Teaching dogs basic commands independently at home. How to teach your dog special commands

When bringing a puppy into the house, every person dreams of an obedient, controlled and well-mannered puppy. pet. To do this, the owner needs to devote a certain amount of time

General principles training

For successful pet training systematic training is required. By duration the lesson should not exceed 2 hours. Commands for dogs: the list of techniques practiced in the lesson depends on the dog’s level of training, for example

List of commands for dogs and how to teach them

Important! It is advisable to start training with the main and most necessary orders, such as “Come to me!” and “Ugh!”

These dog training commands allow you to quickly call the puppy to you whenever necessary and stop unwanted actions.

The indication “Near!” allows you to be near the owner under different circumstances.

The order “Get in place!” forces the dog to go to the enclosure or to his mat.

Note "Sit!" usually learned together with the command “Near!”

Permissive instruction “Go for a walk!” allows the dog to walk freely.

Main commands for dogs: a list and how to teach them, we will consider further.

  • "To me!".
  • "Ugh!".
  • "Near!".
  • "Sit!".
  • "Lie!".
  • "Stand!".
  • "Give!".
  • “Aport!”
  • "Walk!".
  • "Place!".
  • "Fas!"
  • "To me!"

    The team is considered the main one. Its precise execution makes it possible to guide and control the dog. To begin with, the pet must be on and have a certain freedom. Next, the instruction “Come to me!” is given. and a treat is shown, it is given to the animal as gratitude.

    Attention! If the puppy is disobedient, you need to pull it towards you with a jerky leash, and then reward it with a treat. The intonation should be calm, not causing irritation.

    With the order “Come to me!” a gesture is made with the right hand to the thigh. Further, it can only be given by gesture.

    This is another basic command. For her A clear and strict intonation is required. When the puppy tries to pick up a prohibited object or runs after someone, you need to stop her with a leash and order “Fu!” You can practice this skill


    It is advisable to study this skill after the pet has walked and is not distracted by external factors. The dog must be placed on a short leash and clearly ordered “Near!”

    You need to repeat this technique when the dog moves away from your leg, while sharply pulling the leash towards you. To reinforce the skill, reward your pet. Next, this command must be repeated in the absence of a leash. This skill is required for serious breeds level


    This skill is learned with the help of a short leash. The puppy should sniff the tasty treat, then raise it above his head and clearly voice the instructions. After successfully completing the technique, it is recommended to reward your pet. This operation must be repeated several times to secure it.


    The list of commands for dogs with gestures needs to be mastered in order. You need to start learning this technique after successfully completing the order “Sit!” The lying position is achieved from a sitting position by pressing on the withers of the animal and pulling the leash down without sharpness.

    The gesture for this order is to sharply lower the right hand down.


    To learn this order, the starting position is lying or sitting on the left side of the trainer. You need to lift the leash or collar, and with your left hand the dog’s stomach and say the instructions.

    The command is characterized by a gesture of the right straight arm, which must be raised up from the hip.


    Practicing the order “Give!” starts with the game. You will need a familiar object or toy. When the puppy takes the toy, you need to pick it up with your hand and at the same time order “Give it!” If the instructions are followed correctly, be sure to reward the pet.


    The “Fetch” command is best practiced in gameplay with a ball, toy or other familiar object.

    First you need to seat the student with the order “Sit!”

    After the dog takes the item, you need to thank it with a treat. Further, the technique can be complicated by training the pet to fetch a thrown object.


    This command is not difficult for a dog. The order is pronounced “Walk!” a gesture indicates the direction of movement.


    The list of dog commands includes telling your pet to take his place. First, you need to mark the place with an object familiar to your pet, but not with the one used to practice the “Fetch” command. The dog needs to be ordered to “Lie down!”, place this object in front of it and order “Place!” Next, move to an accessible distance, call the student to you and command “Place!” The pet should go to a place to lie next to this object.

    The command corresponds to the gesture of pointing with the right hand, palm down from the waist.


    To the indication “Fas!” You should start only after mastering all the previous commands. It is recommended that this command be taught in the presence of an instructor. After receiving the command, the dog must attack the object. The student must be at least 6-10 months old.

    Important! Teach the command “Face!” Only mentally healthy and balanced individuals are allowed.

    In the course of constant systematic training, the dog gradually begins to unquestioningly obey the owner, while at the same time enjoying communication with the person. Joint lessons improve psychological contact, They are taught to more sensitively perceive the intonation and mood of the owner.

    Additionally, check out the video about training dogs for each of the main commands:

    When deciding to get a dog, every owner must understand that a huge responsibility will fall on his shoulders. After all, a puppy needs not only care and attention, but also education. Many owners of four-legged pets neglect such an item as training a dog, believing that teaching it to perform various teams should be done if the animal is planned to participate in exhibitions and competitions. But teaching the pet basic and elementary skills is the owner’s primary task, so that the dog behaves disciplined and obedient both at home and on walks. And, no matter who appeared in the house, miniature Yorkshire Terrier or a large, muscular Labrador, the pet must know, understand and follow the owner's commands.

    At what age is it best to start teaching a dog commands?

    You should instill good manners and train your dog from a young age. Puppies are easier to train, so The sooner the owner starts training, the better.

    At the same time, owners need to remember that to teach one month old puppy It is almost impossible to carry out the command “sit” or “come to me”, since at such a tender age the pet is simply not able to understand what is required of it.

    The most comfortable age for training a puppy is from three months up to a year . Moreover, than smaller breed, the sooner you should start training. For example, it is advisable to teach a dachshund or a chihuahua various commands from three to four months , and larger representatives, such as German Shepherd trained when they reach age ten to twelve months.

    Starting from 3 months, the puppy can begin to be trained.

    What to do if the dog is already an adult?

    Of course, there are cases when a dog ends up in the owner’s home as an adult. In this case, is it possible to train your pet to follow commands? If the previous owners trained their pet, then the current owner only needs to consolidate these skills. If no one paid attention to raising the dog, then the owner will have to be patient and start training from scratch. Yes, it will take more time to train an adult animal than to train a puppy, but the attentive attitude towards the pet and the patience of the owner will be rewarded with the desired result.

    For training adult dog it will take more effort and time.

    It is important to remember that there are no stupid dogs! Simply, each pet has an individual character and its own perception of the world around it, so some dogs grasp everything on the fly and within a few days delight the owner with the execution of various commands, while for others this may take several weeks or even months.

    Dog training: where to start?

    One of the most important stages pet training is preparatory process . Training should begin at home, not on the street, so that the animal is not distracted by irritating factors such as the noise of passing cars, the voices of strangers and the barking of other dogs.

    To learn, the owner must stock up not only with patience, but also with such items as collar with leash and pet’s favorite treat. As a matter of fact, teaching a dog to a leash is already the pet’s first training. After all, while walking, the animal should not pull the owner along with it or break from the leash, but should calmly walk next to the owner. Before taking your pet outside, you need to put a collar on it at home and walk around the apartment for five minutes so that the dog gets used to the leash.

    For training, you should purchase a collar with a leash.

    Dogs react very sensitively to the mood and intonation of the owner’s voice, so a certain command should be pronounced clearly, firmly and calmly. It’s better to start training with these simple commands, like “to me” or “you can’t”, and when the pet remembers them, move on to more complex ones.

    Training an adult dog is best done in the form of play!

    The success of training largely depends on the pet’s interest. Therefore, it is advisable for the owner to train his dog under the guise of an exciting game. The dog should feel that training brings pleasure and joy to the owner and will try even harder to please him.


    Don't forget about encouragement. You can after each successful execution of a command by your pet play with him for a few minutes or treat him to his favorite treat. Praise will also never be superfluous when training an animal. When the dog follows the owner’s command, it should be affectionately praised and stroked, so the dog will quickly remember that he did something good.

    You need to remember to reward your dog.

    As soon as your pet remembers the basic commands and learns to carry them out successfully, you can move on to outdoor training.

    Training rules

    The success of training depends not only on the dog, but also on the owner. So that the owner’s efforts are not in vain, and his pet pleases him by obediently following commands, he should adhere to several simple but important rules.

    • Training cannot be started immediately after feeding the pet , and also when the dog has just woken up and is still in a relaxed, sleepy state.
    • It is advisable to train the puppy after he ran around and played with his favorite toy to his heart's content . If a dog is full of energy and wants to frolic, then it simply will not accept the owner’s commands.
    • The first training sessions should not last more than ten minutes. Over time, the duration of training should be increased to an hour.
    • Start off new stage training is necessary only after repetition commands already learned by the pet.
    • No less an important condition is also the systematicity of training . You should train your pet every day, otherwise the dog forgets familiar commands and the owner will have to start from the beginning every time.
    • In case of disobedience of an animal You can’t put pressure on him or force him to complete the task . Especially Corporal punishment is unacceptable. The owner can show his disappointment with a reproachful look or calmly but firmly tell his pet “bad dog.”
    • You should not repeat the same command more than once. three times . The dog may get used to the fact that it is not necessary to complete the task the first time.
    • You need to start training with your dog at good mood, which will be transmitted to the animal.

    You can’t start training immediately after feeding.

    By following all the above rules, the owner will quickly achieve the desired result, and the pet will not only easily learn all the skills, but will also be happy to carry out the learned commands.

    How to teach a dog certain commands

    By teaching a pet different commands, the owner not only develops self-control and obedience in the dog, but also protects her from various dangers. After all, while walking on the street, an animal can eat spoiled food or run out onto the roadway and die under a car. Therefore, it is so important to teach your pet not only the skills of “sit”, “fetch” or “near”, but also such commands as “no” and “fu”.

    A dog, knowing the commands, becomes obedient and well-mannered.

    Voice command

    Dogs express all their emotions, such as joy, sadness, desire, in the only way available to them - by barking. Therefore, teaching your pet to vocalize on command is not so difficult.

    1. To begin with, the owner should find incentive , for which the pet will want to bark. This could be a piece of your favorite cookie or the promise of a walk.
    2. Demonstrating to the animal favorite treat the owner needs to clearly give him the “voice” command. After the dog barks, give him a cookie right away .
    3. If the pet has been promised a walk, he should be shown a leash or the owner can pretend to go outside. Having taken a step out the door, the owner needs to turn to the dog and command “voice”. After your pet has successfully completed the task, put a leash on it and go for a long-awaited walk.

    As a rule, it is enough to repeat the “voice” task several times, rewarding the dog with a treat or walking it immediately after, and the animal will quickly understand what is required of it.

    "Come to me" command

    This is one of the first commands that an owner teaches his pet. It is advisable to first repeat “come to me” to the owner when the dog itself runs to him. After a while the puppy reward with a favorite toy or a piece of cookie , showing them to him from afar and repeating the command “come to me” several times.

    The “come to me” command is one of the main ones that a dog should know.

    Attention: you cannot call the puppy to you using this command if the owner is going to scold him for his trick or if the dog is about to undergo an unpleasant procedure (cutting his nails), since the pet will associate this task with negative memories and will stop performing it.

    The "sit" command

    Another basic skill that every four-legged friend should perform is the “sit” command.

    After executing the “sit” command, you need to praise the dog.

    • When starting training, the owner must call the pet to him and repeat in clear in a calm voice"sit", lightly press on back his body. As soon as the animal sits at the owner’s feet, praise him and treat him with his favorite treat.
    • Another method can be used. The owner should take the pet’s favorite toy or a piece of sweet cookies and, calling him to him, repeat “sit” several times, demonstrating them to the animal. outstretched arm. When the dog completes the task, give the toy or treat.

    Command "lie down"

    The “down” command is executed if the dog remains in the desired position for more than 30 seconds.

    The “lie down” command should be taught to your pet only when he has already mastered the “sit” skill.

    The dog sitting at the owner’s feet should be laid down with light pressure on the spine, while repeating “lie down.” If the pet remains in this position for more than thirty seconds, the task can be considered completed and should be praised. To consolidate this skill in an animal, it must be repeated every day until the dog remembers it and begins to perform it independently.

    Team "near"

    Dogs are extremely freedom-loving animals and often run away from their owner as soon as the owner unhooks the leash from the collar during a walk. And this can lead to the dog getting hit by a car or getting lost. That’s why it’s so important to teach your pet the “near” command.

    When walking your pet, every time he tries to shirk to the side, pull the leash and repeat “nearby”. This command should be taught until the animal, even without a leash, stays close to the owner after the appropriate command. Be sure to praise the dog for its obedience and treat it with its favorite food.

    When the dog evades to the side, you need to give the command “near” and pull the leash.

    Command "no" and "fu"

    The pet should be trained to use this command so that it does not grab spoiled food and other unattractive things on the street.

    To prevent your dog from snatching waste on the street, it should be taught the “fu” command.

    Training should begin at home by putting a leash on the dog and placing a piece of meat a few meters away from it. As soon as the dog discovers the treat and wants to get closer to it, you need to pull the leash and repeat “fu” or “no” several times. If your pet obediently freezes near the treat and makes no attempt to grab it, you can praise the animal and give it another piece of meat.

    This skill is very difficult for dogs., so the owner should have a fair amount of patience and come to terms with the fact that he may have to teach his pet such a command for more than one week.

    Team "alien"

    To teach the “alien” command, you will need an assistant.

    Dogs are naturally very friendly creatures and are always eager to make friends with new people. Unfortunately, not all people have a favorable attitude towards animals and can often hit a puppy or throw a stone at it. To protect your beloved pet from aggressive and evil man You should teach him the “stranger” command.

    The owner will not be able to teach this skill to his four-legged friend on his own and he will definitely need an assistant.

    1. You can ask your friend to play the role of a “stranger” . Friend should knock loudly on the door of the house, stomp and make as much noise as possible. At this time, the owner needs to repeat “stranger” to the dog so that the dog understands that someone is encroaching on the owner’s safety. After he starts barking loudly, your friend should stop knocking so that the pet calms down. As usual, you need to praise your pet for successful completion and present him with his favorite treat as a reward.
    2. After the dog has memorized the “stranger” command, you can begin to teach it this skill on the street. . Let an acquaintance playing the role of an ill-wisher pretend that he is trying to swing his hand or a stick at the owner. With this threatening gesture, the owner must command “stranger” so that the pet rushes to protect the owner.
    3. Naturally, when learning this command, the dog must be on a leash, and the friend must put on a thick jacket. But you also need to make sure that there are no other dogs or people, especially small children, nearby during training.


    All commands can be reinforced with gestures, just remember that the gestures must be different for each task and exactly correspond to a specific task, otherwise the dog will get confused and cease to understand what is required of it.

    The owner should treat his faithful four-legged friend with understanding and not demand that he immediately carry out this or that command. The owner should be patient, as the animal must be given time to memorize all the skills. And don’t be upset if something doesn’t work out the first time, because only attention and love for your pet will help you achieve success and cope with this difficult task.

    Puppy training video

    Every dog ​​needs training!

    How to teach a dog to follow commands without ruining its psyche?

    Every dog ​​needs training. Without it, the animal will be uncontrollable and will only cause you inconvenience, even if it is calm and friendly. Accustoming the dog to a certain schedule of walks, establishing taboos on certain actions (for example, barking at every guest or sleeping on the sofa), making it clear who is in charge and who needs to be listened to - all this is part of education.

    It’s more difficult with teams. What to do if you don’t have time for canine training courses on your own? In theory, everything is simple, in practice, training will require a lot of time and effort.

    Basic rules of training

    You can train any dog ​​- both a purebred dog with an excellent pedigree, and a mongrel. It is important to start education with early age: The older the animal, the more difficult it is to get it to do something on command.

    Consider the puppy's age. It is unlikely that you will teach a six-month-old child to go to the potty and eat on his own. It's the same with dogs. A small, three-month-old puppy will follow one or two commands every other time. A dog that is six months or a year old will understand you better and will be able to remember up to five commands. There is no need to demand more from the puppy than he can handle.

    The most important rule- do not use the “whip” to teach commands. The dog is not obliged to understand and obey you. There is no need to scold her if she does not understand what you want or has forgotten the command, and, moreover, there is no need to use your hands. Otherwise, you will raise a downtrodden or aggressive and dangerous dog.

    Please note: at first it is better to train the dog alone, without the help of other family members. This way the puppy will immediately understand who is in charge and who to listen to first. Subsequently, others can join in the training.

    Many people ask how to teach a dog commands, and what to do if she doesn't understand. Some people believe that dog trainers have their own “secrets” that allow them to train any dog. This is wrong. The whole “secret” is in the time and attention you give to your pet. You can't raise an animal if you spend two to three hours a day on it. It takes hard, constant work.

    Stages of training

    In general, training is a very individual phenomenon. Much depends on the age, breed, gender of the dog, its temperament and your character. The procedure given in the article is approximate and may be subject to change.

    So, first you need to convince your dog to obey. You cannot use the whip. What remains is the “gingerbread” - the puppy’s favorite treat. First, show the dog what needs to be done. For example, if he is learning the “down” command, you should sit down next to him and press your hand with the treat to the floor.

    Repeat the command and as soon as the dog understands what needs to be done and lies down, give him a treat. Exercise every day. Gradually, the dog will remember the command and will obey you.

    Remember one command? Start learning another one. When the dog performs it quickly, you can proceed to the next ones. When learning new commands, at the beginning of training, repeat those that you have already memorized. It is important that the dog performs them accurately and without delay.

    Over time, you will be able to give up the treats. Reduce their number gradually, so that the dog gets used to following commands without reward. Replace treats with kind words (“ good dog", "well done") and affection.

    What can you teach your dog yourself?

    It's easier to say what you can't do. With a dog handler and only with a dog handler, you can learn complex and potentially dangerous commands. Such as “hold”, “fas”, “fu”. If you want to make a protector and fighter out of your dog, take a course. Only a professional has the protection and experience of working with large pets.

    You can go to a dog trainer and learn the “face” or “hold” commands only after the dog has learned to sit or lie down at your first word. Not only the fact of following the command is important, but also contact with the owner. The dog needs to see you best friend and a leader, otherwise she will pose a danger.

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    Read also:

    Raising a puppy: training in game form

    You should start raising your pet from an early age. Thanks to modern technologies that allow inexperienced owners to properly care for puppies, and the store will help you choose one for the puppy. proper diet and toys.

    How to choose the right collar for your dog

    Every dog ​​without exception has a collar, be it a miniature one pomeranian spitz or the majestic Great Dane. Naturally, each breed and each size of a four-legged friend has its own collars and accessories, but there are also collars for various types dog training.

    Any commands that are not included in the general training course or other professional complexes are usually called tricks. It is believed that a dog can remember up to 250 words. In practice, it has been proven that " lexicon It’s possible to “stretch” a pet to 1000 or more words. Naturally, a certain part of the vocabulary arsenal is devoted to describing everyday activities and mastering commands. If the remaining potential is channeled in the right direction, the pet is quite capable of becoming an artist with a wide range of skills. To teach different dog Only 2 factors are important for tricks - positive attitude trainer and pet's desire.

    Almost all tricks require concentration from the dog, which means that training begins no earlier than 4 months of age. There is no upper age limit; if the dog is active, loves to walk and spend time with the owner, then it can learn. Next, a little about stereotypes, it is believed that certain breeds of dogs are not capable of performing tricks, and they are difficult to train. In fact, any pet can be taught a variety of skills, but does the dog itself want this?

    If you are now perked up, but the phrase flashes through your head: “If he doesn’t want to, we’ll force you”, moderate your ambitions. Trickery is a game, its foundations lie in motivation and positive methods training, without the use of punishment or rough pressure. The right way is to work on relationships; the pet should strive to please you. Always remember for what purpose you got a dog, because some service breeds games are not recognized at the “genetic level”.

    Important! Pets with a melancholic and phlegmatic character will prefer to lie at the feet of the owner than to tumble and jump through hoops - respect the needs of your pet!

    Next, let's look at what tricks you can teach a dog using initial stage. Remember that trickery is a team effort that should bring mutual pleasure. Choose exercises based on your existing skills. Don’t force things and initially train your pet to work in any conditions – on the street, at home, at a party.

    Read also: Dogs in religion: Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism


    The simplest, albeit “slobbery” trick is “Kiss” or “Kiss Mom”. Let your dog sniff the treat. Sit the animal frontally (in front of you), step on the leash with one foot so that the pet cannot make a sharp jerk. Give the command “Kiss”, hold the treat between your lips and lean towards the dog. Be careful and restrain your pet with a leash; you want your dog to gently take the treat rather than grab it with his teeth. While practicing the skill, allow the animal to place its paws on your chest.

    Spin around

    We hold a treat near the pet's nose and describe circles in the air with it. The trajectory of the hand's movement should allow the pet to turn freely. On entry level, the dog is taught to turn in both directions, the direction of movement is indicated by a gesture of the free hand. After 3-4 sessions, the amplitude of torsion is narrowed so that the pet spins within a zone of 1-1.5 meters.

    Bunny, Serve

    We sit the dog down, holding the leash. We bring the treat to the nose and lift it vertically upward. We tease the pet until it lifts its front paws off the ground. As soon as the goal is achieved, we give the command and give the treat. As you progress, you will be able to train your dog to occupy vertical position sitting or standing on their hind legs. The next step is walking and jumping forward and backward on two legs.

    Depending on the position of the paws, the execution is accompanied by:

    • With the “Bunny” command – if the dog holds its paws above its head like a bunny’s ears.
    • The “Serve” command – if the animal crosses or folds its paws with its palms facing inward.

    Read also: Why does a woman dream about a puppy: interpretation from dream books


    A body position that pets often adopt on their own when stretching or playing with their relatives. The dog that follows the command stands on its hind legs and lies on its front legs. The starting position is at the left foot. We step on the leash with our left foot, and with our right hand we move the treats away from the nose, forward and down. We provoke the pet to lie down without giving the command “Lie down”. As soon as the ward begins to stretch out his front paws, we insert left hand under the stomach, restraining the reflex forward movement, we give the command “Bow”. At the initial stage, even a slight tilt of the dog’s body is considered successful execution of the command.


    We sit the dog next to the left leg. We take a wide step with a lunge, say “Snake”, put our hand with a treat under the knee and beckon the pet. The dog should pass under you diagonally. Using the same algorithm, we take the second step and finish the exercise. Train your dog gradually by adding 2 steps. As a result, the dog moves along a winding path, running under your feet.


    Sit your dog between your wide-spread legs and show him the treat. Lure your dog back until he begins to back away. Ahead of the execution, we jump forward and close our legs and give the command “Back”, showing the pet exactly what is required of him. When the dog understands that it needs to “squeeze” between your legs so that its nose is behind your knees, you can increase the strata distance between you and the pet.

    Team- this is a short, precise oral order, after which there must be immediate execution. First of all, dogs are taught the commands “Lie down” and “Sit”.

    Basic commands for dogs

    The dog learns basic commands at (general training course). It includes the commands: “Come to me”, “Nearby”, “Fu”, “Fetch”, “Give”, “Sit”, “Stand”, “Lie down”, “Place”, “Berrier”. The dog also learns to show its bite, to be calm about the muzzle, to shots, and to be patient when following commands.

    Command “Come to me!” The dog runs up and sits at the owner’s left leg, no further than 50 cm from him.
    - Team “Walk!” She is accompanied by a gesture of the right hand, which is thrown forward. The dog can run freely.
    - Command “Sit!” Accompanied by a gesture: the arm is bent at the elbow, palm forward.
    - Command “Stand”. Gesture - the right hand is extended forward, palm up at shoulder level.
    - Command “Lie down!” Gesture - thrown out right hand forward and lowers his palm down.
    - Team “Nearby”. Accompanied by a gesture, clapping on the thigh with the left hand. The dog is walking with you at the same pace so that her shoulder touches your left leg.
    - Team "Voice".
    - Team “Ugh!” Important command. When a dog tries to pick up crap from the ground, chase a cat, or sort out relationships with other dogs, the command “Ugh!” will not allow him to do this, which will save the dog from a lot of troubles and troubles. But the team cannot be abused, the whole world cannot be “Ugh!”
    - The command “Give me a paw.”
    - “Turn over” command.

    At what age should you start teaching your dog commands?

    You can raise and train a dog at any age. But the older the dog, the more difficult it will be for it to learn commands. Optimal age puppy
    At the age of three months, they usually begin to learn the commands “Walk”, “Come to me” and “Place”. , when the previous commands have been mastered, you can move on to the limiting commands: “Fu,” “Lie down” and “sit.”

    Different breeds require different approach to education. For example, they can perform initial commands already at the age of one month, and at one and a half months they perform the “Fetch” command.

    Funny commands

    one owner managed to teach his dog to pronounce 12 quite clearly short phrases in English:

    When a standard list has been learned, it is sometimes supplemented with original commands. For example: “Don’t touch the cat!”, “Show the bunny.”

    • “Scratch it” - the dog scratches its ears;
    • “Wake up daddy” - he jumps on the bed and starts pushing the hostess’s husband with his head;
    • “Be shy” - covers his muzzle with his paw;
    • “Hello” - waves his paw;
    • “Where is the tail” - catches its tail;
    • “Dig” - digs the ground;
    • "You agree?" - nods his head;
    • “Bring me a drink” - takes any bottle and drags it to the owner;
    • “Call me” - barks in front of the door after a walk;
    • “Repent” - lies down and covers his muzzle;
    • “Show me the swallow” - he bullies hind paw and freezes.

    Dogs . Each new team is an interesting educational game for them. Don't limit yourself to learning basic commands. Be creative in your pet's development and get positive emotions from it.