New virus treatment. When should you not give your child a flu shot? Flu: characteristic signs and symptoms in children

The child has heat, runny nose, sore throat. Is it a cold or flu? We will try to describe the most common symptoms of the Hong Kong flu, as well as tell parents about the most necessary measures on treating a child: how to bring down the temperature, when to give cough suppressants, how to quickly cure the flu and what to do to avoid complications from it.


In 2016-2017, according to virologists, in Russia the prevailing hong kong flu- A(H3N2). This strain differs from last year's - pork A(H1N1) - in its more rapid spread. It is new for children. The peak incidence will be in January-February 2017.

Features: “new old flu” is more dangerous for children

Hong Kong flu is one of the most dangerous viruses influenza type A. These viruses have special proteins that are not found in type B viruses.

Initially, this strain of the virus was only dangerous for birds. In 1968, it mutated and began to infect people. Its outbreak was first identified in Hong Kong in the same year. That's why it was called the Hong Kong flu. The virus has killed half a million people worldwide to the globe.

In 2014, the strain mutated again. It swept across the southern hemisphere without ever reaching Russia. Therefore, in general, Russians do not have immunity to this strain of the influenza virus.

In 2016-2017 virologists have identified it as predominant throughout the globe. 75% of people with influenza are diagnosed with this particular strain.

The older generation has already encountered the Hong Kong flu, which does not make it any less dangerous, given the mutations. For children, the strain is new, so they are the first to be attacked by the Hong Kong flu.

Any flu enters the body through the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. There the virus settles, penetrates the cells, begins to multiply, then the affected cells “burst”, the multiplied virus attaches to other healthy cells, penetrating inside... The infection spreads deeper and deeper: into the lungs, bronchi.

Why do children get sick more often and suffer more severely from the flu than adults?

Unlike adults, children have morphofunctional immaturity of the respiratory tract, immaturity of its regulatory activity, imperfect microbiocenosis of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This explains the danger of any type of virus, which can easily cause complications in the form of pneumonia - an extremely dangerous disease. Secondly, in terms of qualitative and quantitative characteristics, a child’s immunity is very different from the immunity of an adult. For example, children do not produce enough of the agent local immunity immunoglobulin A – sIgA. Thirdly, children have better developed humoral immunity, but the cellular one is not (the same one that provides protection against viruses, including the Hong Kong flu). Only by the age of 7 these two types immune defense are leveled out.

Due to these characteristics of children's immunity, children are more susceptible to infection with acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza viruses. Moreover, even mild forms of viral infection can cause bacterial complications. Children get sick from 4 to 12 times a year.

Almost all strains of the virus manifest themselves in the same way: headache, temperature, heat, sweating, chills. But type A viruses are more pathogenic, that is, they can cause more serious manifestations: speed of development, duration of the disease, and the ability to cause complications.

Remember, without clinical trials It is difficult to determine the type of ARVI: influenza or something else. Therefore, doctors often simply diagnose acute respiratory infections without further specification. With the main differences between influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. This will help establish a more accurate diagnosis.

Basic rules for treating Hong Kong flu in children

Treatment of Hong Kong flu in children is, in principle, little different from the treatment regimen for any other type of flu. Here are a few basic recommendations:

1. How to properly lower your fever during the flu.

The temperature should be brought down if it has exceeded the threshold of 38.5C and has lasted for more than 2 hours. For this, antipyretics are used, for example, paracetamol-based drugs (effective for 2-3 hours). To avoid overdose, antipyretics can be given no more than 2-3 times a day and no more than 1 time every 4 hours.

For older children, ibuprofen-based medications may be prescribed. They act for up to 6 hours, but are dangerous due to their side effects: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, abnormal bowel movements, bleeding.

It is strictly forbidden to give children analgin, which can cause damage to the hematopoietic system. It is not recommended to use aspirin for treatment. Prohibited for children: amidopyrine, antipyrine and phenacetin, which affect circulatory system, cause allergic reactions and seizures.

It is important to remember that by lowering the temperature we do not affect the very cause of the disease. But it is at temperatures above 38C that agents that fight the virus itself begin to be produced. Therefore, it is not recommended to lower the temperature immediately.

The best way out is to help the body fight the virus. For this purpose it is used. CYTOVIR-3 suppresses the activity of viruses even with normal temperature bodies. And this is very important especially when You still brought down the child’s temperature.

A huge advantage of the powder form of CYTOVIR-3 is that it is easily compatible with other medicines, including antipyretics. If some medications cause allergic reactions, then CYTOVIR-3 powder is distinguished by its hypoallergenicity. It can be taken by children suffering from allergic reactions.

2. What antitussive, expectorant, and sputum-thinning medications can be given to a child?

It is important to remember that if the cough is wet, then there is no need to give antitussives. Coughing is a protective reaction of the body, a way to get rid of germs and the products of their activity.

To reduce a dry, debilitating cough, glaucine, libexin, butamirate, etc. are used. When the cough becomes wet, then you need to stop giving antitussives. This is done because it is very important to get rid of phlegm, because with phlegm the body gets rid of the products of the fight against the Hong Kong flu.

Expectorants can be given if the cough is chronic. The danger of expectorants is that they stimulate the vomiting and cough centers in medulla oblongata. The child may simply choke on vomit.

Sputum thinners, for example, bromhexine, ambroxol, acetylcysteine, are used in the presence of thick, viscous, difficult to separate sputum. They can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Research shows that the use of CYTOVIR-3 helps alleviate the symptomatic manifestations of influenza, including cough.

3. How to overcome a runny nose?

Popular vasoconstrictor drugs, for example, Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Otrivin, Galazolin, have a short-term effect. They can be given to help the child fall asleep, but no more. These medications do not destroy the cause of the disease. And if you abuse them, you can only harm the child: the runny nose will get worse and be complicated by bleeding. Therefore, these funds should not be abused.

Remember children's body another: it quickly absorbs all medications. And vasoconstrictors affect cardiac activity, cause headaches and increase blood pressure.

The best means for restoring the nasal mucosa are rinses, which are prescribed by a doctor. In most cases in vasoconstrictor drugs no need if you use the powder form at the first signs of the disease CITOVIR-3. As studies have shown, CYTOVIR-3 in powder form allows the body to quickly and independently cope with the virus and its consequences.

4. When are antibiotics needed?

Antibiotics are controversial drugs, they cause serious consequences and side effects. Many of them are simply prohibited for children. All antibiotics affect the immune system; they destroy bacteria: both “bad” and “good”. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, asthma, and otitis media. More often this happens when, when the immune system is weakened by the virus, bacteria (in addition to viruses) are also activated. The disease itself becomes aggravated and prolongs.

To prevent bacteria from becoming active during the flu, you need to prevent your immune system from relaxing. This is especially important at the stage of exhaustion. Only this will help. It not only reduces the likelihood of joining bacterial infection, but also suppresses their activity. This is due to the fact that the components of the powder form of the drug CYTOVIR-3 (bendazole, Thymogen and Vitamin C) affect not only the cellular mechanism of immunity, but also the humoral one, which protects against bacteria. Long-term practice of using Cytovir-3 shows a significant (5-6 times) reduction in cases bacterial complications flu That is, Tsitovir-3 eliminates the need for antibiotics.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI in children with CYTOVIR-3

Due to the fact that the powder form of CITOVIR-3 does not contain sugar, artificial additives, dyes, thickeners, or components that increase the shelf life of the drug, it is the safest of its kind. medicines. This is very important for children over 1 year old, as well as for children with allergic reactions. , which allows parents to give Cytovir-3 powder to their child not only for the treatment of influenza and ARVI, but also as a preventive measure.

IN modern world influenza has become a simple viral disease, and serious illness, the consequences of which sometimes end quite sadly. Since childhood, every person has had the flu at least once. But until now, this disease has acquired several very aggressive strains that are constantly undergoing mutation.

In 2016, the lists of the most dangerous diseases led by influenza with the A/H1N1 strain, or swine flu. Why is this disease dangerous, how to recognize it and what are the methods to combat it? Let's take a closer look at what the 2017 flu is: symptoms and treatment of the disease.

Danger of contracting influenza

Like any other viral disease, influenza is dangerous to human health in itself. The main danger of this disease is the complications that can occur without timely treatment. It could be normal eating disorder, dysbacteriosis, pulmonary edema and whole list more nightmarish diagnoses, after which a person can lose his life.

If influenza is not treated in a timely manner, all existing chronic diseases may worsen. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary, respiratory and nervous systems, as well as the heart and blood vessels, suffer greatly. In this case, it becomes clear how important it is to make a diagnosis in time and start immediately correct therapy against the flu, or rather one of its varieties.

Symptoms of the disease

Flu symptoms in 2017 will be as unambiguous and clear as ever. In this case, it is very difficult to confuse them.

1. Main and very important symptom What distinguishes influenza from ordinary ARVI is high body temperature. The main thing is that this factor is stable - the temperature is not brought down by the usual medications. If the thermometer shows more than 38 degrees for almost a day, and the temperature does not go away, this is a reason to consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

2. Pain and weakness. Against the background of a sharply increased temperature, a person begins to feel general weakness throughout the body, pain in the muscles and head, aching bones and nausea. Often there is discomfort in the lower abdomen, accompanied by diarrhea.

3. Rapid progression of the disease. Unlike a regular acute respiratory viral infection, the flu develops very quickly, in some cases everything heats up within a few hours. Moreover, in the case of this disease, the incubation period is very short - 2-4 days. Another feature of the flu, in particular swine flu.

4. Inflammation. Of course, immediately after high fever, two favorite symptoms of similar diseases appear: runny nose and cough. Only with the flu, due to two banal factors in the development of the sore, inflammation of the mucous membrane and even vomiting can begin.

How to treat swine flu?

On the one hand, it may seem that with such serious manifestations it is simply impossible to cure this disease. It turns out that this task is doable and it will take about 5 days to complete it, however, provided timely appeal to a medical facility.

The main trick of swine flu is surprise. If in the first 24 hours a person with this strain of the disease is given special medical supplies, the flu will recede in 5-6 days, in otherwise you should be prepared for severe consequences, the treatment time of which can be calculated in months. That is why all virologists urgently ask people to refrain from self-medication, especially folk remedies. It is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Carrying swine flu on your feet is strictly contraindicated. In this case, the person will 100% develop complications and worsen the course of the disease. Aspirin or medications based on it should never be used as first aid medications. It is better to use paracetamol or ibuprofen. And since the flu primarily affects the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to immediately begin taking an expectorant. Against the background of the general physical weakness the patient needs peace, less bright light and noise. The room itself in which the patient will be located must be constantly ventilated and the air humidified. If, despite the described treatment, after 3-4 days the symptoms remain the same or intensify, there is a guaranteed reason to call an ambulance.

Flu prevention

Of course, knowing how to treat such a disease in 2017 is good, but how to protect yourself from the flu so as not to become a victim of the disease. After all, it is better to prevent the occurrence of a disease than to fight it later. In this case, it is worth remembering the gold standards for flu prevention, which every person should know and actively use.

1. Ventilation and hardening

These words do not mean that at the slightest discomfort a person should rush to the bathroom and pour heavily cold water. It is best to use systematic hardening of the body, which will really help protect human body from viral diseases. But it is necessary to ventilate the room every day, no matter what. In case of illness of one of the family members, this rule should be followed 5-6 times a day for 30 minutes. A peculiarity of the flu can be called its love for warm, dry rooms where there is no normal ventilation. And it makes no difference whether this room is a living room or an office.

In order not to provoke fate, sometimes it is better to simply stay away from large crowds of people. It is very important to limit all your contacts with loved ones if you suspect the possibility of developing the disease. Influenza is transmitted by airborne droplets, that is, when an “infectious” person sneezes or coughs. This means that you should be very careful when you are around someone with the flu. It's better that he lives in separate room, used his own dishes, and visitors came to him only in masks. The patient should have their own towel hanging in the bathroom. Golden Rule in this case, hand washing. This procedure is necessary in mandatory do it after every walk outside or ride on public transport.

3. Food and drinks

According to doctors, despite the illness, a person’s diet should not change radically at this moment, because this is unlikely to have a positive effect on his general condition. There is no special diet for influenza, so you can eat what you usually eat. The only limit can be portions - you shouldn’t push food into a sick person, especially when he’s feeling sick. It is with the help of food and drink that you can strengthen your immune system, creating a good preventive barrier that prevents further dissemination diseases. It is best if the patient’s diet includes dairy products, natural proteins and citruses.

4. Bandages or respirators

According to most people, wearing a gauze bandage is considered a clear physical barrier to spread of the disease. If we look at the problem in more detail, the molecules of the influenza virus itself are considered to be much smaller than the porous structure of the gauze from which the bandage is created. As a result, such protection of the body is not too obvious an obstacle. But wearing a bandage is simply necessary, especially in places with large crowds of people and public activity. For short periods of time, it can simply retain virus molecules within itself, due to the multi-step nature of its structure. By the way, in order to achieve any obvious effect, you will have to change or iron the bandage every 2-3 hours. Otherwise, it becomes no less a manifestation of infection than if you were next to the patient. There is no point in wearing a mask outside, since it is impossible to catch the flu in the open air.

It is worth recalling in conclusion that the flu in 2017 is a seasonal manifestation of the disease, for which you can prepare in advance. To do this, you just need to spend a few preventive measures and be more attentive to your physical condition. In this case, no viral infection will matter to you.

Influenza is a fairly common infectious disease, defeating bronchi, severe toxicosis of the body and a very unpleasant punitive phenomenon. The infection affects men and women of all age groups and annually, especially in cold autumn and winter periods, causes massive epidemics that “cover” approximately 15% of people living on Earth.

A little history of influenza until 2019

The first documented influenza epidemic dates back to 1580. Then this disease literally “mowed down” people in batches, partly due to the fact that in those distant times humanity knew little about viral infections and the prevention of combating them. During the period 1918-1920, the pandemic of this infectious disease, which appeared in severe form, even received the peculiar name “Spanish flu”. In these two years we recorded very high level mortality from influenza. Young, strong and healthy people Almost instantly they received pulmonary edema, and then they “burned out” before our eyes in a matter of days.

Despite its nature and regular negative effect on people, the viral component of influenza was first identified in 1933. It was then that three English scientists managed to isolate specific form virus, which had a very unpleasant feeling in the respiratory tract of experimental hamsters. This one is viral infectious agent Influenza A received its first name. A little later (in 1940), another group of scientists managed to discover influenza B, and then in 1947, the third, most common and widespread type of this infection was found - influenza C.

It was then that scientists were able to determine that a viral infection of this type is very long time can “live” at sub-zero temperatures (from -25 to -70 degrees Celsius), while at the same time, even a few hours spent at room temperature almost completely kill this infection. It is also destroyed during drying, exposure to chlorine, ultraviolet lighting, heating, and exposure to ozone.

How can you get infected?

The most common source of viral infection is a previously infected person. At the same time, he can have both obvious signs of the disease and act as a carrier who does not show any complications. It is important to note that the infection is transmitted through the air in the form of microscopic droplets released by sick people when they sneeze, cough, and even talk. An already infected person poses the maximum level of danger in the first days of infection, when the virus is still in the incubation period. If the form of the disease is not complex, then after 5-6 days the sick person does not pose a danger to others. If pneumonia appears, then the likelihood of catching an infection from a sick person rapidly increases and can persist for up to three weeks from the moment the infection enters the body.

The likelihood of catching the virus increases greatly in autumn and winter, when it is wet and cold outside. As statistics show, epidemics of influenza type A occur every 2-3 years, which occur on an explosive basis, when up to 50% of the population can fall ill over a period of a month and a half. Influenza B behaves somewhat differently. It progresses more slowly (up to 3 months), usually affecting up to 25% of the population.

Forms of the disease

The incidence of influenza can occur in different ways. It depends on many factors, and is divided into the following basic forms.

  1. Light form. The most common. The human body temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, there are mild symptoms of intoxication, or there are none at all.
  2. Medium severity. Here the temperature human body is at the level of 38.5 - 39.5 degrees, there is a classic set of intoxication, expressed in a fairly severe headache, weakness, pain in the joints, muscles, copious discharge sweat. The nose is stuffy, the throat becomes red and swollen, the person's voice becomes hoarse, and there is a constant dry cough.
  3. Severe form. It is accompanied by very pronounced intoxication of the body, the body temperature goes beyond 40 degrees, convulsions, hallucinations, vomiting begin to appear, and often the person’s nose begins to bleed.

Hypertoxic form. With this form, the body temperature does not drop below 40 degrees. Symptoms of body intoxication are expressed to the maximum, as a result of which toxicosis spreads to nervous system. Quite often at this stage of the disease the brain begins to swell, and a person can even get an infectious-toxic shock. In many cases, at this stage of the disease, a person begins to respiratory failure.

Lightning form. This type of disease is dangerous because it can be fatal for the patient. This form of infection affects people who have a weakened immune system, or those with a certain type of congenital pathology. Often the disease is accompanied by pulmonary edema, brain activity is disrupted, and heavy bleeding, respiratory failure, as well as other very dangerous complications.

Symptoms and signs of influenza 2019

The peculiarity of the flu is that it literally takes over the body almost immediately after it enters. The virus has a very short incubation period, which can last from several hours to 5 days. After this, the person begins to experience some discomfort, as well as clinical symptoms diseases. The very first and, perhaps, most important sign that a person is starting to get sick is an increase in body temperature. In addition, the body’s condition begins to deteriorate

Symptoms of influenza in an adult

  • quite severe headache;
  • Patients almost always experience chills;
  • breathing accompanies a dry cough;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • unpleasant dryness in the nasopharynx;
  • practically complete absence appetite;
  • unreasonable fear of light;
  • unpleasant sore throat;
  • unusually increased sweating;
  • weakness of the whole body;
  • specific pain behind the sternum.

Flu symptoms in children

In addition, in order to promptly detect a disease in a child and take preventive measures to treat it, you should show your baby to a doctor if you begin to observe the following symptoms:

  • the child developed shortness of breath, his breathing became difficult;
  • nasal congestion begins, the timbre of the voice changes;
  • the baby’s skin color has changed to bluish or slightly grayish;
  • the child began to refuse to drink liquids;
  • vomiting began without any reason;
  • the reaction to others disappeared, the baby became withdrawn, sleeps more than usual;
  • a high level of overexcitation appeared;
  • The baby began to have a dry “barking” cough or a feverish state with an increase in temperature.

It should be noted that, unlike a regular acute respiratory infection, when all the symptoms of the disease and its course occur relatively smoothly and gradually, in the case of influenza the disease develops quite rapidly, progressing almost immediately and providing its “ward” with a very unpleasant condition. In this case, such a febrile state, as a rule, lasts for the first 2-6 days, after which a period of stabilization begins. You need to understand that high body temperature for several days in a row can cause various kinds complications, so you shouldn’t hesitate to visit a doctor if you get the flu.

Influenza virus strains expected in 2019–2020

Considering the cyclical nature of influenza disease, scientists have learned to accurately predict possible manifestations certain strains of viral infections in order to minimize Negative consequences their impact on people.

And next year the following types of infections are expected:

H1N1 is a strain that is a subtype of the well-known swine flu. He gained his fame in 2009, when he caused a very high-profile epidemic that covered almost the entire population of the planet. The danger of this viral infection is that it can cause numerous complications, some of which can even be fatal. As an example, some of these complications are: pneumonia, inflammatory processes in the brain area, as well as sinusitis.

H3N2 is a strain that is a subtype of influenza A. It is important to note that global epidemics have not been observed with this virus before, which is why scientists call it “young.” The unusual nature of this infection is that today it is still little studied, and its main “weapon” is damage to the vascular system of the body, which has not previously been encountered on a global scale.

The Yamagata virus is a strain that is a subtype of influenza B. And although most health experts do not call it the most dangerous due to the fact that no complications have previously been observed with it, nevertheless, due to the difficulty of detecting it and diagnostics he can create enough a large number of problems for doctors if it develops into an epidemic.

A little about flu treatment

Treatment of influenza has its own characteristics. When an acute period of illness begins, it is advisable to “wait it out” by taking bed rest. True, in the modern world, few people resort to this method, trying to “drown out” unpleasant symptoms various types of medications. The danger with this decision is that in this case you are literally forcing your body to work with double force, increasing the load on the heart and other vital functions. important organs, which can cause various kinds of complications in the future.

It should be noted that mild treatment and moderate forms can be performed at home. And in the event of more severe forms of the disease, you should immediately contact a medical institution for hospitalization. During the treatment of influenza infection, it is recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks in the form of tea, compotes, fruit drinks, and juices. Here, various antiviral agents, such as anaferon, arbidol, or rimantadine, viferon or groprinosin, should be used comprehensively.

If a person has a fever, he should start taking antipyretic drugs, the most common of which are paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is important to remember that such drugs should be taken if the body temperature rises above 38 degrees.

You should fight a runny nose by using various salt or vasoconstrictor drops. Their list can include no-sol, quix, farmazolin, as well as rhinazolin, vibrocil, nazol and others.

To strengthen your immune system, you should take fortified preparations. It is important to understand that flu symptoms and consequences long absence their treatments can cause very unpleasant complications Therefore, it is very important to promptly seek medical help and begin a course of treatment with minimal manifestations of the infectious disease. If children in schools start getting sick in large numbers, then, for example, in Moscow.

Do not forget that treatment for influenza in children is somewhat different than treatment for adults. Therefore, already at the first manifestations of the disease you should:

  • call the local pediatrician, or take the child to the hospital;
  • regularly monitor the baby’s body temperature, and if it has crossed the mark of 37.5 degrees, start giving him an antipyretic;
  • There is no need to try to give your child antibiotics, especially in the early stages of the flu. During this period they are simply useless. Their use is practiced in case of complications caused by infection, such as pneumonia, bronchitis and others;
  • abandon the practice of forcing the baby to eat if he has lost his appetite, while increasing the amount of plentiful warm drink is mandatory;
  • in case of high temperature and no response to antipyretic drugs, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In any case, remember that even with minimal symptoms of a viral infection, you should not begin self-medication and hope that you will be able to “pass” this period. Very often, this approach causes serious complications in your body and can even cause irreversible consequences, when a person can even become disabled.

Flu prevention

Given that the fight against influenza has been going on for quite some time, many people have learned that if you stick to the right image life, harden the body, avoid certain places, you can significantly reduce the risk of disease and provide yourself with fairly high guarantees that you will be on the list of people who escaped the epidemic.

It should be noted that the rules of such behavior and way of life are very simple and accessible to every person.

If you find yourself in a region affected by an infectious epidemic, avoid crowded places, in particular large shopping centers, public transport, minimize the likelihood of prolonged exposure to crowds on the street, try not to directly contact people who already have symptoms similar to a viral infection.

Take care of your hygiene, do not forget to wash your hands regularly using soap. If it is not possible to wash your hands or clean any surface, you should use special alcohol-based wipes for these purposes. Make it a rule not to touch your nose, eyes, oral cavity with unwashed hands or not wiped with a special napkin.

Carefully monitor the condition of your body, pay attention to minimal changes in your condition or the condition of your family and friends. If there are any changes, immediately measure your body temperature in order to be able to detect the disease at the earliest stages.

Ensure regular ventilation of your home; during an epidemic, wash floors with disinfectants daily.

Keep up the good physical fitness, lead healthy image life, eat right, allocate the necessary amount of time for sleep, avoid various stressful situations.

Take fortified medications, eat fruits, berries, and natural products.

To ensure high guarantees of your body’s resistance to various viral infections Get a special flu shot. A the best vaccination the body against the flu is a healthy lifestyle, sports and positive emotions!

A healthy mind creates a healthy body!!!

Flu 2017 - what types will there be this season, their symptoms in adults and treatment

Influenza strains are highly susceptible to mutation, which is why every year a new type of pathogen spreads around the world. Fortunately, epidemiologists successfully cope with forecasting, and therefore you can always find out in advance which pathogens will reach Russian-speaking countries by the autumn-winter period. Forecasts for influenza 2017 are already known.

Those who regularly travel out of the country should be wary of more than just this disease. For example, in 2017, the so-called Coxsackie virus spread throughout Turkey. In terms of symptoms and modes of transmission, it is largely reminiscent of stomach flu. Turkish disease can be distinguished by blistering rash, which most often appears in children.

Features of the spread of influenza

Influenza is one of the representatives of ARVI, that is, acute respiratory viral infections, which are also called acute respiratory infections. The main difference between this disease and the common cold is the fact that the former is caused by a pathogen called the influenza virus. It is divided into three types - A, B and C. The latter is practically not considered from the point of view of its influence on humans, but the other two pose a serious danger.

The influenza virus is known for its strong ability to mutate. Because of this, people wonder every year which flu will appear this time. Fortunately, the patterns of the appearance and spread of strains have long been identified, and therefore medical institutions are usually prepared in advance for the emergence of a new type of disease.

Symptoms and treatment methods for influenza 2017 were studied using the example of Chinese territories. According to experts, some of the pathogen will come to other countries from there. It's connected with:

  • High population,
  • Wide distribution of birds and pigs in the country,
  • The movement of circulating air currents.

Thanks to the support of Japan, it was possible to develop in advance a universal vaccine against most of the strains that will appear in the 2017-2018 season. In 2017, flu vaccinations can be obtained not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in any other cities. Autumn, winter and thaw period - best time for the development of the disease. On August 29, doctors predicted the possibility of high mortality from influenza this season.

What types of flu should we expect in 2017?

Hong Kong flu 2017

Now the suppressive strain is considered hong kong virus, which is one of the variations of bird flu. Its distribution began at the end of 2016 and, according to experts, will continue in 2017. Symptoms of bird flu are as follows:

  • The disease is characterized by an acute onset, with the infected person constantly shivering.
  • A high temperature persists for several days, which cannot be eliminated with the help of medications.
  • The fever is accompanied by a severe headache. Feelings of apathy, fatigue, drowsiness and weakness are noted.
  • In particular serious cases diarrhea and vomiting appear, which are associated with the process of intoxication of the body.

Symptoms of the 2017 influenza virus later include classic cold elements, such as nasal congestion, dry cough, and sore throat when swallowing. There is a burning and stinging sensation in the eyes. Additionally, the patient's condition worsens pain syndromes in the legs, back and joints.

Bird flu often affects digestive processes, therefore, patients experience nausea, abdominal pain and various disorders chair. However, in most cases, everything goes away by the end of the first week of illness, and improvement occurs in just three days.

California flu

Although today most people advise to expect the Hong Kong flu, since 2009 people have not stopped talking about the Californian virus, which led to a serious epidemic. This is one of the swine flu strains. On this moment Most people already have immunity to its original form, but a new “Switzerland” strain has appeared.

This type of swine flu is very similar to common cold, its symptoms and treatment are largely similar. Signs of infection begin after two days of the incubation period. At this point, patients note:

  • Body aches
  • Prostration,
  • Weakness,
  • General malaise,
  • brokenness,
  • Chills.

There is a significant increase in temperature, sometimes reaching forty degrees and even higher. Symptoms of intoxication increase rapidly due to the activity of harmful microorganisms. Patients suffer from increased sweating, throbbing pain in the back of the head and temples.

California flu and acute respiratory viral infections have a significant impact on the condition of the eyes. Some people complain of feeling sand in them, or when trying to rotate eyeballs pain occurs. Many people have photophobia, acute reaction on bright light and any noise. This strain is also often accompanied by conjunctivitis.

About a day after the onset of symptoms, catarrh of the respiratory tract begins. This is manifested by a sore throat, nasal congestion and cough. Symptoms of the 2017 flu, if caused by the California strain, are characteristic feature– the disease is not accompanied by a runny nose or pain when swallowing.

When the patient seeks medical help, during the examination the doctor will be able to notice that soft sky And back wall throats filled with blood. In children, symptoms often increase:

  • Change in skin color (it becomes bluish),
  • Frequent and difficult breathing,
  • Painful sensitivity.

In adults, typical symptoms include confusion, shortness of breath, vomiting, and painful sensations behind the sternum. Inflammation gradually develops on the mucous membranes of the trachea, causing the infected to suffer coughing. Many people experience breathing problems when they are unable to inhale or exhale deeply.

Note. Sometimes the symptoms of the California virus subside, but after some time they appear with renewed vigor.

This strain differs relatively high probability complications, especially if a child, a pregnant woman or old man. In this case, the disease often occurs as pneumonia, and therefore is poorly and difficult to treat. If the patient has respiratory failure and pulmonary edema, he must be admitted to hospital treatment.

Virus Brisbane

Compared to others, this strain is considered relatively less dangerous. In this case, the disease is milder than with the Hong Kong or California virus, and the likelihood of complications is minimal. But the Australian strain has somewhat vague symptoms. People experience:

  • Pain in the muscle area
  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Some begin to have mild disorders gastrointestinal tract. There are known situations when the disease immediately started from a series of cold symptoms, such as cough, runny nose and headache, but this is quite rare. Most often, recovery occurs after a couple of days.

At this time, the person walks without fever, generally feels better, and the runny nose and inflammation in the nose go away. However, a situation is possible when a drop in heat is only a short-term phenomenon, and after it a new rise in temperature occurs. This is evidence of a weakened immune system. In this case (and also if the illness does not go away within four days), you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Brisbane virus is relative light form influenza, which can still be treated with medications and bed rest

Possible complications and risk groups

Symptoms of influenza in children and adults in themselves are not a reason for hospitalization and the use of powerful medications. However, the disease can negatively affect the course of chronic pathologies, such as:

  • Epilepsy,
  • Muscular dystrophy,
  • cerebral palsy,
  • Mental retardation,
  • Blood diseases
  • Metabolic disorders,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • Congenital heart defect,
  • Coronary heart disease,
  • Congestive heart failure,
  • Cystic fibrosis,
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

Some strains of influenza lead to complications such as inflammation meninges, cardiac muscle, bronchi, lungs, trachea, ears or paranasal sinuses nose Damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys is also possible. The risk group includes:

  • Children,
  • Aged people,
  • Pregnant and lactating women,
  • People in closed groups
  • Persons suffering from HIV and other pathologies that reduce immunity,
  • Employees of medical and educational institutions,
  • Workers in the fields of transport, trade and food.

Those in these groups are advised to get vaccinated in advance. Vaccination takes place every year in September in all cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. Newborn babies are not given injections, but if the child is at least six months old, then he can already be vaccinated.

Flu treatment

Flu must be treated with medications prescribed by a doctor. Hospitalization is most often not required. Purchased at the pharmacy:

  • Antiviral agents, which are the basis of therapy.
  • Antipyretic drugs. They are used only if the temperature has risen above 38.5.
  • Vasoconstrictors. Used when necessary to ease breathing against a runny nose. They can be seen with saline solution.

Sometimes doctors prescribe decongestants to patients, as well as multivitamins to strengthen protective forces body. Treatment should be accompanied by peace, a positive attitude and bed rest.

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Photo gallery: Flu 2016-2017: what kind of virus is expected (WHO forecast). Symptoms and treatment of influenza in children and adults

Every year, a large number of adults and children suffer from the influenza virus. For Russia and many countries of the Northern Hemisphere, the epidemic usually occurs in the cold season, when the human body is least protected from various infections. According to epidemiologists, the 2016-2017 flu will be most active in November-December of this year, although the symptoms of the disease in people with low immunity can be observed until spring. In any case, there is no need to panic. Timely prevention and proper treatment will allow you to pass this disease with minimal consequences for the adult and child population of our country.

Flu forecast for 2016-2017 - what types of virus are expected

To prepare for possible epidemic influenza in a specific region, attention is paid to this problem in advance. As a rule, a meeting of the sanitary and anti-epidemic commission is held at the end of summer, when there is already certain information about the virus and its treatment method provided by specialists World Organization healthcare.

The likelihood and nature of an epidemic is determined based on research into the disease and monitoring its spread on the planet.

According to the WHO forecast, the following types of influenza virus are expected in the autumn-winter period of 2016-2017 in the countries of the Northern Hemisphere:

  • A/H1N1 (California 04/2009)

    This is the most common strain of influenza and causes large-scale epidemics. After 2009, when this disease struck many residents North America, the virus was given the name “California 04/2009”. Besides medical term, H1N1 is also called " swine flu", since it affects not only humans, but also many animals, in particular domestic pigs. In most people, H1N1 progresses without further complications, even in the absence of serious drug treatment. However, this virus should not be neglected under any circumstances. The severe form of the disease is characterized by rapidly progressive viral pneumonia, which can be fatal if not proper treatment within the first 24 hours after the onset of symptoms.

  • H3N2 (A/Hong Kong)

    This strain of influenza was isolated in 2014 during a massive epidemic in Hong Kong among adults and children. Main danger lies in the “weak familiarity” of the human immune system with this infection. According to medical research, H3N2 appeared due to mutations in various strains of the virus, primarily affecting birds. Since the population has practically no immunity to this disease, it is very important to get vaccinated in a timely manner. This is especially true for the so-called risk group – children and people of retirement age. Complications caused by H3N2 influenza include illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia, requiring emergency treatment. There may also be an exacerbation bronchial asthma and cardiovascular diseases.

  • B/Brisbane

    This virus is a subtype of influenza B. It was first identified in 2008 in the Australian city of Brisbane and is still a poorly studied type. Diagnosing this infection is quite difficult due to subtle symptoms. However, there is no need to worry about this, since influenza B is much less dangerous than strains belonging to group A. Typically, a disease of this type is quite easily tolerated by both adults and children, does not require serious treatment and, more importantly, does not characterized by severe complications.

The influenza forecast for 2016-2017 from epidemiologists suggests that large-scale epidemics are not expected. However, this does not eliminate the need to harden and stimulate the immune system, especially given the constant mutation of the virus and sometimes unforeseen results of treating the disease.

Flu 2017: main symptoms in adults

It is almost impossible to determine the specific type of influenza by symptoms, since different strains, as a rule, have similar symptoms. In addition, the severity of certain symptoms depends not only on the virus, but also on the general condition of the person.

Some of the symptoms of influenza are almost identical to those of regular flu. respiratory diseases, characteristic of adults. However, it is possible to distinguish this infection from acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. The main symptoms of influenza in adults are:

  • high temperature (39-40 degrees) and fever;
  • aching pain in muscles and joints;
  • severe headaches;
  • general weakness, inability to concentrate on specific thoughts and actions;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • dry cough accompanied by chest discomfort;
  • runny nose or pharyngitis.

Headache and fever are obvious symptoms of the flu in adults

Once the virus enters the body, it does not manifest itself in any way at first. Incubation period usually lasts 3-5 days, during which there are no symptoms. The disease itself lasts about a week, but even after completing treatment the person feels lethargic and tired, and during this period is susceptible to other diseases. This is especially typical for adults, since in adulthood more severe symptoms flu, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms of influenza and ARVI in children

From a psychological point of view, any adult experiences his illness easier than the illness of his children. Since in the process of growing up, the child’s body will in any case be subject to attacks from viral infections, it is very important during this period to remain calm and carry out treatment in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. At the same time, parents should know how to independently distinguish between the symptoms of influenza and simple ARVI in children.

Children's symptoms of ARVI:

  • body temperature up to 38°C (rarely rises above);
  • intoxication of the body is weak;
  • general health satisfactory;
  • moderate cough, manifests itself immediately after the onset of the disease;
  • obvious runny nose, often nasal congestion;
  • redness of the throat (one of the main symptoms).

Signs of flu in children:

  • body temperature above 39°C (can last 3-4 days, despite treatment);
  • high intoxication of the body, which is expressed by chills, sweating, headache, dizziness, aching joints;
  • cough appears on the 2-3rd day, accompanied by chest pain;
  • a runny nose does not appear immediately and is often not as pronounced as with ARVI;
  • possible redness eye.

A high temperature in a child should serve as a signal for urgent treatment

If a child often sneezes due to a runny nose, has a sore throat, and the temperature remains at 37-38°C or is completely absent, this is obvious symptoms ARVI. Ordinary viral infections also do not cause the gastrointestinal problems that often occur in children with H1N1 influenza. Another difference in the symptoms of influenza and ARVI in children is the nature of the course of the disease. In the first case, the onset of the disease is always acute, while ARVI most often proceeds smoothly.

Treatment of viral influenza 2016-2017 in adults and children

As is known, the best treatment is prevention. To protect yourself from the flu, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
  1. Get vaccinated in a timely manner. Since the first antibodies are produced after 7-10 days, it is better to get vaccinated at least a month before the expected start of the epidemic.
  2. Avoid places with large crowds of people. Especially dangerous in this regard closed premises– in such conditions the virus is very quickly transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one.
  3. Stick to general rules hygiene: wash your hands, use only your own cup, spoon, plate and towel.
  4. Ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning at least 2 times a day.
  5. Improve the general condition of the body by playing sports and taking multivitamins.

Timely vaccination makes the symptoms of the disease milder and significantly simplifies treatment

If the disease manages to cope with the human immune system, then treatment viral flu both in children and adults should be carried out under strict medical supervision. Only a specialist will be able to determine which medications will be sufficiently effective in a particular clinical case, and what treatment program should be followed.

During the flu, it is very important to stay in bed. This task may seem difficult for adults, given the need to take sick leave for at least a week. However, treatment alternatives of this disease does not exist. Influenza carried on the legs is extremely dangerous due to its complications, which can affect the functioning of the respiratory system, heart and muscular system. In the case of H1N1, neglect bed rest may result in death.

Although, as noted above, experts do not predict any abnormal epidemics at the end of this year and the beginning of next year, if the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations for the prevention and treatment of viral influenza in adults and children. With respect to own health and qualified medical assistance, the 2016-2017 flu and, most importantly, its complications will most likely bypass you.

Flu symptoms and treatments