How many years do German Shepherds live? How to extend the life of a pet. Full characteristics of the dog breed - German Shepherd How long do dogs live at home? Shepherds

Every dog ​​owner sooner or later asks the question: “how long do dogs live?” Different dog breeds have different average life expectancies; below we will talk about German Shepherds. All dogs are descended from the same wild dogs, which are similar to wolves. In principle, wolves and dogs have common ancestors. In nature, animals do not live to old age, so the average lifespan of wolves and wild dogs is only 5-6 years, no more. The same applies to feral, stray dogs. Dogs living next to humans live longer. Different dog breeds have different life expectancies. The larger the dog, the shorter its life.

The lifespan of a German Shepherd is on average ten to fourteen years.

How to extend a dog's eyelid

There are also long-livers among dogs. What needs to be done to ensure that your dog lives longer than usual? First, you need to carefully monitor her health.

This means giving her vaccinations on time, and not skipping preventative visits to the veterinarian - some canine diseases can only be recognized by a doctor in the early stages, and timely help will significantly prolong the life of your four-legged friend. Your dog's diet should be balanced - contain the right amount of proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.

You should not overfeed your dog - excess weight shortens the life of everyone, both people and dogs. And, of course, the dog must spend quite a long time in the fresh air and receive physical activity.

Record-breaking shepherd dogs

How long do long-lived German Shepherds live? Many shepherd dogs lived more than 14 years. There have been recorded cases where shepherd dogs lived to be 18-20 years old, but this is rather an exception. Knowing that your shepherd will only live 10-14 years, you shouldn’t be upset. After all, it depends only on you how happy her life will be.

The world is duller without a dog

If you have a German Shepherd, you are very lucky! Only this breed of dog can do everything that each breed can do separately - from searching for criminals to looking after an infant. If you decide to get a dog, but don’t know which breed to choose, choose a German Shepherd! And no matter how many years you live under the same roof, every day of communication with this dog will be filled with deep meaning and happiness, both for you and for your dog!

To always have a loyal, sympathetic friend nearby, get yourself a puppy. Perceive the world around you together, learn to love. You will experience moments of delight and happiness more than once; there is no need to fear the pain of loss in advance.

Yes, a dog's life is not that long by human standards, but this is not a reason to give up a pet. The main thing is to make sure that the animal lives the time allotted to it fully and happily. Every day spent with your pet should give the owner bright memories from the knowledge that he did everything he could for his shaggy friend.

Average life expectancy of dogs at home

It is impossible to apply average figures to each specific animal. Although dog experts say that, on average, they live about 12 years.

A variety of circumstances influence the longevity factor of dogs. Let's note the main points:

  1. Vitality greatly depends on the breed. Breeders for dog lovers have developed unnatural features in some breeds regarding the size or deliberate decorativeness of animals. These factors certainly influence the greater susceptibility of some dogs to diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and immune systems.
  2. The factor of heredity is even more important in determining how long a pet will live. If the puppy’s parents have reached a respectable age, then he will also live a long time in this world. And this gives hope to lovers of large dogs or bulldogs: not all of them are doomed to a short existence. But if the breeder is concerned only with the number of offspring and does not take into account the degree of deterioration of his pet’s body, then the age of such a dog will be much shorter than the average of its breed.
  3. How long a four-legged pet will live depends on the animal’s quality of life. If the owner constantly takes care of the physical and mental health of the pupil, protects him from stress, and provides him with the necessary exercise, then it is possible to actually increase the dog’s life by several years.

Fighting breeds and Great Danes live shorter lives, but huskies, hounds, and dachshunds are long-lived.

Heredity cannot be discounted. The age of an Australian Shepherd is defined as 12-18 years. But there is a known case when the dog Blue lived without one month until he was 29 years old. All his life, like his parents, he helped shepherds herd livestock. Genetic predisposition, constant physical activity, being in the fresh air and the care of the owner worked a miracle.

In many ways, the length of a dog's eyelid depends on the living conditions of the animal. If the owner knows about his pet’s predisposition to certain diseases, then he can eliminate the irritants or use medications to reduce their effect on the animal’s body. Constant physical activity and a healthy diet give hope that a dog’s life will be long, regardless of the characteristics of the breed and the play of heredity.

How long do mongrels live?

There is a point of view that mongrel dogs live longer than purebred dogs, that they are healthier and smarter, but this is a myth.

Firstly, the habitat of homeless dogs shortens the time allotted to them. The fact that the strongest puppies survive despite rain, frost and cold does not at all guarantee that they will live long. Constant deprivation will very soon leave its negative mark even on the strongest organism.

Secondly, mongrels are much closer to their purebred cousins ​​than to independent wolves. But even if this were not so, the average life expectancy of wolves is still the same 12 years.

Yes, some mongrels are more independent, they have less tendency to train, like purebreds. But if you pick up a mongrel puppy on the street, surround it with attention, love, care, then, having turned into an adult, it will not differ from noble dogs.

The only factor that can positively affect the longevity of mongrels is that natural reproduction contributes to the culling of pathologies.

How old are shepherd dogs?

If you look at the averages, shepherds live slightly longer than other dogs. The lifespan of German Shepherds is typically 10-14 years. Although there are cases where some individuals reached 20 years of age.

But Caucasian Shepherds live up to 10 years. That is, the viability of these purebred service dogs does not deviate from the average statistical indicators.

It must be remembered that shepherds are service dogs. They need to be engaged in active activities in which the inclinations of each type can be fully revealed. Use some dogs in guarding, others in searching and rescuing people, and for others, shepherding will bring joy. Necessary exercise and proper diet are the key to a long and happy life for shepherd dogs.


Average longevity rates for individual breeds

Factors influencing lifespan

The life expectancy of dogs is influenced by certain factors:

  • physical development;
  • whether the animal performs loads appropriate to its age and breed;
  • complete rest;
  • a balanced diet enriched with nutrients;
  • sufficient communication, attention.

All these quality indicators of life depend 100% on the owner. The way he takes care of his pet shapes the animal’s resistance to stress and various diseases.

A balanced diet from birth lays the foundation for the pet’s physical health for the rest of its life and even into old age. An older dog should be fed soft food to avoid problems with teeth and swallowing.

In old age, animals can suffer from various diseases, most often these are deterioration of hearing, vision, and disruptions in the urinary system.

Another problem that can significantly reduce the age of any animal is excess weight. Its excess has a detrimental effect on the health of the pet, affecting the cardiovascular system and bone structure. It is necessary to control the weight of the animal, especially in old age.

Regular medical examinations, vaccinations, timely contacting a veterinary clinic in case of any problems - this is what will keep your pet in the right shape. Constant care for your pet throughout its life can significantly increase its life cycle.

How long do purebred animals live?

According to veterinary experts, there is a clear relationship between the breed and the years measured for the animal. It has been scientifically proven that the smaller the dog, the longer its life.

The vitality of representatives of different breeds differs. This is due to human breeding activities. When certain standards are developed, certain features, most often unnatural, are formed and reinforced in dogs.

Breeding a breed is fraught with complications, which are expressed in hereditary diseases:

  1. Chihuahua. These cute little creatures are genetically prone to medial dislocations of the kneecaps, elbow joints, and various dysplasias.
  2. Dachshund. Natural hunters, with a funny long body on short legs, pay with health for such a body structure. Hereditary pathology in dachshunds is intervertebral disc disease.
  3. Shar-Pei. Not only in this breed of dog, but also in all pets with skin folds, the disease entropion, which is essentially an entropion of the eyelid, is common.
  4. Rottweilers. Strong, brave, fearless, smart. But they are also susceptible to hereditary diseases - aortic stenosis, Rottweiler leukoencephalopathy, follicular lipidosis.
  5. Pikines. This ancient breed is distinguished by a special eye structure, for which it suffers from a tendency to eversion of the eyelids, cataracts, and corneal ulcers.

Each breed has its own Achilles heel - dogs with flat faces have problems with the respiratory system, with skin without fur - they often suffer from allergies, and large pets are often diagnosed with diseases of the joints and bones.

Breeders allow for various situations that affect the life expectancy of dogs:

  • inbreeding;
  • exclusion of the factor of natural selection;
  • often the appearance of the offspring becomes a priority rather than health;
  • The lifespan of the progenitors of the offspring is not taken into account.

Dog breeds that live the longest are those that are less susceptible to selection changes, of medium size, without any special appearance. These are terriers, shepherds, huskies.

The presence of long-livers in the family is of great importance. If the pet's parents lived to a ripe old age, then it has every chance of a long life. If we talk about numbers, on average, dogs live about 12 years.

Long-lived dogs

Despite statistics and calculations, nature never ceases to amaze; the Guinness Book of Records confirms this. On its pages there is data about long-lived dogs that have survived more than twice their normal age.

Among the service breeds in demand among dog owners, the German Shepherd is one of the most numerous and popular. They are good herding and guard dogs, can work as guide dogs and participate in sporting events. The breed is characterized by loyalty to its owner and family members; it is a reliable friend and brave protector.


Description and characteristics of the breed

German Shepherds are direct descendants of herding dogs. They inherited from their ancestors increased endurance and the ability to work around the clock.

Other hereditary characteristics of the breed include:

  • fearlessness and strength, since when protecting the herd, clashes with predators often occur;
  • good adaptation to any climatic conditions - thick and dense wool protects against the vagaries of weather and harsh climate;
  • the hunting instinct is minimal, as it can lead the dog far from the herd.


At the end of the 19th century, the Union of German Dog Breeding (VDH) began breeding work to breed a breed with excellent working properties. To obtain it, guard dogs from Southern and Central Germany were used.

Through the combined efforts of breeders led by the founder of the German Shepherd Club, Max von Stephanitz, the new breed was developed very quickly. Its specimens were first presented in 1899 at the All-German Dog Show.

Breed standard

Characteristic characteristics (standard) of the breed:

  1. Dimensions of males: height at the withers - 60-65 cm, weight - 30-40 kg. Bitches: height at withers - 55-60 cm, should weigh - 22-32 kg. The body is elongated, approximately 10-15% greater than the height at the withers.
  2. The character is dominated by balance, endurance, and confidence. The breed is characterized by attentiveness and the ability to obey, stamina and fighting qualities.
  3. The head is wedge-shaped, of medium width, size - about 40% of the height at the withers. The forehead is slightly convex. The muzzle and skull are approximately the same length, with well-developed jaws. The nose is smooth and has a black tip. The lips are dark in color and fit tightly.
  4. The bite is powerful, scissor-shaped. The teeth are strong, without large gaps. A complete set of 42 teeth must be present.
  5. The eyes are almond-shaped and medium in size. Set slightly obliquely, not convex. In terms of color, rich dark is preferred.
  6. The ears are pointed, vertical, and medium in size. Usually held in a standing position, with the shell facing forward. Ears that are broken and drooping are a deviation from the norm.
  7. Body with a strong, strong back. The muscles are developed. The croup is elongated, gradually falling. The chest width is moderate. A barrel or flat chest is undesirable.
  8. The length of the tail is not lower than the middle of the metatarsus. The hair on the upper side is shorter than on the underside. When the dog is excited or moving, the tail is raised, but should not be higher than horizontal.
  9. The ends of the paws are rounded, compact, and the pads are hard. Strong, dark-colored claws. The hind legs are slightly set back and should be parallel when viewed from behind. The femurs and tibiae are approximately the same length, fused at an angle of about 120°. The thigh muscles are powerful and well developed.
  10. The coat is dense, with undercoat, and the structure is straight and hard. The cover is shorter on the head and limbs, thicker and longer on the neck.
  11. The main color of the breed is black, with red-brown and yellowish-gray areas. A characteristic feature is a black saddle cloth and a mask. Small light spots on the chest and inside are acceptable but not encouraged. The color of the undercoat is light gray.


Varieties of the German breed include only those that were bred with the participation of breeding individuals from Germany. Currently, in addition to the purebred short-haired German Shepherd, the list of breed lines includes about one and a half dozen names.

The following varieties of the breed are widely known:

  1. Purebred German Shepherds. The most popular line of the breed in breeding work. These individuals are an example of the standard. The coat color is mostly saddleback (red and black) or completely black. The running is measured and creeping. Defects in this species include faded coloring and thin fur. Other deviations from the norm include an unstable psyche and a loose body build.
  2. Shepherd dogs of the working line. This group includes German, as well as Belgian and Danish varieties of shepherd dogs. They are bred for official activities (security, border service, search for explosives) and sporting purposes. They differ from other varieties in their well-developed working qualities. These are strong, purposeful dogs with high endurance and a rather aggressive temperament, so they are usually not used as guide dogs. The physique is harmonious, the skeleton is strong, well developed, strong muscles. The coat is in standard colors, as well as sable and zone tricolor.
  3. Shepherd dogs of the East German line. They were bred by crossing individuals that remained in eastern Germany after the end of World War II. Characteristic signs of the eastern variety: massive skeletal system, increased weight. Dogs have excellent endurance, strength and high learning ability. The breed is characterized by stubbornness and aggression, so mostly experienced breeders work with it.
  4. Czech/Slovak line. It was developed as a result of work on breeding service dogs in post-war Czechoslovakia. This variety has many properties in common with East German Shepherds. Characteristic features are endurance and energy. Temperament is strong-willed and strong.
  5. Shepherd dogs of the American line. These shepherd dogs were bred in kennel clubs in Canada and the USA. One of the main qualities being trained was the ability to move quickly, so the body of the dogs became more angular and longer. The breed is characterized by high growth. The temperament of individuals is soft, calm, and their learning ability is average. They are used by search and rescue and police. Disadvantages include unstable activity and high emotionality (the nervous system is less strong compared to the standard). American Shepherds have poorer health than other varieties.
  6. Sheepdogs of the English line. The ancestors of this species are individuals from old lineages introduced to Britain. Post-war German shepherds also took part in the formation of the subspecies. Characteristic features are massive bones and an elongated, wide-shouldered build. Individuals of this variety have a balanced, calm temperament and are non-aggressive. The dogs served in the police and search agencies, and also worked as guide dogs. Now, mainly replaced by working German individuals.
  7. Swiss line (white shepherd). Dogs of this variety have a color atypical for the breed. This is the influence of a hidden gene, which in other countries is the basis for culling an individual. Swiss Shepherds are recognized as a separate breed type. The characteristics of the “Swiss” are tall growth, proportional build and large bones. The dogs are highly trainable and perform well in work and sports. A balanced psyche and soft temperament allow them to serve as guides. The breed is also characterized by a lack of aggression and no conflict.

Purebred German Shepherd Shepherd working line East German Shepherd Shepherd dog of Czech/Slovakian line English Shepherd Swiss Shepherd

Other types of German Shepherd include:

  • Shilon Sheepdogs;
  • royal shepherd;
  • Kumning Shepherd;
  • Sarlouz Wulfhound;
  • American Tundra Shepherd.

How long do German Shepherds live?

Healthy German Shepherds that receive proper care live on average between 11 and 13 years.

The lifespan of a particular dog depends on factors such as:

  • proper nutrition;
  • optimal physical activity;
  • regular walks;
  • disease prevention (timely vaccinations);
  • complete rest;
  • psychological climate, lack of stress.

Stages of growing up

To raise a loyal, intelligent dog, you need to know how shepherd puppies develop. Their psyche has its own characteristics at each stage.

Growth stages include:

  1. From birth to 8 weeks. During this time the puppy lives with its mother. Human intervention and educational procedures are undesirable.
  2. Period of socialization. Starts at two months. The pet can be taken to a new family. It is favorable to begin training and consolidating basic commands. The psyche of a small shepherd is still very vulnerable; patience and love are required.
  3. At the age of 3-4 months. The puppy must learn its subordination to the person. The owner must become a leader for him and teach him to respect family members.
  4. Age 5 months. Strong consolidation of all basic commands. Adolescent shepherd dogs exhibit sexual instincts. Dogs, especially those planned for breeding, are not punished for this - it is better to divert their attention to other things.
  5. Senior adolescence – from 6 months. up to a year. Time for self-affirmation; The dog may be disobedient and self-willed. Rebellious tendencies usually disappear with the advent of puberty. The character of the pet is established and consolidated, and a lot of attention must be paid to it. From 6 to 11 months. Young shepherds develop fearfulness and nervousness - this is a natural stage of development that needs to be passed through.
  6. Period from one year to four years. Raising an adult dog. Protective and protective instincts are developed. After the first mating, male dogs may show attempts to take the main position, get involved in fights with other dogs and prove their leadership.

Character and behavior of dogs

Character Traits:

  1. Strength, confidence, determination. Fearless protector and reliable friend. He will faithfully serve the person he has recognized as his master and protect him to the end.
  2. Wary of strangers. It takes time to get used to new people and let your guard down.
  3. With proper upbringing, he becomes a good member of the family. Can get along with children and pets. It is not advisable to leave a dog alone for a long time; it needs constant contact with a person.
  4. Healthy representatives of the breed have a calm character and balanced temperament.
  5. Good working properties. Thanks to them, shepherd dogs have been used as service dogs for many years.

The video shows the characteristics and description of the German Shepherd breed. Filmed by ZooMisto channel.

Care and maintenance

The German Shepherd breed adapts to any climatic conditions and tolerates both frost and heat well. In order for a dog to grow up healthy, it is necessary to follow the rules of feeding and care, to know about possible diseases and methods of treating them.

Keeping in an enclosure and in an apartment

You can keep and care for your pet both indoors and outdoors.

Aviary maintenance

Rules for arrangement and maintenance in the enclosure:

  1. The structure must allow sunlight to pass through. At least one of the walls is made of lattice, the rest can be made solid.
  2. Chain-link mesh is not suitable as a material for walls - a dog can chew a hole in it. A metal lattice made of rods is more reliable.
  3. A booth is placed in the enclosure. It should not be made too large - just enough so that the dog can stretch his legs inside. The walls may not be thick, but must have no cracks. The rounded entrance can be covered with a canopy made of thin felt.
  4. If possible, it is better to place a shepherd dog in an enclosure in the summer, then by winter it will grow a thick undercoat. An adapted dog can be in 15-20 degree frost without entering the kennel.
  5. It is recommended to cover the floor with sawdust. This gets rid of odor, moisture and excrement. To maintain cleanliness, sawdust is removed every two to three days and new ones are added.
  6. An aviary dog ​​needs care to develop a healthy psyche - you need to communicate and play with him every day. If a puppy sees its owner only a few minutes a day - only during feeding - it can grow up defective.
  7. An adult shepherd dog needs walks every day. Every day she has to run and use up her energy. Long walks are not necessary, but a duration of 20-30 minutes is necessary.
  8. Keeping in an enclosure is the best way to form the dog’s bones. She constantly has access to sunlight, therefore, if the rules of nutrition are followed, the puppy is not at risk of rickets. Aviary dogs, as a rule, have better health.

Shepherd enclosure

The shepherd is a very large animal, so it is better to keep it in rooms with sufficient space. This way the dog will feel comfortable and not disturb the owners.

Features of keeping a dog in a house or apartment:

  1. You need to give your pet his own corner and make sure there are no valuables there. Your corner should give the dog a sense of security.
  2. From the first days, the pet is accustomed to a tray or a special diaper. Having noticed characteristic restlessness and searching, the puppy should be picked up, taken to his toilet and waited until he relieves himself. Then pet and praise.
  3. A small puppy tends to chew on anything he can get his hands on. It is recommended to buy and give him a special bone, which is sold in pet stores. The puppy should also have toys.
  4. The pet is walked every day. You should not give him a lot of physical activity - he can run independently in a quiet place. Long walks or jogging are unacceptable. The dog is able to feel its own limit: after frolicking, it approaches the owner and rests next to him. Gradually the dog will get stronger and be more resilient.
  5. You should take your pet outside after vaccinations against plague, enteritis and leptospirosis have been given. It is preferable to use a good imported vaccine. Its high cost is justified by its great reliability.
  6. They begin to teach cleanliness from the first time they go outside. You should try to take the puppy out before bowel movements - after feeding or a long pause. If your pet is used to recovering at home, you can take a piece of cloth (newspaper) with the smell of the puppy’s feces and take it to a walking area. By 6-8 months, the dog can tolerate 8-12 hours before walking.

What to feed your dog?

To feed shepherds, they usually choose two food options: natural products or ready-made dry food. At each age stage, a different feeding regimen is recommended.

Feeding the puppies

  • up to 2 months – up to 1 glass of food 6 times a day;
  • up to 3 months – 1.5 cups 5 times;
  • up to 6 months – up to 1 liter at a time, given four times a day;
  • up to 12 months - up to 1.5 liters per time, fed three times a day.

An adult dog is fed at the same hours twice a day - morning and evening.

Feeding dry food

Advantages of dry food:

  1. They do not require wasting time and effort on cooking and remain shelf-stable for a long time. You can take them on trips with your pet.
  2. High-quality food has a composition that takes into account the physiological and age characteristics of pets.
  3. Expensive dry formulas contain many elements that a dog needs. These are premium and super-premium products - they are high-calorie and well digestible.
  4. There are foods that are produced specifically for German shepherds - their components provide additional protection to the dog’s skeletal system and strengthen the digestive organs. They also improve immunity and promote healthy skin and coat.

At the beginning of feeding, take a small amount of dry food for testing. To improve the dog's appetite, the food can be diluted with water or kefir.

Eating natural food

Natural products in a shepherd's diet have their advantages and disadvantages. They are more complete and nutritious, but the food is labor-intensive to prepare. In addition, without experience, it is difficult to create the right diet.

Products a dog needs:

  1. Fresh meat - at least 30% of the total. It is recommended to give beef, lean lamb or horse meat, cut into small pieces.
  2. The heart, stomach, liver, udder, and lungs are thoroughly boiled and fed only to adult dogs.
  3. Instead of bones, after two months the puppy can be given a large sugar bone to chew on.
  4. Sea fish is cleaned of bones and fed raw, river fish is boiled. Give once or twice a week when there is no meat in the diet.
  5. You can give a boiled egg, but not more than twice a week.
  6. Fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt - are given at any age. Natural milk is not given to dogs older than six months.
  7. Buckwheat, rice, rolled oats are boiled and served in the form of thick porridges. It is recommended to feed gray rye bread in the form of crackers - as a reward during training.
  8. Vegetables are first grated or chopped, mixed with vegetable oil or sour cream. You can feed your dog carrots, beets, cabbage, and pumpkins. Fresh greens are useful - lettuce, parsley, dill, green onions.
  9. Fruits, dried apricots, and raisins are given in small quantities as a treat.
  • flour products (bakery, vermicelli);
  • legumes (peas, beans);
  • potato;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • tubular bones;
  • sausage.

It is permissible to add a little salt to food; spices are excluded. With a combined feeding method, dry food is given in the morning, and fermented milk products or meat with vegetables in the evening.

In a mixed diet, only high-quality dry food is used. One of your dog's bowls should always be filled with fresh water.

Hygiene procedures

To maintain health and prevent a number of diseases, your dog needs to take care of:

  1. With teeth. Brush daily or once every two days with a toothbrush and a special paste for dogs. There are also tablets with active ingredients that cleanse the mouth.
  2. With your eyes. Healthy eyes are gently wiped from the outer corner to the inner corner once every one or two days. Use a swab dipped in warm water (a separate cotton pad is needed for each eye). If souring or inflammation occurs, use tea leaves or herbal decoctions (St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile). You can make a solution of furatsilin - 1 tablet per glass of warm boiled water. Treat 4-6 times a day.
  3. Ears. They do not clean unless absolutely necessary, but inspect them regularly. If dirt or discharge appears, use a special ear cleaning solution or calendula tincture. A certain amount of the solution is applied inside the auricle and the base is gently massaged for half a minute. Then wipe with a cotton swab. The hair that grows in the ears of shepherd dogs and interferes with the release of wax is removed.
  4. With claws. They grow constantly, but usually wear off on their own, especially when walking on asphalt or pavement. If a knocking sound is heard when walking, they are carefully trimmed using tweezers. The procedure requires care not to damage the flesh with blood vessels at the base of the claws.
  5. Wool. A shepherd dog living outside is subject to shedding twice a year - in spring and autumn. Dogs living in the house shed throughout the year. Regular brushing removes dead hair. During the shedding period, the dog should be brushed daily.
  6. Cleanliness. The dog is washed, but not too often, since detergents destroy the natural protective layer of the skin. It is recommended to completely wash the puppy with a special shampoo from 3 months and no more than three times a year. After the procedure, the dog is wiped and dried. You can remove dust or dirt from the coat more often after a walk by simply rinsing the animal with warm water.

Possible diseases and their treatment

German Shepherds are predisposed to several groups of diseases:

  • orthopedic: dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints;
  • diarrhea and pancreatic diseases;
  • skin problems: the breed is prone to allergies, especially itchy skin, pyoderma, seborrhea, scabies;
  • autoimmune diseases, when the immune system attacks its own body.

Joint diseases

The most common types include the following:

  1. Hip dysplasia. The disease is inherited and causes deviations in the development of the hip bone. Most often it manifests itself in the form of lameness. Mild forms of dysplasia are treated with medications; in severe cases, surgery is prescribed.
  2. Knee (elbow) dysplasia. The disease is congenital, affects the bone and cartilage of the elbow joint, and in complicated forms the process of osteoarthritis begins. A sign of illness is that the dog begins to limp on the front limbs. The development of the disease usually occurs after four months of age. Surgical methods are used for treatment.
  3. Pano (Panosteitis). The disease usually appears in growing puppies between the ages of five months and one year. Inflammatory processes associated with bone growth cause pain and lameness in dogs and can move from one limb to another. The disease is age-related - usually shepherd dogs completely outgrow pano by the age of one and a half years.

Circulatory system problems

The most common of this type of disease are:

  1. Dilated cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart). Shepherd dogs from two to five years of age are usually susceptible. The disease manifests itself in rapid fatigue and tiredness. Dogs become lethargic and do not show activity or desire to exercise. Symptoms of severe forms of the disease: cough, difficulty breathing, fainting. For treatment, drugs to strengthen the heart and vitamins are prescribed.
  2. Von Willebrand's disease. Genetically determined blood clotting disorder. It manifests itself as bleeding, the cause of which is a lack of protein in the plasma. The disease tends to decrease with age. In severe cases, the dog is prescribed special medications or given a blood transfusion.

Nervous system

Diseases of the nervous system of shepherd dogs include:

  1. Degenerative myelopathy. This is a slowly developing process of oppression of the brain part of the spine. It usually appears in dogs between 5 and 14 years of age. A sick shepherd dog's muscles weaken, coordination in the hind limbs is lost, and bowel and bladder function deteriorates. Effective treatments have not yet been found.
  2. Epilepsy. Periodically recurring convulsions. In shepherds, as a rule, this disease is inherited. Age period for onset of attacks: from six months to five years. Phenobarbital and potassium bromide are used for treatment.

Other health problems

German Shepherds are predisposed to a number of chronic skin conditions. In severe cases, they may develop fistulas and ulcers. Prevention requires regular grooming, eye and ear cleaning, and oral hygiene.

Training and education

Training a German Shepherd puppy begins as early as possible - from the first days the pet arrives in the house. Education at home continues throughout childhood and adolescence - up to 10-12 months. This is the best time to firmly assimilate commands.

Age-specific learning characteristics

Raising a dog is carried out in stages, taking into account its psychological characteristics. At each age, the puppy can better learn certain commands.

  1. Age 1-2 months. The time when the pet is taught its name. They pet him, call him by name several times and treat him with a treat. The exercise is repeated until the dog learns to respond.
  2. Age 2-4 months. The pet is taught according to the order “come to me!” approach the owner. When pronouncing the command, you need to keep the treat in sight and reward it for the correct action. During the same period, the puppy is accustomed to the place. A certain area in the house is set up for him, bedding and toys are placed there. To reinforce the command, the pet is transferred to its corner and they say “place!”, after which they give a treat. It is also advisable to teach the puppy from an early age to obey prohibitions: the command “fu!” or “you can’t!” pronounced in a stern, loud voice if the pet does something wrong. If you are raising a service dog, you can begin training the “voice!” command during this same period.
  3. After 4 months. Teaching more complex commands that require endurance from the dog: “near!”, “sit!” and “lie down!” It is necessary that the puppy follows the order until the moment when the owner receives the command “Walk!” The command execution time is increased gradually, starting from a few seconds. With your puppy, you can begin training in overcoming small obstacles. Since the dog’s musculoskeletal system has not yet become stronger, it should not be given a large load. You can start fetching classes - during walks the puppy is allowed to sniff a stick, thrown and rewarded if the dog brings it to the owner. The desire to serve is natural for this breed.

The video shows training a German Shepherd puppy. Filmed by WalkService channel.

Rules for raising a dog

For training to be effective, several rules must be followed:

  1. Training is carried out in a playful way, starting with the simplest commands and tasks.
  2. For following the command, they must be rewarded: with a treat, a gentle voice, stroking.
  3. At an early age, the puppy is not reprimanded or punished for mistakes or failure to follow orders. You should be patient and persistent and wait until he is able to complete them. As they grow older, reproach is expressed with strict intonation, a loud sound, or a light slap. You should not hit the dog too hard, as this can develop cowardice or attacks of aggression.
  4. Reinforcement and punishment should follow immediately after the dog responds correctly or incorrectly. Only in this way can the animal's mind understand the connection.
  5. Puppies should not be allowed to do things for which an adult dog would be punished.
  6. You should start teaching commands at home, in a familiar environment for the puppy. In the future, learning continues on walks.
  7. It is better to train your pet daily, preferably at the same time. The load and complexity of tasks should be increased gradually.

Choosing a puppy

The breed is popular, and there is a considerable demand for puppies. Even before purchasing a pet, you need to decide whether the shepherd will perform official duties or become a family dog.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

Those wishing to get a purebred German Shepherd puppy are recommended to deal with professional kennels. It is better to find breeders who have certain results in breeding this breed.

The quality of the breeder’s work is indirectly evidenced by:

  • period of existence of the kennel (from the date of registration with the Cynological Society);
  • number of litters received;
  • number of breeding bitches;
  • presence in the pedigrees of dogs from this kennel;
  • membership in the Breeding Council of the Canine Society.

The cost of a German Shepherd puppy depends on its pedigree. A purebred pet with known ancestors will cost much more than a puppy without documents according to the advertisement.

Approximate prices:

  1. The price of puppies with RKF or FCI pedigree and a guarantee of future success is from 60 thousand rubles. If dogs are purchased at the age of 9 months and have already received ratings or awards at shows in the junior class, their price reaches several hundred thousand rubles.
  2. The price of puppies with a club (local) pedigree and paperwork if desired is about 15-35 thousand rubles.
  3. A German Shepherd puppy without documents costs about 6-12 thousand rubles. in Moscow and up to approximately 5-6 thousand rubles. in the regions.

The video shows the rules for choosing a German Shepherd puppy. Filmed by the Wet Nose channel.

What to look for when choosing?

To choose a good and promising pet, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Foreign breeders advise taking puppies from their mother no earlier than 50-65 days. This contributes to the formation of a more balanced character and psyche. Such dogs are easier to train.
  2. According to the rule, a breeding bitch can feed no more than ten puppies. She should also not give birth more than once a year. Under these conditions, the dog retains more strength and its puppies are potentially stronger and more resilient.
  3. A good sign is when puppies of the same litter are similar to each other and have approximately the same size.
  4. When choosing, there is no need to rush and take the first puppy you like. You should take a closer look. You can agree and come for an examination with an invited veterinarian.
  5. A good sign is the puppy’s cheerful, playful character. He must show interest in his surroundings and explore everything new. A healthy puppy behaves confidently among its fellows. Growling and attempts to bite may indicate an unstable psyche.
  6. Tousled fur and a bloated tummy can be a sign of worms.
  7. The puppy's coat should be short, without combing near the ears and neck. A healthy nose is always slightly moist. There should be no discharge in the eyes, ears should be clean and odorless.
  8. Large joints on the legs are a sign of future good bones. It is good if the puppy is broad in the shoulders, has a short back, loin and wide hips.
  9. At 30-40 days of age, puppies may have a blue tint to their eyes, which subsequently disappears. It is not recommended to choose pets with light or different colored eyes.

Advantages and disadvantages

When assessing the advantages and disadvantages of the breed, it should be remembered that each shepherd is individual. The various qualities of its character and abilities depend on how correctly the animal was kept, raised and trained.

Pros of the breed

The advantages of German Shepherds include:

  • excellent mind;
  • good learning abilities;
  • unpretentiousness, adaptability to different conditions of detention;
  • developed service and working qualities;
  • energy, endurance;
  • non-conflict, restraint in relation to strangers and dogs;
  • getting along with other pets.

Cons of the breed

Among the disadvantages of the breed, taking into account the reviews of the owners, we can highlight:

  • tendency to increased mobility;
  • the need for constant mental and physical activity, daily long walks are needed;
  • education and training require the right approach;
  • with deficiencies in training, dogs can become “biters”;
  • unsuitable for keeping in small apartments.

Photo gallery

The photo shows the stages of growth and development of a German Shepherd.

Young dog (1 year) Adult dog (4 years old) Old German Shepherd (10 years old)


The video shows the characteristics of the German Shepherd breed. Filmed by My Dog Ru channel.

After living with a German Shepherd for some time, the owner usually begins to wonder about the average life expectancy of their dog. These thoughts may seem terrible, but, nevertheless, sooner or later everyone faces this. Healthy German Shepherds that receive proper care typically live between 11 and 13 years.

Despite the statistics, there are many German Shepherds who have lived much longer than 13 years. However, it is almost impossible to determine the life expectancy of a particular shepherd without knowing its health history.

Visit a veterinarian

The next time you take your dog to the vet, discuss your shepherd's estimated lifespan. Your veterinarian should be able to give you a general idea based on your dog's history. You can also discuss what steps you can take to help your Shepherd live as long as possible. This is usually a combination of measures that includes a healthy diet, exercise and possibly vitamin supplements.

Most common health problems

The most common diseases in German Shepherds are orthopedic. These shepherds suffer from hip and elbow dysplasia. For example, in the United States, 19% of shepherd dogs suffer from hip dysplasia, and 20% from elbow dysplasia.

Joint inflammation is another common orthopedic problem in German Shepherds. Osteochondrosis and cruciate ligament rupture are also quite common disorders. Less frequently reported diseases are spondylomyelopathy (Wobbler syndrome) and hypertrophic osteodystrophy.

The second most common group of diseases among Germans is skin problems. The breed is prone to allergies, especially itchy skin, pyoderma, seborrhea, scabies, demodicosis, and sometimes calcinosis.

Autoimmune diseases, where the dog's immune system attacks its own body, are also extremely common in German Shepherds.

What to do if your shepherd's life is coming to an end

All dogs come to their end sooner or later. This is often difficult for dog owners and their families to accept. However, if your veterinarian has told you that the end is near, then you better start making plans now. It is best to make a plan when you are calm rather than making drastic decisions.

Sit down with your loved ones and discuss what is best for your dog. If you want to make a burial near your home or euthanize an animal, then find out in advance the procedure for the necessary actions. Be sure to follow the official instructions. If you would like your Shepherd to be buried in a pet cemetery, you will also need to contact the appropriate authority in advance. Some dog owners prefer cremation, so you may want to get information about this from your veterinarian.

If you place a German Shepherd puppy in your home, he will soon become a full member of the family, a faithful, devoted friend. This breed deservedly enjoys love and popularity among dog breeders. German Shepherds cope excellently with the duties of guards, bloodhounds, rescuers, shepherds, and guides. They are smart, loyal, trainable, disciplined, resilient, have a cheerful disposition and good health.

Sooner or later, the dog owner wonders how long his four-legged friend will be around, how many years do German shepherds live, and whether it is possible to extend the pet’s life.

How long do German Shepherds live?

Unfortunately, dogs don't live long. Wild and stray dogs, their distant relatives wolves, live in the wild for only 5-6 years. Next to a caring owner, the life expectancy of a four-legged friend increases by more than 2 times. The larger the dog, the fewer years he is allotted. For example, a fox terrier lives on average 15 years, and the life expectancy of a German shepherd is only 10-14. Among them there are long-livers who have turned 18, but this is the exception, not the rule.

How to extend the life of a pet

The lifespan of a German Shepherd depends largely on its owner. If factors such as heredity and health, given to the puppy at birth, are not in your power to change, then you can influence others. The conditions that determine the life expectancy of dogs are as follows:

  • good nutrition;
  • active lifestyle, physical activity;
  • caring for the pet’s health, including the psychological climate;
  • complete rest.


How many years will your pet live? How full and active life is depends largely on nutrition. Excess weight is the same problem for a dog as it is for a person. It creates additional stress on all body systems. Provide your pet with proper balanced nutrition and systematically monitor weight, especially in older animals.

Tempting composition of dry food(meat, vegetables, vitamins and minerals) and the lack of hassle with preparation tempt dog owners to use dry food for feeding. But responsible breeders do not use industrial feed, including those belonging to the elite class.

An adult German Shepherd is fed twice a day. A balanced diet includes raw and cooked foods:

  • beef, lean pork, poultry (chicken, turkey, geese) without bones, fat and skin;
  • offal, excluding kidneys;
  • boiled fillet of any sea fish;
  • rolled oats, buckwheat, rice porridge, if you are overweight - pearl barley, if you are underweight - wheat, barley;
  • chicken eggs in any form;
  • fermented milk products, including cottage cheese; milk, if the animal tolerates it well;
  • any vegetables raw, boiled or stewed, potatoes and corn - exclusively raw, cabbage - boiled or stewed;
  • All fruits can be given, except those that provoke diarrhea and allergies.

Vegetable oil, a little salt, tricalcium phosphate, vitamin-mineral complexes, brewer's yeast, and bone meal are added to the food.

Physical activity

The German Shepherd needs to exercise a lot, since physical activity is genetically inherent in it. The inability to spend energy negatively affects the dog’s character; it becomes nervous and overly excitable.

It has been noticed that dogs living in rural areas and actively moving live much longer than their urban relatives. Therefore, for the city pet It is important to provide the opportunity for long walks, at least two hours a day, training at training grounds, hikes in the forest or mountains. Take your four-legged friend on a multi-kilometer run or bike ride. An active life will benefit not only the dog, but also the owner.

With age, when it becomes more difficult for the animal to move, physical activity is reduced.


German Shepherds have good health However, you should monitor the well-being of your ward. Get regular vaccinations and consult a doctor if you have any seemingly minor health problems with your four-legged friend.

Most often, German Shepherds are susceptible to diseases:

The physical health of the German Shepherd is affected by the psychological situation. Don't leave her alone for a long time. Loneliness is stressful for dogs.

If the animal lives in a family, where relationships are always being sorted out, scandals are not uncommon, this negatively affects his well-being, leads to cardiovascular diseases and even the occurrence of tumors.

Try not to conflict in front of the dog. If a scandal cannot be avoided, calm the dog down, take him for a walk, play with him.

With proper care and maintenance, your four-legged friend can live 16-17 years. Fill every day of communication with him with love and joy.