Should a domestic cat be neutered? What happens if you don't castrate your cat? Cat behavior after castration

Every owner thinks about castration and sterilization when purchasing fluffy pet. If you are planning a show career and breeding, then you can immediately close this article; you will not need the information provided in it. For others, a simple operation will be an excellent solution. At first glance, the topic is simple and even slightly hackneyed, but it gives rise to so many questions that it would not be superfluous to study it again.

What it is

Before taking a pet to a surgeon, the owner must first collect information. To know how to prepare a cat for castration, it is important to be prepared for what will happen in the clinic. So, castration is the removal of reproductive organs in order to stop sexual activity. Typically, veterinarians perform the procedure of removing the testes. This is a simple operation that can be performed by an experienced doctor in just 20 minutes. Today it is performed exclusively under general anesthesia, so the animal does not experience pain. Through a small incision, the testes are brought out and cut off. Most often, stitches are not even necessary.

Should a cat be neutered?

Many people ask this question. The answer is simple. If your pet does not participate in breeding, then such an operation will make your life much easier. Moreover, it will be better not only for you, but also for your mustachioed pet. You should carefully consider all the pros and cons so that doubts completely leave you. Castration of animals is not an act of violence; your pet will not suffer; on the contrary, the endless discomfort associated with searching for females will disappear from his life.

Analysis of the situation

Let's now put emotions aside and talk directly about the pros and cons of sterilization surgery. Loving owner wants to see her pet healthy and beautiful. What's really going on? In the natural environment, the meaning of life for a mature cat is reproduction. This is the strongest instinct, which forces us to constantly search for and annex territories belonging to cats to “their own”. It is clear that he is not the only one, which means that constant fights, torn ears, scratches and stress from the loss of part of the territory are all a normal series of events. What gives The reproductive instinct fades away, and the cat no longer seeks conflicts. Not seeing him as a competitor, other males allow him to walk quietly through their territory.

Common Myths

Owners very often worry about whether they need to castrate a cat that has already mated more than once. Wouldn't it be like this? abrupt change detrimental to his psyche? In this case, people greatly humanize the animal. A man who has developed impotence will worry about his lost status, be upset that he is not able to please his partner, think about the likelihood of cheating, and the like. After surgery, a cat’s body slowly restructures itself, the sexual instinct fades away, and instead of potential partners, it begins to be interested in other things. He switches to food, games, hunting.

Myth two: you can just let the cat go for a walk

Since it is the owner who needs to prepare the cat for castration, who also has a lot of other things to do, most often the issue is resolved differently. They simply let him out into the street in the hope that he will satisfy his needs and return home safely. But there are a lot of disadvantages here. Firstly, these are the offspring that are born to stray cats after such walks. Most often, kittens are doomed to starvation. Secondly, the dangers that the street is rich in. Other cats, dogs, people, poisoned food, cars, diseases that he can pick up from stray animals. Agree, it is much better if your pet stays at home.

Myth three: poor health and bad character after surgery

These are statements that are very far from the truth. After such an operation, cats become more affectionate and playful, and attacks of aggression are completely a thing of the past. Now the fluffy one, like a kitten, is ready to play for hours with a toy mouse or purr on your lap. The point of view that a cat becomes lethargic and passive after castration is fundamentally wrong.

You can often hear that castration leads to the development urolithiasis. This is actually not true. The reasons for the latter are low fluid intake and great content protein in the diet. The fact is that after castration the animal’s metabolism changes; now it can’t eat fish and foods with high content calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Myth four: you can castrate at any age

Yes and no. Quite often, veterinarians are asked whether it is possible to castrate a cat at 2 years old. It is possible, and the doctor will easily agree to perform a similar procedure at 3, 4 or 6 years in the absence of contraindications. However, there are certain age limits that need to be taken into account. It is not worth operating on an animal before 8-10 months. His genitourinary system may stop developing. As a result, the urethra will be small in diameter and will easily become clogged with sand.

An adult cat that has never bred can be neutered at any age. But if mating has already occurred, then the cat, even after the operation, may continue to mark the territory, scream at night and demand the cat. The fact is that before the first mating, sex hormones are produced by the testes, and after that the pituitary gland is also activated. That is, the optimal age is 8-10 months. And yet, when asked whether it is possible to castrate a cat at 2 years old, the doctor will answer positively in most cases.

Myth five: castrati do not live long

No justification is given for this, but it can be assumed that this follows from the assumption that such operations always lead to the development of urolithiasis. How long do castrated cats live? According to statistics from veterinarians, the rates are usually higher than those of their counterparts living a “full” life. Neutered people have less stress, they spend more time doing enjoyable activities and games.

No less important is the absence of the rutting period, when an ordinary cat stops eating and sleeping, screams heart-rendingly across the rooftops for weeks and fights with their other inhabitants. It is difficult to say how long castrated cats live; everything is individual. But other things being equal (vaccinations received on time, good food), he will definitely delight you no less than a non-neutered one. On average, veterinarians voice figures ranging from 12 to 16 years. As you can see, castration has more pros than cons. The only one good reason refraining from it is the breeding value of the cat.

Myth six: get a cat a mate

Keeping two dioecious family members at home is not a solution to the problem. A sexually mature cat needs a female at least once a week. Therefore, without solving one problem, you will immediately get a second one. This includes keeping a pregnant and lactating cat, as well as finding owners for kittens. And while you are busy with these things, the cat will continue to organize concerts.

How to prepare a cat for castration

Although this is standard elective surgery, which is easily tolerated by animals, you need to think about everything in advance. To do this, you need to contact a veterinarian and undergo full examination body, which will identify existing contraindications. Most often, this is not even the surgical intervention itself, but anesthesia, which seriously threatens the health or even the life of your pet.

Exploratory survey

Since you won’t be able to prepare a cat for castration on your own, we choose experienced doctor and we go to the reception. The priority goal of such a visit is to identify pathologies that are important for the upcoming intervention. The specialist is now interested in anamnesis, that is, collecting information about animal diseases, use medicines, functionality of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. At the same time, the doctor measures body temperature, respiratory rate and pulse, and assesses the functioning of the lungs and heart. Often on the eve of the operation the specialist prescribes antihistamine therapy. Additional examinations are assigned individually. This may be an electrocardiogram or an abdominal ultrasound.

Going to the laboratory

Usually, for a young animal, the above will be enough, but if there are any complaints about the cat’s condition or he is in adulthood, then it is better to get tested:

  • Provides important information biochemical analysis blood. If your pet is different poor appetite, and his coat looks dull, he won't be out of place at all. The analysis allows you to identify diseases of the pancreas, liver and kidneys.
  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.

Another important point: the time of castration of a cat is good to coincide with preventive vaccinations. They are placed at the age of 10 months - 1 year and are a repetition of those that have already been done in one month old. Done 2-3 weeks before surgery, they will help protect the animal’s body from infections.

On the day of surgery

The main thing is to calm down. Your pet will not feel anything, and you will soon take him home. 12 hours before the appointed time, the animal stops feeding. It is very good if you give him a laxative 24 hours in advance. The stomach and intestines should remain empty. IN otherwise When recovering from anesthesia, vomiting may occur. Approximately 4 hours before surgery, they stop giving water. It is very good if you arrange for a doctor to come to your home. This is important, since it is much easier to prepare a cat for castration at home, and the animal experiences less stress in its usual conditions.

Must have on hand

In any case, the doctor will need to get acquainted with your cat’s vaccination passport and card. Prepare a warm blanket, oilcloth and diapers in advance. It won't hurt either wet wipes. Stress caused by surgery may cause vomiting or involuntary urination. Sometimes doctors recommend giving a sedative, but the dose must be selected individually.

Agree with the specialist that he will remain to observe the patient for a few more hours after the operation. This is important, since upon recovery from anesthesia, respiratory depression, arrhythmia, or cardiac arrest may occur. And only an experienced specialist can help.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, a fairly simple operation is hidden behind the term “cat castration”. When can you give your pet the opportunity to avoid unnecessary stress and dangers, as well as protect yourself from sleepless nights, damaged furniture, marks on carpets, there is no need to choose an alternative. Remember how wonderful a kitten can be before puberty, when the reproductive instinct overrides everything else in its mind. Modern veterinary medicine makes it possible to extend it for the rest of its life without harm to the animal. Now you know how to prepare a cat for castration, all that remains is to find an experienced doctor.

Should a cat be neutered? Perhaps no other issue causes so much controversy among cat owners. Some consider castration obligatory, others claim that they take away the cat’s health, happiness and inherent disposition. Who is right?

What is cat castration and when is it necessary?

Purebred cats are castrated at the age of 3-4 months

First of all, this is a surgical intervention under general anesthesia, and like any other operation, it has pros and cons. During castration, a veterinary surgeon removes the animal's testes through small incisions in the scrotum, after which the production of sex hormones stops, and the cat gradually loses interest in the reproduction process.

At what age and for what reasons do I castrate cats? Clear indications for castration are the cat’s health condition: tumors, injuries to the genital organs, in this case castration is carried out at any age. Early castration at three to four months is practiced by breeders of purebred animals: kittens of the "pet" class - a family pet, the breeding of which is undesirable - are given to new owners already neutered.

Healthy and not purebred animals are most often castrated at the age of eight months to a year; it is at this age that the formation of the skeleton and muscles ends, and the first signs of sexual desire appear. However, nothing prevents an older cat from being castrated, provided that his body is able to withstand anesthesia and the operation itself.

Contraindications to castration:

  • diseases of cardio-vascular system- anesthesia can lead to sharp deterioration health and even death;
  • old age - the older the cat, the greater the risk of complications after surgery;
  • Animals of the exhibition class or the “breeding” class intended for breeding are also not castrated.

After analyzing the condition of your animal, an experienced veterinarian will tell you whether castration is necessary and at what age your pet will best tolerate it.

The most common myth is that cats become obese after castration.

Myth 1. Neutered cats lose interest in games and become lazy.

After surgery, cats become calmer, yell less at night, demanding a cat, and do not mark. But the playfulness inherent in the cat family remains at the same level or even increases - after all, the extinguished instinct of reproduction is replaced by the excitement of the hunt. A castrated cat behaves like a kitten.

Myth 2. After castration, cats are susceptible to obesity and disease.

With rational feeding and care, the chances of getting sick and gaining overweight they have no more than their non-castrated counterparts.

Myth 3. A village cat cannot be neutered - it will stop catching rodents.

Hunting and protective instincts have nothing to do with sexual desire. A cat after castration will still be an excellent mouse catcher, and will chase other people’s cats away in the same way.

Myth 4. If a cat has tried a cat, castration will not calm him down; he will still yell and mark his territory.

Hormones will remain in the animal’s blood for some time, so its behavior will not change dramatically. But gradually he will forget his “bad habits.”

Myth 5. Castrated cats suffer from the fact that they cannot reproduce.

Perhaps the most favorite argument of opponents of sterilization. However, this is not at all true. Logical thinking and comparison of facts is not typical for cats; they do not think like people. A couple of months after the operation, after hormones are removed from the body, the cat will not even remember the reproductive instinct. But a non-castrated animal, unable to satisfy its needs, will really suffer.

Neutered cats have many more advantages

For experienced breeders and owners, as well as practicing veterinarians, the advantages of cat castration are obvious:

  • The cat's character and behavior change better side, he becomes more friendly, aggression towards people and other animals disappears;
  • the rhythm of a cat’s life adapts to its owners – it sleeps at night, communicates more actively with the owner, and plays with him more willingly;
  • attempts to run outside in search of the cat stop;
  • the cat stops marking its territory, and even the smell from the litter box becomes less pungent, since there are no hormones in the urine;
  • neutered cats live two to three years longer on average, which is associated with a lower risk of injury and a reduction in the number of malignant tumors genital area;
  • a factor that is important not only for owners, but also for the general epidemiological situation - the chance of stray cats breeding is reduced, which means the risk of infection of domestic cats is reduced.

Among the disadvantages of castration of cats, the following can be noted:

  • There are a number of contraindications in which anesthesia is dangerous for the health and life of cats - heart disease, age, individual intolerance;
  • at improper feeding there may be a risk of obesity and, therefore, after castration it is recommended specialized feed premium class, and their price is quite high;
  • If castration is performed carelessly, infection and other complications are possible - it is important to choose a clinic and surgeon with a good reputation and experience for this operation.

If you are in doubt about whether to castrate your cat or not, then watch the video from veterinarian Igor Alexandrovich Umansky.

Or maybe we can get by with drops?

IN veterinary pharmacies and pet stores sell drugs, often in the form of drops or tablets, that suppress sexual desire animal. Hesitant about castration, owners often ask the veterinarian if drops can be used?

Most experts agree: drops can be used, but only as a temporary measure. If the behavior of your cat, who has reached puberty, causes him and you troubles, it is better not to delay castration, but to carry it out as soon as possible. at a young age, with minimal risk of complications.

Regular and prolonged use of drops is harmful to the health of the cat and can lead to malignant formations.

Where and when is the best time to have surgery?

The most reliable option for cat castration is a clinic

The most reliable and best option– castrate the cat in the clinic. This operation is not complicated, does not involve penetration into the peritoneum, but the clinic ensures the sterility of the instrument and there is the possibility emergency assistance, if it suddenly turns out that the cat has an individual intolerance to drugs.

You can also castrate a cat at home; in this case, you should carefully consider the choice of a veterinary surgeon and make sure that he has experience in performing such operations.

Try to set a date for surgery so that you have a couple of days to monitor your pet's health. Considering the requirements for a fasting diet, it is better to prescribe it in the morning - this way the pet will experience less stress.

How to prepare a cat for castration

No special preparation is required for this simple operation. The cat should not be fed 12 hours before surgery, and water should not be given 3-4 hours before surgery. During anesthesia, animals reflexively vomit, and pieces of food can enter the bronchi and lungs. Therefore, the cat's stomach must be empty.

If your cat had heart problems and you noticed symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing, lethargy and inactivity, be sure to consult your veterinarian in advance!

Perhaps he will offer to undergo an examination, or completely prohibit the operation for medical reasons.

Castration: how it happens

Castration takes place under anesthesia

At the clinic, the cat will be weighed and examined, after which he will be given an injection - anesthesia. Gradually the cat will fall asleep and lose sensitivity. The operation itself does not last long: the surgeon makes two small incisions in the scrotum, places clamps on the spermatic cords and removes the testes. The incisions are sutured, the surgical site is treated with an aseptic solution, and the cat is placed for observation for about an hour.

Once the cat begins to recover from anesthesia, it can be taken home. Clinics may offer, for a fee, to leave the cat in the hospital for another day for observation. This is not necessary, especially if we're talking about about a young and healthy animal, but the owner always has the right to accept this offer.

Condition of the cat after anesthesia and surgery

Normalization of the cat’s condition occurs from 2 hours to 2 days

From the moment the cat wakes up after anesthesia until its condition is completely normalized, it usually takes from several hours to two days - this is individual. Coordination of movements may be impaired in animals; the cat may walk aimlessly around the apartment. Sometimes there is inhibition. These symptoms go away quickly.

If the cat becomes thirsty, water can be offered 4 hours after surgery. Food can be given no earlier than the next day. During the first few days, it is necessary to monitor the animal’s stool and urination; if there are problems, consult a veterinarian.

Cats rarely experience painful sensations at the site of the incisions. You need to make sure that the pet does not lick the seams, and treat it once a day with an aseptic solution, for example, brilliant green. If a cat stubbornly licks the scrotum, it is recommended to put a collar on it and inspect the stitches more often in order to notice signs of inflammation in time.

Cat behavior after castration

For the first day or two, the cat will be slightly inhibited and less playful, but already on the third day after castration, the cat’s behavior returns to normal, the animals’ appetite and their normal temperament return. Changes in the cat’s character do not occur immediately, but over several weeks.

What to do if the cat continues to mark?

Most common cause Cat owners call castration their habit of marking shoes, furniture and corners in the apartment. This behavioral feature is caused by the animal’s need to protect its territory from rivals and to make itself known. This style of behavior in the cat is “prompted” by the hormones produced by the testes. During castration, the testes are removed, but some of the hormone remains in the body, encouraging the cat to continue the same behavior. Gradually, hormones are eliminated from the body, the cat loses the hunt, and as a result, it stops marking its territory.

Watch the video from veterinarian Timur Aleksandrovich Stadnikov, he will talk about positive and negative points related to castration of a cat, we wish you pleasant viewing.

Sooner or later, every cat owner faces this question. Some feel sorry for the animal, and some do not want to waste time and money. If your pet is not purebred, and you are not going to organize a whole nursery, then it is still better to castrate the cat. And it will be better for the animal and for you, especially since this operation is simple, and the only drawback is that many cats simply become gluttons. Now their only joy is to eat and sleep. But the animal becomes cheerful, calm and affectionate. I say this for a reason. We have always had cats and we neuter all of them.

Previously, we were against such execution, but as we became more cats, this question disappeared by itself. Even if you have one cat, as he grows older he begins to mark his territory. You may not even notice it, but he will definitely mark, and nothing can be done about it, nature takes its toll. And some cats, because you don’t understand them and bring a friend, can do some mischief - they will cheat in your slippers or on your pillow.

But marks are only half the trouble, but when, out of the blue, your pet begins to howl in a wild voice, and even in the middle of the night, then you will most likely want to tear off all his belongings yourself, especially if you do not live in your own house, and the neighbors will start hitting you on the radiators. But it’s not the cat’s fault that the time has come for mating. He himself is suffering, he can neither sleep nor eat.

Some cats calmly endure such periods and simply “ride” on their favorite toy or blanket, while some simply become furious.

Last year I picked up a man dying from Kurilsky on the street. I cured him quickly. We named him Kuzey. A month later, Kuzya got fat and turned into a gorgeous cat. And then one night he gave us such a concert without requests that we ourselves were ready to dance and sing, just to shut up. He did not react to our entreaties, and as soon as we switched off a little, he began to yell even more strongly. Until the morning we took turns carrying him in our arms and scratching him behind the ear.

And in the morning they called a veterinarian they knew and begged her to castrate the cat as soon as possible. Since it was a working day and I couldn’t leave work, we agreed for the evening. The whole day I prayed to God that our event would not be disrupted. We simply cannot stand another night like this.

At the same time, we decided to also operate on Cousin’s daughter (her portrait on the right in the site menu), whom I took from wild cats back in the summer, when she was very young, otherwise she would have died.

The veterinarian arrived an hour late. We were all already exhausted and sitting on pins and needles. Venus (that’s the veterinarian’s name) did everything quickly. We caught the cats longer, but the anesthesia still had no effect on Kuzya. Strong cat! You can’t feed them before anesthesia (they vomit) and Kuzya sat there hungry all day.

Pipa came to her senses only after a couple of hours, and Kuzya, 15 minutes after the operation, went to the kitchen and had a snack. We have never seen anything like this before. Usually cats can barely crawl after anesthesia, and they can only eat the next day, otherwise they will vomit. But Kuzya not only walked with a confident gait, but also ate well, and didn’t even feel sick. In my opinion, he didn’t even understand that he had been deprived of his most intimate things. Now the main thing was to monitor his diet and not. And he loves to eat.

After castration, cats become affectionate, but not immediately. Hormones can play for several more months, although not with such force. Kotofeevs are no longer tormented by the problems of procreation. Now their main problem is to eat. Do not follow your pet's lead and do not overfeed him.

Also, do not give him fish in any form, otherwise he will get urolithiasis. IN as a last resort, if he really loves this delicacy so much, then remove all the scales along with the skin and be sure to cook it. And give him this dish no more than once a week. But otherwise everything will remain as before.

And your cat will be full and happy. So decide whether the cat needs to be neutered.

Even if your cat goes outside, then at least think about those kittens that will be born from him and will join the ranks of abandoned and deeply unhappy homeless animals. After all, this is also your fault!

Cats can change their meow to manipulate humans. They often imitate a child's voice when they need food, for example.

In cats, more than 20 muscles are responsible for ear movement.

One of the most pressing topics for pet lovers is whether a cat should be neutered? Opinions on this question are divided. Some people are sure that castration is a necessity, others that this procedure is a mockery of the animal and causes harm to it.

Age for castration

Puberty of cats occurs between 8 months and one year. At this time, the animal begins to produce sex hormones. Under their influence, the cat begins to mark its territory, imitate sexual intercourse and demand a “bride.” It is best to do castration between 7 months and a year.. During this period, the animal’s body is already fully formed. If castration is done earlier, problems with urination will appear, since the urethra will not develop.

Is it possible to castrate a cat after mating? Yes, but the result may be unexpected. The fact is that while the animal is still a virgin, the body is constantly producing testes. After mating with a cat, the pituitary and adrenal glands begin to produce them.

Therefore, it is possible that the pet’s behavior after the operation will remain the same, but the cat will simply become infertile. According to statistics, ten percent of animals behave as before surgical intervention.

Some cats are dangerous to neuter. The operation may cause irreparable harm the health of the animal if the procedure is performed in adulthood (8 years and older). The cat’s body may not accept anesthesia or react negatively to it.

Behavior of cats before castration

Some pets puberty starts early - already at 6 months. Animals do not have the concept of “sex” and “getting pleasure from it”; these are simple survival instincts. To satisfy its needs, a cat needs approximately seven females annually. Animals can mate several times a week or even a day.

During this period, cats experience a rapid hormonal surge. The animal becomes aggressive and uncontrollable.

The cat begins to mark corners, furniture, etc. It is very difficult to get rid of such a smell. Due to the “raby” of hormones, cats begin to shed heavily and unscheduled. This means that pet owners will have to wash the apartment and comb their pet every day.

During the mating season, cats begin to lose weight and suddenly lose their appetite. Aggression is often directed even at the owners. If an animal has access to the street, it tends to run away from home. You don't have to castrate domestic cat, if he is used to periodically walking outside. The animal will find a female and return completely satisfied.

What is the difference between castration and sterilization?

When the owner is told that “you don’t have to castrate the cat, but sterilize it,” many people confuse these two operations. But they are very different from each other and have different results.

What is sterilization?

During sterilization, the cat's spermatic cords are simply tied, but the animal retains sexual function. In this case, the cat’s behavior does not change; he simply will not be able to have offspring.

What is castration?

During castration, the testes are cut off. The operation is performed under anesthesia and can last 5-25 minutes. The cat's scrotum is cut open and the testes are removed. Then special threads are applied to the cords to stop the bleeding. Then the testes are cut off. After the operation the cat becomes calm.

Both testes must be removed, otherwise inflammatory process, and appear serious complications, as a result of which repeated surgical intervention is required.

Pros of castration

Castration has many benefits. After the operation the animal:

  • becomes calmer;
  • do not seek sexual intercourse;
  • a castrated cat lives longer;
  • becomes more attached to family members and owner;
  • does not try to run away from home;
  • stops marking its territory;
  • does not “sing” to attract the opposite sex;
  • eats less, as metabolism decreases significantly;
  • the risk of cancer, urolithiasis, prostate adenoma and other diseases is reduced;
  • does not receive injury from rivals for the right to own the female.

In addition to the above, a neutered cat reduces the risk of sexually transmitted and infectious diseases.

Disadvantages of castration

The operation to remove the testes still has not only positive, but also negative sides.

For example, for an adult animal, surgery can be fatal. The reason is the body's intolerance to anesthesia.

After surgery, your pet will need more care and attention. The cat must adhere to a strict diet. After surgery, animals go to the toilet less often than usual. This often causes stones in urinary tract. To help owners, pet stores sell special feed, reducing the risk of disease.

The animal becomes lazy and lethargic. No longer experiencing sexual desire, it begins to eat a lot and, as a result, quickly gains excess weight. Operation - severe stress for the cat. His temperature may rise significantly after surgery, increasing the risk of diabetes and other diseases.

Preparing for surgery

If you do not castrate your cat, then you need to be prepared for his aggressiveness, territory markings and constant heartbreaking concerts. But if the owners decide to remove the pet’s testes, then it is necessary to prepare the animal for the procedure. Before surgery:

  • a smear for infections, blood and urine are taken;
  • the animal is examined by a therapist and cardiologist;
  • vaccination should be done a couple of months before surgery and the same period should pass before vaccinations after removal of the testes;
  • 12 hours before surgery, the cat should not be fed;
  • Stop drinking 3 hours before surgery.

After anesthesia, the animal will be very cold, so you need to take a small blanket or blanket to the clinic.

When a pet is taken home, it cannot stand on its feet for the first few hours, so it is placed on a soft, comfortable bedding on the floor to avoid falls.

Until the animal wakes up from anesthesia, the owner must turn the pet over every 40 minutes. This will support normal blood circulation. 2 hours after waking up, the pet is given water, after 6 hours - food. During the operation, the animal's eyes remain open and the mucous membranes become very dry. Therefore in rehabilitation period It is necessary to instill a moisturizer.

Misconceptions about surgery

Castration of cats has pros and cons, but opinions about the operation and its consequences are largely erroneous. Many owners are confident that removing the testes is not only a painless, but also safe procedure. This false belief. Without anesthesia, the animal will not survive the operation due to pain. In addition, animals, like people, are not immune from complications.

It is believed that castrated cats, after removal of the testes, are deprived of vital sexual intercourse, so owners are opposed to the operation.

If the cat is not provided with constant “sex”, it will be more painful and unnatural for him, since it is inherent in the genes by nature. This is a natural physical attraction, during which animals simply make certain body movements, but they do not get the same pleasure from it as people do.

Why is surgery done and is it necessary? In Russia this issue is still controversial. In Europe, this castration has long been a common procedure. It helps relieve people and pets from many unnecessary problems. After surgery, the animal will live calmly and for a long time.

When bringing a fluffy kitten into the house, many owners do not think about its further care. When the furry grows up and the “sexual boom” begins, castration becomes the only option to stop this behavior.

In Europe and the USA, this procedure has long become a necessary condition for maintaining pet, in our country this is still a controversial and not so popular operation. Whether it is necessary to castrate a cat and what the consequences of refusal may be, our article will tell you.

The castration procedure involves surgically removing the testes.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, the animal does not feel anything, and the rehabilitation period takes only a few days. After the procedure, the production of sex hormones decreases and the animal does not feel the need to mate.

In addition, during the period of activity, the animal may refuse to eat, become nervous and lose weight. All these phenomena negatively affect the body, causing characteristic diseases. In addition, castration has other undoubted advantages.

What does the procedure give:

  1. Not aggressive behavior.
  2. Lack of marks in the house.
  3. Calm behavior.
  4. There is no threat of testicular diseases.
  5. There is no contact with other animals.

Such intervention ensures a quiet life for the pet and the owners; the animal will not mark furniture and walls, will become less aggressive and will not try to leave the house in search of a female.

This necessary condition keeping domestic cats, because the pet is simply unprepared for street life. In addition, the mating process in cats is preceded by mating games, during which the pet can be seriously injured and even die.

Disadvantages of castration

Most often, the disadvantages of the procedure are associated with the administration of anesthesia, to which the animal can react in the most unpredictable way. An operation performed in adulthood is fraught with serious health complications, so it is best to castrate your pet before two years of age.

If the kitten is still too small, the procedure is also not performed, because before the final development of the genitourinary system it is fraught with narrowing of the urethra. In the future, this provokes the appearance of feline urolithiasis (FKD).

In addition, the animal should not be sick, because in this case the operation becomes very risky. Optimal age for castration from 7 to 11 months, and only before the cat tries the female for the first time.

For untied cats, castration may not be a solution, because behavior correction in this case is very insignificant.

Is it necessary to castrate?

Negative aspects of a pet’s behavior can be corrected by timely castration. The optimal age of the pet is 7-11 months, and the animal should not have mating experience.

After the first sexual intercourse, changes occur in the body; sex hormones in this case will be produced not only by the testes, but also by the pituitary gland, so in this case there may not be a fundamental change in behavior.

Preparation before surgery:

After castration, it is necessary to provide the pet with maximum comfortable conditions for recovery. It is advisable to use a special cone that does not allow the animal to lick the damaged area.

The sutures are treated with an antiseptic until completely healed. Food must be as gentle as possible, and water is available around the clock. Immediately after surgery, movement disorders, vomiting or diarrhea may occur.

All these are the consequences of drug anesthesia, which quickly pass. During this period, it is advisable to take care of the cat, prevent him from climbing to heights, sudden movements and outdoor games. Usually, after 3-4 days, the cat completely returns to its usual lifestyle and quickly forgets about the procedure.

What happens if you don't castrate your cat?

Unneutered cats during the period of hormonal changes can radically change their behavior. If you decide not to resist nature, you need to know about the main consequences of such a choice.

What to prepare for:

The frequency and intensity of such manifestations directly depends on the breed and character of the pet. That is why, if you do not plan to breed such fluffies in the future, you will have to decide to castrate the cat.

Sterilization of a cat without castration

There is another alternative operation, during which the animal's seminal ducts are simply cut. Males retain all the characteristics of uncastrated males, but cannot give birth to offspring.

Disputes about the advisability of such an operation are still ongoing, because even when keeping a cat together with several cats, the male may be too intrusive and aggressive in demanding intimacy from them.

It should be noted that periods of estrus in cats occur much less frequently than in males, so the feasibility of such a solution is highly questionable.

Unlike sterilization, castration completely removes sexual desire, so in this case the cat not only cannot, but also does not want to have intercourse.

Misconceptions about castration

Along with medical indications, most owners refuse castration for completely different reasons. The main misconceptions and myths associated with this procedure are given below.

A castrated cat is deprived of an important aspect of his life.

This position is more typical of men who do not want to offend the cat, hiding behind male solidarity and personal experience.

Of course, it is very difficult to compare such concepts, but you should also know that animals do not have the concept of pleasure during mating as such, and during the mating season they are driven more by the instinct of survival rather than the search for love.

If a cat has not yet experienced all the delights of searching for a female, it is very easy and painless for him to endure such hardships, because reproductive function does not manifest itself as strongly as in uncastrated cats.

Neutered cats are fat and lazy

Most of this behavior is the result of incorrect content. Often, owners, when subjecting an animal to castration, subconsciously try to assuage their guilt with the only pleasure now available, starting to overfeed the pet.

Indeed, without sufficient hormone production, metabolic processes in the body slow down a little, but proper diet and outdoor games with your pet quickly help correct this feature.

Castration is only for stray animals

If your cat does not go outside and does not have contact with the opposite sex, castration, on the contrary, is simply necessary.

In such conditions, the animal’s mating season is very difficult. The cat begins to mark, yells and constantly tries to sneak out into the street. In addition, he may exhibit aggressive behavior, and good luck“flight”, the animal may die, because it is simply not adapted to street conditions.

Castration of a domestic cat - necessary procedure, unless you plan to breed offspring in the future.

Otherwise, it's the only possibility provide the cat and household with a quiet life, because without regular hormonal surge the pet is calmer, non-aggressive and obedient.

If you do not have the opportunity to regularly provide your pet with “dates,” it is best not to torture him and subject him to surgical intervention In young age. The features of castration, all the pros and cons of the procedure are discussed in our information.