Small blood clots during menstruation. Why do blood clots occur during menstruation?

A regular menstrual cycle is the key to the health of every woman, but sometimes during absolutely normal periods unusual discharge is observed, which frightens many. These include the appearance of blood clots. They usually come out in chunks and are very disturbing to women. Usually, if you experience meat-like symptoms, you should seek medical help. Sometimes the cause of such discharge is an inflammatory process in the body or gynecological diseases.

Approximately one in three women experience discharge in the form of large pieces of blood during menstruation. They can be divided into two groups, the first of which is normal and is not accompanied by other dangerous symptoms. The second type appears due to the presence of a gynecological disease in the body.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, the inner lining of the uterus gradually becomes thicker, thus preparing for possible fertilization. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrial layer, along with the blood, is torn off and comes out of the vagina, sometimes in the form of pieces of exfoliated endometrium, which is not a pathology.

Menstrual blood has a dark red color and a characteristic odor. Usually there are no clots present, but some women report the appearance of small pieces of blood as a monthly occurrence.

They appear when the enzymes responsible for its coagulation cannot cope with heavy discharge, so it can coagulate directly into the vagina. For this reason, pieces that look like meat come out, but in fact it is just coagulated blood. When a clot comes out of the vagina, like skin or tissue, it may just be separated endometrium.

Main symptoms

Despite the fact that discharge in the form of clots is considered normal, in most cases you need to consult a gynecologist about this. You should urgently seek medical help in the following cases:

  • the size of the isolated pieces is more than 3 cm;
  • simultaneously with the clots, the woman’s temperature rises;
  • weakness;
  • pain in the abdomen.

If during menstruation a clot comes out simultaneously with other symptoms, a pathological process may develop in the body.

Pathological changes

When a woman's periods are usually long and heavy, there is no need to worry about this. But there are other reasons for the appearance of atypical discharge.

The enzymatic system is responsible for the normal process of blood clotting in women, failures in which lead to the appearance of small clots, which changes the nature of the discharge. They contain particles that did not have time to coagulate in time. If a woman's blood clots too quickly, a clot will certainly appear during her period.

A lack of enzymes most often leads to poor coagulation and the release of meat-like pieces. Such discharge also occurs with anemia in women. If you experience weakness or high fever at the same time as clots, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Presence of an intrauterine device

The intrauterine device, which is used to protect against unwanted pregnancy, also often causes bleeding in the form of pieces. After its installation, menstruation changes slightly. Clots appear due to the fact that a foreign body in the form of a spiral does not always take root well in the female body, as well as due to the rejection of a fertilized egg.

Almost always, when installing an IUD, the color, nature and consistency of menstrual blood changes. A large piece also comes out due to the septum on the cervix, when the spiral does not allow the egg to attach to the walls of the uterus, and it comes out of the vagina in the form of bloody pieces. In this case, a large clot will appear every time during menstruation.

Adhesive processes

Changes in the structure of the uterine wall lead to the formation of adhesions. The uterine cavity is affected by the adhesive process and because of this, the normal menstrual cycle is disrupted. Menstruation can be quite scanty, but with the presence of clots, the size and number of which depend on the degree of development of adhesions.

Without treatment, adhesive formations often result in the absence of menstruation and infertility, so it is necessary to consult a specialist for any changes in menstrual blood.

Endometrial polyposis

When endometrial cells grow locally, polyps form. Because of them, a large clot may appear during menstruation. Endometrial polyposis is characterized by severe cutting pain. True, clots can come out at almost any time during the menstrual cycle. Discharge during polyposis increases, but its nature depends on the size of the polyps, which can separate and come out of the vagina as a clot.

Childbirth as a cause of clots

Women who have just given birth have no reason to worry, for whom heavy periods with pieces of blood are the norm. Childbirth is a complex process, which is why the female body requires a lot of effort to recover after it. After the birth of a child, excess epithelium comes out of the uterus simultaneously with blood discharge in order to best clean its cavity.

During childbirth, the uterus participates in the process of the birth of a child. It contracts intensely, and after the newborn comes the placenta. But blood clots still remain in the cavity of the female organ and then come out along with menstruation. Such discharge should not bother a woman unless it is accompanied by a rise in temperature and poor health.


Sometimes the discharge of pieces of blood or tissue can mean termination of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion or medical intervention leads to discharge of this kind.


After an artificial termination of pregnancy, women will always have within ten days. In general, this is a normal phenomenon, because the body needs to cleanse itself of excess clots in the uterine cavity. Such discharge is not considered menstruation, but a kind of body response to stress after an abortion. Their duration depends on the individual health characteristics of the woman.

The color and size of bloody discharge plays an important role in this process. Very large pieces of blood, pain in the abdomen, and fever should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor. The type and amount of blood released depends on the type of abortion. During medical termination of pregnancy, heavy bleeding is observed only in the first days after taking the drugs, and then they become spotting.

Vacuum and surgical abortion are characterized by copious discharge. The presence of any additional symptoms at the same time can be life-threatening for a woman.


A large blood clot in some cases means miscarriage in early pregnancy. Another characteristic sign of a miscarriage is the appearance of gray mucus with a yellow tint. Conception is interrupted for various reasons when the fertilized egg is not accepted by the body.

Blood clots during menstruation are a phenomenon that can be provoked by both physiological and pathological factors. To maintain reproductive health, this symptom should not be ignored.

During menstruation, there is discharge - bloody clots. Before we tell you what it is, we suggest you understand how blood is formed during menstruation.

Every month, the endometrium grows in the uterine cavity, which is exfoliated and released from the body on the first day of menstruation. The upper tissue of the organ sometimes separates in lumps - this is normal. This process is associated with the maturation of the egg, which prepares the body for possible fertilization.

When the reproductive organs prepare for pregnancy, the body produces large amounts of female hormones, causing the endometrium to become thicker. If the egg is not fertilized during ovulation, hormone production stops. This leads to a slower flow of blood to the uterus, as a result of which its upper layer, the endometrium, begins to gradually be rejected. Discharge appears.

Normal periods should be liquid in consistency. On the 3-4th day, the amount of fluid released decreases. At the end of menstruation there is a so-called spotting - blood spots. They can be seen on panty liners.

Blood clots during menstruation are small. Usually their size does not exceed 0.3 cm. If a woman moves a lot during menstruation, then the pieces increase during menstruation. They also often stand out when there is a sudden change in body position.

Menstrual discharge, which comes in liver-like chunks, is associated with stagnation of blood in the uterine area. When immobilized in the reproductive organs, it stagnates and gradually coagulates, resulting in it coming out in pieces. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, so there is no reason to panic.

But if clots come out along with heavy periods, and the woman complains of severe discomfort in the ovarian area, this is an alarming symptom. In this case, it becomes necessary to undergo a medical examination.

What clots can be normal?

The presence of liver clots during menstruation does not always indicate pathology. The color and consistency of menstrual flow varies from girl to girl.

The female body is specific. During the menstrual cycle, enzymes are actively produced that take part in the process of slowing down blood clotting. Periods with chunks are a guarantee that these substances do their job well.

It is the enzymes that color the monthly discharge burgundy and make it jelly-like in the second half of menstruation.

If the discharge with chunks comes out painlessly, the woman’s body temperature does not rise and nausea does not occur, there is no need to worry, as this is a normal phenomenon.

Some girls note in themselves; you can learn more about this condition from a separate article on our website.

Pathological menstruation

The appearance of menstrual blood with large pieces is often associated with a dangerous pathology. We have explained why there is discharge in chunks during menstruation. If large burgundy blood clots are released painlessly and asymptomatically, then there is no need to worry, as this is due to the activity of enzymes.

Menstruation in chunks indicates the occurrence of a pathological process in the following cases:

  1. A woman has severe stomach pain.
  2. A lot of .
  3. During menstruation, large clots similar to liver come out.
  4. During menstruation, clots are released in young girls (under 18 years of age).

What do big clots mean?

If blood clots during menstruation, similar to liver, occur due to physiological factors, they are not large in size and have an unpleasant odor. But huge pieces that come out along with heavy bleeding are dangerous.

The reasons why blood clots come out during menstruation may be:

  1. Uterine fibroids. The disease is characterized by the presence of a benign neoplasm in the uterine area, due to which the monthly cycle fails. The release of menstrual blood in chunks in this case is accompanied by increased body temperature and painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
  2. Hyperplasia of the uterine endometrium. This disease promotes the clotting of blood stagnant in the uterine area, resulting in the formation of enlargements. With hyperplasia, menstrual discharge is prolonged and abundant.
  3. Endometriosis. This is a dangerous disease in which the endometrium grows outside the uterus, that is, on other organs. The process of its growth and exfoliation is very painful. With endometriosis, the discharge resembles liver.
  4. Hormonal disbalance. Heavy periods with burgundy enlargements are a common sign of hormonal imbalance.
  5. Intrauterine device. This contraceptive is often perceived by the female body as a foreign body. As a result, the fluid in the uterine area coagulates, large clots are formed, which are very painfully released from the body during menstruation.
  6. Problems with blood clotting. In this case, the monthly fluid begins to coagulate in the uterine area. This is due to impaired functioning of enzymes that should prevent coagulation.
  7. Ectopic pregnancy. With this pathology, the discharge is characterized by profuseness and pain. Also, with an ectopic pregnancy, the temperature rises.
  8. Drug correction of the monthly cycle. Often, after taking medications to artificially induce menstruation, for example Duphaston, the cycle is disrupted. This provokes poor coagulation of menstrual fluid in the uterine area, resulting in the formation of large, painful clots.
  9. Inflammation of the pelvic organs.

Treatment of excessive blood loss

When your periods come in clots, this is a reason to consult a specialist. You should not delay going to the hospital if:

  1. The discharge of blood after menstruation is accompanied by severe pain.
  2. During menstruation, the temperature rises.
  3. During menstruation, clots are released for more than 4 days.
  4. Large pieces have an unpleasant odor.

In these cases, immediate treatment of the pathology is necessary. With heavy menstruation, gynecologists prescribe hemostatic drugs that stop the discharge. The most popular drugs in this group are Dicynone and Tranexam. They take an active part in the process of blood clotting. As a result of their use, periods end faster.

Nettle decoction also helps reduce the duration of menstruation. To prepare it, the plant juice must be diluted with hot water and the mixture brought to a boil. The product is taken before meals 3 times a day.

If menstrual clots, which visually resemble the liver, arose as a result of a pathological process, then surgical treatment will help get rid of them.

Are clots during menstruation normal or a symptom of some gynecological or other kind of pathology? This complaint is very common among women of different ages. But a doctor is unlikely to be able to talk about any specific reasons why blood clots come out during menstruation without conducting at least a small examination and survey. The fact is that clots of moderate size, less than 2 cm, if there are a small number of them, can be a variant of the norm; this is nothing more than endometrial tissue that exfoliates from the uterus. But abundant blood clots during menstruation, larger than 2-2.5 cm in size, should cause alarm. They indicate large blood loss. You need to pay attention to the amount of blood lost. Of course, doing this by eye is very problematic. But you can weigh hygiene products before and after use. The difference in weighing will be the amount of blood lost. Normally, this is up to 50 grams for the entire menstruation. 50-80 grams is borderline, there is a risk of developing anemia if there are associated factors, for example, frequent nosebleeds, poor nutrition. And now the possible causes, consequences and solutions to the problem.

1. Just heavy periods. There are women who, due to the individual characteristics of the body or due to gynecological diseases such as adenomyosis and uterine fibroids, lose a lot of blood during menstruation. In this case, surgery or conservative therapy can help. This includes oral contraceptives. These are hormonal pills that protect against unwanted pregnancy. But this is not their only purpose. When taken, the endometrium remains thin, so periods with blood clots are observed much less frequently. Menstruation becomes moderate or even scanty. However, you need to take into account that these tablets have many contraindications. Age over 35 years plus smoking, severe kidney and liver pathologies, history of thrombosis, etc. There are a lot of them. Therefore, you need to see a doctor first. The choice of drug is not made on the basis of hormone tests, contrary to popular belief. You can take any modern drug that suits your price. If it gives side effects in the form of intermenstrual bleeding for more than 3 months, then it can be changed.

If oral contraceptives are not suitable for some reason, perhaps the woman is planning a pregnancy, then you can consider taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, for example). This drug will not only provide pain relief, if necessary, but will also reduce blood loss and the number of clots. Dosage - approximately 800 mg of Ibuprofen (Nurofen) or 500 mg of Naproxen per day. These drugs should not be taken in the acute phase of diseases of the digestive system.

2. Interrupted pregnancy. If during menstruation clots similar to liver come out, get checked for pregnancy. You can at least do a test. If there was a pregnancy, then even after its termination, hCG remains in the urine and blood for some time. If two lines appear on the test, you need to do an ultrasound. If the miscarriage was incomplete, uterine curettage will most likely be prescribed.

3. Iron deficiency anemia. It happens that blood clots during menstruation mean this particular pathology. And after its correction, taking an iron supplement for literally 3-4 months, menstruation becomes less abundant, health improves, skin color becomes healthy, not pale, hair stops falling out. Just be aware that there is a so-called hidden iron deficiency, which is not detected by a general blood test for hemoglobin. You need to donate blood for ferritin.

4. Sexual infections. In the case of abnormal menstruation, women are always tested for various sexually transmitted infections. The fact is that they can cause an inflammatory process in the uterus and affect the endometrium. Smears are given. And if endometritis is suspected, then discharge from the uterus can be checked for the presence of an infectious pathogen. Treatment of endometritis involves taking antibacterial agents.
It should be noted that an untreated inflammatory process in the uterus is practically a guarantee of infertility. And also - ectopic pregnancy.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that clots during menstruation are a reason to visit a doctor, but not to be upset. All this can be treated. If the gynecologist does not find the cause, visit an endocrinologist and hematologist. Perhaps they will be able to identify pathology in their part.

The nature of menstruation depends on many factors: general health, individual characteristics of the body, age-related changes in hormonal levels. With various diseases of the reproductive system, significant deviations from the norm occur. It is important to pay attention to the appearance of unusual signs in a timely manner. If your periods are heavy, with clots, and there are accompanying symptoms that cause discomfort, this indicates a serious pathology. But at the same time, clots in menstrual flow can be normal.

If there are few of them, and the volume of menstruation does not exceed 80-100 ml, then, most likely, the formation of clots is caused by natural causes. Normal menstruation lasts no more than 5-6 days and is not overly painful, and the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor.

The appearance of clots in normal discharge can occur in the following cases:

  1. In the uterine cavity there are adhesions and scars that interfere with the outflow of mucus and menstrual blood. Stagnant blood clots and is sometimes expelled from the uterus in the form of lumps.
  2. There are congenital abnormalities in the shape or position of the uterus (for example, a bent cervix, the presence of septa in the cavity), which contributes to the formation of blood clots.
  3. Blood has increased viscosity (this condition occurs, for example, with insufficient fluid intake, the predominance of protein products in the diet, with diseases of the liver, kidneys, and blood vessels).
  4. A woman sits or lies for a long time. Blood and mucus accumulate and thicken, and when you stand up, there is a profuse discharge with lumps of mucus.
  5. Blood clotting increases as a result of taking medications - coagulants (for nosebleeds, for example) or hormonal drugs. This helps reduce the duration and intensity of bleeding, but leads to the formation of blood clots in the discharge.
  6. A contraceptive device is installed in the uterine cavity, which contributes to the formation of blood clots in menstrual blood.
  7. A woman has an abortion that has just begun (at 1-2 weeks). After a short delay, heavy, long periods appear with clots of unevenly exfoliated endometrium.

The norm is the appearance of lumps during the first menstruation after an abortion, when the discharge may contain remnants of the fertilized egg. The hormonal shift that occurs in the body after abortion and childbirth is the reason that periods become heavy. Hormones also affect the production of enzymes that regulate blood clotting.

At various periods of a woman’s life, associated with natural changes in hormonal levels (development of the reproductive system, onset of sexual activity, menopause), deviations in the nature of menstruation are also possible. Scanty discharge may alternate with abundant discharge. The appearance of lumps is explained by changes in the structure of the mucous membranes.

Hypothermia, malnutrition, and bad habits contribute to the appearance of deviations in the nature of menstruation.

Addition: Alcohol increases blood viscosity. After its accumulation in the blood, menstruation may contain large blood clots.

Video: Why blood clots form during menstruation

Causes of pathological heavy menstruation with clots

Heavy and prolonged bleeding during menstruation can cause iron deficiency anemia. Large blood loss leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels, that is, to a lack of oxygen supply to the body's cells. Symptoms of this dangerous condition are dizziness and headache, loss of strength, pallor, and decreased blood pressure. This inevitably affects the production of hormones, as well as the functioning of the hematopoietic organs, which leads to disruption of the homogeneity of the composition of menstrual secretions and the appearance of clots in them.

Pathological heavy periods with clots can be a symptom of various hormonal disorders and diseases of the reproductive organs.

Signs of pathology

The fact that heavy periods of heterogeneous consistency are pathological can be judged by the following signs:

  1. In addition to increased blood loss during menstruation, bleeding or brown spotting is observed in between periods.
  2. Menstruation comes too often (cycle duration less than 21 days) or with great delays (later than 35 days). It is possible to alternate long and shortened cycles.
  3. Blood loss is 100-150 ml or more.
  4. The duration of menstruation is 8 or more days.
  5. The blood discharge has a pungent odor and contains impurities of purulent mucus.
  6. Menstruation is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Only after a gynecological examination and ultrasound will the doctor be able to say what was the cause of heavy periods.

Diseases that cause abnormal periods

The appearance of thick impurities in menstrual discharge may be associated with improper development of the endometrium, which is renewed with each menstrual cycle. The reason for their formation is also damage to tissues and blood vessels, the formation of obstacles to the exit of secretions from the uterus.

Uterine fibroids. This benign tumor develops in the muscles of the uterine wall and can grow towards its outer lining. If it fills the uterine cavity, then various cycle disorders occur. The cause is compression and damage to blood vessels, stretching of the uterus. The tumor blocks the exit from the cavity to the cervix, which leads to the formation of blood clots. Heavy periods with blood clots, as well as an enlarged abdomen and nagging pain below the navel are characteristic signs of fibroids.

Endometrial hyperplasia. The result of hormonal imbalance in the body, as well as damage to the endometrium during abortion or curettage, is a disruption of its development and structure. The mucous membrane thickens, swells, and uneven exfoliation occurs. At the same time, dense particles appear in menstruation. Blood loss from damaged vessels increases.

Endometriosis. The disease is associated with an increase in the volume of the endometrium inside the cavity, its growth into the tubes and ovaries, cervix, and peritoneal area. In this case, all processes of the menstrual cycle are disrupted. Menstruation becomes profuse, comes irregularly, and contains particles of destroyed tissue.

Polyps in the cavity and cervix. These neoplasms are growths on the inner walls. They are easily injured when the endometrium leaves the uterus during menstruation. The volume of bloody discharge increases and contains particles of decaying tissue.

Cervical erosion. Damage to the mucous membranes in the area of ​​the cervical canal and at the entrance to the vagina leads to the appearance of ulcers and microcracks in this area. The cause of cervical erosion is damage during childbirth, abortion, or curettage of the uterine cavity. The wounds may fester. Bacteria easily penetrate the internal genital organs, causing inflammatory processes. All this leads to cycle disruption and the appearance of heavy periods with clots.

Infectious diseases of the genital organs. They lead to the occurrence of inflammatory processes that cause disruption of the structure of the uterine cavity. In addition, microorganisms secrete substances that, when released into the blood, can change its acidity and viscosity. This causes clots to form.

Warning: Heavy bleeding with clots may be a sign of cancer in the uterus. Therefore, if there is obvious discomfort due to clots during menstruation, you should immediately undergo a gynecological examination.

The cause of pathological discharge during menstruation may be improper metabolism, diabetes mellitus, disruption of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and other organs of the endocrine system.

Video: Heavy periods with endometriosis

What to do during periods with clots

If there are obvious signs of pathology, then you need to contact a gynecologist. You may need to consult an endocrinologist or oncologist. If the blood loss is too great, there are large clots, and the discharge is bright red, you must call an ambulance. Uterine bleeding can sometimes be stopped only by completely removing the endometrium. It is unacceptable to self-medicate or use home remedies to stop bleeding.

Many women have discovered blood clots on their pads during their periods. These lumps of blood can be of different sizes and are released periodically. In some cases, the discharge looks like pieces of torn meat, which terrifies the woman. In this article, we will try to understand what blood clots mean during menstruation, how dangerous they are for women’s health, and what disease they may indicate.

When are periods with blood clots considered normal?

If menstrual discharge contains blood clots, this does not always indicate pathology. Normal discharge should not be strictly liquid, have the same consistency and abundance. Each woman has her own characteristics of the menstrual cycle, therefore, menstruation can proceed in its own way.

As you know, menstruation occurs after the produced egg has not been fertilized (i.e., pregnancy has not occurred). Under the influence of hormones, the blood supply to the uterus is reduced, and its inner layer (endometrium), in which the embryo should have been fixed, is rejected, because conception did not happen. Through the genital tract, the endometrium leaves the body along with blood impurities - this is menstruation. In other words, the discharge during menstruation contains not only blood, but also rejected particles of uterine tissue mixed with blood. So menstruation cannot be exclusively liquid.

In addition, during menstruation, the female body produces enzymes that slow down blood clotting so that blood discharge can be safely eliminated. But with heavy menstruation, these enzymes may simply not have time to perform their function: part of the blood has already coagulated, become like jelly - a blood clot can be seen on the pad.

The position of a woman’s body is also very important. For example, when sitting or lying for a long time, the blood in the uterus stagnates and gradually coagulates (clots form). Then the woman gets up, begins to move, the discharge quickly comes out - and the clots along with them.

All of the above reasons for the formation of blood clots during menstruation are considered physiological, and the very fact of the presence of clots is the norm. No treatment is required. Heavy periods, a slight increase in temperature, heaviness in the lower abdomen are alarming factors, but also not a clear sign of pathology and may simply be the body’s reaction to the onset of menstruation.

Additional factors that provoke heavy periods with blood clots are: recent childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, gynecological surgery, taking contraceptives. In all these cases, the balance of female sex hormones has been disrupted, so the course of menstruation may differ from the usual - this is also considered normal.

When do blood clots during menstruation indicate pathology?

As we have already found out, the appearance of small blood lumps in the discharge is not dangerous in itself. But if such a phenomenon is accompanied by pain, heavy bleeding and increased discomfort, then this is already a reason for concern and seeking advice from a gynecologist. You should definitely consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms during menstruation:

  • Severe abdominal pain.
  • Your period starts a week earlier or later than expected and is accompanied by large black blood clots.
  • The discharge is extremely profuse - during the period of menstruation, blood loss was more than 200 ml.
  • Menstruation lasts longer than 7 days.
  • Discharge of black, gray, brown color with an unpleasant odor.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, itching of the genitals.
  • Dizziness, circles before the eyes, fainting, shortness of breath, tachycardia and other signs of major blood loss.
  • Temperature above 37.5 degrees, which is not associated with influenza or ARVI.

The main causes of blood clots

What diseases cause blood clots during menstruation? Let's look at the most common ones:

  • Endometriosis is an overgrowth of the uterine mucosa, leading to compression of neighboring organs. This is manifested by menstrual irregularities, pain, the appearance of lumps in the discharge, severe pain in the lower abdomen, and discomfort during sexual intercourse. You can learn more about this disease from the video:
  • Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that affects the functioning of the uterus, disrupts the menstrual cycle, and makes the discharge abundant and thick.
  • Endometrial polyposis - the inner layer of the uterus grows, resulting in the formation of growths (polyps), which cause severe pain in the lower abdomen, as well as the appearance of blood clots during menstruation.
  • Hormonal imbalance - an imbalance of hormones leads to disruption of the cycle: menstruation may begin earlier or later than expected, their abundance, duration, as well as the color and consistency of the discharge change. Hormonal disorders can occur when taking birth control pills, hormonal drugs, when installing an intrauterine device, etc.
  • Ovarian cysts are tumor formations that greatly affect the nature and course of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation is irregular, the discharge becomes heavier and contains blood lumps.
  • Ectopic pregnancy - menstruation contains blood clots, body temperature rises, the girl is bothered by severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Blood clotting disorder - if the enzymes that should prevent blood clotting do not work for some reason, then the blood quickly clots in the uterine cavity and comes out in large clots.
  • Taking hormonal drugs to artificially induce menstruation - independent use of Duphaston when menstruation is delayed (without consultation with a gynecologist) leads to profuse discharge. During heavy menstruation, some of the blood coagulates and comes out in clots.

Also, the consistency of discharge during menstruation is greatly influenced by insufficient fluid intake, excess vitamin B, deficiency of iron in the blood, and low physical activity of a woman.

In some cases, during menstruation, women notice the appearance of large blood clots that look like liver or meat. Such discharge may be dark in color and have an unpleasant odor. This phenomenon may be caused by the following reasons:

  • The septum on the cervix blocks the exit from the uterus, promotes stagnation of blood and its coagulation into large clots resembling the liver. Such a septum can be congenital or occur under the influence of severe stress, after an abortion, miscarriage, with frequent smoking and alcohol addiction.
  • Abortion, miscarriage, gynecological surgery - in all these cases, the next menstruation may be pathological: accompanied by pain, the consistency and abundance of discharge, the timing of the beginning and end of menstruation may change. Usually the gynecologist warns about this after an abortion (or surgery).
  • Endometriosis.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Intrauterine device - blocks the penetration of a fertilized egg into the uterus and provokes its release in the form of mucus with streaks and blood lumps, similar to liver or meat.

Diagnosis of pathological menstruation

As you can see, the appearance of blood clots during menstruation can be caused by a number of reasons. Some of these reasons are very dangerous for a woman’s health (for example, ectopic pregnancy, uterine fibroids), therefore, if pain in the abdomen and during sexual intercourse occurs, large blood loss and other signs of pathology, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and undergo a comprehensive examination.

First of all, the doctor will examine the patient and prescribe a blood test to study blood clotting and hemoglobin levels. The presence of an inflammatory process in the body is determined by the number of leukocytes. Taking a blood test for hormones allows you to study the situation with hormones. If necessary, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and hysteroscopy are performed. If a tumor is detected, a biopsy is performed to determine its nature.


After making a diagnosis, the doctor develops a treatment algorithm. If uterine fibroids, internal septum, or pathological endometrium are detected, surgery is prescribed. When removing a malignant tumor, the uterus often has to be completely removed.

In the absence of serious pathology, conservative treatment is carried out aimed at replenishing blood reserves after heavy periods that have been observed for several cycles. The patient is prescribed a diet rich in iron, vitamin therapy, and hormonal medications. Medicines usually prescribed include folic acid, iron supplements and vitamins A, B, C. The diet is aimed at increasing the following foods in the diet: apples, fish, red meat, pork or beef liver, eggs, buckwheat, butter, etc.

Thus, blood clots during menstruation are not necessarily a sign of pathology. If no other ailments are felt, and the menstrual cycle is not disrupted, then there is no reason to worry. But if the bleeding is profuse, has an unpleasant odor, contains dark clots, and is painful, then you should consult a doctor. You should definitely visit a doctor if you notice clots that look like liver.