Copper treatment. Copper - useful and healing properties. Therapy with copper wire and cupping

Copper treatment- medical treatment (the use of copper in the treatment of diseases) goes into deep antiquity.
The writings of the ancient healers Aristotle, Hippocrates, Al-Biruni, Galen, Paracelsus, Avicenna indicate the treatment of bruises, skin diseases, ulcers, cholera with copper plates. Hippocrates used copper for inflammation of the tonsils and.
Ancient medical book states that the application of copper cures rabies. In epilepsy, it was used in the form of rings, necklaces, and the patient was given to hold objects made of this metal in his hands during a seizure.
A Byzantine medical treatise of the 11th century advises, in case of an abscess of the spleen, to use alum along with copper water, where iron should be lowered; women smear eyelids, so that the eyes do not water, with burnt copper with milk or honey; with an old thorn and moisture in the eyes, use crushed and dried copper filings with vinegar with food.
In Syria and Egypt, copper bracelets are still worn to newborns to prevent rickets and seizures.
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Medical treatment

Healing properties of copper

Scientific research of the treatment method

  1. In 1958, a group of doctors determined that metals, especially copper, could be used for diagnostic purposes. However, only a specialist can carry out diagnostics, since special knowledge of acupuncture is needed (about points on the surface of the skin where internal organs are projected).
  2. The most in-depth studies of medical treatment at one time were carried out for a long time in the clinic of the Donetsk Medical Institute. When examining patients, it was found that copper ions penetrate the skin, forming compounds that cause a disinfectant effect. In addition, the formation of leukocytes responsible for maintaining immunity is activated, and after metal treatment defensive forces increase in the body. By the way, scientists have long noticed that copper discs become thinner and wear out if they are often applied to wounds.
    For example, a girl suffering from conjunctivitis was cured in the clinic: penny coins were regularly placed on the corners of her eyes. The woman, in whom doctors found a focus of infectious arthritis on her arm, was also subjected to medical treatment. After that, the hand swelled up a little, but after a while the disease disappeared.
  3. About 15 years ago, British scientists proved for certain that copper utensils greatly reduce the risk of microbial infections. It is probably no coincidence that our ancestors drank tea from copper samovars, ate food from copper bowls. But stainless steel dishes, which are considered hygienic, are actually a breeding ground for germs. It is not possible to expel these harmful settlers from its microscopic cracks even with a brush. Unless a strong antiseptic can handle it here. Bacteria is the culprit intestinal infections- lives on a "stainless steel" for several months, and dies on a copper surface after 14 hours.
    Few people now meet dishes from healing metal, however, coins and plates from it can still serve well.

Copper in folk medicine

This metal has been used in traditional medicine for a long time. Behind a long period treatment with copper, it has been established that on your own, without consulting a specialist, you can be treated with copper for bruises, neuralgia, which have the character of "flying pain".
Why is the topic of copper coins so acute when there are a lot of pharmacies and patent medicines around? Yes, there are simply things to which the power of time does not apply. Many unconventional methods effective treatment passed from mouth to mouth, through healers and fortune-tellers, developed, reached the “polished” to the present time.

  • copper is attached to the sore spot with a bandage or plaster. It is recommended to remove the bandage at night.
  • Copper can be used for pain in the heart. The coin is fixed with a plaster in the subclavian fossa and is not removed for 10 days.
  • With uterine fibroids, coins are placed on the lower abdomen.
  • Tinnitus is eliminated by applying metal to the neck (from the spine).
  • For the treatment of deafness, two copper coins are used: one is applied to the outer ear canal, and the other - to the convex behind the ear bone. Both coins are fixed with a plaster.
  • Metal is also used for concussion. A copper disc (approximately 40 x 4 mm) is taken and placed in place of the bruise. Vomiting stops soon, nausea subsides, disappear headache and dizziness.
  • If a child suffers from bedwetting, this method is suitable: a three-kopeck coin (copper) should be placed on the left subclavian region to calm the nervous system. The second same coin should be put on the bladder. Treatment - 10 days.
  • Obtaining "copper water". Copper plates must be treated with emery, boiled and put in drinking water. Such water has a beneficial effect on various processes that have a healing effect on the body.


  1. It must be borne in mind: in the treatment of bruises in the first hours, metal can cause something like an aggravation. But then there is a noticeable relief.
  2. Like any method, the use of metal has its own reverse side. If you keep it on the affected area for too long, then pain, redness and even ulcers appear.
  3. After each use, the coins should be placed in salted water for several minutes, then rinsed with plain water.
copper for treatment

Scientific explanation of the method

There is nothing supernatural in copper treatment: diseased tissue has negative charge, copper is positive. Particles of metal themselves are looking for a diseased organ, being attracted to it. Sometimes a sticky disk changes its location on its own. Due to the different polarity of the bioelectric fields, a driving force arises on the skin surface. Sometimes, it seems that the copper disk has chosen the wrong place that hurts. In fact, it was simply applied not to where the focus of the disease was located, and the body itself corrected the position of copper.

What metal to use?

The necessary "coppers" in the country were made until 1961. This alloy consisted of 95% copper, 5% aluminum, and the copper used with the MV-1 brand has wonderful healing properties. At one time, foreigners quickly "saw through" this, and therefore massively and expensively bought up Soviet copper money, taking them with them as souvenirs. Coins of an earlier (“Nikolaev” and others, as shown in one of the pictures) and later release are ineffective in treatment, as they contain other metals (their grades) and alloys.

Combination of treatments

It is often very difficult to eradicate the disease with one method (especially if it is serious or "old"). Therefore, while doing medical therapy, do not forget this.

  1. Drink to calm infusions,. The broth is prepared as follows: take 20 g of chopped herbs in a glass of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. Drink 4 times 100 g daily.
  2. Well helps with nausea infusion of mint. It is prepared similarly to the recipe with lemon balm, but you do not need to cook, just insist. And drink it in 10 drops - nausea will disappear instantly.
  3. disinfectant and antimicrobial agent is mint oil. Use it for rinsing - 3 drops in a glass of water.
  4. For headaches, rub your temples with menthol pencils.
  5. Medetherapy, a treatment with copper, goes well with sea buckthorn medicines. In folk medicine, sea buckthorn oil is recommended to speed up healing. skin. Sea buckthorn decoctions, infusions can be taken for diseases digestive organs. The recipe is very simple: Art. l. - in a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, insist for an hour, drink 20 g 3 times daily. In parallel with this, it is good to attach to sore spots copper coins(plates) and wear for 5-6 days.


Recipes traditional medicine most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an adjunct to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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Someone must have heard about the treatment of joints with copper, and maybe tried to be treated with it. Most often, copper is used for applications, simply put, it is applied to diseased joints, and if it does not relieve you of pain at all, then at least will make it much easier.
For the treatment of joints, copper circles with a diameter of 0.5 cm and a thickness of not more than 1 mm are used. Pre-revolutionary coin copper penny for the treatment of joints is very suitable. Firstly, it has the right size, and secondly, in tsarist times, copper coins were made from copper.
However, Soviet penny coins are quite suitable, but not all, but those that were issued before the sixty-first year. These coins were produced from MAG-1 alloy (copper-aluminum alloy). Instead of coins, you can use square copper plates, five centimeters wide. Such a plate can be made of different grades of vacuum copper: MB, MOB, MOO, MG. This technical copper is used by both electronics engineers and electricians, and, by the way, artists who are engaged in chasing.
Before starting treatment, cut off the desired piece of foil with scissors, and round off its corners. If your skin is delicate, stick around the edges with adhesive tape or blue electrical tape - now they will not hurt your skin for anything. Oh, and one more thing: do not throw away the scraps that are left, we will need them.

How to treat joints with copper?

Now let's talk about how to carry out copper treatment itself. Professional healers impose copper circles on those points that are connected with the diseased organ. These are the same points that are used in acupuncture. Here, healers stick copper on them with adhesive plaster for 1.5-2 hours, but sometimes copper mugs remain on a person from 8 hours to 5 days.
If copper is kept on the body for less than 2 hours, then the session will have to be repeated for 10 days, and besides, the copper patch should be changed every 2 days. And as 10 days pass, take a break for a week - and all over again.
First of all, copper is applied directly to the sore spot and exactly as much as you like to hold it. The fact is that an experienced bioenergetician in no time finds a hole in the patient's biofield in a sick place. And in this place, the energy of a person flows away, that is, to pain, constant weakness is added.

How does copper help with joint pain?

Copper, as you know, conducts electricity remarkably, and therefore it is from it that a patch can be applied to the biofield. Of course, you can build such a little box of both gold and silver, because they conduct electricity even better.
Well, many people say that it is worth putting copper on a sore spot, and it immediately becomes so pleasant, as if you were just waiting for this, the main thing is that the pain either passes or weakens so much that a person can finally sleep, his strength restore. At the same time, copper treatment will not interfere with your daily activities during the day. Here, let's say, a rib is broken, and then you can first fix the copper at the fracture site with adhesive tape and on top - tight underwear. If the ligaments are stretched or dislocated, copper foil is placed under the tire, which makes the limb immobile, and in case of a fracture, copper is applied over the plaster.
I must also say that the matter does not end with one patching of the biofield. Smart our body absorbs particles of copper through the skin, moreover, exactly as much as it needs. After all, every day an adult organism spends several milligrams of copper for its needs and has long since learned to give signals “a lot”, “little”, “just right”. Let's say, a person happened to inhale copper dust or its vapors - copper fever immediately begins in him: cough, sneeze, runny nose, fever.
When copper enters through the skin, even these symptoms can be dispensed with. In these cases, the body signals the appearance of sweat under the foil or an itching sensation. In general, as it itched under the copper, it's time to take it off. Interestingly, whatever the cause of the ailment, the body always takes copper treatment. And as soon as it is applied to a sore spot, our wise body immediately begins to absorb metal (a black film forms on the metal, and in no case should it be cleaned off). Wait until a feeling of itching appears under the foil, and after waiting, be patient a little - let the body accumulate copper for future use. When it seems to you that you should not endure further (learn to understand the clues of your body), remove the copper. Under it you will see a green spot, and this spot will sit in the place where your sore lurked.
Now let's deal with what happens when the copper compress is removed. If the final cure has not yet occurred, the pain will return after all not earlier than in a few hours. The green spot formed under the copper does not need to be washed or washed off, after a while it will resolve itself. After all, this is also copper, so the body will absorb it. When the stain disappeared and the pain returned, copper compress can be set again.

Copper for treating back pain

By the way, putting copper foil on the joints is not difficult at all, much more difficult is the case with pain in the spine. With pain in the spine, you must first of all establish the size of the place where the pain has settled, because a piece of copper foil should cover the sore spot by five centimeters in length, and it should be twenty centimeters in width. Then the action of copper will spread not only to the diseased part of the spine, but also to active points around her.

In ancient times, it was believed that healing effect copper is primarily associated with its immediate analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Russian peasants put pennies on the stiff places, and this was the most effective in the treatment of radiculitis, polyarthritis and tonsillitis.

Even Aristotle wrote that applying copper to a bruise prevents a bruise and that copper treats swelling, and that copper plates should be applied in the treatment of ulcers. IN Ancient Greece copper was used to treat deafness and inflammation of the tonsils. In France, hearing disorders are still treated with copper. In the old days, doctors noted that people wearing a copper cross were less likely than others to get cholera during epidemics. To prevent rickets, children wore copper bracelets.

copper plays key role in the metabolism of all living organisms, starting from the simplest cell. It is part of several dozen biological catalysts - enzymes. Life is impossible without them. That is why biologists called copper "the metal of life." Directly or indirectly, copper is involved in most metabolic processes and is their main regulator.

The slightest lack of copper in the body can cause many diseases. Here is a far from complete list:

    Anemia; bronchial asthma; bronchitis; vitiligo; glaucoma; muscular dystrophy; impotence; cardiac ischemia; myopathy; neuritis; osteoporosis; psoriasis; diabetes; Menkes syndrome; toxicosis of pregnancy (preeclampsia); pulmonary tuberculosis; schizophrenia; epilepsy.

The formation of hemoglobin is impossible without copper ions. Therefore, one of the main functions of copper is hematopoietic.

For real medicinal properties copper in our country began to be studied by engineer N. M. Safonova since 1958. And since 1975, doctors began to use copper and silver discs in the treatment of various diseases.

On February 19, 1982, Safonova spoke at the Institute of Balneology with a summary of the results of her work: bactericidal agent, activates water and mineral metabolism improves sleep, calms the central nervous system, activates the action of insulin in the blood, enhances leukocyte functions. Copper application absorbs benign tumors(seal mammary gland, uterine fibroids, mastitis, etc.), cures tuberculosis, all inflammatory processes in organism ( chronic otitis media, Chronical bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, inflammation Bladder, inflammation of the kidneys, lungs, sinusitis, infectious arthritis, nephrolithiasis, cholecystitis, polyarthritis, diabetes, skin diseases and etc.). Heals sciatica follicular conjunctivitis, injuries of various origins, cardiovascular system(heart, veins, thrombophlebitis), improves post-infarction condition, gastroenterological diseases (i.e. diseases gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis, colitis). The application of copper restores hearing, relieves tinnitus, cures tendovaginitis, postoperative hernia, hemorrhoids, cold abscesses, improves postoperative conditions, treats rheumatoid arthritis».

For medical treatment, coins issued before 1961 are used (in which, by the way, there is also aluminum involved in the formation bone tissue) and red copper plates 50 mm wide and 10 mm thick. To obtain a greater effect, before use, they must be calcined on fire, cooled and cleaned with sandpaper. Disks prepared in this way are superimposed on painful areas for a period of 6 hours to 3 days. The disks are fixed on the skin with adhesive tape. Copper can be simply bandaged to a sore spot. If the location of the overlay is found inaccurately, the copper under the bandage will move to the right place. (From the point of view of chemistry, this is explained by the violation of the biological potential under the influence of the disease, which is leveled out under the influence of copper).

After removing the plates, the skin under them is washed warm water with soap. As a rule, the course lasts from 3 to 20 days.

However, medical treatment does not help everyone. There is an easy way to determine if it's right for you. this method treatment or not. To do this, you need to attach a copper coin or disk to the skin. If copper adheres well to the skin and for a long time is held on it, which means that it suits you as remedy.

Copper applications

Copper plates have an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Copper salts formed in the body are extremely toxic to fungi, measles bacteria, cholera, and some viruses.

The plate application method can be used in the treatment of people of any age, pregnant women. The metal is applied for several days, then they take a break for two weeks, then they are applied again.

For a headache, attach a 5-kopeck copper coin to the most painful place (on the forehead, temples or back of the head); As a rule, the pain goes away after 15-25 minutes.

If the throat hurts, the tonsils are inflamed, the upper Airways, coins or plates are applied to the neck in the area of ​​​​the tonsils at night. The throat is tied with a warm scarf or scarf.

For pain after a broken bone, it is very good to use copper coins before 1961.

When bruised, it is necessary to put coins on it.

As a result of bruising of the legs, thrombophlebitis often occurs. To avoid them, you need to put copper coins in the shoe under the stocking (or sock).

Attachment copper plates ok and coins to postoperative scars promotes rapid resorption of adhesions, normalizes muscle activity, eliminates postoperative hernia.

Copper heals well varicose veins veins. The coins should "stick" to the leg and should be worn until they roll under the heel.

For pain in the shoulders, you need to take a woolen rag, soak it in gasoline, put it on a sore spot, and press it firmly on top with a heated copper plate, plate or large coin. Do this procedure for three days, and the pain will disappear.

Copper cures deafness. To do this, one two-kopeck coin must be stuck on a convex bone behind the ear, the other - to the ear, from the side of the face. During the treatment, the coins are applied as they adhere to the skin. When knocking in the ears, a coin is applied to the back of the neck.

In the case of sinusitis, it is necessary to impose small copper coins on the eyes at night.

For heart pain, place a copper coin in the subclavian fossa. If the coin adheres to the skin, wear it for 10 days, fixing it with a plaster and not removing it even at night: the pain disappears. The same method of treatment is used to alleviate the post-infarction condition. At coronary disease copper coins should be placed on the collar area and kept for 4 days.

Copper coins cure hemorrhoids and stop hemorrhoidal bleeding. For this you need two. In this case, one coin must be placed edge-on directly on anus, and hold the second coin higher, between the buttocks, but so that the coins do not touch each other.

With uterine fibroids, copper coins are applied to the lower abdomen at night.

Copper helps with diabetes because it activates the action of insulin in the blood. Therefore, using slow therapy, you can reduce insulin prescriptions or completely abandon it.

The use of copper calms the nervous system, helps with insomnia.

Copper dissolves all benign tumors, heals burns after X-ray exposure.

Copper is a good pain reliever for the deposition of oxalate kidney stones.

copper water

Copper is an excellent tonic for the liver, spleen, lymphatic system. For this purpose, drink two teaspoons of copper water 3 times a day for a month.

Copper water is prepared as follows: wash several copper plates of chemically pure copper or two copper pieces of imperial coinage in lime water, then put in an enamel bowl and pour 1.5 liters of water. Boil until half of the water has boiled away.

The last years of the 20th century are characterized by the search for specific ways treatment. Modern drug therapy led to new diseases. One of non-specific ways treatment - copper treatment.

ABOUT healing properties people have known copper for a very long time. In ancient India, it was used to treat diseases of the skin and eyes. Recipes for various "copper medicines" were in the arsenal of doctors around the world. Even Aristotle and Galen knew about metal therapy. Aristotle wrote that applying copper to a bruise prevents a bruise, and that "something" is acting here besides the cold of copper, that copper cures swelling, and that when treating ulcers, copper plates are placed on them.

In ancient Greece, copper was used to treat deafness and inflammation of the tonsils. Great Avicenna after prompt removal purulent tonsils recommended rinsing the mouth with cooled water and vinegar, and then applying blue vitriol to the wound. Doctors ancient east treated bone fractures with red copper powder, which was taken orally and washed down with water or milk.

In Russia, copper has also long been used for treatment. She treated radiculitis, polyarthritis, bruises and bone fractures, epilepsy and many other diseases, even cholera. And not in vain. It was noticed that in the terrible years of cholera, workers in copper foundries, as well as those living near warehouses with copper, did not get sick with cholera. Barge haulers on the Volga, in order not to get sick with cholera, put copper nickels under their heels and wore copper crosses.

Copper relieves inflammation, soothes pain, accelerates the maturation of abscesses, helps to avoid infectious diseases, stimulates the body's defenses. In contact with the skin, it has a local bactericidal effect.

When exposed to copper discs, leukocyte activity increases. Copper heals quickly. If in the evening with pneumonia heat, then after the imposition of copper coins, the temperature returns to normal by morning.

Copper dissolves all benign tumors. Many sick women with fibromas, tumors of the breast recovered after applying the coins.

Copper is good for cardiovascular system: if the heart hurts, then the coins are placed in the subclavian fossa. Attach plates and wear around the clock throughout the day. After 10 days, the pain may stop.

As a result of bruising of the legs, thrombophlebitis often occurs. To warn him, copper coins are placed in a shoe, under a stocking.

Copper coins cure hemorrhoids and stop hemorrhoidal bleeding, because they have good impact in the veins around anus. One coin should be placed with an edge directly on the anus, and the second coin should be clamped higher between gluteal muscles but in such a way that they do not touch each other. At chronic disease need to repeat courses at night.

Copper heals well chronic diseases: otitis media, sinusitis, tracheobronchitis. With sinusitis, you need to apply penny coins (sometimes they are even large). When tracheobronchitis is applied to the neck (copper should not be used before the doctor's diagnosis, because the picture of the disease changes very quickly and the doctor cannot establish the correct diagnosis).

To cure deafness, one 3-kopeck coin is applied to the bulge of the bone behind the ear, and the other to the ear from the side of the face.

Copper activates the action of insulin in the blood. Therefore, using slow therapy, you can reduce insulin or completely abandon it.

When using copper, the nervous system calms down, insomnia disappears. Copper invigorates the body. Copper reduces headaches if it is applied to sore spots (forehead, temples, back of the head) for 15-20 minutes.

Treatment with copper facilitates the post-infarction condition, and in case of a heart attack, copper is applied to the subclavian region.

The treatment uses the application of copper plates. The plates are made of red copper. These are thin, well-polished copper circles of various diameters, superimposed when various diseases on the corresponding BAP (biologically active points).

You can use plates or coins ranging in size from 1 to 8 cm in diameter, 1-3 mm thick. To obtain a greater effect, before use, they must be calcined on fire, cooled and cleaned with sandpaper. Disks prepared in this way are superimposed on painful areas for a period of 6 hours to 3 days. The disks are fixed on the skin with adhesive tape. After crushing the plates, the skin under them is washed with warm water and soap. Usually the course of medetherapy lasts from 3 to 20 days. It is noticed that the effect is higher when the plate is attracted by the skin, which under the plate acquires greenish color. Folk healers It is believed that if there is adhesion of the skin to copper, copper can be used for treatment, if not, copper is useless.

In everyday life, copper can be applied to a sore spot and simply bandaged. If the overlay is not chosen accurately, the copper under the bandage will move itself to the right place. (Chemists explain this by a violation of the biological potential under the influence of the disease, which levels out under the influence of copper.)
According to the observations of Professor F. N. Romashov, carried out in 760 patients with various diseases, applications of copper discs and plates had analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. Copper salts formed in the body are extremely toxic to fungi, cholera bacteria, and some viruses. The bacteriological effect of copper is widely used for water sterilization, treatment of inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa and eyes.

No need to try to take copper plates larger and thicker. They can accidentally get poisoned. In this case, vomiting, convulsions and general weakness. Be attentive to the recommendations. If possible, consult with your doctor.

Treated with copper and bone fractures, bruises, abscesses.

Traditional medicine recommends using blue vitriol as part of an ointment prepared as follows: 20 g of spruce resin, one pounded onion, 15 g blue vitriol, 50 g vegetable oil(preferably olive). Mix everything, grind thoroughly and heat to a boil. The resulting ointment has a burning effect and heals well.

It is difficult to find a better and absolutely harmless remedy than copper - the metal of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. She doesn't take pictures of everyone. pain syndrome, but where by nature itself it is intended to heal, it has no rivals. Radiculitis, lumbago, backache, sciatica - these diseases are healed by copper atoms penetrating into the skin.

The ancient Greek scholar Aristotle wrote that applying copper to a bruise prevents a bruise. Copper relieves puffiness, and copper plates help in the treatment of ulcers.

In ancient Greece, copper was used to treat deafness and inflammation of the tonsils. In France, in our time, hearing disorders are treated with copper.

Copper, according to the peasants, helps with fractures. For this, shavings from old copper coins were eaten with bread.

In the Vologda province, copper filings were taken orally with bread for the speedy fusion of broken bones; in addition, copper scraped with a knife was drunk from a hernia.

In medical treatment, coins issued before 1961 are used, copper plates 50–60 mm wide and thick in a ratio of 1:10. Copper is applied vacuum MV, MOV, MOO, MG. Best of all MV, but sheet, not a bar. The size of the coin or plate is taken such that the metal fits snugly against the skin. Taking advantage of medicinal purposes metal, it is periodically fired or moistened with saline.

About copper bracelets, facilitating articular and muscle pain in the hands, many have heard. They are easy to make according to your own measurements from sheet copper (thickness 0.5 - 1 mm). Good result They also give anklets. Pure electrolytic copper is especially suitable for this purpose, but ordinary wire is also suitable, and the thicker the better. Wrapped with one or two coils around chest or lower back, it will relieve the suffering caused by intercostal neuralgia and sciatica.

It has been established that the application of copper reduces temperature, relieves pain, has a hemostatic effect, is a strong bactericidal agent, activates water and mineral metabolism, improves sleep, calms the central nervous system, and activates the action of insulin in the blood.

The application of copper resolves benign tumors (breast hardening, uterine fibroids, mastitis, etc.), cures tuberculosis, all inflammatory processes in the body (chronic otitis media, chronic bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, inflammation of the bladder, inflammation of the kidneys and lungs, cholecystitis, diabetes, skin diseases, etc.). It cures sciatica, injuries of various origins, improves post-infarction conditions.

Copper discs are placed on the projection of the diseased organ on the skin.

In case of a heart attack, copper coins should be placed in the subclavian region (fossa) and checked for adhesion. If there is a clutch, you need to wear it around the clock (covered with a plaster) for 10 days. The pain disappears. In case of coronary heart disease, copper applications can be applied to the collar region for 4 days.

If your hands often hurt, you need to put on thin mittens at night, putting a piece of real copper in them, or a copper wire compressed into a lump. Already on the second day the pain subsides.

If, during pneumonia at night, coins are applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lungs, the temperature will drop by morning.

As a result of bruising of the legs, thrombophlebitis often occurs. To warn him, you need to put a copper coin in the shoes under the stocking.

Copper is good for treating varicose veins. The coin should stick to the leg, as it were, and you need to wear it until it rolls under the heel.

To cure uterine fibroids, coins should be applied to the lower abdomen.

Copper coins cure hemorrhoids. In this case, the coin should be placed with an edge directly on the anus, and the second coin should be clamped higher with the gluteal muscles, but so that they do not touch each other.

With sinusitis, you need to put penny coins on your eyes at night.

Copper cures deafness. To do this, one 2-kopeck coin must be attached to the convex bone behind the ear, and the other to the ear from the side of the face. During the treatment, the coins are applied as they adhere to the skin.

When knocking in the ears, a coin is applied to the back of the neck.

Since copper enhances the action of insulin, in the treatment of diabetes, you can reduce the dose of insulin.

For pain after a bone fracture, you can attach a copper coin of the 1961 issue, in which there is aluminum involved in the construction of connective and bone tissue. This will lessen the pain.

If you apply copper to the site of injury, the pain may temporarily increase, but then everything goes away.

The headache goes away in 15-20 minutes. after application to the forehead, temples, back of the head, 5-kopeck coins, depending on where it hurts.

In the old days, an ointment was used to treat corns, for the preparation of which one should drip candle fat on old copper nickels and leave for three days. During this time, a green ointment is formed on the nickels. It is applied to the calluses and a bandage is made.


Once I had a grain-sized lump in the lower eyelid of my left eye. I was very afraid of the operation. While contemplating what to do, the induration reached the size of a lentil and became very painful. I decided to try copper treatment.

In the first week I did 5 procedures (2 days of procedures, 1 day of rest, 3 days of procedures), in the second - 3 procedures (they were done every other day), in the third week - 6 procedures (3 days of procedures, 1 day of rest, 3 days of procedures ). Every time at ten o'clock in the evening I applied a copper plate (the diameter of a two-ruble coin and a thickness of 0.5 mm) to the sore spot of the lower eyelid and glued it with a bactericidal plaster, and in the morning I removed the plate. A hole formed in the eyelid through which the copper pulled the contents of the seal. And there were no traces left on the eyelid! Joy great, joy immeasurable! After all, I was so afraid of the operation!

I will tell you a few more stories of copper treatment. When barley appeared near my eye, before going to bed I put a copper plate on it, held it with my finger for thirty minutes. Then he removed the plate and went to bed. After waking up, there was still a slight swelling and redness on the eyelid. Once again I applied the copper plate for thirty minutes. And that's it - the barley has disappeared!

Once there was swelling and soreness wrist joint hands, movements became limited. I decided to treat with copper foil.
In the evening, I wrapped the joint with copper foil and secured it with a bandage. Removed the bandage in the morning. The course of treatment is as follows: I performed the procedure for 3 days, then - 1 day of rest and three more days of procedures.

The function of the joint was restored. In the same way, he cured his knee, which hurt so much that he could not move! Saved copper from osteochondrosis. And the pain in the lower back was such that it was impossible to fall asleep, and even at night he often woke up. Now I am writing and crying with happiness that everything ended well. The effect of copper treatment is simply amazing! Feel free to use it for treatment!

Gorokhov Vasily Petrovich,

.The application of copper reduces temperature, relieves pain, has a hemostatic effect, is a strong bactericidal agent, activates water and mineral metabolism, improves sleep, calms the central nervous system, activates the action of insulin in the blood, enhances leukocyte functions. The application of copper resolves benign tumors (breast hardening, uterine fibromas, mastitis, etc.), cures tuberculosis, all inflammatory processes in the body (chronic otitis, chronic, bronchopneumonia, inflammation of the bladder, inflammation of the kidneys, lungs, infectious arthritis, kidney stone disease, polyarthritis, diabetes, skin diseases and etc.). It cures follicular conjunctivitis, injuries of various origins, cardiovascular system (heart, veins, thrombophlebitis), improves post-infarction condition, gastroenterological diseases (i.e. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis, colitis). The application of copper restores hearing, relieves noise in ears , cures tendovaginitis, postoperative hernias, cold abscesses, improves postoperative conditions, treats rheumatoid arthritis.
For medical treatment, coins issued before 1961 are used (in which, by the way, there is also aluminum involved in the formation of bone tissue) and red copper plates 50 mm wide and 10 mm thick. To obtain a greater effect, before use, they must be calcined on fire, cooled and cleaned with sandpaper. Disks prepared in this way are superimposed on painful areas for a period of 6 hours to 3 days. The disks are fixed on the skin with adhesive tape. Copper can be simply bandaged to a sore spot.

If the location of the overlay is found inaccurately, the copper under the bandage will move to the right place. (From the point of view of chemistry, this is explained by the violation of the biological potential under the influence of the disease, which is leveled out under the influence of copper). After removing the plates, the skin under them is washed with warm water and soap. As a rule, the course lasts from 3 to 20 days. However, medical treatment does not help everyone.

There is an easy way to determine if a given treatment is right for you or not. To do this, you need to attach a copper coin or disk to the skin. If copper adheres well to the skin and stays on it for a long time, then it is suitable for you as a remedy. Copper plates have an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Copper salts formed in the body are extremely toxic to fungi, measles bacteria, cholera, and some viruses. The plate application method can be used in the treatment of people of any age, pregnant women. The metal is applied for several days, then they take a break for two weeks, then they are applied again. When attaching a 5-kopeck copper coin to the most painful place (on the forehead, temples or back of the head); As a rule, the pain goes away after 15-25 minutes. If the throat hurts, the tonsils are inflamed, the upper respiratory tract, coins or plates are applied to the neck in the tonsils at night. The throat is tied with a warm scarf or scarf. For pain after a broken bone, it is very good to use copper coins before 1961.

When bruised, it is necessary to put coins on it. As a result of bruising of the legs, thrombophlebitis often occurs. To avoid them, you need to put copper coins in the shoe under the stocking (or sock). Applying copper plates and coins to postoperative scars contributes to the rapid resorption of adhesions, normalizes muscle activity, and eliminates postoperative hernias. Copper heals well. The coins should "stick" to the leg and should be worn until they roll under the heel.

For pain in the shoulders, you need to take a woolen rag, soak it in gasoline, put it on a sore spot, and press it firmly on top with a heated copper plate, plate or large coin. Do this procedure for three days, and the pain will disappear. Copper cures deafness. To do this, one two-kopeck coin must be stuck on a convex bone behind the ear, the other - to the ear, from the side of the face. During the treatment, the coins are applied as they adhere to the skin. When knocking in the ears, a coin is applied to the back of the neck. In the case of sinusitis, it is necessary to impose small copper coins on the eyes at night. For heart pain, place a copper coin in the subclavian fossa.

If the coin adheres to the skin, wear it for 10 days, fixing it with a plaster and not removing it even at night: the pain disappears. The same method of treatment is used to alleviate the post-infarction condition. When copper coins should be applied to the collar area and kept for 4 days. Copper coins cure hemorrhoids and stop hemorrhoidal bleeding. For this you need two. In this case, one coin should be placed with an edge directly on the anus, and the second coin should be clamped higher, between the buttocks, but so that the coins do not touch each other. With uterine fibroids, copper coins are applied to the lower abdomen at night. Copper helps with because it activates the action of insulin in the blood. Therefore, using slow therapy, you can reduce insulin prescriptions or completely abandon it.

The use of copper calms the nervous system, helps with. Copper dissolves all benign tumors, heals burns after X-ray exposure. Copper is a good pain reliever for the deposition of oxalate kidney stones. Copper is an excellent tonic for the liver, spleen, and lymphatic system. For this purpose, drink two teaspoons of copper water 3 times a day for a month. Copper water is prepared as follows: wash several copper plates of chemically pure copper or two copper pieces of imperial coinage in lime water, then put in an enamel bowl and pour 1.5 liters of water. Boil until half of the water has boiled away.