Copper properties and use in medicine. We are treated with copper. Method of treatment with copper plates and coins

Aristotle and Gehlen also knew about metal therapy.
Aristotle wrote that applying copper to a bruise prevents bruising, and when treating ulcers, copper plates should be placed on the body.
IN Ancient Greece copper was used to cure deafness and inflammation of the tonsils.
In France, hearing disorders were treated with copper.
Modern science confirms the effectiveness of copper in clinical practice.
After all, it takes an active part in hematopoiesis and affects various metabolic processes in the body.
Copper preparation.
At home, copper in the form of applications is used as a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
It also stimulates protective forces the body, activates water and mineral metabolism, improves sleep, and exhibits a local bactericidal effect.
For treatment, round plates made of pure copper, two to three centimeters in diameter, should be used.
You can use 2-3 kopeck coins of the USSR before 1961, which contain a large number of copper
The treatment effect is enhanced if the plates or coins are polished and holes with a diameter of 2-7 mm are punched into them.
Before use, it is necessary to “temper” the copper.
To do this, the coin is heated in a frying pan for 10-20 minutes. Then allow to cool and clean with sandpaper.
Metal sensitivity test.
People react differently to metals. Therefore, you should first conduct a small test.
A “released” plate is placed on the cleanly washed skin.
If after 10-15 minutes the coin “sticks” to the skin, treatment can begin. If adhesion of the metal to the skin is not observed, then metal therapy cannot be performed.
Copper treatment method.
For most diseases, the same technique is used, only the metal from which the round plates are made changes.
Coins or disks are placed on the sheet in several rows in width and in a large number of rows in length.
The coins must lie next to each other.
The width of this copper applique should correspond to the distance between the shoulder blades in a standing position, and the length - the distance from the 7th cervical (protruding) vertebra to the beginning of the gluteal fold.
Then you need to carefully lie down on the prepared copper bed and lie motionless on it for 25-40 minutes.
When you get up, most of the coins will fall off.
Some will remain - “suck” to the skin of the back.
They need to be attached with a thin strip of plaster 3-4 mm wide (or two crosswise) and left for 3-5 days.
Then the coppers are removed and the skin is washed warm water with soap, lubricate with cream.
A good sign is the presence of greenish spots in the place where the coins were.
After 2-3 days the procedure is repeated. The course requires 10-15 applications.
Treatment of diseases with metals. Metal therapy.
1. For osteochondrosis and pneumonia, copper plates are taken.
2. For radiculitis - steel and copper plates.
3. For pain neurological origin And rheumatoid arthritis silver and steel plates are used.
4. When cardiovascular diseases copper coins placed in the subclavian fossa.
After 15-20 minutes the patient gets up.
If the coin sticks, it must be secured with an adhesive plaster and worn around the clock for 10 days.
5. For thrombophlebitis associated with leg bruises, you should put copper coins in your shoes under stockings (socks, tights).
The coins must be worn until they begin to roll under the heel.
6. For headaches, apply five-kopeck copper coins to the areas of pain (forehead, temples, back of the head).
The pain is relieved after 15-20 minutes.
Based on materials from the Appendix "Secrets of Traditional Healers".
In conclusion, I want to say that I used copper myself and recommended it to loved ones, especially for swelling, edema, hematomas, and there was always a positive effect.
Health to you!

In medicine, copper in the form of copper sulfate is also used as an antiseptic and astringent in the form eye drops for conjunctivitis and eye pencils for the treatment of trachoma. A solution of copper sulfate is also used for phosphorus burns to the skin. Sometimes copper sulfate is used as an emetic. Copper nitrate is used as an eye ointment for trachoma and conjunctivitis.

In 1893, the Swiss botanist Karl Nägel reported to the scientific world about his discovery - antimicrobial action copper and silver. Nägeli observed the death of microorganisms in water at concentrations of metals in it that were parts per million of the amount of solution, i.e. trace. These properties of copper and silver were called oligodynamic, from the Greek words "oligos" and "dynamis". Literally translated: “trace action.” Further research revealed that silver has the greatest oligodynamic effect. The effect of copper is 4-5 times weaker. But taken together, these metals greatly enhance each other’s properties. And the properties are not only antimicrobial.

Copper plays a key metabolic role in the metabolism of all living organisms, starting from the simplest cell. It is part of biological catalysts - enzymes. Life is impossible without them. That is why biologists called copper the “metal of life.” Directly or indirectly, copper is involved in most metabolic processes and is their main regulator.

The main biochemical function of copper in the body is its participation in enzymatic reactions as an activator or as part of copper-containing enzymes. The amount of copper in plants ranges from 0.0001 to 0.05% (on a dry matter basis) and depends on the type of plant and the copper content in the soil. In plants, copper is part of oxidase enzymes and the plastocyanin protein. In optimal concentrations, copper increases the cold resistance of plants and promotes their growth and development. Among animals, some invertebrates are richest in copper (molluscs and crustaceans contain 0.15-0.26% copper in hemocyanin). When supplied with food, copper is absorbed in the intestines, binds to the blood serum protein - albumin, then is absorbed by the liver, from where it returns to the blood as part of the ceruloplasmin protein and is delivered to organs and tissues.

Copper is a metal very important for life. The copper content in the human body ranges (per 100 g of dry weight) from 5 mg in the liver to 0.7 mg in the bones, in body fluids - from 100 μg (per 100 ml) in the blood to 10 μg in cerebrospinal fluid. And the total amount of copper in the adult human body is about 100 mg. Copper is part of a number of enzymes - tyrosinase, cytochrome oxidase, and stimulates the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow.

The daily intake of copper with food is 0.50-6 mg, of which only 30% is absorbed. The toxic dose of copper is more than 250 mg. Once in the body, the copper compound enters the liver, which is the main warehouse of this trace element. Copper is also concentrated in the brain, heart and kidneys, muscle and bone tissue. The richest in copper are champignons, potatoes, liver (especially halibut and cod), kidneys, egg yolk, whole grain, as well as oysters and cuttlefish. There is very little of it in milk and dairy products, so long milk ration may lead to copper deficiency in the body.

Small doses of copper affect the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body (lowering blood sugar), minerals(decrease in the amount of phosphorus in the blood) and others. An increase in copper content in the blood leads to the conversion of mineral iron compounds into organic compounds, stimulating the use of iron accumulated in the liver during the synthesis of hemoglobin.

A lack of copper in the body can cause the following diseases:

Bronchial asthma


Impotence with lack of sexual desire

Coronary heart disease




Toxicosis of pregnancy

Pulmonary tuberculosis


There is a particularly high connection between copper deficiency in the body and such “diseases of the century” as: coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes, myocardial infarction, obesity. Copper deficiency negatively affects mental and physical activity. The need for copper increases in children, pregnant women, elderly people, under stress, significant physical and mental stress.

In most cases, during pathological processes, the body responds to the disease by increasing the concentration of copper in the blood. In this case, deposited copper reserves from the liver are used. And although copper deficiency in the body is relatively a rare event However, if the disease drags on or becomes chronic, copper reserves are consumed and medical deficiency occurs. It is necessary to eliminate it by taking copper-containing drugs. If measures are not taken on time, the disease will begin to progress.

The healing properties of copper have been known since ancient times. In the old days they treated with copper helminthic diseases, epilepsy, chorea, anemia, meningitis. Copper can kill germs; Copper mill workers never suffered from cholera. Blacksmiths belted with copper wire never suffered from radiculitis. Used to treat joint pain and salt deposits ancient remedy in the form of a copper ring, which is worn on the finger for several months, pain is reduced and mobility in the joints increases. In the old days there was an original and simple way to treat fever. A red-hot Catherine coin made of pure copper was thrown into a vessel with hot water and gave the patient 1 tablespoon of this water to drink 3 times a day. Copper coins, balls and rings were placed in the hands of patients with epilepsy.

But it is worth emphasizing that in large quantities copper is very dangerous for the body. Copper poisoning leads to severe diseases - anemia, liver disease, Wilson's disease (copper disease or hepatocerebral dystrophy). Although copper poisoning is rare in humans due to the delicate mechanisms of absorption and elimination of copper from the body, in large doses copper causes vomiting. General copper poisoning may also occur (diarrhea, decreased breathing and cardiac activity, suffocation, coma). This should always be remembered when treating with copper. Therefore, before carrying out treatment with copper water, you must consult a doctor.

Copper treatment is widely used by modern official medicine. Microdoses copper provide beneficial influence on the heart - vascular system, promote water and mineral metabolism, calm the nerves.

ethnoscience also actively uses copper treatment.

Healing properties of copper

Copper plate applique lowers temperature, relieves joint inflammation, accelerates the maturation of abscesses, activates the action of insulin in the blood, has a hemostatic effect during bleeding, helps eliminate hernia, reduces the harmful effects of radiation, relieves pain from bruises, etc.

Microelements copper, like gold and silver have bactericidal properties. Therefore, it is used as an antiseptic to disinfect water. Copper water is useful for treatment inflammatory processes mucous membrane of the mouth and eyes.

Every day we should get about 2-3 mg of copper from food. Sufferers need a higher dose coronary disease hearts and those who have had myocardial infarction. In combination with copper increases immunity.

Role trace element copper is large in the human body. It is part of some enzymes and participates in many physiological processes, including the process of nail formation. To make your nails look attractive, you need quality manicure. Once you visit a private manicurist and pedicurist, you will certainly become a regular client of this specialist.

Copper participates in oxidation processes and provides us with energy and antioxidant protection, participates in education connective tissue: elastin, collagen and skin pigment melanin. In our body, copper is almost “related” to iron, and it is also actively involved in hematopoiesis.

Trace element copper found in animal products - lamb, veal, beef and pork liver. Seafoods rich in copper include octopus, oysters, shrimp, lobster, squid, crab, halibut and cod liver.

WITH plant foods Copper enters our body with beans, peas, nuts, cocoa, fresh boletus, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, and champignons.

Lemons, buckwheat and oat groats, black and wheat bread are also sources of this trace element.

There is copper in some medicinal plants, such as wormwood, yarrow, St. John's wort, oregano.

Copper is not destroyed during cooking. But when combined with milk, copper is not absorbed by the body. Shortage copper may occur among lovers of refined foods and a dairy diet. Its lack is evidenced by the causeless headache, fast fatiguability, irritability and Bad mood.

Lack of copper leads to the development of gout. If iron supplements do not help in treating anemia, it is worth combining treatment with medications copper or products with a high content of it.

Treatment with copper

The properties of copper are widely used in medicine. Often copper plates or coins are applied to biologically active points of the diseased organ. A coin or plate is bandaged, and, oddly enough, the copper itself “finds” the desired point and moves to it under the loose bandage.

This course copper treatment lasts 3-5 days. You should take thin plates of well-polished red copper or old copper coins (where to get them!).

  • if pain in the heart occurs, you should put a copper coin in the subclavian fossa;
  • for sore throat, coins are placed behind the ear, as well as at the place where the tonsils project onto the neck;
  • for sinusitis, apply coins to your eyes;
  • to improve hearing, attach one coin to the convex bone behind the ear, the other to the ear from the side of the face;
  • for uterine fibroids, attach a coin to the lower abdomen;
  • at varicose veins vein plates are applied to the venous nodes under a stocking or sock and held until the plate moves from the sore spot.

Contraindications for copper treatment

It should be understood that copper treatment not a panacea. Therefore, it is important to establish the root cause of the disease and eliminate it. Traditional medicine offers a simple method for determining whether it will help copper treatment

If the copper disk is easily held on the skin, and the color of the skin under it changes gradually, it means treatment copper will be effective. If there is no clutch, then copper treatment will cause unpleasant complications. It also happens that there is good grip on one part of the body, but not on another.

At internal use Without following the dosage, poisoning with copper salts is possible, such copper treatment can lead to anemia, liver damage, and the development of Wilson's disease.

Some people have probably heard about treating joints with copper, and maybe even tried it. Most often, copper is used for applications, simply put, they apply it to sore joints, and if it does not relieve you of pain at all, then at least will make it much easier.
To treat joints, copper circles with a diameter of 0.5 cm and a thickness of no more than 1 mm are used. The pre-revolutionary copper penny coin is very suitable for treating joints. Firstly, its size is suitable, and secondly, in tsarist times, copper coins were made from copper.
However, Soviet penny coins are quite suitable, just not just any coins, but those that were issued before the sixty-first year. These coins were produced from MAG-1 alloy (copper-aluminum alloy). Instead of coins, you can use square copper plates, about five centimeters wide. Such a plate can be made of different grades of vacuum copper: MB, MOB, MOO, MG. This technical copper is used by electronics engineers, electricians, and, by the way, artists who are engaged in coinage.
Before starting treatment, cut off the desired piece of foil with scissors and round the corners. If your skin is delicate, cover the edges with adhesive tape or blue insulating tape - now they will never hurt your skin. Yes, and one more thing: don’t throw away the scraps that are left, we will need them.

How to treat joints with copper?

Now let's talk about how to carry out copper treatment itself. Professional healers Copper circles are placed on those points that are connected to the diseased organ. These points are the same ones that are used in acupuncture. So, healers stick copper on them with an adhesive plaster for 1.5-2 hours, but sometimes copper mugs remain on a person from 8 hours to 5 days.
If you keep copper on the body for less than 2 hours, then the session will have to be repeated for 10 whole days, and besides, the copper patch will have to be changed every 2 days. And when 10 days have passed, take a break for a week - and start all over again.
First of all, copper is applied directly to the sore spot and only for as long as you feel comfortable holding it. The fact is that an experienced bioenergetics specialist quickly finds a hole in the patient’s biofield at a sore spot. And this is where a person’s energy flows away, that is, it also leads to pain. constant weakness is added.

How does copper help with joint pain?

Copper, as you know, conducts electricity remarkably well, and therefore it is from it that a patch can be applied to the biofield. Of course, you can build such a patch from both gold and silver, because they conduct electricity even better.
Well, many people say that as soon as you apply copper to the sore spot, it immediately becomes so pleasant, as if that’s all you were waiting for, but the main thing is that the pain either goes away or weakens so much that the person can finally sleep, using his own strength restore. At the same time, treatment with copper will not at all prevent you from doing your business during the day. For example, a rib is broken, and then you can first fix the copper at the fracture site with an adhesive plaster and a tight one on top underwear. If the ligaments are stretched or a dislocation occurs, copper foil is placed under a splint, which makes the limb immobile, and in case of a fracture, copper is applied on top of the plaster.
It must also be said that the matter does not end with just patching up the biofield. Our smart body absorbs copper particles through the skin, and exactly as much as it needs. After all, every day an adult body spends several milligrams of copper for its needs and has long ago learned to give signals “a lot”, “a little”, “just right”. Let’s say, if a person happened to inhale copper dust or its vapors, he immediately begins to experience copper fever: cough, sneeze, runny nose, fever.
When copper enters through the skin, it is possible to do without even these symptoms. In these cases, the body gives signals by the appearance of sweat under the foil or a feeling of itching. In general, as soon as it itches under the copper, it’s time to remove it. It is interesting that whatever the causes of the ailment, the body always accepts copper treatment. And as soon as you apply it to a sore spot, our wise body immediately begins to absorb the metal (a black film forms on the metal, and under no circumstances should it be peeled off). Wait until a feeling of itching appears under the foil, and after waiting, be patient a little - let the body accumulate copper for future use. When it seems to you that you can’t endure it any longer (learn to understand your body’s cues), remove the copper. Under it you will see a green spot, and this spot will sit in the place where your sore is hidden.
Now let's figure out what happens when the copper compress is removed. If the final cure has not yet occurred, the pain will return no sooner than after a few hours. The green stain that has formed under the copper does not need to be erased or washed off; after a little while it will resolve itself. After all, this is also copper, so the body will absorb it. When the spot disappeared and the pain returned, copper compress you can put it again.

Copper for treating spinal pain

By the way, applying copper foil to the joints is not at all difficult, but the situation with pain in the spine is much more difficult. For pain in the spine, you must first determine the size of the place where the pain has settled, because a piece of copper foil should cover the sore spot by five centimeters in length, and it should be twenty centimeters in width. Then the action of copper will spread not only to the diseased part of the spine, but also to active points around it.

Copper (Cuprum, Cu) is a soft metal of red color, pink in fractures, and greenish-blue in thin layers. In the presence of moisture, a green film forms on the copper surface.

Properties of copper. Copper has been known since ancient times and played a huge role in the development of the material culture of mankind. The Copper, and after it the Bronze Age, dating back to the 7th-1st millennia BC. e., a time when humanity actively used tools made of copper and copper alloys with other metals. Copper is widely used in industry, art and medicine.

Use of copper in medicine. In the ancient world, copper was perhaps the most popular metal in medical practice, since it was accessible even to the poor. The Aesculapians of antiquity were convinced of various beneficial properties this microelement. The ancient Greek doctor, poet and philosopher Empedocles wore copper sandals to improve his health; the great Aristotle called this metal an excellent remedy from swelling, bruises, contusions, and even during sleep I tried to hold a copper ball in my hand. Galen turned to medical therapy, and the famous Avicenna after surgical removal purulent tonsils advised to rinse your mouth cold water, in which vinegar is added, and then apply to the wound copper sulfate.

In the old days, Russian doctors noted that workers associated with the mining or production of copper did not suffer from this terrible disease during the years of cholera epidemics. Barge haulers who wore copper crosses or placed copper coins under their heels became infected with cholera and other diseases during epidemics. infectious diseases much less often. To prevent rickets and epilepsy, doctors advised children to wear copper bracelets. Honey therapy is still widely used today. Very often copper is applied to the corresponding diseases biologically active points. However, before using copper, it is imperative to clarify the diagnosis of the disease, since the application must exactly correspond to the diseased area. According to ideas oriental medicine pain points have a reduced electrical potential and allow current of the same sign to pass through. Therefore, the copper current itself selects the desired unhealthy point.

You can use copper plates or coins for treatment. If they are attached to the body, then they are fixed with a plaster and worn around the clock, even if a spot appears on the skin underneath them greenish color. Traditional healers They believe: if the coin does not adhere to the skin, then it is not recommended to secure it with an adhesive plaster, but copper can be applied to the sore area and bandaged, and even if it is not chosen exactly, the metal itself will move to the right place. Treatment can last a week or a month, but on average the course of therapy lasts 3-5 days. After removing the plates, the skin should be washed with warm water and soap.

When used in medicinal purposes You should not take massive, thick pieces of metal - it is better to use thin, well-polished plates or disks that are made of red copper. Most the best option- use coins from Peter’s times made of pure copper for treatment, but it is almost impossible to get these antiques. But you can find coins issued before 1961, for the production of which a copper-aluminum alloy (MAG-1) with a predominant copper content was used.

Copper has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. If pain in the heart occurs, it is recommended to place a copper coin or plate in the subclavian fossa.

Using a belt from copper wire Radiculitis and bruises are still being treated.

For sore throat, coins are placed behind the ear, as well as on the projection site of the tonsils on the sides of the neck. For sinusitis, you should apply copper coins to your eyes.

For tinnitus, coins are placed on the back of the neck. To improve hearing, one coin should be attached to the convex bone behind the ear, and the other to the ear on the side of the face.

For uterine fibroids, copper coins or plates are applied to the lower abdomen.

In case of varicose veins, copper is attached under a stocking or sock to the places where blood stars and swellings appear, holding until the plate slides off the sore spot. If, as a result of a bruise, a blood clot has formed on the leg, a coin should also be attached to the site of the bruise (but not to the site of the blood clot).

Honey therapy promotes water and mineral metabolism, improves sleep, and calms the nerves. Traditional healers believe that applications made from copper plates reduce temperature, relieve inflammatory processes in the body, including inflammation of the joints, accelerate the maturation of abscesses, relieve painful sensations. They are used to treat gynecological diseases, they activate the action of insulin in the blood, resolve benign tumors, have a hemostatic effect, improve the post-infarction condition, help eliminate a hernia, and reduce the harmful effect of radiation during irradiation. Copper, like gold and silver, has bactericidal properties, and therefore it is used as an antiseptic and for sterilizing water, which is useful for treating inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the mouth and eyes.

IN official medicine Copper is also used in cooking medicines. A solution of copper sulfate is useful for treating skin burns with phosphorus. Sometimes sulfate is used as an emetic. For conjunctivitis and for the treatment of trachoma, copper sulfate is used as an antiseptic and astringent in the form of eye drops and eye pencils. Copper nitrate, which is used in the form of an eye ointment, helps with these diseases.

The role of copper in the human body is great: it is part of some enzymes and is involved in many physiological processes, influencing metabolism and growth processes. Copper is involved in oxidation processes and provides us with energy, antioxidant protection, which prolongs our life, and participates in the formation of connective tissue - elastin, collagen and the skin pigment melanin.

Every day we should receive about 2 mg more from food, and with heavy loads - up to 3 mg of copper. Those suffering from coronary heart disease and those who have suffered a myocardial infarction need increased doses of the mineral. When paired with vitamin C, copper increases the body’s resistance to infections, and it itself actively destroys “bad” bacteria.

In our body, copper is almost a “kin” to iron, and it also actively helps hematopoiesis.

Copper is found in animal products - lamb, veal, beef and pork liver. Seafood rich in minerals: octopus, oysters, shrimp, lobster, squid, crab, halibut and cod liver. Our body “extracts” copper from beans, peas, nuts, cocoa, fresh boletus, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, champignons, as well as from lemon, buckwheat and oatmeal, black and wheat bread. There is a trace element in some medicinal herbs, such as wormwood, yarrow, St. John's wort, oregano.

The adult human body contains between 100 and 200 mg of copper, in contrast to gold and silver, which are found only in traces of these elements.

When cooking food, copper, as a rule, is not destroyed. It will not be absorbed by the body if foods rich in it are “adjacent” to milk in the diet: its protein casein prevents the absorption of this mineral.

Copper deficiency threatens lovers of refined foods and supporters of a dairy diet. Its deficiency is evidenced by causeless headaches, fatigue, constant irritability and bad mood. Its deficiency can lead to gout. If preparations containing iron do not help with anemia, then for better absorption it is necessary to combine it with copper preparations or foods with a high content of it.

Contraindications. It should be understood that treatment with copper does not help everyone and not always, therefore, in case of illness, it is important to establish its root cause and eliminate it, because if you influence secondary focus, then you can provoke a deterioration in the condition. Thus, for some, under the influence of copper therapy, heart pain can stop, sleep and mood improve, while for others, the condition worsens, irritability and anxiety increase.

Traditional medicine offers a simple method for determining whether copper treatment will help. If the copper disk is easily held on the skin, and the color of the skin under it changes gradually, then copper therapy will help. If there is no clutch, then medical therapy will cause unpleasant complications. It also happens that there is good grip on one part of the body, but not on another. This means that there is no need to apply copper to this place.

At internal use Without following the dosage, poisoning with copper salts is possible, which can lead to anemia, liver damage, and the development of Wilson's disease. An overdose causes vomiting; when copper is absorbed, general poisoning can occur (characterized by diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, suffocation, weakened breathing and cardiac activity, even coma). True, poisoning rarely occurs due to the subtle mechanisms of absorption and excretion of copper.