Dosage for using black velvet tincture. Amur velvet - beneficial and medicinal properties of leaves, fruits and bark; contraindications for use; recipes for preparing folk remedies

People diagnosed with diabetes often think about traditional, non-drug remedies for its treatment.

Amur velvet is exactly such a product.

The use of Amur velvet berries against diabetes can improve the condition of patients and reduce the consequences of this disease.

Amur velvet, growing in the Amur region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, is a long-liver. The age of this relict tree can be up to 300 years, and its height can be up to 28 meters.

Amur velvet

Velvet got its name due to its velvety-to-the-touch cork bark, the thickness of which reaches 5 cm. This bark has unique antibacterial properties, and plugs are made from it for clogging the best varieties wine Velvet leaves are similar in shape to ash leaves, but have a specific smell that makes the tree easy to identify.

But its berries, which look like small black pearls, are especially valuable. These black balls, which ripen in September, contain up to 5 seeds inside and reach a diameter of up to 1 cm.

Bitter, possessing strong odor berries contain many useful elements. They contain a lot:

  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins, incl. A, C, E;
  • minerals;
  • microelements, incl. phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc.

It is the Amur velvet berries for the treatment of diabetes that are the sought-after folk remedy that interests people who are faced with this disease.

Treat fruits velvet tree diabetes mellitus type II, and for type I it is strictly contraindicated.

What effect do velvet berries have in treating diabetes?

The high effectiveness of treating diabetes mellitus with the fruits of the velvet tree is achieved due to the following factors:

  • thanks to the berries, the production of insulin by the pancreas increases;
  • peripheral tissues increase their sensitivity to the influence of the hormone;
  • metabolic processes are stabilized.

Velvet berries only complement the standard conservative treatment, but do not replace it!

Features of application

To achieve maximum effect without harming your health, you need to use velvet berries by adhering to the following rules:

  • berries are used only as additional remedy without canceling sugar-lowering pills or insulin;
  • only the fruits of this tree are used, which have a hypoglycemic effect;
  • cannot be used to treat type I diabetes, especially in children;
  • the effect of taking berries can be expected only after six months of regular use;
  • Only daily regular intake of fruits will give results; chaotic intake with frequent omissions will be completely ineffective;
  • the optimal intake option is 3-4 berries daily; eating more than 5 fruits a day is dangerous to health;
  • berries should be eaten on an empty stomach, chewing and swallowing thoroughly;
  • Do not drink any liquids, including ordinary water;
  • within 6 hours after administration, you should not smoke, drink alcohol, or drink coffee;
  • An allergic reaction to the fruit is possible, so you should carefully monitor whether its symptoms are observed.

Because long correct technique Amur velvet berries in diabetes improves metabolic processes, it also promotes the loss of excess weight, which is often present in patients with this diagnosis.


But treatment with Amur velvet berries is not possible for everyone and not always. There are also contraindications to the use of the fruits of this tree. Adverse reactions may also occur.

Contraindications are:
  • type I diabetes;
  • serious condition of the patient;
  • open bleeding;
  • state ;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • individual intolerance to substances that contain the berries of this tree.

To avoid unfavorable treatment outcomes, before long-term use This remedy should be consulted with a doctor. It is possible that, based on the characteristics of the patient’s body and the degree of his illness, he will need to adjust the dosage.

Although most diabetics tolerate berries well, side effects are not excluded. Treatment may be accompanied by:

  • headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • and general weakness.

It is highly undesirable to use the fruits to treat the disease in children, especially under 8 years of age, and pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy.

What other diseases are they effective for?

In addition to diabetes mellitus, the fruits of this tree will be effective as a supplement in the treatment of:

  • arthrosis, arthritis;
  • diseases of the oral cavity, skin;
  • influenza and acute respiratory infections;
  • kidney and stomach diseases;
  • worm infections;
  • general weakening of the body.

The greatest effect is observed when treating diabetes mellitus with velvet berries.

Other treatments

Although the maximum concentration of substances that help normalize sugar is found in the berries of this plant, its other parts can also be used:

  • tea from 10 g dried berries or a mixture of crushed leaves, bark, roots. Pour this mixture into 200 g of freshly boiled water, leave for 2 hours, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. Brew daily;
  • tincture from 30 g leaves. Pour 30% alcohol, place in a dark place for 2 weeks, take before meals 3 times daily. The tincture improves digestion and normalizes metabolic processes;
  • decoction from 10 g bark. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over the dried bark and boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat, dilute with boiling water to 200 ml. Take three times a day before meals. This tool is also a choleretic agent.

These treatment methods should be used if it is impossible to use the velvet tree berries themselves.

Video on the topic

About the treatment of diabetes mellitus with the fruits of Amur velvet in the video:

Amur velvet berries are effective means, which reduces blood sugar concentrations in type II diabetes. However, it must be used taking into account the above rules and features and only as an addition to standard treatment.

Sometimes they say that Altai velvet is a cure for diabetes, but this is not entirely correct. It's about about the same Amur velvet growing in the Aya Park in the Altai Territory. The tree is very beautiful, and it is often planted in parks of the Caucasus, Europe, North America, where there are appropriate conditions for its growth.

Unique trees - powerful, slender and those with a spherical, low-set crown - are attractive to many. Therefore, more and more often you can meet those who are ready to grow Amur velvet on their plot (or near it). Are there any other names for this beautiful tree? Yes, it is an Amur cork tree, and also a phellodendron, medicinal properties which struck our ancestors. But in order to grow healthy and powerful velvet, which can captivate with bright photos, you need to know the rules of planting, choosing a site and caring for it. Then the tree will live for more than 300 years in one place, and you will get an assistant who can cope with numerous ailments!

A truly beautiful tree: description of phellodendron

Today, phellodendron is widespread throughout China, Korea, Japan, and the Amur region (RF). Even in ancient times, the Chinese knew about the miraculous power of the tree, valued and respected it, using all parts (except the roots) to prepare rubs, tinctures, ointments and decoctions as medicine, and the bark for products.

At that time it was called the black pearl: the fruits of the phellodendron are blue-black berries collected in clusters like grapes, the diameter of each berry is 1 cm. The flowers are inconspicuous, green, healing qualities Dont Have.

Amur velvet is a deciduous tree. Its trunk is 100-120 cm in girth, height - 20-25 m. A tree grown outside the forest is solitary and has a tent-like crown, but one grown in a complex planting has a highly raised crown. The bark is ashy, silvery, darkens after cutting off the cork layer (the first time - at the age of 10).

Attention! To prepare decoctions, ointments and teas, berries should be collected in September-October, when they are fully ripe and contain a lot of useful substances. At long-term storage unprocessed berries can be frozen (and then used for their intended purpose), and can be dried in the sun.

Medicinal properties and chemical composition of Amur velvet: in the service of health

The fruits of the magic tree are truly miraculous: they increase vitality, give physical strength, help strengthen the immune system. And for this all you need is to eat 2-3 berries in the morning on an empty stomach. You can drink the berries with water and make sure that you don’t eat more than 5 berries at one time! But this is not all that a tree is capable of! Its rich chemical composition allows you to fight numerous ailments, as well as use leaves, bast or berries to prevent certain diseases.

Amur velvet fruits

And all this is possible thanks to the content:

  • vitamins of group PP, C;
  • essential oils and coumarin;
  • tannins - 15%;
  • saponins and alkaloids;
  • polysaccharides and carbohydrates;
  • starch;
  • phytosteroids.

Medicinal properties of Amur velvet

The fruits of Amur velvet are most effective for colds, flu, sore throat and ARVI, for metabolic disorders, and are also indicated for people who want to lose weight. There was noticeable prolonged therapeutic effect for those who suffer from high blood pressure: after 21 days of taking the berries, the pressure stabilized and remained that way for 6-10 months. However, phellodendron can also cope with:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gastrointestinal ailments;
  • diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • tuberculosis, bronchitis and some types of asthma;
  • allergies with skin rashes, dermatitis.

Amur velvet bark

Do not forget that to improve health, they use not only the fruits, but also the leaves from which the decoction is made, as well as phloem and bark. Tinctures and ointments have a diuretic, wound-healing, and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

A striking feature is Amur velvet honey. Since the tree blooms profusely, it contains pollen and nectar. large quantities, it attracts bees. Working bees, who then delight many with dark yellow honey with a subtle green tint. The pleasant smell and taste, low glucose content, long shelf life and absence of crystals make the honey of this tree not only a rare delicacy, but also an excellent remedy in the fight against tuberculosis.

Phellodendron: contraindications for use

But despite the fact that Amur velvet helps many, it, like any other medicinal plant, has a number of contraindications. They are classic, but nevertheless worthy of attention. So, decoctions, tinctures, ointments, rubbing and oral administration fresh berries not recommended:

  • children under 12 years old;
  • pregnant women, people prone to allergies and/or have increased reaction on components and substances;
  • smoking.

It is also worth mentioning that alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited while taking the medication. All without exception in order to achieve optimal results for a long time.

Amur velvet - a medicinal plant

Amur velvet: planting and care

Many of those who are familiar with the medicinal properties of phellodendron want to have it, if not on their site, then on the territory of the nearest forest plantation. That is why such farmers are concerned about the question of where to get Amur velvet seeds, how to germinate them correctly so that the seedling is healthy and viable, how to care for it and when to expect the first fruits.

It is worth noting right away that growing phellodendron is a scrupulous and painstaking process only because it is extended over time. Therefore, you need to be patient, and then everything is simple.

Where to get seeds and how to germinate, or starting to grow phellodendron

So, the first task is to find the seeds. Of course, they are contained in fruits and can be obtained independently, provided that velvet grows somewhere nearby. But how do you know that the fruits are ripe and you can use the seeds? The fruit should be black and soft when squeezed with your fingers. Another opportunity to check the fruit for ripeness is to put it in water: when ripe, oily circles will appear on the water, like gasoline or diesel fuel. The seeds are extracted from such a fruit and dried. If this is not possible, the Internet can help! Just trust not incomprehensible sites where seeds cost 3 kopecks, but in trusted nurseries or those individuals who already deal with Amur velvet.

Now you can start sowing. To do this choose:

  • soil. The tree loves nutritious soils, loves light, but does not require watering. Therefore, when growing seedlings, it is worth highlighting the sunniest and most fertile area for it;
  • permanent place growth. Velvet can live up to 300 years, so there is no question of replanting in 25-50-100 years;
  • "neighbors". Only powerful trees will survive next to velvet, so it goes well with oak, maple, and conifers.

The best planting time is spring

When the territory is determined, a time is selected. The best option- early spring, when the soil is already slightly warmed up. The seeds are laid out in holes to a depth of 7-10 cm, planting pattern - 10*10 cm, sprinkled with earth, compacted, and watered. For successful germination, the soil should be kept moist as much as possible and remember that seedlings will appear from seeds within 2 years!

Attention! Amur velvet has a germination rate of 60-70%. Moreover, in the first year 70% of the declared number of seeds germinates, in the second - 30%.

Planting in a permanent place and care

In 2 years of life, in the third spring, the seedling can reach 90-140 cm in height. If it is healthy and not damaged, it is transplanted to a permanent place. In the first year in a new place, it needs more frequent watering for better survival, and responds well to fertilizing with organic or mineral fertilizers.

Amur velvet - a medicinal plant that has the ability to regulate metabolism and can normalize the activity of the pancreas, as a result of which the effect of lowering blood sugar levels is manifested. Amur velvet berry affects the source of the problem, which distinguishes it from many others medicinal plants used for diabetes, which usually simply temporarily lower blood sugar levels. Amur velvet also has good effect lowering blood pressure.

Application of Amur Velvet:

  • Treatment of type 2 diabetes;
  • Prevention of diabetes.
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Treatment inflammatory diseases joints;
  • Treatment and prevention of colds.
  • Normalization of metabolism and pancreatic activity;
  • Normalization of liver function;

Also Amur velvet:

  • In some cases, it has a positive effect on potency in men;
  • Relieves moderate headaches caused by increased intracranial pressure;

The fruits of Amur velvet also have a number of useful benefits:

  1. allow you to stop taking many medications intended to treat type 2 diabetes, which makes it good alternative expensive medications;
  2. have high rate effectiveness, especially for age-related diabetes;
  3. improve general well-being in patients with age-related diabetes;
  4. help restore the activity of the pancreas;
  5. stop development inflammatory processes in joint tissues;
  6. normalize blood pressure in case of hypertension, allowing you to stop taking it regularly medicines;
  7. correct intake of Amur velvet fruits does not harm human health (unlike medicines “we treat one thing, cripple another”);
  8. cases allergic reaction These berries are extremely rare.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes with Amur velvet berry

Amur velvet berry has a high percentage of effectiveness among people suffering from type 2 diabetes (≈80%). In most cases the first tangible effect occurs within a period of 2 to 4 weeks of regular use. However, there are cases when sugar decreased significantly already on the second or third day of use. Therefore, when starting to take Amur Velvet, it is recommended to measure your blood sugar levels daily.

If you are already receiving medication or have switched to insulin, you cannot refuse the treatment prescribed by your doctor. As blood sugar normalizes, medications should be adjusted, but abruptly stopping them is not recommended. Amur velvet lowers blood sugar levels gradually, because. helps improve the functioning of the pancreas and normalize metabolism. For this reason, the first noticeable effect occurs within a few weeks.

There is an opinion that after taking Amur velvet you should not eat or drink anything for six hours, this is not true. This method of administration is recommended for the treatment of sore throat. When treating diabetes mellitus, velvet tree berry is taken half an hour before meals, this time is quite enough. Also, if you wish, you can drink Amur velvet a small amount water.

The minimum course of treatment is six months. At the end of the course of treatment, provided that blood sugar is normalized, you can switch to a preventive dosage (1 berry per day). When buying Amur velvet berries, remember that, like any plant material, it has its own shelf life, so you should not take the volume for more than a year. The harvest of Amur velvet takes place at the end of September and almost October, it is during this period that the berries of the fresh harvest appear. In the summer, you can always leave a request on our website for a fresh harvest of Amur velvet; when the order is ready for shipment, the operator will contact you.

Prevention of diabetes mellitus with Amur velvet berry

Type 2 diabetes mellitus has a hereditary predisposition. Most people suffering from diabetes report having of this disease from the closest relatives. Therefore, if among your loved ones there are people with diabetes, you should think about its prevention.

Amur velvet is used to prevent type 2 diabetes. The fruits of this plant improve metabolism and the condition of the pancreas. Regular appointment berries helps reduce the likelihood of disease.

Treatment of hypertension with Amur velvet fruits

Amur velvet is extremely useful for hypertension; its fruits contribute to a stable reduction in blood pressure throughout the day. Daily intake of 1-2 berries per day significantly improves your well-being from the first day of intake. If you are taking blood pressure medications medications, an hour after taking Amur velvet it is worth measuring arterial pressure and find out if there is a need to take medications.

When treating hypertension with Amur velvet, it is recommended to give up coffee, strong tea and smoking, otherwise the effect of taking cork fruits may be reduced to zero.

The composition of Amur velvet includes essential oils, berberine, palmitine, coumarins, diosmin, tannins, limonene, geraniol.

Treatment of inflammatory joint diseases

Treatment of inflammatory diseases with Amur velvet is effective due to the antiseptic and analgesic substances included in its composition. Beneficial features This plant has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints. A significant improvement in well-being is noted after the first month of use. Taking fruits helps accelerate the restoration of joint functionality and reduce pain.

Treatment and prevention of colds

The antiseptic effect of Amur velvet makes it effective means for sore throat. Taking berries, which contain 20% essential oils, promotes recovery and reduces sore throat after the first dose. For prevention, it is recommended to take velvet during periods of seasonal exacerbation of viral diseases.

When taking Amur velvet berries to treat a sore throat, it is recommended not to eat or drink anything for 1 to 2 hours. Also, taking Amur velvet is recommended for various diseases oral cavity. IN in this case It is possible to use an infusion of Amur velvet berries or use the berries in their pure form.

Normalization of metabolism with Amur velvet berry

Thanks to his unique composition, the fruits normalize impaired metabolism and increase weakened immunity, stimulate the liver and pancreas. The berry has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. All this helps improve general well-being and helps to lose weight if you are overweight, as well as gain weight if you are underweight.

Remember, phototherapy is reliable and effective way treatment, but, just like with drug treatment, any disease requires periodic examination and observation by a specialist.

How to use?

There are two main methods of administration:

First. In the morning, half an hour before meals, take 2-3 berries with a small amount of water. At this method A one-time intake of five berries is allowed.

Second. 1-2 berries 3 times a day, an hour after meals, with a small amount of water. It is recommended to take no more than 5 berries per day. The result depends on the regularity of use.

For prevention For the diseases described above, it is recommended to take 1 berry per day.

Before eating, be sure to rinse the berries thoroughly!

Consult your doctor before use!

From us you can buy Amur velvet berries in the following volumes:

100 gr. – course for 3 months of admission per person

200 gr. – course for 6 months of admission per person

500 gr. – more than a year of admission per person.

In what cases are Amur velvet berries useless or ineffective?

Type 1 diabetes;

They often turn out to be ineffective in cases of type 2 diabetes acquired before the age of 30;

Contraindicated for people with low blood pressure.


  1. Individual intolerance to product components
  2. Not recommended for low blood pressure
  3. It is not recommended to take more than 5 berries
  4. It is not recommended to drink alcohol strong tea and coffee, smoking
  5. Not suitable for persons under 14 years of age

Or Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense) known for its soft, elastic, velvety light gray or brownish-gray corky bark that reaches up to 7 cm thick. The bast of the wood makes up a thin layer of yellowish-golden color. It was previously used to produce yellow coloring matter for dyeing fabrics and thin leathers. It is the bast, and not the bark, that is valuable for medicinal use.

Pharmacological action and application

WITH therapeutic purpose bast, leaves and fruits of Amur velvet are used.

Plant preparations are used as choleretic agent at chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, hepatocholecystitis, cholelithiasis. It is known that drugs obtained from this tree are used as tonic, antiseptic, antipyretic and hemostatic agents.

Leaf phytoncides have antimicrobial properties, essential oil - anthelmintic, antimicrobial, antiputrefactive properties. The bast and leaves of Amur velvet are used in oriental medicine to improve appetite and digestion, for kidney diseases, for pneumonia, influenza and sore throats, bone tuberculosis, for helminthiasis, for bacterial and amoebic dysentery and others infectious diseases. A decoction of Amur velvet leaves is used to increase appetite and improve digestion, as a hemostatic agent for hemorrhoidal bleeding. Fellavin present in the leaves is active against the herpes virus.

The fruits of Amur velvet are used as anthelmintic, treat diseases gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity.

Eating 2-3 fresh berries daily is considered beneficial for diabetes mellitus. IN folk medicine Velvet fruits are also used to prevent and treat colds and flu, for high blood pressure and to normalize metabolism. The berries are taken on an empty stomach, without drinking. Because of high content active substances, you should not take more than 5 berries at a time. During treatment with velvet fruits, you should also refrain from smoking, as well as from drinking alcohol, strong tea or coffee. Nanais use velvet fruits as an anthelmintic.

Velvet bast has analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, wound-healing, tonic, and expectorant properties. Velvet bast tincture also exhibits anticancer and antifungal properties. A decoction of bast is used to treat a number of inflammatory diseases and metabolic disorders.

Externally, a decoction of bast is used for various skin and eye diseases, for burns and bruises, for treatment surgical wounds and fungal skin infections.

In a number of foreign countries, velvet bast is used as a raw material for the production of berberine, and

The flavonoid drug Flacozid with antiviral properties is obtained from velvet leaves.

Berberine has a multifaceted effect on the body: it lowers blood pressure, slows down cardiac activity, causes contractions of the uterine muscles, and after initial stimulation it depresses respiratory center, enhances the secretion of bile.

IN Chinese medicine velvet was widely used and is used for various diseases as an antipyretic, antiseptic, hemostatic, and tonic; for the treatment of infectious jaundice, asthenia, dysentery, dyspepsia, filariasis, elephantiasis; V Tibetan medicine- for diseases of the kidneys, eyes, respiratory infections, typhoid, hepatitis, diseases lymph nodes, polyatritis, allergies, dermatitis.

The peoples of the Far East and the Amur region use velvet in the form of decoctions and infusions of leaves and flowers. Decoctions of fruits and bark - for pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes, as an astringent, diuretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anthelmintic (anthelminthic), deodorizing agent. Externally, a decoction of bark and bast is used for various skin diseases. Fruit tincture - for dysentery, diseases of the stomach, and oral cavity. A decoction of the bark of young plants is used for nephritis and leprosy.

In animal experiments, Amur velvet preparations reduced blood pressure, increased resistance to tumors, hematomas, sarcomas, and exhibited fungicidal activity.

Amur velvet is an excellent honey plant, its honey productivity reaches 200-250 kg/ha. Honey collected from Amur velvet is of excellent quality and has an anti-tuberculosis effect.

General contraindications:

  • You should not take more than 5 Amur velvet berries, since these fruits contain substances that can be harmful in large doses (in small doses, on the contrary, they have a healing effect);
  • should not be used simultaneously with taking preparations from velvet or parts of its plant alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee, smoking;
  • Amur velvet fruits can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Contraindicated for young children and pregnant women.

Cosmetic use

Amur velvet extract is used to strengthen and moisturize the skin. In addition, it stimulates collagen synthesis, promotes gentle cleansing skin, protects the skin from harmful effects and infections. In Nanai folk medicine, freshly harvested Amur velvet bast is used to treat dermatitis and chronic dermatomycosis, and the fruits of the velvet are used in the form of an ointment with vegetable fat or lard for various dermatitis, dermatomycosis, fractures, burns, frostbite. In China, for some forms of eczema, ointments and powders prepared from Amur velvet are successfully used.

Recipes for use

For fungal diseases of the upper respiratory tract take 1 tbsp. crushed dried leaves of Amur velvet, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 3-4 hours, take 0.3 cups 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 30-40 days.

For eczema of the outer ear brew 2 tbsp. Amur velvet 1 cup boiling water, leave for 2 hours, use externally.

In the treatment of sore throat use a decoction of the plant: 1 tsp. Boil chopped bast with 200 ml of water for 15 minutes. This amount of decoction is drunk in 3 doses during the day.

Positive result in the treatment of neurodermatitis uses Amur velvet leaves: pour 6 g of leaves into 1 glass hot water, boil in a closed enamel container in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze and bring to volume boiled water to the original one. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day after meals. typhus, hepatitis, diseases of the lymph nodes, polyatritis, allergies, dermatitis.

For cooking infusion take 20 g of leaves and flowers, pour in 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, filter. Take 1/3 cup per dose 3-4 times a day after meals.

For decoction take 15 g of fruit or bark, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, filter. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day after meals.

Growing Amur velvet

Amur velvet reproduces well by seeds and produces abundant self-sowing. The problem when growing it from seeds is the first wintering of seedlings. The seedlings that survive the first winter continue to grow normally and require virtually no care. Sowing should be done before winter with shallow seed placement. Shoots will appear quite late - at the end of May, beginning of June. By autumn they will reach a height of 6-10 cm; for the winter they need to be covered with dry leaves. By the 4-5th year of cultivation, the trees will reach a height of 1 meter and will begin to grow faster. Flowering and fruiting occurs in the 8-10th year.

Never heard of it? But in vain, because this natural remedy helps cope with a number of diseases:

  • acute respiratory infections and
  • High blood pressure
  • Metabolism problems
  • Problems with the pancreas

But where do these berries come from? Let's try to figure it out.

What is this?

The berries grow on a cork tree, which is called Amur velvet. This type of plant grows mainly in the Amur region (Russia), but it also grows in the Primo region. The tree bears fruit every 5-7 years, but not only berries are used, but also leaves, bark, and sometimes even roots.

Velvet berries are known for being good remedy in the fight against. Thanks to them, you can significantly reduce blood sugar levels. There are even cases where berries helped cure type 2 diabetes. However, do not think that this is a miracle cure, the result of which you will get after the first use! Like all medicines, Amur velvet berries have a kind of cumulative effect, which is why you will see the first results of treatment only after three weeks of use.

What are the benefits of these berries?

Amur velvet berries are very useful. They include:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Tannins
  • Essential oil(which is rich in myrcene, geraniol and limonin)
  • Palmatine
  • Berberines
  • Coumarins
  • Jatroricins
  • Diosmines

Thanks to all these substances, berries provide the following effects: tonic, anti-inflammatory, restorative, diuretic, analgesic, hemostatic and expectorant. That is why Amur velvet berries are effective in treating various diseases.

IN Lately it became known about amazing properties berries in the fight against, especially sarcomas. The use of berries significantly increases the body's resistance to such diseases.