Velvet tree berries have medicinal properties. Amur velvet fruits (berries), application, treatment

Tree Amur velvet

Amur velvet berry

Amur velvet berry

Amur velvet bast

Amur velvet is a cork tree. On the territory of Russia it grows mainly in the Amur Region. It bears fruit once every 5-7 years. For medicinal purposes, the fruits (berries) of Amur velvet, bast, and sometimes roots, leaves, and bark are used. Distinctive feature Amur velvet berries is its effectiveness in the treatment of diabetes. When consumed regularly, the fruits of Amur velvet help reduce blood sugar, normalize metabolism and the activity of the pancreas. Velvet fruit can cure type 2 diabetes if regular use patients for 5-6 months (the cure period depends on the severity of the disease). The effect of lowering blood sugar is noticeable already in the third week of use.

Amur velvet:
It blooms in June, the fruits ripen in August-September.

A plant with a Manchurian type of habitat. Within Russia it grows in Primorye and Amur region.

Pharmachologic effect:
Velvet bast has analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, wound-healing, tonic, and expectorant properties. Velvet bast tincture also exhibits anticancer and antifungal properties. Leaf phytoncides have antimicrobial properties, essential oil - anthelmintic, antimicrobial, antiputrefactive properties.
Velvet berries lower blood sugar and prevent the development of diabetes.
Dosage forms
WITH therapeutic purpose bast, leaves and fruits of velvet are used.
The bast and leaves of Amur velvet are used in oriental medicine to improve appetite and digestion, for kidney diseases, for pneumonia, influenza and sore throats, bone tuberculosis, for helminthiasis, for bacterial and amoebic dysentery and others infectious diseases. A decoction of bast is used to treat a number of inflammatory diseases and metabolic disorders. Externally, a decoction of bast is used for various skin and eye diseases, for burns and bruises, for treatment surgical wounds and fungal skin infections.

At diabetes mellitus. It is necessary to take Amur velvet 3-4 berries per day in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals. During administration, the fruits must be chewed and should not be washed down. Daily intake of velvet berries normalizes blood sugar levels, metabolism and pancreatic activity. It is not recommended to take more than 5 berries because... the plant contains some substances that, in large doses, can harm the body. . Significant results are achieved when regular intake- blood sugar drops to normal.
To prevent diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to take 1 Amur velvet berry daily.
For colds and flu. It is recommended to take 1-2 berries at night before bed. The fruits of Amur velvet must be thoroughly chewed and kept in the mouth for some time. After taking it, you should not drink water for 5-6 hours. At the initial stage of the disease, one dose is sufficient; if necessary, the dose is repeated.
With high blood pressure. 30 minutes before meals, take 1 to 2 Amur velvet berries (once a day), more if necessary, but not more than 5.
Normalization of metabolism. It is recommended to take 1-2 berries in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals. This improves metabolism and helps you lose weight if you are overweight.
General contraindications:
1. It is not recommended to take more than 5 Amur velvet berries because the plant contains some substances that, in large doses, can be harmful (in small doses, on the contrary, they have a healing effect).
2. It is not recommended to drink alcohol strong tea and coffee, smoking.
3. The fruits of Amur velvet, like the fruits of any plant, can cause an allergic reaction.
4. Not recommended for small children.

Before use, be sure to consult your doctor.

Velvet tree (also known as Amur velvet) is a cork tree. In Russia you can most often find it in the Amur region. Amur velvet begins to bear fruit at the age of 5-7 years. Its roots, phloem, leaves, bark and berries (fruits) are often used in the treatment of various diseases. In this article we will dwell in more detail on the medicinal properties of the fruits of the described tree. First, let’s find out what these berries are.

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Photo gallery: Medicinal properties of the fruits of the velvet tree

A little about the fruits of the velvet tree

The Amur velvet berry has a black color and a spherical shape, as well as a slight shine and a specific smell. As a rule, it includes 5 seeds, and the diameter is one centimeter. The contents of such a berry include wide circle substances: geraniol, myrcene, limonin, jatroricin, tannins, berberine, coumarins, diosmin and palmatine.

The black drupe ripens by September and falls off very quickly. Sometimes the fruits can hang in heavy, fleshy clusters until winter. Due to the unusual color of the berries, velvet was nicknamed “Hei-zhushu” by the Chinese. This is translated as “tree of black pearls.” Indeed, the berries resemble pearls. The pulp tastes very bitter and smells resinous. One velvet tree can produce tens of kilograms of berries.

The fruits must be picked when ripe. After which you need to dry them (preferably in the open air). The drying process is best carried out under a canopy or in a special dryer. The desired temperature is from 40 to 50 degrees.

Medicinal properties

The fruits of this tree help fight many diseases. The main ones:

Flu and colds.

Diabetes mellitus (treatment for type II diabetes, lowering blood sugar levels).

Problematic metabolism.


Let's take a closer look at how the above diseases can be treated with the help of black drupe.

Flu and colds

If you have the first symptoms of the flu or common cold, simply take one or two velvet berries just before bed (at night). Please note that the fruits need to be chewed thoroughly and (most importantly) kept in the mouth for a while. Another condition is that after you swallow the fruit, do not drink water for 5-6 hours (at night this is quite easy, because you will be sleeping).

initial stage disease will require a single dose. If the disease progresses, take the drupes for several days. The properties of the fruit will definitely begin to help.


For this disease, eat Amur velvet berries in the morning on an empty stomach, and also half an hour before meals. The optimal daily amount of fruits is 3-4 pieces. Golden Rule says: do not skip fruit intake. Treatment must be systematic, otherwise the effect will be insignificant (or maybe even zero).

Daily intake of velvet fruits into the body normalizes the level of sugar contained in the blood, improves the activity of the pancreas and metabolism. Do not overuse, because the plant contains substances that can harm health in large doses. Therefore, the number of berries eaten per day should not exceed five.

Another important note: Do not under any circumstances replace the treatment prescribed by your doctor with berries. The fruits are best taken in parallel with the main medical prescription. It was noted that significant result From taking berries, velvet can be achieved in 5-6 months.

It is noteworthy that Korean healers have long discovered the ability of Amur velvet to treat diabetes. They recommend eating 2-3 berries daily.

Problematic metabolism

If you have difficulty passing stool and also suffer from heaviness in your stomach, pay attention to the following recommendations. When you wake up in the morning, eat a couple of berries. You can also do this half an hour before meals. It turns out that this will not only improve metabolism, but also help get rid of excess weight.


In this case, it is also recommended to take 1-2 fruits in the morning on an empty stomach. But this needs to be done once a day. IN severe cases hypertension, repeated intake is allowed (but no more than five berries). If you feel that this treatment does not help, and you also feel nausea, dizziness and headache, consult a doctor.

It is known that the Nanais use velvet fruits to treat helminthiasis. The oil of the described berries also has beneficial properties. It can be used for atherosclerosis, pancreatitis and even some skin diseases. Essential oil prepared from Amur velvet berries has a pronounced phytoncidal effect. Therefore, it can be used as an insecticide in cases of combating apple codling moth.

In addition, the fruits have a positive effect on diarrhea, tuberculosis, liver diseases, urinary retention, fever and functional disorders nervous system. But the infusion of berries can be considered a good antiseptic and deodorant. It’s not for nothing that they are treated with inflammatory diseases oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications for treatment with Amur velvet fruits

Having decided to treat with the berries of this tree, you should understand that there are a number of contraindications:

Preparations made from velvet should not be taken if you have an individual intolerance to the components that make up the berries.

It is not advisable to consume more than 5 berries of the plant per day.

When taking medications, these fruits should be excluded from your personal diet. alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee.

The described fruits (as well as the berries of any other plant) can lead to the development allergic reaction.

That's how they are medicinal properties fruits of the velvet tree. You learned what the black drupes of Amur velvet are and how you can use this plant to cope with various diseases. Be healthy and do not forget that each treatment method has its own contraindications.

Amur velvet is a tree with a beautiful openwork dense crown with feathery leaves. The tree reaches a height of up to 30 meters and up to 1 meter in diameter. The leaves have a strong, specific aroma that can be felt by lightly rubbing the leaf in your hand. The trunk is covered with light brown soft velvety bark. The leaves are lanceolate in shape, long at the apex. The flowers on the tree are regular, unisexual, small and inconspicuous with petals of a greenish tint. The fruit is a shiny black spherical drupe with strong odor and bitter taste. Amur velvet blooms in early summer, the fruits ripen in late summer - early autumn, and the fruits hang until the beginning of winter.

For good development of this plant, moist and fertile soil is required. It is resistant to winds and droughts, the root the system is on deep into the soil. Propagated by seeds that have just been collected. It spreads well with the help of birds that eat the fruits of the carp. If you sow the seeds in the spring, the seeds will germinate for about a year. It mainly grows along the valleys of reservoirs on drained soils, on gentle slopes, in small groups or singly in valley forests. Velvet grows with good conditions up to 300 years.

Use in everyday life

In many countries, Amur velvet is used as ornamental plant on the territory of hospitals, sanatoriums and recreation areas.

Composition and medicinal properties of Amur velvet

  1. All parts of this plant contain berberine, phellodendrin, jatrorrhicin and flavonoids.
  2. Each sheet contains various vitamins, essential oil, tannins, from 10 flavonoids.
  3. The most berberine is found in bast; in addition, bast contains coumarins, saponins, terpenoids, phenolcarboxylic acids, sterols, coumarins.
  4. IN chemical composition leaves contain at least 10 flavonoids, vitamins P and C, tannins and essential oils.
  5. Fruits contain up to 10% essential oil, berberine, palmitine, coumarins, diosmin, tannins, limonene, geraniol.
  6. In folk medicine, Amur velvet is used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, flowers, bark and leaves.
  7. For pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes, pneumonia, pleurisy, a decoction of fruits and bark is used. It has a deodorizing, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.
  8. For skin diseases, a decoction of the bark and bast of this tree is used.
  9. During research it turned out that preparations that are made on the basis of products from Amur velvet have a fungicidal effect and reduce arterial pressure. Also, resistance to tumors and sarcomas increases.
  10. Eating berries lowers blood sugar levels and prevents diabetes.
  11. Lub became famous for its antimicrobial, analgesic, tonic, and expectorant properties. Bast tincture is used for cancer and fungal diseases.
  12. Amur velvet leaves have antimicrobial, anthelmintic, and anti-putrefactive properties.

To prepare a decoction from the bark of the Amur velvet, take 10 grams of dry bark, pour it into a glass boiled water and boil over low heat for about 15 minutes. Then cool, strain and squeeze the remainder into a decoction. The prepared decoction should be drunk in three doses during the day.

Infusion of leaves for appetite

An infusion of leaves is used to improve digestion. You need to take 30 grams of dried crushed leaves and pour one glass hot water, leave for a couple of hours, strain. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. Store in a cool place in a sealed container.

Alcohol tincture of velvet leaves for chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis

Do alcohol tincture So - 30 grams of crushed dry leaves are poured with a glass of alcohol and left for two weeks in a dark place. Strain thoroughly and take 12-15 drops before meals three times a day.

Velvet fruits for diabetes

You should consume the fruits of this tree every day - 3-4 pieces on an empty stomach. They must be carefully bitten and chewed, you can simply hold them in your mouth, you cannot drink them with water or eat them for 6 hours. Taking it for six months can reduce blood sugar levels to normal. If the patient’s disease began a long time ago, then one such course of using the fruits of Amur velvet will not be enough.

Velvet fruits for the prevention and treatment of hypertension

Eating fruits will also help with high blood pressure. You should eat 1-2 fruits every day before meals.

Velvet fruits for the prevention and treatment of influenza

For flu and colds, use the fruits of this tree before bed. You need to thoroughly chew 1-2 fruits, hold them in your mouth for a while, and then do not drink water or eat. If the disease is just beginning, then one application will be enough.

Fruits for the treatment of pancreas

Eating Amur velvet fruits normalizes metabolism in the body and the functioning of the pancreas - eat 3-4 during the day. The course is no more than a week.

Velvet bark after operations

To heal surgical wounds, velvet bark is used instead of rivanol. To prepare this medicine, 100 grams of bark are infused in half a liter of water for two days. After two days, boil the infusion for 30 minutes, add 15 grams boric acid and 5 grams of novocaine. Boil for 10 minutes. Cool, strain, squeeze out the remainder into an infusion and moisten clean, sterile gauze. This gauze should be applied to the wound.

Velvet flower honey against tuberculosis

Velvet honey is aromatic and has excellent taste properties. Contains a lot of glucose, so it does not crystallize for a long time. Consuming this honey is effective in treating tuberculosis.


Amur velvet has a number of advantages, but one cannot ignore the contraindications.

  • It is contraindicated to give velvet fruits to children. Adults should limit their intake of fruits - no more than 5 fruits per day, large quantities their use can cause significant harm to human health.
  • The fruits are allergenic and during the period of using the velvet fruits, you should not drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea, and smoking is contraindicated.

Amur velvet is known for its healing properties. This tree is a deciduous and dioecious species, which differs from others in its lush openwork crown, where many feathery leaves are located. A mature tree reaches 28 meters in height; diameter - more than 1 meter.

The leaves of the plant, after rubbing, have an unusual aroma, which is unfamiliar to many, however, it is in them that the healing properties of velvet are located. The trunks of these trees differ from others in having a soft cork covering, the color of which is velvety or light gray. Often, light wrinkles are visible at their base, which distinguish the tree from other species. Velvet leaves are also distinctive: they grow 5-6 leaves on one stem, the top of which is slightly elongated.

Description of wood and properties of velvet

Velvet grows in fertile and moist soil. Since the tree's root system is deep, it easily tolerates drought, wind and inclement weather. The plant reproduces by seeds, which sprout when planted quickly. Cupid fruits and berries contain medicinal properties that are used today to treat diseases.

In good conditions, velvet can grow for up to 300 years, producing flowers and fruit every year. Important: the leaves of the plant contain many flavonoids, tannins, vitamins and essential oils. In addition, their composition is endowed with phytoncides that have an anti-putrefactive, antimicrobial and anthelmintic spectrum.

Cupid flowers are small, with green leaves. To treat the disease, they are collected in inflorescences. Velvet fruit is a shiny black ball, the use of which has many benefits for the human body and systems. The tree blooms in the first months of summer, however, the fruits fully ripen only towards the end of autumn.

Important: velvet is not afraid of transplants, so once you find a small shoot, the tree can be transplanted.

Cupid fruits are today called “black pearls”, as they are very similar to them. Each fruit grows in a cluster, so it is quite difficult to confuse them with others.

Healing properties and composition of velvet

Velvet – useful tree, which can cure many diseases. To understand how cupid works, you should familiarize yourself with the properties of velvet:

  1. Flowers, leaves and fruits contain flavonoids, berberine and jatrorrhicin.
  2. Each leaf of the plant contains vitamins, tannins and essential oils, beneficial body.
  3. The chemical composition of the leaves is endowed with microelements and vitamins C and P.
  4. Velvet bast contains coumarins, sterols, acids and saponites.
  5. Velvet fruits are endowed with 10% limonene, palmitine, diosmin and geraniol (these components are rarely found in tree fruits).

In folk medicine, velvet berries are used in the form of decoctions and tinctures. In addition, grass carp leaves and bark are also used. For skin diseases, decoctions are used; for diabetes, pneumonia and pleurisy, infusions are used.

Important: products based on cupid components are endowed with anti-inflammatory, deodorizing, antipyretic and astringent action, therefore this tree is able to treat many diseases and abnormalities of the body.

Useful properties of wood

Amur velvet berries reduce blood sugar levels. This is due to the fact that they contain essential oils. The components of the tree treat the pancreas and normalize metabolism. Their composition effectively helps with the flu and other colds and viral diseases.

Velvet fruits and berries help restore sugar levels in diabetes. To do this, they should be consumed in the morning without water, chewing thoroughly. After six months, the patient’s blood sugar can be restored.

The healing properties of wood can normalize work internal organs, improve the condition of human systems, cure a viral or other disease and cleanse the body of harmful substances.
The use of velvet should be carried out after prescription by a doctor, since wood, flowers and fruits have contraindications, harmful health. However, in most cases their use is harmless and even beneficial.

What does velvet cure?

The use of velvet has many healing properties. Since the tree grows in fertile soil, the composition of its components is endowed with many vitamins, essential oils, and microelements that can overcome any disease.

Effective treatment with cupid fruits and flowers is provided for:

  • diabetes;
  • cold;
  • flu;
  • pleurisy;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • damage to the oral cavity;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • dysentery;
  • inflammation of the colon;
  • healing of surgical wounds;
  • hepatitis.

The properties of velvet are used to improve the patient’s appetite (it is not recommended to give it to small children).

If the tree grows in a warm climate, in the first month of summer, as the fruits bloom and develop, bees pollinate them. As a result, honey appears on their basis, endowed with a huge amount beneficial and medicinal properties.

Honey has greenish color and rich yellow color, which has a pleasant and unusual taste and aroma. Important: the quality of velvet honey depends on the weather - if it is sunny, cupid carries healthy honey; if it's rainy - medicinal mixture there will be little, and it will become less pronounced.

Honey can treat many diseases - it is used for diabetes, pneumonia, tuberculosis and pleurisy.

Velvet contraindications

Before using fruits, leaves, bark or flowers, it is important to consider that their composition has many chemical substances, which, if consumed in large quantities, cause serious harm to the body. Fruits and berries should not be given to small children, as they cause allergies.

The use of Amur velvet should exclude strong tea, alcoholic beverages and coffee from the diet. The patient is prohibited from smoking.

Tree contraindications include the absence spicy food, unnatural food and carbonated products. The patient should follow a light diet, which will complement the treatment and make it effective and beneficial for the body. Important: the diet is prescribed by a doctor, who will take into account the characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease.

In addition to taking the fruits on their own, you can also use ointments, decoctions and infusions, which have many beneficial properties that have a healing effect and help overcome any disease.

Amur velvet or cork tree is a perennial branched tree that has unique medicinal properties. His beneficial effect on the human body was noticed in medicine many years ago, therefore it is a panacea for many diseases and for their prevention.

Description and application of Amur velvet

The tree is distinguished by an unusual crown, which from a distance looks like an openwork pattern, and dark velvet bark. In medicine, decoctions and infusions of leaves, flowers, fruits, bark and roots are used. At long-term use copes with various diseases, including severe ones.

Health benefits and harms of Amur velvet
Amur velvet is famous for its medicinal properties due to its content of about 10 beneficial flavonoids, vitamins and tannins. In folk medicine, infusions and decoctions medicinal tree used in the fight against various diseases, namely:

- in the treatment of hypertension as additional remedy to reduce the level blood pressure;
- in the treatment of diabetes to quickly normalize blood sugar levels;
- as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic;
- as an antipyretic in the treatment of flu or colds;
- as a powerful hemostatic agent for external skin lesions and many other diseases, both internal and external.

Despite the many positive factors beneficial effects on the human body, the cork plant can bring not only benefits, but also some harm to health. Therefore, take tinctures and use fresh fruits must be done with extreme caution.

Taking more than five berries at a time may cause allergies or poisoning. Also, taking drugs based on Amur velvet is contraindicated during pregnancy and young children. Contraindications for use of this medicine not so much, however, they should not be neglected.

Use of Amur velvet fruits in folk medicine

In folk medicine, berries are more often used, which have the most pronounced medicinal properties with minimal contraindications. The fruits of the cork tree are considered effective means during treatment various tumors, especially malignant ones.

In this case, the berries are accepted as fresh, and dried. Thanks to high content essential oil, the fruits normalize impaired metabolism and improve weakened immunity.

Treatment with Amur velvet

Any treatment medicinal herbs begins with studying contraindications. Velvet tree contains toxic substances, can cause poisoning. Despite this healing effect has a pronounced character, especially with long-term use in small doses.

Amur velvet tincture for blood pressure - contraindications

During treatment high blood pressure tincture is successfully used healing elements tree. In this case, fruits, leaves, bark, roots and bast are used in the form of a decoction or tincture.

The recipe for Amur velvet decoction is quite easy, namely:

take 30 gr. crushed medicinal substance: roots, leaves, bark or berries and pour 70 percent alcohol. In this case, the alcohol should be 200-250 ml. Leave the resulting mixture in a dark place for about two weeks.

After which the tincture is ready for use. It is recommended to take 15 drops of the substance 3 times a day.

Decoction recipe for diabetes

For preparation you need to take 10 grams. crushed root, leaves, bark or dried berries, and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After which the mixture must be left for about two hours, then strained and drunk 1 tablespoon three times a day.

The decoction can also be boiled for 10-15 minutes and after cooling and straining, drink 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day. In this case, you should remember about contraindications that prohibit increasing the recommended dose of the drug.

Using Amur velvet for men and women

Medicinal decoctions and infusions have a beneficial effect on reproductive system, both women and men, therefore they are actively used for impotence, treatment menstrual pain, as an additional remedy for infertility.

Also, the use of infusions and honey from fruits is an excellent help in the fight against terrible disease tuberculosis. Due to its medicinal properties, the substance can improve general state patient, having a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Using a cream or balm made from useful elements tree, helps to overcome foot fungus, while treatment is carried out quickly and the fungus begins to disappear in the first days of use.

The use of Amur velvet fruits for weight loss

The peculiarity of decoctions and tinctures of various parts of the tree, especially its berries, is that beneficial features help restore impaired metabolism, resulting in weight loss.

It is recommended to either self-cooking tincture or decoction, or buy berry extract. Eating several daily fresh berries also leads to gradual weight loss. This fact confirms not only ethnoscience, but also numerous positive reviews of people.

There are many descriptions of the use of drugs based on medicinal trees, but you must always follow the exact instructions and do not forget about contraindications.

Anti-inflammatory infusion of Amur velvet - indications

An infusion of berries, leaves or bark of the velvet tree works great for many inflammatory processes in the human body, for example, with inflammation of the pancreas.

Having a mild analgesic effect, the medicine increases the overall tone of the body. Also, decoctions and infusions are widely used in the treatment skin diseases accompanied by inflammation and rashes.

Amur velvet honey - beneficial properties

Velvet is considered a honey tree and its first flower appears in early June, when bees begin to actively search for flowering trees. Honey has very beneficial properties, has a pronounced therapeutic effect when used and with virtually no contraindications.

The quality of this honey depends entirely on the weather: if the summer is sunny and hot, the honey never crystallizes and can be stored for a long time. Honey is an excellent tonic due to the content of all necessary elements for human health. Helps in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Benefits of Amur velvet berries for humans

Eating velvet berries normalizes all processes in the human body, therefore Chinese medicine most actively uses different methods treating diseases with their help.

Despite the many positive properties decoctions and tinctures of leaves and berries of the medicinal tree, traditional medicine is in no hurry to put them into practice, and in vain, because they have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, expectorant and even antipyretic effect.

Care and planting of Amur velvet

The tree grows mainly in the Far East and the Amur region. Here we learned how to properly care for and plant it. Despite the fact that the tree is unpretentious in care, it still requires at least minor watering during dry periods. The tree loves the sun very much, so in a good warm summer there is always abundant flowering.

Planting can be done by sowing seeds in the ground or by young cuttings. Germinated seedlings easily tolerate replanting, and young trees actively develop their root system, adapting to different conditions weather.

How to collect fruits for harvesting

The fruits are collected only after they are fully ripe. They become like black pearls. It is advisable to collect and prepare in sunny weather, when they are well dried. The collected berries are additionally dried in the sun, laid out on a sheet of paper. Dried fruits are stored well closed banks to avoid moisture ingress.

The leaves are harvested in June or July, when they are saturated with all essential vitamins and microelements. Dry outdoors in the shade, laid out on paper or fabric. Dried leaves are stored for no more than one year and are used to prepare decoctions or tea. The bark is harvested in the spring, when it is most easily removed from the tree and does not harm it.