Very rapid breathing in an elderly dog. Causes of shortness of breath in dogs and what to do about it. If this happens in the heat

The heart is the pump that pumps blood throughout the body. Blood contains vital nutrients, including oxygen and hormones that regulate body functions. Proper blood circulation is also necessary to remove waste products, including carbon dioxide. Bad job the heart compromises the function of all other organs.

The following signs may indicate heart disease:

- cough and shortness of breath;

- drowsiness and weakness;

- fainting;

- weight loss;

- growth retardation;

- bluish gums;

- distended abdomen and swollen joints;

- irregular and/or constantly rapid pulse;

- palpable vibrations of the heart.

Congestive heart failure. Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to transport oxygenated blood in sufficient quantities to meet the body's needs. The term "congestive" is used when fluid, arising from the normal compensatory mechanisms that support the cardiovascular system, collects outside the vessels. If it collects in the lungs, then coughing and shortness of breath occur. Dogs with congestive heart failure are less able to tolerate exercise. and in some cases their abdomen may be distended with fluid. Sometimes the limbs swell. The veterinarian may listen to the heart and may detect abnormal sounds and fluid in the lungs. X-ray analysis and an electrocardiogram may be required for a complete diagnosis. Medicines can make the heart contract harder and help the body release accumulated fluids. Also helps reduce fluid accumulation salt-free diet, and limiting physical activity reduces the load on the heart.

Acquired heart diseases

Cardiomyopathy. Dilated (congestive) cardiomyopathy is a disease that particularly affects large and very large breeds and usually develops between the first and sixth year. The heart muscle weakens and atrophies, causing blood to flow slowly, resulting in overall congestive heart failure. The heart itself becomes greatly enlarged and becomes prone to arrhythmias. In such cases, some heartbeats may not eject blood and create a pulsation. TO signs of cardiomyopathy include fatigue, cough, distended abdomen, weight loss, sometimes swollen limbs and fainting. Medicines can help prolong a dog's life, but not for long because they cannot reverse the changes in the heart itself.

Chronic valve disease is one of the most common forms of heart disease in dogs. For some unknown reason, the valves between the blood-pumping chambers thicken and fail to fit tightly. allowing the blood to seep back out. Little by little, the heart loses its ability to properly pump blood throughout the body, and heart failure gradually develops. Signs of this are. cough, difficulty or noisy breathing, restlessness at night. A heart murmur can usually be detected. dog with chronic disease valves, which exhibit Clinical signs, you need to show it to the vet immediately.

Congenital heart diseases

Defect interventricular septum - This is an opening in the muscular wall that separates the two main cavities of the heart that pump blood. This hole is usually small and does not affect great influence on the general circulation, but it can extend almost the entire length of the interventricular septum and cause signs of heart failure. The abnormal blood flow caused by this defect creates a heart murmur. Some institutes are trying to eliminate this defect surgically.

Uninfected ductus arteriosus. The fruit is short and wide arterial vessel, which connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta and carries the main flow of blood from the right ventricle directly to the aorta, bypassing the lungs. Soon after birth this vessel closes naturally. If this does not happen, then they say that there is an uninfected ductus arteriosus. This is one of the most common birth defects hearts in dogs. This anomaly is indicated by characteristic heart murmurs. The only effective treatment is surgical closure of this duct.

Stenosis (narrowing) of the pulmonary artery. This vice occurs when the blood flow between the right ventricle and pulmonary artery is disrupted, which leads to an increase in the load on the heart and can lead to heart failure. Heart murmurs are heard in dogs with stenosis. Some types of stenosis can be partially eliminated surgically.

Cardiac cough in dogs: what is it?

A dog's cough is not a disease, but a symptom indicating that it is time to pay attention to the pet's health. It is especially important to respond in a timely manner if your dog develops a heart cough. Read our article about how to recognize this type of cough in a dog and alleviate its manifestations.

Cough, regardless of its etiology, is protective reflex . arising in the body as a reaction to irritation of specific cough zones of the trachea and bronchi.

Not in all cases, cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease. Its appearance may be caused internal cause- that is, diseases bordering on respiratory system organs. So, characteristic symptom Cardiac disease is a characteristic cardiac cough in dogs.

Causes of cardiac cough

A cardiac cough in a dog is a symptom of heart pathology, most often heart failure. With this and some other diseases, the heart increases in size and compresses the trachea. Cough receptors located on the trachea send a signal to the dog’s brain, and the animal coughs, despite the fact that there is a real need to clear the respiratory system of mucus and foreign bodies he doesn't have.

The most common warning sign of a heart cough in a dog is shortness of breath, occurring during physical activity. Animals over six years of age and dogs of large fighting breeds are most susceptible to pathological changes in the heart and the resulting cough. Treatment of cardiac cough in dogs is aimed at stopping or alleviating the manifestation of this symptom and, as a rule, is difficult due to its chronic nature.

How to recognize a heart cough in a dog

Any kind of cough is an alarming symptom and requires consultation with a specialist. However, even before contacting a veterinary clinic, certain assumptions can be made regarding the etiology of the cough. A cardiac cough in a dog is characterized by:

dull, “uterine” sound;

gradual increase in intensity as it progresses heart disease;

absence of discharge (sputum) or bloody discharge(in advanced cases);

attacks that are painful for the animal, in which it seems as if the dog is choking and cannot clear its throat.


By external manifestations we can only make a preliminary conclusion about the real reason dog cough. If a dog is suspected of having a cardiac cough, an ultrasound scan is prescribed. Provides the most accurate data ultrasonography hearts on a device with the Doppler effect. Dopleography will allow you to evaluate the nature of blood movement by blood vessels and identify pathology.

Treatment of cardiac cough in dogs

It is important to begin treatment for cardiac cough on time, since this symptom only aggravates the course of the underlying disease and provokes further development pathology. This type of cough is treated with specific therapy, aimed at relieving the symptom or reducing the intensity of its manifestation.

Complex treatment of heart failure and accompanying cough is carried out with the help of drugs (riboxin, corvaldin, kratal, antitussive children's mixtures), vitamin therapy, diet and dosage physical activity. A qualified specialist must select treatment for your dog.

Heart failure in older dogs. Worried about your heart?

Worried about your heart?


Heart failure in dogs.

Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome, arising as a result of any structural or functional disorders, which impair the ability of the heart's ventricles to fill or eject blood.

Heart failure most often develops under the influence of adverse effects environment, serious illnesses various systems organs, stress, and congenital heart defects or as a result of heartworm infection.

Heart failure is divided into three categories:

1. Acute heart failure

2. Age-related heart failure

3. Chronic heart failure.

Acute heart failure (collapse).

Occurs and develops in dogs:

- after heavy blood loss,

- in case of poisoning and infectious diseases,

- in elderly and elderly dogs suffering from heart disease.


the dog is lethargic,

- lies down, making no attempt to get up,

- breathing is shallow and frequent,

- mucous membranes of the lips and eyelids are very pale,

- pulse cannot be felt.

Do not forget that if the first signs of the disease appear, there is no need to postpone your visit to veterinary clinic .

First veterinary aid for a pet assistance that a dog owner can provide:

Immediately apply heating pads or bottles of warm water to the dog’s limbs, -cover the dog, -inject cordiamine intramuscularly, every 4-6 hours,

- if the animal is old, then it is necessary to additionally introduce cocarboxylase,

- contact urgently veterinarian for further treatment.

Age-related heart failure (senile heart).

Age-related changes in dogs occur gradually and do not make themselves felt until the first serious attack or breakdown; this fully applies to the development of age-related heart failure - senile heart. Therefore, such a diagnosis can be quite unexpected for the dog owner and is often made in cases where he goes to the veterinary clinic for a completely different reason.

And although senile heart is translated as senile heart, the first signs of the disease in a dog can appear as early as 5-6 years old and, conversely, be absent at an older age.

The first signs of heart weakness are not always pronounced and specific, so it is important for the dog owner to pay attention to the symptoms of this disease, especially its earliest manifestations.

It starts with a decrease in stamina. those. rapid breathing appears with less than usual load, it takes more time to recover from the usual exercise. Such changes in condition usually occur episodically. and are written off by the owner due to the heat. change in pressure or any other external reason.

At this stage of the disease, the veterinarian and the dog owner have good opportunity maintain the functioning of the heart for a long time and effectively, preventing the disease from developing. This requires a diet, regulation of physical activity and the appointment of gentle biotherapy. As a rule, this is a combination of one or two complex homeopathic medicines and one isopathic agent. which are prescribed in a monthly course, which is repeated 2 - 3 times a year.

Shortness of breath after a normal walk becomes too long, and after eating or drinking, coughing is sometimes noted. These symptoms may spontaneously and unpredictably disappear and reappear because at this stage of the disease the dog’s body is still able to compensate (albeit temporarily) for the developing heart weakness.

Treatment of the second stage of heart failure has the same basis. as in the first stage. but the duration of each course increases to 1.5 - 2 months. In addition to this course, one or more fetal cardiac medications are included in the form of injections or tablets (this depends on the individual sensitivity of the dog).

After regular exercise and even after short walks, the dog’s shortness of breath does not go away for a long time, and in dogs dwarf breeds- any emotion causes coughing attacks. This stage indicates advanced heart disease and there is no longer any hope for spontaneous compensation in this case. At this stage, heart failure first of all seriously affects those organs that need a stable and complete blood supply - the brain, kidneys and lungs. And as a result, with severe cardiac weakness, brain, kidney or pulmonary failure often develops.

This stage of the disease requires careful and comprehensive examination dogs, identifying all pathological changes caused by chronic heart failure and prescription active therapy. The duration of treatment is most often not limited in time, but is carried out as long as it is possible to maintain relatively normal work hearts. The course of treatment includes fetal polyvalent drugs, cardiac and complex homeopathic remedies With wide range actions carried out full course symbiotic therapy. This complex treatment gives a pronounced synergistic (total) effect and allows the dog to feel comfortable for a long time.

The pet has difficulty moving, shortness of breath does not go away even at rest, and visible mucous membranes acquire a persistent pale or bluish tint. These symptoms are extremely serious condition pet. in which even the most modern and carefully selected treatment can lead to only minor and temporary relief.

The course and principle of treatment is similar to the 3rd stage of heart failure. however, it is quite rare to achieve a noticeable improvement; a pet may feel better, but these changes are short-term and unstable, because in such advanced cases conservative treatment no longer gives the desired effect and is not able to influence the process, which is considered irreversible.

Chronic heart failure in domestic animals.

Chronic heart failure is usually not considered as a separate disease, but is diagnosed as a syndrome that develops as a result various diseases of cardio-vascular system(manifested by shortness of breath, cough, palpitations, limitation physical activity and retention of sodium and water in the body), as a complication of any heart disease (myocardial ischemia, arterial hypertension, heart defects, etc.), as well as lungs, liver, kidneys, a number of endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, diseases thyroid gland, obesity, etc.

Chronic heart failure develops long before manifestation clinical symptoms. This process is irreversible in most cases, and it is very important to know about this when predicting the course of the disease.

Therefore, information about chronic heart failure in domestic animals will be presented in more detail in a separate topic.

Victoria Kozlova.

The placement of the material is approved by experts veterinary clinic"Best friend"

IN calm state The dog breathes quietly through his nose. Heavy breathing through the mouth while running or in the heat allows the dog to remove excess heat through the lungs.

In a calm state, a dog’s deep, convulsive breathing indicates the presence of some problems in the animal’s body. Why is the dog breathing heavily?

Causes of heavy breathing

Heavy breathing in a dog can occur for many reasons:

  • She could overheat and even get heatstroke
  • The dog may be in nervous excitement, for example, in an unfamiliar place, in transport, at an appointment at a veterinary hospital
  • Also possible mechanical damage: injury or bruise chest in case of an accident, fall or as a result of a fight
  • In an overheated or older animal, panting may be associated with an incipient heart attack.
  • A pregnant bitch may begin to breathe heavily and rapidly before labor begins. This can also happen during lactation, when the mother suckles the puppies heavily.
  • Heavy breathing may also be associated with critical situations: - obstruction respiratory tract And pulmonary edema; - gastric dilatation and torsion; - With big amount puppies.

Associated symptoms

If a dog is overheated, it will look for a cool place, drink a lot and refuse to eat. In the case of a chest injury, you may notice bruising or the dog will be weak and whine in pain when the chest is touched. At heart attack The dog may panic. If the animal has dilation and torsion of the stomach, it will experience pain in the abdominal cavity.

With obstruction of the respiratory tract, the dog coughs, takes a forced pose with its elbows apart, and its mucous membranes turn blue. If the cause is eclampsia associated with lactation, then the bitch can leave the puppies and hide from the light. She may experience convulsions and clumsiness in movements. It's connected with sharp drop in the body glucose or calcium.

What to do if your dog is breathing heavily?

  1. If simultaneously with heavy breathing the dog has others alarming symptoms: she is restless or too lethargic, whines in pain, it is necessary to urgently call a veterinarian at home or very carefully transport the dog to.
  2. If the dog had a difficult labor and especially was born dead puppies, the reason for the deterioration of her condition may be that she did not give birth to all the puppies. An urgent operation is necessary to rid the bitch of intoxication in the body. In many cases, delay can cause collapse, which will lead to the death of the dog.
  3. If there are no other symptoms, but the dog is breathing heavily in unnatural situations, you need to conduct a cardiac examination (ECG for large breed and cardiac ECHO for small ones). This will help rule out or identify heart problems that may be causing shortness of breath.
  4. It is also advisable to take an X-ray in frontal and lateral projection in order to exclude or identify problems of metastasis, respiratory nature and, additionally, the heart.

After giving birth, a dog breathes frequently open mouth

If you and your beloved pet are expecting offspring, then you, as the owner, should learn as much as possible about pregnancy and childbirth, as well as possible complications after childbirth. It's great if everything goes smoothly for the dog. However, it is better to be prepared, albeit theoretically, for any sudden situation.

One of the signs that may alert the owner is rapid breathing in a dog after giving birth (especially if several days have passed). It is important to know why it may develop this pathology and how to help your beloved four-legged family member.

Why does a dog pant frequently after giving birth?

How to understand that frequency breathing movements is the dog elevated? Everything is extremely simple. First, you need to know the norm: on average, this is 10-30 times per minute (look at the “movement” of the ribs, you can put your palm on them). But remember that than smaller dog, the more often she breathes (and the faster her heart beats).

Secondly, rapid breathing is always shallow (not full breasts). The pet can open its mouth, stick out its tongue and breathe noisily. Again, such a symptom is difficult not to notice, but why can this happen to an animal after birth?

You should know that sometimes rapid breathing after childbirth is normal. This is due to the fact that the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus) contracts to give birth to the placenta (“baby places”) and the formation of milk. Usually this condition does not last long: about 15 minutes after the birth of the last puppy.

In other cases, rapid breathing may be associated with pathological processes, occurring in a dog’s body weakened by childbirth. And it is extremely important for the owner to recognize as soon as possible that something is wrong with his beloved pet. This will allow you to seek qualified veterinary help in time and save the life of your four-legged family member.

  • The most common reasons why a dog after giving birth breathes noisily, often with its mouth open, is fear, stress, or elevated temperature bodies (after all sweat glands dogs do not, and the animal “cools down” using the tongue and rapid breathing). However, it is worth understanding that these are not all the reasons. Frequent breathing is also quite common due to problems with the respiratory system: pulmonary edema, tracheitis or bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy).
  • There is another pathology that is already registered in lactating bitches - eclampsia. With it, the dog's blood glucose and calcium concentrations sharply decrease, which can lead to the so-called milk fever. Convulsions begin, the pet trembles, and then the paws stretch out and become as if made of wood. If the animal is not provided with emergency veterinary care, the pet may die due to asphyxia (suffocation).
  • Sometimes rapid breathing may be due to the fact that not all puppies have been born. This is especially dangerous if the babies were stillborn. If you carefully palpate the belly, you can find out whether there are still puppies inside or whether all of them have already been born.

Be sure to pay attention to whether there are any other symptoms. A bad sign will happen if a day after birth the body temperature rises to 40 degrees, bleeding, vomiting, weakness, anemia or, conversely, anemia skin and visible mucous membranes, etc. If, in addition to rapid breathing, any other clinical signs are registered in the dog, it is necessary to sound the alarm and urgently call a veterinarian at home or take the animal to the nearest veterinary clinic yourself.

What to do with a dog that is panting quickly

If your beloved pet begins to breathe frequently and noisily after giving birth, then you should not self-medicate. Yes, in some cases this condition is normal, the animal is simply very tired, or the process of milk formation is occurring, as well as contraction of the uterus. However, sometimes rapid breathing serves serious symptom. And delay rendering veterinary care can be extremely dangerous for the life of a new mother.

  1. In one case it will help infusion therapy using physiological solutions(glucose) and calcium. You can put in droppers or administer it subcutaneously or intramuscularly, provided that the calcium-containing drug allows this method of administration. For example, calcium chloride is intended exclusively for intravenous administration, otherwise it causes necrosis (death) of tissue. But calcium borogluconate can be administered intramuscularly and subcutaneously.
  2. In another case, using antihistamines, antibiotics (if inflammation has begun). If the animal is overheated (which often happens in the summer or in a very stuffy room), then you can open the window slightly to ventilate the room. Just make sure that there is no draft, otherwise the new mother and her babies may catch a cold.
  3. But remember that any treatment should only be prescribed by a veterinarian after an in-person examination of the dog and confirmation of the diagnosis! Sometimes required additional examinations: donate blood (best at biochemical analysis) and animal urine, ultrasound, ECG, x-ray examination. The more accurately you describe your symptoms (when and how it all started), the easier it will be for your veterinarian to make a diagnosis and prescribe a quick and effective treatment that will save your pet's life.

If you are a sensitive owner, you will definitely notice if your dog's breathing increases. Sometimes this is not dangerous, but it can be dangerous symptom. Unfortunately, this is not always given enough importance, and many health problems could have been avoided.

The norm for a dog’s body is from 10 to 30 inhalations and exhalations per minute. As with people, it depends on gender, age, body weight, and also on breed. If under normal conditions your pet's breathing rhythm suddenly accelerates, it is better to check if everything is in order.

But there can be a lot of “not okay” - sunstroke, pain, lung diseases, heart failure, epilepsy.

As we are, four-legged friends breathing more often in the heat, when running, when nervous and before childbirth - this is absolutely normal. For example, at a doctor's appointment, on a bus, or at a party, a person's friend may become nervous and breathe rapidly.

Measure your pet's body temperature (normal is 37.5-38.5 C). In babies, it is usually about 39 C. If the result is too high, then this is a symptom of problems with the respiratory system. It is best if the four-legged animal has an individual thermometer, since measurements are taken rectally. The tip of the thermometer is lubricated with Vaseline, and the patient should be placed on his side. The thermometer is slowly inserted to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. If you already know how to measure the temperature of the participants without stressing the participants, you can fix the dog standing, like in a vet. clinic. If your pet is often sick, you can even come up with special teams for this event. Firstly, the dog will already understand what awaits it. Secondly, if you encourage her, everything will go smoothly.

After the procedure, wash the thermometer with warm soapy water and wipe with alcohol. Don't forget to wash your hands well!

If the temperature is elevated in the summer and is accompanied by disorientation in space, these are signs sunstroke. You need to move your pet to a cool place, give it water and wipe it off by placing a damp cloth on its head.

Sometimes the temperature is normal, but the dog coughs and suffers from shortness of breath. This may signal asthma, especially when plants are in flower. In particular severe cases You need to be treated, medications are prescribed by a veterinarian. It may also be pulmonary edema or obstruction (obstruction) of the airways

Blue tongue and loss of consciousness - signs weak heart and then you need to wrap the paws, inject cordiamine into the muscle (if the dog is elderly, add cocarboxylase).

If, before becoming a mother, your pet breathes frequently, experiences convulsions and moves unsteadily, immediately contact a specialist - delay can lead to fatal outcome. Contact the clinic immediately and do not risk the life and health of your dear creature!

Many dog ​​owners sometimes notice that their dog is breathing rapidly. This can be considered quite normal phenomenon, but may also indicate serious illnesses. To determine what this is connected with, it is necessary to take into account some features. Normal frequency breathing in dogs is 10-30 breaths per minute. To determine the number of breaths, you need to place your hand on your pet’s chest and time it for one minute.

Your dog's breathing may change frequently throughout the day. If nothing bothers your pet, then he breathes through his nose and calmly. But if the dog does it with his mouth, then this action is not always a cause for concern.

Causes that are not related to disease

Let's look at the less serious reasons first. Frequent breathing is possible after an active walk. Also this symptom may appear after training or playing with other pets. Dogs do not have sweat glands, so to cool down, the dog often breathes with its mouth open. It can also be fear, stress or joy.


Another thing is when the dog breathes frequently without visible reasons(described above). The most common problems may be those related to breathing apparatus: pulmonary edema, bronchitis, pleurisy or pneumonia. If your dog is breathing heavily and frequently, he may have asthma or heart failure.

Breed Features

Some breeds, such as pugs, are inherently prone to respiratory problems. Their nostrils and throat passage are narrowed. They are also much more likely to overheat, which also contributes to increased breathing. Therefore, if a dog breathes frequently with its tongue hanging out, this can be considered normal. A similar phenomenon can be observed when the body temperature rises or the neck is constrained by the collar.

Other reasons

If your pet has not had any physical activity, and breathing has become faster, this may mean the following:

  • heart attack:
  • poisoning;
  • severe pain.

IN in this case You should immediately consult a doctor to examine the animal and find out the exact cause.

Pregnant and nursing dog

A pregnant dog breathes frequently if the birth is already close. In this case, her health is not in danger. If after birth breathing does not decrease, and the puppies are stillborn, it is necessary to urgently call a veterinarian, since the animal requires surgical intervention.

If she breathes frequently and makes clumsy movements, this indicates that the level of calcium and glucose in her blood is decreasing. In this case, the help of a doctor is also necessary, since otherwise the animal may die.

What to do?

Why does my dog ​​breathe frequently? There can be many reasons. If, in addition to breathing, the dog is lethargic or restless, or whines, then specialist intervention is necessary. If it is not possible to invite a veterinarian to your home, then you should very carefully take her to the hospital.

If a nursing dog is breathing frequently, then the help of a veterinarian is also necessary. The consequences can be very different.

In the absence of extraneous symptoms, a dog’s rapid breathing in unnatural situations requires examination. It will help identify disorders associated with the functioning of the heart.

If the dog often breathes with its mouth open, then the owner needs to take the following actions.

The first step is to measure your pet's body temperature. With hyperthermia, rapid breathing is considered a sign of disease respiratory organs. Next, you need to invite a veterinarian for an examination, who should order tests to establish an accurate diagnosis.

If it is a hot period outside, then the reason may be. For this, the owner needs to give the dog something to drink. cool water and take it to a cool place. You can also wipe your body with water and place a dampened towel on your head. Then call the doctor.

At normal temperature body, rapid breathing may be a sign of asthma. In this case, it will only help drug treatment. Therefore, you need to go to the hospital immediately.

If rapid breathing causes fainting and a blue tongue, this means heart failure. After calling the doctor, the owner must apply heating pads or bottles of water to the dog’s paws. warm water and provide peace of mind to your pet.

Heart failure

All the main ones are listed above possible reasons when the dog is breathing rapidly. But the most common disease is this. We will tell you about it in more detail. All heart diseases can be divided into three groups:

  • congenital;
  • acquired;
  • age.

Congenital defects are more common in young pets. Very often in this case, animals die, since the body is still quite weak. Acquired defects, as a rule, occur in middle-aged animals, and age-related defects occur in animals older than eight years. In addition to rapid breathing, heart disease may cause other symptoms in pets.

Little dogs stop playing longer time They sleep and don’t gain weight at all because they don’t eat well.

Adults may experience shortness of breath even at rest. The dog is very lethargic and may faint during a quiet walk. I have an opportunity speed dial weight due to high water consumption.

All of these symptoms are causes of heart problems in your pet. This can also include unsteady gait, weakness, and refusal to eat.

If it is a sign of heart disease, you should switch your pet to feeding in small portions, and also reduce the amount of physical activity and walks. The doctor must prescribe special drugs. They should be taken exactly as directed.


So, from all of the above, we can highlight the most common reasons rapid breathing in a dog:

  1. Overheating or heatstroke.
  2. Nervous excitement. This may happen if the pet is being transported for the first time or if it is in a place unfamiliar to it.
  3. There is some damage that is not visible to you. Various bruises or abrasions, the consequences of a fight with other dogs, and more.
  4. Heart attacks. This usually occurs in adult dogs due to overheating.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Feeding newborn puppies.
  7. Cold.
  8. Heart failure.
  9. Various tumors.

Thus, to exclude negative cases It’s better not to self-medicate your pet, but to seek help from a professional who will conduct an examination and diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The only thing you can do is to provide peace for the animal.