A cat in the house - signs and beliefs. Why do cats leave home and never return?

If a cat leaves home for a long time, this is always a cause for concern. In addition to the longing for your pet, superstitions also haunt you. There are many signs that recommend what to do if a cat leaves home and does not return for a long time.

Perhaps they will be useful to you. While there is hope for the return of the cat that ran away, do not despair. There are cases where a pet returned after a month, two, or even a year!

Folk omens

There is a belief about a cat that senses the possible death of one of the family members. The animal leaves the house so as not to encounter trouble. Most likely, this is not entirely true. There are many cases when furry creatures literally nursed seriously ill owners, snuggled and caressed with their whole bodies - “sucked out the disease”, took the disease upon themselves. And then they left, taking away the grief.

Eastern people believe that a cat lies on the chest of a sick person in order to snatch the last breath from the suffering person, and with it, his soul. They say: “Drinks the breath” in order to then transport the soul to another world, from where it can be reborn in the body of a newly born person. Cats are a conductor between the worlds of the living and the dead.

Signs about possible reasons why cats leave home and do not return:

  1. Cat running away is an omen of approaching trouble. The pet leaves to escape.
  2. The reason for the cat's escape is that the animal protects its owners from misfortune. The cat does not prophesy death, but takes it with her. The furry animal does everything possible to protect the house.
  3. The cat ran away - making room for a new tenant. Expect additions to your family, not losses. Perhaps one of your close relatives is expecting a child.

There is an English proverb: “The child was born - the cat must go!” - “A baby is born - the cat needs to go!” This sign also exists among us. True, the proverb uses metaphors: “cat” – doubts and indecision, “scratching” the soul. And “child” is a made decision.

Most people are sure that if a cat leaves a house in which there is a seriously ill person, then this person will soon die. But this is not true! There is another, more accurate sign. A sick person should take a cat into his bed and watch her. If the animal remains nearby, the patient will soon recover.

Real reasons why a kitten or cat left:

  • An old sick cat went to die away from its habitable place (this is the animal instinct of all representatives of the cat family). But it is a bad omen for people to let a cat die in the house.
  • The cat left to lamb. She may soon return with offspring.
  • The kitten fell out of the window and got lost.

There are factors on which the influence of the animal on the fate of the residents of the house depends:

  1. Redhead - attracts love;
  2. Black – protects from evil spirits;
  3. White is a healer, makes the family environment more harmonious;
  4. Gray – cares about well-being;
  5. Tricolor - guarantees a storm of good changes.

But this does not mean that if a ginger cat leaves home, you will not have a romantic relationship, and the disappearance of a white cat does not portend illness. If an animal goes missing, its color and gender do not matter.

Sometimes you hear complaints: no matter how many cats you get, they don’t take root! There must be something wrong with the place, sheer mysticism or the tricks of a brownie...

How to please a brownie?

According to popular belief, the cat is the main assistant of Domovoy (Velesy, Susedko, Bestiary, Domozhila).

These two creatures are even somewhat similar. If the cat leaves, leaving the “owner of the home” without help, perhaps Veles does not want to accept her. To please Domozhil, superstitious people get different kinds of pets. A folk sign says: The Brownie prefers animals with fur of the same color as his hair.

It is often not possible to guess the color of a cat the first time. Therefore, people take into their home an animal whose fur is colored in fragments in white, black, or red. Such a cat has the best chance of being accepted by Velesa as an assistant. Such a pet will feel great in the family and will not run away anywhere.

Some people try to get a cat several times. If a white pet goes missing, they take . If he runs away, they bring a red or gray one, and try an animal of a different color.

Traditionally, Dobrokhot is friends with representatives of the cat breed, but sometimes Velesa does everything possible to expel the meowing animal from the house. And it’s not necessary, Domovoy doesn’t like the pet’s color. Perhaps Dobrokhot is trying to protect people from evil. There is a strange belief among people: a cat is sometimes inhabited by the spirit of a witch, trying to destroy family well-being.

If you are sure that the cat does not harbor any evil within herself, the color of the animal’s fur has nothing to do with it either, and Brownie still doesn’t like her, you need to come to an agreement with Velesa. Perhaps the “owner” is unhappy that “whatever” gets into the house. In this case, a simple ritual will help.

When releasing a new or returning cat into the house, appease Dobrokhot with the words (they can be said mentally): “Master-father, house-keeper! Here's a shaggy beast for a rich yard! I won’t forget you, but you take care of the beast!”

After this, don’t forget to treat Veles with sweets every month (put cookies or candy somewhere in the corner). But make sure that the cat does not steal this “offering” or anger the brownie.

There is a superstition about how to influence a cat. When leaving home, tell him every time: “Sleep, protect him, don’t bully the brownie.” This way you will protect the new “settler” from troubles, and he will settle with you for a long time and will not run away.

There are also other signs why a cat leaves home, leaving the home without energy protection:

  • Dobrokhot is angry with the owner of the house and is trying to survive the whole family, starting with the cat.
  • Housing is cursed. Sensitive pets do not stay in such a place. If some envious person performed a magical ritual on the residents and caused damage, the furry animal will first of all feel it and urgently leave the bad house, which is a harbinger of problems.
  • The cat does not have enough strength to normalize the energy of the home. If there are angry, envious, selfish people living in the house, who regularly “let off steam” in the form of conversations in raised voices, sharp sounds due to falling objects, then an excess of negativity arises in such a place. Brownies do not live in such places, and the cat has to leave such a house in search of better owners.

Superstitions about returning home a runaway cat

For supporters of the superstition that if a cat leaves home, it will bring trouble with it, the unexpected return of the pet is alarming. In fact, why does the cat come back? Maybe she brought back on her tail the bad things she carried away? Definitely not! According to signs, the return of the furry creature does not bode well. Be happy that the animal found its way home.

If beliefs and thoughts about mysticism haunt you, think this way: the cat left home and took your misfortune with it, why does it need to drag this burden back? She won't do this. Most likely, the loving cat took a walk somewhere, had fun in the company of her relatives, and has now returned to her usual place to which she is attached.

Not only signs, but also objective data indicate that cats are attached to the house, and not to the owner. This is how meowing tailed animals differ from dogs that are devoted to humans.

Magic rituals for returning a cat

When all real ways to return a runaway cat have been tried (ads are posted, everyone around is notified of the loss), and you just don’t have the patience to wait, you can turn to higher powers for help.

It is better for believers not to perform any, even the most innocent, magical rituals. Otherwise, it is difficult to avoid the settlement of turmoil in the soul. It’s better to go to the temple, light a candle, pray in your own words, ask God for the missing animal to return.

If you are not very religious, you can follow a number of simple steps:

  • Place and light a white candle next to your pet's bowl. While it is burning, mentally ask the Universe to return the cat home. May he return safe and sound. The candle should burn completely, without cinder.
  • Leave a glass of water in front of the front door and say the following words: “To my house, to my threshold.” At this moment, imagine with maximum detail how a lost cat enters your house.
  • Tie the 4 legs of the dining table with ribbon or twine to form a rectangle. Now we just have to wait for good news.
  • Holding a lit candle near the open window, shout loudly: “Smoke mountain, (cat’s name) home!”

Most people feel guilty when a cat goes missing. But there is no need to indulge in despondency or engage in self-criticism. Think about happy times, playing together, mentally thank your pet for its faithful service. Keep hoping the live cat will definitely return!

The cat is an animal that has lived next to humans since ancient times; it is the first living creature that people allowed into their home. Currently, there are many signs and beliefs about cats. In different countries there are a large number of different superstitions about these amazing animals. In this material we will cover this topic in as much detail as possible.

Some historical information

In Orthodoxy, it is forbidden to kick a cat out of the Temple, unlike dogs; if a dog visits the altar, it must subsequently be reconsecrated (it is believed that the animal has desecrated it), and a cat can easily get away with something like this.

It is believed that Noah, when he was sailing with his family on the ark, was faced with the problem of mice that began to gnaw at the bottom, but the cat destroyed all the rodents, thereby saving the holy family from death.

Over the course of centuries, different nationalities have created and passed on signs about cats, many of which have survived to this day. Today it is difficult to find a home that does not have a cat: some people get a pet to get rid of rodents, and others get some variety in their lives. In modern society, the tendency to have purebred cats has become quite popular. Fortunately, there is a huge variety of breeds, allowing you to choose a cat that will completely suit you both in appearance and in character.

Signs about cats in the house

Perhaps the most popular belief is that when moving into a new home, you should let the cat in first. This promises prosperity and good luck for future residents. In the place that the furry animal has chosen for itself, you should put a bed - this is an energetically clean zone that has a beneficial effect on health.

Cats sense the energy of people and rooms very subtly. They tend to absorb negativity and process it, thereby making people calmer and happier. Since ancient times, it was believed that a cat could give health and improve well-being.

Now let's look at the most popular signs about cats:

Signs about the suit of a cat

Beliefs about cats also differ based on the color of the animal.

So, calico cats have always been the personification of good luck and prosperity; if an animal of this color is nailed to a home, this indicates a new relationship, very successful and long-lasting. Residents of Japan, in honor of the tricolor cat, began to produce porcelain figurines, which are called “money cats” or “lucky cats.”

A tricolor cat also protects the house from fire and disaster. According to legend, the owner of such a cat will never suffer from fever.

Folk beliefs about calico cats are always positive. This animal combines three opposite colors, each of them in turn personifies something: white - speaks of purity and peace, black - helps get rid of troubles, red - portends material well-being.

Sign about a black cat suggests that if an animal of this color crosses your path, you should prepare for failure. Then it is better to cancel the trip and return home. Since ancient times, the black cat has been accused of being associated with evil spirits. But not all beliefs about black cats have a negative meaning.

For example, the presence of a black cat on a ship portends good luck. Fishermen specially kept cats of this breed to protect themselves from hurricanes or storms.

White cats promise harmony in the home. If a kitten of this color comes to you, be sure to take it, it will bring you happiness, health and peace. Also, according to doctors, white cats do not produce allergens.

If, when leaving home, you meet a white cat, this is a good omen, your plans will definitely come true, and success awaits you.

Red cats indicate material well-being and stability.

Gray cats in the house they have the same qualities as black ones; they protect their owners from negative energy, troubles and failures.

Be that as it may, if the owner loves his pet and treats him with care, the furry animal will certainly thank the owner with its warmth, protect him from illness and simply delight him with his presence.

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It happens that some people's cats never stay in the apartment for a long time - they either run away on their own, or get sick and die. Moreover, no matter what the owners take - a kitten or an adult, healthy or sick, whether they pick it up from the street or buy it in a nursery - the result is the same. Why do some animals live up to 15-20 years and die only of old age, while for others cats do not take root in their homes?


There are many reasons. If cats die in an apartment one by one, then the most likely reason for this is a virus. Some viruses, for example, plague (panleukopenia), “live” in an apartment for about a year. It settles on carpets, walls, furniture. Therefore, the next pet that ends up in an infected apartment may become another victim of a dangerous disease. If this happens to your pet, then after his death it is necessary to thoroughly treat the entire apartment with a disinfectant and a quartz lamp. And keeping other animals in the apartment for one year is strictly prohibited! Only after all the conditions have been met can you be sure that the new pet will not catch this insidious virus. The same actions should be taken if your pet has had lichen and other fungal diseases.

If pets constantly run away, then this is a reason to think about it. Pets run away because they don't like something. Perhaps too much cruelty to animals, or obsessive behavior from children, or hunger. And since a cat is an independent animal and does not get used to its owner, it can run away to where it is much better, where it is treated better and where it is fed. It’s worth trying to reconsider your attitude towards animals and, perhaps, everything will change.

If the cat is not sterilized (neutered), then the animal can run away after its relatives. Hormones are calling. Be sure to castrate/sterilize the animal, as this, firstly, will help get rid of many diseases in the future, and, secondly, will get rid of the endlessly growing number of kittens. And their desire to run away will decrease.

Under no circumstances practice self-walking while living in urban areas! A pet walking on its own is much more likely to die earlier and not naturally than pets living in an apartment. On the street, a pet may encounter an aggressive dog or get hit by a car. Flayers are also not asleep - a self-walking cat can become the next victim of those who do not like animals. Also, a cat on the street can eat some kind of poison that is scattered for rats and other pests. If you really want your meowing pet to breathe fresh air and go for a walk, it is better to buy a harness and leash for it and walk it under control.

Sometimes it happens that cats of the same breed do not take root in an apartment. There is nothing supernatural about this. Each breed has its own individual character - some are more active, others less. Some people are picky about food and toys, while others are not. Perhaps the conditions in the apartment are not suitable for this particular breed, which is why they do not take root in a certain place. Or the pet believes that its owner is not suitable for her temperamentally, she is uncomfortable with her. And then she can look for better (as she believes) conditions. You need to carefully study the characteristics of a particular breed so that this does not happen.

Another reason that a cat does not take root in the house and dies is a weakened immune system. And it can be weakened by poor maintenance, lack of attention and care. The animal may feel depressed, as a result of which the immune system is sharply reduced. And then any disease can lead to death. Here the owner is fully responsible for this condition in the cat. You need to play with her, stroke her, take care of her.


There is also a belief that animals can leave because they do not get along with the “brownie”. Since ancient times, it has been believed that cats have a connection with the other world and communicate with it. If you think that this is the reason, then you can try to “appease” the brownie. On specialized forums you can find a lot of advice on how best to do this.

Some susceptible people like to look for the cause in evil eyes and damage. Whether they exist or not has not yet been proven or disputed by anyone; it makes no sense to assert anything. But perhaps there is some truth to this belief.

Another reason why cats do not take root in an apartment (house) is also mystical. According to ancient stories, it was believed that animals take all the negativity and all diseases upon themselves. Therefore, if there is a lot of negativity in the apartment or the owner of the apartment (or the same damage) - they take it upon themselves and go to die in another place in order to leave all this negativity there.

Sometimes it happens that cats in an apartment or house often die or simply disappear. And no matter how many new cats are brought home, after some time the situation returns to the starting point and the animal disappears again.

Mystically minded people explain this phenomenon by saying that cats absorb all the negativity that is heating up in the family. Such negativity can be various curses, damage, chronic hatred or envy inherent in one of the residents, or chronic bad luck. And then the cat, taking the blow of fate, takes all of this (or at least part of it) and goes away to die away from home. And if cats disappear literally one after another, then this indicates that too much negativity has accumulated in the house.

The cat does not fit in the house.

Another explanation is much simpler and is that cats simply leave those owners who offend their pets and take poor care of them. Cats, however, are considerable individualists and are quite capable of changing owners on their own if they are not satisfied with something, which, by the way, radically distinguishes cats from dogs, which almost never change owners. Indeed, it often happens that a hungry cat goes to the neighbors to eat and stays there forever.

Cats leave those owners who hurt their pets and take poor care of them.

It was also noticed that in some houses it’s not just cats that don’t take root, but cats of a certain color. According to experts in cat psychology, cats of different colors have different characters: some are more aggressive, some are peaceful, some are independent or, on the contrary, affectionate. There are a great many options, although it should be noted that scientists have not yet discovered a relationship between coloring and temperament. But if we assume that such a connection does exist, then the owners of a certain color and, accordingly, a certain character could simply not get along with their owners. For example, if a pet is very energetic and aggressive, and its owners are prone to apathy and laziness, then this can lead to misunderstanding and even conflicts. It is also possible that such a cat, having found its way into the house of an overly energetic owner, may find itself in a situation of “found its scythe on a stone.” And in both cases, the cat may end up looking for new owners.

It’s not just cats that don’t take root in some homes, but cats of a certain color.

In the same case, if a cat living in an apartment does not have the opportunity to leave the house and go in search of a better life, experiencing constant psychological discomfort associated with the fact that it is mistreated and not cared for enough, the situation can become even worse. Under such conditions, the animal will inevitably suffer from stress, and if it is at least minimally sensitive, then its immunity will certainly weaken. As a result, the cat's will to live will inevitably weaken and it is quite possible that the very first disease will lead to the death of the animal.

What prevents a cat from settling into a new home?

Another reason why cats disappear is disease. The causative agents of certain infections, such as feline distemper, can persist in the house and on objects for quite a long time. And if an animal living indoors died from distemper, then the viruses will inevitably remain on the floor, walls, carpets, furniture, and so on. Therefore, the next cat that enters the house can easily become a victim of the same disease.

The reason why cats disappear is disease.

Equally threatening are all kinds of fungal diseases, which, affecting the entire cat’s body, often lead to death. Spores of these diseases can persist in rooms for a very long time. And in order to prevent new cat deaths, after the death of a cat, you should thoroughly treat the apartment using a quartz lamp and thoroughly wash all surfaces using disinfectants. And even after these procedures are completed, you should wait at least a year before inviting a new pet into your home. True, the causative agents of some fungal diseases can “live” in the house for about two years and it is almost impossible to cope with them with simple disinfection.

It is important to ensure that the future pet is previously vaccinated.

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Why don't cats take root?

Hello everyone, my lovely ones! How is your weekend going? Today I want to show you another famous situation, but only through a cat’s eyes.

Sometimes it happens that cats in an apartment or house often die or simply disappear. And no matter how many new cats are brought home, after some time the situation returns to the starting point, and the pet disappears again. Mystically minded people explain this phenomenon by saying that cats absorb all the negativity that is heating up in the family. Such negativity can be various curses, damage, chronic hatred or envy inherent in one of the residents, or chronic bad luck. And then the cat, taking the blow of fate, takes all of this (or at least part of it) and goes away to die away from home. And if cats disappear literally one after another, then this indicates that too much negativity has accumulated in the house.

In fact, everything is somewhat different. Another explanation is much simpler, and is that cats simply leave those owners who offend their pets and take poor care of them. We, nevertheless, are considerable individualists and are quite capable of changing owners on our own if they do not suit us in some way, which, by the way, radically distinguishes us from dogs, which almost never change owners. Indeed, it often happens that a hungry cat goes to the neighbors to eat and stays there forever.

It was also noticed that in some houses it’s not just cats that don’t take root, but cats of a certain color. This is because cats of different colors have different characters: some are more aggressive, some are peaceful, some are independent or, on the contrary, affectionate. There are a great many options, although it should be noted that scientists have not yet discovered a relationship between coloring and temperament (they are just not looking hard enough). Owners of a certain color and, accordingly, a certain character could simply not get along with their owners. For example, if a pet is very energetic and aggressive, and its owners are prone to apathy and laziness, then this can lead to misunderstanding and even conflicts. It is also possible that such a cat, having found its way into the house of an overly energetic owner, may find itself in a situation of “found its scythe on a stone.” And in both cases, the cat may end up looking for new owners. In the same case, if a cat living in an apartment does not have the opportunity to leave the house and go in search of a better life, experiencing constant psychological discomfort associated with the fact that it is mistreated and not cared for enough, the situation can become even worse. Under such conditions, the animal will inevitably suffer from stress, and if it is at least minimally sensitive, then its immunity will certainly weaken. As a result, the cat's will to live will inevitably weaken and it is quite possible that the very first disease will lead to the death of the animal.

Another reason why cats disappear is disease. The causative agents of certain infections, such as feline distemper, can persist in the house and on objects for quite a long time. And if an animal living indoors died from distemper, then the viruses will inevitably remain on the floor, walls, carpets, furniture, and so on. Therefore, the next cat that enters the house can easily become a victim of the same disease. Equally threatening to us are all kinds of fungal diseases, which, affecting the entire cat’s body, often lead to death. Spores of these diseases can persist in rooms for a very long time. And in order to prevent new cat deaths, after the death of a cat, you should thoroughly treat the apartment using a quartz lamp and thoroughly wash all surfaces using disinfectants. And even after these procedures are completed, you should wait at least a year before inviting a new pet into your home. True, the causative agents of some fungal diseases can “live” in the house for about two years and it is almost impossible to cope with them with simple disinfection. Therefore, do not hesitate to call specialists for deep processing. See you!


Cat in the house omens

There are different opinions about keeping cats, kittens and cats in a private house or apartment, so this issue should be considered from different points of view. As for signs, the article contains the most frequently asked questions on this matter and provides detailed answers to them.

It is recommended to pay attention to other materials of this cat project, as they contain equally interesting, useful and current information on various issues related to pets.

Black cat, cat in the house of signs and superstitions

There is such a sign that a black cat, living in a house, will collect all the negative energy. Also, a black cat is a good talisman for your home against thieves. Black cats will help relieve a person of headaches and attract financial well-being to the home.

According to superstitions, during a thunderstorm, a black cat must be kicked out of the house, otherwise lightning may burn the house down. If a strange black cat comes into the house, expect trouble.

Why cats don’t take root in the house folk signs

If there are people with negative energy in the house, then cats will not live in such a house. Or one of the family members is damaged, the evil eye, the cats will also go away. If bad energy has accumulated in a house, then a black cat will not live in such a house.

Cat in the house signs of traditions and customs

There are many superstitions, including those about cats. It’s bad if the cat died in the house - it’s bad luck for the family. Before entering the house, the cat is first allowed in. If there is a seriously ill person in the house, and the cat has run away, then there will be a funeral soon.

Folk signs: the cat in the house is red, gray, what is it for?

If you caress a saffron milk cap, there will be success in business and prosperity in the house, and no envious people are afraid of such a house. If the light greets the owner violently, it means that the cat wants to cleanse the damaged aura. Ginger cats are great at absorbing illnesses in their household. If suddenly the cat breaks out to play, it means you will be in a house of quick joy.

A gray cat will bring happiness to the house. Gray lumps protect the house from the evil eye and enemies. Cats of this color are also considered money cats. Do you want to be richer? Stroke the gray cat more often. According to popular belief, if a gray cat has green eyes, it can absorb lunar energy and then treat patients with it.

Two cats in the house are a sign

If two cats live in a house, then such a house has excellent energy and such a house is not afraid of troubles and misfortunes.

The cat came and ran into the omen's house

If a cat runs into your house, you should definitely take him in. If you don’t accept the cat, there will be troubles in the family for seven long years.

If you shelter a cat, then life in such a house will improve in all respects, and good luck will settle in it. It is also believed that, in this way, deceased relatives visit their relatives.

A tabby, tricolor cat has come, comes to the house of omens

If a tricolor cat comes into the house, cats of this color are rare - this means wealth and an improvement in the atmosphere in the house. A tricolor cat will protect the house from fire.

If a tabby cat visited your home, changes are coming soon. With their presence, gray cats lure good luck into the house and help to relate more easily to difficult situations in life.


Cat in the house - signs and beliefs

The cat is an animal that has lived next to humans since ancient times; it is the first living creature that people allowed into their home. Currently, there are many signs and beliefs about cats. In different countries there are a large number of different superstitions about these amazing animals. In this material we will cover this topic in as much detail as possible.

Some historical information

In Orthodoxy, it is forbidden to kick a cat out of the Temple, unlike dogs; if a dog visits the altar, it must subsequently be reconsecrated (it is believed that the animal has desecrated it), and a cat can easily get away with something like this.

It is believed that Noah, when he was sailing with his family on the ark, was faced with the problem of mice that began to gnaw at the bottom, but the cat destroyed all the rodents, thereby saving the holy family from death.

Over the course of centuries, different nationalities have created and passed on signs about cats, many of which have survived to this day. Today it is difficult to find a home that does not have a cat: some people get a pet to get rid of rodents, and others get some variety in their lives. In modern society, the tendency to have purebred cats has become quite popular. Fortunately, there is a huge variety of breeds, allowing you to choose a cat that will completely suit you both in appearance and in character.

Signs about cats in the house

Perhaps the most popular belief is that when moving into a new home, you should let the cat in first. This promises prosperity and good luck for future residents. In the place that the furry animal has chosen for itself, you should put a bed - this is an energetically clean zone that has a beneficial effect on health.

Cats sense the energy of people and rooms very subtly. They tend to absorb negativity and process it, thereby making people calmer and happier. Since ancient times, it was believed that a cat could give health and improve well-being.

Now let's look at the most popular signs about cats:

Signs about the suit of a cat

Beliefs about cats also differ based on the color of the animal.

Thus, tricolor cats have always been the personification of good luck and prosperity; if an animal of this color is nailed to a home, this indicates a new relationship, very successful and long-lasting. Residents of Japan, in honor of the tricolor cat, began to produce porcelain figurines, which are called “money cats” or “lucky cats.”

A tricolor cat also protects the house from fire and disaster. According to legend, the owner of such a cat will never suffer from fever.

Folk beliefs about calico cats are always positive. This animal combines three opposite colors, each of them in turn personifies something: white - speaks of purity and peace, black - helps get rid of troubles, red - portends material well-being.

The sign about a black cat suggests that if an animal of this color crosses your path, you should prepare for failure. Then it is better to cancel the trip and return home. Since ancient times, the black cat has been accused of being associated with evil spirits. But not all beliefs about black cats have a negative meaning.

For example, the presence of a black cat on a ship portends good luck. Fishermen specially kept cats of this breed to protect themselves from hurricanes or storms.

White cats promise harmony in the home. If a kitten of this color comes to you, be sure to take it, it will bring you happiness, health and peace. Also, according to doctors, white cats do not produce allergens.

If, when leaving home, you meet a white cat, this is a good omen, your plans will definitely come true, and success awaits you.

Red cats indicate material well-being and stability.

Gray cats in the house have the same qualities as black ones; they protect their owners from negative energy, troubles and failures.

Be that as it may, if the owner loves his pet and treats him with care, the furry animal will certainly thank the owner with its warmth, protect him from illness and simply delight him with his presence.

Cats are the most familiar and most mysterious animals, they can be affectionate and playful, they cannot live without humans and therefore it seems strange why cats do not take root in the house.

In the middle of the last century, in a small provincial town there lived a cat, Musya, who is still remembered and has an interesting story to tell. Musya unexpectedly appeared in one or another yard, lived for some time, carefully examined the house and even caught mice. Then she disappeared and a few months later appeared with a kitten in her teeth, carefully laid her child at the feet of the mistress and left forever. Wise Musya herself gave her kittens into good hands, and she was never mistaken. The kittens were adopted and lived happily ever after.

All kittens are adorable, they enjoy the admiration of their owners and their self-esteem increases in direct proportion to this admiration. The cat quickly determines who in the family has the greatest authority and considers this person equal to his person, and all other members of the household become members of his pack. And if one day the cat understands who he really is, he will never stay here. That's why cats don't live in the house, they don't forgive bitter insults.

Freedom-loving, independent cats still form strong bonds with their owners. They know how to relieve attacks of tachycardia, lower blood pressure and treat life-threatening diseases. But only those they love receive their “medical care.” As soon as you picked up the black and white cat Mitya, your heart began to beat more regularly. Mityai angrily tore himself out of the hands of others, but lay for a long time on the sore spots of his mistress. As for the so-called anomalous zones in the house, cats, on the contrary, love them very much, so the presence of bad energy cannot force the animal to leave.

You can often hear that cats of such and such color do not live in this house for a long time. There is nothing mystical here; the color of a cat affects its character in the same way as hair color affects people. Everyone knows that brunettes are stricter, blondes are kinder, and redheads are the funniest. The subtleties of the color of cats still remain a deep secret, although it is certainly known that the best mousetraps are gray tabby cats. Only females are tricolored, and pure red color is the property of males. There is a belief that tricolor cats bring happiness, although it is not known for certain who, when and what kind of happiness came from the kitty. Cats, of course, can live where they don’t really like, because they feed them, but this is for the time being. Why on earth should a white cat tolerate owners he doesn’t like and why is this spotted cat obliged to live with those he doesn’t respect? And at the first opportunity, Murchiki change their place of residence.

But to the question why cats don’t live in the house, there is another answer. A cat can steal a piece of meat from the table, it can challenge its primacy, it can take revenge (bite, scratch, break something and even shit), but this is all, as they say, a working moment. As for vital issues, the cat will not betray, will not let you down, she will courageously take upon herself, to the extent possible, retribution for the sins of her beloved owners and will pay for it with the most expensive price in the world - her life. It is possible that all these unaccustomed Murkas and Vaskas came to the yard much more than other cats.

There is a popular belief that if cats do not take root in a house for a long time - they die prematurely, then they take upon themselves the troubles that can happen to their owners.