Copper healing properties of the metal. Effective treatment with copper. Treatment of diseases with copper

For normal operation the body needs a daily intake of copper in the amount of 3-5 mg. How does she get inside? First of all, it is food, water, skin. It should be noted that enough a large number of copper is found in fish, meat, cereal crops, nuts, maca, pumpkin, mushrooms, egg yolks, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, beets, watermelon, etc.

Prolonged copper deficiency leads to the development of serious diseases:
- psoriasis;
- asthma;
- glaucoma;
- bronchitis;
- anemia;
- diabetes;
- impotence and others.

The healing properties of copper

For home medical treatment are used copper coins, wire, plates. Previously, the metal is calcined on fire, after which it cools and is applied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. For fixing, you can glue it with a plaster or wrap it with a bandage. After the procedure, the skin must be thoroughly washed. Average course treatment is 3-5 days.

Scope of use of copper:
- it is necessary to attach copper coins behind the ear and on the affected ones;
- - on the eyes;
- with noise in the ears - on back neck;
- with a headache - on the back of the head, temples or forehead;
- with and - on a sore spot;
- for pain in the heart - in the subclavian fossa;
- with fibroma - on lower part ;
- at varicose disease- on the area of ​​​​veins and blood stars.

For the treatment of varicose veins copper plates applied under a sock or stocking until the moment when the copper does not slip from the sore spot.

The healing properties of copper have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, on nervous system. Medetherapy improves sleep, reduces high body temperature, relieves inflammation and pain. Copper also has bactericidal action, so it is effective as natural antiseptic.

Very often, with the help of copper, water is sterilized, which is subsequently used to eliminate inflammatory processes.

Of course, copper appoints experienced doctor, since for some categories of people this technique is contraindicated. It is necessary to first establish the cause of the disease so as not to provoke a deterioration in the patient's condition.

According to popular belief, medetherapy is achieved if the plate is easily held on the surface of the skin, and the color of the skin under it changes gradually. In the absence of adhesion, this method of treatment will be ineffective and may harm the body. In case of overdose, convulsions, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, weakening of breathing appear.

People have known about the extraordinary properties of copper for a long time. But, classical medical science and the systematic extermination of folk healers, almost destroyed this knowledge. Finally, in the 70s. 20th century medical treatment received a second birth. modern science confirmed that a number of diseases are caused by copper deficiency. After a series of studies, two main types of medical treatment were identified: copper applications and "copper water".

Copper is a copper-red metal, its normal concentration in the body is from 80 to 100 mg. With copper deficiency, the blood, kidneys, liver and brain are the first to be hit. The average intake of copper is about 3 mg/day.

Astrologers correlate copper with the planet Venus. In the Babylonian kingdom and on the Asian coast of the Pacific Ocean, she was dedicated to the Sun.

In ancient India, Tibet, and China, copper powder drenched in milk was used for fractures. Copper armor helped warriors quickly cope with fatigue, and wounds healed faster and without suppuration. Russian peasants used copper nickels in the treatment of polyarthritis, throat diseases. In ancient Greece, this metal was used in the treatment of deafness. IN medieval Europe knew that if you wear a copper cross, you are less likely to get cholera.

IN modern world, copper is also widely used by people in the treatment of various ailments. It is used to reduce various rheumatic pains, any disease state. They wear copper bracelets and rings from various ailments. To reduce convulsive manifestations, a copper wire is used, loosely attached around the ankle and wrist. In Mexico, a copper coin is placed in the navel before traveling to prevent illness along the way.

Studying health effect copper on scientific basis started by engineer N.M. Safonov in 1958 official medicine copper plates have been used since 1975.

Copper is one of the main bioelements involved in the body's metabolism. Most of the enzymes contain copper, without which it is impossible to sustain life. Because of such an important role, copper was called the "Metal of Life". One way or another, this metal is involved in most of the metabolic processes, and in many it is main regulator. The formation of hemoglobin is also directly related to copper ions. And one of essential functions copper - hematopoiesis.

The wound healing ability of copper is amazing. It has been proven that copper can balance the energy polarity of the body by redirecting the flow of projective and receptive energies.

To all kinds of fungi, bacteria, some viruses, copper salts formed in the body are poison.

Copper deficiency leads to a number of diseases, and is also one of the causes of various disorders: fatigue, headaches, bad mood, insomnia.

Copper applications with coins

For the use of applications, Soviet coins issued before 1961, or nickels of royal minting, are perfect. They should be used after cleaning: calcined with fire and cleaned with sandpaper. Prepared coins are applied to painful areas from several hours to three days. After removing the application, the skin should be washed with soap and water. The course of treatment usually lasts 3 to 20 days.

Copper Application Plates

The most commonly used sizes of copper plates are 10*50*10mm. Applications can be used at any age, as well as for pregnant women. The plates are applied for 3-4 days, then after a two-week break, after which they are applied again. For effective recovery, as part of complex therapy, application metal therapy gives excellent results.

copper water

"Copper water" is prepared as follows: rinse 2 - 3 copper plates or a couple of copper nickels in running water, boil in an enameled container, 1.5 liters. water. Boil until 1/2 of the water boils away.

Copper well tones the following organs: liver, spleen, lymphatic system. For this, the following course of treatment is carried out: 2 tsp. "copper water" 3 rubles / day, duration - 30 days.

Copper is a lucky metal and can be used with any lucky stone. To attract love, she has no equal, especially in combination with emeralds set in copper. It is believed that copper bracelets bring health and good luck, normalize blood pressure, and prevent salt deposits.

To determine if medical treatment is right for you, you should attach a copper coin to your skin. If it adheres well to the skin and stays on it for a long time, then copper is suitable as remedy.

Copper products are favorable for anyone to wear. You can wear them all the time, remembering to periodically remove and clean them. It is believed that in order to most effectively use the properties of copper for health, "right-handers" should wear copper on the left side of the body, and "left-handers" - vice versa.

Kanfo message: Treatment with copper.

Copper treatment.

In ancient Greece, copper was used to treat deafness and inflammation of the tonsils. In modern France, hearing disorders are treated with copper.

Russian doctor Grigoriev and other doctors are working on copper treatment, but wide application not yet, the laws have not been developed.

When copper, gold and lead come into contact with human skin, the current flows from the metal to the skin. Upon contact of silver and tin - from the skin to the metal. Metals can attract and repel.

Since 1976, some physicians have begun to use disks for skin diseases. We use copper applications only when there is adhesion of the metal to the skin (when the metal is sucked to the skin), since we have noticed that the body attracts the metal in a sore spot and holds it. When not needed, the body rejects it. It is necessary to stop treatment; when the metal is finally rejected - is determined by verification.

Healing with copper

When treating with copper, wire or copper royal nickels are most often used by applying them to certain parts of the body. It can be looped wrappings of the joints, lower back, head. In essence, these methods do not have fundamental differences from long-known and well-established applications. copper wire and nickels, which have been used by our ancestors since ancient times.

How does the copper applicator work?

human skin through sweat glands secretes various secrets, or, more simply, sweat, which is saturated with various salts (mainly NaCl) and is a good electrolyte. During the application of a copper object to the skin, ions are separated from copper into the electrolyte, which penetrate into the subcutaneous layer through the sweat glands. Here, ions exert their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, destroy pathogens enhance some physiological processes.

As a result of this exposure, wounds heal, inflammation disappears, bruises and bumps resolve. In cases like non-healing wounds, dermatitis, skin damage by various bacteria and viruses, copper treatment can become an indispensable and safe remedy.

From contact with the skin, copper gradually oxidizes and darkens, leaving a greenish mark on the body. During illness, the composition of sweat, as a rule, acquires an acidic reaction, as a result of which the process of metal oxidation intensifies, the number of ions and oxides increases and therapeutic effect becomes more efficient. In other words, the more oxidized the metal, the higher its healing properties. To increase the layer of soluble oxides, copper wire should be calcined on fire.

And now let's move on to the special properties of copper wire.

Not only does the wire act as an applicator according to the principle described above, but if it is given an annular closed shape, then in it
there are circular microcurrents, which have an additional therapeutic effect. This happens due to magnetic field Earth, as well as fields generated by human activity: radiation from television and radio stations, computers, microwave ovens, cell phones and other electrical engineering.

Taking on any electromagnetic radiation, the copper wire circuit converts it to electricity and scatters into
space in the form of thermal energy. Thus, the circuit provides positive impact on a sore spot and reduces the intensity of harmful radiation.

According to serious medical research, wrapping the lower back or sore joint with copper wire, you can carry out the procedures of the most real physiotherapy at home, which can be long-term, without contraindications for health.

For copper treatment, soft stranded wire of the M-1 brand is best suited, which must be removed from the electrical wire and cleaned of insulation. But it should be noted that after removing the insulation, an invisible film remains on the wire, which greatly weakens the therapeutic effect. You can remove the film by calcining the wire on fire and holding for 2 hours in vinegar essence. Then the wire must be washed with water and dried. In order to avoid scratching the skin, wrap the ends of the wire with a plaster.

Putting a copper hoop on your head, you will get rid of headaches, calm the nervous system, and insomnia will disappear. A copper hoop on the head is indispensable for patients with epilepsy, significantly reducing the number of seizures.

Exactly the same positive action render attached to the body of the copper pennies. They are attached several pieces through a short distance to the sore spot. They treat sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other joint diseases. If you don't find required amount coins, it is possible to cut nickels from sheet red copper, up to 3 cm in size.

Copper in the human body is involved in hematopoiesis and metabolic processes. The lack of copper in the diet is reflected in the mental
abilities and physical activity. Copper is especially necessary for pregnant women, children and the elderly. IN Ancient Greece copper plates treated tumors, inflammation of the tonsils, joints, skin lesions.

Coins of the USSR until 1961 or pre-revolutionary copper coins are suitable for copper treatment. To obtain copper water, put 10 grams of pure copper in a one and a half liter pan and boil until half of the water boils away. The remaining water will be "copper".

From it you can make a compress in the form of a bandage applied to the sore spot for 3-4 hours. Repeat the procedure until the pain disappears.

For liver diseases, obesity, you should drink this water 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals for a month. Patients with diabetes can also drink 2-3 tablespoons of copper water daily before meals for a month. During the year, several courses of treatment should be carried out.

The use of copper in practice

People have known about the healing properties of copper for a very long time. In ancient India, it was used to treat diseases of the skin and eyes. Recipes for various? copper medicines? were in the arsenal of doctors around the world. Great Avicenna after prompt removal purulent tonsils recommended rinsing the mouth with cooled water and vinegar, and then applying blue vitriol to the wound.

Doctors ancient east treated bone fractures with red copper powder, which was taken orally and washed down with water or milk. In Russia, copper has also long been used for treatment. She treated radiculitis, polyarthritis, bruises and bone fractures, epilepsy and many other diseases, even cholera. And not in vain. It was noticed that in the terrible years of cholera, workers in copper foundries, as well as those living near warehouses with copper, did not get sick with cholera. Barge haulers on the Volga, in order not to get sick with cholera, put copper nickels under their heels and wore copper crosses.

Copper relieves inflammation, soothes pain, accelerates the maturation of abscesses, helps to avoid infectious diseases, stimulates defensive forces organism. In contact with the skin, it has a local bactericidal effect.

When exposed to copper discs, leukocyte activity increases. Copper heals quickly. If in the evening with pneumonia heat, then after the imposition of copper coins, the temperature returns to normal by morning. Copper dissolves everything benign tumors. Many sick women with fibromas, tumors of the breast recovered after applying the coins. Copper is good for cardiovascular system: if the heart hurts, then the coins are placed in the subclavian fossa. Attach plates and wear around the clock throughout the day. After 10 days, the pain may stop. As a result of bruising of the legs, thrombophlebitis often occurs. To warn him, copper coins are placed in the shoe, under the toe.

Copper heals well chronic diseases: otitis media, sinusitis, tracheobronchitis. With sinusitis, you need to apply penny coins (sometimes they are even large). When tracheobronchitis is applied to the neck.

To cure deafness, one 3-kopeck coin is applied to the bulge of the bone behind the ear, and the other to the ear from the side of the face. Copper
activates the action of insulin in the blood.

Therefore, using slow therapy, you can reduce insulin or completely abandon it. When using copper, the nervous system calms down, insomnia disappears. Copper invigorates the body.

Copper reduces headaches if it is applied to sore spots (forehead, temples, back of the head) for 15-20 minutes. Treatment with copper facilitates the post-infarction condition, and in case of a heart attack, copper is applied to the subclavian region. The treatment uses the application of copper plates. The plates are made of red copper. These are thin, well-polished copper circles of various diameters, superimposed when various diseases on the corresponding BAP (biologically active points).

You can use plates or coins ranging in size from 1 to 8 cm in diameter, 1-3 mm thick. To obtain a greater effect, before use, they must be calcined on fire, cooled and cleaned with sandpaper. Disks prepared in this way are superimposed on painful areas for a period of 6 hours to 3 days. The disks are fixed on the skin with adhesive tape.

After removing the plates, the skin under them is washed with warm water and soap. Usually the course of medetherapy lasts from 3 to 20 days. It is noticed that the effect is higher when the plate is attracted by the skin, which becomes greenish under the plate.

Folk healers believe that if there is adhesion of the skin to copper, copper can be used for treatment, if not, copper is useless. In everyday life, copper can be applied to a sore spot and simply bandaged. If the overlay is not chosen accurately, the copper under the bandage will move itself to the right place. (Chemists explain this by a violation of the biological potential under the influence of the disease, which is leveled out under the influence of copper).

According to the observations of Professor F. N. Romashov, carried out in 760 patients with various diseases, applications of copper discs and plates had analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. Copper salts formed in the body are extremely toxic to fungi, cholera bacteria, and some viruses. The bacteriological effect of copper is widely used for water sterilization, treatment of inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and eyes.

Treat with copper broken bones, bruises, abscesses.

Traditional medicine recommends using copper sulfate as part of an ointment prepared as follows: 20 g of spruce resin, one mashed onion, 15 g blue vitriol, 50g vegetable oil(preferably olive). Mix everything, grind thoroughly and heat to a boil. The resulting ointment has a burning effect and heals well. Ointment lubricates the sore spots.

Copper bracelets for health

At chronic diseases from time to time you need to apply metal discs, as the central nervous system "remembers" that there was a disease here.

The application of copper relieves fever, pain, has a blood-restoring effect, is very strong bactericidal agent, activates the water and mineral metabolism, improves sleep, calms the central nervous system, activates the action of insulin in the blood, enhances leukocyte functions.

Copper applications dissolve all benign tumors (hardening mammary gland, uterine fibroids, mastitis, etc.). It cures tuberculosis, all inflammatory processes in the body ( chronic otitis media, Chronical bronchitis, inflammation of the bladder, lungs, sinusitis, inflammation of the tonsils, inflammation of the middle ear), normalizes metabolic processes in the body, infectious arthritis, nephrolithiasis, cholecystitis, diabetes, skin diseases and etc.

It cures sciatica, injuries of various origins, the cardiovascular system (heart, veins, thrombophlebitis, improves
post-infarction state), cures diseases gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcer, duodenum, gastritis, colitis.

Application of copper restores hearing, relieves tinnitus, cures tendovaginitis, removes the harmful effects of radiation (treats burns after irradiation), heals postoperative hernias, hemorrhoids, cold abscesses, improves postoperative condition in surgery, treats rheumatoid arthritis.

Copper heals burns after X-ray exposure, removes the harmful effects of radiation. Copper coins stop and cure hemorrhoidal bleeding, as they have good impact in the veins around anus. Therefore, the coin must be placed edge-on directly on anus, and hold the second coin higher between the buttocks, but so that the coins do not touch each other.

Copper heals postoperative hernia, as it reduces the strength of connective tissues and tendons. In chronic diseases, repeated courses of treatment at night are needed. Copper well cures otitis, sinusitis, techeobronchitis. With sinusitis, you need to apply penny coins to sore spots (sometimes even they are great for maxillary cavities). With tracheobronchitis - on the neck.

Copper cures deafness: To do this, you need to stick a two-kopeck coin on a convex bone behind the ear, another coin - to the ear from the side of the face.
The treatment lasts so long and the coins are applied only as long as the adhesion of the coins to the skin is in effect.

For tinnitus, a coin is applied behind the ear. Copper activates the action of insulin in the blood, therefore, using copper therapy, you can remove the dose of insulin or completely abandon it.

When using medical treatment of fractured bones, the bones do not respond to weather changes.

Copper coins issued before 1961 contain aluminite, and it is involved in the construction of connective tissues.

Copper eliminates insomnia, as it calms the nervous system, and copper gives vigor to the body.

Copper relieves headaches: Five kopeck coins are applied to the pain centers (forehead, temples, nape), the pain is removed after 15-20 minutes.

You can wear copper for a very long time without any harm to health. But if you feel a taste of metal in your mouth, then this means that the body is saturated with copper and you should reduce the duration of wearing wire or coins.

And at the end of this article, here's another way to fix your own general health copper wire as a ground. To do this, you need to tie one end of a thin wire to the leg at night, and the other to the battery, that is, how to make a ground. And sleep like that all night. As a result of such an action, positive ions will evaporate from the body, which do not benefit the body as a whole. But negative ions will accumulate, which is very beneficial for the body and greatly helps it cope with various kinds diseases.

After use, copper must be periodically fired or washed in a saline solution, and then held in running water (you can use it from a tap).

Copper treatment- medical treatment (the use of copper in the treatment of diseases) goes into deep antiquity.
The writings of the ancient healers Aristotle, Hippocrates, Al-Biruni, Galen, Paracelsus, Avicenna indicate the treatment of bruises, skin diseases, ulcers, cholera with copper plates. Hippocrates used copper for inflammation of the tonsils and.
Ancient medical book states that the application of copper cures rabies. In epilepsy, it was used in the form of rings, necklaces, and the patient was given to hold objects made of this metal in his hands during a seizure.
A Byzantine medical treatise of the 11th century advises, in case of an abscess of the spleen, to use alum along with copper water, where iron should be lowered; women smear eyelids, so that the eyes do not water, with burnt copper with milk or honey; with an old thorn and moisture in the eyes, use crushed and dried copper filings with vinegar with food.
In Syria and Egypt, copper bracelets are still worn to newborns to prevent rickets and seizures.
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Medical treatment

Healing properties of copper

Scientific research of the treatment method

  1. In 1958, a group of doctors determined that metals, especially copper, could be used for diagnostic purposes. However, only a specialist can carry out diagnostics, since special knowledge of acupuncture is needed (about points on the surface of the skin where internal organs are projected).
  2. The most in-depth studies of medical treatment at one time were carried out for a long time in the clinic of the Donetsk Medical Institute. When examining patients, it was found that copper ions penetrate the skin, forming compounds that cause a disinfectant effect. In addition, the formation of leukocytes responsible for maintaining immunity is activated, and after metal treatment, the protective forces in the body increase. By the way, scientists have long noticed that copper discs become thinner and wear out if they are often applied to wounds.
    For example, a girl suffering from conjunctivitis was cured in the clinic: penny coins were regularly placed on the corners of her eyes. A woman whose doctors found a hearth on her arm infectious arthritis, also subjected to medical treatment. After that, the hand swelled up a little, but after a while the disease disappeared.
  3. About 15 years ago, British scientists proved for certain that copper utensils greatly reduce the risk of microbial infections. It is probably no coincidence that our ancestors drank tea from copper samovars, ate food from copper bowls. But stainless steel dishes, which are considered hygienic, are actually a breeding ground for germs. It is not possible to expel these harmful settlers from its microscopic cracks even with a brush. Unless a strong antiseptic can handle it here. Bacteria is the culprit intestinal infections- lives on a "stainless steel" for several months, and dies on a copper surface after 14 hours.
    Few people now have utensils made of healing metal, but coins and plates from it can still serve well.

Copper in folk medicine

This metal has been used in traditional medicine for a long time. Behind a long period treatment with copper, it has been established that on your own, without consulting a specialist, you can be treated with copper for bruises, neuralgia, which have the character of "flying pain".
Why is the topic of copper coins so acute when there are a lot of pharmacies and patent medicines around? Yes, there are simply things to which the power of time does not apply. Many unconventional methods effective treatments were passed from mouth to mouth, through healers and fortune-tellers, developed, reached "polished" to the present time.

  • copper is attached to the sore spot with a bandage or plaster. It is recommended to remove the bandage at night.
  • Copper can be used for pain in the heart. The coin is fixed with a plaster in the subclavian fossa and is not removed for 10 days.
  • With uterine fibroids, coins are placed on the lower abdomen.
  • Tinnitus is eliminated by applying metal to the neck (from the spine).
  • For the treatment of deafness, two copper coins are used: one is applied to the outer ear canal, and the other - to the convex behind the ear bone. Both coins are fixed with a plaster.
  • Metal is also used for concussion. A copper disc (approximately 40 x 4 mm) is taken and placed in place of the bruise. Vomiting stops soon, nausea subsides, disappear headache and dizziness.
  • If a child suffers from bedwetting, this method is suitable: a three-kopeck coin (copper) should be placed on the left subclavian region to calm the nervous system. The second same coin should be placed on bladder. Treatment - 10 days.
  • Obtaining "copper water". Copper plates must be treated with emery, boiled and put in drinking water. Such water has a beneficial effect on various processes that have a healing effect on the body.


  1. It must be borne in mind: in the treatment of bruises in the first hours, metal can cause something like an aggravation. But then there is a noticeable relief.
  2. Like any method, the use of metal has its downside. If you keep it on the affected area for too long, then pain, redness and even ulcers appear.
  3. After each use, the coins should be placed in salted water for several minutes, then rinsed with plain water.
copper for treatment

Scientific explanation of the method

There is nothing supernatural in copper treatment: diseased tissue has negative charge, copper is positive. Particles of metal themselves are looking for a diseased organ, being attracted to it. Sometimes a sticky disk changes its location on its own. Due to the different polarity of the bioelectric fields, a driving force arises on the skin surface. Sometimes, it seems that the copper disk has chosen the wrong place that hurts. In fact, it was simply applied not to where the focus of the disease was located, and the body itself corrected the position of copper.

What metal to use?

The necessary "coppers" in the country were made until 1961. This alloy consisted of 95% copper, 5% aluminum, and the copper used with the MV-1 brand has wonderful healing properties. At one time, foreigners quickly "saw through" this, and therefore massively and expensively bought up Soviet copper money, taking them with them as souvenirs. Coins of an earlier (“Nikolaev” and others, as shown in one of the pictures) and later release are ineffective in treatment, as they contain other metals (their grades) and alloys.

Combination of treatments

It is often very difficult to eradicate the disease with one method (especially if it is serious or "old"). Therefore, while doing medical therapy, do not forget this.

  1. Drink to calm infusions,. The broth is prepared as follows: take 20 g of chopped herbs in a glass of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. Drink 4 times 100 g daily.
  2. Well helps with nausea infusion of mint. It is prepared similarly to the recipe with lemon balm, but you do not need to cook, just insist. And drink it in 10 drops - nausea will disappear instantly.
  3. disinfectant and antimicrobial agent is mint oil. Use it for rinsing - 3 drops in a glass of water.
  4. For headaches, rub your temples with menthol pencils.
  5. Medetherapy, a treatment with copper, goes well with sea buckthorn medicines. In folk medicine, sea buckthorn oil is recommended to speed up healing. skin. Sea buckthorn decoctions, infusions can be taken for diseases digestive organs. The recipe is very simple: Art. l. - in a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, insist for an hour, drink 20 g 3 times daily. In parallel with this, it is good to attach copper coins (plates) to sore spots and wear them for 5–6 days.


Recipes traditional medicine most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an adjunct to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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Since ancient times, it has been known that copper can have a healing effect. Such qualities are associated primarily with the analgesic effect. In the old days, Russians put nickels in a place that was numb, which helped them to cure, or, for example,.

Also, even Aristotle was sure that if copper is applied to, then a bruise will not appear. He also wrote that copper can cure puffiness and it is also desirable to apply copper plates to treat ulcers. The Greeks used copper as a remedy for deafness. The French, in general, still treat deafness with copper. It was also previously noted that people with a copper cross were less likely to get cholera during periods of epidemics. Children were also taught the positive effects of copper and were given copper bracelets.

One of the key places is occupied by copper in metabolism, as it is included in more than ten enzymes. It has been absolutely proven that life without them is impossible. That is why copper is a real metal of life, which directly or indirectly takes part in metabolic processes and, most importantly, regulates them.

It has also been shown that a lack of copper in human body can lead to diseases such as: bronchial, ischemia, sugar, during pregnancy, and many others.

One of the main functions of copper is hematopoietic. Without it, or rather without its ions, hemoglobin cannot be formed.

For the first time, the engineer Safonova took seriously the properties of copper in the country in 1958. And in less than 20 years, copper was used with might and main to treat a wide variety of diseases.

In 1982, the engineer presented the results of her work at the Institute of Balneology. She said that copper can:

  • lower the patient's temperature
  • help relieve pain
  • have a hemostatic effect
  • fight bacteria
  • improve sleep
  • calm the nervous system
  • treat
  • resist inflammatory processes kidneys and bladder
  • help in the treatment of diabetes
  • have a healing effect on skin diseases
  • cure sciatica
  • relieve tinnitus or restore hearing
  • heal and more.

As a rule, when treating with copper, you need to use coins before 1961, in which, by the way, there is aluminum, or use red copper plates 5 cm wide and 1 cm thick. In order to achieve best effect it is desirable to ignite the plates and clean them with sandpaper. Ready-to-use such plates, or as they are also called, discs should be placed on the painful area, for a period of several hours to no more than three days. You can fix the discs with adhesive tape, and the copper itself can be attached with a bandage. He will be able to fix the copper and it won't move.

After the expiration date, you need to remove the plate and be sure to rinse the skin under it warm water with soap. It is necessary to repeat this course. The terms are again set individually - a couple of days to a couple of months.

However, you need to understand that copper treatment may not help everyone. But you can determine in advance whether it will help you specifically or not. To do this, simply attach a copper coin to the skin. If the coin stays on the skin for a long time and adheres to it, then you can use copper as a cure for many diseases.

Copper applications

Plates made of copper can also serve as an anesthetic and against inflammation. Anti-edematous action is not excluded. Salts, which are formed in the body from copper, are extremely negative impact have on, bacteria, cholera, and some other viruses.

Copper applications can be used to treat absolutely all people, regardless of their age, gender. Even pregnant women can be treated. As a rule, copper is applied for a couple of days, after which it is necessary to take a break, and then repeat the procedure.

If you have a headache, you can attach a copper coin of 5 kopecks to the place that hurts the most (this could be the forehead, temples or the back of the head). According to patients, the pain, like a hand, takes off in less than half an hour.

If you have a sore throat or tonsils are inflamed, then it is better to put a coin or a plate (of your choice) on your neck, and tie your throat with a warm scarf.

If you are worried about pain after a broken bone, be sure to use copper coins made before 1961. In case of injury - a coin will need to be put on it. Very often, if you have a bruised leg, thrombophlebitis occurs. In order to avoid them, you just need to use the copper coin again, namely, put it in the shoe under the toe.

Also, based on practice, we can confidently state that when applying copper plates in place postoperative scar, it heals much faster, adhesions dissolve more actively, respectively, muscle activity normalizes earlier.

In the event that you varicose veins veins, you need to attach the coins directly to the leg and walk with them exactly until the moment when they roll themselves under the heel.

If you feel pain in shoulder joint, then you need to take a rag made of wool and put it on a sore spot, after soaking it in gasoline. It is better to put a hot copper plate or a large coin on top of the rag. Pain will leave you after a few procedures.

Copper also has a restorative property and deafness. If you put one coin worth 2 kopecks on a bone that is slightly convex and is located behind the ear, and the second with reverse side, then deafness will gradually begin to go to "no". If it seems to you that your ears are pounding, then the coin should be placed on the back of the neck.

If you have sinusitis, then copper will also help to recover. It is enough to put small coins on your eyes during sleep, preferably all night.

If you feel pain in the region of the heart, then you need to put a copper coin in the subclavian fossa. If the coin sticks to the skin, then you will need to wear it like that for about 10 days, securing it with a shepherd. It will not be possible to remove it even at night. In this case, the pain will disappear. The same method should be used to improve health after a heart attack. In case of ischemia of the heart, the coin will need to be applied to the collar area, fixing them there for at least 4 days.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, copper coins are also used. In this case, it would be better if you have two of them. One will need to be placed with an edge on the anus, and the other will need to be clamped between the buttocks. Be sure to make sure that the coins do not touch each other.

In the case of uterine fibroids, coins should usually be applied to the abdomen all night.

Also copper indispensable assistant at diabetes, since it, like nothing else, can activate insulin in the blood. Therefore, if you are treated with copper, it will be possible to reduce the prescription of insulin to a minimum or completely abandon it.

If you have, then copper will also help you, as it can really calm the nervous system.

copper water

Since copper is a good tonic for the spleen and liver, it is advised to drink two teaspoons three times a day.

To prepare it you will need:

  1. Take a couple of pure copper plates
  2. Put them in an enamel bowl filled with 1.5 liters of water
  3. Boil exactly until at least half of the water has boiled away.