Are chicken meat and chicken by-products healthy for dogs? Can I feed my dog ​​chicken heads, feet and necks? Is it possible to give a puppy chicken feet?

One day while scrolling through the search, I came across a discussion on “Is it possible to give chicken necks and chicken heads to a dog?”

In this article on the website “Around Dogs” we will tell you about Is it possible to give your dog chicken necks/chicken heads?.

So, let's start with the fact that bones cannot form the main diet of a dog, precisely because they end up clogging the stomach. If you are thinking about chicken bones, then read two points:

1 if the choice fell on broiler chickens, they are fed with food with growth hormones (in two to three months a quite huge chicken grows, try raising one from a regular one), and they are also given antibiotics. There are no hormones in expensive feed, but you know our manufacturers (why pay more is their main motto). Its bones, of course, are not as sharp as those of a domestic dog, but they can also have a detrimental effect on both the trachea and stomach of the dog, especially if these bones are boiled;

2 if you choose domestic chicken - their meat and bones, of course, should not contain hormones, they are more pure, but at the same time, finding the necks and heads of these chickens is much more difficult (you won’t run around the village and ask every grandmother - do they have a head or neck left for your dog).

So, my verdict on the question you asked is simple - 1-2 necks per week - as a treat (do not boil!). I don’t recommend giving a chicken head, unless you have trouble cutting off the beak. They are not given to small dogs.

Yes, even if some give necks and heads for breakfast, lunch and dinner instead of meat, even if they don’t have any problems, but this is only a temporary indicator, and no one guarantees that everything will always be in order with them.

When another family member - a tailed pet - appears in the house, its owner has many questions related to feeding. This is especially true for those owners who have never kept puppies in the house before. Feeling responsible for the pupil, they are interested in the feasibility and safety of including certain types of bones in the dog’s diet. Questions also arise about chicken by-products, in particular chicken heads. So, let's look at the issue.

Dog's diet and chicken heads

Let us remember that dogs are carnivorous animals that in the past lived in the wild and ate meat. They ate their prey completely, eating bones and cartilage.

The main source of protein food in the diet of today's dogs is meat. But feeding animals with this product alone is too expensive for owners. Yes, and not entirely correct. An alternative may be by-products, including chicken heads. This is an affordable and healthy type of pet food. Chicken heads can be fed to adult dogs, but after first removing the beaks. This part of the offal can injure the esophagus and stomach. There are no tubular bones in the heads. Therefore, they do not pose a danger to the dogs’ digestive system. It is recommended to cut the heads, boil them and combine them with either cereals or vegetables.

Pets are also allowed to feed chicken necks and paws, after removing the claws from them.

By-products in the diet of dogs

So, let us remind you that dogs should regularly receive animal proteins if the owner prefers to feed the pet natural food. The optimal source of protein is not only meat, but also meat by-products. These include the tripe, ears, udder, lips, kidneys, lungs, heart, liver. If we talk about bone by-products, these are heads, joints, legs. There is always some meat, that is, protein, left on the bones after cutting. Bone byproducts contain gelatin, fat and calcium.

As for chicken by-products, in addition to heads, these are also paws, necks, skin, and entrails. Bird skeletons have the highest energy value. After all, they contain trimmings of meat and fat. By the way, chicken by-products very rarely cause allergic reactions in dogs. That is why experienced breeders advise novice dog breeders to include this product in their dog menu.

Bones and diet of dogs

In order for a puppy to grow up strong and healthy, from early childhood it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the formation of its menu. Puppies require nutrients every day. And bones contain phosphorus, calcium, protein, and lime. It is useful for young pets to chew on them when their baby teeth are replaced with permanent ones. By chewing the bones, puppies prevent itching, which is associated with the period of change of chewing organs. Many owners know that at this time dogs can chew the corners of the apartment, furniture, hard objects, trying to scratch their itchy teeth. This occurs between 4 and 6 months. It is at this time that young pets grow permanent teeth. Bones are also useful for them as a product that contains calcium. Meat contains too little of this substance. For young pets, calcium from bones is more useful - it is more easily absorbed than from dairy products. And when a dog regularly chews raw bones, there is no need for additional calcium supplements. Another benefit of such a product on the menu is the load on the teeth. In dogs, they are adapted to eating solid food. And if the owner feeds his pupil only soft food, this can lead to the development of gingivitis.

As for safety, chicken bones are strictly contraindicated for dogs. They pose a great danger to small breeds of dogs. These bones are fragile. Too sharp pieces break off from them, with which the dog can damage his esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

It is also forbidden to give bones to dogs as the main source of food. They can lead to volvulus, intestinal obstruction, and constipation. If an adult dog constantly chews on them, its teeth will wear down very quickly. Therefore, such a product should be a treat, a dessert after the main meal.

The basis of a dog's diet is meat. However, buying beef for your pet, especially if it is a large dog, can be expensive. Often owners try to save on food by partially replacing meat with chicken by-products.

Let’s make a reservation right away: by-products cannot completely replace meat. For most dogs, it is recommended to give them 1-2 times a week.

Chicken as dog food

It is acceptable to feed a dog chicken if the breed is not prone to allergies and if the pet does not have an individual reaction to chicken.

You need to understand that the nutritional value of cooked meat compared to raw meat for a dog is low. You have to give more of any boiled meat than raw meat, but the benefits are less. Therefore, chicken can under no circumstances replace beef or lamb in a complete diet. But it can be added to the dog menu.

Chicken by-products are less likely to cause an allergic reaction than chicken meat. However, they should be introduced into the diet with caution, carefully monitoring the reaction.

Is it possible to feed chicken by-products?

Feeding a dog chicken by-products is a double-edged sword, and even veterinarians do not have a consensus on this matter. On the one hand, in their raw form they can contain harmful bacteria, antibiotics, and other harmful additives. On the other hand, when boiled, the nutritional value is lost.

The issue is especially controversial with chicken heads, paws and other parts containing bones. Boiled bones are not recommended.

Chicken heads

Disputes about whether it is possible to give chicken heads to dogs do not subside on dog breeders forums. Many pet owners say that they give their dogs chicken heads as the main source of protein daily, and the four-legged animals feel great. Proponents of such nutrition remind us that in nature a predator eats its prey with its head, and this does not cause any harm to it.

And although there are no tubular bones in the head, veterinarians do not advise doing this. If you decide to give your animal chicken heads, do not do it every day. The head has little protein and a lot of bones; it cannot replace meat. The beak must be removed. It contains nothing useful and is dangerous for the esophagus.

Dog owners living in rural areas should also remember that a dog accustomed to chicken heads may one day break loose and run out into the street. Such an animal is almost guaranteed to kill all the chickens and other poultry it encounters.


Necks can be fed even to a puppy older than 3-4 months. They do not contain tubular bones.


Paws are another very controversial by-product. They contain a lot of collagen and have a rich amino acid composition. Collagen is good for joints, skin and coat.

At the same time, the paws contain those very tubular bones that should absolutely not be given to a dog: their fragments can puncture the esophagus.

If you are going to give your pet chicken feet, remove the bones from them, cut off the claws, and pour boiling water over the feet. You can remove the bones and cook jellied meat from the paws. Jellied meat is beneficial for growing puppies.


The wings contain the most bones and skin. Giving leather to dogs is not advisable. Therefore, using wings as feed is not recommended.


Tubular chicken bones should not be given to dogs. They can form sharp chips and damage the intestines. This is especially dangerous for puppies and small breeds.

It is not advisable to give your dog boiled bones. Raw bone in a dog's stomach is successfully digested. But boiled food is not processed and leads to constipation. All valuable substances in bones are destroyed during heat treatment. Boiled bone is essentially rot that does not contain anything useful, but it settles in the stomach and intestines and can accumulate there.

Stomachs, hearts

Chicken stomach and heart contain many healthy vitamins and protein. This food improves the pet’s fur: it takes on a healthy appearance. Use stomachs and hearts as a base for broth, porridge, and add them to vegetables.


Liver contains a lot of vitamins B12 and A. Boiled liver is very useful, but give it little by little to avoid hypervitaminosis and bone deformation.

Which dogs are the product contraindicated for?

Chicken contains allergens, so it is contraindicated for sensitive breeds such as Russian Toy or Chinese Crested. For these dogs, it is better to choose food without chicken.

It is necessary to observe the dog's reaction. If you are switching an animal from industrial food to natural food, vomiting and diarrhea are normal at first, but should soon subside.

Industrial goodies

Commercial dog treats are usually dry kibbles (snacks) with an enhanced flavor. There are also sausages, biscuits, etc. It is important to read the ingredients of such products. A high-quality treat should not contain anything unnecessary (preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes). Low-quality snacks can cause the animal to become constipated and feel worse.

Treats are food that is given once, for example, as a reward during training. It is not recommended to give them constantly. This can negatively affect appetite and digestion.

Treats for animals of the domestic brand TiTBiT are widely available in Russian pet stores. Others include chicken scallops and chicken feet. These are dried crispy paws. According to the manufacturer, it is suitable for dogs of all breeds, including puppies over three months old. Helps clean teeth.

Unfortunately, the reality is not so rosy. The packaging of the paws states in small print that the product contains bone. Let us remind you that this is the same tubular bone that is contraindicated for dogs.

Will a dog benefit from chicken meat and its by-products, what is allowed and what is not? How to avoid possible unpleasant moments with these products? At what age and which dogs can chicken be eaten later in this article.

Are there any benefits of chicken meat for a dog?

Chicken meat is recommended for dogs; it contains 20.8% protein and 8.8% fat. These are very good indicators. The energy value of this dietary product is high. Dogs willingly eat such meat and often ask for more. Chickens are less nutritious but can be fed entirely to medium to large breed dogs. The benefits of such raw materials for a pet are enormous. But it is worth remembering that this applies to fresh chicken, which was raised on natural feed and without growth stimulants or without violating the technology at the poultry farm.

You should buy chickens only from verified distribution points. Often, poultry farms deliberately stuff them with chemicals, so that the birds gain weight before they even have time to fledge. The bones of such birds are soft and very unhealthy in appearance. Such meat is of little use and can cause allergies, pancreatitis and gastrointestinal upset. Excess growth hormone is extremely harmful for puppies, including pathologies of the skeleton and the body as a whole (early puberty, etc.). Can dogs be given chicken of this quality? Absolutely not!

What by-products can be included in the diet?

Your dog may benefit from the following chicken products:

  • heads,
  • paws,
  • liver,
  • stomachs.

Chicken heads

Is it possible to give chicken heads to a dog? Yes, this offal is allowed, but only for pets of medium and large breeds. If you are confused by the beak, then you should note that most dogs simply do not eat it. The head with its soft bones is eaten, and the beaks are literally spat out. But it is important to ensure that this is the case. Some individuals, especially young and large ones, can swallow their beaks. They are difficult to digest and may cause complications. The heads are suitable for preparing porridge as an addition to other ingredients.

IN important! Chickens have a lot of bones in their heads! Although they are soft, chewed and digested well, they should not be taken as the basis of the diet.

Plus they are not very nutritious. Keep this in mind when purchasing chicken heads for dogs.

Chicken necks

Is it possible to give chicken necks to a dog? Necks will become, perhaps, the animal’s most favorite dish. They can be fed boiled with porridge or fed to the dog raw, but previously frozen. For example, the American BARF nutrition system recommends feeding your pet raw necks as the basis of the diet. Can a dog take chicken necks as the basis of its daily diet? There are a lot of muscle fibers on the necks, and the bones are easy to chew, but it is recommended to supplement the meat component of the diet with offal or meat from other farm animals.

Chicken feet

Is it possible to give your dog chicken feet? Paws are not good for your pet. Their nutritional value is low, and the bones can even harm an adult dog, not to mention puppies. They can be used after boiling and picking out the pulp, along with porridge. Large dogs are given whole ones, but not often and in extreme cases. If there is a different food supply, the paws should be discarded.

Offal: liver and gizzards

Chicken gizzards are very nutritious and, given the right quality, will be an excellent food for your dog. They should be cooked together with porridge. How long to cook chicken gizzards for dogs? The stomach of adult chickens is boiled for a long time - 1.5 hours under the lid, or 30 minutes. in a pressure cooker. Stomachs of young chickens - 0.5 hours on fire or 15 minutes. in a pressure cooker. Then the porridge is boiled in broth and mixed with chopped gizzards.

Can a dog have chicken liver? The liver of chicken from poultry farms is often not of very good quality; it is better not to use it for food. But if there is a high-quality offal, it will perfectly complement the dog’s diet. The liver of domestic chickens raised without feed and growth hormones is especially good, as is their stomach, but these days they are a delicacy. Liver as the basis of the diet is not recommended.

At what age can you feed a puppy chicken?

If the chickens are of good quality, then they can be used for puppies immediately with the transition to solid food. Only white meat should be taken. Be sure to monitor the little ones for their reaction to new food. If there are no problems, feel free to feed the dogs chicken and porridge.

We live in a rural area, there is no time or opportunity to monitor the complete diet of animals. We buy chicken heads for cats, can we feed them to dogs too? On veterinary forums they say that it is undesirable, but cats don’t have any problems - their fur is shiny and they look well-fed.

8 replies Reply

15.03.2013 17:18

Vladimir Helpful answer? |

The main food of my shepherd (German male 4 years old) is porridge made from a mixture of buckwheat. rice, rolled oats and pasta. For a 6 liter pan, 1-1.5 kg of chicken heads. It's for 2 pm. In the morning, a dozen chicken paws after 5 minutes in the microwave. I don't bother with claws and beaks. The dog is cheerful and cheerful, the heaviest in the village.

07.03.2014 17:49

EvgenijMarkovich Helpful answer? |

Undoubtedly, the veterinarian is wrong. If a dog eats chicken heads offered to it, good luck. But better. Certainly. cook them and serve them. For example. with porridge. Tubular chicken (duck, goose) bones are contraindicated for dogs. because the dog chews them up. bones may crack lengthwise. forming sharp edges. which, in turn. may injure the animal's gastrointestinal tract. By the way. When preparing chicken heads, it is advisable to pinch off the beak, as it can also be dangerous. Moreover, it is not digestible and is useless in food.

02.04.2013 02:39

Nellie Helpful answer? |

Hello! Can you give chicken necks to a dog? and in what form?

30.07.2014 13:48

Semen111 Helpful answer? |

Of course not. To raise such a large dog healthy, you must provide muscle meat: beef, chicken, turkey. And meat should be at least 70% of the total diet. Porridge of rice and buckwheat well boiled in water, stewed vegetables and a little fat are added to the meat. Cottage cheese and other fermented milk products are required. Don't forget to add vitamin and mineral supplements for large breed puppies to ensure proper bone formation, good coat and strong teeth. And chicken heads have almost no nutritional value, they just clog the dog’s stomach, they have a lot of bones. no head of course you can’t choke!

01.04.2013 01:35

Alexander Helpful answer? |

I have a Moscow Watchdog who is 7 years old. For 4-5 years I have been feeding him a scrap of bread in the morning, a little dry food in the afternoon, and in the evening a bag of chicken heads along with beaks. He doesn’t want to eat anything else. His favorite dish is pancakes, and with all this the dog weighs 82kg

06.01.2014 19:33

Elena Helpful answer? |

My dog ​​is 6 years old. Breed: Central Asian Shepherd. Chicken heads are a very good food. I cook it with porridge. There were puppies. 13 pieces came out of 14 births (one had a congenital pathology). Starting from 3 weeks, she gave cottage cheese, goat milk, chicken liver and mostly boiled meat, separated from boneless chicken heads. After one and a half months - with bones, but without beaks. At 35 days, the minimum weight of the puppies was 3.2 kg. maximum 4.5. Moreover, my dog ​​is far from a large representative of the breed. About 43 kg.