The dog is lethargic after surgery. Caring for the animal before and after surgery. Proper seam care

Even with a successful operation, caring for the dog after sterilization is extremely necessary. If the animal is treated incorrectly during the period of its rehabilitation, all the efforts of the surgeon will be nullified and the dog will definitely need the help of a veterinarian. The pet owner should keep in mind those symptoms that require contacting a specialist. It is important to know how to speed up the animal’s recovery process and what dog behavior can be considered normal.

Transporting a dog after sterilization

Caring for your dog begins after leaving the veterinary clinic. Serious anesthesia and abdominal surgery is a real stress for the animal. To keep your pet's health safe, write down all the recommendations at the doctor's appointment and follow them strictly in accordance with what is written; do not trust the advice of friends who do not have medical education. The veterinarian prescribes a course to restore the animal, according to its specific case and on an individual basis.

A dog is released after sterilization only when it is able to stand on all four legs and walk. However, this does not mean that you can walk home. If the dog small size, then you can carry it home in your arms, but for large individuals it is necessary to organize transportation by car. The doctor may leave your pet overnight at the clinic if she is unable to move on her own or appears unresponsive after being given painkillers.

It is better to ask one of your friends or relatives to go get the dog with you. Often, owners, due to their excitement, forget everything the doctor tells them. A friend in this matter will become your spare ears, who will listen carefully, and most importantly, remember everything that the specialist will talk about. A partner will easily hold the door for you to leave the clinic, open the car door and help load the dog. During anesthesia, all organs of the animal begin to work much more slowly, and it can freeze, even in summer period. Therefore, it is better to transport the animal in a box or cover it by placing it on the car seat.

When you arrive home, write down any questions you may have so you don’t forget to ask your doctor at next appointment. Most clinics provide not only verbal recommendations, but also write everything down on paper so that you can clearly follow the instructions. After questions asked and having received answers to them, you will become as prepared as possible and will know how to care for your dog after sterilization.

First day

When you arrive home, give your dog as much attention as possible. So that your pet does not suffer from pain in muscles and general weakness Furthermore what he is already experiencing, place him on a flat surface or mattress and cover him with a blanket. The dog's bed should not be located in a draft, but it would also be unwise to place it near the radiator. Under no circumstances should you warm your dog or use a heating pad; this method can cause internal bleeding. In a dream, a dog can urinate, so it is better to put a diaper under it, and do not forget to change it on time so that the animal does not freeze.

Once every half hour, the dog should change its position, shift it from one side to the other. This way you will eliminate the possibility of numbness in the limbs and pulmonary edema. When the dog sleeps after anesthesia, all care consists only of your observation of it. Important indicators normal condition your breathing will become even and heartbeat. A good sign is a reaction to any irritants. For example, if you tickle its paw, the animal will pull it back. If such a reaction is absent, this means that the level of the drug for inducing anesthesia is still quite high and the animal will not wake up soon.

Restoring a dog after sterilization is a rather difficult process. To prevent pain in the animal’s throat and pain in the eyes during this period, you need to moisturize the mucous membranes once every half hour using “artificial tears” drops. If the animal is already reacting to stimuli, moving and shifting from side to side, and the surgeon has treated its eyelids with a special gel, then such measures will not be needed.

Actions to take if your dog's condition worsens

Most pet owners do not know what to do if their pet's condition begins to deteriorate after surgery. If you notice signs of illness, contact your doctor immediately and do not try to help the animal yourself. IN in rare cases complications after castration of a male dog general observed in the form of pulmonary edema and disorders of cardio-vascular system. This situation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the dog is breathing open mouth, her breathing becomes intermittent, heavy and uneven. You can hear squelching and wheezing in the chest;
  • the temperature may rise or fall below normal by 1 degree. A slight increase or decrease in temperature by half a degree during anesthesia or in the first few days after surgery is considered normal;
  • the heart rhythm becomes confused, the heart either freezes or begins to beat too quickly. The mucous membranes become pale or acquire bluish tint. May appear slight trembling, but if it does not go away within an hour or turns into seizures, go to the doctor immediately.

The dog’s recovery after surgery and recovery from the state of anesthesia often exhausts the owner himself. From the outside, the behavior of a dog after recovering from anesthesia looks very strange and frightening. She bumps into corners when walking, can freeze in one position, staggers, and reacts poorly to her owner’s voice. You should not be afraid of such behavior, because it is considered the norm.

The pet's behavior can change dramatically: it becomes aggressive, panic is possible, the animal can hide under the bed and not allow family members to approach it. When motor functions will be restored, try to calm the dog down, sit next to it, let it sleep or just lie down in a state of rest. If your pet won’t let anyone get close to him, don’t insist, close everything dangerous places, where he can penetrate and just observe the condition from the side.

Any change in the dog's behavior or condition should be noted by you. If necessary, call your doctor and clarify your concerns. Don’t be shy about distracting the doctor from work with your calls, because such consultations in the postoperative period are included in the cost of treatment.

Seam processing

The discomfort of sutures after surgery varies between males and females. Caring for a male dog after castration does not require as much effort as the rehabilitation of a female dog. Some surgeons prescribe pain medications right away, others only as needed.

The acceptance of such funds is due to the following:

  1. the owner knows that his dog cannot tolerate pain, the specialist should be notified about this immediately;
  2. the dog owner sees that the rehabilitation period is complicated strong pain. For example, during defecation, the dog whines, moves with extreme caution and cannot make sudden movements.

The use of painkillers can greatly speed up the recovery process, then the dog will not damage the suture with its teeth, and will also move normally without resting. Many specialists immediately prescribe a course of antibiotics to prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

Whether a suture needs to be processed after it has been applied depends on the material of the sutures themselves, the method of its application and the method of processing after the operation. In each case, the drugs will be prescribed or not prescribed by the doctor. If the doctor says that there is no need to treat the suture, and you notice inflammation, swelling or redness in this area, make an appointment with a veterinarian. After sterilization, the seam should be dry, without redness, crusts or other growths. With normal healing, appearance the seam will get better and better every day.

The need for blankets

To protect the seam from bacteria and mechanical damage, the dog will need a blanket. IN modern clinics, the blanket is placed on the dog immediately after surgery. One copy will not be enough, because the thin material quickly gets wet and dirty. The bandage should be changed once a day and be sure to pet it before putting it on your dog. When processing seams, you should not remove the blanket; you can only untie a couple of ribbons and move the material to the side.

If the dog constantly strives to remove the blanket to get to the seam, put an Elizabethan collar on it or constantly monitor it so that it still fails to get to the seam. To prevent the seam from unraveling, make sure that the dog does not play outdoor games or jump; it is better to give preference to light and quiet walks. If it is difficult for your dog to climb stairs, then it is better to set up a toilet at home for the first few days. Whether suture removal is necessary will depend on suture material and the method of its application. In some cases, removal of sutures is not required, because the threads will dissolve and dry out on their own. The veterinarian will tell you whether the suture needs to be removed and when it needs to be done. On average, sutures are removed 2 weeks after the operation.


Following a diet during the rehabilitation period is extremely important aspect on the way to full restoration quadruped. After recovery from anesthesia, the first to return to normal operation cardiovascular and respiratory system, the digestive system joins in a little later. A dog is quite capable of starving for 3 days without harm to its body. If you hurry up and feed the dog earlier due date, there is a possibility of causing vomiting or, even worse, triggering the development of pneumonia due to the entry of food particles into the lungs, and this is extremely life-threatening.

You can give your dog water when it can stand on its feet normally and can walk. If the dog has not yet recovered from anesthesia, then water is poured into the cheek in small portions. The animal should be fed correctly so that during defecation it does not the seam came apart, then provokes constipation. To avoid such unpleasant situations, you should start feeding the dog only when the signs of anesthesia completely disappear.

In the first week, give preference to canned food, mousses, and dry food, which is pre-soaked in water. After a week, you can return to your normal diet, but make the portion 20% less than usual. Dry food is available for sterilized dogs, which should be fed to the pet after its recovery. This will help avoid excess weight gain, which often accompanies spayed bitches.

Consequences of spaying and neutering a dog

Like any other surgery, sterilization has a number of complications that can arise. Typically, such complications accompany bitches who have reached the age of 7 years.

The dog may begin to gain excess weight due to changes in metabolism. To avoid this problem, you should reduce each serving of food and review your diet. Neutered dogs often suffer from urinary incontinence. In this case it is important to find the real reason. It is likely that the dog had illnesses before the operation urinary tract. Hormonal background changes, which leads to weakening Bladder. Lack of estrogen can also cause incontinence. Lack of estrogen often leads to baldness in female dogs. There is no prevention for this problem. Treatment is taking female hormones.

Knowing everything about complications in the postoperative period, you will eliminate the likelihood of developing a serious condition that could threaten the animal’s life. To summarize, we note the most common complications that should not be left without your attention:

  1. urinary incontinence ;
  2. inflammation of sutures;
  3. seam rupture;
  4. addition of infection;
  5. internal bleeding;
  6. the appearance of a postoperative hernia.

How does a dog behave after castration and is it necessary? The animal may be lethargic, have no appetite, and may experience chills, but not for long. At first after anesthesia, the dog will not be able to walk, roll over, or drink. This may scare you, but it’s completely in vain, this condition is considered the norm. You will have to help her with this in order to prevent the development of complications, and simply speed up the recovery process of your pet.

When is a veterinarian needed?

It is important to call your veterinarian promptly if the following situations occur:

  1. 2 days after the operation the dog refuses to eat and drink. Usually by this time the animal should be eating and drinking normally, and if this does not happen, then it is being bothered painful sensations, do not hesitate and call your doctor urgently;
  2. discharge began from the wound. When the wound heals, it is dry. If you see pus or blood coming out, contact your doctor immediately;
  3. nausea and diarrhea. Often, anesthetics can cause nausea or diarrhea, which occurs as a result of stomach irritation. However, if your dog is vomiting after surgery, you should consult a doctor;
  4. swollen abdomen, lethargy and weakness. If your dog's shape changes, weakness increases without regaining energy, and the stomach becomes swollen, do not hesitate to call your doctor and make an appointment.

If one of the symptoms is detected that indicates that the dog is having a bad time rehabilitation period and is not recovering, call your veterinarian and tell him about it. Surround your pet with maximum care, monitor its condition and prevent its health from deteriorating. A dog, just like a person, experiences a difficult postoperative period, so do not skimp on attention and resources, follow all the doctor’s recommendations. After recovery, the dog will definitely thank you for your efforts and care with its affection and friendliness.

Dog after surgery

Normal dog recovery after surgery directly depends on how carefully the owner looks after her. Veterinarian will instruct the pet owner in detail how to care for it and what you need to know, but there are also general rules caring for a sick animal.

A dog recovers after surgery in about 14 days, although there are cases when the rehabilitation period lasts up to 60 days.

A special place is occupied by maintaining rest for the animal. It is necessary to take care of a comfortable, favorable, warm, but not stuffy place:

  • To recover, the animal must experience minimal stress and rest more. During the operation, the pet experienced stressful state, so it can be aggressive.
  • First day dog after surgeryNot Maybe There is and take a long walk.
  • IN mandatory getting dressed blanket for dogs after surgery so that she does not touch the seams.
  • Stitches in a dog after surgery require special care, therefore suture treatment after surgeryin a dog must be carried out by local antiseptic solution once a day. After the wound has been treated, antiseptic ointment is applied.
  • All medications are given strictly according to the instructions prescribed doctor, to dog felt comfortable.
  • Pain relief for dogs after surgery They are given exactly according to the schedule, since a disrupted medication schedule can have a negative effect on the recovery process.

Postoperative nutrition for the animal

The dog owner wonders: how same feeding the dog after surgery? We offer the following:

  • Feeding should be done little by little so as not to burden the body, since a lot of energy is spent on digesting food.
  • After surgery, the dog does not eat or drink for several hours. This is especially true for operations performed on the peritoneum.
  • There is no need to be afraid that the dog does not go to the toilet after surgery. This is natural, because she doesn’t eat anything. And to avoid constipation, you need to stick to a diet. It is better to give dietary food, which is sold in special canned food. Hard food softens warm water. This type of diet is observed for about 30 days. It is better to return to your normal eating rhythm gradually. To do this, the usual food is gradually mixed into the diet.
  • IN postoperative period It is preferable to give the dog broth, cottage cheese, kefir and porridge.
  • There must be fresh drinking water near the dog.
  • ABOUT negative reactions food in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, the owner is obliged to inform the treating veterinarian.

What is the feature of the protective structure?

A collar for a dog after surgery serves as a kind of limiter or barrier in protective therapy. The technique helps protect the dog from harming itself. various kinds damage, does not allow itself to be bitten or scratched. This increases the likelihood fast healing wounds. These devices are prescribed by veterinarians in case of surgery, as well as in other incidents.

Pets do not like to visit clinics, so restraints in the form of collars make it possible to visit doctors less often. The wound heals faster, the risk of infection is reduced, and the dog does not come into contact with drugs used to treat the skin.

The device has the shape of a cone, which is cut off at the top. The material can be anything that holds its shape. On a positive note is that an animal with such a device calmly eats food. Try to get the dog used to this thing, and then it will stop worrying and accept it better.

What complications can occur after surgery?

A dog after surgery needs quality care because she is more susceptible to complications that may arise against this background. Among other things, you cannot always force the dog to rest in order to allow the wound to heal normally. This is due to the fact that you cannot explain to her how to behave after the operation, namely:

  • If the dog is not stopped in time, it can damage the wound and this will lead to resorption of the sutures.
  • Allergies can also occur in dogs. The owner does not always know the reaction of the dog’s body to one or another type of drug.
  • Swelling after surgery in a dog may arise due to excess liquid, which accumulated near the wound. Swelling will cause the stitches to come apart and the wound will be vulnerable to infection.
  • Bloody discharge from a wound in the first days after surgery should be a cause for concern.
  • If the sutures dissolve early or are placed incorrectly, a hernia may form.

In cases of intestinal blockage and other serious conditions in dogs, a successful operation is only half the success. And the second half of success is care after surgery. And it depends on what kind of post-operative care you provide to your dog whether it will live.

Postoperative care in dogs includes:
— antibacterial therapy (antibiotics);
- intravenous drip administration of solutions (droppers). Saline solutions, glucose, if necessary - solutions of amino acids for parenteral nutrition;
— detoxification (sorbents),
- cardiac medications, as well as, if necessary, medications for various organs(liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc.)

More details about postoperative care in dogs:

1) Antibiotics. After any surgical intervention on organs abdominal cavity(including after pyometra, removal of a foreign body from the intestine, and, of course, with peritonitis) antibiotics are required. Ceftriaxone is quite suitable at the rate of 1 gram per 42 kg of weight daily dose or 25-30 thousand per kilogram of weight (also a daily dose). Daily dose can be administered intramuscularly once a day, or can be divided into 2 times. Dilute with 0.5% novocaine. Your doctor may prescribe a higher dosage of ceftriaxone.
The duration of the antibiotic course depends on the type of surgery. If it was a planned sterilization, 5 days will be enough (if everything is fine, the temperature is normal, the dog is eating).
If the dog has been operated on for pyometra, or an enterotomy has been performed (surgery on the intestines), and even more so if peritonitis has begun, an antibiotic is administered for 7-10 days. If necessary - 14 days. If necessary, you can continue the course of one antibiotic for 3 weeks. But, in my opinion, if there is no positive dynamics within 10-14 days after the operation, you need to either change the antibiotic, or in addition to ceftriaxone (or another antibiotic that you use) for antibacterial therapy prescribe IV metrogyl. Dose: for example, for a dog weighing 30 kg, we administer 50 ml of Metrogyl intravenously once a day. If your dog has peritonitis, you do not need to wait 10-14 days after surgery. Prescribe Metrogyl, it gives good results in the treatment of peritonitis.

2) Intravenous drip administration of solutions.
After scheduled sterilization healthy dog this item is optional.

If the dog has not eaten for several days before the operation, and will not eat for several more days after the operation (for example, during intestinal surgery), drip administration of solutions is a mandatory procedure after the operation. And to relieve intoxication, and to normalize the volume of fluid in the body, and to normalize the salt composition of the blood.

Dosage: 20-30 ml of liquid per kg of dog weight is the daily dose.

5% glucose solution (if the dog does not have diabetes mellitus). Saline solution, Ringer's solution, Ringer-Locke solution. After the operation, the dog does not eat for the first day, this is normal. He may not eat for 2 or 3 days. In particular, after intestinal surgery the dog is not fed 3 days. If the dog is not exhausted, it is quite possible to live for 3 days on solutions, without additional nutrition.
If the dog was exhausted before the operation, or if the period without food is prolonged. There are, after all, severe cases when a dog does not eat for up to a week, and sometimes longer (with high rates creatinine, urea, amylase, other reasons for food refusal are possible). In this case, to aqueous solutions It is worth adding amino acid solutions for parenteral nutrition.

3) Add to the dropper ascorbic acid, sulfocamphocaine, thiotriazoline (or riboxin).

4) If there is financial and physical ability- can be done immediately after surgery biochemical analysis blood. Biochemistry will show which organs need attention Special attention, what other drugs are needed for treatment. If you can’t immediately do a biochemical blood test, you can start dripping standard scheme. If after 3 days the dog has not started eating, then we still do blood biochemistry to understand what and how to treat.
If it is not possible to do blood tests, we turn on logic. After all, once upon a time dogs were not given blood biochemistry and were treated somehow. Let's play it safe. We take Essentiale intravenously (or Gepar compositum) for the liver, and Solidago compositum for the kidneys. As budget option You can take thiotriazoline: it is good for both the liver and the heart. Contrical for the pancreas.

5) Traumeel.
After planned sterilization, it is quite possible to do without traumeel.
In more severe casestraumeel is VERY good, as a means Relieving inflammation and accelerating regeneration (healing).
Let's start with intravenous administration, then we switch to intramuscular. If the situation is severe, the inflammation is significant, the first 2-3 days are injected every day. Then we switch to injections every other day, then 2 times a week.
If the situation is initially not bad, we start every other day, then 2 times a week. If the operation was planned, the animal feels well, a day after the operation it begins to eat, and you can easily do without tarumel.
But in this article we're talking about O postoperative period exactly after severe conditions: pyometra, peritonitis, enterotomy (intestinal dissection).

6) If after intestinal surgery doesn't work vomit, it is not always possible to use cerucal, so as not to provoke too active intestinal contractions. And, by the way, cerucal does not always help. The injection drug Rantak (ranitidine) can be very helpful.

If the dog has already experienced peritonitis, it is very important point— proper sanitation of the abdominal cavity.

And, of course, special attention to the processing of seams.

When will my dog ​​have her first bowel movement after surgery? Many dogs will not pass stool for the first 4 to 5 days after surgery.
Reasons that a dog will not have regular bowel movements after surgery include:
The dog was fasting before the operation
Dogs do not eat well during their stay in the hospital (overexposure)
Their appetite is often impaired, at home, in the first days after surgery.
Feed easily digestible foods that produce little stool
Pain medications that contain narcotics (such as fentanyl and tramadol) - possible constipation
If the animal does not have stool on the 5th day, it may need a dacha Vaseline oil orally or other laxatives. My pet has had surgery and is not eating yet. What can be done? Dogs
Most pets will not eat their normal dog food after surgery, especially if it is large pieces.
Example: Prepare a diet with a 1:01 ratio of protein source to carbohydrate source. The source of protein can be any meat (example: chicken breast, turkey fillet), which is low in fat and can be cooked (drain off all the fat after the meat has been cooked). Carbohydrates: Can be pasta, potatoes or white rice.
Try canned food, dog food; flavor enhancers, sprinkle a very small amount of garlic powder or chicken or beef broth (chemical seasonings, to create flavor)
Try canned baby meats such as chicken, beef, turkey, or veal.
Try Hill's D Diets available at most veterinary clinics
Hand feeding: Place a small amount of food in the mouth so that your dog can taste it
The food should be warm, as the food will be more flavorful; Stir food before feeding and check temperature at bottom side wrists it should be only slightly warm.
Remember that most pets will not eat for the first day or two after they return home from surgery

Offer (smelly) foods that contain a fishy odor, such as tuna or stinky cat food (you can pour juice from a tuna can on your cat's regular food)
Try Gerber baby meats such as chicken, beef, turkey or veal
Hand feeding: Apply a small amount of food into your cat's mouth with your finger; You can use a syringe to pour soft food into the mouth, behind the fang, while raising your head slightly up.
The food should be warm, as the food will be more flavorful; Stir the food before feeding and check the temperature on the underside of the wrist, it should be only slightly warm. Some cats only eat dry food, try kibble. Petting your cat will often help stimulate his appetite.
Remember that most pets will not eat for the first day or two after they return home from surgery.
Appetite stimulants such as cyproheptadine may be helpful
If your cat refuses to eat anything for 7 days, a stomach tube or nasogastric tube should be inserted and fed to prevent development of serious problems liver (hepatic lipidosis). My pet is vomiting. What can be done? The first thing you need to understand is whether vomiting is a consequence of the use of drugs or after surgery. Regurgitation is the rapid movement of liquids or gases in the direction opposite to normal, occurring in a hollow muscular organ as a result of contraction of its wall.
Most common cause Regurgitation is a dysfunction of the gastrointestinal sphincters or dividing septa (for example, heart valves), or during an antiperistaltic wave of contraction of the muscular wall of the organ. Regurgitation differs from reflux (passive flow of fluid into adjacent spaces) in that it is a consequence of active muscle contraction. Typically, when regurgitation occurs, the fluid will be brown in color.
Next, you should determine the cause of vomiting or regurgitation.
Causes and treatment of vomiting after surgery
Sometimes some pets returning home after a hospital stay may drink excessive amounts of water at one time and may vomit, and if this is the case then water should be limited frequently. small quantities Oh.
Medicines such as antibiotics narcotic drugs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs often cause vomiting after surgery. In order to see which medication is causing the problem, the administration of each drug should be separated by 2 hours from each other. Typically, your pet may vomit or become nauseated (drooling and looking sick) within 1 hour of using the medication. It is possible that your pet is sensitive to these specific medications. The antibiotic in some cases may be changed to another drug, or may be stopped altogether.
Stomach upset from anesthesia is potential cause vomiting and will go away within a few days.
Often the cause of vomiting after surgery is internal organ failure. Blood tests before and after surgery will confirm or refute this hypothesis. If this is the reason for vomiting, it should not be ignored if it lasts more than 24 hours!
If your pet has had intestinal or stomach surgery, vomiting is always a concern as it could mean there is an infection in the abdominal organs, which can cause peritonitis. Don't ignore this symptom! You need to see a doctor immediately!
Symptomatic treatment for vomiting includes fasting for 12 to 24 hours, followed by small amounts of soft food. If your pet does not vomit after this, you gradually remove soft food from him and transfer him back to his usual diet after 3 days. To reduce stomach acidity, Pepcid AC 0.5 mg/kg can be administered orally twice daily for 5 days. Metoclopramide and Cerenia good medicine for dogs and cats. You should always consult a veterinarian regarding the drug and prescription regimen! Causes and treatment of regurgitation after surgery
The most common cause of regurgitation is reflux, which causes stomach acids to flow into the esophagus while your pet is under anesthesia. Acidic fluid from the stomach can cause chemical burn esophagus and lead to esophagitis in case of heartburn. This leads to poor motility of the esophagus, so water and food will accumulate in this structure. In most cases, esophagitis goes away on its own, but if it does have to be treated, it may take two to three days.
If esophagitis has a more serious effect on the esophagus, one or more strictures (compression) may develop. Stricture is a narrowing or stenosis of the esophagus that prevents food from passing through the esophagus. Normal regurgitation may occur in an animal once or twice a week! This problem should be brought to the attention of your pet's doctor. Treatment may involve correcting the stricture by administering oxygen (minimally invasive procedures, this is done with an endoscope assistant). If the esophageal stricture is chronic problem, then surgery is necessary.
Symptomatic treatment of regurgitation that causes esophagitis includes feeding soft food, and the introduction of a drug that has an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane (Sucralfate) and an acid inhibitor (omeprazole or another). Consult your veterinarian if regurgitation continues for more than a few days. How will I know if my dog ​​is in pain after surgery? Signs of pain include:
The dog whines, may bite, the dog looks anxious, has a tragic expression, may be choking, restless and cannot sleep, walks.
If carried out abdominal surgery, the animal will not want to lie down for the incision, or will sit constantly, despite extreme fatigue.
The worst thing that can happen is pain during the first 2 to 3 days after surgery. What can I do to control my dog's pain? Narcotics that control pain: tramadol, butorphanol. Anti-inflammatory drugs used to control pain: Rimadyl, Previcox, Trocoxil
If orthopedic surgery has been done, cold packing may be used.
A cold compress can be a bag of frozen peas, crushed ice in special bag. A thin barrier must be placed between the skin and the cold pack. Cooling the surgical site helps to numb the operated area. How do I know if my cat is in pain after surgery? In cats, compared to dogs, pain is more difficult to assess. Because the symptoms may be more subtle, and they usually do not make sounds in pain.
Signs of pain in a cat may include the following:
may bite if you touch the area surgical field, growl, hiss. Does not want to eat, hides and does not want to be near the owner (remember that this can also be caused by the fact that the cat was simply upset about leaving the house, traveling to veterinary clinic, for her this is a kind of violence) What can I do to reduce pain at home for my cat? Not many painkillers are suitable for cats! In each specific case, you need to consult a doctor! For example, drugs such as ketofen, rimadyl. Paracetamol will kill a cat because they don't have the necessary enzyme in their liver.
Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used, but the dose is much less than for dogs! Is it correct for an animal to lick the incision and stitches after surgery? If your dog licks the stitches, the healing process may be delayed.
Licking can damage the stitches and cause the wound to open. It can become a serious habit that is difficult to stop. May cause infection because oral cavity a lot of bacteria.
Dogs will tend to lick the incision site when the owner is not aware of it, such as at night. If the skin looks red or irritated the most common cause is licking the wound.
To stop your pet from licking, you can try the following:
Elizabethan collar around the neck. Neck collar most effective means fight against licking, especially if the animal is left at home alone.
A post-operative blanket may be used to cover stitches or a wound on the chest or front of the abdomen. A bandage or sock can be used to cover a wound on the limb, secure top part sock, tape across the body. Not a pleasant spray, deodorant, it can also be applied to the bandage surface near the wound, and not pleasant, Strong smell will prevent the animal from licking the wound.
In some cases, antipsychotic medications may be required.