Why do you dream about wild animals? Why do you dream about Wild Animals? Why do you dream about an animal that doesn’t exist?

Dream Interpretation wild animals

It is sometimes quite difficult to understand what wild animals mean in dreams, and therefore most dream interpreters pay attention to the little things that they were able to consider.

As a rule, every animal is not dreamed of just like that, and its appearance will be determined by the internal state of the dreamer.

What should you pay attention to?

As the dream book writes, wild animals are a sign of freedom and strength of spirit, which is stored in the person himself, but you should not rejoice ahead of time, since there is also the opposite interpretation.

The image you see in a dream tells us that really serious problems may appear on your life’s path, which will require the involvement of several qualities to overcome.

Rich fauna

Dream about the diversity of fauna

In order to get a detailed picture of your dream, you need to pay attention to which animal representatives you were able to see.


You may dream about rare reptiles or mammals. Such a dream tells us that in real life it will be possible to carry out what was planned.


If you witness domestic animals grazing peacefully in a meadow, it means your life will be stable and prosperous. However, you should not rely on chance, but continue to engage in your activities with even greater diligence.

When several incompatible animals are separated from the herd, such a symbol tells us that a shift in stereotypes is necessary for the development of personality.

Marine mammals

As the large universal dream book writes, dreaming of marine mammals promises a meeting with an extremely inconvenient and principled person.

There are two sides to this situation:

White animals deserve special attention; after meeting them, the consequences are not the most rosy. You only need to understand one truth: the larger the animal, the more good a sign awaits.

Slain Most likely, the dreamer will be able to cross a line beyond which they have never been. The main thing is not to worry ahead of time, and then everything will go smoothly.

Freud's dream book insists that a killed animal symbolizes the animal nature in human essence. Sometimes you can give vent to your instincts, but not to the detriment of others.

Little beast

I dreamed of a defenseless animal

If the image of a small and harmless animal seen began to appear in night dreams with particular regularity, it means that in real life the dreamer cannot release the accumulated aggression. As a result, the emotion is directed towards other people or inanimate objects. We must learn to tame the inner animal, because it can only ruin everything. The death of an animal can also be associated with experienced events that do not have any reflection in the present time.

What parts?

At the next stage of decoding, it will be necessary to determine those parts of the animal that were able to be seen.

Skeleton and bones

As the esoteric dream book says, a skeleton and a large number of scattered bones foreshadow a rich fruit harvest.

According to recent observations, such a dream is prophetic, and gardeners should listen to it.


If we talk about the image of the heart, then it personifies love and sensuality. Dream interpreters say that after what you saw, you can prepare for a new relationship and finding a love partner.


Dreaming about entrails

Seeing the intestines of an animal is a sign of troubles that can affect different areas of life, but special attention will need to be paid to your own health. The dreamer must definitely seek help from doctors and undergo a medical examination.


If you managed to see the fresh liver of an animal, then a stage of changes and significant events will begin in your life, which are best shared in the company of your family and friends.


According to Velesov’s dream book, blood can have several interpretations, and their nature will depend on what the dreamer is actually experiencing.

If he starts drinking blood, then in real life he will be able to gain boundless faith in himself, which will allow him to achieve his goal.

Seeing an animal skin in a dream

If you managed to see this part of the body, then in real life you must become extremely careful and analyze every situation.

If you lose your head, you can predict big problems for yourself.


Animal thorns, according to the interpretations of the ancient Mayan tribe, are dreamed only by those people who have a patron - the Forest Spirit.


This sign should be taken literally, since it indicates that the dreamer has great potential in public speaking.

If he constantly improves, he will become a first-class specialist in this field.


Seeing animal feces means wealth and success.

Who did you dream about?

At the next stage of interpretation, it will be necessary to pay attention to who was noticed in the night dreams.

Seeing a weasel in a dream

According to dream interpreter Veles, seeing such a small animal is a sign of risky, but not always justified, adventures.

  • In any case, you just need to try and understand that there is a fairly high chance of a successful result. In addition, the dreamer should not forget that strangers may appear in his life and cast their spell on him. In your usual social circle, an intriguer may appear who is up to no good.
  • Lama
  • The Mayans were able to interpret the animal presented. Lama, in fact, has a sacred meaning, which includes all kinds of benefits:



health, etc.

Where is the animal kept?

An important role will be played by the place in which the animal is located.


I dreamed of cattle in a barn

If you dreamed that you were in a barn for livestock, then those born in the summer months will experience unpleasant news.

Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will have to suddenly change your lifestyle to a less comfortable one. However, there is no point in getting upset ahead of time, since all changes will have a beneficial effect on personal development.


If the dreamer saw his pet in a small cage, then in real life he will be able to get around his closest pursuer. This can apply to various aspects of life.

A sleeping person saving animals will most likely be able to perform a rather spectacular act, even if it is not typical of his behavior.


Dreaming of an animal attacking

Each dream is unique, and therefore the animal can behave in a very unique way.

Get bitten

Freud's dream interpreter says that the attack suffered reflects experiences that affect personal life.

There is a high probability that the partner has stopped paying attention and is increasingly showing selfishness.

Become a witness

If in your night dreams you witnessed a predator attacking another person, it means that on a subconscious level you want to gain power and simply dominate others.

It is also worth noting that the chosen role may not correspond to your state of mind.

The attacks do not always indicate a physical attack; they can be a warning of serious illness.
Other interpretations
As practice shows, you don’t just dream of animal corpses, and therefore, to fully decipher it, you will need to analyze your current state and draw the appropriate conclusions. If no effort is made, the situation will only get worse.

Seeing an animal cemetery is a symbol of unrealized opportunities and goals that will never be achieved.

Such a picture is an incentive to action, giving the dreamer an impetus. His life will remain the same if he does not change it.

If you witness the death of an animal, it means that in real life you do not know how to set priorities correctly, and this affects various areas of life.

Wild animals symbolize fortitude and love of freedom. But on the other hand, these representatives of the fauna have natural instincts of antisocial behavior. In dreams, wild animals are often symbols of a serious confrontation, when a person will need to use both the natural qualities of wild animals.

Fight with a wild animal

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had a chance to enter into a fight with a representative of the wild animal world, then you should expect significant changes in life.

Some dream plots can be interpreted as follows:
  • Defeating a wild beast means getting the necessary help from loved ones in real life.
  • If a wild animal wins, difficulties and serious problems will arise in real life.
  • To see many angry wild animals means to have many envious people and gossipers around you.

Observe representatives of ungulates

If in your night dreams you simply observe representatives of ungulates grazing peacefully in a meadow, then this foreshadows the onset of a calm period of life, during which many of the dreamer’s wishes can come true. A pleasant symbol in a dream are small herds, which indicate that life will be filled with small joys and positive mood.

Various storylines with ungulate fauna can mean the following:
  • Feeding animals means the onset of a lucky life period.
  • Seeing aggressive herds means being unsure of yourself.
  • Petting petting animals is a high probability of interesting life adventures.

Shelter an animal - dream book

If, according to the plot of the dream, you sheltered a wild animal, then in reality you will be able to resolve complex problems that have been bothering you for a long time. It’s not very good when a wild animal bites you in a dream. This portends deception. And if, while feeding an animal, you feel that it is going to attack you, then you should beware of gossips and envious people.

Dream books also provide interpretations of various types of wild animals that may appear in a dream.

So, if you dreamed:
  • Mole - beware of being deceived by a person from your inner circle.
  • Bats - a period of misfortunes and failures begins in life. And if you have to feed flying rodents, then bad news will soon come from afar.
  • Fox - there are cunning and insincere people in your environment.
  • The bear symbolizes your courage, and for a woman it is often the personification of a suitor. Feeding and petting a bear means living a happy family life.
  • Deer – rapid life changes.
  • The eagle is a symbol of determination and determination.
  • The donkey represents stubborn people.
  • The tiger focuses attention on the secret enemy who is next to you.
  • Lama symbolizes prosperity in life.
  • The turtle indicates a very slow pace of life, which makes a person feel bored.

Large aggressive animals

If large aggressive animals appear in a dream, then, regardless of their species, they symbolize the intensity of passions and a strong emotional outburst.

Why do you dream about pets?

Pets, which according to the plot of the dream are located next to the dreamer, in most cases, are interpreted in dream books as a symbol of good luck and success. If they move away from a person in his night dreams, then this symbolizes that luck is turning away from him.

When a hungry pet appears in a dream, this foreshadows big financial problems. And if in a dream you had a chance to feed him, then soon there will be a significant improvement in material well-being. The color of the pet seen is of great importance for the correct interpretation of the dream:

  • Black color or any dark shade foreshadows sad events in life.
  • White color foretells joy and success.
  • Black and white coloring is a symbol of impermanence and emphasizes that unforeseen situations can occur in life.
  • Red color is always associated with a person’s love sphere and very often is a harbinger of the appearance of a admirer or admirer.

Dead animals

Very often people are interested in the question of why dead animals dream. This is due to the fact that such a dream always leaves an unpleasant aftertaste and you want to understand what events in reality it can predict.

First of all, when you dream of dead animals, this indicates that the dreamer should reconsider his life path; perhaps the direction chosen is wrong. It is also important to analyze in detail the plot of the dream. It may contain a hint about the cause of your troubles and failures in real life.

If in a dream you understand that the predators died a natural death, then this is a good sign. It indicates that your ill-wishers will leave you alone, without any effort on your part. But if, according to the plot of your dream, you have to kill an animal, then this indicates that in the real world you will finally dare to cross a line that you previously did not dare to step beyond.

Animal blood in a dream

Very often the question arises: why do you dream about the blood of an animal? If you see it from the outside and do not understand whether a representative of the fauna is mortally wounded, then soon your cherished wish will come true. But if you dream of the blood of an animal that you drink in your night dreams, then in reality you will participate in a very risky event.

Why do you dream about killing an animal?

If in a dream you kill a harmless animal, then this indicates that a lot of aggression has accumulated inside you, but you do not have the opportunity to let it out in real life. Thus, the subconscious is trying to redirect it to the objects of night dreams. As a rule, after such a dream, despite all its unpleasantness, the dreamer feels relieved when he wakes up.

Various types of dead animals are interpreted in dream books as follows:
  • Dogs are harbingers of separation from a loved one.

According to the dream book, wild animals in a dream represent strength, acumen and a rebellious spirit. At the same time, the image symbolizes ignorance and lack of culture. It is possible to understand why this or that plot is being dreamed about only in the context of the dream. The circumstances and appearance of the dreamed predator will serve as clues. Often the inhabitants of forests and savannas reflect the natural essence of the sleeper.

Passions under control

The dream book states that aggressive wild animals in a dream serve as a warning sign. If you dreamed of wolves or bears attacking, the inability to curb your feelings will result in embarrassment.

There is another explanation for why you dream of predatory animals attacking. The interpretation warns that the dreamer himself may be a victim of uncontrolled emotions.

If you dreamed that you managed not only to repel an attack, but also to feast on game, the dream speaks of your exorbitant vanity.

In most cases, if fauna inhabitants attack, the dream book calls not only to achieve the goal, but also to do it beautifully: to save face and not lose human appearance.

Do not miss your chance

When you happen to see animals in their natural habitat in a dream, the dream interpreter advises you to trust your intuition when making an important or difficult decision.

If you are lucky enough to see hunting or catching animals, in reality a new significant person will appear in your environment. Both a friendly and a love connection can arise between you.

It’s interesting to know why you dream about seeing large predators in your own home. The dream book recommends preparing in advance for the visit of a high-ranking person. Hospitality will have a positive impact on your future destiny.

Often, tigers in a dream symbolize favorable circumstances for achieving a goal. Now is the time to act.

The city's self-control is taking over

When wild animals look quite friendly in a dream, there is every reason to believe that the dreamer has self-control and knows how to control impulses of passion.

Peace-loving wild animals in a dream foreshadow a truce with ill-wishers on your terms. That is, an unconditional victory.

If you dream of predatory representatives of the fauna who themselves are drawn to humans, the symbol speaks of harmony with nature, the surrounding world and other people. Luck almost always accompanies this state of mind.

If you dreamed of white predators, the dream book considers such a symbol a sign of wish fulfillment. When white tigers appear in a dream, it means that a bold and grandiose dream will come true.

Be on the lookout

The dream book explains why you dream about how wild animals chase the sleeping person. Most likely, in real life he has many ill-wishers. You should be prepared both for their tricks on the sly and for a face-to-face meeting.

Sometimes wild animals in a dream represent hidden enmity, strained relationships. It is possible that someone around you is causing harm and spreading gossip behind your back.

If predatory animals are in a cage, the dream book believes that you cannot cope with the problem alone. Enlist the support of friends or relatives you can rely on.

In order to correctly and thoroughly interpret a particular dream about animals, we must base our understanding on the connections that exist in life between animals and humans, for example, consider the loving relationship between a person and a domestic cat or dog.

Undoubtedly, the presence of an animal in our dream may indicate a lack of loneliness, calm and serenity, but in some cases the presence of an animal can mean obvious danger. The danger is usually associated with wild or exotic animals.

In any case, such dreams reveal and bring out the hidden primary instincts of a person, his most natural and truthful feelings, free from any type of cultural superstructure. Dreams with animals tell us about the pure essence of man.

The meaning of dreams with animals

In general, we may dream about various things during the night, so it is not unusual for an animal to appear in one of our dreams. Knowledge of dream interpretation is necessary in order to anticipate various accidents, take appropriate measures, or adjust your behavior in accordance with the current situation. As a rule, the appearance of a living creature in dreams indicates approaching new events.

It should also be said that the analysis of the meaning of dreams with animals is often carried out according to the cultural traditions of a given people, a given country. For example, in ancient Egypt, the appearance of a domestic cat in dreams symbolized a feeling of respect and admiration for this person, since cats were sacred in Egyptian culture.


Our pets often appear in our dreams. So, why do you dream about pets? As a rule, the interpretation consists of the presence of friendly ties in the family or the emergence of a new layer of positive emotions with a significant other. These are the emotions the subconscious tries to deliver to your consciousness. Analyzing and understanding these dreams will allow you to control your feelings and achieve emotional stability.

Among all pets, dreams with dogs and cats are the most common. The interpretation of dreams with these and other animals largely depends on the situation and place where the events unfold, for example, when you feed a pet from your hands, it means that you are experiencing a moment of peace and happiness in your life.

And the opposite situation - killing a pet symbolizes misfortune in your close circles, which is about to come and affect your personality. That is, dreams with pets are, one way or another, connected with life in your family circle. So, if in your subconscious you kick your pet, then this situation represents a sad family life, which may be associated with existing problems with relatives or with your husband (wife).

If a situation arises in which your pet does not allow you to approach you or rejects you, then this misunderstanding directly carries over into real life, and you will have to work hard to get friends and family members to understand you and your needs.


Dreams with these pets are often complex and confusing. Cats, along with snakes and rats, are animals that tell us what may happen to us in the near future. Dreams with these pets are also associated with our sensitivity and ability to convince our loved ones that we are right. Usually cats are a symbol of goodness, happiness and success in our work. The interpretation of the situation also depends on the health of the cat. If she walks or runs confidently, then we won't have any problems in the near future. Below are the most common situations and their meaning:


Dreams about dogs reveal many aspects of our personality and our emotional state that we cannot comprehend at a conscious level of perception. Therefore, you need to be careful with such a dream, for example, if a dog is leading you, this means that you yourself cannot cope with the difficulties that arise, and you need support.

Dog barking plays an important role. If you hear it somewhere in the distance, then it warns you of bad news, while a close and cheerful bark is interpreted as the approach of an active and positive life. Constant, incessant barking indicates that you need to pay attention to your behavior, as it may bother someone close to you.

Personal conflicts and concerns for your most intimate areas of life are reflected in a dream with a whining dog, but if the dog barks with anger, then be careful, as a person close to you is going to betray you. A dog bite is interpreted as a loss of money or even friends.

If you witness the death of an animal, it means that in real life you do not know how to set priorities correctly, and this affects various areas of life.

In turn, when you dream of wild animals, such situations are associated with the social and professional sphere of activity. If the dream is unpleasant, then your friends or projects are at risk. If the animals are huge, for example, a black horse running across a field, then you will experience success and prosperity in your work.

Dreams in which you fight with some living creature are very common. The interpretation of such manifestations of the subconscious is largely determined by the outcome of this battle, but in any case, this situation testifies to your courage, determination and ability to confront any problems at work. Also, the attacking animal symbolizes all the problems that you may encounter while moving up the career ladder.

Dreams in which dangerous animals such as snakes, lions or spiders appear are also common. Be that as it may, you need to constantly pay attention to your subconscious, because if any creature speaks to you, then it is your own voice speaking, and it is very important to understand it in order to understand your psychological state and be ready to confront any problem that arises .


Despite the menacing and wild appearance of lions, if you dream about them, then you were able to establish contact with your inner strength.

Often you have dreams where you are attacked by a lion. Such situations mean that there are problems in your personal life, family or work. In any case, we are talking about difficulties that may appear in the near future. However, if you have defeated the lion, you can rest assured that you will be able to resolve all your problems with success.

Some Leo situations and their meaning are given in the list below:


As mentioned above, the meaning of dreams with animals can have different interpretations, which depend on many details. Let's look at some cases regarding dreams with snakes.

  • Snake bite to any part of the body. This situation suggests that you are surrounded by people who will harm you and betray you sooner or later.
  • The snake curls around the body. If a snake is trying to strangle you, then the interpretation of this situation is sexual in nature, that is, you are a person with a strong sexual appetite. Try talking to your significant other about this.
  • Dreaming with a boa constrictor. Usually such situations happen to people who have great ambitions, so you should be content with what you have and appreciate your efforts and your work.


The lemur represents deception and disappointment in your love life. The lemur's brown eyes and figure represent deceptive goals, secrets hidden deep within. If in a dream you see many lemurs in your garden, then unexpected problems in life will soon appear. A lemur lying on the sofa speaks of long-standing problems in your family, which will soon escalate again. And if animals have intercourse, then your significant other is unfaithful to you.

In any case, a dream with a lemur playing with you warns of a problem with a friend or family member, including a money problem. You need to be calm, not succumb to anyone’s provocations, and try to solve your problems in this state.

Attention, TODAY only!

Very often in night visions animals come as guests.

Some of them may be familiar to humans, for example, a dog or an elephant. And others are seen as incomprehensible creatures with whom a person talks or sees certain events in a dream. Why do we dream about animals? It all depends on the circumstances of the dream and the feelings that the dreamer experienced.

Dreams about wild animals

When you dream of animals that are in an aggressive state, such a vision foreshadows significant life changes.

  • For example, entering into a fight with a beast and defeating it is a sign that a person in real life will receive help from loved ones.
  • If the angry beast itself defeated the sleeping one, then this vision can be interpreted as a harbinger of imminent problems or difficulties.
  • Many angry, aggressive animals are a sign of numerous gossipers and envious people.

Seeing many animals grazing in a meadow or field is a harbinger of imminent calm and fulfillment of desires. Small herds, such as deer or sheep, are a sign of small joys that will bring positivity into a person’s life.

  • Feeding animals is a sign of success in business and good luck.
  • Aggressive herds wanting to attack a sleeping person portend problems or lack of self-confidence.
  • A dream in which animals caress is a sign of imminent adventures or unusual life situations.

Sheltering a wild animal is a sign of victory over difficult life problems. When a wild tamed animal behaves aggressively, then in real life it is necessary to be wary of unusual situations; a dream warns of danger or unjustified risk.

If you dream that an animal bites, then such a vision portends deception. Feeding an animal, and then feeling a threat from it - the appearance of ill-wishers or gossips. The roar of a wild animal is a harbinger of bad news.

Who exactly did you dream about?

Why do you dream about wild animals? This can also be determined by what kind of animal you dreamed about.

  • Mole - a warning about deception.
  • Bats foretell failure or misfortune. If you feed bats meat, then such a dream may foretell the arrival of bad news, which will subsequently not bring anything good to the person.
  • Fox - cunning, deception on the part of loved ones.
  • A bear is a harbinger of courage or a admirer; feeding and caressing a bear is a sign of family life.
  • Deer - events in life will develop rapidly.
  • Eagle – self-confidence, determination, purposefulness.
  • A donkey is a sign of stubbornness.
  • A tiger is dreamed of when a secret enemy appears in a person’s life.
  • The ferret indicates a large number of ill-wishers surrounded by the sleeping person.
  • The turtle portends a slow flow of life, calmness, solitude.

Dreams about pets

Pets are a harbinger of good luck and joy. When domestic animals leave a person, this is a bad sign, especially if the animal was in a complacent mood before its departure.

Hungry pets portend financial problems. If you dreamed of feeding a hungry animal, then after all the problems the person will experience relief from the situation with material resources.

In a dream, you need to pay attention to the color shade of the animal:

  • Pets of a black hue mean sorrows and problems.
  • White - to joy, success.
  • Black and white are a sign of impermanence and unusual situations.
  • Red animals indicate the love sphere of life; often a red animal foreshadows the appearance of a fan or lover.
  • When you dream of pets of unusual colors, this is a sign of inexplicable life circumstances.

Unusual visions involving animals

If you dreamed about animals talking to a person, this is news that can significantly change a person’s fate. You should remember the words that were spoken in a dream; often these phrases become prophetic.

Feeding an unusual animal is a sign of good luck in career matters, a harbinger of a promotion or salary increase.

Strange animals that are never encountered in real life foreshadow the onset of unusual situations. Depending on how the mythical creature behaves, the dream can be interpreted.

  • For example, aggression on his part foreshadows slander and gossip.
  • The joy emanating from an animal promises a person good luck and success in his plans.
  • Feeding an incomprehensible creature and seeing kindness in its eyes is a sign of joy and family happiness.
  • To offend or scold a creature means the onset of difficulties or problems in life, a manifestation of aggression on the part of colleagues or close friends.

A dream when animals transform from one species to another is a harbinger of anxiety and excitement. White unusual animals are a sign of friendship. Black - the appearance of enemies or envious people. Dead unusual animals portend confusing situations in life.

Dreaming of a zoo

Depending on what types of animals you dream about, you can interpret the night vision. A zoo, in which the inhabitants are unusual images of animals, foreshadows the arrival of interesting life events that were completely unexpected by man. Visiting an unusual zoo means a meeting with the past, a return to mistakes made and their successful resolution.

If you dream of an ordinary zoo with its most natural inhabitants, then such a vision foreshadows a meeting with relatives. A zoo with few animals means that the family connection has been lost; you need to remember your relatives and try to improve relationships. A zoo where you saw dead animals foreshadows sadness or anxiety in life.

Dreams about dead animals

How will a dream book interpret a vision in which the animals are dead? Depending on what images the dead animals appear to be in, the dream can be interpreted.

1. Dead dogs portend separation from a loved one. These could be relatives or friends.

2. Dead cats are seen when the sleeping person will soon have a quarrel or disagreement with his lover. Other dream books interpret the vision of dead cats as revealing the appearance of a secret enemy.

When dead cats come to life or come torn to pieces, such a vision means that a person has many enemies and ill-wishers.

3. Black dead animals indicate that a person’s friend is to blame for a quarrel that occurred in the near future in real life.

4. White dead animals indicate that the sleeping person himself is to blame for the quarrel that occurred.

5. Dead birds are not a harbinger of bad events; rather, they foretell a quick deliverance from troubles, anxieties and life problems.

The bones of dead animals indicate that a person has recently experienced mental trauma. If the bones in a dream are white, then the dream means prosperity and good luck. Bones smell or look unpleasant - failures in love affairs.

Stepping over bones or pushing them aside is a harbinger of solving all pressing problems. Burying the bones of animals is a good sign; it foretells farewell to past grievances and the beginning of a new, happy life.
Author: Tatyana Agishina