Manic syndrome psychiatry. Can this be considered a disease? How does manic syndrome manifest?

Manic disorder refers to affective syndromes- conditions manifested in mood and behavior disorders.

Manic episode or manic disorder – this term refers to the symptomatology (condition), not the disease itself. This mental state is part of one of the types bipolar disorder. But, to simplify understanding, we will use the simplest concepts and expressions here.

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Characteristics of manic disorder

Manic disorder (episode) is characterized by a period of at least, one week, when there is increased expansiveness or unusual irritability, and there is also particularly persistent goal-directed activity.
During periods of exacerbation of the disease, mood disturbances associated with manic symptoms, and they are visible to others (for example, friends, relatives, co-workers, etc.). People are in a heightened mood that is not typical for their usual state, which is manifested in the changed behavior of the individual.

Symptoms of manic disorder

Sick people are characterized by: unusual cheerfulness, increased distractibility, attention is significantly reduced, judgments are superficial, the attitude towards their future and present is not critical, not objective and often extremely optimistic. A person is in in a great mood, feel cheerfulness and a surge of strength, he does not feel tired.
Their desire for vigorous activity manifests itself in different ways:

Intellectual excitement manifests itself in:

  • acceleration of thinking,
  • a change in attention is expressed
  • hypermnesia (memory exacerbation).

Patients with mania are extremely verbose - they talk incessantly, sing, read poetry, preach.
There are often “jumps of ideas” - thoughts and ideas constantly replace each other, but there is not a single completed thought or idea. Characterized by confusion, inconsistency in thinking and actions, often reaching incoherence.
The intonations are usually pretentious, theatrical, and pretentious. Everything that happens, important or insignificant little things, is evaluated to an equal, over-significant degree, but attention does not linger on anything for long (hypermetamorphosis syndrome).
Patients with mania tend to overestimate their abilities and capabilities:

  • they discover extraordinary abilities in themselves,
  • talk about the need to change professions,
  • they want to become famous as a brilliant scientist, engineer, artist, writer, and often simply begin to pretend to be such.

As a rule, these are not persistent, overvalued ideas and delusions of grandeur. Patients often look younger, have an excellent appetite, and the need for rest and sleep is significantly reduced. Often, sleep may be completely absent, and sexual activity increases sharply. In manic disorders, there is an increase in heart rate, increased salivation and/or sweating, disturbances of the autonomic system occur.
These symptoms are quite serious and cause difficulty or disruption in a person’s professional, social, educational or life activities. The symptoms of manic disorder, although similar, cannot be the result of drug use. psychoactive substances or their abuse (for example, alcohol, drugs, medications) and are not related to somatic condition body.

Diagnosis of mania

Three or more of the following symptoms must be present:

  • Hyper-estimation of one’s own personality, persistent overvalued ideas of greatness.
  • Decreased need for sleep.
  • Increased talkativeness, talkativeness.
  • The presence of over-ideas, the presence of “leaps of ideas.”
  • Attention easily shifts to unimportant or non-existent moments.
  • Increased “efficiency”, over-activity in various fields activity (social, at work or at school, sexual need), psychomotor agitation.
  • Excessive involvement in other people's affairs or questionable activities (such as engaging in wild carousing, mindless shopping, sexual deviance, or foolish business investments)

Types of manic disorder

There are several types of manic disorders (episodes).

  • Angry mania - irritability, pickiness, anger, and aggression predominate. Patients are angry towards others and themselves, they are not satisfied with the actions and behavior of others.
  • Unproductive mania comes to the fore high mood, but there is no desire for activity with little acceleration of the associative process.
  • Confused mania - extreme acceleration of the associative process comes to the fore (thought processes associated with associations created by the brain; their violation is a violation of associations in the process of thinking).
    Association is a connection that arises in the process of thinking between elements of the psyche, as a result of which the appearance of one element, under certain conditions, evokes the image of another associated with it.
  • Complex mania is a combination of various affective disorders with symptoms of other psychopathological syndromes. In the context of such manic disorders, phenomena such as staging, fantasy, which the patient himself perceives as reality, oneiroid (qualitative disturbance of consciousness), catatonic states can often manifest themselves. Various hallucinations and mental automatisms often develop. In some cases, in the context of manic syndromes, symptoms appear that at first glance are incompatible with the picture of the condition, such as senestopathy, hypochondriacal delusions, and suicidal tendencies.

Manic states can develop with manic-depressive syndrome, cyclothymia, schizophrenia, epilepsy, various types psychoses, as well as with various organic lesions brain.
In patients with manic disorders, criticism of the disease is sharply reduced; as a rule, it is completely absent; such patients are quite difficult to motivate for treatment.
Most manic states are reversible. Treatment of patients with manic disorders must be carried out in a hospital setting, where they will be under 24-hour medical supervision.

Manic syndrome is pathological condition psyche, in which there is a triad of symptoms: elevated mood, reaching the level of hyperthymia (persistently elevated mood), sharp acceleration of thinking and speech, motor agitation. In the case where the severity of symptoms does not reach the level of psychosis, it is diagnosed (insufficiently pronounced mania). This condition is completely opposite to depression. When a person is kept within generally accepted limits, hospitalization is not always required.

The main cause of manic syndrome is considered to be genetic predisposition. People who subsequently develop mania are characterized by increased self-esteem before the disease, feel superior to others, and often consider themselves unrecognized geniuses.

Manic syndrome is not a diagnosis, but a manifestation of various diseases. Manic syndrome can manifest itself in the following diseases:

A patient with a new-onset manic episode requires careful evaluation because changes mental state may be the result of a disease in the body.


According to ICD-10 manic syndrome coded in the following categories:

In the event that manic syndrome is complicated by somatic diseases, they are coded in the appropriate sections.

Classic mania

Manic syndrome or “pure” mania manifests itself as follows:

  1. Elevated mood has nothing to do with events real life, does not change even during tragic events.
  2. The acceleration of thinking reaches such a degree that it turns into a race of ideas, while superficial events or concepts that are far apart from each other are connected by one association. A logical continuation of this way of thinking is delusions of grandeur, when the patient considers himself the ruler of the world, a great scientist, a god, or an outstanding commander. The behavior corresponds to the existing delusion. The patient feels that he has no equal in the world, emotions are bright and magnificent, there are no doubts or troubles, and the future is rosy and wonderful.
  3. The impulses and movements accelerate so much that the person exhibits vigorous activity that does not achieve a specific goal. A person strives to urgently satisfy all possible needs - eats a lot, drinks a lot of alcohol, has a lot of sexual contacts, uses drugs or engages in other favorite activities.

To understand what manic syndrome is, you can refer to fiction. For example, the mechanic Polesov from “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov clearly suffered from hypomania.

“The reason for this was his overly ebullient nature. He was an ebullient lazy man. He was constantly foaming. The customers could not find Viktor Mikhailovich. Viktor Mikhailovich was already giving orders somewhere. He had no time for work.”


The components of manic syndrome can be expressed in varying degrees, and also be combined with other psychotic manifestations. Depending on this, the following types of mania are distinguished:

The combination of mania with other mental disorders produces the following syndromes:

  • manic-paranoid – a delusional structure is added, most often delusions of relationship and persecution;
  • delusional mania - delusion “grows” from those events that are actually present in the patient’s life, but are exaggerated so much that they are completely divorced from reality (for example, megalomania based on professional skills);
  • oneiroid - delirium is accompanied by hallucinations of fantastic content, incredible pictures of unreal events.

Somatic manifestations of mania are an accelerated pulse, dilated pupils and constipation.

Self-diagnosis of mania

In order to limit yourself mental disorder from temporary psychological problems, there is an Altman scale. This is a questionnaire consisting of 5 sections - about mood, self-confidence, need for sleep, speech and vital activity. Each section contains 5 questions that must be answered honestly. Answers are scored from 0 to 4. By summing up all the points received, you can get the result. Scores from 0 to 5 correspond to health, from 6 to 9 - hypomania, from 10 to 12 - hypomania or mania, more than 12 - mania.

The Altman scale is designed to help a person see a doctor on time. The survey result is not a diagnosis, but is highly accurate. In psychiatry, this questionnaire corresponds to the Young Mania Scale, which serves to confirm (verify) the diagnosis.

Rorschach blots

This is a test that was introduced into use at the beginning of the last century by the Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. The stimulus material consists of 10 cards on which monochrome and colored symmetrical spots are located.

The spots themselves are amorphous, that is, they do not carry any specific information. Looking at spots stimulates in a person some emotion from his life and intellectual control of what is happening. The combination of these two factors - emotions and intelligence - gives practically comprehensive information about the patient's personality.

Psychology often uses non-standard approaches to studying personality, and this is one of the most successful. The Rorschach test reveals the deeply hidden fears and desires of a person, which for some reason are in a suppressed state.

Patients with hypomania or mania often see moving figures even though the images are static. Associations that often arise when working with a test can tell about hidden conflicts, difficult relationships, and changes much more than a direct conversation. It is possible to identify the needs of the individual, long-standing psychological trauma, aggressive or suicidal tendencies.


Manic syndrome that occurs for the first time is subject to treatment in a closed psychiatric ward (if it is not a complication of a somatic illness in a patient in a hospital). It is impossible to predict how the patient’s condition will change, how he will react to medications, or how the symptoms will transform.

At any moment the state can become depressive-manic, depressive, psychopathic or some other. Patient in unstable condition, with manifestations of manic syndrome, poses a danger both to himself and to others.

Feeling boundless happiness and the absence of obstacles, the patient can commit actions, the consequences of which are difficult or impossible to correct: donate or distribute movable and immovable property, have many sexual contacts, destroy his family, use lethal dose drug. The transition from manic to depressive phase can occur within a few hours, which can lead to suicide.

Relief of manic syndrome is exclusively medicinal. Drugs based on lithium salts, neuroleptics, mood stabilizers, nootropic drugs, tranquilizers, mineral and vitamin complexes.

Endogenous mental illnesses proceed according to their own internal laws, and it is not possible to reduce the duration of the disease. Due to long term treatment, many patients are assigned a disability group. Endogenous processes have chronic course, few patients can return to work.

Bipolar disorder, within which mania develops, is endogenous or of a hereditary nature. No one is to blame for its occurrence. Humanity has lived for more than two thousand years, and a pathological gene from ancestors can appear in any family.

If you suspect manic syndrome, you should urgently seek advice from a psychiatrist. Precisely to a psychiatrist, and not to a psychologist or neurologist. Psychologist deals with problems healthy people, and a psychiatrist treats mental illness.

It is impossible to refuse hospitalization; this can irreparably harm the sick person. It is not necessary to disclose the fact of treatment, especially since the certificate of incapacity for work, at the request of the patient or his relatives, indicates a rehabilitation diagnosis - neurosis, grief reaction or something similar.

After discharge, maintenance treatment is mandatory, this the only possibility curb mental illness and keep it under control. Relatives should always be on guard, and in the event minimal changes behavior to contact your doctor. The main thing that relatives must understand is that the disease will not go away on its own, only regular persistent treatment can improve the condition of the sick person.

A mentally ill person should be treated in the same way as someone suffering from any other illness. There are restrictions, but if you do not go beyond what is permitted, then your chances of living a peaceful life long life great.

A condition in which mood, mental, motor and mental reactions significantly increase is a manic syndrome, or mania. Individuals with manic syndrome are often unsure of their actions. It is important to know what symptoms and what consequences this complex has.

During manic syndrome, nervous and physical reactions are significantly accelerated


Manic syndrome is also called mania and hypomania. It completely changes a person's life. Affects emotions and adaptation. Such people have a constant high mood, a surge of energy and increased performance.

Due to emotional overwhelm, they are aggressive and can overreact to a particular situation. Their actions and decisions are rash, so this behavior negatively affects relationships with family and friends.

Guys and girls with manic syndrome have increased libido. People with the syndrome are constantly in search of sexual hobbies. They always exaggerate their potential and strength.

Manic syndrome can destroy a family and lead to problems at work. The person does not think about what he is doing and is not responsible for his actions.

Types of disease

A condition during which a person feels increased mood and excitement is called mania. Manic syndrome whole list species by which the stage of the disease is distinguished.

  1. Manic-paranoid. The patient has a bad attitude towards opposite sex. He can follow those who strongly impress him.
  2. Oneiric mania: the presence of hallucinations.
  3. Mania of happiness. In addition to the fact that there are usual symptoms, motor agitation, hyperthymia and tachypsychia are also observed.
  4. Angry mania tends to uncontrolled aggression, nervousness, anger and frequent conflicts with others.

To detect illness caused by manic syndrome, the Altman scale is used.

Reasons for appearance

The most common theory that explains the causes of manic syndrome is genetic inheritance. People tend to strive to develop manic addiction on their own.

This is due to the fact that the body thus protects itself from problems. Manic syndrome develops a disorder in the part of the brain that controls reactions. Severe stress, shock and life problems can easily develop a defensive reaction in the form of a syndrome for a short period.

The disease can often be found with brain infections. Reforms in the structure of the central nervous system may also affect the onset of the disease. External factors have virtually no effect on the formation of the disease.

Mania develops as a result of schizophrenia and nervous disorders. The causes of mania are often caused by taking sedatives and psychotropic substances.


It is difficult to see the symptoms. Many people know that in a manic state people do not look their age. The disease makes a person younger, and this mainly applies to women. Symptoms of mania:

  • feelings of happiness, joy and success;
  • the presence of optimism in any situation;
  • a wonderful mood can quickly change to aggression and anger;
  • bad dream;
  • spoken language is fast and unclear;
  • disrespect for your interlocutor;
  • gestures during a conversation;
  • increased libido, appetite and good exchange substances;
  • absent-mindedness, fussiness, restlessness;
  • poor assessment of one's own capabilities.

If a person has at least a few symptoms, then we can talk about the initial stage. Through a short time the disease will develop into a serious problem.

If the patient has a severe form of the disease, then he feels shame and remorse for his behavior. Memories constantly torment him, he cannot for a long time get rid of feelings of guilt.


To determine the diagnosis, use classic way. The doctor observes the patient's behavior and questions him. To determine the presence of the syndrome, it is necessary to tell the truth.

  1. Having relatives with a similar disease.
  2. Possible early mental disorders.
  3. Possible injuries, previous operations.
  4. Status in society, behavior at work and at home.

It is important for the doctor to see the risk factors:

  • presence of life problems;
  • suicide attempts;
  • taking medications, as well as alcohol dependence;
  • chronic diseases.

Getting rid of the problem

When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes either drug treatment, or treatment with a psychotherapist. Treatment for mania depends on test results and the patient's condition. If he is aggressive, conflict-ridden and has poor sleep, he is sent to hospital treatment.

Psychiatry - perfect option in this case. Apply sedatives and tranquilizers so that the patient is not very aggressive.


Manic syndrome is a disease that overtakes people in at a young age. It may seem that bursts of strength and determination are given to implement big life plans, but the person begins to overestimate his abilities. The syndrome can negatively affect not only the patient, but also his relatives.

Manic syndrome is treated with medications and sessions with a psychologist. If the disease is in an advanced state, the patient is treated in a hospital. Manic syndrome must be noticed in time, its symptoms recognized and treatment started.

Manic syndrome is a pathological condition characterized by a combination increased activity which usually accompanies good mood, with no fatigue. In a manic state, in contrast to a psycho-emotional upsurge, as a rule, there is a discrepancy between energy expenditure and the rest necessary for recovery.

The disease occurs equally in men and women. Mental changes in children and adolescents may occur due to changes hormonal balance. As a rule, this is expressed in a sharp change in behavior, committing unusual acts, and changing the style of clothing.

Previously, manic syndrome was considered hereditary disease transmitted through the female and male lines. However, after conducting many genetic studies, it was revealed that the family connection manifests itself in the form of cognitive educational stereotypes of behavioral reactions. Growing up in a family, a child, observing the behavior of a relative with the syndrome, can consider him an example of positive behavior.

Typically, mania primarily occurs as a protective reaction of the brain to external factors having a negative emotional connotation. It could be betrayal, loss loved one, betrayal, loss of social status or job. To survive this, a stereotypical manic pattern of behavior is activated, in which everything negative is ignored, not perceived and very quickly forgotten.

Symptoms of manic syndrome

Quite often it is difficult to diagnose manic syndrome. People with similar symptom They often look very sociable, self-confident, active and cheerful, although they are characterized by some scattered behavior. For the sick manic mania characterized by fast movements, very animated facial expressions and speech. However, in certain situations they tend to become severely depressed.

The disease can manifest itself in different ways. Mild cases are called hypomania. Typically, the disease occurs without significant agitation, symptoms of psychosis, or impairment of social functioning.

A distinct manic state is manifested by unshakable optimism, combined with almost always high spirits. All experiences and emotions usually have a favorable connotation, mistakes and failures are quickly forgotten, problems and troubles seem insignificant. People with manic syndrome try not to notice or not attach importance to negative situations that concern them in the present time, and the future is always depicted only in bright colors.

However, in some cases, especially against the background of certain external reasons(usually conflicts), a good mood gives way to anger and irritation. But these emotions quickly pass if the situation is turned into a playful and peaceful direction.

Patients with manic mania usually feel great physical fitness, and believe that their possibilities are limitless. They tend to overestimate them and believe that there are no obstacles that can hinder them. Quite often this develops into delusions of grandeur.

Also, people with manic syndrome tend to do many things, but due to the fact that they are often distracted, they rarely manage to bring them to completion. They do not tolerate objections and comments, they strive to manage everything independently, and many orders can be ridiculous.

Also, patients do not always spend money justifiably. Their sociability develops into a constant desire to increase the number of contacts. In women, against the background of the syndrome, menstrual cycle. Quite often, with mania, sexuality increases.

Diagnosis of manic syndrome

Diagnosis of manic syndrome is based on identifying typical clinical symptoms diseases:

  • Motor hyperactivity, when a person cannot sit idle and constantly needs to rush;
  • Loss of body weight;
  • Slight increase in temperature due to acceleration metabolic processes and increased glucose consumption by brain cells;
  • The appearance of very flexible and varied facial expressions and active gestures, as well as haste in speech with possible omission of syllables, which gives the impression of confusion;
  • Rejection of criticism and overestimation own strength and opportunities.

Treatment of manic syndrome

Flowing in mild form disease drug therapy not always required. In this case, psychotherapeutic conversations, restriction of mental and physical activity, normalization of sleep. However, against the background protracted course A disease accompanied by irritability, severe neurotic reactions, conflicts and aggression requires targeted treatment, preferably in a hospital setting.

It is also very important to identify the cause that caused the development of the syndrome, since this disease usually is a certain facet of another psychological illness. Treatment should also be aimed at the mental disorders accompanying the syndrome. For example, manic syndrome may occur due to bipolar disorder, and also psychoses, neuroses, depressive states, obsessive fears. In these cases, cure is possible only with simultaneous treatment of all existing diseases.

A psychopathic condition, which is accompanied by hyperthymia (elevated mood), tachypsychia ( quick thinking and speech), motor activity, is defined as manic syndrome. In some cases, symptoms are complemented by increased activity at the level of instincts (high appetite, libido). In particular severe cases there is a reassessment of one’s capabilities and personality, the signs are tinged with delusional ideas.

Causes of manic syndrome

In the pathogenesis of the disease, the main role is played by bipolar affective mental disorder. The abnormal condition is characterized by periodic manifestations with phases of exacerbation and decline. Duration of attacks and accompanying symptoms in each special case are different and depend on the form of the clinical picture.

Until recently, the etiology of manic state was considered to be a genetic predisposition. Hereditary factor can be transmitted through both the female and male lines in different generations. A child raised in a family where one of the representatives suffered from pathology, with early childhood received a model of behavior. The development of the clinical picture is a protective reaction of the psyche to emotional stress (loss of a loved one, change in social status). In this situation, stereotypical behavior familiar from childhood is activated as the replacement of negative episodes with calmness and complete ignoring.

The syndrome can develop against the background of infectious, organic or toxic psychoses. Hyperactivity may also be the basis of the pathology. thyroid gland, when excessive production of thyroxine or triiodothyronine affects the function of the hypothalamus, causing mental instability in the patient's behavior.

Manic tendencies can develop against the background of addiction narcotic drugs, alcohol or as a result of medication withdrawal:

  • antidepressants;
  • "Levodopa";
  • corticosteroids;
  • opiates;
  • hallucinogens.

Classification and characteristic symptoms

Give general characteristics pathology is quite complex: in each patient the disease manifests itself ambiguously. Visually, without a thorough examination, the first easy stage hypomania does not cause concern among others. The patient’s behavior can be attributed to the characteristics of his psyche:

  • activity in work;
  • sociability, cheerful disposition, good feeling humor;
  • optimism, confidence in actions;
  • fast movements, animated facial expressions, at first glance it seems that the person is younger than his age;
  • experiences are short-term in nature, troubles are perceived as something abstract, not affecting a person, and are quickly forgotten, replaced by high spirits;
  • physical capabilities are in most cases overestimated; at first glance it seems that the person is in excellent physical shape;
  • in a conflict situation, such strong outbursts of anger are possible that do not correspond to the reason that caused them, the state of irritation passes quickly and is completely erased from memory;
  • Pictures of the future are drawn by patients in bright, positive colors; they are confident that there are no obstacles that can prevent the fulfillment of a rainbow dream.

Behavior raises doubts about normality when the signs of the triad intensify: unsystematic movements - instantaneous thoughts devoid of consistency and logic - facial expressions do not correspond to the occasion. Manifests depressive state, unusual for an individual, a person becomes gloomy and withdraws into himself. The gaze, fixed or running, the condition is accompanied by anxiety and groundless fears.

The clinical course of manic behavior is determined by three types:

  1. All characteristic symptoms expressed equally, the classic form of the disease manifests itself, which does not raise doubts among others about the abnormality of the person’s mental state. Hypomania – initial stage pathology, when the patient is socially adapted, his behavior meets generally accepted norms.
  2. One of the triad of signs is more pronounced (as a rule, this is hyperthymia), the condition is accompanied by an inappropriately cheerful mood, the patient is in a state of euphoria, jubilation, and feels himself in the center of a grandiose holiday in his honor. Tachypsychia manifests itself less frequently and is more clearly expressed; thoughts are expressed to patients at the level of world ideas with a variety of topics.
  3. A manic personality is characterized by the replacement of one symptom with the opposite; this type of pathology includes increased motor and mental activity against the background bad mood, outbursts of anger, aggressive behavior. Actions are destructive in nature, there is a complete lack of sense of self-preservation. The patient is prone to suicide or murder of the subject, in his opinion, the culprit of all experiences. The state of stupor is characterized by rapid speech and mental ability with inhibition of movement. This may include non-productive mania with motor activity and absence of tachypsychia.

In psychiatry, there have been cases where the disease proceeded with paranoid symptoms: crazy ideas in relationships with loved ones, sexual perversions, feeling of persecution. Patients have greatly inflated self-esteem, bordering on delusions of grandeur and confidence in their exclusivity. There have been cases of oneiric deviation, in which the patient was in a world of fantastic experiences, visions and hallucinations were perceived as real events.

Dangerous consequences

Bipolar affective disorder (BD) without timely diagnosis and providing adequate assistance can develop into a severe depressive form, which poses a threat to the life of the patient and his environment. Clinical picture manic syndrome is accompanied by constant euphoria, the patient is in a state similar to alcohol or drug intoxication. An altered consciousness leads to rash, often dangerous actions. Confidence in one’s significance and originality causes an aggressive reaction to the disagreement of others with manic ideas. In this state, a person is dangerous and can cause physical injury incompatible with life to a loved one or to himself.

The syndrome can become a harbinger of schizophrenia, which will affect the quality of life and adaptive ability in society. Auditory hallucinations, in which the patient hears voices dictating his behavior pattern, can lead to:

  • to constant surveillance of a loved one who (so the voice said) is unfaithful to him;
  • confidence that the patient has become a victim of surveillance ( public services, aliens from outer space, neighbors), forces you to live with caution, reduce communication to a minimum, hide;
  • megalomania together with body dysmorphic delusions (confidence in physical deformity) leads to self-harm or suicide;
  • In people diagnosed with bipolar disorder, symptoms are accompanied by sexual activity. When schizophrenia manifests itself, this condition worsens, forcing one to look for new partners to achieve the highest point of pleasure. If his hopes were not realized, aggressive behavior a maniac can end tragically for his sexual partner.

A severe form of the pathology leads to a decrease in mental, communication and motor abilities. The patient stops taking care of himself, his will is suppressed. Often such people find themselves below the poverty line or even on the street.


To determine manic syndrome, it is necessary to observe the patient’s behavior and the patient’s acceptance of the problem psychological deviation and complete trust in the attending physician. If mutual understanding is reached, a conversation is held with the patient and his relatives, during which it becomes clear:

  • cases of illness in the family;
  • mental state at the time of the interview;
  • how the pathology manifested itself at the beginning of the clinical course;
  • presence of trauma and stressful conditions.

With the help of a specially developed test for mania, the life position and social status of the patient are clarified. The behavioral model is analyzed in different situations. Alcohol or drug addiction whether the use of a number of medications, their withdrawal, or suicide attempts occur. For full picture appointed laboratory examination biochemical composition blood.

Necessary treatment

Bipolar affective disorder is a type of psychosis that is difficult to diagnose and treat. Therapy for bipolar disorder is carried out comprehensively, the choice depends on the pathogenesis, duration of the course and symptoms. If there is aggression, sleep disorder, inappropriate behavior in conflict situations, the patient is indicated for hospitalization.