Shortness of breath due to lung disease. Causes of the disease. Shortness of breath due to respiratory tract pathology

The most common complaint of patients with most diseases is shortness of breath. This symptom is the most common and corresponds to the manifestation of many diseases. Objectively, shortness of breath is the need for the patient to increase breathing due to a feeling of lack of air in the lungs.

The causes of shortness of breath when walking can be physiological or pathological compensatory. At the same time, its severity often does not correspond to physiological or pathological changes, but depends on the subjective perception of the patient. This factor greatly complicates the use of this symptom in diagnosis, but, nevertheless, the detection of grounds for the disorder respiratory process Necessarily.

Definition and degree of dyspnea

Dyspnea can be expressed in the form of objective factors of disordered breathing (rhythm, depth of inspiration, frequency) as well as subjective factors (feeling of discomfort caused by lack of air).

Dyspnea is defined as the patient's subjective feeling of lack of air. It is this factor that forces him to breathe quickly, take full breaths, or stop exercising altogether.

In the case when the patient does not have a subjective feeling of lack of air, the term shortness of breath is not used, but the type of breathing is spoken of: shallow, tense or irregular. In other words, only the nature of the disorder is assessed.

Dyspnea is divided into next levels regarding the causes of shortness of breath when walking:

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Doctors' opinion...

  1. Absence - a respiratory disorder appears only in the case of significant physiological stress (walking up stairs with a large load, fast running, etc.).
  2. Mild degree - the disorder appears even when walking quickly or climbing a mountain for a long time.
  3. Moderate degree - lack of air provokes the patient to stand still when walking or reduce its pace.
  4. Severe - stops occur very often, every 5 minutes.
  5. Very severe degree - dyspnea does not allow the patient to even leave the room, and in some cases it can occur even at rest.

Despite the significant degree of subjectivity of shortness of breath as a symptom, it is nevertheless taken into account when diagnosing along with other symptoms.

There are many classifications of dyspnea, but for practical purposes it is divided into the following types:

  • cordial;
  • central;
  • hematogenous;
  • pulmonary.

What causes respiratory distress?

Many people are interested in: why does shortness of breath occur when walking? Let's consider this question regarding the types of shortness of breath:

Heart view

In case of heart disease, one of the signs, as a rule, is disturbances in the respiratory process when walking. The reason for its occurrence is mainly the increased pressure inside. The onset of the disease is characterized by a slight lack of breathing during exercise. But as the disease progresses, the degree of dyspnea increases to moderate, then severe and very severe.

Respiratory disorders caused by brain tumors, neurological disorders

Unlike other types, respiratory distress is not compensatory, in other words, it is not a consequence of impaired gas exchange. The reason is disturbances in the depth of breathing, its rhythm, frequency due to disruptions in work nervous system.

The causes of such failures may be tumors in nerve tissue brain, reception narcotic substances, depression and neuroses.

For such patients it is typical painful sensations in the region of the heart, even with a completely healthy organ, fear of death through suffocation.

Hematogenous type

It is very rare and is associated with toxic effect breakdown during metabolism. It is characterized by very frequent and deep breathing. The causes are: anemia, endocrine disorders and kidney or liver failure.

Pulmonary view

The causes of dyspnea of ​​this type are pneumonia, bronchitis, kyphoscoliosis, disturbances in the functioning of the diaphragm and bronchial asthma.

This type of breathing disorder is divided into two types: inspiratory and expiratory dyspnea.

With expiratory shortness of breath, it is difficult for the patient to exhale. The reasons are chronic obstructive bronchitis, development of bronchial asthma and emphysema.

Inspiratory is characterized by difficulty in inhaling and is caused by insufficient flexibility of lung tissue, temporary changes in the diaphragm during pregnancy, a foreign body in the lungs, narrowing of the bronchi in the event of an attack of bronchial asthma and temporary paralysis of the phrenic nerve, which occurs with ankylosing spondylitis.

How is the treatment carried out?

Before carrying out treatment, it is extremely important for the doctor to establish a number of factors. These are the causes of shortness of breath, its type, accompanying symptoms, and the circumstances that provoke its attack.

It is equally important to correctly interpret the patient’s description of shortness of breath and try to understand exactly what complaints he has. In this case, it is equally important for the patient to accurately characterize the type respiratory distress, remember all the reasons and circumstances that lead to it.

And only after establishing the exact type of respiratory disorder, its degree and the causes that led to its occurrence, is it possible to choose the most rational therapy.

First of all, the cause that causes the breathing disorder is treated. It must be remembered that dyspnea is only a symptom of some disease, and only by curing the underlying disease can breathing disorders be eliminated.

The choice of a specific drug for each type of disease is made by a doctor; you should not self-medicate, especially if the root cause of such disorders is not known.

Treatment is also possible folk remedies shortness of breath when walking. The use of folk remedies can help eliminate the underlying disease and improve general health. But in this case, it is worth consulting with a doctor about the use of certain herbs, and undergoing an examination for the main reason for the appearance of such a symptom.

In case of acute attack choking, you need to urgently call an ambulance, and in the meantime help the patient take the most comfortable position, open the windows if an attack occurs at home, to gain access to fresh air.

In contact with

Shortness of breath – unpleasant phenomenon, significantly worsening the normal existence of a person. Especially if it appears during normal walking. In this case, a standard trip to the store or to work turns into a living hell. This deviation is a kind of signal to a person that internal organs there is a critical lack of oxygen. This often happens in older people due to decreased lung volume or various chronic diseases. A person constantly has to stop and rest, restoring his breathing. As a rule, this pathology develops in older people, but there are exceptions when, against the background of certain diseases, young people experience shortness of breath when walking up the stairs or on the street.

Shortness of breath when walking: causes

There is a huge amount various diseases, against which shortness of breath appears. In medicine it is customary to divide this pathology for pulmonary, hematogenous and cardiac dyspnea. Moreover, each of these types of shortness of breath has a certain number of subtypes. Below we will describe them all in detail.

Pulmonary dyspnea

Expiratory shortness of breath is one of the most common forms of this disorder. It is characterized by narrowing of the bronchial lumen due to severe swelling, phlegm blockage or spasm. In such cases, a person experiences certain difficulties when exhaling.

In most cases this type pathology manifests itself against the background of bronchial asthma (deterioration occurs during exacerbation of the disease, as well as severe attacks). In addition, shortness of breath may result allergic edema bronchi and chronic bronchitis.

Inspiratory dyspnea is a less common form of the disease. It is characterized by certain difficulties when breathing. This happens as a result of swelling of the larynx and the development of various types tumors. Similar side effects observed with ascites, ankylosing spondylitis and pleurisy.

Usually, with this pathology, a person’s sighs are accompanied by a slight whistle. It becomes difficult for him to talk, as he feels constant shortage air. In this case, even the most light load leads to shortness of breath.

Hematogenous dyspnea. The occurrence of this deviation is due to the oversaturation of the blood with various toxic products. This happens when severe poisoning, liver failure And diabetes mellitus among women under the age of 40. In this case, a person experiences increased breathing with a noisy stream of air escaping from the lungs.

Cardiac dyspnea

The majority of causes of cardiac dyspnea are based on the following diseases:

  • Mycoma of the left atrium;
  • Left ventricular heart failure;
  • Mitral stenosis;

There are two more causes of cardiac dyspnea: polypnea and orthopnea. In the first case we're talking about about an increase in the depth and frequency of breathing (sometimes hyperventilation occurs). The reason for this is usually a change in position (meaning horizontal), as a result of which the blood flow to the heart muscle through the blood arteries increases. Often chronic heart failure has similar symptoms. With orthopnea the situation is different. With this deviation, a person constantly wants to be in a standing position, since it significantly facilitates the breathing process.


Concerns the most severe cases when a person has to make significant efforts to lose weight. It is noteworthy that in such cases main danger does not come from external excess fat, but internal fat. For a long time it accumulates inside a person and gradually envelops his lungs, and then his heart. As a result, shortness of breath occurs. In addition, in obese people, the load on the heart is several times higher than normal, because it has to do a lot of work to deliver blood to various internal organs, overcoming fat pressure. In such cases, the only solution is to lose weight. Moreover, this must be done under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise you can harm yourself.

Panic attack

This is also a fairly common cause of shortness of breath. They are mostly exposed to it excessively sensitive people often experiencing anxiety, fear, worry or restlessness. At such moments, the human body releases increased amount adrenaline, which, when it enters the blood, exerts a certain pressure on the body, as a result of which a huge amount of air passes through the lungs. However, it should immediately be noted that such a temporary deviation is completely safe for health. But it is important to pay attention to the strength of shortness of breath. If it is small, then you can not pay any attention to it, but if the shortness of breath is severe, then it is better to consult a doctor. Such a defect may indicate that a person has VSD.

Poor physical shape

People who are in poor physical shape also experience shortness of breath quite often. This is due to the fact that they have a huge amount of muscles. long time is inactive, and at the moment of even the most minimal load they are all activated, taking from the blood a large number of oxygen. As a result of this, the brain, trying to compensate for the lack of oxygen, sends a signal to the lungs, as a result of which the person begins to inhale air intensively. Naturally, such a phenomenon does not pose any danger to human health. But it is recommended to pay attention to your physical fitness.

Preventive methods

As you know, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Therefore, below we will try to describe the most important aspects prevention of shortness of breath:

  • It is very important to quit smoking, as this is the first and main factor in the development of similar pathologies and more others serious illnesses. It is also recommended to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption.
  • It is recommended to regularly perform gymnastic complexes to expand and train the lungs.
  • You need to watch your emotional state, avoid breakdowns and hysterics.
  • You need to sleep in the right place horizontal position with your head raised thirty to forty degrees.
  • You need to regularly engage in at least minimal physical activity, and do exercises in the morning.

Keep track of your own physical condition, go to the pool, exercise, eat right and drive healthy image life, that will be enough.

Shortness of breath is an unusual sensation of breathing or the need to breathe more intensely. Dyspnea can be defined as respiratory discomfort, difficulty breathing, uncomfortable or unpleasant feeling own breathing or awareness of difficulty breathing.

Shortness of breath as a sign of respiratory failure appears when the human respiratory system is unable to meet the body's gas exchange needs. This situation occurs when the body’s need for oxygen increases or the delivery of oxygen to tissues is impaired (in a number of cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary diseases).

Causes of shortness of breath when walking

Most often, the causes of shortness of breath when walking are pathologies in the heart, diseases of the lungs and bronchi, throat and dysfunction circulatory system. It is worth noting that even with insignificant deviations, it is easy for an outsider who is quite observant to identify and diagnose shortness of breath. Shortness of breath manifests itself as difficulty breathing, pain in the throat and blood vessels, pain in the heart and interruptions in its functioning, and in addition to this, sometimes a person may bleed from the throat or nose.

There are several groups of reasons that can cause shortness of breath:

  1. Physical exercise;
  2. Neuroses, panic attacks, fears and anxieties;
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  4. Obesity;
  5. Lung diseases;
  6. Cardiac ischemia;
  7. Congestive heart failure;
  8. , or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea;
  9. Thromboembolism pulmonary artery(clogging it with blood clots).

The diseases and conditions listed above are the most common. If you experience shortness of breath, it is best to consult a doctor to determine the specific cause of the feeling of shortness of breath.

It is very important to immediately contact a specialist or call an ambulance if you suddenly experience shortness of breath, especially if it is accompanied by chest pain, nausea, vomiting or fever. These signs may indicate a very serious illness. In any situation, the doctor will be able to determine individual plan examinations to determine the cause.

Causes of pulmonary dyspnea

Pulmonary dyspnea is one that is caused by diseases and pathologies of the lungs.

  1. Expiratory dyspnea- the most common form, which is determined by difficulty in exhaling and occurs when the lumen in the bronchi narrows due to their swelling, spasm or blockage with mucus. To cope with this problem, you have to intensify your work during the breathing process. respiratory muscles, but this is not enough, and the exhalation cycle can be difficult.
  2. Inspiratory dyspnea. The patient has difficulty breathing. This is due to the accumulation of fluid in the chest due to tumor phenomena, laryngeal edema, fibrosis, pleurisy and others. A person cannot speak without taking multiple breaths. The appearance of such shortness of breath is possible even with minor physical activity. Inhalation is accompanied by a whistling sound.

Shortness of breath due to heart failure

There is also shortness of breath with. Its occurrence is directly affected by thinning of the walls of blood vessels, septal defects, heart failure, stenosis. Also, one of the causes of cardiac dyspnea is heart defects. As a result, it appears oxygen starvation, it is also the cause of shortness of breath when walking. Signs of this shortness of breath are orthopnea and polypnea.

  1. Polypnea. The condition is caused by excessive blood flow to the heart when the patient is in a horizontal position. This may be due to heart failure. Frequent and deep breathing is noted, sometimes to the point of hyperventilation.
  2. Orthopnea is a syndrome of cardiac dyspnea that forces a person to remain in vertical position, as this makes his condition easier. Orthopnea is associated with left ventricular and left atrial failure.

Central dyspnea

This type of shortness of breath occurs with pathologies of the central nervous system, with neuroses, and also under the influence of neurotropic substances. Central dyspnea is not a consequence of pathology, it is itself the cause. It manifests itself in different ways: hypernoea, oligopnea, arrhythmia.

Hematogenous dyspnea

It is very rare and is associated with the toxic effects of breakdown products during metabolism. It is characterized by very frequent and deep breathing. The causes are: anemia, endocrine disorders and kidney or liver failure.


Main symptoms of shortness of breath:

  • breathing quickens;
  • pulse rises;
  • there is a feeling of suffocation;
  • breathing becomes noisy;
  • the depth of inhalation and exhalation changes.

Shortness of breath begins in the following cases:

  • while walking – this is associated with cardiac activity;
  • climbing stairs - speaks of an infection in the lungs, a cold;
  • going out into the cold - the reason is an allergy to the cold due to lung pathology;
  • while resting at night - stagnant process heart muscle;
  • during sex - any reasons are possible, for example, anemia, iron deficiency in the blood.

Shortness of breath when walking has certain causes, and treatment with folk remedies is not always able to cope with the source of shortness of breath. Therefore, do not self-medicate at home if you experience this symptom.

How to treat shortness of breath when walking?

Before you start fighting shortness of breath, you should not go to the pharmacy and buy pills that a friend recommended. First of all it is necessary:

  1. Quit bad habit in the form of smoking, if you smoke;
  2. Lose weight if you have excess weight;
  3. Adjust blood pressure if it is present in abnormal numbers.

To determine the cause of respiratory distress, You will also need to undergo an examination, which includes:

  1. R-graphy of the chest;
  2. Ultrasound of the heart;
  3. Analysis of external respiration function.

The most important method of combating shortness of breath is treating the disease that caused the shortness of breath. As soon as the doctor finds out the cause, an effective treatment plan will be immediately determined.

For example, when coronary disease heart and myocardial infarction - treatment with tablets. For COPD and bronchial asthma– regular treatment with inhalers. Because main reason shortness of breath in many cases is hypoxia and hypoxemia (low oxygen content in the body), one of effective ways Reducing shortness of breath is oxygen therapy.

Currently, devices have been developed - oxygen concentrators, which allow you to “extract” oxygen from the air around the clock. Inhaling oxygen into increased concentration allows you to eliminate hypoxia and hypoxemia.

Which doctor should I contact for shortness of breath?

When a person’s diagnosis is still unknown, it is best to make an appointment with a therapist. After the examination, the doctor will be able to establish a presumptive diagnosis and, if necessary, refer the patient to a specialized specialist.

If shortness of breath is associated with lung pathology, you should consult a pulmonologist; if you have heart disease, consult a cardiologist. Anemia is treated by a hematologist, pathology of the nervous system is treated by a neurologist, diseases endocrine glands- endocrinologist, mental disorders accompanied by shortness of breath - psychiatrist.

The medical name for shortness of breath is dyspnea. International classifiers distinguish two main types of this condition:

  1. Tachypnea - rapid shallow breathing with a frequency breathing movements more than 20 per minute.
  2. Bradypnea - decrease respiratory function with slowing down the respiratory rate to 12 or less movements per minute.

Based on the time interval and intensity of dyspnea, there are three main subtypes of dyspnea:

  1. Acute (from a couple of minutes to hours).
  2. Subacute (from several hours to a couple of days).
  3. Chronic (from 3–5 days to several years).

Shortness of breath is typical symptom for heart failure - given clinical syndrome, characterized by disturbances in the operation of the SSD, poor blood supply tissues/organs of the system and ultimately, damage to the myocardium.

In addition to shortness of breath, a patient with heart failure feels severe fatigue, swelling appears and significantly reduced physical activity. Stagnation of blood due to weakened heart muscle provokes hypoxia, acidosis and other negative manifestations in metabolism.

If you suspect that you have heart failure, you should immediately contact a cardiologist and take measures to stabilize hemodynamics as quickly as possible, against increased blood pressure and normalization of heart rhythm before stopping pain syndrome- often, HF causes.

  1. Physiological - strong physical activity.
  2. Cardiac - pulmonary edema, myocardial infarction, myocarditis, cardiac arrhythmias, myxomas, cardiomyopathies, heart defects, ischemic heart disease, heart failure.
  3. Respiratory - epiglottitis, allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, atelectasis and pneumothorax, enphysema, tuberculosis, COPD, poisoning with various gases, kyphoscoliosis, interstitial diseases, pneumonia, pulmonary obstruction, cancer.
  4. Vascular - thromboembolism, primary hypertension, vasculitis, arterial-venous aneurysms.
  5. Neuromuscular - lateral sclerosis, phrenic nerve palsy, myasthenia gravis.
  6. Other causes - ascites, problems with the thyroid gland, anemia, dysfunction of the respiratory system, acidosis of the metabolic spectrum, uremia, dysfunction of the vocal chords, preural effusions, pericardium, hyperventilation syndromes.
  7. Other circumstances.


The symptoms of shortness of breath can be varied, but in any case associated with a disruption of the normal rhythm of respiratory function. In particular, the depth and frequency of respiratory contractions change noticeably, from a sharp increase in respiratory rate to its decrease to zero. Subjectively, the patient feels an acute lack of air, tries to breathe deeper or, on the contrary, as superficially as possible.

In the case of inspiratory dyspnea, it is difficult to inhale, and the process of air entering the lungs is accompanied by noise. With expiratory shortness of breath it is much more difficult to exhale, since the lumens of the bronchioles and the smallest particles of the bronchi narrow. The mixed type of dyspnea is the most dangerous and often causes complete cessation of breathing.

Basic diagnostic measures consist in the most prompt assessment of the patient’s current clinical picture, as well as a study of the medical history. After this, they are appointed additional research(from X-rays and ultrasound to tomograms, tests, etc.) and referrals to highly specialized specialists are issued. Most often, they are a pulmonologist, cardiologist and neurologist.

Because shortness of breath may be caused a huge amount the most various reasons, its treatment is selected exclusively after correct definition accurate diagnosis by complex diagnostics possible problems.

Conservative and drug treatment

Below are typical reasons shortness of breath and ways to eliminate them.

  1. In the presence of foreign body extract it using the Heimlich maneuver, in extreme cases use surgical method, in particular tracheosthmia.
  2. For bronchial asthma - selective beta-agonists (Salbutamol), intravenous administration aminophylline.
  3. Left ventricular failure - narcotic analgesics, diuretics, venous vesodilators (Nitroglycerin).
  4. Absence visible reasons or impossibility differential diagnosis with severe shortness of breath prehospital stage- Lasix.
  5. Neurogenic nature of the symptom - breathing exercises, intravenous Diazepam.
  6. Obstructions - taking anxiolytics, direct administration of oxygen, non-invasive respiratory support, surgical reduction (for enphysema), creating a positive pressure vector on the patient’s inhalations and exhalations.

Treatment of shortness of breath with folk remedies

The following measures will help reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks of shortness of breath:

  1. Hot goat milk on an empty stomach - 1 glass dessert spoon honey, three times a day for the 1st week.
  2. Dry dill in the amount of 2 teaspoons/glass, brew with boiling water, strain, cool for half an hour and take warm, ½ cup three times a day for two weeks.
  3. Take a liter of flower honey, grind ten peeled small heads of garlic in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice of ten lemons. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and place in a jar with a closed lid for a week. Use 4 tsp. spoons once a day, preferably in the morning and on an empty stomach for two months.

What to do and where to go if shortness of breath appears?

First of all, don't panic! Carefully examine your condition for the presence of other symptoms - if dyspnea is accompanied by pain in the heart or an area close to it, and there is also a semi-fainting state, the skin turns blue, and auxiliary muscle groups are also involved in the breathing process, for example, intercostal, thoracic, cervical, then should be called immediately ambulance, since shortness of breath may be of a cardiovascular or pulmonary nature.

Otherwise, try to temporarily avoid strenuous physical activity and long stay under direct sunlight, make an appointment with a therapist or pulmonologist. Specialists will conduct an initial assessment of your health status, write out directions for diagnostic measures, or ask you to undergo additional doctors(cardiologist, vascular surgeon, oncologist, neurologist).

Useful video

Shortness of breath is a dangerous symptom

How to easily cure shortness of breath?

Shortness of breath is one of the most common symptoms, which appears when different types ailments. Sometimes this indicator indicates irrational physical activity, and sometimes serious pathological changes in organism.

Shortness of breath can appear in acute, subacute and chronic types. It is characterized by a feeling of lack of air, difficulty inhaling or exhaling, and coughing.

U healthy person After physical activity, after a couple of minutes, the breathing rate returns to normal, and in pathogenic processes, the feeling of discomfort does not go away for a long time.


Shortness of breath has characteristic causes appearances:

Factors that can also provoke the appearance of shortness of breath when walking include reasons such as: poor physical form, excess weight, .


If shortness of breath occurs during physical activity, then this is normal. However, if a symptom is detected in calm state you need to see a doctor.

To determine the possible etiology of difficulty breathing, the doctor must determine its type. Clinicians distinguish three types of shortness of breath:

  • inspiratory;
  • expiratory;
  • mixed.

Inspiratory dyspnea manifests itself in difficult inhalation and is formed on the basis of a decrease in the opening in the larynx, trachea and bronchi. Characteristic for acute respiratory infections in children, diphtheria of the larynx, damage to the pleura and injuries that provoke compression of the bronchi.

The second type is expiratory shortness of breath, which is detected in the patient with difficulty exhaling. The provoking factor for the development of this form of the disease is a decrease in the opening in the small bronchi. The sign appears when and.

Severe shortness of breath mixed type diagnosed with advanced lung disease and.

Relying on clinical picture and the patient’s complaints, the doctor can determine the degree of the disease, which has 5 stages:

  • initial - shortness of breath occurs when walking or physical exercise;
  • mild - breathing is disrupted when climbing up or walking quickly;
  • medium - is formed at the usual pace of walking and the person needs to periodically stop to take a breath;
  • severe - shortness of breath when walking becomes severely aggravated so that the patient needs to stop every few minutes;
  • very severe degree - difficulty breathing at rest.

Shortness of breath due to respiratory tract pathology

Shortness of breath is diagnosed by doctors very often. The sign is formed because the opening in the respiratory tract of the bronchi decreases and the accumulation of viscous contents in them. In this case, expiratory shortness of breath appears, which, with improper therapy, only becomes more intense.

If shortness of breath appears from, then the patient suddenly experiences attacks of suffocation. After a short, light inhalation, the patient begins to exhale noisily and heavily. Inhalation special means, which lead to dilation of the bronchi, breathing returns to normal. As a rule, such exacerbations are provoked by exposure to allergens.

Shortness of breath with bronchitis and can occur along with the following symptoms:

  • signs - lethargy, sweating, ;
  • when coughing.

Oncological damage to the respiratory system early stages is asymptomatic. As the tumor grows, a certain clinical symptoms. In addition to shortness of breath, the patient complains of the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • pale skin;

Toxic pulmonary edema is formed at the base infectious lesion, which is accompanied by intoxication or when the respiratory tract is exposed to various toxic substances. On initial stage As the disease develops, shortness of breath in a child and an adult manifests itself rather weakly, and breathing quickens slightly. After some time, the patient begins to experience severe suffocation along with bubbling breathing.

Dyspnea due to cardiac pathologies

Cardiac dyspnea manifests itself from high blood pressure in the vessels of the heart. On initial stages formation of the disease, the patient is diagnosed with a slight lack of air during physical exercise, and as heart failure progresses, shortness of breath begins to intensify and disturb throughout long period time.

Treatment of shortness of breath in heart failure is prescribed exclusively by a doctor after diagnosis.

Shortness of breath due to poor metabolism

If a patient is diagnosed with a reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood, this may indicate an inborn error of metabolism, iron deficiency, chronic blood loss, and others. serious illnesses which may be accompanied by shortness of breath. Patients with anemia experience the following symptoms:

Inspiratory shortness of breath often occurs with, and excess weight. High content hormones thyroid gland leads to increased contraction of the myocardium, as a result of which the normal pumping of blood to all tissues deteriorates. Excess weight causes disruption in the functioning of many systems human body. If this occurs, problems with the respiratory tract may develop, which will manifest as shortness of breath.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the uterus greatly enlarges and begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, as a result of which it decreases. breathing excursion. This process provokes the appearance of shortness of breath.

During pregnancy, anemia is often diagnosed, which also provokes the appearance or intensification of shortness of breath. If a woman rapid breathing, especially with minor movements, you need to seek the help of a doctor. This indicator must be treated in a very gentle manner so as not to harm the health of mother and baby.

Shortness of breath in children

Each age category have their own breathing rate norms, by which you can recognize unpleasant symptom. Such a study should be carried out while children are sleeping. To measure the number of respiratory movements you need to place your hand on chest child and count the inhalations and exhalations per minute. It is not advisable to count the respiratory rate during feeding and emotional excitement. At such moments, the child’s respiratory rate is much higher and shortness of breath will be physiological.