How to become an evil witch at home. Witchcraft in medieval Europe. Magic interaction - State - "Alpha"

The question of how to become a witch is of interest to those who want to master supernatural powers and do incredible things. In this article we will look at the main ways and practices that will make it possible to call yourself a real witch. Who is she and what is required for transformation - let's start studying.

Sorceress by birth

Despite the fact that witches have always been treated controversially, many turn to them for help in various life situations. In most cases, these are healers and clairvoyants.

Believers do not recognize such acts outside the rank, but people at all times treated them as minions of the devil.

Most often, witches are born, that is, special magical abilities can be passed on to them through their blood, thanks to which a woman at a certain moment begins to discover rare talents and skills.

Hereditary witches have the greatest power. They received this unique gift through their parents, and such magical abilities are transferred from mothers or grandmothers, that is, through the line of women. At the same time, the new witch will improve and develop the skills that her ancestors were able to master. If this is a family of real professional magicians, then from an early age the girl will be taught all the basic skills of managing her abilities, thanks to which she will be able to quickly develop.

People are also born a witch into a family where one of the parents was cursed.

At the same time, they can be developed independently if you put in some effort. In this case, you can use special rituals that are available for independent study.

Of course, training under the supervision of a real magician will be more effective, but not everyone can afford it. First of all, you need to understand that becoming a witch can take a long time and require painstaking work in studying special ancient knowledge.

Such girls, as is right, stand out greatly from the general background, and often the point here is not only in appearance, but also in the special energy that comes from such a person. If we take a more specific look at the external aspects, then it is immediately worth noting that many witches have eyes of different colors, and this may be a natural feature, or the use of special lenses with brown and green colors.

Many of these women have interesting birthmarks on their body, or it may be a large mole. They are usually called the “seal of Satan.” One of the main external features of witches is the preservation of their youth for a very long time, that is, for many years they look good and practically do not age.

Such a girl can also be identified by a specific look, which can be very strong and seasoned, and many of those who want to learn how to become a witch at home try to work with their look. Their personality type is completely introverted, which is why such a girl may seem a little unsociable. Despite her great energy power, the witch often pushes ordinary people away.

You need to understand that there are a large number of completely different witches in the world who specialize in different skills. Of course, with age they gain more experience and expand the range of their capabilities. The most powerful witches can, according to legend, transform into various animal forms, and also know how to adjust the weather, create and send quite powerful curses, or heal other people from their negative effects. The witch has almost direct access to other dimensions, from where she draws all her magical powers and skills.

Excluding hereditary talents, we will find out how an ordinary girl can become a witch.

Sometimes some witches give their skills to other women, passing on their powers by inheritance if they do not have offspring. For mutual agreement to transfer these powers, it is necessary to carry out a ritual of the so-called “confession”.

At the same time, sometimes the witch has no choice but to give her powers to a random girl before death, which is why she will begin to feel their manifestations over time. There is also a special set of rules for conducting a ceremony involving initiation into witches. You can learn and understand how to become a witch in real life on your own, but it will take a lot more effort and time.

To obtain all the necessary skills, it is advised to find a knowledgeable mentor who will not mind sharing his knowledge. Special books and recipes for various magical herbal drinks will also help here.

One of the most important qualities that girls who are interested in becoming a witch need to develop is the development of control over their own emotions and thoughts, because the path of a witch can be very dangerous and thorny. Here you must not lose your composure, so as not to become a victim of black magic, that is, you need to act with some caution. Also, a novice witch must be able to access her intuitive knowledge and other hidden energy resources.

In addition, the basic set of skills and talents of a witch includes skills such as dream interpretation, fortune telling by various methods, and necessarily perfect knowledge of the Tarot. The witch should be in nature as often as possible and, in particular, in the forest from where she can get her strength in order to further perform white or black magic. To find a faithful and intelligent assistant, a witch can tame one of the special pets.

A person who wants to learn magic should know that engaging in activities that harm the environment is condemned by all religions. But it’s possible to become a witch if you really want to. It is possible to become both a black and a good witch who practices white magic.

You can receive special psychic energy by using one of many special rituals, and you need to perform them sincerely, being ready for any test.

For girls who want to learn how to become a white witch, we can recommend one very powerful ritual that will fill her body with the necessary energy and develop skills. To do this, you first need to take a special bath, which will help you be reborn in a new look.

First you need to take four regular wax candles, as well as salt and incense. This ritual must be performed completely naked, because this is the only way new forces can fill the finished body. To create protection for yourself that will not allow evil forces to spoil your energy, you need to draw a circle on the floor using salt, standing right in the middle of it. Place candles on four sides of the circle and light them. Standing in the center, you need to keep your hands on your chest, asking the Goddess to allow the ritual to begin. Only after this can you, stretching your arms up, begin to pronounce a spell that sounds like this:

“I (woman’s name), speak to you, O Great Mother, my Goddess, and ask you for blessings and for your strength. Invest your energy in me and allow me to do the impossible so that I can do good for the benefit of all people!”

While reciting these words by heart, you need to imagine an energy ball in your chest, moving throughout your body and all limbs. The following is the second text of the conspiracy:

“My Great Mother, make me strong and put me on the witch’s path, so that I begin to learn all the wisdom of nature and the magical knowledge hidden within me. Give me the freedom to bring good to people!”

After this conspiracy, you need to bow four times on all sides, and the third conspiracy must be read in a whisper:

“From now on, being initiated, I become a real witch and will sacredly keep the common secret. I will carry these forces throughout my life and give them only to the worthy, to the one who, like me, will choose the path of good for herself! Let it be so!"

Some choose black magic for themselves because they see great power in it. In ancient times, as soon as a girl became a black witch, a devil was placed as her assistant, who followed her instructions and was her lover. After initiation, she studied dirty deeds: she caused infertility, bewitched and tormented neighbors, brought pestilence to livestock and spread diseases.

In any case, dark magic is dangerous not only for the victim, but also for the witch herself, so it is better to learn the rituals of how to become a black witch for interest and nothing more.

Rite of Passage under the Moon

Before becoming a dark witch, you need to wait for the full moon, which will feed the girls with its energy. The initiation ritual must be carried out in a cemetery if a woman wants to ultimately receive a truly very powerful force.

Everything needs to be done under the light of the moon, lighting a candle and holding it straight in front of you, spreading your arms in different directions. When the girl feels that she is filled with energy, she should pronounce the text of the conspiracy, which looks like this:

“With all the dead and sleeping, I call you, my Witness! I am not afraid to take the witch's path and am ready to accept these powers. I came for teaching and hidden dark knowledge. I will find out everything and gain true strength! Let it be so!"

After these words, one of the spirits will witness the reincarnation into a black witch, and he will be able to help in various situations.

Initiation ritual with washing

The initiation ceremony is best performed in a bathhouse during the full moon. You need to fill a basin with cold water and take an old broom into the steam room. At midnight, holding it in our hands, we say the words of the conspiracy, then we throw the broom into the oven and douse ourselves with cold water. Without talking to anyone, we go to bed. Spell on how to become a witch:

“I call upon the entity that bears witness to my teaching. Having washed myself with spring water, I will break all seven seals of this week. In return I will receive the wisdom of the Universe, the cunning of a fox, the speed of a lightning strike and knowledge of magical powers. The weapon in my hands defeats all enemies and I will be wrapped in protection on my path. Have you come, my witness? I give my word that I will be faster and stronger than my rivals. The fall of Satan from heaven in the form of lightning will become my teaching. Amen".

An ancient spell to become a witch

Another interesting way that will help you learn how to become a witch is a spell that works to attract special powers and talents. Before using it, you must keep a fairly strict fast for three days. To carry it out, you don’t have to undress and leave your house, you just need to stay alone in a room where no one will enter. Here the woman must light a lamp that will burn for the next forty days. After this period, you can come into the room and cast a spell in it, which sounds like this:

“My Almighty Lord, grant me the wisdom that was taken from Solomon. You died, but gave us all eternal life, so give me the secret of magic so that I can use it correctly. I call upon all divine and magical beings to appear! Reveal Theurgy, Tetragrammaton, take action and send me on the witch's path! I will be strong and nothing will disturb my peace and strength, so that I gain great wisdom! My spell begins to work and any fear in my path disappears. My whole body is full of new strength. Amen!"

To figure out how to become a good witch or an evil and dark one, you need, first of all, to gain a real and strong intention to do this. Not even the most powerful ritual will help if the future witch is not sure of what she is doing. That is why, before becoming a witch, videos and additional materials from literature can be very useful in setting yourself up for the right state. You need to understand that witches have their own lifestyle, which is associated to a certain extent with doom. All this must be understood and accepted in advance so that the spirits who bestow magical powers are convinced that they are sharing their talents with the right person.

In real life, any woman can become a witch, regardless of whether she has an innate gift or not. To join the ranks of magicians, you can use a variety of rites, rituals and spells. Even if a woman does not have people in her family who have this talent, she has the opportunity to learn magic on her own, to recognize and develop her abilities. To do this, you will have to make an effort and thoroughly prepare for the process.

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    Witch initiation ritual

    If you just cast the spell, nothing special will happen. A woman will not become the owner of a gift overnight. Before the ceremony, you must fast for three days, not drink alcohol, and clear your mind of negative thoughts. Before starting the ritual, you need to wash and put on clean clothes. It is important to soberly realize the degree of responsibility and understand that there will be no turning back. It is recommended to begin initiation with unshakable faith in success. Before acquiring magical abilities, you need to learn to control your emotions so that at the right moment you can restrain anger and other negative feelings and not harm the people around you.

      It is recommended to carry out the initiation ceremony on the river bank, but if this is not possible, you can become a witch without leaving the walls of your own apartment. To do this, you need to prepare the room in advance and purchase all the necessary attributes. You need to perform the ritual while in complete solitude and peace. The ceremony is carried out on the full moon, it is on such days that you can receive magical power.

      How to become a witch

      If there were witches or sorcerers in the family, then the gift is inherited. In any case, a woman can become the owner of superpowers on her own, having received power from another witch. This is done before the death of the witch. To transfer her abilities, a witch needs to touch a woman and cast a special spell. You need to try to find a real witch, usually such people are lonely - relatives and friends turn away from them.

      Just before her death, the witch experiences terrible torment. In order to die, she needs to transfer her abilities to someone. Close people are not eager to take over the gift, and therefore she is ready to transfer her witchcraft powers to anyone.

      Receiving the gift is only part of the story. You can't become a full-fledged witch overnight. After gaining the ability or undergoing the rite of passage, there is a lot of study and practice. If possible, you should turn to a person knowledgeable in this matter or start studying magic on your own: read relevant literature, collect miraculous herbs and plants.

      Ritual on Walpurgis Night

      The night of the great Sabbath occurs from April 30 to May 1. This date is ideal for becoming a real witch. The ceremony is carried out in a deserted place in a forest clearing, in an open field or on the bank of a river. The ritual can be performed either independently or together with women who have already undergone initiation into witchcraft. You need to make a fire; it should burn for quite a long time. Exactly at midnight, you need to stand with your back to the fire, turn your face to the west, remove all items of clothing and smear your body with a previously prepared witchcraft cream.

      Step-by-step instructions for preparing the cream:

  1. 1. Melt 30 g of dog fat and candle wax in a water bath, then add oil, water and mix everything thoroughly. 5 buds of scarlet roses are passed through a meat grinder, 50 g of dog fat and 10 g of beeswax, melted in a water bath, are added to them. Add 1 teaspoon of ashes and hair of a child up to one year old to the resulting mixture. All ingredients are mixed.
  2. 2. Finely chop the lemon zest, pour 100 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 hours.
  3. 3. After this, mix all the other ingredients.
  4. 4. Store the resulting mixture in a cool, dark room in a tightly sealed glass container.

After the ceremony, you will need to remove the ember from the fire and let it go out. Next, you need to throw it into a jar with the remaining cream and rub it with a wooden stick. The mass should take on the appearance of dark wax. The index finger is dipped into the resulting mixture and a pentagram or circle is drawn on the stomach. Then they walk around the fire thirty-three times, moving counterclockwise and reciting the spell:

“As water wears away stones, so I do in order to live well. This is what I truly desire: to gain magical power. What they don’t know, they don’t want. I live by this aspiration. I swear an oath with my word, but not with my thought. I leave the Master the right to control my own destiny. The big thing is passion for Him. Better death from Him than shame. Necessary evil is inevitable. Don't forget about death! I am also subject to her will. No one can escape death."

After this, they dress and keep the fire going until dawn.

How to become a witch at home

The bathhouse is the most suitable place for holding a rite of passage at home. If it is not possible to perform the ritual in a real bathhouse, you can use the bathroom. It is recommended to carry out the ceremony on Monday, at twelve o'clock at night. An old broom is an indispensable attribute. As soon as the clock strikes midnight, you need to pick it up and cast the following spell:

“I challenge you, an eyewitness of my teaching.

I'll douse myself with spring water,

I will turn the prints of the days of the week into ruins.

I will adopt the wisdom of the Snake, the grace of the Fox, the speed of lightning and all the wisdom and experience of King Solomon.

The sword in my hand serves as protection from enemies.

I will hide behind a canopy invisible to the human eye. I'll put on armor.

I see Satan falling from the vault of heaven like lightning.

That lightning is my knowledge. Let it be so! »

White magic

In order to become a white witch, you need to perform a special ritual. You will need salt and church candles. You need to draw a circle with salt and place candles on all sides of the world. Before entering the center of the circle, you need to wash your entire body using an herbal infusion or clean running water.

It is best to perform the ritual within the walls of your own home, while naked.

During the ritual, you need to fold your hands in a prayer gesture and turn to the Goddess, asking for her blessing. You need to focus on the process, driving away all extraneous thoughts. Candles are lit from the east and then clockwise. Then they light the incense and say the following spell: “I (name) turn to you, Queen of All That Is. Grant me your mercy, bestow upon me dedication and the possession of magical power to perform good deeds and deeds.” Afterwards you need to bow to all directions and say five times: “So be it, Amen! » Thank the higher powers and extinguish the candles counterclockwise, starting from the north.

Rituals without a spell exist, but they have very weak power. Therefore, they are not recommended for use with women who independently conduct the witch initiation ceremony.

Thanks to the fact that the media are making a fuss about the development of extrasensory abilities in humans, many people want to find them in themselves. Many women want to become a witch, read conspiracies, and try to influence their lives through magic. But only a small number of them actually want and strive to develop the power that a real witch possesses.

Nowadays the word witch is not associated with an old woman, who brews decoctions and arranges sacrifices, and with a successful, beautiful woman, endowed with considerable abilities that can open the door to a completely different, more comfortable life. But in the modern world there is very little magic left, and the reasons to take this path are already far from ideal.

Those who nevertheless decide to connect their lives with witchcraft will have to go through a long stage of training, which is accompanied not only by hard work, but sometimes even requires certain sacrifices. Each ritual or spell performed by a witch requires a huge amount of energy, and for some work there may well be a rollback on a much larger scale, which negatively affects the vitality resource.

Just wanting to become a magician is not enough; you need to learn this non-standard craft. The use of literature, which is presented in huge quantities on bookshelves, as a rule, does not give results, since due to the hype around mystical abilities, a lot of people have appeared who have proclaimed themselves gurus in this field. In fact, they are far from magic, but an incorrectly performed ritual according to their recommendations can cause enormous harm not so much to the person it is directed at, but to the witch herself who performed it. Therefore, for training, it is best to use old witch books, which describe not only ways to become a sorcerer, but also spells that have real power.

The concept of a witch can be viewed from different perspectives. So, in ancient Rus' the word meant that a woman knows more than other people. By the way, despite all the prejudices, witch rituals performed at temples never involved the sacrifice of people. Animals were used for this purpose, fruits or gifts to the Gods. The witches worshiped not Satan, but the Great Mother, who created the world and her son, Svarog. In total, there were 28 ancient Slavic gods.

Do men ever wonder how to become a witcher in real life? Of course, there are examples of representatives of the stronger sex who have strength, but there are much fewer of them. And the whole point is that magic is inherent in a woman from the very beginning, since only the fair sex can give life and is closely connected with nature. Therefore, it is much easier for a woman to develop her abilities than for a man.

How to become a witch

There are several options for how a woman acquires the gift of a witch:

How to acquire witchcraft skills yourself

The answer is simple - you can, but with a lot of effort.. Magic doesn’t come easy, of course, unless you are a hereditary witch. Let us consider in detail, step by step, how you can acquire a witch’s gift at home.

Despite the apparent simplicity, each stage is very important, since it is like a puzzle of the overall picture of becoming a witch.

White Witch

There are many rituals that allow you to undergo the rite of passage to become a white witch. The basis here is Wiccan magic, which is based on a close connection with nature.

Before the ritual, you should take a bath to cleanse your body and mind of negativity.

You will need 4 church candles, ordinary coarse salt and incense.

The ceremony must be performed completely naked with unbraided hair. We draw a circle around ourselves with salt so that the black forces cannot reach it. We place lit candles on each side. Only after this do we turn to the goddess to receive her blessing to carry out the ritual. Read the first spell:

« I, my name, address the Great Mother, the Creator of All Living Things, the Giver Goddess. I ask you to bless my dedication, and send me your blessing and grace to have the strength to accomplish pure and good deeds.”

Then imagine how a ball filled with energy begins to form in your chest. Pass it through your entire body and return to the starting point. Then read the second plot:

“Oh Great Mother, creator of All Living Things, Goddess - Giver, please push and strengthen me on the path of knowledge and acquisition of witch power, help me realize my strength, the wisdom of nature, the secrets of magic, step into the magical world, I promise to use the power for good.”

Then you need to bow to four sides and quietly read the third spell:

« I swear to be a real good witch, to sacredly keep the secrets given by you, I swear to keep my tongue from casting black spells, and to pass on the bestowed knowledge only to the worthy. Let it be like this!”

Black magic

If during the learning process it became clear that black magic is closer, then you will have to serve it. There is an old conspiracy that allows you to call yourself an assistant in gaining strength.

The ritual is carried out on a full moon, it is best to do it in a churchyard, thanks to which you can become a very powerful witch.

When you arrive at the churchyard, you need to do this: stand so that the moonlight hits you, put a burning candle in front of you. Spreading our arms to the sides, we read:

“Hear me, who have found their peace in this place, I call you as witnesses, I will not fear you, and when I leave I will not look back. Eternal peace to you, great knowledge to me. Just as granite on a grave is strong, so my spirit will not break in learning. Amen"

From this day on, you will not only become a black witch, but also find an assistant from the other world. For seven days you should not go to the cemetery, take or borrow anything from people.

Attention, TODAY only!


So, you have decided to practice Black Magic. Please note that black magic does not mean “evil” and does not belong to Satanism. You may have to deal with demons and spirits, but in the vast majority of cases you will not be required to make any sacrifices or similar rituals that threaten anyone other than your health, of course. But this does not mean that being a witch means wearing a broom, a pointed hat and using different flowers and herbs in home cosmetics. Everything is much more serious.

And since you yourself are embarking on this path, you must be aware of the danger of your choice. Witchcraft (I prefer this word rather than “magic”) should not be perceived as something fabulous and fantastic - it is a very real art, perhaps one of the most dangerous. There are several areas of witchcraft, conditionally they can be called active (creation of evocation rituals, influencing another person, etc.) and passive (creation of amulets, protective witchcraft, predictions, etc.). Active witchcraft is undoubtedly much more complex.

Witch Pyramid

The pyramid represents the initial stage of the formation of your witchcraft essence. That is: a person who does not practice magic, his spiritual part, is like a vessel with sawdust, where water is “dirt” from the reality around us, and sawdust is our building material from which we will build the witchcraft “I”. That is, we need to remove all the “water”, dry our sawdust, then construction can begin. Attention, the process of removing water and drying sawdust is not as fast as you would probably like. Be patient and persistent.

Let's return to the witchcraft pyramid, it consists of four simple rules: The Witch has a strong, resourceful, cunning mind and a lively, vivid imagination. Her imagination is the path to her wholeness. The witch never doubts her deeds and their results; her faith is stronger and more durable than anything standing in her way. The witch knows for sure that she will achieve her goal, there can be no doubt. Her will can pave the way through the earth into the underworld itself. Only one witch knows about her true power. Mystery envelops her and dresses her in impenetrable armor.

So, remember: The power of imagination, the power of faith, the power of will and the power of mystery. Light them in yourself and don’t let this fire go out. He will evaporate the “water” of worldly vanity. Only all four powers will open you to Witchcraft. Take your time. Secure the Pyramid inside you.

Train all four Forces every day. Try to vividly imagine vivid scenes in your mind, keeping as many details as clear as possible. Believe in yourself and your strength, test your faith. Tell yourself more often that you believe in witchcraft and ancient forces, believe that you can subjugate them and control them.

Train your will - set goals for yourself and achieve them (do not set impossible goals - this can cause a blow to your witchcraft consciousness).

Try to tell the truth (this is important), gently and quickly change topics in conversation, so that you can hide something without deceiving the person, learn to laugh off serious questions (again, without telling lies).

And one more thing: Secret means that no one, not even your closest people, knows about your new craft. Revealing the secret can completely deprive you of your witchcraft powers. Do not talk about witchcraft, do not use code terms, etc.

The result is the following: you no longer experience unnecessary fears, you will succeed, and if it doesn’t work out, then it will work out later, you will not give up on your goal, you are sophisticated and decisive. You are a terrible opponent and rival: dexterous, fast, hitting right on target, in the most vulnerable place. Is it really nice to change your character in this way already at the initial stage of practicing witchcraft? Imagine what will happen next...


Spells are words endowed with power, spoken mostly aloud. Spells are pronounced clearly and distinctly, preferably rhythmically and monotonously. All four forces must participate in the reading of the spell: while you read the spell, clearly imagine the result, visually imagine the witchcraft energy that helps you, believe in the success of your business (it is very important that there are no doubts), be ready to stand your ground until the last, feed the power your spell with your rage, anger, love, excitement, etc., and finally, imagine all the mystery, antiquity and power of the ritual you are performing. Don't forget what you're dealing with.

Before the ritual, memorize the necessary spells so that you don’t have to strain yourself later, remembering a forgotten passage. In the future, you will write and charge your own spells. It will be better if they are rhythmic, rhyming and melodic, but this is not necessary. Needless to say, spells are written in runes in a witchcraft book; it is advisable to also describe the effect of the spell and how it was created.


When you work (cast a spell), everything outside your witchcraft circle ceases to exist for you. The Witch Circle will be discussed further, for now you need to know that this is the place where you will practice witchcraft.

Witchcraft requires a special mood; it is often said that the best spells are cast during an emotional “explosion,” but there is also another opinion that a witch should be in a state of “trance” when working.

Attention: do not perform rituals (in the future I will call any witchcraft actions rituals) while drunk, under the influence of drugs, or if you are simply sick or even feeling unwell or tired.

"Emotional explosion " - a state when it seems that the forces raging inside you are stronger than physical ones, when you are sure that your spirit is so strong that it can move objects, when you are alone in the whole world and the whole world belongs to you. This can be achieved with the help of music , can be the result of meditation, doing what you love, sex, etc.

With a successful combination, you can send spells directly while receiving an emotional “charge” (meditation music, incense, etc., although I would like to note that meditation music is not very suitable for Black Magic).

"Trance ". With an emotional explosion, your being is filled with light, as if trying to break out. In the case of trance, it’s the other way around. Consciousness is more like a Black Hole, dense, dense, dark and deadly. Trance is achieved by reading a mantra (Usually long, continuous, not intelligible sounds that cause detachment and concentration. You need to concentrate on the sounds of the mantra.), again with music, special spells, etc.

Here is one of the options for entering trance. Do this exercise often. Sit cross-legged on the floor with your hands on your knees, palms up. Close your eyes. (Before the exercise, you can turn off the lights. It is advisable that the environment be comfortable.) Eliminate the presence of distractions (music, pets, etc.) lock the door (if someone interferes, everything will go to waste). Even out your breathing, let it be slow and not very deep. Watch your inhalations and exhalations, try not to think about anything else, it is important that there are no thoughts in your head at all. This can be very difficult, but do not quit the exercise if nothing works out, in any case you must complete it. So you don't think about anything. You are the Black Stone. You are the air going in and out of your lungs. You are nothing. You no longer exist as a person. Embrace the darkness around you. No thoughts, only black infinity surrounding you. Black and completely empty. An endless ocean of strength and power through which you can move freely (this is called entering the astral plane). At this moment you cannot interrupt the exercise. If you interrupt it, it will be more difficult to complete it next time. So you must lose touch with reality. Only your breathing reminds you that you exist. Begin to slowly repeat the following words: “Fire, Earth, Water and Air, give me strength. Give me strength to accomplish what I set out to do. I worship you and serve you.” Start saying these words very quietly, so that you yourself can barely hear them and gradually increase the volume, to the volume of your normal speech, although in this state this is not significant, let the spell choose the volume itself, you can stop the increase in volume at a whisper, and you can shout. Try to speak as monotonously as possible so that your voice sounds like a hum and your words are barely audible. And when you merge with this sound, abruptly stop reciting the spell. Imagine that you are sitting inside a circle (this is called a phantom circle - it is not depicted, but it acts the same as a regular one, the problem is that you must constantly support it with your strength). The circle is a thin, barely visible ring, glowing dimly with a bluish light. Gradually the light becomes brighter and soon the strip begins to throw up tongues of energy. It burns with a snow-blue flame. Stay in this state for 10-15 minutes. Imagine a circle not only in front of you, but also around you. You are ready to send spells - you are closed in on yourself and detached from reality, you are alone in the void and every particle of the void is ready to empower you. To get out of this state, imagine how the surrounding reality flows into you from all sides. It enters the lungs and is absorbed into the skin. Imagine how the place where you sit materializes around you. As soon as you feel like a person just sitting on the floor, the exercise is over.

"The Three Trials of the Witch"

In ancient times, every woman and every man who wanted to take the dark path had to pass these tests. Then the “exams” were taken by the strongest witches and sorcerers. Nowadays, only the third test you cannot pass on your own. In the first two, you will answer to yourself, and the ancient forces and dark gods will be your judges.

First test.

Now you have a rough idea of ​​what you have to deal with. Now the turning point has come. You must decide for yourself whether you are ready and whether you are capable of Black Magic. On the one hand, promising prospects of supernatural strength, power, power, which look more than tempting, on the other hand, long and hard work, secrets from loved ones and relatives, and imagine what will happen if your secret is revealed... Listen to yourself. If a witch speaks inside you, then she will say: “I am ready to go to the end. To go at any cost. And I have enough strength to overcome all difficulties,” but if you are not sure, then it is better to refuse. Moreover, I recommend that you refuse, since many people do not know their strengths and overestimate their capabilities. Don't make a decision hastily, this is very serious.

In addition, remember what the “holy” Inquisition did with those who were called “witches” or accused of witchcraft and connections with the devil. Shame and expulsion! Nowadays, of course, this is not the case, but nevertheless... But that’s not all - you will have to renounce faith and God, all idols and patrons. Decide, the choice is yours... This is your first test.

So you decide to continue. First, strengthen the witchcraft pyramid within yourself and acquire your own set of your working tools. This may take about a month (since the preparation of a particular instrument depends on the phases of the moon, time of day, etc.), but be patient. Your patience will be rewarded.
By the way, here is the definition of a witch by William West (an English lawyer), given back in the 16th century. “A witch is a woman who has been deceived into a relationship with a demon and has succumbed to his exhortations. She believes that she can commit atrocities, sow curses, shake the air with thunder and lightning, cause hail and storms, carry trees and grass from one place to another and together with his friend, who often appeared in the guise of a goat, pig, bull, etc., to be transported in the blink of an eye to a distant mountain with the help of a poker, pitchfork or other similar instruments, and there feast and indulge in fun with his beloved all night long.”

Second test.

Quote: “The Devil appeared to a maiden in her hour of solitude. He always appeared before her in the most attractive guise: as a handsome young man, a hunter, a soldier or a noble gentleman, in black, green or colorful clothes. He certainly pretended to be her sincere friend. He put her on the table when she was hungry treats, promised money to the poor, promised protection to the persecuted, comforted the unfortunate, and lured those greedy for earthly joys with promises of a cheerful life. And as soon as a woman trusted the tempter or did not restrain her greed, the stranger named the price for the services offered: renunciation of God and the saints, entry into the witches' sect and carnal devotion to him, the magnanimous comforter and helper. Here even the most naive simpleton had to discover who was standing in front of her. And if she did not reject his services, then she would forever lose her soul. After all, the Devil immediately sealed the deal: furiously advancing to the indecisive, with thousands of tricks and flattering promises, he forced her to become his beloved.When the agreement with the Devil ended in this way, he also sealed it with a written document. To do this, he scratched the hand of the woman he seduced and forced her to sign a contract prepared in advance with her own blood. And finally, he left a "devil's mark" on her body - a small dark spot that was completely insensitive."

Notice that this also talks about renouncing God. The second test is an agreement with the forces you will serve. The future witch draws up the agreement herself and it is used to judge what she is ready to do in order to gain power.
Previously, at the second test, the issue of accepting a witch into the coven was decided, but now no one can kick you out, but depending on how high the price you are willing to pay, you will be rewarded in the future.

Third test.

The third test is initiation. And here you can’t handle it alone. Find a coven or group of witches, at least one, but experienced, and ask them to conduct initiation. Many covens have different initiation rites, so I am not your advisor here.

There are periods in history when witches were treated differently: at one time they were feared, and at another, on the contrary, they were persecuted and killed. Women who know magic are more viewed as assistants to people who solve various problems.

Is it possible for an ordinary person to become a witch?

In most cases, a witch receives it at birth, so they do not have to perform initiation rituals. For those who are not on their list, there is an alternative option - to develop their abilities. For this purpose, there are various conspiracies and rituals that you can learn on your own, but it is better to do everything together with an experienced magician teacher. Raising a witch is a long process that requires intensive training and regular training.

What does a witch look like?

You can identify a woman who has magical abilities externally, since she literally attracts the eye with her powerful energy. A real witch has eyes of different colors and in most cases they are green and brown. Her gaze is piercing and you can feel it even when you are in a crowd. The witch will definitely have a large mole or birthmark on her body, which is called the mark of Satan. Women with magical abilities retain their youth for many years.

There are signs of a witch in their behavior, so they are characterized by a slight, seasoned look. The sorceress feels superior to others, so she is always confident and calm. She is an introvert, so she acts aloof. The sorceress often pronounces prophetic words and a special energy is felt next to her, which is often repulsive.

Witch Power

The abilities of sorceresses can be limitless. Powers depend on age, and the older the witch, the stronger she is. Since ancient times, people have believed that they fly on broomsticks, but modern witches do not do this. It is believed that a woman with magical powers can turn into animals. Witches can control the weather, send curses and help get rid of them. They communicate with the other world and perform various rituals to attract love, wealth, and so on.

How do you become a witch?

The most powerful are witches who received a gift from birth. Abilities are passed down through the female line, so if a mother or grandmother has magical powers, then the probability that her daughter will have it is almost 100%. A hereditary witch will have powers accumulated over a generation. At first, magic will manifest itself rarely, but every year the powers will grow. Older relatives will talk about magic and pass on their knowledge to the younger generation.

Another option for becoming a witch is to receive a gift by inheritance from another witch at the time of her death. This can happen by mutual consent, for which a “confession” is held, or the sorceress can dump her own power on a random person. You can gain magical powers through a ritual - initiation into a witch. Self-learning witchcraft is a long process.

How to become a witch - training

To learn the witchcraft, it is recommended to find a teacher who can pass on the knowledge. It is necessary to start reading the relevant literature and study the properties of numerous herbs. The path of every witch includes the development of their own abilities; it is so important to learn self-control, since without feelings you will not be able to achieve results. It is equally important to work on improving your intuition.

The instructions, which concern how to become a witch in real life, include the need to learn how to correctly interpret dreams, carry out fortune telling in different ways, and a prerequisite is an understanding of the Tarot. It is recommended to spend a lot of time in nature, since both white and black magicians can draw strength from it. Those who practice magic are advised to get themselves a pet who will be an assistant.

How to become a white witch?

There are many rituals that help to unlock powers and attract magical energy. It is important to take them absolutely seriously and constantly work on developing your capabilities. There are rituals for becoming a good witch that relate to Wiccan magic tied to nature. They help to recharge with energy, which will help develop abilities. You need to take a bath to cleanse yourself of negativity.

Prepare four wax candles, incense and salt. Before starting the action, you need to completely undress, which will symbolize purity and readiness to accept power. In the ritual regarding how to become a witch, it is important to protect yourself from dark forces, for which, using salt, draw a circle around yourself. Light a candle on each side of the world. Stand in the center of the circle, placing your palms on your chest, and ask the Goddess for permission to begin the ritual. After this, raise your hands up and say conspiracy No. 1 loudly.

During this, you should imagine how a ball of energy has formed in the chest area, which must be driven throughout the body through the legs, arms, head, spine, returning to the chest area. After this, say plot number 2. Then bow to all four sides, whispering conspiracy No. 3 three times. Conclude the ritual with a bow in honor of gratitude to the Goddess for the opportunity to cling to her retinue.

How to become a black witch?

For those who are closer to dark forces, a ritual that attracts black magic is suitable. They spend it on the full moon, since the energy of the satellite will contribute to the implementation of the plan. For those who are interested in how to become a real witch, there is a powerful cemetery ritual. A lot of negative energy is concentrated in such places. It is believed that if a sorceress performed an initiation in a cemetery, her powers will be doubled.

A woman who wants to understand how to become a black witch should come to a cemetery, stand under the moonlight, light a candle in front of her and spread her arms to the sides. Feeling a surge of energy, it is necessary to say a conspiracy to attract the spirit, which will indicate that the initiation has been completed. From this day on, he will become an assistant who can be contacted during various rituals.

How to become a witch without rituals at home?

People who know magic say that a witch can pass on her gift to another person before her death, therefore, if you want to become a witch at home, you need to find an experienced mentor who will pass on not only knowledge, but also the gift. First, there will be a study of theory, knowledge of magical paraphernalia, various rituals and spells. The mentor will teach you how to discover your strengths and manage them correctly. At the moment of the death of the old witch, the student must take her hand and then her powers will pass to her.

How to become a witch in real life - ritual

There is an opinion that all people have magical powers that are given from birth. To open them, you can perform a ritual for which you prepare a sharp knife, a black scarf, 13 green and red candles, a white poultry feather, a tuft of black cat fur, a tooth of any animal and 13 yellow coins. Choose a place for the ritual, focusing on your own feelings, for example, it could be an abandoned house or an attic. It is important that there are no people or animals larger than a mouse nearby.

To become a powerful witch, arrange your candles with green ones on the left side and red ones on the right. Light them, let your hair down, wrap your head in a scarf, and undress. After this, say conspiracy No. 1, which you need to learn. After this, remove the scarf and lay it in front of you. Using a knife, cut a section of hair from the left side of your head. Place the hair on a scarf, add a feather, a tuft of wool and a tooth. For each coin, say plot No. 2 and put them in a scarf. Make a bag out of it and bury it under a birch or aspen tree. This will be a place of power in the future.

How to become a witch - spell

There is an ancient ritual that helps to attract magical powers. For it to work, it is recommended to adhere to strict fasting for three days. You need to start the ritual in clean clothes and a room where no one will disturb you. In the selected room you need to light a lamp and leave it for 40 days. When the allotted time has passed, go into the room at midnight and cast a spell to become a witch. Immediately after this you should go to bed without talking to anyone.