will quickly bring a person to a sane state.

In mild cases, you can limit yourself to drinking plenty of fluids with drugs that normalize water-salt balance in the body, for example, Regidron.
In difficult situations, when disabilities person (vomiting, convulsions, lethargy, loss of consciousness), it is highly recommended to use infusion-detoxification treatment (droppers) with medicinal solutions, which are also carried out at home under the supervision of a specialist.

Drugs for dropper:

  • Base for solution: 5 or 10% glucose or 0.9% water solution NaCl + insulin (for complete absorption of glucose) according to: 1 unit. insulin: 4 g glucose.
  • Polyion solutions. You can remove a person from a pathological condition with the following drugs: Disol, Chlosol, Trisol. In case of acute poisoning as a result of prolonged alcohol consumption, it is recommended to administer Gelatinol.
  • 4% sodium bicarbonate. This dropper is very rarely seen if you have drinking man processes of acidosis (disturbance of acid-base balance) began in the body.
Hundreds of articles have been written about the treatment of Alcoholism, and a lot of advice has been given. MARIA K. shared her personal experience of getting rid of an addiction with us. Her personal experience of treating her husband for alcoholism.

With the help of droppers, you can improve blood circulation, restore kidney and liver function, and gently lift a person out of a drunken state.

Sedatives to overcome a pathological condition

A medicine with a calming effect against binge drinking is the elimination of signs of withdrawal syndrome, as well as the prevention of conditions such as tremor, overexcitation, pressure surges, and arrhythmia.

Carry out this therapeutic event not recommended at home; the only thing that is allowed for the purpose of prevention is sedative (calming) drops.
In a medical facility, specialists (often narcologists) use medications that relieve anxiety, such as benzodiazepine (Phenozepam), as well as tranquilizers, for example, Sibazon, Diazepam ( psychotropic substances, helping to cope with fear, anxiety, worry).

Neuroleptics are also often used in practice when recovering from a drunken state. Doctors prefer Propazine. It relieves withdrawal symptoms in humans through a sedative, antiallergic, and anticonvulsant effect.

When receiving data medicinal groups Obligatory monitoring should be carried out, since medications can cause side effects, such as respiratory arrest, which can be fatal.

None of the above drugs are sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription!

Means for normalizing metabolism and restoring normal functioning of the body

The cure for binge drinking is also hepatoprotectors - tablets and other forms that can improve the functioning of the liver, which is most susceptible to negative influence toxins and breakdown products of alcohol during binge drinking, as well as other organs. What are they?

  • Thiamine. Exit from the pathological condition is carried out medicinal solution intravenously (drip). Goal: treatment and prevention inflammatory lesions nerves due to prolonged drinking.
  • Ascorbic acid. They are also relieved from withdrawal syndrome using intravenous infusion. Purpose: regulation of secretion thyroid gland, stabilization of bile secretion processes, increased immunity.
    Picture 4. – Ascorbic acid/Medicine
  • Anaprilin. At elevated heart rates and high blood pressure, narcologists recommend this particular medicine. Its effect is comparable to a sedative.
  • Unithiol. It is used to overcome alcohol addiction, promoting the destruction and breakdown of accumulated poisons and alcohol breakdown products.
  • Essentiale forte. This is a hepatoprotector, which contains phospholipids (complex lipids) that restore liver cells.

Remedy for binge drinking - drops

There are special drops that are also used to relieve painful conditions at home. Manufacturers divide them into the following types:

  • Relieving hangover syndrome.
  • Reducing attraction through disgust.
  • Causing intolerance even to the smell of alcohol.

Pharmacies offer next drops: Proproten-100, AlkoStop, Antiel, Stopetyl and others. Almost all of them have a homeopathic composition and can be taken anywhere without risk to health. Drops are taken with food.

To Cry or to Rejoice: The Vicious Passion for Drinking

Quitting binge drinking at home

To break a binge at home, it will take a lot of strength and perseverance of the alcohol dependent person himself. Relatives or the patient himself should prepare for this:

  • As much liquid as possible in the form of still mineral water, fruit drinks, kefir, herbal soothing infusions.
  • Medicines: activated carbon (to remove toxins), essentiale forte (to protect and restore liver cells), sleeping pills (for sound sleep), heart drops or tablets, mezim.

When removing a patient from binge drinking at home, he should be provided with complete rest. It is recommended to sleep as much as possible, drink, eat only light food and don’t physically strain yourself. As soon as it becomes easier, you can occupy yourself with chores around the house to take your mind off poor condition and thoughts of drinking alcohol.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Do your family or friends experience these symptoms? And you understand firsthand what it is:

  • The attraction to alcohol becomes a priority desire, and it is almost impossible to fight it.
  • It appears heavy brightly pronounced syndrome hangover.
  • The maximum dose of alcohol that a patient can drink is determined: contrary to data on fatal human body In doses of alcohol (a little more than a liter), an experienced alcoholic can drink up to one and a half liters of vodka and still survive.
  • Personality deformation progresses, the patient suffers from a whole range of various disorders, including:
  1. increased irritability to the point of aggressiveness;
  2. imbalance, rapid mood swings; general weakness, which occurs even under light loads;
  3. deformation of strong-willed character traits;
  4. decreased ability of the patient to concentrate during periods of sobriety;
  5. a significant change in priorities in life: monotonous desires are formed, associated exclusively with drinking alcohol.
  • The memory and mental abilities of a drinking person deteriorate significantly.
  • The patient begins to suffer from severe episodic mental disorders, such as:
  1. delirium tremens;
  2. hallucinations;
  3. alcoholic
  4. epilepsy;
  5. paranoia.

Now answer the question: would you like to save your neighbor? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already spent on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Yuri Nikolaev, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of alcohol addiction.

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