Ice cream during breastfeeding: expert opinions. Tips and tricks. Is it possible to eat ice cream while breastfeeding?

After the birth of a baby, an exhausted mother needs little joys, endorphins, energy and consolation. And all this is contained in one cold glass! But can a nursing mother have ice cream? Will it harm the baby?

When buying ice cream, be sure to read what ingredients it contains. The correct ice cream includes milk protein(cream, milk), natural sugar or syrup. Alas, now you won’t find a product on the shelves without stabilizers, flavors, or emulsifiers. These nutritional supplements are allowed for use, but do not improve health. Some of them often become a source of allergies and have a bad effect on digestion.

Inexpensive ice cream usually contains Palm oil. IN large quantities it causes serious digestive upset.

Ice cream made from fruit juices and pulp should also be consumed with caution. Its advantage is considered complete absence milk, but the product contains a lot of sugar, as well as dyes and flavors.

Ice cream components can also include:

  • cocoa beans,
  • chocolate,
  • vanillin,
  • starch

All of these ingredients are potential allergens.

Is it possible for nursing mothers to have ice cream?

In a good way, store-bought ice cream is not for nursing mothers. But here it is important to understand: if you deprive yourself of small joys, then you will not last long. It is better to feed a child for up to a year or longer, occasionally allowing yourself something harmful, than to quit the race in the third month of breastfeeding.

In the first month of lactation, you should avoid cold delicacies. This is due to the composition of the ice cream. Even a sundae good quality can be harmful: milk protein is a serious allergen, and sugar in large quantities causes fermentation and colic. The treat is prohibited from being consumed if gastrointestinal tract The baby is not yet fully formed.

Nursing mothers are allowed to eat ice cream from three to six months of lactation. At the same time, pay attention to the manifestation or absence allergic reaction. It is recommended to keep a diary. Write down everything you eat during the day, noting the time and the baby’s reaction.

During breastfeeding, the baby receives all the elements from mother's milk. After feeding the baby after ice cream, the mother may notice a rash or colic in the baby. These signs indicate intolerance cow protein or other ingredients.

If your mother still decides to enjoy a product from her childhood, follow a number of recommendations. They will reduce the risk.

  1. Pay attention to the composition. The fewer additives, the shorter their list, the better.
  2. It is preferable to eat a delicacy based on natural milk, and not with substitutes. In this situation, allergic reactions to milk must be taken into account. If they are, then it is better to avoid cream-based ice cream.
  3. During lactation, the first use of cold treats should be in minimal quantities.
  4. Monitor your baby's behavior and condition after consuming a new product.
  5. You can eat ice cream if the baby has not developed an allergy, but you should always follow the norm. After all, an excess of a certain product regularly causes a negative response. immune system both mother and child.

It is better to try ice cream for the first time in the morning. This way the mother will be able to notice changes in time and help the newborn. If the baby’s body reacts negatively, you can introduce the product into the diet a little later.

But even if everything is in order, two or three ice creams a week is the maximum.

Why do you crave sweets unbearably when breastfeeding?

Every mother at least once experienced an insatiable desire to eat something sweet, be it ice cream or chocolate. This is due to the fact that a nursing mother constantly needs calories. After all, her body produces milk and spends a lot of energy. The body needs carbohydrates for energy. So I want ice cream.

Many people want ice cream during breastfeeding, but you shouldn’t adopt someone else’s experience. While ice cream did not harm some mothers, others may notice it in themselves within a month. overweight, and the child has a rash.

It is important for a nursing mother to know that if a craving for sweets appears, it means there is not enough food in her body. nutrients. After childbirth, you need to pay attention to this and make up for the lack of carbohydrates by adjusting the menu. For example, include more grain products and cereals (slow carbohydrates).

Which ice cream is safer for breastfeeding: read the labels

Diathesis in a child.

Look at the composition of a particular brand and take into account the baby’s further reaction. There is no way to know what kind of ice cream mom can eat in advance. An allergy to ice cream often occurs due to intolerance to cow protein. If there is none, it is preferable to eat ice cream and creamy treats. Ice cream, including cow's milk, is high in calories, and the baby’s stomach may not be able to handle it.

Some types of sorbet are very harmful. Popsicles cause a negative immune system response due to strawberries, apricots or peach, which are allergens for the baby.

Manufacturers often include chocolate in ice cream. It contains cocoa beans or cheap substitutes, which lead to gastrointestinal upset in the child.

Pediatricians agree that fruity apple or pear ice cream is the safest. But it is recommended to administer it only after three months.

Tomato ice cream is made from sugar with the addition of tomato paste. It also contains the additives E461 (unsafe, can lead to stomach upset), E407 (Carrageenan, also bad for the gastrointestinal tract).

It is worth noting that quality products can still be found. Not so long ago, they began to appear on pharmacy shelves. natural species treats. They are made on the basis of fructose without adding chemical substances. You can recognize such a product by the inscription “BIO”.

How to make your own ice cream

You can make ice cream with breastfeeding at home from natural ingredients. IN in this case Mom will know for sure that there is and cannot be any chemistry in the treat. It will turn out not only healthier, but also tastier than store-bought.

To prepare dessert, you need an ice cream maker that will automatically mix the contents. But if you don’t have one, a mixer and a freezer will do.

Homemade ice cream

Its preparation requires:

  • milk 3.5% - 200 ml;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • egg whites – 5 chicken or 20 quail;
  • cream 35-40% - 400 ml.

The first step is to boil the cream mixed with sugar. They are simmered over low heat for half an hour. It is important not to boil the mixture. Then they need to be cooled and beaten well with a mixer.

Mix the whites with sugar and beat until completely dissolved. Combine cream and whites and mix. Place the mixture in the freezer for 60 minutes, then stir again. Set it to freeze again and after an hour and a half you can try it. This recipe is only suitable for you if you took eggs from a “familiar” chicken. Store chicken eggs It is prohibited to eat raw. Quail ones are safer.

It is worth noting that if you are allergic to cow's milk and cream, the products are replaced with goat ones. In some cases, rice and almond milk can be used.

And one more recipe. You will need:

  • half a liter of milk,
  • yolks – 3 pcs.,
  • sugar – 1 glass,
  • 50 g. butter,
  • starch - half a teaspoon.

Mix milk and butter and bring to a boil. Then mix sugar, starch and yolks in a separate bowl and add to boiled milk. It is important to pour in slowly and then stir constantly. The resulting mass is boiled again and cooled. Afterwards, the almost finished treat is placed in the ice cream maker.

Ice cream with fruits

Increase taste qualities you can make ice cream at home using natural fruits. The following are considered hypoallergenic:

  • bananas,
  • light apples,
  • white cherry.

To make ice cream with fruit you will need:

  • bananas – 2 pcs.,
  • powdered sugar – 1 tablespoon,
  • coconut milk – 100 ml.

Freeze peeled bananas before cooking (for convenience, you can chop the fruit before freezing). Then beat them with a blender and gradually add milk and powdered sugar. When the mass becomes homogeneous, place it in the freezer for three hours. Stir the treat every hour.

Ice cream made with your own hands will never do any harm. But if you can’t prepare a delicacy at home, you should responsibly choose a store-bought dessert. The main thing is to study the composition, use without fanaticism and monitor the child’s condition.

The main danger of uncontrolled maternal nutrition during breastfeeding is high risk allergies in infants. According to statistics, allergic reactions to foods occur in every fifth child.

The most dangerous products:

  • all citrus fruits;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • local berries and brightly colored fruits;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • nuts;
  • milk.

It is impossible to completely abandon these products for the entire period of breastfeeding, and it is not necessary: ​​the child can perceive them perfectly, reacting only to one or two categories. And it’s safer to introduce your baby to allergens through breast milk, the components of which help adapt to previously unknown substances.

Naturally, the adaptation process should not begin with ice cream with chocolate and nuts or fruit ice from exotic fruits.

During lactation, any product should be introduced gradually, observing the child’s reaction. The same with ice cream: we start with 50 g of milk ice cream without additives. If everything is good, you can try ice cream with nuts, then strawberry and so on.

How older child, the lower his risk of allergies. If the baby successfully eats complementary foods and tolerates all new foods well, the mother can also afford more. And vice versa: if the baby’s cheeks are flaky and red, and the reason for this cannot be determined, ice cream after childbirth will either have to be completely excluded, or be content with ice cream without additives.

Choosing ice cream during lactation

Russian quality standards set strict requirements for freshness, organoleptic characteristics, and milk protein content. For example, in order for a manufacturer to call its ice cream a sundae, it must contain at least 12% milk fats and be completely free of vegetable fats. So just by the name of the ice cream you can predict what will be inside the package.

An important quality indicator is the organoleptic properties of the product. For vanilla, creamy ice cream and ice cream, we can evaluate them ourselves.

Indicators Signs of quality ice cream
Taste Sweet milky without additional flavors.
Smell Milk, for vanilla ice cream – vanilla. Ice cream with foreign odors You can't eat. Most likely, it was stored or transported together with other food products, which is strictly prohibited and is fraught with intestinal infection.
Consistency Dense, creamy.
Structure Completely homogeneous. There should be no ice crystals, pieces of fat or lactose. The only exception is the small brown particles in natural vanilla ice cream. Ice on the surface of the ice cream indicates that the product has been refrozen.
Color Smooth, milky to creamy.

The quality of ice cream with additives is more difficult to determine, so you will have to trust the information on the packaging. Unfortunately, domestic manufacturers commit many violations in which eating ice cream for nursing mothers can be dangerous.

In 2018, Roskachestvo tested 34 popular brands of ice cream. In 2 samples, part of the milk fat was replaced with cheap vegetable fat, and the information on the packaging assured that there was no vegetable fat in the composition. It was also discovered coli- 2 samples, antibiotics - 2 samples. One brand had increased acidity, that is, it was made from milk that had begun to sour.

No violations were detected in only 10 brands of ice cream out of 34.

Rules of use

How to minimize the risk when breastfeeding:

  1. Buy products from reputable manufacturers only.
  2. Carefully study the indicated composition. Ice cream should contain as much natural ingredients: sugar, whole milk, powdered milk, condensed milk, butter, natural flavoring, stabilizers starch or agar-agar.
  3. Be sure to check the production date.
  4. Avoid buying misshapen cups and cones. Most likely, they were melting. When breastfeeding, violation of storage conditions can result in intestinal infection in mother and child.
  5. At first, during breastfeeding, eat ice cream little by little and only in the first half of the day. For the rest of the day, carefully monitor your baby’s well-being. If he has a bowel disorder or a rash, the ice cream will have to be postponed for 2-3 weeks.
  6. In the presence of excess weight pay attention to the calorie content of the product. The most high-calorie ice cream is ice cream, it contains up to 20% fat. Cream (up to 11.5% fat) and milk (up to 7.5%) ice cream are lighter.

How to make ice cream at home

If you doubt the quality of a store-bought product, try making ice cream at home. Detailed recipe a creamy delicacy that every housewife makes well:

  1. Mix 5 yolks with 100 g of fine sugar or powdered sugar, add vanilla or vanillin, grind with a spoon until the mixture is homogeneous.
  2. Boil 0.5 liters of milk and pour into the yolk mixture in a very thin stream. To prevent the yolk from curdling, the mixture must be constantly stirred.
  3. Keep the mixture on the lowest heat until it thickens. Do not bring to a boil. All this time we do not stop interfering.
  4. Cool the milk mass, then put it in the refrigerator.
  5. Beat 0.25 liters of cream with a fat content of more than 20% until soft peaks form. Cold cream whips better. For the first few minutes, set the mixer at low speed. When foam appears, the speed can be increased slightly. As soon as the foam begins to thicken, we reduce the speed again.
  6. Mix the milk-yolk and cream mixture well, transfer everything into a mold, and place in the freezer.
  7. Stir the mixture in the mold every 20 minutes for the first 1.5 hours, and every hour for the next 3 hours. Total time freezing - about 5 hours.

Ice cream prepared in this way has a pronounced creamy taste and a pleasant creamy consistency.

Ice cream has become such an integral part of the diet modern man that they are buying it in tons. But it’s worth considering whether a nursing mother can eat ice cream.

With development Food Industry More and more chemistry is appearing in modern dessert. Undoubtedly, there are benefits to the ice cream. And in order to primarily protect the baby while breastfeeding, you should choose high-quality ice cream. And the best thing is to make ice cream at home.

Classic composition

Let's look at the composition of ice cream using the example of a classic ice cream. 100 g contain:

  • Calorie content - 230 kcal.
  • Potassium - 162 mg.
  • Calcium - 159 mg, that’s 16% daily value.
  • Phosphorus - 114 mg, this is 13% of the daily value.
  • Sodium - 50 mg.
  • Cholesterol - 44 mg.
  • Magnesium - 21 mg.
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.21 mg, this is 10% of the daily value.
  • Vitamin PP - 0.7 mg.
  • Vitamin C - 0.4 mg.
  • Vitamin E – 0.4 mg.


Relative to the daily value, ice cream contains the most calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B2. In addition, it contains tryptophan.

  • Calcium is good for bones.
  • Phosphorus serves for energy metabolism, regulation acid-base balance, good for teeth and bones.
  • Vitamin B2 is beneficial for the skin, mucous membranes and vision.
  • Tryptophan stimulates the production of the “happiness hormone” serotonin, which is undoubtedly beneficial for a nursing mother.

However, one cannot do without a “but”: the delicacy must be natural. Chemical dyes and preservatives will only cause harm.


Preservatives, flavorings, flavor and aroma enhancers, chemicals to preserve color and structure can be harmful to mother and child. Frail children's body I have not yet had time to acquire the required amount of enzymes for normal digestion and “defense” from chemistry. Reaction to harmful additives maybe from light form diathesis to tragic events. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing ice cream.

Ice cream is contraindicated for diabetes, obesity and ARVI.

To eat or not to eat

A nursing mother can eat ice cream, but subject to certain recommendations:

  • No more than one serving per day.
  • No more than 100 g.
  • A nursing mother should give up ice cream in the 1st month after maternity hospital. Your baby's stomach may not be ready to accept and digest the ingredients in the ice cream.

So that ice cream during breastfeeding (BF) really brings more benefit Rather than harm, you need to try to find the right ice cream.

How to choose

Manufacturers add preservatives, flavors, and additives to enhance taste and preserve texture and color. At the same time, not all manufacturers indicate what is included in the “E” composition, which cannot but affect the nursing mother and child.

Look at the label carefully

If a responsible manufacturer came across and indicated full composition, you need to carefully study all the “Es”. You need to avoid:

  • E957 - thaumatin sweetener. Leads to excessive irritability and migraines, and also affects hormonal balance.
  • E621 - monosodium glutamate. Impairs vision. Destroys the retina of the eye and nervous system. Leads to tachycardia.
  • E476 - polyglycerol. Negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • E211 - sodium benzoate. When reacting with fruit acids, it forms carcinogens, disease-causing liver.
  • E102 - tartrazine. Leads to insomnia and decreased concentration. Depresses the central nervous system.
  • E124 - provokes development cancer diseases and allergies.

In addition, you should refrain from buying palm oil-based ice cream.

Fatty ice cream increases fat content breast milk, which negatively affects the child’s digestion. Therefore, you need to choose ice cream with the lowest fat content.

Even if you carefully read the composition, it is impossible to reliably verify its complete naturalness. Therefore, you need to choose ice cream only without fillers and chocolate. When you get home, you can do a melting test. To do this, the selected product must be left at room temperature. “Proper” ice cream without any “harmful ingredients” melts evenly, leaving a lush foam. This ice cream can be eaten by a nursing mother. If there is a lot of chemicals in the product, it “tries” to retain its original shape.

The best option would be to make your own ice cream. This dessert is prepared quickly, simply and will definitely not cause harm during breastfeeding.


Since it is not recommended to add any allergens during lactation, it is better to prepare a delicacy with a natural taste. You can add banana or green apple. These products are allowed during breastfeeding, so they will not cause harm.

Classic ice cream


  • Milk - 200 gr.
  • Heavy cream - 300 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 100 gr.
  • Egg yolks - 3 pcs.
  • Vanilla sugar, vanillin or vanilla essence - to taste.


  1. Grind the powdered sugar with the yolks until fluffy and homogeneous.
  2. Bring milk to a boil. Gently add the yolk-sugar mixture in a thin stream.
  3. Wait until it boils again, whisking constantly. Leave to cool at room temperature.
  4. Whip the cream until elastic foam and add to the cooled milk mixture.
  5. Transfer the mixture into a large container and place in the refrigerator.
  6. After every hour, you need to take out the container and beat it in a convenient way (whisk, mixer, food processor). It is advisable to beat at least three times.
  7. After the last churning, divide the ice cream into smaller molds and place in the freezer until completely hardened.

Banana-apple sorbet

Instead of ready baby puree, can be rubbed ripe apple on a grater “for pancakes”. The ratio of banana and apple is to taste.


  • Children's applesauce– 1 jar.
  • Overripe bananas – 3 pcs.
  • Full-fat milk – 1 glass.
  • Gelatin – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour gelatin with water, as shown in the instructions on the bag, and leave to swell.
  2. Mash the banana and combine with puree.
  3. Bring the milk to a boil and add gelatin in a thin stream.
  4. Add apple-banana mixture and mix well.
  5. Pour into molds and put in the refrigerator to harden.

Alternatively, you can simply mix cottage cheese with the addition of a small amount of sour cream and any approved and already verified products: fruits, berries, natural jams. Then put the mass into a mold and freeze. This, a la ice cream, contains a lot of calcium and vitamins and will come in handy when breastfeeding.

When choosing both homemade and store-bought ice cream for consumption during breastfeeding, you should remember that the product must be introduced into the diet gradually. You need to start with one serving, carefully monitoring the baby’s well-being. After all, a still fragile body can react with both external rashes and an upset stomach and colic.

Ice cream is not prohibited while breastfeeding. On the contrary, with moderate consumption it will only bring benefits to the health and mood of the nursing mother.

Dessert for today - video on how to make homemade ice cream. Four recipes. Ice cream test. Checking recipes from the Internet.

Young mothers have many questions after the birth of their child. One of the most controversial and difficult issues is diet. And in the spring and summer, many begin to worry about the question of whether a nursing mother can have ice cream.

It is better for mothers to consume milk ice cream, since the amount of milk fat in them does not exceed 3.5%. If you don’t like it, you can prefer ice cream or ice cream. Their fat content is about 8-15%.

When feeding, try to avoid eating chocolate ice cream or ice cream covered in chocolate chips. If your child has a reaction, you will not be able to tell if he is reacting to the supplement or the protein. You should not consume products that contain a large number of additives You should also avoid eating popsicles.

Is it dangerous for nursing mothers to eat ice cream?

To understand this issue, you need to enter this product in small quantities and monitor the child’s reaction. If your baby starts having colic on the same day, monitor his reaction for three days. If the situation repeats, you should stop eating ice cream. It is important to monitor the reaction to the introduction of each new product. IN otherwise you won't be able to understand what he's reacting to.

If you have a reaction to the ice cream, stop eating it temporarily. The fact is that after birth, the gastrointestinal tract of infants actively develops. Perhaps after some period of time you will be able to return to using it, and your child will not have a negative reaction.

Keep an eye on the expiration date of this product. The smaller it is, the less preservatives and stabilizers the ice cream contains. If you want popsicles on a hot summer day, it's best to make your own popsicles. It should be consumed in small quantities.

What to look for when eating ice cream

  1. Ice cream composition. This is the main disadvantage of store-bought ice cream. A standard ice cream may contain stabilizers, thickeners and preservatives. It is also important to pay attention to the expiration date. The smaller it is, the less harmful substances contained in the product.
  2. Ice cream during breastfeeding is one of the most high-calorie foods. At this time, many women feel the need for sweets. As a result, they begin to gain weight quickly. It can be used if you have no problems with overweight or it is insignificant.

Eating homemade ice cream

This option is the best option for the mother if she is breastfeeding. You can make it from natural products without using additives. You won't have to doubt its quality. The only warning is that the recipe does not contain components that can provoke an allergic reaction in a child. It will be the best indicator of the quality and possibility of using certain ingredients.

For self-made This mother product can be used in an ice cream maker. It is represented by a special apparatus that turns the original mixture into ice cream by cooling and mixing. If this device is not available, the finished mixture can be placed in the freezer for 12 hours. But you will have to stir it every 3-4 hours.

To prepare creamy ice cream, you need to use the following ingredients: 0.5 l. cream with a fat content of at least 35%, 5 medium-sized yolks, 100 ml. milk, 150 gr. sugar, 1 tsp. starch, as well as a pinch of salt and the same amount of vanilla.

The process for making creamy ice cream will be as follows:

  1. First, heat the milk until warm state. Salt and sugar are diluted in it.
  2. Yolks are added to the mixture. Then beat it thoroughly using a mixer or whisk.
  3. The mixture is placed on low heat and simmered until it thickens.
  4. Then the starch is diluted in a small amount of milk. It is poured into the general mixture.
  5. The pan must be placed over cold water. Add cream to the mixture, whipped until foam forms.
  6. Once the mixture has cooled, place it in the ice cream maker.

Low-fat ice cream does not affect the fat content of your own milk. No cream is added to it, which makes it low-calorie. To prepare it, use the following ingredients: 1 tsp. starch, 1 liter of milk, 2 tbsp. sugar, 100 gr. butter and 5 medium-sized yolks.

To prepare ice cream, follow these steps:

  1. The milk should be heated over low heat. Add oil to it and bring the mixture to a boil.
  2. Sugar is mixed with starch and yolks. The mixture must be stirred until it becomes sour cream. It is slowly introduced into boiling milk. It is important to constantly stir the mixture to prevent the yolks from curdling.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil again. Cool it by placing the pan over a container of cold water. The mixture is then placed into an ice cream maker.

Ice cream is an excellent way to lift your mood and combat the consequences postpartum depression. Can a nursing mother have ice cream? It just depends on the specific situation. Introduce this product gradually and monitor how your child responds to it.

Many products are prohibited during lactation. Ice cream looks harmless against the background of the “black list”: eggs, cucumbers, garlic, soda... But everything is not so simple. Is it possible to have ice cream while breastfeeding?

If this question had been asked 50 years ago, the answer would have been yes. In production we used exclusively natural ingredients - whole milk, animal fats and granulated sugar. Therefore, ice cream actually had no effect negative effect on . And attention has recently been drawn to the intolerance of some infants to animal proteins. Doctors insist that dairy products can only be consumed after heat treatment, and even better, replaced with fermented milk.

During the production of ice cream, milk also goes through heat treatment- pasteurization. It is heated to 85°C and held for about a minute. But milk does not boil, milk protein is not destroyed, and therefore there remains a risk of an allergic reaction to ice cream when feeding a newborn.

Milk protein allergy and lactase deficiency

Several factors can cause an active allergic reaction to cow's milk.

  • A protein found in milk called casein. Its large molecules are difficult to break down by enzymes that the child’s intestines can produce and can enter the bloodstream. In this case, the baby's immunity, when you eat ice cream during lactation, reacts to proteins as foreign bodies and includes a defensive reaction.
  • Harmful chemical compounds . In particular, antibiotics that could have been administered to the cow.
  • Early introduction of artificial complementary feeding. Scientists have found that the likelihood of allergies is lower if a child is introduced to complementary foods at a later age.
  • If the mother does not limit herself to strong food allergens during lactation. The group of the most powerful allergens includes cow's milk, chicken meat, eggs, mushrooms, citrus fruits, honey, bright berries (strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants and blackberries), grapes, tomatoes, carrots, beets, celery, mustard, wheat, rye. , as well as coffee and cocoa.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “milk protein allergy” and “lactase deficiency”. The first is the reaction of the baby’s immune system to casein molecules entering the blood. Their digestive system It is not possible to completely process a newborn. The second is a congenital defect, a violation of the production of enzymes in the child’s intestines. In this case, lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose, milk sugar, is either not produced at all or not enough is produced. At the same time, the baby is not able to tolerate any milk. Moreover, both animal and maternal origin.

If in most children an allergy to milk protein often goes away after two or three years, then with lactase deficiency, intolerance to one degree or another persists for life. Lactase deficiency can develop either due to genetic disorders, and with excess lactose. In the second case, the problem is solved simply by reorganizing breastfeeding: after all, the baby has enough enzymes, and the mother has a lot of lactose-rich “foremilk.”

It also happens that an allergic reaction to milk protein is superimposed on lactase deficiency. In this case, it is necessary to exclude whole milk and dairy products from the mother’s diet so as not to aggravate the situation. And already deal with the causes and consequences of the problem together with your doctor.

What is ice cream made of and how is it made?

To understand whether ice cream is possible during breastfeeding, you need to understand what types of ice cream exist, how they are prepared and what ingredients are included.

Ice cream typeFat contentCalorie content per 100 g, kcalMain cast
Dairy0–6% 150-200 Whole or powdered milk, sugar, corn starch, vanilla sugar
Creamy8–10% 180-200 Whole cow's milk, cow's butter, condensed or dry cream (up to 10% fat), sugar, chicken eggs or powdered eggs
Cream12–20% 200-400 Whole cow's milk, cow's butter, condensed or dry cream (10% and 35% fat), sugar, chicken eggs or powdered eggs
Fruit ice0% 50-70 Juices, fruit and berry purees, low-fat yoghurts, coffee, tea
Sorbet0% 60-140 Natural juices and fruit purees

Pasteurized milk is used in the preparation of milk, creamy ice cream and ice cream. In the case of the last two types, cream is produced from milk, powdered and condensed milk, sugar, vanillin and an emulsifier thickener, which can be starch, eggs or egg powder, are added. The mixture is packaged and sharply cooled at - 40°C, then the ice cream matures for two days. At this time, the emulsifier binds the mass together, leaving no “free” water in it. This prevents the development of unhealthy microflora in the product, and it is stored longer.

But this is an ideal scheme. Not everyone adheres to it. Regulations allow the use of about 250 types of raw materials in production. And not all of them are safe. Often, instead of animal fats from milk and cream, cheaper ones are introduced vegetable fats. They are difficult for the body to digest, accumulate, and can cause various diseases, up to obesity and atherosclerosis.

Shelf life is increased by best case scenario due to chemical stabilizers and emulsifiers, at worst - soda, even formaldehyde or household detergents having a preservative effect. Other synthetic food additives - flavorings, dyes and flavor enhancers - are dangerous to the health of mother and baby. However, negative reaction Even natural ingredients can provoke: caffeine, cocoa, berry and fruit fillers. Therefore, fruit ice and sorbet are not a panacea. And the child’s reaction to all of the above is quite predictable - from indigestion to allergic reactions.

It is also worth considering that ice cream is very high in calories. This will not be affected. But if a mother overdoes it with ice cream when feeding her newborn, this is...

Which ice cream should a nursing mother choose?

If you have any doubts about whether a nursing mother can have ice cream, the choice should be based on the baby’s reaction. If he tolerates milk protein well, then it is better to opt for creamy ice cream or ice cream. They are prepared from cream, which is rich in phosphatides. They are part of all tissues and cells, and most importantly - nerve tissue and brain. All phosphatides, especially lecithin, play an important role in fat metabolism.

But there are also a number general rules for a nursing mother.

  • Take your time: in the first month, or even four, it is safer not to touch ice cream at all, so as not to harm the formation of the baby’s digestive and intestinal tracts.
  • Take things gradually: Introduce dessert into your diet in small portions and watch the child's reaction.
  • Start easy: Try the milk ice cream first, and if all goes well, test the cream and sundae.
  • Don't eat at night: high-calorie foods In principle, they are absorbed faster and better if consumed in the first half of the day.
  • Choose white: do not choose options with fillers - chocolate, fruits and other additives that can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Look at the label: choose a product from reliable manufacturers and carefully read the composition, make sure that it does not contain palm oil.
  • Determine the cause correctly: If you are going to try ice cream while breastfeeding, do not eat any more unusual foods for several days to know exactly how your baby will react.
  • React immediately: If your child has an upset stomach, colic or allergies, eliminate sweets from your diet for at least three days.
  • try later: if the baby did not have an acute allergic reaction to milk protein and other components, but only stomach upset and colic were observed, try eating dessert after a couple of months - the child’s body develops quickly, and next time there may not be problems.

Safe alternative: making ice cream at home

There can be no complete confidence in a factory-made dessert, but there is an excellent way out - making homemade ice cream. Of course, this is not the treasured popsicle, but it will definitely be known that there are no harmful substances or allergens inside. The easiest way to use an ice cream maker is a smart kitchen unit that automatically stirs the mixture as it cools. But a mixer and a freezer will suffice.

Classic ice cream recipe

You will need:

  • cream with fat content 30-35% - 400 ml;
  • milk with fat content 3.5% - 200 ml;
  • egg whites- 6 items;
  • sugar - 150 g.


  1. Boil the cream and sugar over low heat for 30 minutes, without letting it boil.
  2. Let them cool and beat with a mixer.
  3. Beat egg whites with sugar until completely dissolved.
  4. Combine the cream with the whipped egg whites, mix well and put in the freezer for 1 hour.
  5. We take out the ice cream, beat it again and freeze again - in an hour the dessert is ready.

If your baby is allergic to cow's milk, you will have to give up milk and cream. But this is not a problem, because there is a hypoallergenic alternative - goat milk, as well as safe plant substitutes (soy, coconut, rice, almond milk).

According to statistics, nine out of ten people with cow's milk intolerance can safely drink goat's milk. Almost all reviews from those who ate food made from goat milk ice cream for breastfeeding, positive. By the way, it is much richer in composition. In him more vitamin B12, responsible for the metabolism of potassium, calcium, vitamin D

  1. Beat pre-frozen bananas in a blender with a small amount coconut milk.
  2. Gradually add milk, continuing to beat the mixture until smooth.
  3. Add powdered sugar and beat the mixture again.
  4. Place in the freezer for 3 hours, taking it out every hour and stirring it with a spoon.

So is it possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream? It is not at all necessary to refuse it when feeding a newborn. After all, sweets contribute to the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, which is very important during lactation. It is also worth remembering that ice cream is not only possible for breastfeeding - if the child does not experience any problematic reactions, then you can use sweets as a way to gain an additional 500 kcal every day necessary for a woman in this period. The main thing is to carefully look at the composition of the ice cream, not to overdo it with its quantity, monitor the child’s reaction and promptly take action.
