Operational profiling: determining character at a glance. Such different human psychotypes

Socionics― this is an interesting science that allows you to classify people into types based on data about their personality, psychological traits, general habits and habits. There are several classifications that associate people with certain objects.

After passing the test, you should not live with these canons, rejecting everything that was close. Don't take it too seriously. Just take new information into account if it corresponds to the surrounding reality.

How to determine your result?

To do this, a test is used to determine the psychotype of a person. But if you want to get the clearest and most impartial answer possible, don’t treat it as just another funny test on the Internet. The truth can only be known if there is similar sincerity. Your answers will not go anywhere, so you can safely answer all questions. The result does not have to be advertised.

Take the test in a good mood. You shouldn't be tired, angry or resentful. Try to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. Focus only on the screen. Turn off music or movies - nothing should distract you, even in the background.

Don't try to think too much about the questions that come your way. Choose the first option that comes to mind. Do not allow analysis like “I would do it this way, but in such a situation it is more correct to do it this way.” The impulse and the first thought are important, not the fruit of reasoning.

This definition of a person’s psychotype is the most accurate. You won’t be able to choose your own type based on the “which one you like best” principle. You won't be able to fake an answer.

Please note that a proper test contains a large number of questions. You will have to allocate a lot of time to complete it.

How to determine the result of another person?

Classification of human psychotypes is a complex science that requires thoughtful analysis. If you want to find out what type your acquaintances belong to, a regular test is not enough. They may not want to go through it.

In this case, carefully study all the options and choose the most suitable one that is associated with your friend’s behavior. But for this you need to know the chosen person well!


All male psychotypes are divided into 16 categories.

Jack London (entrepreneur). A never-failing optimist. More often an extrovert. Prone to manifestations of romantic feelings. Has business acumen and a clear sense of timing.

Stirlitz (administrator). An intellectual, restrained in emotions and clothing. He is proactive and enjoys his work. Not lazy, prefers activity. Able to easily organize work process.

Hamlet (mentor). Sophisticated, shocking. Overly artistic, somewhat arrogant. Wears bright and unusual clothes. Capricious and narcissistic, hypocritical. Loves pathetic speeches.

Hugo (enthusiast). Looks at the world optimistically. Ready to help anyone without expecting help in return. A little slow, but always smiling broadly. Hides negative emotions until the last moment.

Robespierre (analyst). He carefully walks his path and carefully chooses his life partner. Does not depend on anyone, defends his freedom. Too reserved and dry, not inclined to show emotions.

Maxim Gorky (inspector). Executive and responsible. Respects discipline and is prone to perfectionism. Does not accept other points of view, is stubborn and persistent. In some matters he is too scrupulous.

Dostoevsky (humanist). In conflicts he acts as a peacemaker. Doesn't quarrel with anyone. Friendly, attentive to details. Able to forgive, true to his ideals. Can't stand loneliness.

Dreiser (guardian). Obligatory and decent. He is distinguished by unprecedented performance. Critical in his judgments. He is vindictive and vulnerable, secretive, and keeps a grudge within himself for a long time.

Don Quixote (seeker). Charming romantic, a little childish. Pure in your thoughts. Doesn't hurt other people. Believes in world peace. Too naive, unable to change anything.

Zhukov (marshal). Strong, resilient, does not break even under severe trials. Fair, wise, energetic. Narcissistic, distrustful, takes a long time to get used to people. Depends on your mood.

Huxley (adviser). Sociable and emotional. Easily finds an approach to other people. Capable of becoming a true friend. Flighty and talkative, unfaithful. Doesn't stay in one place with the same people.

Napoleon (politician). An activist in all matters. He is proactive, acts according to his clear plan without deviations. They are sensitive to defeats. They don’t apologize, they don’t admit their mistakes.

Balzac (critic). Plans his day down to the minute. Assiduous and calm. Improving. Looks at everything with a cold gaze. Too pragmatic. Incapable of understanding and comforting.

Gaben (master). Practical, persistent and modest. Achieves set goals. Helps relatives and friends at any cost. Hides all emotions and experiences. Does not allow emotionality in communication.

Yesenin (lyricist). Thoughtful, often creative. Constantly within yourself. Very emotional and sensitive. They are impractical and do not get involved in serious matters. They are very vulnerable and remember evil words.

Dumas (mediator). An eloquent optimist. Capable of convincing anyone to come over to his side. Too capricious and pampered. Lazy, does not like responsibility and important assignments.


Female psychotypes are similar to male ones. When determining, one should additionally take into account the traits inherent in the weaker sex.


  • Emotionality.
  • Sensitivity to insults.
  • Sociability.

These traits are the most common.


Determining a child's psychotype is difficult. Even the most correct test can give inaccurate results. Children are constantly growing and changing, life experiences turn their character on the right path. Therefore, the type changes with age.

Testing can be done after reaching 5-7 years of age, when the main character traits have already been formed. The answer is distorted in adolescence under the influence of a hormonal explosion.

For an accurate determination, it is necessary to monitor the child’s behavior in the team and relationships with elders. Methods of understanding the world play a role: communication, reading or tactile learning. See how he treats your instructions and words, study his inherent system of authority.

“If you don’t have your own “I,” there’s nowhere for magic to come from.
Every master is an individual, every craftsman is good
and rivets quality crafts to match those like him.”
Oleg Roy

When a person wants to achieve certain goals, he first of all looks for ways to achieve them. In order to be successful in everything, you must first understand yourself. There is such a thing as “I-concept”. What it is? This is the result of self-knowledge and self-improvement, a certain “set of rules”. A person will never smoke if smoking does not fit into his “correct” self-image, that is, into his “I-concept”. Determining a person’s psychotype is the best start on the path of self-knowledge. What is it and how to determine your psychotype?

What is a personality psychotype?

When you want to talk about a person, you first try to talk about his character. Your interlocutor will understand a lot from your story. A person with certain character traits behaves in a certain way in various situations. A person’s psychotype is the characteristics of a person that are used in his activities. To be successful, you need to be aware of your personal qualities and find practical application for them. A person’s psychotype is manifested in how he relates to the surrounding reality and people.

Scientists became interested in studying personality psychotypes even before the advent of such a science as psychology. Numerology, palmistry, physiognomy - these are all attempts to find a certain classification of a person according to his personal qualities. Accentuations, that is, the main personality traits that leave an imprint on all types of human activity, are important in determining a psychotype.

How to determine a personality’s psychotype yourself?

There are many different classifications that allow you to determine a person’s psychotype. Among the most popular is the classification by temperament type. A description of this classification can be easily found in scientific and popular science literature. By answering questions on simple psychological tests, you will be able to interpret the results and get the information you need. To do this, it is not even necessary to contact specialist psychologists. However, such tests provide a fairly generalized concept of a person’s personal qualities. There is another classification, after familiarizing yourself with which, you can more accurately determine the main and additional personality traits. This classification is based on K. Leonhard’s theory of accentuation and is the theoretical basis of many personality typologies. After familiarizing yourself with this theory, you will be able to determine your psychotype yourself.

Psychotypes of people according to Leonard's classification

  • Hyperthymic type

    These people are extremely active and sociable, talkative and emotional. In a conversation, they actively use all possible “expressive means”: gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes. Often such people move away from the original topic of discussion and begin to selflessly talk about something else, abstract. Among the traits that are positive for communication and collaboration with such people, it is worth noting their energy, initiative, thirst for activity and optimism. There is also the “other side of the coin”. Often such people become direct participants or instigators of conflicts that arise due to some frivolous attitude towards their responsibilities. Such a person can be frivolous and can commit “extravagant” acts. In addition, it is very difficult to force such a person into any framework, to force him to follow certain rules, or to perform monotonous activities. The most terrible enemy for people of the hyperthymic type is loneliness.

  • Dysthymic type

    These people are withdrawn, lead an ascetic lifestyle, and feel uncomfortable in a large and noisy company. They always stay away from conflicts and never become their instigators. They are laconic and have a keen sense of justice. Such people are driven, they have few friends, but if they have them, they are ready to completely obey them. These people are excellent workers in a field that requires monotonous, routine work. These people will fulfill their duties conscientiously. People of the dysthymic type are characterized by sluggishness, slowness and passivity.

  • Cycloid type

    In the lives of these people, everything depends on their mood, and it changes with the speed of the wind. If they are in a good mood, they are sociable and emotional; if they are in a bad mood, they are withdrawn and irritable. These people, depending on their mood, can exhibit both hyperthymic and dysthymic type traits.

  • Excitable type

    These people are gloomy, uncommunicative and withdrawn. Their reactions are slow, they are prone to rudeness and abuse. They often get into conflicts, and even more often they become their main instigator. In the team, such people are usually not liked and shunned. In family relationships they are despotic and domineering. In a calm emotional state, they are neat, love children and dogs, but when they are in a state of excitement, they are quick-tempered and have difficulty controlling their own outbursts of anger. You can never guess what to expect from such a person!

  • Stuck type

    These people are silent a lot, and rightly so! Because in communication they are terrible bores, prone to preaching morals. In a conflict, people of this psychotype are the active, provoking party. The worst boss! Such a person is accustomed to making high demands on himself and others. He is used to achieving high levels in everything. At the same time, these are precisely the people who claim that they are not vindictive, but simply evil and that they have a good memory. Vengeful and distrustful, jealous and proud.

  • Pedantic type

    Bureaucrat and pedant. Willingly gives up the leading place to others, prefers to “keep a low profile.” He plagues his family with complaints about order in the house; in his world, everything must have a certain place. In business it is good to have such a partner, but the relationship should not go beyond work. In business, such a person is a serious and reliable partner, but otherwise he is a formalist and a bore.

  • Anxious type

    These people are always in minor key. They do not take initiative, are passive and uncommunicative. In conflict situations, they look for support and support. They are friendly and self-critical, but in the team they often act as “scapegoats” and “whipping boys.”

  • Emotive type

    These are the people who today are associated with representatives of the “emo” youth subculture. They prefer communication in a narrow circle of “chosen ones” who understand each other “without a word”. People of this psychotype prefer to keep all emotions and grievances to themselves. They are able to sympathize with the grief of others, have a hypertrophied sense of responsibility and are very efficient. Such people are overly sensitive and tearful, and this is rather a repulsive trait in their character.

  • Demonstrative type

    These people are always the center of attention. They crave leadership, praise and power. Outwardly they are soft and sociable, but these are exactly the type of people who, without hesitation, will “put a knife in the back.” The biggest intriguers and collectors of “palace gossip”. These people are attracted to work by their ability to make non-standard decisions, but they are characterized by selfishness, boasting and hypocrisy. And further! They are able to find 1000 ways and reasons to evade work or stubbornly create the appearance of activity.

  • Exalted type

    These people have high contact and communication skills. They are ardent debaters, but will not enter into open conflict. They are very romantic people who often fall in love, but quickly become indifferent to the object of their passion. Despite this, they can be very attached to their family and close friends. These individuals are true altruists and are able to sympathize with the misfortune of others. People of this psychotype are characterized by brightness and sincerity of feelings, they have aesthetic taste, but are very susceptible to momentary impulses and tend to create panic “out of the blue.”

  • Extroverted type

    People of this psychotype are characterized by the presence of a large number of people who surround them. They are ready to give up leadership and be in the shadow of someone else's glory, but at the same time they are talkative to the point of talkativeness. These people can listen carefully to their interlocutor and fulfill any requests and instructions. They are subject to the influence of others, capable of frivolous and thoughtless actions, love to go on carousing and have fun in every possible way. It is among people of this psychotype that there are many regulars at gambling houses.

  • Introverted type

    The complete opposite of the previous one. These are thinkers and philosophers. They are very reserved and rarely attend noisy gatherings. Such personalities will never come into conflict unless you encroach on their personal space. They rarely become attached to people, are stubborn in their beliefs, have their own (often erroneous) point of view on everything and are ready to stubbornly defend it. Among the positive qualities are restraint and integrity.

How to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life?

Having carefully studied the materials of this “research”, you need to try to “identify yourself”, that is, actually determine your psychotype. When you make your choice, you should do some self-analysis. You should analyze all areas of your activity. Think about your job. A person will never become a creative person if he is a representative of a dysthymic psychotype and experiences the greatest pleasure from routine work brought to the point of automatism. You can also adjust your circle of friends. If you are a leader by nature, then a person with a dysthymic type or an extrovert will be an excellent friend for you.

Having understood yourself and analyzed the behavior of the people around you, you will be able to independently model the most comfortable situations and personal relationships for yourself. Your work will bring you pleasure, people will stop annoying you, and you will be in complete harmony with yourself. You just need to choose the right job and the right people! Remember that any classification is very conditional and subjective.

Well-known psychological types were identified and described by the Austrian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst C. G. Jung.

His theory about “introversion - extraversion”, as well as about the four types of perception of the world, has developed and continues to develop.

Psychological personality types proposed by Jung:

  • Personality types depending on the vector of its orientation:
  1. An extrovert is a person psychologically oriented to the outside world; sociable, active, active.
  2. – a person focused on the inner world; closed, sensitive, reasonable.
  • Psychological types depending on the predominant way of perceiving life, in other words, on the main mental function:
  1. Thinking type - a person who primarily relies on logic and thinking when making decisions. The sphere of feelings is suppressed.
  2. The feeling type is a person focused on, judges in terms of “good - bad”, and not logically.
  3. The sensing type is a person who perceives life directly through the senses; he looks, listens, touches and makes decisions based on the information he receives. it is suppressed.
  4. Intuitive type - a person who relies on the “sixth” sense; such people make decisions based on intuitive, unconscious knowledge, rather than on direct sensations.

Based on Jung’s typology, in the seventies and eighties of the last century, Soviet sociologist A. Augustinavichiute developed one of the most detailed and reliable personal typologies and became the founder of a scientific direction called “socionics”.

  • A. E. LICHKO

Another Soviet scientist A.E. Lichko, observing teenagers, identified psychological types that describe the types of character accentuations. Accentuation is an excessive strengthening of individual character traits, psychological deviations bordering on psychopathology, but not beyond the norm.

  1. In adolescence, the crisis age, accentuation manifests itself most pronouncedly.
  2. Later, the character “smoothes out”, and accentuation appears only in times of crisis.

The German scientist K. Leonhard proposed a similar classification, but did not limit it to the puberty period. The classification is based on an assessment of a person’s communication style with his immediate environment.

Psychological types according to K. Leonhard:

  1. Hyperthymic. Optimistic, sociable, proactive, active, conflict-ridden, irritable, frivolous.
  2. Disthymic. Pessimistic, silent, withdrawn, non-conflict, conscientious, fair.
  3. Cycloid. Changeable type, combining hyperthymia and dysthymia.
  4. Excitable. Slow, irritable, gloomy, domineering, conscientious, neat, loving animals and children.
  5. Stuck. , inquisitive, fair, ambitious, touchy, suspicious, jealous.
  6. Pedantic. Formalist and neat, serious, reliable, non-conflict, passive, boring.
  7. Anxious. Timid, insecure, defenseless, pessimistic, self-critical, friendly, efficient, sensitive.
  8. Emotive. Excessively vulnerable, tearful, passive, kind, compassionate, responsive, efficient.
  9. Demonstrative. Can be both a leader and an opportunist; self-confident, artistic, courteous, captivating, extraordinary, selfish, boastful, lazy.
  10. Exalted. Extremely sociable, experiencing bright and sincere feelings, amorous, altruistic, compassionate, changeable, prone to panic and exaggerate.
  11. Extroverted. Sociable and talkative, open, efficient, frivolous, prone to excitement and risk.
  12. Introverted. Idealist, reserved, philosophizing, non-conflict, principled, restrained, persistent, stubborn.

Classification of personality psychotypes depending on temperament

Most often, a personality typology is compiled based on differences in the temperaments and characters of people.


The first known typology of personality depending on the type of temperament was proposed by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. It still remains relevant and popular, although the scientist did not individually connect typological personality traits with the properties of the nervous system (as is customary now).

A person’s psychotype according to Hippocrates depends on the ratio of various fluids in the body: blood, lymph and two types of bile.

Psychological types of temperament according to Hippocrates:

  1. phlegmatic - a person in whose body lymph (phlegm) predominates, which makes him calm and slow;
  2. melancholic - a person in whose body black bile (melanchole) predominates, which makes him fearful and prone to sadness;
  3. sanguine - a person who has a lot of blood in his body (sanguine), active and cheerful;
  4. choleric is hot and impulsive; there is a lot of yellow bile (chole) in his body.

For many centuries in a row, the doctrine of temperaments has been developed and supplemented. In particular, the German philosopher I. Kant and the Russian physiologist I. P. Pavlov were engaged in this. Today, the names of the types of temperament remain the same, but the essence has changed.

Temperament is a combination of innate characteristics of higher nervous activity. It depends on the speed and strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain. Thus, a weak type of higher nervous activity corresponds to the temperament of a melancholic person; strong, balanced, but inert – phlegmatic; choleric – strong and unbalanced; strong, balanced and agile - sanguine.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, German psychiatrist E. Kretschmer identified various personality types depending on character. This was the first character classification. Kretschmer connected a person’s psychotype with the constitution of his body.

Three types of bodily constitution:

  1. Asthenic. Thin and tall people, they have elongated arms and legs, underdeveloped muscles.
  2. Athletic. People are strong, with well-developed muscles, average or above average height.
  3. Picnic. People who tend to be overweight with underdeveloped muscles and musculoskeletal system, of average or short stature.

Since E. Kretschmer was a psychiatrist, he compared personality psychotypes with a tendency towards one or another psychopathology and grouped them into two personality types:

  1. Schizothymics are mentally healthy people with an athletic or asthenic build, vaguely reminiscent of patients with schizophrenia. They are characterized by the following character traits: artistry, sensitivity, aloofness, selfishness, and authority.
  2. Cyclothymics are mentally healthy people with a picnic build, reminiscent of patients with manic-depressive psychosis. These are cheerful, optimistic, sociable, frivolous people.

E. Kretschmer's theory was based only on his personal observations, but served as the basis for subsequent, more complex character typologies. Much later, scientists came to the conclusion that body shape really influences the character and individual typological characteristics of a person. The connection between the constitution of the body and the tendency to accentuate character (an extreme degree of normal functioning of the psyche) and psychopathology does exist.

Classification of personality psychotypes depending on character

People differ not only in their character traits, but also in their attitude to life, society and moral values. Although there is a concept of proper behavior, people behave differently.

The German psychoanalyst and sociologist E. Fromm introduced the concept of “social character” and defined it as a certain identical set of character traits in the personality structure of the majority of members of a particular community. Any community, class or group of people has a certain social character.

Social character was taken as the basis for the classification of psychological personality types.

Psychological personality types according to E. Fromm:

  • "Masochist-sadist"

A person who is inclined to direct aggression towards himself or other people if he considers them to be guilty of ongoing personal failures or problems of the whole society. Such people strive for self-improvement, are insecure, punctual, responsible, demanding, domineering, and love to terrorize others, justifying their actions with good intentions.

Psychological masochism is almost always combined with sadism. However, there are people who are more inclined to one of the types.

Individual typological features of a “masochist”: self-deprecation, self-criticism, tendency to always blame oneself for everything. Fromm defined a “sadist” as an authoritarian personality. This is an exploitative man, domineering and cruel.

  • "Destroyer"

He does not cause suffering to himself or others, but aggressively eliminates the cause of his troubles. In order not to feel powerless and frustrated, a person ends the relationship or interrupts the business he has started, that is, he uses destructiveness as a means of resolving any trouble. “Destroyers” are usually anxious, desperate, cowardly people, limited in the realization of their capabilities and abilities.

  • "Conformist Automaton"

Unlike the two previous psychological types, the “conformist” is passive. He does not fight, but resigns himself to difficult life circumstances. This is a too labile person who has practically lost his

He is an adaptable person who will change his point of view, behavior, principles and even type of thinking if the situation demands it. Such people are immoral, and therefore do not see anything shameful in changing points of view and life values.

This social typology does not characterize people from the best side, but it reveals the problems of society and remains extremely relevant in our time.

It is impossible to say which typology is better; they complement each other. Any personality typology allows an individual to know himself and at the same time realize his uniqueness.

The reason for the division into psychotypes

Philosophers and scientists at all times of the existence of civilized society have tried to distinguish and isolate psychological types of people from the diversity of the nature of human nature. Many classifications are based on observations of people, life experience, or the conclusions of the scientist who proposed a specific typology. Only in the last century, in connection with the flourishing of psychology, personality psychotypes became the object of research and received proper scientific justification.

Despite the variety of psychological types that exist today, it can be difficult to determine which personality type a person belongs to. Often, when reading the classification of types and wanting to find oneself, one cannot decide or finds several types at once, similar to the individual typological characteristics of one’s own personality.

The disadvantage of any typology is that it cannot accommodate all possible personality types, because each person is an individual. We can say that it is more likely to belong to one type or another, is more similar to it, or at some moments manifests itself in a similar way.

Any human psychotype is a generalization, an attempt to combine into a group similar and often observed together qualities, temperamental characteristics, and other individual typological personality traits.

Personality types are often exaggerated and simplified, describing deviant behavior (even psychopathology) or only those personality traits that are pronounced and stereotypical.

Pure types are rare. However, every second person, reading this or that typology or passing a psychological test, easily determines his psychotype and agrees with the characteristics given to him.

The more developed an individual’s personality, the more difficult it is for him to classify himself as one or another personality type. A harmoniously developed personality and bright individuality hardly “fits” into any particular psychotype.

Despite the imperfection of typologies and personality types, they allow you to understand yourself, notice shortcomings, and identify ways of development. It is easier for people around an individual, who know what psychological type he belongs to, to build relationships with him and predict behavior in a specific situation.

Personality typology helps professional psychologists conduct psychodiagnostics of the client. A psychological portrait of a person necessarily includes a description of his psychotype. Individual typological characteristics of a person are extremely important, because they will tell about temperament, character, abilities, emotional-volitional sphere, orientation, attitudes, motivation and values ​​- about all components of individuality.

There are many pseudo-scientific classifications of psychological types that people use in everyday life. For example, dividing people depending on the time of day when the greatest activity and ability to work is observed, into “larks” and “night owls”.

There are a huge number of pseudoscientific tests on the Internet, more likely to be entertaining than to help you understand yourself. But even such psychological tests have a right to exist, since they give rise to a person’s desire to know himself. What psychotypes of people are described in the science of psychology?

A personality's psychotype is a set of character traits from a psychological point of view. The correct definition of a psychotype will help not only to better understand the person himself, but also to find the necessary approach to him.

Basic theory

There is no unified system of criteria and assessments with which one can derive one current classification of psychotypes. The most popular is the theory of Carl Jung, which is based on mental functions and attitudes. First of all, he identified the scale of introversion and extraversion.

Introverts' energy is directed inward. Such a person will prefer to develop himself and spend time with himself over active communication with the outside world. An introvert is active and happily “wastes” his own energy on the people around him.

Also, K. Jung used the concept of “personality function” in his works. He included sensation and thinking, intuition and feeling among them.

Depending on the predominance of a particular function, their combination and psychological attitude, he identified 8 personality psychotypes. They are needed not only for researching and organizing a huge variety of psychological characteristics, but also are an excellent help for a practicing psychologist.

Extraversion Based Types

Based on introversion

Personality accentuation

Psychologists distinguish several personality types or types of accentuation. Personality type is a set of character traits that determine not only the behavior of an individual, but his lifestyle and behavior in society. In practical psychology and psychotherapy, types of character accentuation are used, which were derived and systematized by Andrei Lichko. In its pure form, each type is quite rare, but if you have the necessary skills, you can determine the leading type of accentuation in a person.

personality typeDescription
Hyperthymic typeSuch people are highly active, excitable, and cheerful. They are active, lead a fairly successful and varied lifestyle, easily get along with people and take on the role of leader. Their unquenchable thirst for activity and ebullient energy attracts others and makes such people the soul of the company.

However, they often give up what they started and quickly lose interest in everything. Often their actions are dictated not by principles or morals, but by momentary desires and a thirst for new experiences. They are not able to take their responsibilities seriously, and are not adapted to long, monotonous work.

Cycloid typeSuch people are often subject to mood swings. The phase of cheerfulness and vigor after a short time (1-2 weeks) is replaced by lethargy and passive behavior. During periods of high mood, they can easily be mistaken for a hyperthymic personality type; during a low mood, traits of a dysthymic type of accentuation appear.
Dysthymic typeSuch people are usually called pessimists. They are serious, withdrawn, often in a depressed mood, and taciturn. People of the dysthymic type prefer to avoid noisy companies and do not enter into conflicts. Their social circle is small, they have strong morals and are guided by their principles.

Professions that require activity and vigorous activity are not suitable for them. People of the dysthymic type value a calm, measured life and choose the same type of work.

Epileptoid typePeople of this type of accentuation are driven by emotions. They have poor control over their own impulses, tend to fly into rage, are impulsive, and lack self-restraint. In conflict situations, they feel like fish in water, often starting squabbles and scandals themselves.

They do not get along well with other people and are unable to maintain a healthy working atmosphere in the team. They subconsciously destroy all relationships, often oppress and suppress weaker individuals.

Stuck typePersonalities of this type literally get “stuck” in their own thoughts, experiences, and situations. It is quite difficult for them to switch, they are difficult to forget grievances and acutely feel injustice towards themselves. Vengeful, vindictive, prone to protracted conflicts.

At the same time, such people like to dominate and clearly define friends and enemies for themselves. Their character is dominated by selfish affect, to which all his actions are subordinated.

Labile typePeople of this type are subject to frequent mood swings and react sharply to attention from others. Due to their heightened sensitivity, they often become emotionally distant from their loved ones as a result of some kind of trauma.
Astheno-neurotic typeA striking example of this type of personality are hypochondriacs. They get tired quickly, irritable, and prone to emotional breakdowns. Professionally, they try to do their work carefully and are very zealous about their responsibilities.
Sensitive typePersonalities of this type are sensitive and very impressionable. They often suffer from complexes and feelings of inferiority, and often become the object of ridicule. With proper relationships with society, they show kindness and try to help loved ones.
Psychasthenic typeSuch people are prone to self-examination and excessive reflection. It is difficult for them to make decisions; they weigh all options for a long time. Their distinctive feature is a high level of self-criticism and reliability; they are not prone to frequent mood changes.
Schizoid typeSuch people are characterized by isolation and an absolute inability to find a common language with other people. They are characterized by emotional dullness and an almost complete lack of intuition. People of the schizoid type are stable and have a rich inner world.
Hysterical typeSuch people love to be the center of attention, they are quite selfish, but at the same time they are not confident in themselves. They do not tolerate blows to their own pride and are prone to demonstrative behavior.
Unstable typeThe main character trait of such people is laziness and reluctance to work. It is difficult for them to concentrate, the ability to self-learn is almost zero. People with unstable personality types are prone to empty entertainment for the sake of having fun. They strive for a lack of control over themselves and rarely recognize other people's authorities.
Conformal typeThe main feature is the desire not to stand out. These people love to be in the crowd and obey its laws. Conformism and blind faith in public opinion make them ideal performers and members of society.

We are all different. Each of us has our own psychological characteristics that determine character traits, behavior, the degree of receptivity and suggestibility. Personality psychotypes are a system of behavioral stereotypes and individual attitudes that were created to explain the differences between people. That is, a personality psychotype unites people who are close in spirit, those who have the same sources of energy, similar worldview and daily lifestyle, as well as similar decision-making methods.

By passing a simple test, any of us can determine our personality type and learn more about it. Below we will give a test to determine it.

Below we will present four parts of the test, in each of which you need to choose the option that is closest to you. Give preference to the one that is typical for you in everyday life. Write a percentage for each of the two options presented so that the total is the standard 100%.

The above questions are aimed at finding out exactly your “path”, ways to achieve goals, implement plans, and solve problems.

By choosing an answer and writing down the percentage, you can analyze your behavior at home, in the family, on vacation - in situations where you are free in your choice and decide everything yourself, without being tied to responsibilities, as is the case at work.

You cannot set a ratio of 50% and 50%; you need to make an advantage of at least 1% in one direction. That is, the option of 51% and 49% is already suitable.

You should not be surprised, since the test at first glance may seem quite simple and elementary. After all, it often turns out that the simpler the test, the more reliable its results. And this allows you to accurately determine and describe psychological personality types, finding among them yours and only yours.

In each of the four parts of paired statements you need to choose one. Give preference to the one that suits you best, even if the advantage is small. Next, use the resulting letters to create a formula to determine your type.

  • A – you easily meet new people, make new acquaintances and are an open and talkative person;
  • B – in communication you are reserved and unhurried; you are wary of new people and acquaintances.

E or K:

  • E - you prefer the proven and old to the unknown and new, you are a pragmatist and a realist;
  • K – you trust your intuition and prefer the new to the old.
  • M - for you, logic is more important than feelings, and you judge people without taking into account personal sympathies;
  • N - you trust feelings and are inclined to make concessions for the sake of harmony in relationships.
  • O – you are consistent in your work, if you make decisions, you don’t like to change them;
  • R - you easily and simply adapt your decisions to the conditions and do not like formalism.

The test gives an accurate result. It is not difficult to determine a personality’s psychotype: just write down the resulting letters in a row in order and look at the definition that the test gives.

Calculation of results

AEMP Such a person is distinguished by a strong, strong-willed character, very energetic and active. He quickly understands the situation, knows how to manage people and makes important decisions correctly. To achieve his goal, he can work all night long and likes to act on a large scale, weighing and thinking through everything in advance. In business, a person is practical, relies on reason and does not put sympathy above business. With indecisive and insecure people he is quite cruel and even aggressive. Does not tolerate other people's mistakes and does not like pressure. In relationships he does not give in and tries to do everything his own way.
AENR He is well versed in difficult situations and makes correct conclusions, has excellent diplomatic skills, is confident in his own abilities, and is decisive. Such a person knows perfectly well what he wants and knows how to get it. If he asks for advice, it is more formally, without listening to others. It is very easy to gain trust and knows how to create the atmosphere necessary for revelations. Appreciates warmth and comfort and loves to take care of loved ones. At work, he may be distracted by minor trifles and find it difficult to concentrate on something important. He may hide doubts about choosing and making decisions, but he thinks a lot and often worries. He does not like restrictions, is suspicious of new things and needs time to assimilate and accept something unfamiliar.
BEMR Knows how to implement new ideas into life, do useful things and benefit from everything. Brings all unfinished business to its logical conclusion. He is distinguished by his discreet tenacity and can be modest. If such a person likes the work, then he will put his soul into it. In clothes he chooses harmony and moderation, values ​​friendship and devotion, and does not impose his decisions on anyone. He often jokes and analyzes actions. He doesn’t like to show what he feels in front of strangers. He is passionate about work that gives him pleasure and does everything without haste.
WENR Such a person has good taste and can appreciate quality. He is respectful, attentive and courteous towards people, knows how to relax and appreciate luxury. In any circumstances, he does not lose his sense of proportion. It is difficult to cope with business activities and is not very dynamic. If you offend him, he may respond sharply and become indignant.
AEMO An assertive and active person, he can correctly assess circumstances and make the only right decision. People and their actions are often assessed from the point of view of profit and benefit. Gives preference to reliability and rationality. He is conservative in tastes and habits, has a strict upbringing, and when criticized, such a person can flare up.
AENO A person for many, he is very friendly, optimistic and active. Shows concern for others, listens to the advice of strangers, but relies on his own mind. He can accumulate negative emotions and if he is very offended, he will not be able to restrain himself and will throw it all out. If it doesn’t spill out, illness may occur.
VEMO Such a person is an excellent organizer and responsible executor who does not like irresponsibility and disorder. In everything he chooses precision and specificity, he is efficient and demanding. If he considers something important, then he may not compromise. May not show due respect to other people's opinions.
VENO He copes well with himself and knows how to give reasons even for doing uninteresting work. Obligatory, punctual and consistent. In a family, such a person remains faithful and can become the best family man. He is sensitive to injustice and suffers because of it. If someone does not share his choice, then this can hurt him and hurt him greatly.
ACMR Developed intuition can help you make the right decision. He readily advises other people, and does it from the heart. May put work above family and friendship. Cannot stand monotony and strict rules. He doesn’t know how to make compromises and doesn’t always pay attention to how he looks in public.
AKMO Such a person is distinguished by activity and activity, is well versed in work issues and can take risks. Not everyone around him can withstand the intense rhythm and will take the same risks. His clothes are often careless, his humor is rude and tactless.
VKMO He is distinguished by good analytical thinking, respects discipline and order, knows how to persuade and sense time. Respects his own character and treats other people's points of view with understanding. He may not always be flexible in relationships and may avoid conversation if the topic is unpleasant to him.
WCMR In his work, he is a thorough person, conscientious and diligent. Knows how to correctly assess the degree of risk and gives excellent advice. He sees all the contradictions of the world and its imperfections, knows how to complete the work he has begun, and is careful in new endeavors.
AKNR Emotional and friendly, he can find an approach to almost any person. He has a good sense of others, their strengths and weaknesses. He likes to maintain acquaintances, but often overloads himself with contacts, does not accept conventions and subordination, and does not always have time to do what he planned.
AKNO Such a person expresses and describes feelings beautifully, knows and understands others well, and can captivate a crowd. In his work he always manages his time correctly and does everything on time. Tries to understand every person and is based on morality. May have a strong sense of responsibility and does not like to let others down. It happens that he overdramatizes events and loses his inner balance. In clothes he can express himself, choosing extravagance or elements of negligence. Vulnerable and polite, such a person does not like disrespectful attitudes and can remember insults for a long time.
VKNO Understanding and tolerant, such a person is excellent at relationships and is often interested in philosophical problems. Responsive and attentive, accepts people with their strengths and weaknesses, without trying to change or remake anyone. Punctual and always diligent, he often leads a healthy lifestyle and adheres to the principles of humanism. Conflicts with others can be experienced very seriously due to impressionability and vulnerability. Loneliness is quite problematic.
VCNR A romantic and an optimist, a person of this type knows how to wait, respects other people’s preferences and will be able to find his own approach to each person. He tries to maintain partnership, equal relations with everyone, and treats strong people with respect. In his work he demonstrates excellent diplomatic skills, dresses with taste, and demonstrates sophistication. The inner world of such a person is contradictory, he is somewhat unsure of his own abilities and needs support.