Lesson notes on the world around us in the middle group. Meet the canary. Presentation on the topic of decorative, songbirds and wintering birds

Ornamental birds are one of the most beautiful creatures on Earth that can bring happiness and joy to your home!

They can fly gracefully, delighting huge numbers of people. The world could not be so beautiful if it were not for the representatives of birds, each of which is unique in its own way. They amazed the ancient representatives of the planet with their ability to fly, while people could only dream about it; they were deified by many peoples of antiquity. They forced us to make scientific discoveries and strive for development: thanks to them, airplanes and helicopters appeared. The article can help you get acquainted with ornamental birds (middle group of kindergarten). It can be carried out according to plan. To help children understand the topic and remember it for a long time, it is recommended to show them photographs of birds. You can also connect another type of memory. To do this, you can arrange exhibitions of ornamental birds.

The appearance of decorative birds in the homes of ancient inhabitants

Domestic decorative birds appeared in ancient times: people wanted their homes to have some zest, to have fun and hear wonderful melodies all the time. That's why they put them in cages. And so, gradually, some species of birds were able to get used to being kept in captivity. But not all of them were able to become domesticated: mainly only bright and melodious ornamental birds - the canary and the parrot - were domesticated. In ancient times, only noble people could afford to keep birds in captivity, while the common people simply did not have enough time for this. And in the modern world, decorative birds live in almost every home: they have filled the lives of millions of people around the world with their colors.

If you want to get yourself a feathered pet, then you shouldn’t rush to make a choice: you need to take this very seriously, because then life with the wrong pet can become torture not only for you, but also for the animal itself.

Ornamental birds: selection and care for them

  • Allergenicity. Find out in advance if you are allergic to a certain type of bird. This can be done in special laboratories for a fee. The verification will take about a week. Only after this do you start choosing a bird for your home.
  • Time that you can devote to the animal. This factor is important when choosing a bird. After all, if you cannot pay enough attention, the animal may simply die. This can happen not only from lack of care, but from lack of attention. Some birds are unable to live alone even for a few days: they die from boredom. Therefore, if you know that you will often have to leave your pet alone for a long period, then buy several birds at once: then you can leave them together even for a week, provided that someone will look after them all this time.
  • Lifespan. This factor is also worth taking into account. Some birds live only 5-7 years. And there are those who live 100 years. Also keep in mind that you may get tired of caring for an animal: you don’t know what might happen in 15-20 years. That is why take this factor into account when choosing a feathered friend. If in the future you want to give it, for example, to friends, then this will be a big shock and a stressful situation for the bird.

The most famous and popular birds that can be kept at home

There are a huge number of bird species on the planet that can be kept outside the will. The following describes the most popular representatives of ornamental birds.


Finches live in the wild in the tropics. They have a specific bright color. This attracts the attention of a huge number of bird breeders. The birds look quite impressive and exotic. The birds are also quite active and funny. They are easily tamed and, with proper care, can become good friends for anyone. It can also be noted that finches do not sing very beautifully - and this is their biggest disadvantage. Their singing sounds like some kind of whistling or even hissing. But finches easily compensate for this deficiency with their friendliness and trust in humans. Otherwise, these birds have only positive qualities. There is a Japanese These birds are a more domesticated “version”.

One of the main advantages of Japanese finches is their cleanliness: they litter little and the cage cannot be cleaned very often.


Some species of blackbirds, finches, goldfinches, pigeons, siskins and jays are also ornamental birds that can be kept outside the wild, no matter how paradoxical this may sound, considering that these bird representatives can be seen on the street every day.

It is quite problematic to keep blackbirds at home: they require constant care. Among their advantages is their unique singing. They can only be kept in a large space in sunlight; the enclosure (cage) must have a place for swimming. Many breeders, despite the huge number of difficulties that arise during the care process, still keep these ornamental birds in their homes.


Finches can also sometimes be kept at home. These small birds have bright, catchy plumage, which is why they have gained such great popularity among breeders.

It is not very easy to distinguish between a male and a female, so when purchasing a bird, pay special attention to this point. Female finches do not sing, but the males produce such beautiful melodies that the lack of a female may not even be noticed if you buy two birds.


Goldfinches are quite bright birds with beautiful elegant plumage. Their voice is very melodic.

Goldfinches are very active birds. They are well tamed, but not all of them: there are quite aggressive individuals, but this is rare; in general, most birds are friendly.

These birds cannot be kept in the same cage with other species. Males sing better than females.


Siskins are calm and easy-to-care ornamental birds. They are very popular due to their ability to copy the songs of other birds. They can be kept together with other birds in the same cage (aviary).


Jays, in addition to their bright plumage, also have one very incredible quality: they can imitate any sounds they have ever heard.

Birds are not very demanding in terms of nutrition and care; they can eat regular feed mixtures. It is recommended to buy a small chick rather than an adult bird because it will be much easier to tame.


Pigeons are also decorative birds. In the modern world there are about 850 breeds of this bird species.

Pigeons do not shine with their musical talent - they “take” breeders with their unique appearance. You cannot keep pigeons without company, otherwise they may die.

Canaries and parrots

The most popular birds kept in captivity are parrots and canaries. They are easy to care for and can be kept in small cages with timely walking. Female canaries, like parrots, are not capable of learning speech. But there are still exceptions: if you first buy a male, teach him to speak, and only then a young female, then there is a chance that she will also be able to learn to speak. There should always be two things in the cage: food and water. The latter must be changed every day.

This should be done even if you have an automatic waterer. The food is changed if necessary. You should not leave a parrot or canary alone for more than a day, otherwise it may die. This can only be done if you have several birds living with you: they will be able to communicate with each other and they will not feel depressed. But you will need to find a person who can change water and food every day and clean the cages if necessary.

To make the lesson more visual, use photographs, pictures, and also ask the children to describe what living ornamental birds look like. Any child will enjoy the lesson in the middle group if it is carried out according to the plan of the article.

MBDOU Velikooktyabrsky kindergarten "Belochka"
Firovsky district, Tver region

One day project on the topic:

"Getting to know ornamental birds"

Prepared by: Mikhailova E.N. Grigorieva A.V.

Type of project: educational.

Age of children: middle group (4-5 years).

Implementation date: October 25, 2016

Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​decorative birds

Tasks :

1. Show the features of keeping ornamental birds.

2. Create a desire to observe and care for animals.

3. Develop speech, thinking, attention.

Materials: audio recording with the sounds of birds (parrots, presentation on keeping birds at home, recording of the cartoon “Pets”)


Educator: - Guys, today I want to continue the conversation with you about birds. Let's remember what birds you know.

Children list.

Tell me, what are the names of the birds that fly away from us to warmer climes?


What are the names of the birds that remain?


Well done!

Today I want to introduce you to another species of bird. They are called decorative. These are the birds that live in people's homes, mainly canaries and parrots (demonstration of pictures depicting parrots and canaries).

Today we have an unusual lesson, let’s close our eyes and listen carefully. The sound of birds singing (parrots)


Children, what did you hear just now? (children's answers). That's right kids, this is the singing of birds and parrots.

Educator: Children, do you want to learn even more about parrots?

Let us take a look at this bird.

What parts does a bird's body consist of? - Head, body, tail, wings and legs.

What do all birds have on their heads? - Children's answers.

Do you have ears? - There are, but they are not visible because of the feathers.

Is the beak a mouth or a nose? - Mouth.

Tell me please, what limbs do birds have? - Wings and legs.

Let's look at the legs. Look, the fingers have long, sharp, backward-curved claws.

Count how many fingers? Where are they headed?

Why do you think birds' fingers are positioned this way? - So that they can sit on sticks, twigs, on a perch.

Can we sit like this? Let's check.

Experiment with sticks.

Conclusion : A person cannot sit on a perch like a bird. His feet don't bend like that. A person is used to walking on a flat surface.

Let's now tell you what the body of birds is covered with. - Feathers.

How are they painted? (show pictures of other parrots)

Why do parrots have such bright colors? - Because in nature they live in tropical forests, where there is a lot of greenery, flowers, i.e. there are many colors in nature. And therefore it is difficult for predators to notice it.

Show presentation.

1 slide. What colors do budgerigars come in?

2 slide. Variety decorative parrots.

3 slide. Parrot cage (feeder, drinking bowl, retractable tray, perch). In order for parrots to live in our home, we must create all the conditions for them: a spacious cage, with a retractable tray, a feeder, and a drinking bowl. Parrot cages should be cleaned daily. Also, the food in the parrots' feeder and the water in the drinking bowl are changed daily. Once a year, parrots should be vaccinated by a veterinarian.

4 slide. What do parrots eat, food for parrots.

5 slide. What vegetables and fruits can parrots eat?


And now children, I suggest you turn into birds.


Birds jump, fly,

The birds sing songs,

Birds collect crumbs

The birds are pecking the grains,

Wings cleaned

The beaks were cleaned,

We flew again

And they sat down.

(Perform movements in accordance with the text)

Educator. And now children, I suggest you color a cheerful, bright parrot.



Now let's remember what type of birds we met today

Project with children 4-5 years old “Such different birds”

Educational and research project "Such different birds"

Fostering a caring and caring attitude towards birds is of great importance in preschool age. Who do we see in our parks and forests? Of course, birds! Birds live next to us, delighting us with their singing and colorful outfits! Despite this, communication with birds, if it occurs uncontrolled, can bring not only benefits, but also harm! Therefore, it is necessary to promptly introduce children to their lives and cultivate a humane attitude towards them.

Project passport

Project name Cognitive and research
Problem area of ​​the project insufficient understanding of the diverse world of birds, the need to expand children's vocabulary and form the grammatical structure of speech.
Pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques
Visual observations, demonstration of subject and subject pictures, illustrations.
Verbal conversations, the teacher’s story, reading fiction about birds and a careful and caring attitude towards them.

Planned results of the project
Personal qualities
the child masters the basic cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, communication, cognitive and research activities;
shows a strong interest in the natural world;
the child is able to independently attract the attention of an adult or child in order to communicate information about birds, his own product of artistic and creative activity; a product of the artistic and creative activity of a peer;
able to involve relatives in creating an album about birds;
Intellectual qualities
the child shows intellectual activity and cognitive interest;
can accept and independently pose a cognitive task and solve it in accessible ways;
shows intellectual emotions, guesswork and intelligence, experiments with pleasure;
has an interest in events beyond personal experience, is interested in the life of birds;
Physical qualities
shows interest in physical exercise and outdoor games;
the child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various types of activities; in relationships with adults and peers, can follow the rules of safe behavior in nature;
able to demonstrate strong-willed efforts (to complete the work).

forming children's ideas about the world of feathered friends, attracting parents to closer cooperation in project activities.
1. Arouse interest in the world around us, form realistic ideas about nature.
2. Expand children’s knowledge and ideas about the appearance features, life manifestations, habits of birds and their adaptation to their habitat.
3. Enrich vocabulary and develop children’s coherent speech.
4. Activate the attention and memory of preschoolers, develop logical thinking (teach to compare, analyze, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations).
5. Foster a kind, caring attitude towards the world of birds.
6. Intensify joint activities of children and parents.
Project type-creative, research, informational, gaming, practice-oriented.
List of participants
- middle school children, teachers, parents.

Scenario of joint activity to solve problems

Search stage
Topics on which information is collected:
- with children: asking the question:
What do we know about birds? What do we want to know? Where can we get the information we need?
- with parents: selection of scientific and fiction literature on this topic.
- with teachers:
design of attributes for role-playing games,
preparing a variety of materials for children's creativity;
selection and design of a card index of outdoor games,
purchasing educational games,
development of scenarios for joint activities with children,
studying Internet resources on the topic “Birds”.
Analytical stage
Analysis of collected information
Planning of practical activities
for product creation - collective application “Birds Are Flying”,
to introduce children to the world of birds through didactic games and reading fiction
on the formation of the foundations of life safety
Practical stage
Distribution of responsibility for project implementation and product manufacturing
Presentation stage
Exhibition of children's creativity
Creating a presentation “Our feathered friends”
Control stage
Final event presentation for parents, exhibition of child-parent works.
Presentation form evening of leisure.

Organizational forms of work on the project

Participants' activities
Activities of the teacher
- didactic games
-creating a presentation
Joint activities of the teacher
-listening to recordings of birdsong
-examination of illustrations
-collective application
- compiling a descriptive story about birds according to the diagram
Joint activities of children with each other
-Outdoor games
-Plot-role-playing games
Independent activities of children
-development of fine motor skills - shading, patterns, finishing touches.
-examination of narrative paintings and posters about birds.
- didactic, outdoor games.
Joint activities between children and parents
-telling riddles about birds.
-proverbs and sayings about birds.
- reviewing children's books, magazines, encyclopedias.
-creation of the book “How do birds appear?”
Parents' activities
- creation of the book "Interesting facts from the life of birds!"
- design of books for children
For parents, I created a presentation of all our work with children, accompanied by photographs of children in various activities, where I showed in detail all our work. At the next meeting they were introduced to it.

Drawing "Sweet swallow!"

How do birds appear?

Swan Lake (collective application)

Each family brought information about a bird that interested them. We put all the information in a folder and the book “Interesting facts from the life of birds” turned out!

After this project, I began to notice how children began to listen to the singing of birds in the kindergarten area, they recognize who is singing, they know the name of all the birds that fly to our kindergarten! They willingly play didactic and outdoor games learned during the project! The project was a week long, now we are just remembering and repeating what we learned during it.
In the future, I want to make lapbooks on the theme of migratory and wintering birds. I hope my pedagogical project will help you, colleagues, also become interested in project activities with children! Good luck! Thank you for your attention!

Summary of a lesson on the world around us with children in the middle group of kindergarten on the topic “Getting to know the canary.”

The outline of this lesson will be useful to teachers of middle groups of kindergartens conducting classes on the surrounding world according to the Veraksa program. The summary is interesting because children participate in a role-playing game together with an adult and learn new information during the game. The activity encourages children to own and care for pets, which promotes their moral development.
Target: Give children an idea of ​​the decorative bird, the canary. Show the features of keeping ornamental birds. To develop a desire to observe and care for ornamental birds and all living creatures.
Material: Presentation with photographs, fragments of a video about canaries; empty bird cage, perch, drinking bowl, feeder.

Progress of the lesson:

I play an audio recording of the song “Bird Market” for the children (Bird market, bird market, we’re doing well! We’re going to the bird market to buy ourselves a goldfinch!) While the children listen to the audio recording of the song, I put on a white robe and go out to the children.
Educator: Guys, today you will also go for a bird, but not to the bird market, but to the pet store. Look at this picture, do you recognize this bird? What is it called?
Children: Canary.
Educator: So you are going to the pet store to buy a canary, and I, the pet store salesperson, will meet you here. Hello guys!
Children: Hello!
Educator: I have a variety of ornamental birds living here. What kind of bird do you want to get?
Children: Please tell us about the canary.
Educator: There are a lot of birds in my pet store. I admire them very often and listen to how amazingly they sing. Canaries are very small birds, usually yellow in color, they were brought to our country from another country called the Canary Islands, for which the bird was called a canary.
I show the children photographs of the canary, a video fragment “The beautiful song of the canary” (the canary sings songs).
Educator: Guys, do you want to have a canary at home? Do you know where she lives in the apartment?
I am conducting a didactic game “Whose house is this?” (from the pictures laid out on the table, children choose housing for a dog, fish, hamster and canary)

Educator: You are right, the canary lives in a cage. What do you guys think is needed for a bird to live at your home? (children's answers)
Educator: Of course, in order for a bird to live in your home, you need to properly care for it. Do you know how to properly care for a canary?
Children: No.
Educator: The birds are kept indoors in a cage. The cage should be positioned so that the sun shines on it well, so that the wind does not blow there (there is no draft). Why can’t a bird live in a draft?
Children: She might get sick.
Educator: You are right, birds, like people, get sick too.
Educator: Now, guys, let's have a little rest. Let's imagine that we are beautiful canaries, let's watch the video and repeat after the bird (physical education lesson, do like the bird)
I show the children a canary cage and the perches in it).
Educator: Guys, why do birds in cages need perches?
Children: To sit on them.
Educator: Everything is correct. And this is a pallet, sand is poured here. Sand needs to be changed 2-3 times a week. Why do you need to change the sand in the pan?
Children: To keep the cage clean. What should you feed the canary?
Educator: Canaries love seeds very much. All year round, the canary needs green food: lettuce leaves, oat shoots. Fruits and vegetables are very beneficial for canaries. What fruits do you know?
Children: Oranges, tangerines, apples, bananas, kiwis, pears, etc.
Educator: Well done! Canaries love apples, pears, and bananas. As for vegetables, they eat fresh cucumbers, carrots, and beets. (During the story, I show the children a presentation on canary nutrition.)
Educator: Food is poured into a feeder (I show a real feeder for a cage), and water is poured into a drinking bowl (I show children a drinking bowl).
Children: What else can you tell us about the canary?
Educator: If you want to keep a canary, then you should know that the canary is afraid of loud sounds and noise, especially when it gets used to a new place.
Children: What to do if the canary gets sick?
Educator: If your canary gets sick, you need to take it to a veterinary clinic. Do you know what this is?
Children: A veterinary clinic is a special hospital for animals.
Educator: You're right. But you should also know that before you take your canary home, you should still take it to the veterinarian to get it vaccinated, because canaries, like people, can also get sick. And now guys, I want to check if you are ready to have a canary. Answer my questions. Where in the house will you place the canary?
Children: In a cage.
Educator: How will you look after her?
Children: We will clean the cage and feed it.
Educator: Okay. Now we’ll play the game “Feed the Canary” and I’ll see if you remember what to feed the bird. (From the cards on the table, children choose only those foods that can and should be fed to the bird).
Educator: Well done! What other very important things do you need to know to get a canary?
Children: It is very important to get her vaccinated! And you can't make loud noise!
Educator: Guys, you are great! Now you are actually ready to get your own bird. And if you do buy a canary with your parents, try to take good care of it!

Lesson notes for the second junior group on the topic:

"Meet the Birds"

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world), “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity” (Modeling), “Physical education”.

Activities: gaming, communicative, productive, artistic.

Goals of the teacher: to develop children’s interest in birds and recognize them by their appearance; improve the ability to solve riddles; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; strengthen the skills of modeling from plasticine.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, look what I brought you today! (Children look at what is in the hands of the teacher).

Children: Picture.

Educator: Yes, this is a picture of birds. Who knows how birds differ from other animals?

Children: Birds have wings and feathers.

Educator: Correct! Well done! Masha, what else do birds have that other animals don’t?

Child: Beak and paws.

Educator: Yes, indeed feathers, wings and beak are a distinctive feature of the appearance of birds. The bird's body is also divided into a head, body and tail, which are covered with feathers. The head has eyes and a beak. The body has wings with which the bird flies. The bird also moves with the help of its legs; they are not covered with feathers.

(The teacher shows the body parts of the bird in the picture.)

And now, guys, I will ask you riddles. Be careful and name the answer correctly. Here are pictures of different birds that will help you solve the riddles.