Miniature pinscher: description of the breed, reviews, advantages. Miniature Pinscher, Little Rogue Longhaired Miniature Pinscher

In the list of the most popular dog breeds found in Europe, the miniature pinscher occupies a leading place. This pet stands out for its special energy, graceful appearance and excellent endurance. Over the years, great writers and artists have been fascinated by the breed, mentioning the miniature dog in their legendary works.

This breed differs from the ordinary smooth-haired pinscher only in its size. The main character traits are friendliness and openness to communication. The Miniature Pinscher gets along well with children or other pets, but requires proper care, plenty of attention and proper training.

In order to raise a true friend and faithful companion, it is important to initially understand all the characteristics of the breed and take a responsible approach to the choice. Today we will talk about the main characteristics of the dwarf Doberman, the rules of its maintenance and life cycle.

Historical facts: description

According to some sources, origin story of the miniature pinscher began back in 1471, and Germany became the birthplace of the breed. There the pet was used as a horse guard and the best escort for the charioteer.

There are facts that the ancestors of the miniature pinscher were regularly used for hunting and guard purposes. Despite their tiny size, these animals performed excellent tasks, quickly responded to commands, and, if necessary, scared off criminals.

They started breeding a purebred miniature pinscher breed in the 19th century in Germany. The breeders put in a lot of effort to achieve the expected standard and produce a one-of-a-kind dog. The first standard was officially confirmed in 1889 by the well-known breeder Richard Strebel. Already at the beginning of the twentieth century, miniature pets were presented to the whole world as part of an exhibition in Stuttgart.

The breed's popularity grew in the mid-twentieth century. Soon dogs began to be used not only in Germany, but also in many other countries around the world. From a hunting and guard breed, the miniature pinscher quickly turned into a family pet.

Zwengpinscher: characteristics of the breed, external characteristics

Currently There are three types of pinschers:

  • miniature pinschers (miniature pinschers);
  • German pinschers;
  • Dobermans;

Unlike the other two breeds, namely Dobermans, miniature pinschers stand out tiny in size and light in weight. An adult rarely gains 5 kilograms of weight with a height of 25-30 centimeters.

The dog stands out with its elongated muzzle and muscular jaws. The eyes are dark colored and oval in shape. The beautiful curved neck looks graceful. It can be neither short nor thick. A slender physique with excellently developed muscles is emphasized by a wide, slightly oval chest. All limbs of the Miniature Pinscher are straight and proportional to the length of the body. The tail is docked at the level of the third vertebra. The breed is distinguished by its smooth and short coat with a characteristic shine.

Due to many external similarities with its relative the Doberman, the Miniature Pinscher is often called the Dwarf Doberman or Mini Doberman. But in fact, the latter appeared much later than these miniature creatures, and it was the dwarf breed that served to breed all the others.

Description of the Miniature Pinscher breed. Features of color and character

According to the established standard, miniature pinschers can have either one-color or two-color.

  1. Single color. Presented in fawn or brown-red color. Happens quite often.
  2. Two-tone color. It is found on individuals with a black and tan coat color, but there are clear tan boundaries on the throat and chest.

As for character, then the Miniature Pinscher remains very energetic and friendly. Representatives of the breed have always been famous for their excellent ability to learn, high intelligence and passion. But despite this, dogs can be stubborn and self-confident. Among the main character traits should be highlighted:

An interesting property of the breed is its incredibly loud bark. The dog begins to bark in any situation, whether it is danger, or joy, or something else.

The description of the miniature pinscher breed mentions the fact that the dog is prone to training, but for successful training you will have to put in a lot of effort. And the sooner you start training your pet, the more effective the training will be.

As soon as a pet appears in your house, immediately explain to him who is the leader in the house. If this is not done, then the little dog will always dictate his own rules and show disobedience. Before starting the training procedure, it is important to study all the characteristics of such an activity or entrust it to specialists.

Among the key training rules, the following should be highlighted:

Still, training a miniature pinscher is a very complex and lengthy process. It is necessary to devote enough time to it, otherwise you may not expect successful results. Try to spend plenty of time outside with your dog, give him adequate exercise, and encourage him to quickly follow commands with tasty treats or verbal encouragement.

Features of care and maintenance of the miniature pinscher

Average lifespan of a miniature pinscher reaches 13-17 years old. It all depends on the conditions of detention and hereditary characteristics. Fortunately, the breed is unpretentious in care, so its upbringing occurs without the use of additional means or complex techniques.

It is important to provide your pet with regular walks in the open air, since prolonged stay in apartment conditions causes aggression and uncontrollability. Try to protect your dog from hypothermia. The bathing process should be performed only in a warm apartment, and especially during the cold season. Regularly clean your pet's ears and eyes of any debris or harmful insects. Brush your little friend regularly using special brushes for smooth fur. Combing should be given special attention during the molting period.

When walking Monitor your pet's condition. If it’s hot outside, it’s better to walk your dog in fairly shaded parks to avoid overheating. In cold weather, he can be dressed in warm clothes, which are sold in pet stores.

Use a special nail clipper to regularly remove claws from your limbs. Also brush your teeth at least once a week.

Puberty begins at 10 months of age. It is important to understand that at this time the pet can be aggressive and disobedient.

The Pinscher is an ancient German breed of medium-sized dog, smooth-haired, proportionally and compactly built.

Externally, the dogs are very reminiscent of a Doberman, but there are not so many similarities with miniature pinschers.

Because of this, there is an opinion that the Pinscher is a type of Doberman, and is by no means an independent breed of dog.

The main purpose of the pinscher has long been considered to be catching rats and protecting homes.

Currently, pinschers are used for service purposes and are also kept as pets.

This breed is ideal for city living. Let's look at what types of pinschers there are, and also give a comparison between the pinscher and the toy terrier.

Translated from German, pinscher means “biter.”

In fact, dogs of this breed have a tough temperament and, without much difficulty, will be able to provide all possible resistance to an enemy who poses a real threat.

Their homeland is Germany. The breed was officially approved in 1879.

After which dogs became widespread throughout Europe. 16 years later, the Pinscher Club was founded by German dog handlers.

Initially, dogs were both smooth-haired and wire-haired. Moreover, such different offspring were observed in one litter.

It was the smooth puppies that were called pinschers, but the puppies with hard fur were called schnauzers.

In order to breed individuals that meet all the requirements of the breed, it was decided to obtain smooth puppies through at least three generations.

Currently, the following types of dog breeds are distinguished (depending on size): standard pinscher and mini.

Homeland: Germany.

Adult dog sizes: a standard pinscher has the following parameters - average height (at the withers) - from 45 to 50 cm; average weight – from 13 to 18 kg.

Coat: short, smooth, dense, shiny and thick hair.

Color: From red-brown to dark red-brown and murugo-red. And also black with red and brown markings. It is very rare to have a marbled coat color.

Body type: strong with well-developed muscles.

Head: the skull is strong and elongated. The occipital protuberance weakly protrudes.

Character: A brave and self-confident dog, easily aroused by strangers.

Activity: tall, dogs of this breed need constant communication and games in the fresh air. On the street, the pinscher will not stray far from its owner.

Liveability: Pinschers are patient with small children.

Her behavior reminds her of a patient nanny, enduring all the torment of an unintelligent child.

The dog breed gets along well with cats (mostly dwarf representatives).

Learning Ability: tall, but if you pamper a dog, then a sweet, kind pet can turn into a hard-to-control dog.

Lifespan: from 12 to 15 years. With proper care and maintenance they can live a little longer.

Pinschers are a group of domestic dogs that are descended from the same ancestor.

Let's look at the most popular types of dogs and give a brief description of them:

    Dobermans- short-haired service dogs bred in Germany. These are large, muscular dogs with a graceful silhouette.

    By temperament they can be either sanguine or choleric. They amazingly combine elegance and power.

    One version is a possible influx of blood from hounds, Great Danes, Shepherds, Rottweilers, German Pinschers and Greyhounds. Dogs are used for service in the police and army.

    German pinscher– are descendants and relatives of the Schnauzer breed. In Russia, the standard pinscher is not particularly popular, although it has a lot of undeniable advantages.

    These dogs are medium in size with an athletic build. Self-confident and very elegant dogs can rightfully be called handsome.

    The main feature is the ability to jump up to 1.5 meters in length.

    This quality is often used in competitions to determine the best jumping ability among dogs.

  • Miniature Pinscher- with a strong character. Initially they were used for catching rats and for security purposes. They are highly trainable and get along well with children.
  • Donovan Pinscher- popular among dog breeders who breed service dogs. The dogs combine the fighting qualities of a pit bull, the intelligence of a German shepherd and the obedience of a Malinois.

Today you can easily get information about pinschers around the world on specialized websites, where you can not only find a description of the dogs you are interested in, but also supplement the data yourself.

For example, there is a database of Pedigrees of Miniature Pinschers, a database of German Pinscher dogs and many others.

These are completely different breeds of dogs of relatively small size.

At the moment, both of them are considered lap dogs and even decorative dogs.

Although none of the breeds were bred as domestic toys, each had a special role. The terrier and the pinscher are similar in color, but in everything else there are only differences.

The Pinscher is a larger, more athletic and powerful dog. The chest is more developed than that of terriers, but their limbs are shorter.

Pinschers tend to be aggressive towards strangers. Although they are polite and patient with children.

This is an unsurpassed guard and devoted friend, just like the toy terrier.

Toy terriers are more balanced, they are characterized by a calm character and a friendly attitude towards others.

Improper upbringing can turn a dog into a quarrelsome dog. They do not need daily walks - they like to spend more time at home.

This is another difference from pinschers. The toy terrier is a typical homebody. It is also one of the tiniest breeds. The Toy Terrier can be not only short-haired, but also long-haired.

Photo gallery

Finally, you can take another look at all the breeds that make up the Pinscher group. Starting from the largest - the Doberman pinscher and ending with the smallest - the miniature pinscher.

Funny tiny ones that are very similar to a small copy - miniature pinschers. This is a very popular breed with all sorts of advantages. Bravery, sociability, and activity allow the Miniature Pinscher to be an excellent family dog, although this breed was bred to catch rats and others. The first name under which the miniature pinscher was announced at the exhibition was smooth-haired from the stable; it is also lovingly called the stable griffin for its working qualities.


A country: Germany.

Height: 25-30 cm.

Weight: 4-6 kg.

Lifespan: 15 years.

Color: red, black and tan and brown and tan.

With its tireless character, exterior and special gait, which is called “dancing”, the miniature pinscher has captivated lovers of the breed.

Did you know? Another nickname for these dogs has come down from ancient times, derived from their gait. When the Miniature Pinscher walks, it raises its front legs high, which gives it the appearance of a horse, which is why it is called the “poor man's riding pony.”

The FCI classifies miniature pinschers and miniature schnauzers as the world's smallest working dogs, and the FCI classifies them as cattle dogs. Modern requirements for the exterior have become less strict; they allow the ears and tail not to be docked, which is undoubtedly humane in relation to animals.

Miniature pinscher at all is not a mini Doberman, although it is believed that they have common ancestors. Rather, on the contrary, a man by the name of Doberman developed the famous breed based on miniature pinschers, maintaining the external resemblance.

The description of the breed speaks of the miniature pinscher as a slender animal with well-developed bones and muscles.

His paws strong and tall, with the hind legs being higher than the front ones.

Head small, but proportional to the body. The transition from the forehead to the nose is clearly defined. The forehead line and the nose line are parallel to each other.

Neck graceful, fairly long and curved.

Eyes dark, oval-shaped, expressive, alert.

Ears larger than the head, half or fully erect.

Bite scissor-shaped.
Wool shiny, hard, and at the same time quite smooth, fits tightly to the dog’s body.

Tail landing high, it is cut down to 1.25-2.05 cm.

The character of the miniature pinscher is energetic, at the same time gentle and affectionate, but this is only in relation to his own. He is angry, suspicious and ready to attack strangers, and if this is impossible, then at least bark very loudly and menacingly.

He is ready to start a fight in earnest with other people's dogs, he does not perceive “his own” as enemies, but for this he must be familiar with them from puppyhood.

The miniature pinscher was bred as a watchman and hunter of small, nimble creatures; it is not surprising that the characteristics of his breed contain the following traits: aggressiveness, courage, viciousness, quick reaction and others, suitable for the lifestyle for which selection prepared him.

However, good upbringing can neutralize these characteristics in a pet living in a family. He is easy to train thanks to his high intelligence, which a hunting breed cannot but have. At the same time, pinschers love to play not only with their toys, but also with any things that come their way, they are very curious and cheerful.

History of the breed

Based on the fact that a very detailed description of miniature pinscher dogs already existed at the beginning of the 19th century, the breeding of the breed began no later than the 18th century. There is no reliable data on the origin of these dogs, but very probable assumptions are quite appropriate.

It is believed that the basis of the breed was the German pinscher, while the dachshund and greyhound could have been used; other pinschers and other breeds could also have made a feasible contribution.

Did you know? It is not known for certain, but it is very possible that dogs similar to miniature pinschers were described in documents back in the 15th century.

It is believed that the breed was developed in Germany and became very popular. Living in stables, these little brave men exterminated rats and protected household property from strangers, and also announced the surrounding area with their loud barking, accompanying carriages and carriages. Miniature pinschers also took part in hunting, where experienced hunters always found use for their qualities.
The personality characteristics and irrepressible energy of these wonderful dogs have made the breed very popular in the German-speaking countries. Due to the growth of the urban population due to industrialization, the popularity of the breed has skyrocketed, since it is much easier for a city dweller to keep a small dog than a large dog.

The second half of the 19th century was marked by intensive selection of the miniature pinscher, the goal of which was to preserve all the qualities of the breed, which few people knew about in the rest of Europe and America.

These dogs began to gain European popularity after they took part in an exhibition in 1900, and American popularity after 1918. The world wars swept through many aspects of life like a merciless broom, including our hero. Fortunately, the breed was preserved and successfully multiplied.

The dog came to Russian territory during the Great Patriotic War. In the USA, the breed did not lose popularity throughout the 20th century. Nowadays the miniature pinscher is quite common, largely due to the convenience of keeping it both in a country house with a large territory and in a small apartment.

Choosing a puppy

Of course, if your heart trembles at the sight of that same puppy that you find at a bird market or on an advertisement site, and you are told that this is a miniature pinscher, be prepared for the fact that this information will not come true. However, in this case it will not matter, since you did not choose the breed, but your own dog.

If you need a thoroughbred animal with qualities corresponding to the breed, equipped with its own documents and burdened with all the merits of its parents and other direct ancestors, your path lies straight to the nursery. Moreover, he must be respected and trusted.

Important! You cannot choose a dog in absentia, based on photographs, videos, descriptions. Only personal contact, meeting the breeders, examining the conditions where the pets are kept, observing the behavior of the puppies and the bitch (or better yet the male) and direct communication with the potential pet will allow you to form a more or less reliable opinion.

You should definitely view documents of parent dogs, study their merits and pedigree. However, a good breeder will provide all this himself.

Selected the puppy needs to be examined: he should have clean eyes, ears, nose, teeth, there should be no unpleasant odor from his mouth, the fur should be uniform and smooth. You should pay attention to the bite and how the baby eats. A healthy puppy eats food with appetite and haste.
The “right” breeder will not sell the puppy early 2-3 months, without documents and first vaccinations. This is the most preferable age for finding its owner: the psyche is established, the animal is inquisitive and gaining independence. It's time to step into real life with your person.

The price of a club animal cannot be less 260-350 dollars. The offspring of famous ancestors, who have an elite pedigree, are valued much higher, costing about $1,000.


Historically, miniature pinschers are prepared to live in relative warmth. Their fur can protect from cold, but not from snow, especially wet snow, and piercing wind. Therefore, if you have your own house with a plot where your dog can frolic freely in the summer, he is not ready for winter street living.

The miniature pinscher is an ideal pet for a city dweller: it is very compact, clean and not gluttonous, but quite energetic and active. For walks in cold and bad weather, these dogs should be additionally insulated.


Caring for a miniature pinscher is quite simple and does not cause much trouble. He does not need bathing, combing or other labor-intensive, time-consuming procedures.

Of course, like any pet that is completely dependent on its owner, the Pinscher requires quality food, veterinary care, as well as education and walks.


The pet does not need frequent brushing, but it still needs to be freed from old fur, especially when it sheds, while the living fur is cleansed, acquires a healthy shine, and the skin receives a massage. Grooming can be a great pleasure for the dog and provide additional time for communication with his adoring owner.

There are special combing devices on sale, which are selected according to the size of the pet and its coat type. It is advisable to do this task weekly, and when the dog sheds - every day. When you come back from a walk, you can wipe the dog’s fur with a damp towel if it’s really dirty.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

Ears, especially cropped ones, will “inform” themselves that they are dirty. They should be inspected once a week and cleaned if necessary. To do this, you can use a cotton swab dipped in a special product or napkins.

Important! It is not advisable to use cotton swabs to clean your ears.

The eyes should be cleaned once a day of any secretions that accumulate in the corners. This is done with a swab soaked in boiled water if the eye is healthy. You should consult a doctor if you have signs of eye disease:

  • tearfulness;
  • pink eyeball;
  • yellowish or greenish discharge;
  • itching or pain.
The weekly check-up includes assessing the condition of the teeth in the dog's mouth. Your task is to prevent plaque or remove it as quickly as possible if it does appear. For prevention, you need to regularly brush your pet’s teeth with a special brush, first only with it to get used to it, then with the addition of a special dog paste.

If tartar does appear, it will be removed by a veterinarian. This must be done, otherwise the pet may remain toothless.

The tips of the claws are cut off as they grow. In the summer, dogs, rushing along the asphalt, most often wear them down to a sufficient extent, although the pet’s low weight does not at all guarantee this. So the growing tips of the claws should be trimmed regularly, without touching the pink part where the capillaries are located.

Important! The front paws have a fifth toe, the claw on which does not grind off on its own; one should not forget about its existence; it is trimmed along with all the claws.


Pinschers are quite clean and do not get very dirty. Usually wet wiping and combing are sufficient. If there is an urgent need to bathe your pet, this must be done very quickly, after bathing, thoroughly blot the water and leave it to dry in a warm place to avoid hypothermia.

Important! The smaller the creature, the easier it is for it to freeze and get sick.


To maintain their shape, hunting dogs should be walked for quite a long time; as for our hero, he needs a couple of hours a day of active pastime. The figure is average, each dog is a separate person and has the right to individual characteristics, but there is nothing to expect from miniature pinschers with the imposingness of a neutered dog.

A dog that is not sufficiently walked will “get” its way by acting out, barking loudly, showing inappropriate interest in household items and everything that is found in the apartment, in a word, what experts call destructive behavior will occur.

Miniature pinschers are good because they are quite small in size, which allows them to play and exercise right at home in case of bad weather or other reasons that make it impossible to go outside. They have high intelligence, so miniature pinschers need to be constantly occupied with something, preferably something useful. Such a dog learns something new all the time.
Miniature pinschers are not sissies, they are also watchmen; with proper hardening, they can easily tolerate even mild frost, but provided they are constantly moving. You can’t let your dog sit in the snow for more than a couple of minutes; it’s absolutely unacceptable to be distracted by your phone or talking to people you meet so that the dog sits next to you with its butt on the asphalt.

If it rains during a walk and your pet gets wet, he should quickly find himself in a warm house, where he will be wiped dry and warmed up.

Important! At -10°C, the Miniature Pinscher needs not only dog ​​clothes, but also dog shoes to keep his little paws from freezing.

Hot weather threatens your pet with heatstroke, especially if it is black. The hotter it is outside, the more important it is to have water on the walk that the dog can drink and that can moisturize its fur.


Miniatures eat little, but the food must be of high quality. Whether you prefer to feed your pet natural products or stick to ready-made ones is a matter of convenience and finances for everyone. Naturally, you need to monitor the quality and presence of necessary substances in the feed.

Premium food is balanced and already contains the components the dog needs. Natural food should be formulated in such a way that 40% of it is protein food: beef, horse meat, and occasionally poultry; 30% vegetables stewed with a small amount of oil: pumpkin and zucchini, broccoli and carrots, sometimes beets; 30% porridge: oatmeal and buckwheat, sometimes millet.

Important! It is unacceptable to feed a miniature pinscher with scraps and human food, appealing to the fact that it is natural for them, they say, in ancient times no one balanced their food. This is true, but in ancient times miniature dogs were not lap dogs, they were ferocious hunters, obtaining natural food in the required amount, nature regulated their diet. Now they are completely dependent on the person who is obliged to provide for them, since he took it on voluntarily.

Food should be given twice a day according to the schedule, preferably this should be done strictly at the same time. After eating, the dog should calmly move away from the bowl and go about its business. If this does not happen, and the pet sits and asks for more, he should increase the portion. On the contrary, if the food remains in the bowl, the portion is too large and needs to be cut down.

Miniatures should not be overfed; the breed is prone to obesity. However, in cold weather their appetite increases, which means that they need to increase not the portion, but the proportion of protein and fat in it. Fresh water should always be available to the dog, this is especially important if the pet eats artificial food. The contents of the drinking bowl should be changed daily.
Don’t skimp or skimp on quality, your baby pinscher won’t eat you, but if he gets sick due to poor nutrition, veterinary services can cause a significant blow to the budget, not to mention the health and life expectancy of the animal.

Education and training

Miniatures are very smart dogs, which allows them to learn quickly and with pleasure, learning something new every time. However an indispensable condition must be good trusting relationships between the dog and the person training it.

Smart and independent, like any hunters, miniature pinschers will harbor a grudge and show aggression in response to harsh methods and physical punishment. In this way, anger and suspicion based on fear are brought up in dogs. The pet is raised through play using positive reinforcement.

You should start training a miniature from an early age, without being deceived by the cute appearance and small size of the dog. This fierce watchman, even in the guise of a pet, has not outlived the ancient instincts; he will zealously defend the territory from strangers, for example, guests.

Therefore, if you often have guests, your dog needs to be specially prepared for this.

Miniatures are prone to the fact that without a firm hand and unquestioned authority, they become spoiled, stubborn, impudent, prove that they are the boss here, which can cause a lot of unnecessary problems. Therefore, you should take care in advance to develop the desired behavior strategy and strictly adhere to it even before the puppy gets into your home. Methodology, discipline and encouragement work wonders and turn a dog into a loyal companion, cheerful and energetic

They can live well with dogs of other breeds and other pets, provided they are familiar with them from an early age. But it may happen that instincts will take over, and the miniature will not perceive the other animal as “its own.”

Did you know? It’s a completely different matter if there are several miniatures, for example, representatives of the same litter. They are able to create a team that will have a special canine team spirit. But they will also make mischief together. It costs nothing for miniatures to dig up the garden while hunting for rodents, organize a criminal group to steal the owner's food supplies, spoil documents or money forgotten on the table, abandoned shoes or other items. This causes material damage to the owners, and if electric wires get on the teeth of miniature dogs, then to the dogs themselves.

An intelligent and quick-witted dog is capable of learning a lot, but it will not fail to take advantage of the trainer’s mistake or the slightest indulgence in its favor. Training must be consistent and consist of repetitions. The trainer's attitude towards the dog should be calm and firm, and you need to be patient.

Health and characteristic diseases

A healthy, nutritious diet and active pastime, as well as proper care, will ensure a long and healthy life for your pet. Breed has sufficient endurance, despite its external miniature and fragility.

Its representatives can tolerate even moderate cold if they actively move, but if the dog sits quietly on icy ground or asphalt or gets caught in wet snow and gets wet, it will certainly get sick if it is not immediately dried and warmed.

You should also protect your pets from the heat, as they can overheat and get heatstroke. In addition to these features, miniature pinschers are prone to the following diseases:

  • endocrine – diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism;
  • ophthalmic – cataracts, glaucoma, retinal atrophy;
  • orthopedic – dislocations of shoulder and knee joints;
  • neurological – epilepsy, deafness;
  • urolithiasis disease.
The risk of serious pathologies can be minimized if you take a puppy from healthy parents with a good gene pool from experienced breeders. Often among miniatures there are long-livers who live up to their 18th birthday.

The breed is no less, and most likely much more than 300 years old, all this time they have faithfully served people, bringing significant benefit and joy despite their modest size. They have loyal and brave hearts, full of love for their owner and ready at any moment to enter into an unequal battle if necessary to protect him.

The loving and energetic Miniature Pinscher is the smallest service dog in the world. The breed, bred in Germany, is distinguished not only by its external grace, but also by its energetic disposition. Tireless dogs have an amazing dancing gait and proudly look around, as if showing everyone that they are not just anyone, but real miniature pinschers.

Description of the breed - photo

Its appearance is that of a miniature pinscher resembles a Doberman, although there is no relationship between these breeds. The dog weighs from 4 to 5 kg and can have a height at the withers of 25-30 cm. Official breed standards were adopted at the end of the 18th century. The first club for dwarf Doberman breeders was opened in 1895 in Germany. Since then, the breed began to develop, and pinschers began to be taken to exhibitions in other countries. At an exhibition in France, a miniature dog with a cheerful disposition was presented as a smooth-haired terrier, and she immediately became a public favorite.

Breed standards include:

  1. Well developed muscles and bones.
  2. High strong paws.
  3. The hind legs should be slightly longer than the front legs.
  4. Head proportional to the body.
  5. Thick and moderately long neck.
  6. Dark, oval eyes.
  7. Shiny and smooth coat. It can be brown-red or black-and-tan. In this case, the tan should be on the inside of the hind legs, above the eyes, on the throat and in the form of two triangles on the chest. It must also have clear boundaries.

In addition, the pinscher Ears and tail must be docked However, many breeders do not torture animals and refuse docking.

A dog with a proud look has a pleasant character and loves the affection and attention of its owners. When purchasing a pinscher, you must be prepared for the fact that this energetic and playful pet will require a lot of attention from its new family in the first year of its life.

Dwarf Doberman puppies are mischievous, so they need to be trained from a very early age. The naturally suspicious breed is prone to excessive barking. This problem must be eliminated from puppyhood, constantly communicating with the pet and teaching it to calmly receive guests who are friends of the owner. When taking your dog out for a walk, be sure to must be kept on a leash.

Miniature Pinscher puppies are easy to train, but only an owner whom they completely trust can raise and train them. In order not to harm your pet’s psyche, you need to start working with him gradually and very carefully. The breed loves various activities and new knowledge, so simple rules of behavior and new commands will bring great pleasure to it.

Since dwarf Dobermans are independent and very curious by nature, they require constant supervision. But the breed’s character includes such traits as affection, tenderness and energy, so pinschers get along well with children who understand that a dog is not a simple toy. The pet gets along well with other pets, but in relation to strangers can be aggressive.

Designed for hunting small animals, the breed can easily accompany you on a walk or amateur hunt.

Miniature Pinscher: maintenance, care, photo

This unpretentious breed requires an active lifestyle and constant attention. Dobermans do not like to be left alone at home, and if you do not pay attention to them for a long time, they begin to play with things that belong to the owner.

Dogs with short hair are constantly cold, so their place in the house needs to be given special attention. It should not be on a draft or cold floor. The Doberman requires good, thick bedding, or even a special house. For winter walks, your pet must buy or sew warm clothes, otherwise the dog may get sick. The breed's paws begin to freeze already at -7C. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase boots for walking.

Pinschers do not feel well even in the heat. In such weather they are at risk of heatstroke. To avoid this, you should take drinking water with you for a walk, and in very hot weather you can even wet your pet.

Even if your pet is litter box trained, it needs to be walked every day. It is best to do this twice a day for at least 30 minutes. During a walk, the dog should move actively, since the breed is prone to obesity.

Smooth-haired dogs need to be brushed several times a week. They consider this procedure a sign of affection and love it very much. But bathing pinschers is not recommended, since the pet can catch a cold easily. You should only wash your dog when necessary.

The breed cannot be picked up by the scruff of the neck or front paws. Such actions can damage the tendons. Therefore, it is better to carry your pet under your belly. A dog with a small weight does not have time to sharpen its claws while moving, so they need to be trimmed on time.

Features of feeding

You can feed the breed with natural products or dry food. If the owner chooses natural food, then 40% of the pet’s diet should consist of raw meat. It is best to feed your Pinscher beef or horse meat. A third of the diet should consist of buckwheat, oatmeal or wheat porridge, which is mixed with meat. The dog's diet should also include stewed and fresh vegetables, which can be seasoned with a drop of sour cream or a small amount of vegetable oil.

The pinscher must receive food strictly on schedule and in such quantity that there is nothing left on the plate. If the dog stands near the bowl with sad eyes, then the portion can be increased a little. To prevent worms, garlic should be added to your pet's food from time to time.

If the pinscher eats dry food, then it needs to be taught from puppyhood. It is recommended to choose premium or super premium food special for small breed dogs. Feed your pet strictly according to the instructions on the package. Dogs should not be overfed as this can lead to obesity and various other diseases.

Feeding the puppies

If your pet has whelped, then from the age of 4 weeks the puppies should begin to be weaned from their mother's milk and natural food introduced into their diet. Approximate diet for puppies:

  • the first complementary food should be milk, preferably goat milk;
  • gradually the puppy is transferred to oatmeal porridge cooked in milk;
  • from 6 weeks beets, carrots, herbs and minced meat are added to the diet;
  • the puppy must eat cottage cheese;
  • vegetable salads can be seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream;
  • Special vitamins are added to the diet, which are intended only for puppies.

Up to two months, small pinschers are fed 6 times a day, then 5 times a day, and six-month-old puppies – 4 times a day. A pet should eat three times a day per year, and an adult dog is transferred to two meals a day.

Where to buy a miniature pinscher?

There are no problems with purchasing dogs of this breed. For those who will not take their pet to various exhibitions, you can buy a dog through an advertisement on the Internet. Dogs with a breeding marriage or without a pedigree usually cost no more than 10,000 rubles.

In nurseries, miniature pinschers are sold with documents and cost from 10,000 to 20,000 thousand rubles. If a puppy has titled champion parents, and the smallest dog has excellent show prospects, then the price for it will be can reach 30,000 rubles.

Choosing a puppy

Anything can grow out of a small red or black-and-tan puppy, so it is not recommended to purchase it at a poultry market or from the hands of a pet. To ensure a guaranteed purchase, it is best to choose a small Doberman from a reputable breeder.

The puppy must be active, nimble and courageous. It is better not to adopt a dog that runs cowardly or is aggressive. Sitting down in front of the whole litter, you need to call all the puppies, and the dog that happily runs up to you first, shows curiosity and friendliness, may turn out to be your pet. In addition, it is necessary pay attention to the following points:

Having chosen a puppy, you need to ask the breeder what he fed the pinscher, what vaccinations the pet has received and what the parents have. genetic diseases. You also need to remember to take all the necessary documents for the new family member.

Miniature Pinschers are ideal for living in a small apartment. Easy to train and intelligent dogs take up little space and practically do not shed. But to prevent a headstrong and stubborn dog from becoming a spoiled pet, you need to educate him from an early age. As a result, the family pet will become not only a watchman and security guard, but also a kind and affectionate friend.

Miniature Pinschers

Miniature Pinschers are cute and gentle dogs. The main thing is not to spoil your miniature pinscher, otherwise he will turn into a dog that is not easy to live with. They can also be very stubborn, so early training is important for this breed.

Miniature Pinschers are full of energy and spirit. They get along well with children who understand that these dogs are not toys and need personal space, and are also very vulnerable due to their size.

Miniature Pinschers can be aggressive towards other dogs and only get along well with dogs they are familiar with from an early age. However, as a rule, miniature pinschers get along well with other animals in the house.

Naturally suspicious, Miniature Pinschers are prone to excessive barking. With proper training, miniature pinschers can safely receive guests, especially when they feel that their owner is not in danger.

These are loyal and cheerful dogs, but strong-willed and demanding.

Luckily, Miniature Pinschers are quite intelligent and love to learn. Once these dogs recognize their owner, they will strive to please him and quickly learn to do what he wants them to do.

Due to their small size, miniature pinschers are excellent companion dogs, especially for lonely people.

Miniature Pinschers puppies for life. They are playful, cheerful and curious. They can turn any thing in the house into a toy. Be careful, besides the fact that they can spoil something, it can also be dangerous for the dog’s health.


Overall, the Miniature Pinscher is a healthy dog ​​breed. However, they are predisposed to the following diseases:

  • Diabetes
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Shoulder dislocation
  • Pannus
  • Progressive retinal degeneration
  • Corneal dystrophy
  • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
  • Glaucoma
  • Cataract

Miniature Pinschers are also prone to epilepsy and deafness.


This is a very easy dog ​​breed to care for. Miniature Pinschers simply need to be brushed several times a week and occasionally use a damp towel to remove dead hair.

Classically, miniature pinschers should have docked tails and ears. Recently, the ears of miniature pinschers have become increasingly uncropped.

Miniature Pinschers need a small amount of food, but it must be of high quality in order for the dog to always be healthy.

Miniature Pinschers should be protected from the cold and should be kept on a leash in public places.

Miniature Pinschers need to move. Since this breed is prone to obesity, this is another reason to provide your Miniature Pinscher with regular exercise.


Miniature Pinschers do not like to be left alone at home without anything to do. These are intelligent dogs that need regular mental stimulation to prevent them from developing destructive behavior.

Miniature Pinschers are sensitive to high temperatures, especially cold due to their small size and short coat.

It is worth keeping in mind that every dog ​​is individual. This description is typical for the breed as a whole and does not always completely coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!