Gradual withdrawal from binge drinking. Quitting binge drinking at home on your own with the help of medications and folk remedies

The question of how to get out of binge drinking as quickly and painlessly as possible usually concerns people with alcohol addiction. Less often, it interests people after severe stress or tragedy.

If drinking alcohol continues for more than two days, then it is better to take action immediately. The longer the binge lasts, the more difficult it is to get out of it.

Why can't you suddenly stop drinking?

Alcohol has similar effects to drugs. It affects the parts of the brain that are responsible for states of euphoria and joy. It is very difficult for a person who is in a heavy, long-term binge to get out of it at home, and a quick way out is completely impossible. The consequences of even a week-long binge are gradually eliminated.

A sharp refusal causes a “breaking” effect. The body, when trying to get out of a binge, will with great force demand another portion in order to return to a relaxed state.

Withdrawal syndrome is manifested by headache, tremor, nausea, vomiting, etc. Getting rid of it will be the main task when trying to quit the binge.

How many come out of binge drinking?

It is impossible to immediately determine how long it will take to come out of a deep binge on your own at home. The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the following factors:

  • duration of drinking;
  • amount of alcohol consumed;
  • quality of alcohol;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • method used to remove the patient.

After a long binge, withdrawal symptoms persist for up to 6 days. It is very difficult to break away from binge drinking. In especially dangerous cases, delirium tremens cannot be avoided. It is impossible to get a person out of binge drinking in a day.

How to gradually reduce the dose of alcohol?

If the patient has made a firm decision to quickly get out of a long-term binge and wants to alleviate his condition, then perform the following actions:

  1. Buy 1 bottle of high quality alcoholic drink. Take a glass or glass with a capacity of 30 ml. Large containers cannot be used to break the binge.
  2. Cook a thick broth from beef or chicken. Sandwiches are prepared with butter, with sausage and lard placed on top. The food should be very fatty so that the fat can coat the walls of the stomach and prevent the absorption of alcohol.
  3. They include an interesting film, or better yet a TV series. The main thing is that there is no desire to break away from it. This will help you get out of the binge faster.
  4. Once every 1.5-2.5 hours, drink 1 glass of alcoholic drink, snacking on fatty foods. To get out of a binge, you need to have a snack in any case, even if you say “I can’t.” The second glass is taken at a shorter interval - 10 minutes. In other cases, the time is strictly observed.

In this way, drink no more than 0.5 liters of drink per day. The patient provides the body with small doses of alcohol. On the second day he will wake up without a severe headache or desire to drink. After this stage, it is easier to get out of the binge and now they begin to cleanse the body.

So that the patient does not feel tempted and everything works out correctly, there should no longer be alcohol at home. During the day, take drinks that quench thirst well and restore water balance, for example, mineral water, kvass, juice or homemade infusions. To get out of a binge, after waking up the next day, a person should immediately drink a glass of clean water or kefir.

Important. The same type of alcohol is consumed all day. Mixing is not allowed!

How to get out of a long drinking binge?

If you have been drinking for a week or more, then the time to recover from binge drinking using home methods increases significantly. After sleep, a person should drink about 0.5 liters of brine or alkaline mineral water. This will replenish the lack of moisture in the body and activate the liver.

After drinking plenty of water, take 7 tablets activated carbon. What medications will replace it:

They will help the liver cope with the load and draw alcohol out of the body, minimizing the unpleasant consequences of trying to break out of binge drinking. After taking medications, eat fatty pork or beef broth.

If the patient has stomach problems, then the soup is made from chicken. In addition to meat, carrots and onions are added to it. They cannot be fried. The broth is eaten with breadcrumbs. For a daytime meal while trying to get out of binge drinking, the patient can prepare himself an omelet, slimy porridge and salad and vegetables. After lunch, drink green tea with lemon slices.

A couple of hours after the first dose of medication, it is advisable to drink "Essentiale Forte" or "Mezim." The first helps the liver, and the second the stomach when trying to get out of binge drinking. After 4 hours they take it again Activated carbon.

Essentiale Forte

To get rid of hand tremors and headaches after drinking, drink "Noshpu" or "Analgin" but maximum 2 times a day. For insomnia during recovery, take Donormil. It can be consumed no earlier than 12 hours after the last drink.




Daily regime

The main conditions for a smooth independent exit from binge drinking are sleep, rest, drinking plenty of fluids and proper nutrition. After eating and taking hangover pills, you should sleep or watch TV.

Exercises and long walks after long binges are prohibited. On the first day, the body must restore strength in order to quickly get out of the binge.

TV will distract you from the thought of alcohol and push the desire for a hangover into the background. The patient should try not to smoke at least until 8 pm on the first day. You can remove the anxiety and nervousness that arises during any attempt to quit binge drinking. decoction of valerian roots. Alcohol infusions are contraindicated, as they can provoke a breakdown.

Will help you relax and get out of binge drinking baths With chamomile or mint. After completing the procedure, drink herbal tea With honey. You cannot refuse meals. They increase the metabolic rate and help remove harmful substances from the body.

Valerian root


Herbal tea with honey

The rehabilitation course is carried out until the patient returns to normal. When you manage to get out of the binge, gradually add regular food and physical activity.

How to get out of a short-term binge?

It’s much easier to come out of a four-day binge than after drinking for 2 weeks. It doesn’t matter whether it’s beer or regular. This method will help a person who is trying to get out of binge drinking at the initial stage. Before this, some preparation is carried out:

  • buy activated carbon, analgin and medicines for the liver and stomach;
  • provide a supply of milk, honey, mineral water, brine and rich meat broth;
  • stop drinking alcohol in the evening of the previous day and do not resort to a beer hangover.

In the morning after drinking, while trying to get out of the binge, the patient should drink 1.5 liters of prepared liquid and take 2 tablets of activated carbon. If necessary, take analgin and other medications.

The patient should eat fatty broth with bread. The whole day is spent doing something exciting, but not tiring: reading, watching movies, etc. We don't go outside yet.

In the middle of the day, in order to relieve a hangover painlessly, they repeat the procedure for taking medications, after which they have a hearty lunch. Still you need to drink a lot of liquid, for example, warm milk with honey and fruit juices.

Folk remedies for getting out of binge drinking with the help of infusions are also relevant. The patient should move a lot, for example, go for a walk. In the evening he drinks activated angle again, has dinner and takes a shower. The next morning, the charcoal intake is repeated.

How to quit binge drinking at home

  1. Ammonia. Add 4 drops of ammonia to a glass of water. Taking the solution helps a person return to normal and get out of binge drinking. Afterwards, it is recommended to take a cool shower. The method is not suitable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Inducing vomiting. To rid the patient's body of toxic substances, vomiting is provoked with two fingers. To get out of binge drinking, they are inserted into the patient’s mouth to irritate the receptors. The best effect is observed if you drink the solution beforehand. It is prepared from 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a glass of water.
  3. Enema. Against the background of stages 2-3 of alcoholism, you can do cleansing enemas using herbal infusions. To prepare chamomile, pour 2 tablespoons of the flower into a glass of boiling water.
  4. Rosehip infusion. 150 grams of fruits are placed in a thermos and filled with cooled boiled water. After half a day, the liquid will absorb the beneficial substances from the rose hips. To relieve a hangover, you need to drink up to 2 liters of infusion per day.
  5. Lemon drink. 3 lemons are cut together with the skin and poured with 1 liter of cold water. The mixture is put on fire and boiled for 30 minutes. To gradually get out of a long drinking binge, drink the drink throughout the day.
  6. Solution with glycerin. You can buy glycerin and distilled water inexpensively at the pharmacy. To prepare the composition, they are taken in a ratio of 1:2. It is taken 50 ml three times a day. Helps alleviate withdrawal symptoms.


Is it possible to get out of binge drinking without the person’s knowledge?

It is almost impossible to help an alcoholic without his knowledge. Of great importance during treatment will be the desire of the man or woman himself to quit the binge.

To help and guide the patient to the right thought, family members should follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do not make a scandal or swear, as a person in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication is not responsible for his actions. It doesn’t matter if they help a mother, a husband, or another loved one get out of binge drinking.
  2. Help provide the patient with adequate sleep conditions. Having slept, he will respond more adequately to help.
  3. Manipulations to get out of a protracted binge should be carried out when symptoms of a hangover appear. These include increased heart rate, weakness, and the search for a new dose.

To better understand the situation, you can visit websites where patients share their personal experiences. Other information resources are also suitable, for example, Alcosaurus.

When should you see a doctor?

When a person suffers from alcohol addiction and goes on a classic binge, withdrawal from heavy drinking at home often turns out to be ineffective.

If the binge lasts 7 days, what remains to be done - contact specialists for treatment in a hospital for free. This method is also used when the patient has pain in the heart and stomach and the amount of alcohol consumed is more than 1 liter per day. In case of severe pain, call a doctor urgently.

First, detoxification and infusion therapy are carried out in the hospital to get rid of binge drinking. The first manipulation is designed to rid the body of toxins, and the second from dehydration. All these tasks will be completed installation of a drip with glucose, diazepam and vitamin B1. Sometimes they give Popov's mixture- a product consisting of alcohol and sleeping pills. It helps to get out of binge drinking in particularly difficult cases.



Vitamin B1

The selection of the following treatment methods occurs with medication and is determined individually. Treatment drugs are used from the following groups:

  • vitamins;
  • sedatives;
  • nootropic;
  • psychotropic;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • cardioprotectors;
  • diuretics.
  1. It is strictly prohibited to have a hangover in order to get out of a binge. Many patients are tormented by the question of whether they need a hangover when coming out of a binge. Although the method temporarily relieves the painful symptoms and becomes easy, the desire to drink still returns. As a result, a hangover after a binge leads to the fact that the body continues to be poisoned, and the person continues to drink alcohol.
  2. In the first few days of withdrawal from binge drinking, you should not take a contrast shower or engage in physical activity. The body already works in an intense mode, and the additional load when trying to get out of binge drinking can provoke irreversible consequences.
  3. Traditional sedatives can be harmful. Taking Valocardine, Corvalol and other medications is prohibited.
  4. When trying to quit binge drinking, you should not take psychoactive substances without a prescription from a specialist. During withdrawal symptoms, the body's reaction to such drugs should be monitored by physicians.
  5. Before leaving the binge, it is better for the patient to prepare. 1 day or several before this event, the body is given minimal doses of alcohol. To do this, you can dilute alcoholic drinks with water. The taste will let the brain know that a full dose is being taken, and at this time the concentration of alcohol in the blood will gradually decrease.

Good afternoon to everyone reading these lines.

How does this happen?

Beer is also “good” because you don’t need any reason to get drunk. For example, what is needed for vodka - an event, event, etc.

You can safely drink beer with or without reason - to quench your thirst, for your mood, for nothing to do while watching football ( this option is now being actively promoted by TV) and so on.

Often this system works like this: weekdays - from 1.5 to 3 liters ( work after all), and on weekends the gap is to the fullest. Case of beer? Yes Easy!

The morning begins with a “liter” of a hangover, then “for the mood”, at the end of the day 10 liters easily accumulate ( or even more), often all this is “polished” with vodka...

And so on for years! But at some point it is no longer possible to stop, Monday comes, and the binge continues.

Beer alcoholism has moved to a new stage - long drinking bouts. Which can last - a week, two, a month. Until a person either cannot drink himself or ends up in intensive care with severe alcohol intoxication.

Quitting a beer binge at home

Well, we figured out the definitions and reasons. It's time to stop drinking.

Is it really possible to do this at home?

I think yes! I will give you some sequence of actions to get out of a beer binge.

Attention! If you drink alcohol daily and for a long time, it is strictly contraindicated for you to suddenly give it up. If you want it urgently, then only with medication, and under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital.

My version of an independent and without medication way out of a beer binge

1. Is it necessary? You need to start with a strong desire to give up beer, and all alcohol in general (). You must understand what harm ( with his drinking bouts) apply to yourself and those around you - your wife or husband, your children, your parents. Think about how you would react if someone close to you drank the same way...

2. The right hangover. A very important point. After all, it is from this “moment” that the binge begins, or its continuation.

I agree with the majority opinion - you need to reduce the amount of alcohol gradually.

How to do it? For example, if during a binge, in the morning you drank a bottle of beer in one gulp, now try drinking water first, quench your thirst, and then beer, and stretch this bottle for an hour, two, three...

Also, drink beer when you feel really bad, just to get through it, and not to feel good like yesterday.

3. Reduce the amount of beer. You need to gradually reduce the dose you drink. Each day, the volume of beer consumed should be two times less than the previous one.

4. Long breaks between doses.
Don't drink all the beer at once. Let it be, a break of one, two hours.
The rest of the time, if you want to drink beer, drink water. Clean and not carbonated.

Can ( even better) make lemonade - water + lemon juice + honey, to taste.

Now you need water not only as a substitute for beer.

And you need to understand this, since it is very important for your body - water “washes out” all the poisons and toxins (that came with beer) from your body.

You should really “drink” water the way you used to do with beer.

5. Change of scenery. It would be great, at this moment, to go to a completely different place - where there are no drinking buddies, where there are no stalls with beer, etc.

6. Lie down. Physical and mental stress is contraindicated.
The body is rebuilding to a different mode, it needs to deal with internal problems, let it not waste energy on other activities.
Watch movies, read books, etc.

7. Help the body. For a long time, the body worked for wear and tear - the time has come to heal it. And for this you need vitamins, minerals, etc. There are many of them in vegetables and fruits and others.
Therefore, when you leave (when you feel more or less well), you need to really overeat with these healthy foods.

8. Calm down. If you experience severe irritability, you can brew tea from soothing herbs, such as lemon balm.

Here is a video to help you, which tells a good story about how to get out of binge drinking.

That's all I wanted to say about this, I'll add only one thing - according to my observations, if a person wants stop drinking, then he will come out of the binge and stop drinking, and if doesn't want- then no amount of decoctions, encodings or persuasion will help him.

Quitting a beer binge at home is quite possible, which I sincerely wish for you.

I hope my article will help you at least a little with this, I look forward to your comments.

Binge drinking- This is a continuation of the hangover.

In this state, a person no longer receives pleasure from the next portion of alcohol.

He needs alcohol simply to keep his body in working order.

A person can remain in a drunken state for a long time. Lasting from several days to several months, sometimes up to six months.

The liver of such a person cannot cope with toxins, resulting in severe poisoning.

In a state of binge drinking, a person wants to drink more, and more, and cannot stop.

How to get out of binge drinking at home?

It's better to do it alone. Create conditions at home so that no one is annoyed or lectured.

  1. In advance buy at the pharmacy Essentiale Forte, valocordin, activated carbon. If you have stomach problems, buy Mezim.
  2. Besides, stock up lemons, jam, honey, kvass, mineral water, cabbage or cucumber pickle, apple juice, kefir.
  3. Prepare thick beef or lamb broth.

It is better to start the process of quitting binge drinking on your own in the evening, on the eve of a heavy hangover day. In the evening, drink half a liter of kefir and take activated charcoal, based on 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.

When you wake up in the morning, you need to drink one and a half liters of liquid(brine, mineral water, brine, juice or kefir). Take a capsule of Essentiale Forte, twenty drops of Valocordin and two tablets of activated carbon.

After two hours, eat the broth, preferably with bread. Take a cold bath or contrast shower.

Do pleasant things and relax.

After four hours, take two tablets of activated carbon and two tablets of Essentiale Forte. If your heart is bothering you, take Valocordin. Eat meat broth, drink tea with honey and lemon. Walk more in the fresh air. These walks will help restore your metabolism faster.

In the evening, take your medications again and eat. If your appetite wakes up, no need to eat your fill. Take care of your liver.

Stay longer under the contrast shower and go to bed.

The best medicine for you right now is sleep. During the period of binge drinking, all organs worked to the limit, the nervous system was overexcited. To improve the condition of the body, you need to sleep a lot.

In the morning, get up early, take Essentiale Forte and charcoal.

This routine of the first, hardest day, after a long binge, will help you survive a hangover and withdrawal symptoms.

The next day you need to move more. Continue to drink plenty of fluids and take your medications three times a day.

When leaving a binge at home, panic, fear. In such cases, take sedatives. For example, one or two tablets of phenazepam. Only it is not available without a prescription. Use other available sedatives.

There is no one unique and perfect remedy for binge drinking. One thing suits some, and something completely different for others. Try several methods to stop.

Lemon for binge drinking

In folk medicine, lemon is considered an effective treatment for binge drinking. Citric acid perfectly neutralizes poisons.

Take 3 lemons, chop finely, then add a liter of water. Boil this infusion for 30 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and cool to room temperature. This drink should be consumed as often as possible, 3-4 sips. It cleanses the body well of toxins and reduces cravings for it.

When you yourself are trying to alleviate your condition and understand the complexity of the situation, you can suggest the following methods:

  1. Drink the juice of one lemon on the first day. On the second - from two lemons, and so on for up to seven days. Then reduce the dose in the reverse order. Drink the juice with water or tea to protect your stomach.
  2. Give a cleansing enema, preferably with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Consume plenty of vitamin C. This vitamin is sold in pharmacies in effervescent tablets. Dissolve them in water and drink.
  4. In case of severe intoxication, it is necessary to instill the drugs “Reopoliglyukin” intravenously. This is a remedy against intoxication of the body. And “Riboxin”, which is needed to maintain the heart muscle. Also glucose.
  5. A tincture of equal amounts of sage, rosemary, violet flowers, thyme and peppermint leaves. Add 15 drops per day to regular mineral water. This tincture will allow you to gently come out of your drinking bout.

Complications when leaving a long-term binge

First, the patient experiences an increase in blood pressure, then the load on the heart increases. This can lead to stroke, heart attack, and internal bleeding may occur. Delirium tremens or epilepsy are possible.

Folk remedies for binge drinking

Village healers often treat with folk recipes, using spells that give the patient the necessary psychological mood, and medicinal herbs.

Folk conspiracies against drunkenness should be read when a person is under hypnosis or asleep. At such moments, words are captured by the subconscious, and the mind cannot refute them. Simultaneously with such treatment, the patient should be given herbal decoctions. They will help the body cleanse itself of alcohol. Also in folk recipes it is recommended to compensate for the lack of magnesium and potassium. To do this, you need to add honey and tomato juice to your diet.

In conclusion:

Drop the hussarism and bravado. The task of a drinker is to get out of the binge and survive. And the task of close people is to help him, bite his tongue and not nag in vain.

The state of a long binge and coming out of it is a state close to death. Therefore, you need to do everything possible to help a person poisoned by alcohol.

Sometimes folk remedies are not enough. Then seek help from a narcologist. A specialist will quickly get out of your binge, help you recover and get rid of a hangover.

Quitting a binge does not mean that you have given up your alcohol addiction. If your binge drinking recurs periodically, consider treatment for alcoholism. Otherwise, the matter may end in delirium tremens or even death.

Long-term alcohol consumption leads to the development of acute alcohol intoxication, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Binge drinking occurs when drinking alcoholic beverages daily—more than 50 ml. If you do not stop in time, withdrawal symptoms will develop. You can get out of binge drinking not only with the help of narcologists, but also on your own: the main thing in this matter is desire and compliance with standard recommendations.

Stop drinking immediately or gradually reduce the dose

You should not assume that you can get out of binge drinking in 1 day. The process is long and, as a rule, painful. You can quickly come to your senses only if your drinking lasted no more than 2 days.

Withdrawal syndrome is different from a regular hangover. Large doses of ethyl alcohol disrupt metabolic processes, negatively affecting all internal organs and systems.

Options for getting out of binge drinking:

  • Cutting.
  • Smooth.

Practicing narcologists believe that breaking out of binge drinking should be abrupt, that is, “dry.” In their opinion, reducing the dose may cause breakdowns and cause more serious consequences. If you are hungover from beer, you may develop beer alcoholism.

Proponents of a smooth exit from binge drinking argue that with a sharp cessation of alcohol, psychological and physical torment is observed, aggravating the situation. Complete withdrawal from ethyl alcohol often leads to “delirium tremens,” so treatment must be approached competently.

An integrated approach allows you to cope with withdrawal symptoms almost painlessly. Women, as a rule, find it much more difficult to break out of binge drinking, which is associated with a fairly rapid distortion of the moral and personal sphere.

Advocates of gradual cessation of alcohol claim that you can break out of binge drinking in just 3 days by gradually reducing the amount you drink. To do this, it is recommended to dilute strong drinks, reduce the daily volume or increase the intervals between drinks.

It is important to organize proper nutrition. Healthy foods help eliminate dysfunction of internal organs and improve well-being. It will not be possible to cope with the problem in one day, since ethyl alcohol causes damage not only to internal organs, but also to the nervous system.

During the recovery period, the psychological aspect should be taken into account. Motivation helps you overcome addiction that destroys your mind and body. Without conviction, most give up and go back on a binge, which most often lasts longer. It should be remembered that in almost all cases the cause of breakdowns is negative psychological pressure - reproaches from relatives, suggestions from drinking buddies.


My husband holds a leadership position and periodically drinks alcohol after concluding serious deals. He cannot afford absenteeism, and his status does not allow him to go to drug treatment. Over 20 years of married life, I have found a method for getting out of binge drinking - we gradually reduce alcohol. I take a tablespoon of vodka every hour the next day, and every 3-4 hours the next day. By Monday he gets back on his feet, and on Tuesday he doesn’t even remember the problem.

Ekaterina Stepanovna (44 years old, Izhevsk)

I don’t see anything wrong with giving up alcohol immediately after a long binge. You will have to suffer from headaches even if you gradually give up vodka, so it’s better right away. No personal advice from former alcoholics on reducing the dose works, I know from myself. If I drink for a long time, tomato or cherry juice, a lot of mineral water, and activated charcoal help me get out of the binge. I take a hot bath, even though doctors don’t advise it.

Igor (37 years old, Nizhny Novgorod)

We can handle it in 3 days

At home, the most effective way to get out of binge drinking is the “three days” method. It is effective when drinking alcohol for 3-4 days, but no more.

It is necessary to distinguish binge drinking from an ordinary hangover. In the first case, the following symptoms occur:

  • Irresistible craving for alcohol.
  • Headaches and body aches.
  • Trembling in hands, tongue and eyelids.
  • Fever and sweating.
  • Increased heart rate and insomnia.
  • Irritability, depression and aggressiveness.

A hangover is characterized by weakness and poor health. Drinking alcohol does not bring relief, but only aggravates physical discomfort.

The “three days” scheme for quitting binge drinking is a method whose effectiveness is aimed at removing ethanol from the body, combating dehydration and restoring the functioning of internal organs. The result directly depends on compliance with the recommendations and the desire of the alcohol addict. It is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively: eliminate alcohol, take medications, eat right and lead an active lifestyle.

First day

On the first day, without the help of doctors, it is not easy to give up alcohol; there is a high probability of relapse. Coping with an irresistible urge to use will not be easy, since symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea and sweating are present.

To improve your overall well-being when quitting binge drinking, you should:

  1. Drink more fluids (mineral or purified water).
  2. Take Aspirin (1 tablet) and Activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

Aspirin will relieve headaches, and Activated carbon will cleanse you of toxins and harmful substances. After improving your general well-being, you should try to fall asleep, which is necessary to restore strength. To do this, it is recommended to drink a decoction of chamomile or peppermint.

Second day

On the morning of the second day you should drink strong sweet tea. Glucose will have a positive effect on the heart, vascular system and give energy. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol or coffee. To combat nausea and hunger, you can use fermented milk products.

You can eat no earlier than the evening of the second day. It is best to use dishes such as chicken broth and boiled chicken breast with buckwheat porridge.

On the third day

On the third day of leaving the binge, you can start eating fully. It is imperative to drink fermented milk products so that the digestive system works properly and nutrients are fully absorbed.

It is recommended to take magnesium, potassium, ascorbic acid and B vitamins. Mineral water with lemon juice, rosehip decoction and tomato juice relieve withdrawal symptoms well. In case of lack of sleep and excessive nervousness, you can take a sedative, such as Phenazepam.

When coming out of binge drinking, walking is a good way to cope with headaches. This is due to the fact that when moving, blood circulation increases, cardiac activity improves and vascular tone increases.

After a binge lasting more than a week

Long-term binge drinking (more than 7 days) requires taking drastic measures. In this case, simple adsorbent preparations and desoldering are not enough. Ideally, take a course of polyionic drugs, saline solutions and Hemodez. It is unacceptable to resort to such procedures at home, since emergency medical care may be needed.

To break down and remove toxins, you can use safe medications - a complex of drugs. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can take Metronidazole (500 mg) and Furosemide (1 tablet). To eliminate headaches - Alcoseltzer and Paracetamol. If you have heart problems - Corvalol or Validol.

A week-long binge cannot be avoided without a psychological impact on the alcohol addict. To begin with, contacts with drinking buddies are excluded. Under no circumstances should you show pity towards him and leave him alone. After 2-3 days, the craving for alcohol will disappear, but the withdrawal from binge drinking does not end there, because there is still a lot of recovery procedures ahead.

Cleansing the body

After a long period of heavy drinking, there is a need for rehabilitation procedures. First of all, you need to take measures to cleanse the internal organs of the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol (aldehydes) using Activated Carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

After drinking alcohol, the following need to be cleansed:

  • The heart pumps thick blood, which leads to increased blood pressure.
  • Gastrointestinal tract - under the influence of ethyl alcohol, the gastric mucosa is destroyed, which leads to gastritis and ulcers.
  • Brain. The lack of oxygen and protein, leading to memory impairment, can be replenished by consuming chicken broth and dairy products.
  • Liver. Destroyed hepatocytes require the use of restorative and detoxifying agents - milk thistle, knotweed, artichoke, St. John's wort.

To normalize cardiac activity and improve general condition after binge drinking, you need to take the drug Capozide and drink more fluids. Diuretics are effective - Diakarb, Triampur. For tachycardia, take Corinfar. To restore potassium, eat natural honey, dried apricots, oranges and bananas. To restore the natural functions of the digestive system, you need to start drinking jelly and fermented milk products. Brine or lemon water helps a lot, restoring the acid balance and regenerating the liver.

For complete recovery from binge drinking, it takes at least a week after overcoming the acute phase of withdrawal symptoms. Asthenia (deterioration in the performance of internal organs) lasts for a month.

Medicines to help

When you quit binge drinking, you should take medications from the first day according to the following regimen:

  1. Take medications: Activated carbon (5-7 tablets) and a packet of Enterosgel or Polyphepan. The drugs will remove the remaining ethyl alcohol and facilitate the functioning of the liver.
  2. After 1.5–2 hours, drink Essentiale and Mezim to restore the liver and speed up metabolism. After 4 hours, take a new portion of sorbents again.

During heavy drinking, No-shpa will help you cope with tremors with medication, and Analgin will relieve headaches. These medications can be taken no more than 2 times a day.

Under no circumstances should you take Corvalol or Valocordin when you are coming out of a drinking binge, as they increase the likelihood of developing a stroke or heart attack. Among the approved drugs that normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system, Capozide and Glycerin should be highlighted.

To restore the activity of the central nervous system when leaving a binge, Phenibut is prescribed, a nootropic drug with tranquilizing properties. It is recommended to take after acute withdrawal symptoms have resolved.

Restoring healthy sleep

Lack of sleep after binge drinking is associated with a violation of the psychological level. To normalize it, you should take psychotropic drugs (as prescribed by a doctor), sedatives and vascular medications.

In order to restore sleep when recovering from binge drinking at home, it is recommended:

  • Make herbal teas with peppermint, motherwort, St. John's wort and drink hot.
  • Drink a pumpkin drink before bed (finely chop the seeds and add 150 ml of water, grind to pulp, add 1 teaspoon of honey).

Elenium, Donormil and Aozolam help to cope with insomnia. The most gentle are drugs developed on the basis of medicinal herbs, for example Grandaxin, Novo-Passit.

What not to do

When you come out of a binge, you can’t:

  1. Visiting the bathhouse and sauna can lead to loss of consciousness and even death due to a decrease in blood pressure.
  2. Taking a contrast shower has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system and can cause vasospasm.
  3. Excessive physical activity – working in the alveolar mode puts a lot of stress on the heart.
  4. Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

Heavily addicted to alcoholic beverages, a person gradually enters into a drinking binge without even noticing it. This condition occurs as a result of drinking alcohol for a long time (from two days to three months). Its main reason is an attempt to treat a hangover with a new portion of alcohol. To help yourself or a loved one, you need to know how to quit binge drinking yourself at home. We will look at effective smoking methods.

It is best to quit binge drinking in specialized clinics under the supervision of doctors. But due to various circumstances, mainly financial, not everyone has such an opportunity. In this case, you can try to solve the problem yourself by resorting to folk remedies.

Quitting binge drinking at home

1. The desire to stop binge drinking. The drinker must recognize the problem and decide to stop drinking. No arguments or reproaches from relatives will help here. Without the willpower and desire of the patient, even doctors are powerless.

2. Gradually reduce the dose of alcohol. Abrupt refusal of alcohol during binge drinking is fraught with serious consequences, including death, since the body is in a state of shock. This is comparable to withdrawal symptoms for drug addicts.

To get out of a long-term binge, doctors recommend giving up strong alcoholic drinks and replacing them with beer. For 2-3 days, all food eaten is washed down with a small amount of beer (100-150 ml). This is followed by a complete abstinence from alcohol, but the amount of food should remain the same. Only after three weeks can the amount of food consumed be reduced.

3. Ammonia. For the first 2-3 days of breaking out of binge drinking at home, you need to drink a glass of water with 4-5 drops of ammonia before meals. This will help avoid stomach upsets.

4. Drink more fluids. Sweet tea, kvass, mineral or plain water, sour natural juices and even brines are suitable. You can also dilute mint tincture in water in the proportion of 20 drops per glass of water.

5. Medicines. To relieve binge drinking you will need: activated carbon, essentiale and vitamins. These drugs are taken according to the instructions. Activated carbon is taken two tablets three times a day. Medicines help the body get rid of toxins and keep the body in good shape.

6. Vivid emotions and workload. In a state of binge drinking, it is very important to distract yourself from thoughts about alcoholic beverages. To do this, psychologists advise loading yourself with activities for several days in advance.

When quitting a binge on your own, some experts recommend raising the level of adrenaline in your blood - skydiving or doing other extreme sports. But this method is only suitable for people in good health who do not have cardiovascular diseases.

The tips given have helped many people get out of binge drinking. But not every drinker has enough willpower to complete this difficult path. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, then it is better not to waste time and seek help from doctors.